GM Blake's Fist of the Ruby Phoenix Campaign

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◈ Prologue ◈

The crane’s beam swings back over the pier. With the last of the copious supplies for the month’s long voyage around Nagajor and the Valashmai to the island of Bonmu, the captain signals to the deckhands at the gangplank. Sailors on the deck unfurl a red and gold carpet that rolls down the plank. Once it reaches the pier, the deckhands remove a golden rope barring access to the gangplank and move to the side. The crowd behind you seems to press on you without touching you as though you can feel the collective eagerness of every man and woman waiting to board.

With your invitation to the Ruby Phoenix Tournament came passage on the Dancing Carp, a massive three hundred foot long, four masted ship built for long ocean voyages, paid for by the Grand Bank of Abadar. Not everyone waiting to board the mighty vessel is heading to the pre-qualifier on the Minantan island of Bonmu. Travelers and merchants–most of Tian descent–fill the crowd, but there is a man or woman in the crowd who could easily be another competitor.

On the deck, you gaze out over the Xu Hong Bay. Without a significant breeze, the water is especially calm and blue today. The water beyond the colossal statues of Shizuru and Tsukiyo that guard the entrance to the bay is gray and rough with ocean chop. Once you breach the mouth of the bay and pass beyond the shadow of the Wall of Heaven, the wind will fill the sails.

A deckhand acknowledges your invitation and records your names in the passenger log. ”Welcome aboard the Dancing Carp. You will berth in Lu 8,” he informs you, handing you a simple key with the character and the number pressed into the bow. ”Meals are served common style in the galley three times each day. The gong sounds at the beginning of each meal. There will be jerked meats, hard breads, and citrus fruits in between meals during the day. You are free to take what you want, but do not take more than you need. If you have any other questions, each deck has several attendants.”

Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1

Profit Humble Measure dresses in simple white robes and hangs a golden key around his neck. A halo the color of soft gold shines above his head, and his eyes are the hue of ancient coins.

He wears a pleasant expression on his face. Finally, we begin Phase One of this Glorious Project. Humble's voice is warm, but he makes sure his gloved hands do not to touch any fellow travelers or crew members. He introduces himself to his new shipmates as "Profit Humble measure, servant of the Lord of Walls and Ditches and follower of the prophecies of Kalistrade, diligently preparing for the Hour of Victory."

He refuses to walk up the red carpet; it would be too much of an extravagance. Instead, he clambers up the sturdy gangplank used by the stevedores.

Humble chooses a plain bed in Lu 8 for the voyage, and follows his strict diet that forbids fish, meat, dairy, sweet fruits, starchy vegetables, enriched grain, brown and jasmine rice, flavored drinks, juice, and alcohol. He chews each bite 32 times (once for each tooth) to liquidize the food so that it slides quickly down his throat to make him feel full faster, thus saving precious resources.

During the afternoons he goes above deck to perform calisthenics and daily cleansing ritual that involve the drinking of vinegar. When the setting sun shines on the waves like a fine gold silk, he turns his back on it. He goes into the sweltering darkness belowdecks, locks the room and performs his most important daily rite. During this ceremony Humble ingests trace amounts of gold and silver to purify his body and prepare it for glorious self-mummification at the glorious hour of his death — may it occur once he has accumulated a vast fortune!

When the ship nears the island, Humble approaches his teammates and friends. Before we begin Phase One of our Project, that is, the Pre-Qualification of this Tournament, please review the Medical Services Agreement and negotiate any points you see fit. After all, what is a little contract law between friends?

He hands each of you a contract.

F Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: HP 233/233| Focus 1/1| 38 (40 w/shield)| Fort +28; Ref +20(+23 vs AoE); Will +23| Perc: +20 | Speed 35 | Hero Points: 1 |

The paladin dresses in dark blue plate that only accentuates her size and build with its bulk. Well over six feet tall, she seems to have perfected a way of looking down at people without ever actually looking down at them. Her naturally white aasimar hair has been dyed a pale lavender and it is kept short and practical. She wears a sanguine tabard over her armor with the Inheritor’s sword-cross blazoned upon it. Most surprisingly, she carries two shields. Both appear to have been broken and repaired numerous times, while her longsword appears more an accessory from how little it has been used. She seems to avoid eye contact unless she has something particularly important to say.

”I will be temperate in my appetite, with allowance for the necessities of physiology.” Kyrie, being a large woman with muscles that crave calories, has to ensure that she is fed enough to work.

As for the sleeping arrangements, she prefers something close to the ground where she can keep her heavy gear close by. She carries a great deal of books with her, and when she finishes one, she thoughtfully picks a person to pass it on to. Her current read is The Liar Tewa Nightingale by Senethia Hraesvelgr. The book, last in a series, is the gripping and emotionally exhausting journey of a minor Taldan noble to tear down the entire feudal system through wit, intrigue, and the strategic removal of heads under the backdrop of the Taldan Civil War. If asked, she will say that it is her new favorite book series, though she wishes the author would take time to more thoroughly describe how people look.

Kyrie looks over the contract, skimming for something specific, then shakes her head and hands it back. ”I told you, Humble. I will not sign another of these until you add a clause specifying that actions taken in-service to paladin oaths and codes are excluded from the terms. I will not hold your piece of paper in higher esteem than The Inheritor’s Code, and I will not have you suddenly withhold healing in the middle of combat because I rightfully obey my Goddess over yours. I do not want to be holding back a linnorm without healing again because you invoked the nebulously-worded and inconsistently-applied section 4 subsection 2 on putting oneself in the way of excessive harm, when you know that abandoning a companion in-need is anathema to Iomedae and Her followers, and I could hardly let our guide die and leave us stranded in the middle of the Spine of the World.” She folds her arms and scowls.

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Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1

Humble gives Kyrie a knowing smile, as if the two have had this debate many times.

You forget, Kyrie. The excitable Guide foolishly dashed into the Linnorn's cave before I completed my prayers to the Wealthy Father — while one of your shining shields was still strapped to your back. From the screams, it seems reasonable to conclude that he at leasr gained valuable insight into the meaning of "excessive harm." Nonetheless, illustrative definitions may be in order there."

Further, as I have told you several times, there is no explicit Entire Agreement clause in this contract, meaning it does not technically supersede all previous agreements, such as those between you and your God.

He produces a fine quill. Nonetheless, I shall add a Prior Agreements and Estoppel by Convention clause under section 6, subsection 5 as well as a new Schedule for Paladin Oaths with a subsection integrating each Oath to Iomedae. Finally, I shall add an Exhibit A that includes the full text of said code so as to avoid potential confusion. He pauses. Each type of pre-existing Oath should be covered, to ensure all Prior Agreements fulfill the requirement of "mutuality" and avoid new legally-binding obligations.

I have been meaning to add this clause for you. Thank you for the reminder. Humble rarely forgets things. Nonetheless he relishes the negotiaiton, and spends a few hours carefully amending his contract. See new definitions under 4A, Schedule A, and Exhibit A

F Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: HP 233/233| Focus 1/1| 38 (40 w/shield)| Fort +28; Ref +20(+23 vs AoE); Will +23| Perc: +20 | Speed 35 | Hero Points: 1 |

Kyrie reads through the entire new additions, blinks, then reads through again, holding the paper closer to her eyes. ”I think this is acceptable. At least, I have not found any specific ways in which it is not acceptable.” She seems noticeably concerned at how easily that went. The thought of further debate right now makes her head hurt out of frustration. ”I will refrain from signing until our compatriots give their commentary. But my concerns have been satisfied. I think.”

Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1

Humble’s halo glitters. Clarity is essential. I am glad.

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LN female tengu ranger 14 | HP 231/231 | AC 35/36 with twin parry | F +26 R +28 W +24 | Perc +27 (low-light) | Stealth +27 | Speed: 30 ft | Active Conditions: ---

A tengu woman with sleek black feathers quietly approaches Humble from behind.

"This is a funny thing. I do not need a contract to use my blades against the enemies of the forest. I simply do it."

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He/Him | Tengu magus (starlit span) 15 | hp 186/186; Hero Points 0/3 | AC 36 (37 w/shield); F+25 R+25 W+24 (Resolve: Will success -> Crit, Juggernaut: Fort success -> Crit) | Prepared Spells: 8th: dispel magic, falling sky 7th: frigid flurry, true target, 4th: darkvision, FoM | Staff charges: 4/8 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Perception +21E; low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Weapon form: bow | Current conditions: | ◆◇↺

"Yes" agrees the tengu beside her. He is slight of build, has sleek black feathers, and wears simple clothes consisting of loose pants of a deep green bunched just below the knee and a loose tunic of the same color worn over a brown leather jerkin tanned so dark it is nearly black. His clothes, of a style common among residents of the Forest of Spirits in northern Minkai, is unadorned but for a small wreath made of five black feathers, which hangs from the leather jerkin below the bottom of his tunic. A short bamboo fishing rod protrudes from his simple pack, and he walks with a staff in one hand, a small paper garland folded about it near the top. Neatly bundled arrows fletched with brown and gray feathers protrude from a large quiver at his hip, though he does not carry a bow.

"Why do you require words on paper to do what needs doing? Still, if it makes you happy then I will" He pauses for a moment to thoroughly read the contract, subvocalizing translations of the Taldane terms into a blend of Tien and Minkaian. "I do not see this Appendix D you reference. What do you mean by 'Dying Two'? If you are to provide healing to the rest of us, is it not prudent to heal you immediately, should you be near death?"

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Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1
Kioko the Hunter wrote:

A tengu woman with sleek black feathers quietly approaches Humble from behind.

"This is a funny thing. I do not need a contract to use my blades against the enemies of the forest. I simply do it."

Kioko the Hunter, unwritten rules constitute the very heart of inter-party misunderstandings and tend to bubble up at inopportune times. This contract explicates my understanding of everything we have tacitly agreed to, in advance.

Tsurakkaro "Rakka" Obuzu wrote:
"I do not see this Appendix D you reference. What do you mean by 'Dying Two'? If you are to provide healing to the rest of us, is it not prudent to heal you immediately, should you be near death?"

Ahh! Humble goes down to his berth and comes out with an armful of papers. Here is Appendix D. "D" is for "Death." Appendix D covers the legal, religious, and philosophical definitions of death from the Kalistocrat's standpoint. First, Appendix D discusses what it is to be alive. This topic is necessary, because to die is roughly to lose one’s life. The second topic is the nature of death, and how it bears on the persistence of organisms and persons (including Suspended Vitality, Being Dead, Resurrection, and Criteria for Death). The third topic concerns a defense against the deprivationist thesis, wherein it is shown that death neither benefits nor harms the dead. Lastly is an exploration of the controversy concerning whether extreme long life, even immortality, would be good for us. I intend to discusss this topic with Hao Jin; I am fascinated in how she, who is not a deity, remains meaningfully attached to her life. Like a currency, vitality can have no meaningful value unless it is limited in supply and can be counted.

Finally, this brings us to the concept of the counting of "Dying." Precious coins indeed. To fully understand it I recommend you carefully read all of Appendix D. It should only take a you a week or so.

Humble pauses, perhaps seeing the look on Rakka's face. Or, count to "six" to see if my corporeal being stabilizes before attempting to touch my person, as physical contact is anathema to me and should only be attempted in dire circumstances.

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F Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: HP 233/233| Focus 1/1| 38 (40 w/shield)| Fort +28; Ref +20(+23 vs AoE); Will +23| Perc: +20 | Speed 35 | Hero Points: 1 |

Kyrie, as always when “contract negotiations” come up, is conflicted, as she can respect the concept of keeping everything explicit and up-front, she finds the particular practice of this sort of syllable-jockeying frustrating and often used more for denying service rather than ensuring it. Iomedae tells her to remember her heart, and there is little room for heart in a contract.

Partly to change the subject and partly to lighten the mood, Kyrie pulls out a pile of paperback books from her pack. ”I found my copies of The Zolversson Case Files, Kioko-san, if you are interested at all.” Kyrie tries her best to make sure that she uses respectful honorifics even when speaking Common, as well as making sure she is pronouncing names correctly.

As for the book series, she has mentioned it to Kioko before and described it some. By Nathani Proen, this still-ongoing series is about a gregarious halfling writer who takes it upon herself to uncover mysteries surrounding her small town in Varisia. The series has gone on long enough that it has well-surpassed the approximate “murders per capita” one could expect for such an area and the situations that just-so-happen to put the protagonist in the vicinity of these mysteries have grown likewise improbable. Nevertheless, the series remains a consistent favorite for its humor and emotional resonance, not to mention the compelling main character. Despite her folksy, bright demeanor, she is an incredibly smart and savvy woman who takes advantage of people constantly underestimating her. Her attitude is exemplified by her catchphrase ”Start with what ya know, and you’ll get to what you don’t.”

Think one part Fargo, one part Columbo, one part Murder She Wrote

He/Him | Tengu magus (starlit span) 15 | hp 186/186; Hero Points 0/3 | AC 36 (37 w/shield); F+25 R+25 W+24 (Resolve: Will success -> Crit, Juggernaut: Fort success -> Crit) | Prepared Spells: 8th: dispel magic, falling sky 7th: frigid flurry, true target, 4th: darkvision, FoM | Staff charges: 4/8 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Perception +21E; low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Weapon form: bow | Current conditions: | ◆◇↺
Profit Humble Measure wrote:
Humble pauses, perhaps seeing the look on Rakka's face. Or, count to "six" to see if my corporeal being stabilizes before attempting to touch my person, as physical contact is anathema to me and should only be attempted in dire circumstances.

Rakka shrugs. "Fine, if that's what you want. In the same vein, you seem to be particular about what you eat and drink. How does administering healing liquids fit in to this agreement?"

Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1

Once, a horrid melixie named Thimbletoes smeared my face with sticky, honey-flavored healing potion whilst I was unconscious, as a prank. The Church of Abadar served him papers at his home.

… Do not apply potions with improprietous gusto; nor should they contain essential oils, dyes, scents, or artificial coloring. Clean and thrifty flavors are preferred. Good medicine is bitter.

He/Him | Tengu magus (starlit span) 15 | hp 186/186; Hero Points 0/3 | AC 36 (37 w/shield); F+25 R+25 W+24 (Resolve: Will success -> Crit, Juggernaut: Fort success -> Crit) | Prepared Spells: 8th: dispel magic, falling sky 7th: frigid flurry, true target, 4th: darkvision, FoM | Staff charges: 4/8 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Perception +21E; low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Weapon form: bow | Current conditions: | ◆◇↺

"Don't worry. We go for the natural type back home, strong bitter brews of ginseng, biloba, and a few other traditional ingredients. And I certainly wouldn't waste such a thing by spreading it over your face; what good would that do?" Rakka can't quite suppress his smile, however, as he imagines the sight of Humble Measure waking up smeared with sticky salve. "Anyway, that all seems reasonable enough. I'll sign your contract." He draws a roll of soft hide from a pocket, opens it, and withdraws a pen, which he fills with ink and uses to sign, date, and initial the papers.

F Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: HP 233/233| Focus 1/1| 38 (40 w/shield)| Fort +28; Ref +20(+23 vs AoE); Will +23| Perc: +20 | Speed 35 | Hero Points: 1 |

Kyrie asks for the pen when Rakka is done. She holds the paper and pen for a moment without writing though. ”As I am not currently bound by contract but will be shortly, I would like to say that I find all of this rather ridiculous and I particularly find the reduction of all mortal interactions into monetary exchange deeply spiritually troubling and do not condone any such behavior. Further, I think obsession over purity in one’s self leads to reactionary political thoughts and I would always caution to give such drives a thorough self-examination and reconsideration.” She then signs the contract and hands it back. ”According to Schedule A, Section 1, Subection A, I reserve the right to speak my mind and offer criticism on all such matters as my heart moves me to, as Schedule A gives such an obligation precedence over the other terms of the agreement, such as Section 4, Subsections 3 and 4. I believe that I have a Reasonable Expectation that a provision against ‘betraying my heart’ would allow me to speak out on any matter that I feel strongly goes against my own beliefs in justice. I will not abuse this latitude, but I will use it when moved to.”

She smiles. ”I read The Devil’s Loophole: How to Assert Your Rights and Escape Contract Hell by Pietrotino Sarmiccio between this and our last negotiations.”

Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1

Humble collects the paperwork. Honest communication is essential indeed, Kyrie Breakspear. I expect no less of you, and indeed I hope that you take full advantage of each and every helpful stipulation that we have outlined.

The celestial allows his halo to shine forth with bright, golden light. Luckily, I am no devil.

LN female tengu ranger 14 | HP 231/231 | AC 35/36 with twin parry | F +26 R +28 W +24 | Perc +27 (low-light) | Stealth +27 | Speed: 30 ft | Active Conditions: ---

Kioko's feathers flare as she shrugs, then signs the contract.

"Thank you very much, Kyrie. I look forward to reading them."

Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1

Down in his berth, Humble lays out his Sleeves of Storing and sprinkles incense and golden dust upon the pristine white cloth. This is where he carries his valuables, and it would not do to be victimized by miscreants.

He envisions the the thunderous fists of the mighty Marut inevitable as he incants a Concordant Choir, empowering the rune with sonic energy that will be discharged upon anyone foolish enough to touch the container.

He whispers the passphrase so only he and his God can hear it: "Liquidity."

Glyph of Warding on my Sleeves of Storage with Concordant choir level 2 (single target) on them. Trigger: someone other than Humble touches the container, and fails to say the password.


As the island draws closer Humble girds himself for battle. He prays to Abadar for the wisdom see what is hidden.

He also approaches Kioko. Kioko the Hunter, I have run a risk assessment and determined that you are more susceptible to physical harm than Kyrie Breakspear. In light of this, I have developed a mitigation strategy and contingency fallback. With your permission, I would prefer to execute this plan every morning until otherwise noted. He produces a wand that's carved like a heart-like tree with deep roots, and casts a spell (at Reach) to empower Kioko with a necromantic contingency plan.

Heightened see invis (8 hours), Life Connection

He/Him | Tengu magus (starlit span) 15 | hp 186/186; Hero Points 0/3 | AC 36 (37 w/shield); F+25 R+25 W+24 (Resolve: Will success -> Crit, Juggernaut: Fort success -> Crit) | Prepared Spells: 8th: dispel magic, falling sky 7th: frigid flurry, true target, 4th: darkvision, FoM | Staff charges: 4/8 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Perception +21E; low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Weapon form: bow | Current conditions: | ◆◇↺

Rakka spends the majority of the journey--at least when the weather is nice--lounging on the rail at the stern of the ship, his wide woven hat pulled low and his fishing line trailing the boat as it sails. He doesn't seem to catch much, nor does he seem too concerned about doing so.

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| Extinction | url= |

◈ Morning, Day One ◈

Kioko the Hunter:
The night before the dawn of your arrival at Bonmu passes peacefully, and you awake well rested. When you emerge onto the deck to witness the island drawing ever closer, the sun is warm. However, you catch a passing smell that reminds you of winds off of a snowy mountain peak but also wetter and more stale. As quickly as it came, the scent is gone.

Kyrie Breakspear:
The night before the dawn of your arrival at Bonmu, you have a dream. You–you feel that it is you, though you never see your own body–stand upon the surface of a vast, dark, placid sea or immeasurable pane of glass. Overhead is a black and featureless sky. Three forms appear around you, hovering above the glassy sea: a sword pointed downward with a blazing sun in the center of its hilt, a golden merchant’s scale, and a hunting bow made of bleached antlers. They rotate in sequence so that each appears in front of you three times and the dream ends. You awaken with a sense of being assigned a task, though what that task is hides just out of reach within your mind.

Profit Humble Measure:
During the moment between sleep and waking on the dawn of your arrival at Bonmu, you are assaulted by a dreamless thought. You feel an irrational sense of anxiety, the feeling you would have were you to ever reach for your purse and suddenly realize that it had been stolen. You recognize the irrationality of the feeling, and, in fact, the thought feels alien, as if you were experiencing someone else’s feelings. Once you fully awaken, the feeling quickly fades over the next minute. Should you check your belongings to ensure the sensation is not a fortelling, you find nothing missing.

Tsurakkaro Obuzo:
The night before the dawn of your arrival at Bonmu passes peacefully, and you awake well rested. When you emerge onto the deck to witness the island drawing ever closer, the sun is warm. You feel with preternatural certainty that the sunny skies will hold for the next several days and the island will be free of storms during your time here.

Weeks after leaving Goku, and several days after the last port, the horizon lightens in anticipation of the new day. As soon as the edge of the golden sun breaches the divide between sea and sky, the ocean, relatively calm, shimmers and the ship begins to bustle with activity. The lookouts climb down from the crow’s nests and confer with the navigator and the captain.

The breakfast bell rings early, and the berth attendants hustle through the passageways, knocking on the doors of the remaining passengers–all of whom remain for this final leg are warriors en route to the qualifier for the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. ”Bonmu on the horizon!” they shout. ”We arrive today!”

As the morning progresses and the island draws nearer, looming larger with its peaks and surrounding jungles becoming increasingly clear, you also spy five other ships across the sea. Each of them sails on a course toward the same destination as you: the island of Bonmu, Danger Island.

Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1

Humble mutters about "liquidity" and checks his sleeves constantly.

He will attempt to borrow a spyglass, sanitize it, and see if he can recognize any of the ships' flags. Society/Goka Lore +14 if applicable

He/Him | Tengu magus (starlit span) 15 | hp 186/186; Hero Points 0/3 | AC 36 (37 w/shield); F+25 R+25 W+24 (Resolve: Will success -> Crit, Juggernaut: Fort success -> Crit) | Prepared Spells: 8th: dispel magic, falling sky 7th: frigid flurry, true target, 4th: darkvision, FoM | Staff charges: 4/8 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Perception +21E; low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Weapon form: bow | Current conditions: | ◆◇↺

Rakka, seemingly unfazed by the news of the ship's imminent arrival in port, takes up his usual fishing position.

| Extinction | url= |

Through the spyglass, Humble makes out three ships of Tian design and two of Taldan design. Two of the three Tian ships fly a green flag with coiled dragon--the flag of Minkai--and one shares the three lotus blossom on a blue field like the Dancing Carp--the flag of Goka. The second Goka ship must have had fewer stops to have caught up with you. One of the Taldan ships flies the Eye of Aroden, indicating that it set out from Absalom, while the the other flies a tall red flag with a golden dragon coiled around a helm.

Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1

Humble asks around, attempting to learn about the people on those ships — likely the competition. if possible

Diplomacy +23

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| Extinction | url= |

The crew of the Dancing Carp has a variety of opinions on the advantages of their ship compared to Minkan ships or, especially, Taldan ships. However, they have no insight into the possible passengers on the vessels beyond wild speculation.

Over the past several weeks, however, Humble has been able to glean information about one of the competing teams sharing passage on the Dancing Carp. The team is comprised of a Vudrani man (Pravan), a Vudrani woman (Ranya), a vanara (Usvani), and a woman with supernatural beauty and golden, serpentine eyes (Jivati). The vanara is impossible to miss, being the only one of his ancestry on the ship. All four of them are polite and personable on the ship, though the vanara is markedly less playful than typical for his people. They are careful not to give too much away about their fighting styles but are more than happy to participate in academic discussions, especially about philosophy and culture.

Through a combination of interrogating the ship's attendants and conversing with them at meals, you have learned their names and that they trained together at the Academy of Golden Arms in Indapatta, the capital of Vudra. As part of their final exam, they were tasked with entering a notable tournament and achieving a commendable placement. The Ruby Phoenix Tournament certainly qualified as a notable tournament. The four fully intend to give it their all, but merely making it through the qualifier would be sufficient for their exam.

The ship's attendants have witnessed the four each manifesting and manipulating the four elements: fire, wind, earth, and water.

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LN female tengu ranger 14 | HP 231/231 | AC 35/36 with twin parry | F +26 R +28 W +24 | Perc +27 (low-light) | Stealth +27 | Speed: 30 ft | Active Conditions: ---

Kioko silently moves up behind Humble, then asks, "What did you learn?"

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Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1


Humble drops the spyglass and prays silently. Wealthy Father, forgive your miserable negligent servant his ignorance and give him the wisdom to know the actual state of things.

He quickly collects himself.

Ahh… Kioko the Hunter… He explains what he has learned in precise detail.

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◈ Landing ◈

The Dancing Carp is the second ship to drop anchor before the docks in Bonmu. The massive size of your treasure ship requires that the passengers be rowed to the docks on one of the ship’s two whale boats. Between the two nearly thirty-foot long row boats, all of the remaining passengers can be brought ashore together. While you assemble with your gear to await your turn to disembark, you can see the smaller ship from Absalom has lowered a gang plank and the competitors are already spreading onto the docks. The Vudrani fighters happen to be assigned to the other whale boat, and the teams sitting around you on yours are too nervous, too excited, or too stoic to provide any conversation.

Once your boat lands on the beach, the sailors slide a gang plank out from the bow of the boat onto dry sand. While most of the teams patiently wait their turn to stand and disembark, a few others are eager to claim their place on the staging ground and hop over the sides of the whale boat into the lapping water. While you wait your turn to leave, you can survey the island and the beach: the docks extend off of the beach of a long, wide and grassy sandbank, across the lagoon and to the south, you can make out a curious collection of simple stone buildings that look freshly–or magically–constructed, beyond that is the jungle, and towering above all are the peaks of Bonmu.

The sand crunches beneath your boots as you step off of the plank and finally touch the island. The rest of the ships have moored at or near the pier, and the beach is quickly becoming crowded with over one hundred warriors. Each team carves out a place for themselves on the bar. Many of them begin stretching, practicing techniques, or sparring with their companions while they await further instructions.

Before too long, a cloister of red-and-gold-garbed monks can be seen coming down the sand bar, thirty two in all. ”Attention!” shouts a masculine voice that must surely be magically augmented. ”Assemble into eight columns of four teams each!”

While the teams arrange themselves, the monks spread out through the crowd. One monk meets with each team. Eventually, a brown haired, Tian-Sing woman with several silver ring piercings approaches you. ”Greetings,” she says with a pleasant but reserved tone. ”I am Ingdani, and I have been assigned to be your guide on Bonmu during the qualifier. Have you chosen a team name? I will register it with the official roster.”

Artwork for Ingdani is linked in the header.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
F Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: HP 233/233| Focus 1/1| 38 (40 w/shield)| Fort +28; Ref +20(+23 vs AoE); Will +23| Perc: +20 | Speed 35 | Hero Points: 1 |


Not long after waking, Kyrie raises her hand as a silent request for attention. She quietly waits for someone to notice and ask what she has to say before speaking. "I had a strange dream last night. I felt as though I was somehow being assigned a task. I saw the holy symbols of Iomedae, Abadar, and Erastil and they rotated in sequence so taht each appeared in front of me three times. Did any of you others have a similar dream?"

1d20 ⇒ 2
+16E religion or +19M lore (literature) to determine what she knows about prophetic dreams such as this

"Oh, and before I forget."

She reaches into her backpack and pulls out four appropriately-sized tabards in the knightly style. Each features the team name as well as the team symbol and colors (TBD). "I thought it would be a nice gesture to show our team spirit." She bashfully looks away as she awaits the party's reactions.

They are all Knight's Tabards and thus give a +1 to Make an Impression on anyone with a positive association with our team

LN female tengu ranger 14 | HP 231/231 | AC 35/36 with twin parry | F +26 R +28 W +24 | Perc +27 (low-light) | Stealth +27 | Speed: 30 ft | Active Conditions: ---

"I did not, but such dreams can be very important signs. I did notice an odd smell this morning, though. Like winds off of a snowy mountain peak, but it's so sunny here. Strange things happening."

She gratefully accepts the tabard. "I may reserve it for social situations; I am slightly concerned that the colors may impede my ability to blend into the shadows."

He/Him | Tengu magus (starlit span) 15 | hp 186/186; Hero Points 0/3 | AC 36 (37 w/shield); F+25 R+25 W+24 (Resolve: Will success -> Crit, Juggernaut: Fort success -> Crit) | Prepared Spells: 8th: dispel magic, falling sky 7th: frigid flurry, true target, 4th: darkvision, FoM | Staff charges: 4/8 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Perception +21E; low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Weapon form: bow | Current conditions: | ◆◇↺

"Nope," Rakka replies, "though I did notice the clouds while I was fishing. Looks like the nice weather should hold for a while yet."

He nods along with Kioko's response. "I agree. It's nice of you to make these, and I'll gladly wear it when the situation is right. Probably not while I'm sneaking through the underbrush, though."

Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1

I admire the color scheme, Kyrie Breakspear. It is also wise to have a uniform; a dramatization that Iomedae and the Kalistocracy share at least some things in common. Humble puts on the white-and-gold tabard immediately. Let them all see. Together, we will achieve our goals.

Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1
GM Blake wrote:
While the teams arrange themselves, the monks spread out through the crowd. One monk meets with each team. Eventually, a brown haired, Tian-Sing woman with several silver ring piercings approaches you. ”Greetings,” she says with a pleasant but reserved tone. ”I am Ingdani, and I have been assigned to be your guide on Bonmu during the qualifier. Have you chosen a team name? I will register it with the official roster.”

Humble smiles. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Ingdani. I enjoy interfacing with subject matter experts, and look forward to synergizing with you over the coming days."

Humble glances at his teammates to double-check they agree. We are "Summary Judgement."

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"Very good," Ingdani says with a polite smile. "Please remain here while I register your team's designation." She turns and departs with sharp, efficient movement. Like many of the other monks assigned to the other teams, she walks to a clerk carrying a portable writing desk and speaks with him briefly. The clerk brushes upon the scroll furiously as the monks deliver names to him. You can see sweat glistening on his balding forehead under the morning sun.

Ingdani returns and smiles politely once more. "As I said, I am Ingdani, and I will serve as your attendant and guide for the duration of your time on Bonmu. My ancestors came from the very island generations ago. We can go over the rules, and I can answer your questions on the way to your assigned--" She stops speaking and turns her attention toward the water as a hush spreads across the assembly.

A wizened man steps onto one of the docks and clears his throat. Even the ocean’s waves seem to cease their crashing for a dramatic moment, and then the man speaks in a loud and clear voice.

“I am Sifu Xho Nuo—Emissary of the Ruby Phoenix Tournament and guardian of the legacy of Hao Jin, the immortal sorcerer in whose name you are gathered here. Know that in simply receiving an invitation to qualify for the tournament, you have already earned a place among the greatest fighters Golarion has ever known. However, only eight teams may continue on to the tournament proper, and that is why you are here today. Welcome to the island of Bonmu, or, as dubbed by Lady Hao Jin, ‘Danger Island.’ This will be your home for the next few days, and it is here where you will earn the right to enter the tournament.

“Bonmu is vast. It is a place of ancient ruins and sites left untouched by the centuries. Lady Hao Jin has reclaimed this place and picked out a suitable location for each team to reside during their stay. Of course, nothing is given freely at the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Each team has been assigned a specific location somewhere on this island, but many of these sites are filled with dangerous creatures or worse. It falls to you to make your site safe. Within your residence you will find the phoenix necklace and three silver feathers. Your mission here is to acquire and keep seven more such silver feathers.

“Without further delay, I leave you to the whims of Bonmu. The pre-qualifier begins at sunrise tomorrow. May the worthiest win!” At that, the teams burst into excited conversations with their escorts and rush toward their residences. Danger Island awaits!

Artwork for Sifu Xho Nuo has been added.

"Follow me. Down the sandbar to the island proper. I will explain the rules on the way to your assigned camp," Ingdani turns back to you and continues as soon as the Emissary finishes his speech. "You have been assigned to the Temple of Iori. It is not very far from the docks, here. You must clear the Temple of whatever dangers may have nested there and find the phoenix necklace and your three silver feathers before dawn tomorrow.

"Your goal over the next three days will be to obtain--and retain--ten silver feathers," she explains as you join the hurrying crowd of contestants and their guides marching along the sandbar. "Silver feathers can only be won from other contestants in official matches. Any team can challenge another team to a match at any time except between midnight and dawn. These hours are protected. You do not need to sleep, but you may not challenge or harass any of the other competitors. In order to make the match official, you must find the nearest enforcer and declare your challenge in front of them.

"You will find enforcers across the island, but almost always at one of the fighting arenas and always at least one at each Stone Market," she says and then pauses to point across the lagoon at the squat, stone buildings. "There is the nearest Stone Market. You can speak with merchants in Goka within the building to purchase whatever you might need or desire. You the merchant can--well, it is better that you see for yourself if you need to shop.

"The nearest fighting arena is a garden ruin south past the Stone Market," Ingdani says as she continues moving onward. "The enforcers are not priests of Abadar. They are mercenaries that the church hired to maintain order and serve as judges. Their word is the word of the Emissary. They have the authority to challenge any team, and they do not wager silver feathers, but they can require the team to wager up to three feathers. However, they also have the authority to declare unique challenges and may award silver feathers that they have won from defeated teams, if they choose."

He/Him | Tengu magus (starlit span) 15 | hp 186/186; Hero Points 0/3 | AC 36 (37 w/shield); F+25 R+25 W+24 (Resolve: Will success -> Crit, Juggernaut: Fort success -> Crit) | Prepared Spells: 8th: dispel magic, falling sky 7th: frigid flurry, true target, 4th: darkvision, FoM | Staff charges: 4/8 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Perception +21E; low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Weapon form: bow | Current conditions: | ◆◇↺

"Can you clarify: if a team wagers feathers and loses, do those feathers go to the victors or to the enforcers? Also, when we acquire our tenth feather, do we present them somewhere, or must we continue defending them until the challenge is done?"

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"If you challenge or are challenged by another team, the challenger wagers one, two, or three silver feathers. The opposing team must meet the wager or offer their remaining feathers if that is less than the wager. Both teams then hand their wagered feathers to the enforcer who will award them to the winner," Ingdani clarifies. "I should mention that you are free to challenge any of the other teams anywhere on the island--except next to the transport towers--without making an official wager, but the defenders are not required to accept the challenge and there is no penalty for declining. It is only if an enforcer challenges you that the enforcer keeps your feathers if you lose."

She smiles a small smile, but it reaches her eyes. "You must defend your feathers until the third day. Or until there are only eight teams remaining. Those teams who cannot present at least one silver feather to an enforcer on demand are disqualified. However, we expect that the qualifier will last into the third day. You will know where to present your ten feathers on the third day, I am told."

You all suspect that she knows something more in regards to the presentation of the ten feathers but is intentionally but good-naturedly holding back the surprise.

He/Him | Tengu magus (starlit span) 15 | hp 186/186; Hero Points 0/3 | AC 36 (37 w/shield); F+25 R+25 W+24 (Resolve: Will success -> Crit, Juggernaut: Fort success -> Crit) | Prepared Spells: 8th: dispel magic, falling sky 7th: frigid flurry, true target, 4th: darkvision, FoM | Staff charges: 4/8 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Perception +21E; low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Weapon form: bow | Current conditions: | ◆◇↺

"I see, thank you." Rakka pauses for a moment to think over what he's heard, then looks up once more. "Are there limits on the...lethality of methods used in the challenges? Or inherent protections against them? And are all challenges resolved within an arena?"

Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1

Humble nods. He understands the concept of the Enforcers perfectly, thinking fondly of the wonderful Blackjackets back home in Druma.

Ingdani, I have two questions.

First: is there any official stricture against acquiring feathers by means that have not yet been outlined? They might not be "won" per se, but transferred to a person's possession by other means. For example, wisely purchasing one or cunningly capitalizing upon negligence.

Second: must the provenance of all feathers be proven? Consider the following purely theoretical example: an innocent contestant finds a feather laying upon a stone and picks it up and puts it into their pocket. Their enemy, unable to cope with their own wanton carelessness, later claims that it is stolen. How would this be adjudicated?

Humble cringes involuntarily as he probably feels Kyrie glaring at him. Nonetheless, he can't help but ask these questions as he's always looking for exciting new market inefficiencies.

F Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: HP 233/233| Focus 1/1| 38 (40 w/shield)| Fort +28; Ref +20(+23 vs AoE); Will +23| Perc: +20 | Speed 35 | Hero Points: 1 |

Kyrie does, in fact, glare at Humble. ”These warriors have come from all the corners of the world to do battle; you would insult their pride and honor by offering to buy their feathers?”

Kyrie raises her hand and calmly waits for Ingdani to call upon her before speaking. ”What are the limitations on honorable or sportsmanlike conduct? Does any action cause disqualification?”

Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1
Kyrie Breakspear wrote:
Kyrie does, in fact, glare at Humble. ”These warriors have come from all the corners of the world to do battle; you would insult their pride and honor by offering to buy their feathers?”

Humble turns pale, aghast at what Kyrie is implying. How terrible! I would never do such a thing, Kyrie Breakspear. It would be incorrect to simply offer to purchase feathers. One must acquire leverage first, and then negotiate from a position of power.

He holds up his hands. Wait! These are important questions nonetheless, as they illuminate the rules of engagement and potential tactics that other teams may use against us. Sportsmanship, as you say. I experienced an uncanny premonition that my things were being stolen just last night, in fact.

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"You are welcome, Tsurakkaro," Ingdani says with a smile. "There are no limits on the lethality of assault as such, and you are certainly not protected from the beasts of Bonmu. However, the phoenix necklaces are powerful artifacts provided by the Ruby Phoenix herself. The wearer can enchant themselves and any other willing being they can see so that the cannot inflict any lethal harm. Furthermore, should one of your companions die, the necklace can bring the dead back to life at the cost of a silver feather."

She continues with a serious tone, "If you have done the math, thirty two teams with three feathers each is ninety six feathers, which is enough feathers for nine--not eight--teams to accrue ten. So this attrition of feathers due to death in addition to the enforcers culling teams is expected."

Ingdani smiles at Kyrie's protest, and you can hear amusement in her voice as she answers, "If a team is willing to trade away a feather for a price that you could pay, that is allowed. There is no restriction on the method of acquisition except that take feathers from other teams except through official matches. So no theft, but if you wish to gift or trade a feather, you may. If find a feather carelessly dropped on the ground, you may keep it."

She continues and answers Humble's second question before calling on Kyrie, "No, provenance does not need to be proven. How your hypothetical would be adjudicated would depend upon the individual enforcer. However, I can imagine a range of responses between informing the plaintiff that they have no recourse to forcing the two teams to wager the contested number of feathers and then compete in an official match."

She then nods to Kyrie, "Yes, Kyrie?" Her smile before answering is more forced, "There is no written disqualifying action except being unable to present at least one silver feather to an agent of the Emissary when requested. However, you are forbidden from assaulting the Emissary and his agents, you may not leave the island until the qualifier is complete or you have been disqualified, you are not permitted to fight other teams between midnight and sunrise, and you are to obey the orders of the Emissary and his agents. Egregious behavior may lead to disqualification if the Emissary chooses."

The Tian-Sing woman chuckles. "Indeed. Clarity is a valuable resource. And it is wise to seek understanding of the tactics that your enemy may employ against you."

F Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: HP 233/233| Focus 1/1| 38 (40 w/shield)| Fort +28; Ref +20(+23 vs AoE); Will +23| Perc: +20 | Speed 35 | Hero Points: 1 |

Kyrie nods, blushing a bit at Ingdani’s smile and calling her by name. ”Thank you. I appreciate your thorough answers”

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Slight retcon on the enumeration of disqualifying actions:

". . . of the Emissary when requested, refusing a challenge declared in the presence of an enforcer, disregarding a forfeit, lethally harming a contestant outside of a formal challenge. . ."


Ingdani looks thoughtful for a moment. "Now, where did I leave off? Oh, yes, I mentioned the transport towers. The original inhabitants of Bonmu built and enchanted five towers across the island. The are black, tiered towers. You can see one in the distance, there." She points to a dark tower rising above the jungle canopy roughly half a mile to the north of the docks. "If you enter the tower, you will find four halls that lead to the other four towers. Passing through the halls will transport you to the destination tower almost instantly."

She retrieves a scroll case from her satchel. "Before we travel too far," she says, "here is a map of the island with the transport towers marked as well as the location of the Temple of Iori, your base, and a copy of the rules while on Bonmu." She offers the scroll case to Humble.

"Allow me to further explain the formal challenges. Once you and the opposing team reach the arena with the enforcer, the match begins. Only the two teams involved in the challenge may participate. Neither can receive aid from anyone outside of their team. The last team standing is the winner. You may forfeit. All you will lose are your wagered feathers. As long as you still have one, you will remain in the contest. As I mentioned, failure to honor a team's forfeit will disqualify you. Once one side has fallen or forfeited, the match is over and the enforcer will award the winning team all of the wagered feathers. If the winnings would place you over ten silver feathers, the enforcer will remove the excess from play. There are no ties. If the winner is unclear, the enforcer has the duty to decide the winner. Their decision is binding. You may not loot the fallen unless all of the opposing team is dead.

"Each match that you will will also award you five hundred gold coins," she says and then pauses. "This is important: you cannot challenge a team that you have defeated a second time. However, the losing team is not restricted and may challenge the winner later as many times as they have feathers to wager. Finally, once you have ten feathers, you may not challenge other teams. Though other teams may and almost certainly will find and challenge you."

She chuckles a little nervously. "If you wish to challenge an enforcer's decision, you will plead your case to the Koto Zekora. Her authority in this qualifier is second only to the Emissary himself. She is quite imposing." You get the sense that 'imposing' is an understatement.

Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1

Humble accepts the documentation. This system is crystal clear.

Humble is silent for long minutes, carefully calculating whether it's worth looting bodies for treasure, or letting the competition live.

I have run a brief cost-benefit analysis, and I believe the intangible benefits of allowing our opponents to live may be of greater value than the tangible benefits gained by looting their cadavers.

While the treasure of our opponents is surely expensive, we expose ourselves to a greater degree of Risk by plundering our fallen foes; fellow competitors might even go so far as to call such behavior "ghoulish" or "cruel" and they, in turn, may be less inclined to show us mercy should we lose a bout. He shakes his head. No. We must indemnify ourselves against such risks, and work to ensure that we live to fight another day should we fail. The Project is far more Resilient — and therefore more profitable — if we practice mercy.

He thinks. If I get time at the Temple, I may run a regression model on "killing our enemies and looting their corpses," but I believe my conclusion is sound.

Do you agree?

F Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: HP 233/233| Focus 1/1| 38 (40 w/shield)| Fort +28; Ref +20(+23 vs AoE); Will +23| Perc: +20 | Speed 35 | Hero Points: 1 |

Kyrie listens intently to Humble, her expression severe. It softens when she realizes that he is actually coming to the right conclusion. Even if the method of coming to it was questionable. ”I have no complaints. I did not come here to kill and loot. I am hoping for a structured battle between honored and respected equals. No cruel arithmetic of survival. For once.”

LN female tengu ranger 14 | HP 231/231 | AC 35/36 with twin parry | F +26 R +28 W +24 | Perc +27 (low-light) | Stealth +27 | Speed: 30 ft | Active Conditions: ---

Kioko nods in agreement. "They have done no wrong to us simply by being in the tournament."

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◈ Meeting Your Competition ◈

The many teams before you are hurrying toward their assigned bases. Most of them head northwards in the direction of the transport tower that Ingdani pointed out to you. Just as you reach the junction where the large sandbar merges with the island, you hear a voice calling from behind.

”Hey! Hey! Hey hey hey. Hey! Hi!” A middle-aged Tian man with a finely honed body and a tattoo of the Master’s Rebus on his chest trots toward you with youthful vigor that belies the lines on his face. Following behind him at a more casual pace are a black-feathered tengu with a scar across the left side of his face and through a milky white eye, a brown furred kitsune, and a scaled nagaji with characteristic unblinking eyes. ”Hey! I’m Tino,” the Tian man introduces himself with a friendly smile as he catches you. ”I overheard earlier that your camp is the Temple of Irori. We’re assigned to the library of Gruhastha, that’s about half a mile from you, and we want to meet all our neighbors.” Turning around to face his trailing companions–continuing to walk backwards, if you do not pause–he introduces the others, ”That’s Yabin the Just. We call him that because he likes to mediate disputes, even when nobody asked him to.”

Yabi flicks out his forked tongue and waves a hand dismissively before Tino continues on. ”Our lovely Ji-yook,” he says, indicating the kitsune, ”and Takatorra.”

The tengu bows his head before asking, ”Do you have any sweets?”

Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1

Humble waves a gloved, gold-ringed hand and bows. Blessings of the Master of the First Vault be upon you, Tino. We are comforted to have such an affable neighbor — a follower of Iro-Shu himself, no less.

He introduces the group. We are Summary Judgement, a name Yabin the Just may appreciate. He smiles at Takatorra. As an adherent of the Prophecies of Kalistrade, my secular beliefs forbid me from certain indulgences. Perhaps my companions have brought comfort food with them, or would be interested in sharing a dinner some evening.

As he talks, Humble asks their team name and attempts to make a good impression, likely by talking theology or philosophy with the Iroran.

Humble's Diplomacy (M) to make Impression: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (12) + 23 = 35

He also makes sure to sense motive as to how the newcomers are reacting to his words.

F Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: HP 233/233| Focus 1/1| 38 (40 w/shield)| Fort +28; Ref +20(+23 vs AoE); Will +23| Perc: +20 | Speed 35 | Hero Points: 1 |

Kyrie pulls off one of her gauntlets and offers her hand to shake. ”Well met, friends and rivals. I am heartened to see the spirit of friendly competition in you. I am Kyrie. I am called Breakspear. I fight for the honor and glory of the Inheritor and the Knights of Lastwall. I hope to bring the eyes of the world to our cause. I look forward to meeting you in battle, and I hope that our clash brings honor to both of our teams.”

Ninja’d! I’ll try to aid the diplo

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (10) + 18 = 28

1 person marked this as a favorite.
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"We're Tino's Toughest!" Tino answers with a grin in response to Humble's inquiry.

Takatorra adds in a deadpan tone, "Clearly, we devoted great time and effort into choosing our team name."

Tino puts his hands on his hips. "Nobody made any other suggestions! You all have no one but yourselves to blame." Turning back to you, he continues, "Summary Judgement is a good name. Very evocative."

When Kyrie mentions her motivation for battle, Tino follows with his own story. "We've met a lot of people on our adventures, but there’s always more to learn. When we got word we were invited to take part in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament, we leapt at the chance to travel to a new place and test our strength against worthy opponents. It would be quite a thing to earn one of Hao Jin’s great treasures... but as long as we’re having fun and making memories, I don’t think any of us would regret losing the tournament!"

Ji-yook, picking at her claws, raises her gaze and says, "Yeah. I'll probably set out on my own after this."

"You've been saying that at the beginning of every adventure for over a decade," Yabin says dryly.

Ji-yook shrugs.

"Say!" Tino exclaims suddenly. "Why don't we have a friendly sparring match? Tino's Toughest versus Summary Judgement. Just to get the blood pumping and really stretch our muscles before the qualifier begins tomorrow. What do you say?"

Takatorra bobs his head and adds, "That's a fun idea."

Ji-yook shrugs, though nobody asked her anything.

Male Cleric 15 | Languages: Celest., Tien, Tengu, Utop, Mink. | Perc. +24 (E; Darkvision) | HP: 158 | AC: 35/(37) | Fort: +22 Ref: +24 Will: +27 (Resolve; +1 circ vs emot/div) | Spells Available | DC: 36 / Att: +26 | Exploration: Search | Status: See Invis (8hr.), Glyph Warding (Sleeves, Choir) | Hero Points: 1

Humble shrugs as well. He looks to his friends to see whether they wish to fight. On the one hand, it may be good reconnaissance. On the other, it is a risk and they have ta temple to clear.

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