About Desseer ArnalcElf/Fiend Psychic (Symbiosis) 7 | Mesmerist 5/Enchanting Courtesan 2 | Mythic (Archmage) 1
Fort +6; Ref +11; Will +18
Spell Like Abilities (CL 7)
Spells Known (Psychic) (CL 7) (DC 22 + spell level) (+1 DC to div and sleep effects) (+4 DC to ench) 0th (7) - Daze, Lullaby, Know Direction, Detect Magic, Stabilize, Read Magic, Ghost Sounds 1st (6) - 9/day - Hide from Animals, Sow Thought, Charm Person, Murderous Command, Sleep, Beguiling Gift, Mind Thrust I, Comprehend Languages, Skim, Identify 2nd (4) - 9/day - Hold Animal, Mental Block, Suggestion, Hold Person, Demand Offering 3rd (3) - 7/day - Dominate Animal, ID Insinuation II, Deep Slumber Spells Known (Mesmerist) (CL 6) (DC 18 + spell level) (+1 DC to div and sleep effects) (+4 DC to ench) 0th (6) - Detect Poison, Light, Message, Prestidigitation, Open/Close, Mage Hand 1st (4) - 6/day - Psychic Reading, Vanish, Magic Aura, Undetectable Alignment 2nd (4) - 5/day - Tongues, Invisibility, Silence, Minor Image STATISTICS
Stats explained:
stat rolls
Roll + race + template + level + backstory + item Str 16 +0 +2 +0 +0 +0 = 18 Dex 16 +2 +4 +0 +0 +0 = 22 Con 18 -2 +2 +0 +0 +0 = 18 Int 23 +2 +4 +1 +2 +2 = 34 Wis 19 +0 +2 +0 +0 +0 = 21 Cha 20 +0 +4 +0 +0 +2 = 26 Base Atk +4; CMB +10; CMD 24 Feats
Name: Sanders Gibson
Username: Desseer Arnalc Age: 29 Gender: Male In 2128, Sanders first heard about the DMMO game that had emerged from Japan called Yggdrasil. He had just recently started his next level of education that took him away from his home and started his life as an adult. As his studies were going well for him, he splurged and bought Yggdrasil and a ‘Dive’ console, and started playing. It wasn’t long before Sanders was hooked. The intricate mechanics of Yggdrasil appealed to his analytic mind like a moth to a flame. His thoughts raced as he conceived of the mechanical synergies between the different options. There were spreadsheets…so many spreadsheets… While his attachment did not interfere with his studies of physics and psychology, it did hinder any time he would have spent being social at university. In fact, for the first several months in the game, he didn’t even really socialize with other players. The extent to his interactions with other players was basically ‘PUG’ (Pick Up Group) runs. He was too focused on each class’ possibilities and was making the ‘All level 1, level 100 character’. He figured that if he could experience that much variety in this first character, then his next character would be amazing and he would ‘main’ that one. When he was fairly far along with his first character, OneHundredOnes, his real life stepped in. He had noticed a girl in his psychology class.. Over the next couple weeks Sanders wracked his brain trying to think of a way to approach this girl. He considered writing a note and leaving it in the seat she normally sat in class. Then he thought of writing a coded message and handing it to her. Then he thought of trying to convince someone else to ask her for him, ‘like one of her friends or something’. Then he thought of leaving a chocolate at her seat every day for a week and then a note attached to a bag of the chocolates. There were a lot more thoughts. Finally, he decided to just ask her to coffee. She said yes. The coffee date was…unfortunate. See, Sanders had serious anxiety when it came to talking to girls that he liked. This was a recurring theme throughout grade school and middle school, and high school. There were…rejections. In fact, all of them led to rejections. In high school, he was in a friend group with a girl he liked. He was so afraid of talking to her that he just didn’t for most of his senior year. When he finally willed up the courage, she was surprised at his affection, and then turned him down. So the unfortunateness of the coffee date hit Sanders pretty hard. He sank himself into Yggdrasil. Sanders focused more on finishing OneHundredOnes. But, once accomplished, he didn’t really have any more inspiration for his second character. Without inspiration, he sank farther. He found himself lying on his bed, logged in, lying on a bed in character for hours on end. Nothing seemed to appeal to him anymore. He realized what he was doing and began wracking his brain for ways to get out of this funk. And then it came to him, he had finished OneHundredOnes, he could create a new character. He could create a character that was what he wanted to be. Thus, Desseer Arnalc was born. Desseer Arnalc was created as a fiend tainted elf. When customizing the appearance, Sanders researched the ‘ideal’ local preferences for men. The avatar ended up as an attractive man with definite, but lean muscles. His hair was shoulder length and platinum colored. Finally, Sanders programmed the voice to be soft, deep, and a little breathy. The class choice for Sanders was a little more complicated. He didn’t want a hack and slash type character. He wanted a character that was more of a battlefield controller. He combined two mind-control focused classes due to their surprising synergies and splashed a specialized class that allowed for disguised casting. He thought to control the enemies and remain innocuous. With a simple disguise ability he thought that he may even be able to disguise as an NPC in PvP. Sanders' absorption into Yggdrasil and into Desseer took his mind off of his life and very much improved his mood. The downside was that the absorption hurt his studies. His selected fields of study required much more focus than he was giving, especially now that his classes were beyond the simple general education classes. It was also at this time that Sanders’ father was seriously injured at work. Despite medical treatment, his father did not recover and soon died. Sanders was not particularly close to his father and this event didn’t hit him very hard. He did find out from his mother that the cause of his father’s death was faulty equipment made by the company his father worked for. As such, the company was giving a sizable sum as restitution to them both. While this event didn’t hit Sanders hard, it did produce an idea. He could use this event as an excuse for him to take some time off of school to ‘grieve’. With some sob storying he could milk room and board from the institution for a year or so and let the sizable sum from his father’s company to sit and gain some interest. After that, he could find a place and live off of the interest. With an eyedropper and a chili pepper he went and gave a sad story. It worked. The only stipulation was that he had to talk to someone every now and then for them to determine when he was ready to come back. Now he could focus on Yggdrasil and Desseer as much as he wanted. With this new time, he built the character with a hyper focus, crowd control. And also with the time he had, he thought to create a guild. Seeds of Slaughter. He used generic words that could be attributed to most kinds of characters. Thankfully, Yggdrasil allowed for singular characters to create a guild. The only cost was easily paid by transferring money from OneHundredOnes. It took a long time and joining an uncountable number of PUGS for Seeds of Slaughter to gain enough members to have the requisite number for purchasing a guildhouse. Sanders had decided a little prior that he wanted it named the Arcane Abattoir. He liked alliteration, he didn't know why. And so the Arcane Abattoir was designed and created. As the guild slowly grew, Sanders realized that there were many logistical necessities to upkeep the guild, guildhouse, and guild bank. So he spent some game currency and 'hired' Inennarra. He built the doppelganger to manage the basic tasks and provide regular reports on the guild so that he could address issues that could not be handled with simple automation. As an addition to her personality, he still was hurt from his rejection and thought to add a crush on his character to maybe help boost his self esteem as much as that would. It helped a little. Over the next year of play, Sanders participated in many of the Yggdrasil-wide events earning himself a few significant rewards. He earned a shadowfire unicorn from an event that was a gathering quest as all of Yggdrasil experienced perpetual night. He decided to name it Eegnumbra, a combination of ignis and penumbra. Sanders earned an unexpected achievement boon during a Yggdrasil birthday event. The boon, Secret Keeper, was accidentally earned when Sanders guided NPCs to accomplish all of the tasks without speaking to them. One event involved a guild competition. There were many objectives like gathering, monster clearing, and transporting items. After quick planning on Sanders' part, Seeds of Slaughter came in second place which awarded the guild rare crafting materials and the guild leader, Sanders, a guild leader ring. As Sanders accumulated levels and boons, he boosted Desseer's intelligence score well above the others and found out that, at specific points, you gain Int based abilities. He gained both Ceaseless Observation and Calculated Defense from this. One of the last boons he received was an additional cohort. Sanders wracked his brain trying to figure out how he should build this second cohort. Inennarra was performing her duties amazingly. He didn’t need help running the guild. But there were a large number of times that, in wars with other guilds, Desseer's weaknesses led to his capture or incapacitation. So Sanders decided to make a cohort as an insurance policy. He made Kaiedees. Kaiedees was a rogue atop a Goblin base with the implacable stalker template. Focusing everything on Dex, his build was intended for 2 things, hiding and killing. The personality he gave Kaiedees was that of a silent sycophant. With the intensity of the build, Sanders wanted to help ensure that Kaiedees could not easily be turned against Desseer. As the years passed in the real world, Sanders' living situation seemed to remain unchanged. At some point, he was no longer checked on, but he remained able to access his room and board. Sanders figured that somehow his reevaluation had fallen through the cracks. So, he decided to say nothing and remain as aloof as possible on campus. No one bothered him. Sanders saw many in the guild come and go. It was never a large guild and he liked it that way. It was fun for him. He was able to be something he wasn't in real life. Then the end of Yggdrasil was announced. Sanders saw this as an opportunity for a change in his life. A time to move on. But he wanted to spend that last bit of time before the change to give it the send-off it deserved. A last send-off for both what the game had meant to his life and what the guild had meant to him. He made big plans.. backstory bonuses choices:
extra trait - Secret Keeper extra feat - Greater Spell Focus (Ench) +2 to ability - Int mount (CR3) - Eegnumbra (shadowfire unicorn) crafting feat - Craft Wand wish - none yet ring - Ring of the Guild Leader (ring of protection +2) cohort, familiar, or companion - Cohort Kaiedees super power - Calculated Defense: Known quantities are easy to account for. If you have identified an enemy with a successful knowledge check, you can apply your 1/2 Int bonus as a circumstance bonus towards your AC and saves against the identified enemy. special from another class - Ceaseless Observation: An empiricist’s ability to notice the minutiae of almost everything that happens around him allows him to make shrewd and insightful calculations about people and even inanimate objects. At 2nd level, an empiricist uses his Intelligence modifier instead of the skill’s typical ability for all Disable Device, Perception, Sense Motive, and Use Magic Device checks. He can also use his Intelligence modifier instead of Charisma on any Diplomacy checks made to gather information. This ability replaces poison lore and poison resistance. |