
Domayoku's page

274 posts. Alias of TheWaskally.

Full Name



Half-Fiend Tiefling|HP: 82/82|DR 5/Magic|AC: 22 (15 Tch, 17 Fl)|SR 18|CMB: +16, CMD: 31|F: +13, R: +13, W: +15|Init: +5|Resist 10 acid, cold, electricity and fire|


Gestalt Antipaladin (Tyrant)/Godling (mighty)/7th|Speed 60ft (Fly, 120ft good)|Retribution (Su) 10/10x/day



Acro +15|Diplo +24|Escape +15|Fly +15|Intim +20|Percept +17|SM +15|Stealth +15



Special Abilities

See Class Features Tab


Lawful Evil




Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Draconic, Celestial, Necril, Sylvan, Aquan, Auran, Terran, Ignan, Elven, Orc, Giant


Demon King

Strength 28
Dexterity 21
Constitution 22
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 24
Charisma 17

About Domayoku

Initiative: +5
Senses: Perception +17, See in Darkness (Su) 60ft.
AC 22 (15 Touch, 17 FF)(+6 Armor, +1 dodge, +4 Dex, +1 natural)
Hp 89/89 (1d12 (max) + 5 Con + 1 favored + 3 Toughness, then 1d12 + 6 Con + 1 favored + 1 Toughness) DR 5/magic
Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +13 SR +18
Speed 60 ft (30 ft Base, fly 120ft., good), Scion of the North Wind (Ex) 2/2x/day
Melee unholy avenger +21/+16 (1d8 + 14 [+2d6], 19-20/x2)
2 Claw Attacks +15 (1d4 + 8, x2), Bite +15 (1d3 + 8, x2)
Special Attacks
Spell-like Ability - darkness 4x/day, desecrate 1x/day, unholy blight 1x/day, poison 3x/day

Using unholy avenger, can cast greater dispel magic, once per round, but only area dispels.

1st-level Spells-Protection from Good, Detect Poison
2nd-level Spells-Silence
BAB +7/+2, CMB +16, CMD 31
Feats Power Attack, Toughness, Elemental Fist (fire), Combat Reflexes, Smiting Reversal, Extra Talent - Physical Avatar (Ex), Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Persuasive, Dodge, Quick Draw
Skills 10/Level, +1 Skilled, +1 Favored Class Bonus, +2/Background
Acrobatics +21 (7 Rank, 8 Str, 3 Class, 3 Physical Avatar)
Bluff +15 (7 Rank, 3 Class, 3 Cha, 2 Skilled)
Climb +11 (0 Rank, 8 Str, 3 Physical Avatar)
Craft +4 (0 Rank, 4 Int)
Diplomacy +24 (7 Rank, 3 Class, 8 Str, 1 Influence, 3 Physical Avatar, 2 Persuasive)
Fly +18 (7 Rank, 3 Class, 5 Dex, 3 Physical Avatar)
Handle Animal +3 (0 Rank, 3 Cha)
Intimidate +23 (7 rank, 3 Class, 8 Str, 3 Physical Avatar, 2 Persuasive)
Knowledge (local) +12 (5 Rank, 3 Class, 4 Int)
Knowledge (religion) +14 (7 Rank, 3 Class, 4 Int)
Knowledge (planes) +12 (5 Rank, 3 Class, 4 Int)
Linguistics +11 (7 Rank, 4 Int)
Perception +17 (7 Rank, 3 Class, 7 Wis)
Profession (gambler) +17 (7 Rank, 3 Class, 7 Wis)
Ride +16 (5 Rank, 3 Class, 5 Dex, 3 Physical Avatar)
Sense Motive +17 (7 Rank, 3 Class, 7 Wis)
Spellcraft +13 (6 Rank, 3 Class, 4 Int)
Stealth +25 (7 Rank, 3 Class, 5 Dex, 2 Skilled, 5 Shadow Elven Chainmail, 3 Physical Avatar)
Survival +13 (3 Rank, 3 Class, 7 Wis)
Swim +15 (1 rank, 3 Class, 8 Str, 3 Physical Avatar)

Class Features:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
An antipaladin and a mighty godling are proficient with all simple and martial weapons; with light, medium, and heavy armor; and with all shields (other than tower shields).
Aura of Evil (Ex)
The power of an antipaladin’s aura of evil (see the detect evil spell) is equal to his antipaladin level. A paladin who uses smite evil on an antipaladin deals 2 points of damage per paladin level on his first successful attack.
Detect Good (Sp)
At will, an antipaladin can use detect good, as the spell. An antipaladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single Item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is good, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the antipaladin does not detect good in any other object or individual within range.
Smite Good (Su)
Once per day, an antipaladin can call out to the dark powers to crush the forces of good. As a swift action, the antipaladin chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is good, the antipaladin adds his Charisma bonus (if any) on his attack rolls and adds his antipaladin level on all damage rolls made against the target of his smite. If the target of smite good is an outsider with the good subtype, a good-aligned dragon, or a good creature with levels of cleric or paladin, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the antipaladin possesses. Regardless of the target, smite good attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess.

In addition, while smite good is in effect, the antipaladin gains a deflection bonus equal to his Charisma modifier (if any) to his AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the antipaladin targets a creature that is not good, the smite is wasted with no effect.

The smite good effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the antipaladin rests and regains his uses of this ability. At 4th level, and at every three levels thereafter, the antipaladin may smite good one additional time per day, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.
Lineage Domain Travel
As a result of their divine bloodline, mighty godlings gain access to the powers (though not spells) of a cleric domain. The mighty godling selects his first lineage domain at 1st level, and gains additional lineage domains at 8th and 16th level. Once these domains are selected they cannot be changed. (While the player selects these domains, the mighty godling character gains these as inherent powers with no choice or effort required). Lineage domains need not be the ones the godling’s divine parent grants to clerics—not all godlings have powers related to their parent’s realm of authority. The godling uses his class level for his effective cleric level. A mighty godling uses his Wisdom modifier to determine save DCs and uses/day of all his lineage domain powers.
A multiclass cleric/godling who has the same domain from both classes adds the two classes together when determining what granted powers the character has and their effectiveness, but uses only the character’s cleric level to determine what domain spells are gained.
Agile Feet (Su):
As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving through it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Dimensional Hop (Sp):
At 8th level, you can teleport up to 10 feet per cleric level per day as a move action. This teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments and such movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must have line of sight to your destination to use this ability. You can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of distance for each creature brought.
Unholy Resilience (Su)
At 2nd level, an antipaladin gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.
Touch of Corruption (Su)
Beginning at 2nd level, an antipaladin surrounds his hand with a fiendish flame, causing terrible wounds to open on those he touches. Each day he can use this ability a number of times equal to 1/2 his antipaladin level + his Charisma modifier. As a touch attack, an antipaladin can cause 1d6 points of damage for every two antipaladin levels he possesses. Using this ability is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Alternatively, an antipaladin can use this power to heal undead creatures, restoring 1d6 hit points for every two levels the antipaladin possesses. This ability is modified by any feat, spell, or effect that specifically works with the lay on hands paladin class feature. For example, the Extra Lay On Hands feat grants an antipaladin 2 additional uses of the touch of corruption class feature.
Divine Traits
Divine traits are special powers a mighty godling gains through his divine heritage. Players may select any divine traits for his character, regardless of the godling’s divine parentage. A godling gains the benefit of all the degrees of a trait he possesses (though in some cases higher degrees make lower degrees superfluous).
A godling gains divine trait ranks at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels. The number of ranks gained increases each time, 1 rank at 2nd level, 2 ranks at 6th, and so on. Each time a godling gains divine trait ranks, he may spend them on one or more traits. Raising a trait up one degree costs a number of ranks equal to its new degree, but the godling must buy each degree separately. Thus taking a new trait at degree I costs 1 divine trait rank, while taking a trait a godling already has at degree I to degree III costs 5 ranks (2 ranks to bring it from degree I to degree II, and 3 more ranks to bring it from degree II to degree III).
A godling may save unspent ranks if he wishes, but can only spend them when he gains a new level. Once ranks are spent, the trait chosen is permanent and the ranks cannot be regained.
Battle Lord I (Ex): The godling gains a +4 bonus to his CMD against disarm and sunder maneuvers.
Battle Lord II (Ex): When the godling makes an attack with a weapon with which he is not proficient, he suffers only a –2 penalty (rather than the normal –4). Also, if the godling has the Quick Draw feat, he may put away a weapon, or put away one weapon and draw another, as a free action.
Aura of Cowardice (Su)
At 3rd level, an antipaladin radiates a palpably daunting aura that causes all enemies within 10 feet to take a –4 penalty on saving throws against fear effects. Creatures that are normally immune to fear lose that immunity while within 10 feet of an antipaladin with this ability. This ability functions only while the antipaladin remains conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead.
Plague Bringer (Ex)
At 3rd level, the powers of darkness make an antipaladin a beacon of corruption and disease. An antipaladin does not take any damage or take any penalty from diseases. He can still contract diseases and spread them to others, but he is otherwise immune to their effects.
Cruelty (Su)
At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, an antipaladin can select one cruelty. Each cruelty adds an effect to the antipaladin’s touch of corruption ability. Whenever the antipaladin uses touch of corruption to deal damage to one target, the target also receives the additional effect from one of the cruelties possessed by the antipaladin. This choice is made when the touch is used. The target receives a Fortitude save to avoid this cruelty. If the save is successful, the target takes the damage as normal, but not the effects of the cruelty. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the antipaladin’s level + the antipaladin’s Charisma modifier.

At 3rd level, the antipaladin can select from the following initial cruelties.

Fatigued: The target is fatigued.
Shaken: The target is shaken for 1 round per level of the antipaladin.
Sickened: The target is sickened for 1 round per level of the antipaladin. A shaken character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Shaken is a less severe state of fear than frightened or panicked.

At 6th level, an antipaladin adds the following cruelties to the list of those that can be selected.

Dazed: The target is dazed for 1 round.
Diseased: The target contracts a disease, as if the antipaladin had cast contagion, using his antipaladin level as his caster level.
Staggered: The target is staggered for 1 round per two levels of the antipaladin. A staggered creature may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions). A staggered creature can still take free, swift, and immediate actions. A creature with nonlethal damage exactly equal to its current hit points gains the staggered condition.
Scion Talents
As a mighty godling gains experience, he learns a number of talents that aid him and confound his foes. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th levels, a mighty godling gains one scion talent. A mighty godling cannot select an individual talent more than once unless the talent states otherwise.
Force of Brawn (Su):
Your deific heritage manifests in the form of amazing physical might, which allows you to accomplish things through sheer power of sinew rather than mental acuity or natural talent. This brawn also powers a barrier of divine defense which helps protect you from harm. You may add your Str mod, rather than any other ability scores, to your saving throws. (Replace your Con mod with your Str mod for Fort saves, your Dex mod with your Str mod for Ref saves, and your Wis mod with your Str mod for Will saves).
You may also use your Strength modifier rather than the normal ability modifier for three Dex– or Cha-based skills of your choice. Once these skills have been selected, the choice cannot be changed. Acrobatics, Diplomacy & Intimidate
Retribution (Su):
When foes dare to strike your person, which is a vessel for the divine energies that make you a godling, you can call upon those divine energies to strike down the heathens who dare defile your physical perfection. When you are hit by a melee attack, you may make a melee attack at your full attack bonus against the attacker. Alternatively, you may cast a touch or ranged touch spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less at the attacker.
Using this ability counts against your attacks of opportunity for the round, and you cannot use it if some condition or circumstance prevents you from making attacks of opportunity. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your highest ability modifier.
Scion of the North Wind (Ex):
Your godling powers allow you to call upon the speed and constant might of the north wind. Your movement rate gains a +10 ft. bonus. Also, as a swift action you can move up to your movement rate. You may do this once per day, +1 additional time per day for every 5 levels you possess.
Channel Negative Energy (Su)
When an antipaladin reaches 4th level, he gains the supernatural ability to channel negative energy like a cleric. Using this ability consumes two uses of his touch of corruption ability. An antipaladin uses his level as his effective cleric level when channeling negative energy. This is a Charisma-based ability.
Beginning at 4th level, an antipaladin gains the ability to cast a small number of divine spells which are drawn from the antipaladin spell list. An antipaladin must choose and prepare his spells in advance.

To prepare or cast a spell, an antipaladin must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an antipaladin’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the antipaladin’s Charisma modifier.

Like other spellcasters, an antipaladin can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is the same as that of a paladin and is given on Table: Antipaladin. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Charisma score. When Table: Antipaladin indicates that the antipaladin gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level, he gains only the bonus spells he would be entitled to based on his Charisma score for that spell level.

An antipaladin must spend 1 hour each day in quiet prayer and meditation to regain his daily allotment of spells. An antipaladin may prepare and cast any spell on the antipaladin spell list, provided that he can cast spells of that level, but he must choose which spells to prepare during his daily meditation.

Through 3rd level, an antipaladin has no caster level. At 4th level and higher, his caster level is equal to his antipaladin level –3.
Diabolic Boon (Sp)
At 5th level, if a tyrant chooses to gain the services of a fiendish servant with his fiendish boon ability, he must choose a fiendish animal or a creature with the lawful and evil subtypes.

This ability alters fiendish boon.

Traits (Combat) Bullied and (Social) Influence (Diplomacy)
Items Bag of Holding, Type IV, an unholy avenger, shadow elven chainmail, a +1 Demon's Shield, a rod of splendor, a ring of sustenance, a belt of giant's strength +2, a pink rhomboid ioun stone, 50 ft. of silk rope.
Wealth 1999gp, 581sp, 781cp, 5 gems worth 10gp, 1 gem worth 200gp
Carrying Capacity
Light (400 lbs or less); Medium (401-800 lbs.); Heavy (801-120 lbs.)
Current Load: 61
Height 6'3", Weight 290 lbs, Eyes Yellow, Hair Ebon
The Legend of Domayoku
GM Wolf wrote:
For each 3 paragraphs of background you gain additional perks: 1 - extra trait, 2 - extra feat, 3 - extra +2 to an ability score, 4 - gain a mount CR 3 or below, 5 - gain a crafting feat, 6 - gain a wish, 7 - gain a magical ring no more than 8,000 gp (You must write the description, abilities, and background of the ring in your crunch as well), 8 - gain a familiar or animal companion, 9 - gain a super power, 10 - gain another 'Special' from another class, it cannot be a Special above 5th level.

18 total paragraphs:

1 - (Race) Family Connections
2 - Persuasive
3 - +2 to Strength
4 - Dire Hyena called 'Smiley'
5 - Brew Potion
6 -