Welcome to Star City, the city of the future. (Inactive)

Game Master PoorWanderingOne

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Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

I'd consider this. Though I didn't think that thrown effects got extreme range.

Would this be a separate roll for the hit and the effect?

Doctor Toxic wrote:

I'd consider this. Though I didn't think that thrown effects got extreme range.

Would this be a separate roll for the hit and the effect?

<consults rule-book> Oops you are correct. No extreme range for thrown effects.

Yes this would be a separate roll. You would be trading always putting the goo exactly where you want it for some extra range and whatever happens on a critical hit. It might be too much of a pain, especially since we don't know what a critical hit means yet.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

I thought it wouldn't be such a big deal to not be able to move very far very fast, but it's really sucking the fun out of this scenario for me. Any chance I can change something to fix that? I do have the hoverboard but without it Dave is useless. That may be thematically appropriate but I admit you were right, GM, not very interesting.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|

Dave, something I was thinking we could do, is to turn straight North, and bash our way into the hallway. That way we'd be again in the middle of the action.

But, yeah, if you were playing a ranged character, it wouldn't matter if you couldn't get there, since you could just shoot at there from here. But if you're playing a melee, then getting there from here is a bit important, I can see that now.

On the flip side, I think 1) this scenario is supposed to be under-powered, with the enemies, because we don't have our gear, and, 2) it's just to show us what the character is like without the gear that is soon forthcoming, to give us a warm happy that we have the gear. It's like how it feels so good after you stop hitting yourself in the head with a hammer. =]

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|

Dave, just to throw out an idea, for one point (like, if you dropped fighting a point or something to free up one point) you could add Switchable to some power, like Mind Shield, and, sine that has 3 points of cost, you could make it Switchable with 3pts of Speed.

Dave Finsterman wrote:
I thought it wouldn't be such a big deal to not be able to move very far very fast, but it's really sucking the fun out of this scenario for me. Any chance I can change something to fix that? I do have the hoverboard but without it Dave is useless. That may be thematically appropriate but I admit you were right, GM, not very interesting.

Absolutely. We are solidly in re-design at will territory. Swapping Obese for another minor hindrance would be a trivial change.

It's even story appropriate. You have basically been on an enforced diet since you turned yourself in so.....

Also to consider, you are about to get your gear back. So that might help, you are also about-ish to get an advance which can remove Obese if you use it that way

This is really up to you. I do not see Dave as useless. You are VERY defensively built. A .357 magnum round will have to ace to even bother to check vs your toughness.

Put your frankly ridiculous parry and counterattack on top of that and going HtH with you is not a winning option. You are an Anvil that hits like a hammer.

This was not the mission to show Dave at his best. This was effectively a surprise attack and those tend to favor speed. Also the group scattered to the 4 winds which didn't help. Gods if there had been real defenses here...... That said had you been the one to go through that doorway Mr. S would not be napping at the moment.

I see you as Juggernaut. It may take you a while to get there but you will get there no matter what is in the way.

In any case feel free to tweak or even redesign Dave from the ground up if you like. I like Dave but you could even abandon him for another concept if you want. You are in a prison camp. Swapping a character now would be trivial.

I have advice if you want it and I see Imagine is willing to apply some brain to the mechanical side if wanted. We can also zip it if you prefer. All that is important to me is that you stay engaged and have fun. Because that is why we are here.

Anything you need, just let me know.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:
Dave, just to throw out an idea, for one point (like, if you dropped fighting a point or something to free up one point) you could add Switchable to some power, like Mind Shield, and, sine that has 3 points of cost, you could make it Switchable with 3pts of Speed.

This seems really good. I'll think on this.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:
Dave, just to throw out an idea, for one point (like, if you dropped fighting a point or something to free up one point) you could add Switchable to some power, like Mind Shield, and, sine that has 3 points of cost, you could make it Switchable with 3pts of Speed.

After reviewing the rules, this is not how Switchable works. Speed is relatively expensive but is likely worth giving up 3 points of Fighting (Super Skill). Maybe even 4 points.

Saitama has super speed although he rarely uses it. Dave is inherently lazy so he'll prefer to use his hoverboard whenever possible. And he will always be a fat guy.

Edit: SPP adjusted. Dave now has Pace 44 (5 pts)

Dave Finsterman wrote:

Edit: SPP adjusted. Dave now has Pace 44 (5 pts)

The band picks up the theme with a classic

Not to talk you out of anything. (that is a flat lie. Speedsters are hell in play by post) but have you considered Pace (3pts with the ignore difficult ground mod, it would get you pace 7 with a d6 running die) or even teleport (2pts base 12" +1 per 12" and more)

Taking the Speed power is legit but it causes a problem in that you can run into the unknown. With A 44" pace you could have covered most of this base in 1-2 turns. And as you will rightfully want to be able to react to what you find in the unknown this means every turn is a conversation with all the delays inherent to pbp conversations. Seriously think of 3 rooms connected in an L shape. Each one is 10" door to door. You use 10" to move into room 1. Wait for my response. Use 10" to move to room 2. Wait for my response. Use 10" to move to the final room. Wait for my response. Then take an action. Wait for my response. This can happen EVERY TURN. In fact it should because you are under threat and this is the most efficient use of your available power-set.

Plus it splits the party which can result in folks feeling like there are 2 games going on. One for the speedster and one for the normies.

Perhaps instead of 5 points in Speed you spend 3 for Pace 11? You would be in the same league as the fastest in the group and if you need to move you could spend a benny to hit pace 90 for a turn or two.

I really do not want to ban this but can you see the issues this can cause in Play by Post?

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

Pace 11, done. Added Fearless with the remainder.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

When I'm GMing and I can tell a PC is going to move into a room with actions to take after the move, I put up a spoilered description of the room so the PC can get the info about the room after moving without revealing everything to everyone. It saves a post/reply cycle.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
Karma NE wrote:
When I'm GMing and I can tell a PC is going to move into a room with actions to take after the move, I put up a spoilered description of the room so the PC can get the info about the room after moving without revealing everything to everyone. It saves a post/reply cycle.

My impression so far of the SW system applied here is that it is very dynamic. There's a tremendous amount of stuff happening that has to be resolved in order. It's not that I can't handle it, it's the going back to reset my thinking. We'll get faster at this but I endorse any tricks that can help improve player posting intervals and keep the momentum going.

Karma NE wrote:
When I'm GMing and I can tell a PC is going to move into a room with actions to take after the move, I put up a spoilered description of the room so the PC can get the info about the room after moving without revealing everything to everyone. It saves a post/reply cycle.

Good idea. I can even see this working as a method for semi-subtly manipulating players. "There are an infinite number of things you can do but if you do this thing you get the tiny dopamine hit from opening a box!"

But what GM would do such a thing. :7)

Hey Psiclops I was thinking about force field trappings the other day and found I had a question. Is your force field skin/clothes tight or do you go the force bubble route? There is no real up or down side to either choice, unless you can think of one. I was just wondering about The visual as you float up to the second level with the sprinklers spraying water everywhere.

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

Good point! Well, a bubble would have to be at least 6 feet in diameter, which would make it hard to get thru doorways. So I'll go with skin/clothes-tight.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Does any super power armor have to be evident? Karma has armor that require activation, but when she is in ghost mode, it would not do to have a Karma-shaped outline if the armor has to have a visible trapping. If she is invisible with her armor activated, does that necessarily show where she is?

Also to everyone, I'm sorry I did not notice what the GM told my character specifically when she reached the 2nd level, that our gear is there. I guess I have bad reading habits when it comes to this game.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense
PsiclopsNE wrote:
Good point! Well, a bubble would have to be at least 6 feet in diameter, which would make it hard to get thru doorways. So I'll go with skin/clothes-tight.

How about the cuboid fields from 1984 Dune?

PsiclopsNE wrote:
Good point! Well, a bubble would have to be at least 6 feet in diameter, which would make it hard to get thru doorways. So I'll go with skin/clothes-tight.

Well you could always have the bubble dent and bend but the tight version works just as well

Karma NE wrote:

Does any super power armor have to be evident? Karma has armor that require activation, but when she is in ghost mode, it would not do to have a Karma-shaped outline if the armor has to have a visible trapping. If she is invisible with her armor activated, does that necessarily show where she is?

Also to everyone, I'm sorry I did not notice what the GM told my character specifically when she reached the 2nd level, that our gear is there. I guess I have bad reading habits when it comes to this game.

Normally yes. It is part of the reason why Armor is cheaper than toughness. Armor is usually visible because it can be bypassed by a called shot (See Armor SPC3 pg 52). However Invisibility effects the entire character including any Armor so unless something strange is going on there will be no Karma shaped outlines unless you are making snow angels. :7)

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Thanks. Can we assume Karma activated her armor one of the turns she did not take any other actions that needed a roll?

I'll say Karma's armor resembles ectoplasmic samurai armor, to match her katana.

Karma NE wrote:

Thanks. Can we assume Karma activated her armor one of the turns she did not take any other actions that needed a roll?

I'll say Karma's armor resembles ectoplasmic samurai armor, to match her katana.

Sure, you had plenty of time. Please note it as an active power on your posts when it is turned on.

As the group scrabbles for trinkets the band turns up the amps.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Since Karma has her gear already, except for a pair of boots that she will put on this round, can she search the shelves for other items that might be useful, such as a flashlight, comm units, or whatever? Should I specify what Karma is looking for or just make a notice roll and let the GM come up with something?

She may go back to being intangible to gain her heightened senses before looking.

Karma NE wrote:

Since Karma has her gear already, except for a pair of boots that she will put on this round, can she search the shelves for other items that might be useful, such as a flashlight, comm units, or whatever? Should I specify what Karma is looking for or just make a notice roll and let the GM come up with something?

She may go back to being intangible to gain her heightened senses before looking.

Specifying would be helpful. Otherwise who knows what you will find.

Celebrating the return of Mr. Sardonicous the band strikes up an odd murder ballad.

Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Mr Sardonicous wrote:
on the map, if the top is north, then MR S would dig into the dirt...so hard to believe this structure has no basement... and he would head east to the other room. he'd then pop back in. All I know is the 4 attack algorithm from previously. show me, or roll for me what you need.

It is just your normal claw attack damage. I am assuming you are not biting the concrete.

I'll roll for you this time.
[dice=Can you dig me?]1d12;1d8 +3 for 8. Wow that was a bad roll. You might want to spend a benny to re-roll that. Maybe even spending more to Push super Strength or melee attack (and maybe All Out Attack if you Push melee attack). (see SPC pg 30-31 for details.)

Now I'm confused.

the 1d12 is the attack...why are we adding a 1d8 and why are we adding +3. Do I also roll a 1d6 wild card? what is added to that?

This is all new to me, and whats a push?

whay does this mean:
(and maybe All Out Attack if you Push melee attack).

can you help me and just tell me what to roll

CucumberTree wrote:
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Mr Sardonicous wrote:
on the map, if the top is north, then MR S would dig into the dirt...so hard to believe this structure has no basement... and he would head east to the other room. he'd then pop back in. All I know is the 4 attack algorithm from previously. show me, or roll for me what you need.

It is just your normal claw attack damage. I am assuming you are not biting the concrete.

I'll roll for you this time.
[dice=Can you dig me?]1d12;1d8 +3 for 8. Wow that was a bad roll. You might want to spend a benny to re-roll that. Maybe even spending more to Push super Strength or melee attack (and maybe All Out Attack if you Push melee attack). (see SPC pg 30-31 for details.)

Now I'm confused.

Ok lets break this down:

SITUATION: You are in a burning hallway and quite cleverly decide to escape by going down.

WHAT HAS HAPPENED: 1) You used a benny to perform the Power Stunt Mimic (see SPC 3 page 31) to gain the Burrowing power with the Block Buster, Pace, and Tunneling modifiers.

2) Activating your new Burrowing power you discovered that this corridor is not over a basement. This disappointing news cost you nothing to learn.

ACTION: From what you have told me it appears that you wish to Burrow into the next room. To do this you will need to Burrow through a space worth of concrete.

RESOLUTION: The Burrowing power does not allow one to dig through concrete. (SPC3 pg. 54 Burrowing, paragraph 2.) Luckily you took the Block Buster Modifier that allows a burrower to dig through concrete though at a slower pace. (SPC3 pg. 54 Burrowing, Block Buster modifier.)

WHAT IS NEEDED NOW: According to the Block Buster modifier to dig through the concrete into the room to the 'east' you need to roll damage for an attack and get a total higher than the concrete's hardness.
I assumed that you would use your claw attacks but if there is another attack you want to use.

CucumberTree wrote:

the 1d12 is the attack...why are we adding a 1d8 and why are we adding +3. Do I also roll a 1d6 wild card? what is added to that?
Correct your claw attack does 1d12+3 (strength) + 1d8 (claw). The Wild die does not generally apply to damage. It is used to hit but the Burrowing power takes care of the hitting part for you.
CucumberTree wrote:

This is all new to me, and whats a push?

whay does this mean:
(and maybe All Out Attack if you Push melee attack).

Sorry this was partly my fault. Since you used the Mimic Power Stunt so perfectly I assumed that you were familiar with the other Power Stunts.

Take a look at pages 30 and 31 in the Super Powers Companion 3 and you will see all the Power Stunts.
Push is a Power Stunt that allows you to add 5 points to a power for a turn. In your case for example it could raise your Strength to 1d12+8 for a turn. This would help you dig through the concrete by increasing your Strength damage. You could also use Push to add 2d6 to your claw damage by adding the points to Melee Attack. This would also increase your damage and help you get through the concrete.

All Out Attack is also a Power Stunt. It changes the dice rolled for most attack powers from the normal d6's into d10's. This stunt only applies to the explode, damage field, melee attack, and ranged attack powers. To use All Out Attack you would have to first Push your Melee Attack power to 2d6 and then All Out Attack would change that 2d6 into 2d10.

It might be worth your time to give the Power Stunt section a good look. They can turn bennies into temporary powers or other bonuses. Kind of like consumables or power-ups in a video game. They can really boost you flexibility and effectiveness.

CucumberTree wrote:

can you help me and just tell me what to roll

I can help, but I can't make your decisions for you. Savage worlds offers a nearly infinite number of choices. I can help with rules and options but you are in charge.

In this case you have used 1 claw attack but it did not break the concrete. You still have 2 other claw attacks this turn if you want to keep trying to burrow into the next room. To make these attacks you need to decide if you want to use any bennies for Power Stunts or re-rolling the low damage roll from the first attack. Then you will need to roll the damage for the attacks to see if you get through the concrete and out of the fire.

Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Correct your claw attack does 1d12+3 (strength) + 1d8 (claw). The Wild die does not generally apply to damage. It is used to hit but the Burrowing power takes care of the hitting part for you.

ok, so it's just rolling attack damage. why would he not use 4 attacks in an action, like he could on a personal attack?

Poor Wandering GM wrote:

In this case you have used 1 claw attack but it did not break the concrete. You still have 2 other claw attacks this turn if you want to keep trying to burrow into the next room. To make these attacks you need to decide if you want to use any bennies for Power Stunts or re-rolling the low damage roll from the first attack. Then you will need to roll the damage for the attacks to see if you get through the concrete and out of the fire.

ok, why are we down to 3 attacks now? this is what you had me do last time:

Action 1: Attack with claw, to hit {best of [Fighting d12 ; Wild d6] -2 Multi action penalty, +2 Wild attack} = X

Bonus die (attack) from Imp. Frenzy {Fighting d12 -2 Multi action penalty, +2 Wild attack} = X1

Action 2: Attack attack with other claw, to hit {best of [Fighting d12 ; Wild d6] -2 Multi action penalty, -2 Off hand penalty, +2 Wild attack.} = Y
Bonus die (attack) from Imp. Frenzy {Fighting d12 -2 Multi action penalty, -2 Off hand penalty, +2 Wild attack} = Y1

...so i should roll three more damage rolls?

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Doctor Toxic wrote:

A little further searching nets the doctor his cache of smoke grenades. Useful little tricks.

Make that ONE smoke grenade. Unless you have to throw all 8 at once they are separate pieces of gear. You could always ask Karma and Ah-Rekmire to lend a hand searching....

It's not worth the time lost even with others helping.

Doctor Toxic wrote:
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Doctor Toxic wrote:

A little further searching nets the doctor his cache of smoke grenades. Useful little tricks.

Make that ONE smoke grenade. Unless you have to throw all 8 at once they are separate pieces of gear. You could always ask Karma and Ah-Rekmire to lend a hand searching....
It's not worth the time lost even with others helping.

Sorry. Once you are out of combat time it will get.....

Actually we can drop out of initiative now. That will make things easier.

CucumberTree wrote:
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Correct your claw attack does 1d12+3 (strength) + 1d8 (claw). The Wild die does not generally apply to damage. It is used to hit but the Burrowing power takes care of the hitting part for you.

ok, so it's just rolling attack damage. why would he not use 4 attacks in an action, like he could on a personal attack?

Poor Wandering GM wrote:

In this case you have used 1 claw attack but it did not break the concrete. You still have 2 other claw attacks this turn if you want to keep trying to burrow into the next room. To make these attacks you need to decide if you want to use any bennies for Power Stunts or re-rolling the low damage roll from the first attack. Then you will need to roll the damage for the attacks to see if you get through the concrete and out of the fire.

ok, why are we down to 3 attacks now? this is what you had me do last time:

Action 1: Attack with claw, to hit {best of [Fighting d12 ; Wild d6] -2 Multi action penalty, +2 Wild attack} = X

Bonus die (attack) from Imp. Frenzy {Fighting d12 -2 Multi action penalty, +2 Wild attack} = X1

Action 2: Attack attack with other claw, to hit {best of [Fighting d12 ; Wild d6] -2 Multi action penalty, -2 Off hand penalty, +2 Wild attack.} = Y
Bonus die (attack) from Imp. Frenzy {Fighting d12 -2 Multi action penalty, -2 Off hand penalty, +2 Wild attack} = Y1

...so i should roll three more damage rolls?

Correct. 3 more damage rolls. Do not add the three rolls together.

Joker; 5 Bennies
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Correct. 3 more damage rolls. Do not add the three rolls together.

Since we're out of combat, I'll just write the thing in storyline. Please forgive some inventions for storyline.


Question for you all re: advancement.

So you will be getting your first advance soonish. Hopefully this is not a surprise, or at least it is a pleasant one. But it led me to a question.

How frequently do you want to advance? I an not looking for anything numeric here I am more looking for your collective thoughts on the idea of faster vs slower advancement. The journey vs. the destination sort of thing.

Do you want to focus on the progression from zero to hero experiencing the journey and learning to leverage your limited resources and growing abilities to get the job done or do you want to focus more on the big damn hero end of things. Learning to do more with less vs doing more with more? The plot is flexible enough and scales well enough for both quick or slower ranking up. So you do not risk missing anything no matter how you choose.

My instinct is to err on the slow side. Sometimes having a lot of powers/skills/options written on your character sheet lets you forget the infinite options that are not on the sheet. At least that is my thinking.

What are your thoughts on low vs mid vs high power play.
It's not an urgent question but if you have thoughts I would love to hear them.


Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|

I also would err on the side of lower power/slower advancement.

Mind you, were this any other GM, I would have fears of such being too slow. I'm in another game that's been going on for almost a year and they only have one advancement. I don't think that will happen here, but one never knows.

(Confound, I now remember I was in a PF TOEE game. We went a full year without leveling.)

Anyway, yeah, with perhaps a still generous eye in minor switches to skills as the mothballs are worked out, slower can be better.

Joker; 5 Bennies

I'm good with boosts, but I think that advancement could be like:

The lab room has an evolutionary power beam/injection that transfers a random power to us.

speed? ...after completing a challenge? I don't know.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

I tend to like the faster side. I enjoy how characters change and grow. Btu I'm okay if others like things slow.

Hmm so far one slow one fast and one not sure.

Sounds like a net medium but we will see if the other players have opinions.

Or maybe there is a way to do some parts slow and some parts fast. As the Bishop said to the go-go dancer.

Mr. Sardonicous

I am afraid you misapprehend your situation. Simply going out of combat -time had no effect at all beyond freeing people to post without considering card order.

Nothing in your dilemma has changed. You are still in a blind corridor filled with smoke and growing(?): 1d6 ⇒ 6(oh yes very much growing) fire.

You still need to make the 3 damage rolls previously mentioned to see if you can move into the room to the 'east'. Please make these rolls. If any individual roll does 14 points of damage or more then you can move 1" into the next room.

The dead drone and anything they were wearing or carrying is gone. While you were dead a fusion grenade went off nearby. You were dropped to incapacitated again and the drone body was destroyed. You could try searching for the body or the gear but any Notice rolls made in this corridor are now at -5 due to the smoke and rapidly spreading flames. To say nothing of the risk of damage that such action would accrue.

Also, Advancements are how experience works in Savage Worlds. When the group is awarded an Advancement you will have a decision to make. Please see SWADE page 54 for details.

Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Mr. Sardonicous

I am afraid you misapprehend your situation. Simply going out of combat -time had no effect at all beyond freeing people to post without considering card order.

Nothing in your dilemma has changed. You are still in a blind corridor filled with smoke and [dice=growing(?)]1d6(oh yes very much growing) fire.

You still need to make the 3 damage rolls previously mentioned to see if you can move into the room to the 'east'. Please make these rolls. If any individual roll does 14 points of damage or more then you can move 1" into the next room.

The dead drone and anything they were wearing or carrying is gone. While you were dead a fusion grenade went off nearby. You were dropped to incapacitated again and the drone body was destroyed. You could try searching for the body or the gear but any Notice rolls made in this corridor are now at -5 due to the smoke and rapidly spreading flames. To say nothing of the risk of damage that such action would accrue.

Also, Advancements are how experience works in Savage Worlds. When the group is awarded an Advancement you will have a decision to make. Please see SWADE page 54 for details.

ok this is no longer fun...thanks

CucumberTree wrote:

ok this is no longer fun...thanks

If I understand this short message correctly you are departing from the campaign? If I am incorrect in please let me know.

If you do wish to leave then I wish you well and hope you can find a game more to your liking.

I feel like a redheaded stepchild of this group. Not sure why you dm'd me to return, but yeah I'm leaving

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

Fwiw, CucumberTree, I think you were the only one actually playing a villain. Kudos to you and best wishes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

being new to this system I am not sure about the speed of advancement. I usually err on the side of slow growth.

Sorry to see you leaving CucumberTree!! I was looking forward to the undead getting to gether and causing some massive damage!!!

CucumberTree wrote:
I feel like a redheaded stepchild of this group. Not sure why you dm'd me to return, but yeah I'm leaving

I am very sorry you felt that way. For what it is worth that was not my intent. PBP's are a group activity and I apologize for failing you as a GM. I wish things had turned out differently.

Someone leaving a Pbp because they are not having fun is a pretty big danger signal. So I want to take stock.

I am still enjoying this game and want to continue. I do not see any big problems and this makes me cautious. We just lost a player so there are very likely problems I cannot see.

How are you feeling? Something annoying you? Does something need to change?

Please let me know either here or in a pm.

Assuming we decide to keep the came going. Do we want to reopen recruiting? I think 6 is a good number but If folks prefer the odd number dynamic I will happily defer to group opinion.

There were a couple of basically crit-fail checks in the last couple of posts. Imagine's focus roll to activate a forcefield and a focus roll from Karma to pick up a flashlight in ghost form.

Do folks want me to make these rolls? Would this speed play do you think? How would you feel if/when I rolled a crit-fail making a roll like this for you?

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

1. I'd vote for "medium" advancement speed. Not once every "scene" (like "crashing into the gym and finding MindJack", maybe every 2 or 3 scenes? Also, can we get more SPP with Advancements? If not, could you award maybe 2 or 3 SPP along with every Advancement?

2. I'm perfectly happy with what you're doing as a GM. Actually, I'm in awe of how you're handling this complex everyone-is-everywhere scene in the school.

3. I tend to like to make all my own rolls, but if your making the crit roll results speeds things up, go for it!

4. Please check your PM...

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

I'm happy with how things are going. I think Mr. S was in a very different situation from the rest of us and that was initiated by a very bad roll. I'm not sure how that may have been handled differently. I've been in lots of games where a character gets temporarily sidelined by a crit hit or crit failure. The main difference in a PBP is that the RL time of being unable to contribute is extended from what is an hour in an around a table game to weeks in PBP.

The decision to burrow was hard to understand. I didn't think he'd take lethal damage just getting up and walking to a safe place and finding his way to where the others were.

Perhaps we, the players, could have done more to keep him in the loop, but I think one person who had the power to heal tried and it turned out to be impossible, so I know I didn't see what we could do, especially since we, the players, knew he'd regenerate. Imagine was prepared to guide him to join us if he'd stuck around to take advantage.

But it often happens that a player drops out early from a PBP game, not finding things to his liking. I've done it myself a few times.

As for making rolls, I'm fine with the GM doing so if it's obvious it is what the player would do or would need to do. I did not roll the focus roll because I had not learned whether Karma had found anything to pick up. Unless it delays the game, I'm happy to just get an instruction as to what roll to make and make it on my next post. With time, we'll get more familiar to when the rolls are needed.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

Savage Worlds is not everyone's thing. I'm not sure it's mine, but this is a character I enjoy playing.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|

I agree with all the thing Karma just said.

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