Overlord 2, the Other Guild

Game Master BloodWolven

Fight Club Zhang

Fight Club Soren

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The lantern turns to you with the hounds. The hound archon in silver or mithril breastplate and armbands states, "Even if he is evil we should hear him out. So you are looking for an ally? What are they, any items with their scent on it?" The other two hound archons hold their greatswords just in case.

NE Male Elf/Fiend 7 | HP 75/75 | AC 19 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +18 | Init +6 | Perception +24 | SM +23 P 1st: 9/9, 2nd: 9/9, 3rd: 7/7; M 1st: 5/6, 2nd: 5/5 | ppp: 11/11 | Mp: 4/5

Desseer holds up his hands in placation, "Woah! Let's not throw around accusations of evil. My friend's shape is changeable, so a specific appearance cannot be reliable to look for. And..," he says trailing off awkwardly, "I have nothing that has her scent, sorry."

"Look, I know what I look like. In this situation, the book doesn't match the cover. This," he says as he makes a circular gesture towards himself, "has a lot of complicated things going on. Something akin to a soul in a different body. I've got no beef with you all and I will be gone in four hours. I just want to make sure my friend is safe."

female fey catfolk | HP 62/62; THP 0| AC 24, FF 16, TAC 20 | F +5, R +10, W +6 | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Lowlight, Per +11
Def Abil:
DR 5/cold iron, resist cold/elec 10, cat’s luck, +4 saves vs mind-affecting effects, evasion
Arc Res 7/12 | MP 1/1 | Spells 1st 6/6day, 2nd 6/6day, 3rd 6/6day, 4th 5/5
Acr +18. Bluff +18, Diplo +19, Disg +15, Fly +18, Know Arc +23 Loc/Nat/Plan/Relig +19, Spllcrft +19, SM 14, Stea+15, UMD +16, Ling +19

Myriana looked over Iris' sheet some more as she tried to decide what to do and finally said, "Her dexterity and Intelligence are drained the most nya and her intelligence is probably the more important given she is a witch nya. Use the restoration onya intelligence and then we can see where things are at nya."

They look at you with amazement and begin to laugh. The leader pulls himself together before the other three and states, "You don't know what he or she looks like, could be one of us, don't have anything of theirs and you expect us to help you?!" The laughing continues as the two hounds drop their greatswords and begin to roll on the ground in laughter.

The minion takes her time re-analyzing the scroll. Then casts the spell and her intelligence recovers fully.

Acro +15|Diplo +24|Escape +15|Fly +15|Intim +20|Percept +17|SM +15|Stealth +15
Half-Fiend Tiefling|HP: 82/82|DR 5/Magic|AC: 22 (15 Tch, 17 Fl)|SR 18|CMB: +16, CMD: 31|F: +13, R: +13, W: +15|Init: +5|Resist 10 acid, cold, electricity and fire| Gestalt Antipaladin (Tyrant)/Godling (mighty)/7th|Speed 60ft (Fly, 120ft good)|Retribution (Su) 10/10x/day

Domayoku looks on, looking pleased the lady will recover.

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NE Male Elf/Fiend 7 | HP 75/75 | AC 19 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +18 | Init +6 | Perception +24 | SM +23 P 1st: 9/9, 2nd: 9/9, 3rd: 7/7; M 1st: 5/6, 2nd: 5/5 | ppp: 11/11 | Mp: 4/5

Desseer gives a strained smile, "Ha,yes..I can see how that may not be enough information." He thinks for a moment, trying not to be irritated by their laughter. "Look, I am not expecting you to help me. I am merely asking if you all have seen anyone out of place here." His intonation has a hint of irritation. "Where is here, by the way?"

HP: 295/295_ AC: 32 _ T: 17 _FF: -_ Perception +12_Sense Motive +23_Init: +2_Fort: +17+2 vs. poison_Ref: +12_Will: +8 +14 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +17_CMD: 32_Speed: 40
Acro +23_Bluff +26_Climb +24_Dip +23_Disg +23_EscArt+19_HA+11_Intim +21/23 _K (nob/O) +12/+7 _Perform +23_ Ride +14_ SoH +10_ Spell +12_ Stea +12 _Surv +5 _UMD +23_Swim +10

Arthur begins to leave the room and motions with his head for Domayoku to follow.

Assuming we are alone in the hallway.

He whispers, "Nothing too overt, no sensitive info, we could still be watched. What did you learn?"

They all collect themselves and the leader states, "Thanks for the laugh, we will search with you. You don't know? You are in heaven. We are here to help. We have not seen anyone for a few hours. How about you?" He asks the lantern. It quickly and musically states, "No this one is the first I have seen in three hours." The leader then gets up and puts his greatsword in his hands, leading the way he says, "Follow me, we will check with the nearest beacon. That is where Wayward souls are led."

The other two hound archons and lantern follow Desseer.

About an hour passes and you see a waypoint, a tower, and a collection of angels, archons, spirits, and other more esoteric creatures. The leader states, "Good luck, we will wait here."

NE Male Elf/Fiend 7 | HP 75/75 | AC 19 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +18 | Init +6 | Perception +24 | SM +23 P 1st: 9/9, 2nd: 9/9, 3rd: 7/7; M 1st: 5/6, 2nd: 5/5 | ppp: 11/11 | Mp: 4/5

Desseer follows along with a simple, "Thanks."

When they arrive at the sight of the tower, Desseer responds to the leader, "Wait, what? What do you mean you'll wait here? They'll kill me because of how I look, won't they?"

Ink will move along.

' Inform me when Dresser returns' the slime speaks telepathically as he slinks away.

Ink was nevee one to stay bogged down in the Guild proper. He was an explorer and adventurer who sought out new and unique experiemces and abilities. Its why he usually stayed away for long periods of time. Often coming back to new faces be them PC and NPC.

Now he was adjusting to being really in this fantasy qorld and trying to figure out how to properly work.in it. He assumed his training as a true player

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