hustonj |
I've got a very effective blaster build in my back pocket. I'm just not as comfortable with Faerun's gnomes. Thus my much more vanilla human fighter.
If you would rather see the blaster build, I could oblige . . ..
Base is a Pyromaniac Gnome Fire Elemental Sorcerer. Pretty simple way to build a blaster. Just pick damaging elemental spells focused mostly on the other elements and convert them to fire when you need things to burn.

Storm Dragon |

My favorite glass cannon blaster build is the Crossblooded Orc/Draconic build with Blood Havoc. Your HP sucks. Your saves suck. You'll probably die.
But you get +2 damage per die rolled of the spell for all spells, and +1 more to the spell of your chosen element.
There's nothing quite like rolling in and hitting somebody with a Fireball for 5d6+15 at level 5. You basically double the average damage of every spell.

AdamWarnock |

I've played a firebug kineticist before. Funnily enough, I think I only used her powers two or three times in combat. Most of the time she was trying to deal with the Blight (the FFG Lost Lands city) having no memories of the place.
For a cute kid, she could be scary.
As for Mia, her build is definitely geared towards utility in skills. My eventual plan is to get her some ranks in every knowledge skill and more languages to give her a good bit of scholarly utility. Combat-wise, I'm definitely going for more of a sniper build, but to be fair, she'll be more of a surprise attacker in general. It's why I grabbed Catch Off Guard and Throw Anything, and I'm planning on grabbing the extra Sneak Attack feat a couple of times to give her more punch.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

I've got a gold elf starsoul sorcerer that I almost applied with but I wasn't feeling her as much as I was feeling the other submission.
But if a switch in apps is needed let me know...
I could also make Sophronia more druidy than brawlery but I think it takes away from the peasant hero vibe I was going for. But she has some naturey utility regardless even if she is also mostly punchy.

Krovek Vorenus |

Maybe I should have created a blasty arcane trickster mage/thief after all! Much as others, I'd have no qualms about adjusting my character so for the sake of party balance if it comes to that, especially since I already had arcane trickster on the radar.
I didn't catch if anyone was primarily a ranged combatant--but any such character could cover at least the ranged combat aspect of being a "blaster."

Rissa Farseer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Whew, finally got the fluff done! All I have left to do for crunch is pick out her spells.
For her familiar, I decided that poor Chiktikka the weasel was killed about a year ago. Rissa has been mourning her, and is thinking about bonding a new familiar. Once she hits 5th level I plan to take Improved Familiar and have her travel to Deepingdale to bond with one of the tressyms living at the temple of Oghma.
They were half right. Rissa showed a keen intellect and a talent for magic early on, although she also enjoyed cutting gems and making jewelry with her father. But her curiosity was remarkable even for a gnome. Rissa wanted to know everything and anything, and decided to specialize in divination rather than her mother's school of transmutation. By the time she was fifty-five years old- still young for a gnome, especially one studying a difficult field such as wizardry- she couldn't contain her curiosity about the wider world any longer. Accompanied only by her weasel familiar Chiktikka, Rissa set out for Battledale. Surely a place with that kind of name would have plenty of work for adventurers!
Battledale does indeed have work for adventurers, as do several other dales. Over the next eight years Rissa wandered from Battledale to Deepingdale, where she made friends with the priests of Oghma at the Leaves of Learning temple, to Cormyr, Sembia, Archendale, Harrowdale, Mistledale, and finally Shadowdale. By then the diviner had made a name for herself, which caught the attention of Lord Mourngrym. He offered Rissa a very lucrative but risky job. Many bigfolk underestimate gnomes, especially scholarly gnomes, and the Lord of Shadowdale wanted to capitalize on that. She was to spy on the nearby Zhent towns of Voonlar and Teshwave under the guise of a historian researching lost Teshendale, sending Lord Mourngrym information on Zhent military movements. Rissa wavered for a bit, but the prospect of learning more about the Zhents and Teshendale, as well as the generous amount of gold involved, won her over.
The gnome spent a little over a year in Zhent territory. Sure enough, all she had to do was babble excitedly about Dales history and the locals wrote her off as an eccentric but harmless gnomish scholar. (It helped that Rissa truly is interested in all sorts of history.) But eventually she pushed her luck a little too far. A Zhent army officer caught Chiktikka snooping around and recognized the weasel's behavior as that of a wizard's familiar. He shot and killed Rissa's beloved companion, then started investigating to see who had a weasel familiar. She knew something terrible had happened the moment she felt the bond break, and fled back to Shadowdale one step ahead of the Zhents.
Lord Mourngrym honored his word and paid the grieving wizard what he had promised and then some. Rissa knew she was in no shape to go adventuring and wouldn't be for a while, so she traveled to Highmoon and had a gnome-sized house built with her reward money. She had meant to establish a base of operations there for a while, since the Leaves of Learning is there and Deepingdale is near the road to High Dale. The gnome spent several months in her new home, mourning her lost familiar, making friends with her new neighbors, and doing research. Now she feels ready to venture forth again. (Also, she needs money. Arcane research isn't cheap.) The Lord of Mistledale has called for adventurers, so Rissa has traveled to Ashabenford to see what he has in mind.
For weapons, Rissa carries a light crossbow with a quiver of bolts and a dagger at her waist. These are just for emergencies, though. In regular combat, the gnome prefers to rely on her spells or the wide assortment of scrolls and wands tucked into her vest and cloak pockets.
Despite this, the gnome remains cheerful and optimistic. She's sure that she can figure out a way around just about any problem, given time, information, and resources. She enjoys the company of most other races, welcoming the opportunity to learn about their culture and way of life. However, Rissa respects her relatives' wish for privacy. She does not use her family name outside High Dale, nor does she say much about the gnomish community there other than to encourage people interested in gnomish crafts to visit the weekly market in Highcastle.
Rissa has learned over the years that other races don't appreciate the fine art of the prankster. She saves those impulses for her enemies, making use of divination and illusion magic to play with their minds. When angered, though, the gnome has been known to play nasty tricks on the perpetrator. She is a patient person with a long fuse, but that fuse does have an end.
Like most gnomes, she enjoys crafting, although she chooses not to do it for a living. Her craft of choice is jewelry, both gemcutting and setting those gems in gold or silver. Rissa always carries a piece or two of semiprecious stone to carve in the evenings after making camp. Of course, she also carries several journals to write down interesting things she's learned that day.
Her faith is both multifaceted and casual. While Rissa identifies most with Oghma as god of knowledge (and thinks that spending the afterlife in the multiverse's biggest library sounds pretty great), she also venerates Mystra and the gnomish pantheon, including Gond under the name Nebelun. The gnomes of Faerun believe that Nebelun Wonderbringer was originally a gnomish deity whose worship was adopted by the big folk. She wears her agate holy symbol as a reminder of her parents who made it for her, and to convince the Oghmanyte priests at Highmoon's Leaves of Learning temple that she really is one of their faith so she can get the Oghmanyte discount on library services.
Older brother, Williverundelan "Willin" Cleverhands Tavarlunn: Twenty-five years older than Rissa, Willin is a journeyman engineer with their uncle. He makes all manner of clockwork devices, trap kits, and weapons for sale to bigfolk merchants. Willin doesn't understand Rissa's drive to explore the outside world, but he loves her and defends her choices to the rest of the community regardless.
Former divination teacher and aunt, Tamzinnadruendri "Zinna" Stareye Merfannis: Zinna had Rissa pegged as a wanderer early on. She recognized that there would be no keeping her apprentice at home once she was confident in her skills. Thus she taught Rissa the combat and defensive applications of magic, as well as drilling her in the crossbow and perception exercises. Zinna herself is an ex-adventurer who decided to retire back home and raise a family.
High Priest Danali the Indexer, Leaves of Learning temple: The Leaves of Learning in Highmoon, capital of Deepingdale, is the region's largest temple to Oghma. Danali enjoys Rissa's enthusiasm and love of knowledge, especially given that the Leaves of Learning eschews any books of magic. The fact that she donates copies of any books she finds certainly doesn't hurt.
Lord Mourngrym Amcathra of Shadowdale: He sent Rissa on her ill-fated mission to Zhent territory. While he regrets the death of her familiar and its impact on the wizard, the information she sent him was invaluable.
Tanathriel Moonsong: A half-elven conjurer and one of the few wizards in Highmoon other than Rissa. She was curious about the gnome-sized house being built near her home and made friends with her fellow student of the arcane. Tanathriel is a quiet and unassuming sort of woman who often lets Rissa take the lead in social situations. She'll help when Deepingdale is threatened, but prefers not to travel much.
Zhents: By now, they've probably figured out that they're looking for a female rock gnome scholar. Rissa used an alias while she was in Voonlar and Teshwave, but it wouldn't be a far stretch to assume that the spy they're looking for has ties to Shadowdale and/or the Leaves of Learning in Highmoon.

AdamWarnock |

Completed Characters
Krisam - Kael Male Half-Elf Ranger(Wild Shadow) 4
Allen Dawson - Ravanel Sagewing Female Elf Magus(Spell Dancer) 4
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Tiefling Fighter 3/Unchained Rogue 1 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
SmooshieBanana - Lilianne Nightshade Female Sun Elf Ranger(Freebooter/Warden) 4 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
DeathQuaker - Sophronia Female Human Brawler(Wild Child) 3/Druid 1 and Nora the Cow (Herolab Mini)
DankeSean - Leuc Joslund Male Aasimar Shaman (Animist) 4 (HeroForge Mini)
Jereru - Corwynt Winterbreeze Male Elf Magus(Kensai/Hexcrafter) 4
Edeldhur - Tessai Female Tiefling(Oni-Spawn) Paladin (Oath Against Fiends/Oath of Vengeance) 3/Oracle 1
DarkOne7141981 - Raam Fargis Male Halfling Unchained Ninja/VMC Monk 4 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
AGM Lemming - Temerith Faurian Tiefling(Demon-Blooded?, Halfling-sized) Swashbuckler(Inspired Blade) 4
hustonj - Grigor Trotsk Male Human(Damaran) Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior) 4
CrusaderWolf - Aevar Howen Male Pitborn Cavalier(Green Knight) 4
Tazo - Krovek Vorenus Rogue(Eldritch Scoundrel/Phantom Thief) 4
Torilgrey - Amaris Nastorio Male Human Inquistor(Sanctified Slayer) of Sune 4
Camris - Ahrendue Sarrieth Female Half-Elf Cleric of Sune/VMC Sorcerer 4
Slowdrifter - Aelanurel Silvermist Female Moon Elf Witch(Mirror Witch/Hex Channeler) 4
Linnae the Diviner - Rissa Farseer Female Rock Gnome Foresight Wizard(Scroll Scholar) 4
In-Progress Characters
Veegees - Female Half-Elf Sword Dancer
Monkeygod - Feyspeaker Druid
Simeon - Inquisitor of Chauntea (Vigilant Defender/Preacher)
Mustaparta - Earth Genasi Fighter(Drill Sergeant)/Witch(Alley Witch)?
KingHotTrash - Fighter(Unbreakable)
grimdog73 - Elf Sorcerer(Seeker)
Storm Dragon - Human or Half-Orc Hunter(Forester)
Herkymr the Silly

AdamWarnock |

Speaking of spells, I've been pondering something.
One of the things I don't like about the system that PF1e uses is that it doesn't make sense if you think about it from a world-building perspective. For example, why can't a sorcerer divvy up higher-level slots to cast lower-level spells, or combine lower-level slots into a higher-level spell? Why can't a wizard or magus remember a spell he just cast? I got to thinking about how things would have to work out in the world of the game for that to make sense.
So my question is this, what if prepared casters prepared their spells by writing them down on strips of paper. You only have so long to prepare the spells, so a wizard would go for the best mix of high and low magic he can manage. Casting the spell uses it up, so you have to prepare multiple copies in order to cast the spell multiple times. The strips of paper are not proper scrolls and have a connection to the caster, so only the caster can use them. Preparing new spells requires a connection to the caster, and you can only maintain so many connections at once, which means stockpiling them is out as well.
I thought it was something fun and flavorful to add to how spell casting works, but I'm not sure it fits in the Forgotten Realms setting. I'm not familiar with it as much as I am Golarion or Midgard, so I thought I'd ask all of you what you thought.

![]() |

Well the easiest answer there is that "spell slots" is an abstraction for the sake of gameplay, not a worldbuilding point. There's a reason no caster characters in Pathfinder (or almost all other fantasy) fiction refer to their spells in those terms. They don't exist in the game world in that way.
For worldbuilding explanations, you could say a sorcerer gets more and more skilled at casting a spell, especially the ones they learned early (Magic Missile, Invisibility, etc) so simpler spells get easier to cast while strong spells are still much more difficult.
For a wizard or magus, it's not that they "forget" the spell, it's that the movements and incantations are no longer charged with magic. Their spell prep is akin to loading bullets into a magazine; when it's fired you don't forget what a bullet is, but that one's gone and you'll have to reload to get another.
Forgotten Realms has something called "The Weave" which is essentially a magical matrix layered over all of creation and is maintained by the deities of magic (Mystryl/Mystra mostly, on Toril). You draw from the Weave to cast spells kind of like drawing from a power grid.

AdamWarnock |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

True, but I also like the mechanics to be a bit less abstracted than that, and to at least hint at how the magic works. You could argue that it'd make more sense for casters to have to roll to cast like fighters have to roll for an attack or rogues have to roll to pick a lock. That opens up other things, like casting a lot without rest incurs penalties or bungling a casting roll results in a miscast spell. That's a discussion for another time, though. I was more curious if flavoring spell casting that way would make sense in the Forgotten Realms. Doesn't matter how cool I find it if it makes zero sense to have it in the world. I find the FN F2000 cool. I would never try to have a wizard in a setting like the Forgotten Realms try casting spells with it. Hopefully that makes sense, at least more than I fear it does, which is none at all.
Knowing that you draw from the Weave to cast spells does help and I think I have a way to integrate that bit in. Thanks for letting me know.

Storm Dragon |

Speaking of spells, I've been pondering something.
One of the things I don't like about the system that PF1e uses is that it doesn't make sense if you think about it from a world-building perspective. For example, why can't a sorcerer divvy up higher-level slots to cast lower-level spells
They can. You can actually always cast lower level spells in higher level slots.
The reverse option (dividing high level spells into low ones) is a Feat or class feature option. I forget which.

AdamWarnock |

That's kinda what I'm getting at. It makes no sense for it to be a separate feat or part of an archetype. (Okay, game balance it might make sense, but I'm not talking about that.) It should be something that comes naturally to any spontaneous caster.
But that wasn't really what I was asking about. I was trying to find out if the bit after that, with the paper strips being used to prepare spells, made sense in the Forgotten Realms, specifically Faerun. The rest of that was more background on why I was even thinking about it in the first place. Trust me, we'll be here all night long if we open up the can of worms that is spell-casting mechanics and my issues with them in PF1e and DnD5e.

Storm Dragon |

That's kinda what I'm getting at. It makes no sense for it to be a separate feat or part of an archetype. (Okay, game balance it might make sense, but I'm not talking about that.) It should be something that comes naturally to any spontaneous caster.
I think it can make plenty of sense, it just depends on setting. Spells inherently have their own power, so it's harder to cram more into a smaller receptacle, for instance. Like trying to overcharge a battery; it fails at best, explodes at worst.
What you really want though is a spell point system. That's basically what you're asking for here, mechanically. Try Spheres, it's great.

AdamWarnock |

Completed Characters
Krisam - Kael Male Half-Elf Ranger(Wild Shadow) 4
Allen Dawson - Ravanel Sagewing Female Elf Magus(Spell Dancer) 4
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Tiefling Fighter 3/Unchained Rogue 1 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
SmooshieBanana - Lilianne Nightshade Female Sun Elf Ranger(Freebooter/Warden) 4 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
DeathQuaker - Sophronia Female Human Brawler(Wild Child) 3/Druid 1 and Nora the Cow (Herolab Mini)
DankeSean - Leuc Joslund Male Aasimar Shaman (Animist) 4 (HeroForge Mini)
Jereru - Corwynt Winterbreeze Male Elf Magus(Kensai/Hexcrafter) 4
Edeldhur - Tessai Female Tiefling(Oni-Spawn) Paladin (Oath Against Fiends/Oath of Vengeance) 3/Oracle 1
DarkOne7141981 - Raam Fargis Male Halfling Unchained Ninja/VMC Monk 4 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
AGM Lemming - Temerith Faurian Tiefling(Demon-Blooded?, Halfling-sized) Swashbuckler(Inspired Blade) 4
hustonj - Grigor Trotsk Male Human(Damaran) Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior) 4
CrusaderWolf - Aevar Howen Male Pitborn Cavalier(Green Knight) 4
Tazo - Krovek Vorenus Rogue(Eldritch Scoundrel/Phantom Thief) 4
Torilgrey - Amaris Nastorio Male Human Inquistor(Sanctified Slayer) of Sune 4
Camris - Ahrendue Sarrieth Female Half-Elf Cleric of Sune/VMC Sorcerer 4
Slowdrifter - Aelanurel Silvermist Female Moon Elf Witch(Mirror Witch/Hex Channeler) 4
Linnae the Diviner - Rissa Farseer Female Rock Gnome Foresight Wizard(Scroll Scholar) 4
In-Progress Characters
Veegees - Female Half-Elf Sword Dancer
Monkeygod - Feyspeaker Druid
Simeon - Inquisitor of Chauntea (Vigilant Defender/Preacher)
Mustaparta - Earth Genasi Fighter(Drill Sergeant)/Witch(Alley Witch)?
KingHotTrash - Fighter(Unbreakable)
grimdog73 - Elf Sorcerer(Seeker)
Storm Dragon - Human or Half-Orc Hunter(Forester)
Herkymr the Silly - Tiefling Sorcerer

AdamWarnock |

@hustonj and Storm Dragon: First, thanks for the recommendations. I already have Spheres of Power, both PF1e and DnD5e, and yeah, I think a spell point system would be a great thing to have for sorcerers and bards. I also looked up Arcanis and bookmarked the Noble Knight's page. I'd love to hear where a good place to grab the books from would be.
That said, I think I have muddied the waters here. I wasn't trying to discuss the failings of the magic system in Pathfinder. (Gripe about it, sure, but I'm in my 30's, almost my mid-30's, and my sister calls me an old fart, I think I'm allowed a little griping. :P ) I was trying to get some feedback on the flavor I came up for it. I don't know nearly enough about the Forgotten Realms to know if what I came up with fits. I figured I would ask here since all of you seem to be more knowledgeable about the setting than I am.

Ravanel Sagewing |

To get from 1E to 2E, we had the Time of Troubles.
To get from 2E to 3E, not as much trouble. Though now the Shades have returned.
Let's not talk about the Spellplague to get to 4E, among other hazards to our sanity.
I stopped paying attention at that point, though I admit the book for the History of the Realms to this point was a good read.
We're in the period of 3.5. Events to enjoy/look forward to include the Shades, the fey'ri, Lloth's Silence, and the rise of Cormanthyr among others. Oh, and the Rage of Dragons. And....

AdamWarnock |

Being honest, I know next to jack s+&% about the Realms besides what I read in them there Drizz't novels and I'm pretty sure the setting has been retconned or undergone some worldshaking cataclysm that changes everything "forever" like 4 times since then.
Well my brother (sister?), You and I are in the same boat, and we're on the wrong side of the continent for them to be of use. :P

AdamWarnock |

Spellplague? No such thing. I refuse to acknowledge its existence. There is no Spellplague in Ba Sing Se.
Spellplague? Is that one of those Mandela Effect things? You know like everyone insisting that there's a sequel Star Wars trilogy or a live action Avatar: The Last Airbender movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan? I don't know why they keep saying they exist, but you know some people.
Awesome ATLA reference, by the way. :D

Aelanurel Silvermist |

Spellplague? No such thing. I refuse to acknowledge its existence. There is no Spellplague in Ba Sing Se.
I don’t love everything they did in 3E but there were some great ideas and excellent sourcebooks. The Spellplague just makes me sad and angry at what they did to a setting I love and that so many people worked hard to create and then they just stomped all over it.
Still, at least Wizards have learned and stopped making terrible anti-community decisions…

AdamWarnock |

Still, at least Wizards have learned and stopped making terrible anti-community decisions…
Like revoking the OGL, implementing a new version that gives them rights to publish anything under the new version of the license, taking a 25% cut of the revenue, and saying that they get to decide what gets published under the new OGL, oh and it has to be submitted to them for review first. Yeah, Good thing WotC hasn't done any of that. Doubly good that the didn't give MtG players Edvard's Spiked Shaft as well. That would be double-minus not good!
First, I'm not a lawyer. I don't even play one on TV.
Second, WotC's and Hasbro's C-suites and lawyers can go f$** themselves with a bat wrapped in barbed wire.
Alright, happy thoughts. happy thoughts.
I don't think whatever version of the OGL WotC (here out referring to both Hasbro and WotC,) is pushing out is going to have a leg to stand on in court. Even the supposedly tamer version that had the FAQ leaked raises some serious issues about anti-competitive and anti-consumer practices, not to mention the absolute shit-storm of lawsuits that are going to come if they try to enforce it. The OGL 1.0a has 23 years of precedence and, I'd argue, achieves the goals of the First Amendment and copyright law far better than OGL 1.1/2.0. The problem is, whoever gets whacked by WotC first is probably going to be struggling to keep afloat unless they manage to get a summary judgement or expedited proceedings. I think they could win, but they could go bankrupt in the process.
I think we're all aware of a lot of the worst aspects of the new OGL. There's the excessive royalties, the back licensing where WotC gets the rights to whatever you make under the new OGL even if the only reason you use it is for including some references to D&D mechanics and 99% of it is your work, the only having 30 days notice of any changes, and the fact that WotC can revoke the license anytime they want basically, and Frog God Games. What I don't find a lot of people talking about is that you have to register your work before you publish it to get an OGL license.
There's a phrase that they used in their recent comments about this whole debacle that I keep noticing cropping up a lot in regards to defending certain practices and ideologies, hateful and discriminatory. The issue is WotC never defines what that means. It's a nebulous phrase that has some meaning to most of us. We have an idea of what hateful and discriminatory is, but if we were to define it, I think all of us would struggle to come up with a concrete definition. I know I would.
So, who's defining "hateful and discriminatory?" What do those words mean in the context of a legally binding document? Can/will those definitions change?
Let me pose a hypothetical. Say I want to publish a setting based off of the 10th century Middle East and I want to include some stuff for D&D players and GMs to use in their characters and games. I like verisimilitude and pulling things form history, so I include some of the bad and the ugly as background for the setting to add in some texture. This includes stuff like slavery and the treatment of women in those cultures. Is WotC going to approve that? Will they tell me that I can't publish it under the OGL unless I cut out the parts they don't like? What if cutting everything they don't like guts the setting and leaves it a bland, lifeless husk? What if they think, because I belong to a privileged class (straight, white, male,) that I shouldn't be allowed to publish the setting because of what I am or because doing so would cultural appropriation in their eyes.
But it goes beyond that. What about if they like it, but they don't think I have enough LGBT characters or that the cultures don't include enough age-fluid social norms. Could they then deny me a license until I added that in there? What if instead of the Middle East, I based the setting on Siberia or Scandinavia and WotC wants more characters with dark skin despite the dangers and costs of travel in a time period before mass transit? Could WotC mandate I include this, despite how terribly it will fit or my own personal beliefs, or I can't publish under the OGL?
See, that's the thing that I think we should also be including in this discussion. It gives WotC a way to mandate whatever they want to be added to any and all products published under the new OGL. They can use it as a tool to push an agenda onto publishers and creators while at the same time policing the TTRPG space.
Thankfully, it seems that we are a lot smarter and care a lot more about the community and the hobby as a whole than they thought we were. I think WotC's exec is about to get a hard lesson in the differences between computer games and TTRPGs, namely that the rulebooks and adventures are conveniences. All we really need is a set of dice and some poor schmuck to arbitrate what happens when the antics and shenanigans ensue, and the dice are optional.
If you made it this far, thanks for sticking it out. I hope this is at least semi-coherent. I really should be asleep, but I wanted to at least put my two cents in.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Rissa Farseer wrote:Spellplague? No such thing. I refuse to acknowledge its existence. There is no Spellplague in Ba Sing Se.I don’t love everything they did in 3E but there were some great ideas and excellent sourcebooks. The Spellplague just makes me sad and angry at what they did to a setting I love and that so many people worked hard to create and then they just stomped all over it.
Still, at least Wizards have learned and stopped making terrible anti-community decisions…
It's hard to tell but I am assuming the last sentence is sarcasm, given all that's been going on...
Being honest, I know next to jack s~#+ about the Realms besides what I read in them there Drizz't novels and I'm pretty sure the setting has been retconned or undergone some worldshaking cataclysm that changes everything "forever" like 4 times since then.
This campaign is using the 3.x Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, which if you dig around on the Internet you may be able to get what you need to know.

Herkymr the Silly |

Soviel Atheed
N Medium outsider (native)
Init 0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7[spoiler]
[spoiler]AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 30 (4d6+16)
Fort 4, Ref 1, Will 5 (+2 vs. charm, compulsion, and fear effects)
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +9)
. . 1/day—shatter (DC 17)
Sorcerer (Wildblooded) Spells Known (CL 4th; concentration +9)
. . 2nd (4/day)—molten orb[ACG], reverberate (DC 17)
. . 1st (8/day)—cause fear (DC 16), dizzying bolt (DC 16), ear-piercing scream[UM] (DC 16), silent sound
. . 0 (at will)—bleed (DC 15), hovering gleam, inky ray (DC 15), prestidigitation, ray of frost, slap
Base Atk +2; CMB 3; CMD 13
Feats Eschew Materials, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (whip), Expanded Arcana[APG], Weapon Focus (ray), Weapon Focus (whip), Whip Mastery[UC]
Traits bloodthirsty, faith unshakable and unassailable, theoretical magician
Skills Bluff +12, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +9, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +7, Intimidate +12, Linguistics +6, Perception +7, Ride -2, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +11, Use Magic Device +12; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Infernal
SQ bloodline arcana: goblin-blooded, fierce spirit
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5)
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5)
Energy Resistance, Fire (5)
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Fierce Spirit (2 rounds} (8/day, DC 17) (Sp) Touch attacks dazes opponents.
Goblin-Blooded Damaging spells deal +1 hp/die.
Whip Mastery Using a whip does not provoke attacks of opportunity
Appearance: standing at 5'4" and weighing in at a mere 122 lbs, Soviel is nothing much to look at or even some one to remember, except for his horns and pupilless eyes. His eye color isn't stationary and changes with his mood. His blue hair offers and interesting contrast to his light purple skin but isn't displeasing to the eye. His ram like horns are the most prominent feature on his head. They curl back and then forward giving the appearance of almost being a helmet. His hooves are usually covered by a layer of leather. The leather is from a wyvern skin. A whip is curled around his right shoulder almost as if it is a rope and after thought.
Personality: While rather calm, Soviel will defend himself or friends when threatened. He remains calm and almost emotionless during combat and prefers to keep distance between himself and his opponents whether by whip or spell. He will watch for an opportunity to do a little bit more damage and end the conflict quickly.
In social situations, he is more outgoing. He still remains calm but his eyes give away his true emotions. His speech is measured and controlled very closely. When his ire is aroused he uses biting words and sarcasm to attack before magical or physical altercation begins.
Relations: Griffin, Abeowin, and Ferthi are past compatriots to his searching excursions. They became seperated during their last adventure and have not sought each other out if they are still alive.
Background: The son of 2 prominent tieflings in the city of Water Deep, Soviel grew up use to priveleage and power. Then his life changed. Drow led a night time raid and his father was taken as a slave. Thus began the adventure and growth of Soviel. Pairing with another tiefling, a gnome, and a half-orc, he adventured into the underdark in an attempt to find and free his dad. Ultimately he was successful but his dad had been through so much as a slave that he gave up and allowed himself to die soon after rescue. This has prompted his son to take up arms against and seek to stop future raids from drow.

AdamWarnock |

Completed Characters
Krisam - Kael Male Half-Elf Ranger(Wild Shadow) 4
Allen Dawson - Ravanel Sagewing Female Elf Magus(Spell Dancer) 4
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Tiefling Fighter 3/Unchained Rogue 1 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
SmooshieBanana - Lilianne Nightshade Female Sun Elf Ranger(Freebooter/Warden) 4 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
DeathQuaker - Sophronia Female Human Brawler(Wild Child) 3/Druid 1 and Nora the Cow (Herolab Mini)
DankeSean - Leuc Joslund Male Aasimar Shaman (Animist) 4 (HeroForge Mini)
Jereru - Corwynt Winterbreeze Male Elf Magus(Kensai/Hexcrafter) 4
Edeldhur - Tessai Female Tiefling(Oni-Spawn) Paladin (Oath Against Fiends/Oath of Vengeance) 3/Oracle 1
DarkOne7141981 - Raam Fargis Male Halfling Unchained Ninja/VMC Monk 4 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
AGM Lemming - Temerith Faurian Tiefling(Demon-Blooded, Halfling-sized) Swashbuckler(Inspired Blade) 4
hustonj - Grigor Trotsk Male Human(Damaran) Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior) 4
CrusaderWolf - Aevar Howen Male Tiefling(Demon-Blooded) Cavalier(Green Knight) 4
Tazo - Krovek Vorenus Rogue(Eldritch Scoundrel/Phantom Thief) 4
Torilgrey - Amaris Nastorio Male Human Inquistor(Sanctified Slayer) of Sune 4
Camris - Ahrendue Sarrieth Female Half-Elf Cleric of Sune/VMC Sorcerer 4
Slowdrifter - Aelanurel Silvermist Female Moon Elf Witch(Mirror Witch/Hex Channeler) 4
Linnae the Diviner - Rissa Farseer Female Rock Gnome Foresight Wizard(Scroll Scholar) 4
Herkymr the Silly - Soviel Male Tiefling(Demon-blooded) Sorcerer(Wildblooded) 4
In-Progress Characters
Veegees - Female Half-Elf Sword Dancer
Monkeygod - Feyspeaker Druid
Simeon - Inquisitor of Chauntea (Vigilant Defender/Preacher)
Mustaparta - Earth Genasi Fighter(Drill Sergeant)/Witch(Alley Witch)?
KingHotTrash - Fighter(Unbreakable)
grimdog73 - Elf Sorcerer(Seeker)
Storm Dragon - Human or Half-Orc Hunter(Forester)

Rissa Farseer |

Okay, here is the entire sheet, complete with spellbook and spells prepared! I don't have her melee or ranged stats since we have yet to buy gear, including weapons.
Female rock gnome foresight wizard (scroll scholar) 4
NG Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +9; Perception +10, low-light vision
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 11
HP 34 (4 HD; 4d3+12+12 Con)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5
Defensive Abilities: Defensive Training, Lesser: +4 dodge AC vs. giant subtype
Illusion Resistance: +2 racial bonus on saves vs. illusions
Master Illusionist: +1 trait bonus on Will saves vs. illusions
Forewarned: You can always act in the surprise round even if you fail to make a Perception roll to notice a foe, but you are still considered flat-footed until you take an action. In addition, you receive a bonus on initiative checks equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum +1). At 20th level, anytime you roll initiative, assume the roll resulted in a natural 20.
Speed: 20 ft
Space: 5 ft, Reach: 5 ft
Special Attacks: none
Str 9, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +0; CMD +14
Feats: [S = secondary feat] Scribe Scroll (wizard 1), Combat Casting, Precise Shot (S), Improved Initiative (S), Spell Focus (Divination), Dodge (S)
Skills: Appraise +9, Craft (Jewelry) +12, Knowledge (Arcana) +14, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +12, Knowledge (Engineering) +9, Knowledge (Geography) +9, Knowledge (History) +9, Knowledge (Local) +9, Knowledge (Nature) +12, Knowledge (Nobility) +9, Knowledge (Planes) +12, Knowledge (Religion) +12, Linguistics +9, Perception +10, Spellcraft +12, Stealth +7, Use Magic Device +12
Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Elven, Undercommon, Draconic, Abyssal, Damaran
SQ: Cantrips (4), Spells (1st: 5 + 1 school, 2nd: 3 + 1 school), Arcane Bond (Familiar), Arcane School (Divination, Foresight), Opposition Schools (Enchantment & Necromancy), Diligent Student (Arcana)
Combat Gear:
Other Gear:
Forest Senses (Racial, Gnome): When in any unsettled, uncivilized terrain, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Perception checks to act during a surprise round, and take no penalty on Perception checks while sleeping.
Pragmatic Activator (Magic): You may use your Intelligence modifier when making Use Magic Device checks instead of your Charisma modifier.
Master Illusionist (Regional): You gain a +1 trait bonus on caster level checks with illusion spells and a +1 trait bonus on Will saves to disbelieve illusions.
Special Abilities
Small: +1 AC, +1 attack rolls, -1 CMB & CMD, +4 Stealth, 20 ft speed
Ability Scores: +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Wis
Low-Light Vision
Defensive Training: +4 dodge AC vs. giant subtype
Illusion Resistance: +2 saves vs. illusions
Keen Senses: +2 Perception
Obsessive: +2 Craft or Profession skill of your choice (Craft [Jewelry])
Hatred: +2 attack rolls vs. reptilian and goblinoid subtypes
Weapon Familiarity: Any weapon with 'gnome' in the name is considered a martial weapon
Utilitarian Magic: +1 save DC on transmutation spells cast, Int-based SLA 1/day each- mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, and unseen servant
Skill Training: Perception and Use Magic Device
Charming Diviner: +1 caster level to divination spells cast, Int-based SLA 3/day- charm animal
Arcane Bond: Familiar
Arcane School: Divination, subschool Foresight
Opposition Schools: Enchantment & Necromancy
Diligent Student: At 1st level, a scroll scholar chooses one Knowledge skill. The scroll scholar adds half her class level to all Knowledge checks of this type (minimum 1). At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, a scroll scholar chooses 1 additional Knowledge skill to receive this bonus. (Arcana)
Gnome Favored Class Bonus (Wizard): Add +0.5 to the number of uses per day of arcane school powers. This increase only applies to arcane school powers available at 1st level and normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the wizard’s Intelligence modifier. (Prescience)
Forewarned: You can always act in the surprise round even if you fail to make a Perception roll to notice a foe, but you are still considered flat-footed until you take an action. In addition, you receive a bonus on initiative checks equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum +1). At 20th level, anytime you roll initiative, assume the roll resulted in a natural 20.
Prescience: At the beginning of your turn, you may, as a free action, roll a single d20. At any point before your next turn, you may use the result of this roll as the result of any d20 roll you are required to make. If you do not use the d20 result before your next turn, it is lost. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. (3+5+2 FCB = 9x/day)
Cantrips: 4
Spells: 1st: 5 + 1 school, 2nd: 3 + 1 school
Scribe Scroll: Create spell scrolls
Combat Casting: +4 concentration to cast spells or use SLAs while casting defensively or grappled
Precise Shot: No penalty for shooting into melee
Improved Initiative: +4 initiative
Spell Focus (Divination): +1 to DC for all saving throws vs. divination spells cast
Dodge: +1 dodge AC
Acid Splash
Detect Fiendish Presence
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Read Magic
Dancing Lights
Ray of Frost
Ghost Sound
Haunted Fey Aspect
Mage Hand
Scrivener's Chant
Arcane Mark
1st level:
Heightened Awareness
Mage Armor
Color Spray
Silent Image
Magic Missile
Enlarge Person
2nd level:
Detect Thoughts
Locate Object
Detect Magic
Ghost Sound
1st level:
Heightened Awareness (S)
Mage Armor
Color Spray
Silent Image
Enlarge Person
2nd level:
Detect Thoughts (S)
They were half right. Rissa showed a keen intellect and a talent for magic early on, although she also enjoyed cutting gems and making jewelry with her father. But her curiosity was remarkable even for a gnome. Rissa wanted to know everything and anything, and decided to specialize in divination rather than her mother's school of transmutation. By the time she was fifty-five years old- still young for a gnome, especially one studying a difficult field such as wizardry- she couldn't contain her curiosity about the wider world any longer. Accompanied only by her weasel familiar Chiktikka, Rissa set out for Battledale. Surely a place with that kind of name would have plenty of work for adventurers!
Battledale does indeed have work for adventurers, as do several other dales. Over the next eight years Rissa wandered from Battledale to Deepingdale, where she made friends with the priests of Oghma at the Leaves of Learning temple, to Cormyr, Sembia, Archendale, Harrowdale, Mistledale, and finally Shadowdale. By then the diviner had made a name for herself, which caught the attention of Lord Mourngrym. He offered Rissa a very lucrative but risky job. Many bigfolk underestimate gnomes, especially scholarly gnomes, and the Lord of Shadowdale wanted to capitalize on that. She was to spy on the nearby Zhent towns of Voonlar and Teshwave under the guise of a historian researching lost Teshendale, sending Lord Mourngrym information on Zhent military movements. Rissa wavered for a bit, but the prospect of learning more about the Zhents and Teshendale, as well as the generous amount of gold involved, won her over.
The gnome spent a little over a year in Zhent territory. Sure enough, all she had to do was babble excitedly about Dales history and the locals wrote her off as an eccentric but harmless gnomish scholar. (It helped that Rissa truly is interested in all sorts of history.) But eventually she pushed her luck a little too far. A Zhent army officer caught Chiktikka snooping around and recognized the weasel's behavior as that of a wizard's familiar. He shot and killed Rissa's beloved companion, then started investigating to see who had a weasel familiar. She knew something terrible had happened the moment she felt the bond break, and fled back to Shadowdale one step ahead of the Zhents.
Lord Mourngrym honored his word and paid the grieving wizard what he had promised and then some. Rissa knew she was in no shape to go adventuring for a while, so she traveled to Highmoon and had a gnome-sized house built with her reward money. She had meant to establish a base of operations there for a while, since the Leaves of Learning is there and Deepingdale is near the road to High Dale. The gnome spent several months in her new home, mourning her lost familiar, making friends with her new neighbors, and doing research. Now she feels ready to venture forth again. (Also, she needs money. Arcane research isn't cheap.) The Lord of Mistledale has called for adventurers, so Rissa has traveled to Ashabenford to see what he has in mind.
For weapons, Rissa carries a light crossbow with a quiver of bolts and a dagger at her waist. These are just for emergencies, though. In regular combat, the gnome prefers to rely on her spells or the wide assortment of scrolls and wands tucked into her vest and cloak pockets.
Despite this, the gnome remains cheerful and optimistic. She's sure that she can figure out a way around just about any problem, given time, information, and resources. She enjoys the company of most other races, welcoming the opportunity to learn about their culture and way of life. However, Rissa respects her relatives' wish for privacy. She does not use her family name outside High Dale, nor does she say much about the gnomish community there other than to encourage people interested in gnomish crafts to visit the weekly market in Highcastle.
Rissa has learned over the years that other races don't appreciate the fine art of the prankster. She saves those impulses for her enemies, making use of divination and illusion magic to play with their minds. When angered, though, the gnome has been known to play nasty tricks on the perpetrator. She is a patient person with a long fuse, but that fuse does have an end.
Like most gnomes, she enjoys crafting, although she chooses not to do it for a living. Her craft of choice is jewelry, both gemcutting and setting those gems in gold or silver. Rissa always carries a piece or two of semiprecious stone to carve in the evenings after making camp. Of course, she also carries several journals to write down interesting things she's learned that day.
Her faith is both multifaceted and casual. While Rissa identifies most with Oghma as god of knowledge (and thinks that spending the afterlife in the multiverse's biggest library sounds pretty great), she also venerates Mystra and the gnomish pantheon, including Gond under the name Nebelun. The gnomes of Faerun believe that Nebelun Wonderbringer was originally a gnomish deity whose worship was adopted by the big folk. She wears her agate holy symbol as a reminder of her parents who made it for her, and to convince the Oghmanyte priests at Highmoon's Leaves of Learning temple that she really is one of their faith so she can get the Oghmanyte discount on library services.
Older brother, Williverundelan "Willin" Cleverhands Tavarlunn: Twenty-five years older than Rissa, Willin is a journeyman engineer with their uncle. He makes all manner of clockwork devices, trap kits, and weapons for sale to bigfolk merchants. Willin doesn't understand Rissa's drive to explore the outside world, but he loves her and defends her choices to the rest of the community regardless.
Former divination teacher and aunt, Tamzinnadruendri "Zinna" Stareye Merfannis: Zinna had Rissa pegged as a wanderer early on. She recognized that there would be no keeping her apprentice at home once she was confident in her skills. Thus she taught Rissa the combat and defensive applications of magic, as well as drilling her in the crossbow and perception exercises. Zinna herself is an ex-adventurer who decided to retire back home and raise a family.
High Priest Danali the Indexer, Leaves of Learning temple: The Leaves of Learning in Highmoon, capital of Deepingdale, is the region's largest temple to Oghma. Danali enjoys Rissa's enthusiasm and love of knowledge, especially given that the Leaves of Learning eschews any books of magic. The fact that she donates copies of any books she finds certainly doesn't hurt.
Lord Mourngrym Amcathra of Shadowdale: He sent Rissa on her ill-fated mission to Zhent territory. While he regrets the death of her familiar and its impact on the wizard, the information she sent him was invaluable.
Tanathriel Moonsong: A half-elven conjurer and one of the few wizards in Highmoon other than Rissa. She was curious about the gnome-sized house being built near her home and made friends with her fellow student of the arcane. Tanathriel is a quiet and unassuming sort of woman who often lets Rissa take the lead in social situations. She'll help when Deepingdale is threatened, but prefers not to travel much.
Zhents: By now, they've probably figured out that they're looking for a female rock gnome scholar. Rissa used an alias while she was in Voonlar and Teshwave, but it wouldn't be a far stretch to assume that the spy they're looking for has ties to Shadowdale and/or the Leaves of Learning in Highmoon.

AdamWarnock |

Completed Characters
Krisam - Kael Male Half-Elf Ranger(Wild Shadow) 4
Allen Dawson - Ravanel Sagewing Female Elf Magus(Spell Dancer) 4
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Tiefling Fighter 3/Unchained Rogue 1 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
SmooshieBanana - Lilianne Nightshade Female Sun Elf Ranger(Freebooter/Warden) 4 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
DeathQuaker - Sophronia Female Human Brawler(Wild Child) 3/Druid 1 and Nora the Cow (Herolab Mini)
DankeSean - Leuc Joslund Male Aasimar Shaman (Animist) 4 (HeroForge Mini)
Jereru - Corwynt Winterbreeze Male Elf Magus(Kensai/Hexcrafter) 4
Edeldhur - Tessai Female Tiefling(Oni-Spawn) Paladin (Oath Against Fiends/Oath of Vengeance) 3/Oracle 1
DarkOne7141981 - Raam Fargis Male Halfling Unchained Ninja/VMC Monk 4 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
AGM Lemming - Temerith Faurian Tiefling(Demon-Blooded, Halfling-sized) Swashbuckler(Inspired Blade) 4
hustonj - Grigor Trotsk Male Human(Damaran) Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior) 4
CrusaderWolf - Aevar Howen Male Tiefling(Demon-Blooded) Cavalier(Green Knight) 4
Tazo - Krovek Vorenus Rogue(Eldritch Scoundrel/Phantom Thief) 4
Torilgrey - Amaris Nastorio Male Human Inquistor(Sanctified Slayer) of Sune 4
Camris - Ahrendue Sarrieth Female Half-Elf Cleric of Sune/VMC Sorcerer 4
Slowdrifter - Aelanurel Silvermist Female Moon Elf Witch(Mirror Witch/Hex Channeler) 4
Linnae the Diviner - Rissa Farseer Female Rock Gnome Foresight Wizard(Scroll Scholar) 4
Herkymr the Silly - Soviel Male Tiefling(Demon-blooded) Sorcerer(Wildblooded) 4
In-Progress Characters
Veegees - Female Half-Elf Sword Dancer
Monkeygod - Feyspeaker Druid
Simeon - Inquisitor of Chauntea (Vigilant Defender/Preacher)
Mustaparta - Earth Genasi Fighter(Drill Sergeant)/Witch(Alley Witch)?
grimdog73 - Elf Sorcerer(Seeker)
Storm Dragon - Human or Half-Orc Hunter(Forester)

AdamWarnock |

Completed Characters
Krisam - Kael Male Half-Elf Ranger(Wild Shadow) 4
Allen Dawson - Ravanel Sagewing Female Elf Magus(Spell Dancer) 4
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Tiefling Fighter 3/Unchained Rogue 1 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
SmooshieBanana - Lilianne Nightshade Female Sun Elf Ranger(Freebooter/Warden) 4 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
DeathQuaker - Sophronia Female Human Brawler(Wild Child) 3/Druid 1 and Nora the Cow (Herolab Mini)
DankeSean - Leuc Joslund Male Aasimar Shaman (Animist) 4 (HeroForge Mini)
Jereru - Corwynt Winterbreeze Male Elf Magus(Kensai/Hexcrafter) 4
Edeldhur - Tessai Female Tiefling(Oni-Spawn) Paladin (Oath Against Fiends/Oath of Vengeance) 3/Oracle 1
DarkOne7141981 - Raam Fargis Male Halfling Unchained Ninja/VMC Monk 4 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
AGM Lemming - Temerith Faurian Tiefling(Demon-Blooded, Halfling-sized) Swashbuckler(Inspired Blade) 4
hustonj - Grigor Trotsk Male Human(Damaran) Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior) 4
CrusaderWolf - Aevar Howen Male Tiefling(Demon-Blooded) Cavalier(Green Knight) 4
Tazo - Krovek Vorenus Rogue(Eldritch Scoundrel/Phantom Thief) 4
Torilgrey - Amaris Nastorio Male Human Inquistor(Sanctified Slayer) of Sune 4
Camris - Ahrendue Sarrieth Female Half-Elf Cleric of Sune/VMC Sorcerer 4
Slowdrifter - Aelanurel Silvermist Female Moon Elf Witch(Mirror Witch/Hex Channeler) 4
Linnae the Diviner - Rissa Farseer Female Rock Gnome Foresight Wizard(Scroll Scholar) 4
Herkymr the Silly - Soviel Male Tiefling(Demon-blooded) Sorcerer(Wildblooded) 4
In-Progress Characters
Veegees - Female Half-Elf Sword Dancer
Monkeygod - Feyspeaker Druid
Simeon - Inquisitor of Chauntea (Vigilant Defender/Preacher)
grimdog73 - Elf Sorcerer(Seeker)
Storm Dragon - Human or Half-Orc Hunter(Forester)

Veegees |

Here's Vylora.
I could also make her a bard (VMC cleric) if the party already had a main healer.
Either way, the fluff would stay the same as both ways of doing it match my inspiration. (Sword dancer of Eilistraee)

AdamWarnock |

Completed Characters
Krisam - Kael Male Half-Elf Ranger(Wild Shadow) 4
Allen Dawson - Ravanel Sagewing Female Elf Magus(Spell Dancer) 4
AdamWarnock - Mia Curseborn Female Tiefling Fighter 3/Unchained Rogue 1 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
SmooshieBanana - Lilianne Nightshade Female Sun Elf Ranger(Freebooter/Warden) 4 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
DeathQuaker - Sophronia Female Human Brawler(Wild Child) 3/Druid 1 and Nora the Cow (Herolab Mini)
DankeSean - Leuc Joslund Male Aasimar Shaman (Animist) 4 (HeroForge Mini)
Jereru - Corwynt Winterbreeze Male Elf Magus(Kensai/Hexcrafter) 4
Edeldhur - Tessai Female Tiefling(Oni-Spawn) Paladin (Oath Against Fiends/Oath of Vengeance) 3/Oracle 1
DarkOne7141981 - Raam Fargis Male Halfling Unchained Ninja/VMC Monk 4 (Link to image you can use with Paizo Campaign Tools plugin)
AGM Lemming - Temerith Faurian Tiefling(Demon-Blooded, Halfling-sized) Swashbuckler(Inspired Blade) 4
hustonj - Grigor Trotsk Male Human(Damaran) Fighter(Two-Weapon Warrior) 4
CrusaderWolf - Aevar Howen Male Tiefling(Demon-Blooded) Cavalier(Green Knight) 4
Tazo - Krovek Vorenus Rogue(Eldritch Scoundrel/Phantom Thief) 4
Torilgrey - Amaris Nastorio Male Human Inquistor(Sanctified Slayer) of Sune 4
Camris - Ahrendue Sarrieth Female Half-Elf Cleric of Sune/VMC Sorcerer 4
Slowdrifter - Aelanurel Silvermist Female Moon Elf Witch(Mirror Witch/Hex Channeler) 4
Linnae the Diviner - Rissa Farseer Female Rock Gnome Foresight Wizard(Scroll Scholar) 4
Herkymr the Silly - Soviel Male Tiefling(Demon-blooded) Sorcerer(Wildblooded) 4
Veegees - Vylora Female Half-Elf Cleric(Blossoming Light)/VMC Bard 4
In-Progress Characters
Monkeygod - Feyspeaker Druid
Simeon - Inquisitor of Chauntea (Vigilant Defender/Preacher)
grimdog73 - Elf Sorcerer(Seeker)
Storm Dragon - Human or Half-Orc Hunter(Forester)