Hooli Jinowarui |
Since we have some time, I'm going to do a quick loot list. Fortunately, we've only got six pages to work with, so it shouldn't be too hard! This takes us up to the start of Act 3.
Here's what we've got:
* ladder feather token Anyone want? If not, we can sell for 1.5 gp;
* 1 shining crossbow bolt Anyone want? If not, we can sell for 1.5 gp;
* full-pack cantrip deck anyone want? Can sell for 10 gp
* two lesser antidotes and a lesser darkvision elixir. Lek took these, but I think he'd give them back to us. Worth holding onto as party loot.
* ten minor healing potions each should take two. I suggest the remaining one goes to Xiung-Lau since he's less likely to be in melee so can apply them if necessary, and the other to Li Jie, since he's got the familiar to apply it
* eight potency crystal talismans Split between Hooli and Kwan Tai? We should use them quickly before we get a striking rune that makes them useless
* The armory contains a dozen standard suits of scale mail and studded leather armor each, along with 10 crossbows, a barrel of 100 bolts, a dozen daggers, six clubs, and four saps. I assume we'd have left most of this there unless anyone wanted one immediately.
* four lesser frost vials I suggest Li Jie
* a cold iron dagger Hooli took this
* a cold iron buckler Anyone want?
* a silver shortsword backup weapon for Kwan Tai?
* a +1 spear I recommended Kwan Tai take the +1 rune, which I think he did
* +1 silver dagger in a silk-wrapped leather sheath (the sheath is worth 10 gp). I think Hooli took this; I have a +1 dagger, though I don't have it was silver. I think I just missed putting that on my sheet.
* flask of fellowship from Mo Douqiu's lair. Hooli took this
+15 gp so 3 gp each
Li Jie Qiang |
Li Jie Qiang
Alchemist (Chirurgeon) [Medic Dedication] Hp 43/43
General Feat
Skill Increase
Alchemical items
Juggernaut moderate
Bestial moderate
Hooli Jinowarui |
Hooli, level 3!
+1 to everything
+9 hp
+ general feat: Incredible Initiative (+2 to initiative rolls)
+ skill increase: Deception (to expert)
+ skill feat: Steady Balance
+Deny advantage: As someone who takes advantage of others’ defenses, you are careful not to leave such openings yourself. You aren’t flat-footed to hidden, undetected, or flanking creatures of your level or lower, or creatures of your level or lower using surprise attack. However, they can still help their allies flank.
Li Jie Qiang |
Crafting(E) DC 15 Antidote(1): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
Cost 3gp (-1.5gp up front cost and -1gp per additional day) Final cost 1.5gp 3+days
Yield 4x Antidote(1)
Crafting(E) DC 15 Antidote(1): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
Cost 3gp (-1.5gp up front cost and -8sp per additional day) Final cost 1.5gp 4 days
Yield 4x Antidote(1)
Crafting(E) DC 15 Antiplague(1): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
Cost 3gp (-1.5gp up front cost and -1gp per additional day) Final cost 1.5gp 3+days
Yield 4x Antiplague (1)
Crafting(E) DC 15 Antiplague(1): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Cost 3gp (-1.5gp up front cost and -8sp per additional day) Final cost 1.5gp 4 days
Yield 4x Antiplague (1)
Total cost 6gp
Total days 14
Li Jie Qiang |
Li Jie Qiang Alchemist (Chirugeon) [Medic] 4
Specialty Crafting (Alchemy)
Efficient Alchemy
Crafted Items deducted from Profile (forget if he had anything coming?).
Each of you may receive 2 Antidote and 2 Antiplague for now. With Efficient Alchemy he Crafted batches of 8 each for two weeks for 16 each ..lol.
Hooli Jinowarui |
OK, so I'm going to be doing minimal rebuilding.
I'm switching racket from the premaster eldritch trickster (which wasn't remastered) to scoundrel (which fits Hooli, and gives her a little benefit with Feinting).
Eldritch trickster gave me sorcerer dedication at 1st level, but I'll just make that my 2nd-level free archetype feat, so that doesn't change.
My 3rd-level class feat no longer exists post-remaster, so I'll retcon/retrain that to be Distracting Feint (Your Feints are far more distracting than normal. While a creature is off-guard by your Feint, it also takes a –2 circumstance penalty to Perception checks and Reflex saves.)
So, now up to 4th level:
+1 to everything
+9 HP
Rogue feat: Twin Distraction: Your movements with two weapons are so swift and disorienting that they befuddle your opponent. When using Twin Feint, if both your Strikes deal damage to a targeted creature, the target must succeed at a Will saving throw against your class DC or become stupefied 1 until the end of your next turn.
Skill feat: Lie to Me: You can use Deception to weave traps to trip up anyone trying to deceive you. If you can engage in conversation with someone trying to Lie to you, use your Deception DC if it is higher than your Perception DC to determine whether they succeed. This doesn’t apply if you don’t have a back-and-forth dialogue, such as when someone attempts to Lie during a long speech.
Skill increase: Religion to trained (I need to figure out what's going on here!)
Free archetype feat: Basic sorcerer spellcasting (get a 1st-rank spell, which I need to decide on still). Then a 2nd rank at 6th level, and a 3rd rank at 8th level.
Hooli Jinowarui |
Hooli, level 5!
+1 to everything
+9 hp (but boost to Con means an additional +5, for 58 total)
Attribute boosts: +1 to Dex (to 19), +2 to Str, Con, Cha
Ancestry feat: Shapechanger's Intuition: A lifetime of experience helps you see through disguises. When you come within 10 feet of a creature that is transformed into another form or is Impersonating a specific creature, the GM rolls a secret Perception check for you to realize that the creature is transformed, even if you didn't spend an action to Seek against that creature.
Skill feat: Dirty Trick: You hook a foe's bootlaces together, pull their hat over their eyes, loosen their belt, or otherwise confound their mobility through an underhanded tactic. Attempt a Thievery check against the target's Reflex DC.
Critical Success The target is clumsy 1 until they use an Interact action to end the impediment
Success As critical success, but the condition ends automatically after 1 round.
Critical Failure You fall prone as your attempt backfires.
Skill increase: Survival to Trained
Sneak attack 2d6
Weapon tricks: You gain expert proficiency in simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks. When you critically succeed at an attack roll against an off-guard creature while using an agile or finesse weapon or an agile or finesse unarmed attack, you apply the critical specialization effect for that weapon or unarmed attack.
Li Jie Qiang |
Alchemist (Chirurgeon) [Medic Dedication] 5
+1 to everything
Ability Increases
Str 18 Con 16 Int 18 Cha 12
Ancestry Feat
Split Skin
Skill Increase
Powerful Alchemy
Level 5
Alchemical items you infuse are particularly potent. when you create an infused alchemical item that allows a savingthrow, you can change its DC to your class DC.
Field Discovery 5th
Your medicinal elixirs are quite fortifying. When a creature drinks an infused elixir with the healing trait that you have created, that creature gains a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 0); these temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute
Alchemical Formula