
Mr Sardonicous's page

67 posts. Alias of CucumberTree.


Joker; 5 Bennies

About Mr Sardonicous

Agility: 6/8
Smarts: 4/6
Spirit: 4
Strength: 8/12+3
Vigor: 8

Derived Statistics:
Dodge: -2
Pace: 6
Parry: 8
Toughness: 12

Skills Die Points

Fighting d12 7
Focus d10 7
Stealth d6 1

Attacks 3
Claws: 1d12+1d8+3
Bite: 1d12+1d8+3


Cautious (Minor)
This planner personifies restraint and carefulness. He never makes rash decisions and likes to plot things out in detail long before any action is taken.

Ugly (Minor)
Attractive people get all the breaks. This unfortunate individual isn’t one of them. He subtracts 1 from his Persuasion rolls

Ruthless (Major)
The fanatic will do most anything to accomplish her goals. As a Major Hindrance, she harms anyone and everyone who gets in her way.

POWER NEGATION (Major[Sunlight])
Exposure to a certain substance or condition robs your hero of all his super powers, including Edges and Traits bought with Super Power Points. This occurs immediately when the hero faces that condition, comes within 6” (12 yards) of the material, or similar situation
approved by the Game Master


Born a Hero: Ignore Rank requirements for edges during character generation.

REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Strength d8+, Vigor d8+
His fists hit like hammers or his talons cut like scythes. His body feels like it’s made of stone. Brawlers increase their Toughness by 1 and roll Strength +d4 when hitting with their fists or feet (or claws if they have them). If they already have a damage die from Claws (page 18), the Martial Artist Edge, etc., increase the damage die type by one instead. The Brawler Edge doesn’t make the character’s fists Natural Weapons (page 104).

REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Brawler
The fighter increases his Toughness an additional +1, and the damage caused with his fists or claws another die type

REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Fighting d8+
A character with Frenzy may roll a second Fighting die with any one of his Fighting attacks for the turn. The extra die may be allocated to the same or different targets as he sees fit. Resolve each separately.

Improved Frenzy
REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Frenzy
The fighter may roll an extra Fighting die with up to two Fighting attacks in the same turn.


Ageless (1)
The villain isn’t affected by the aging process. This power should usually only be purchased during character creation, bu special circumstances might apply depending on the situation.

TRAPPINGS: Uncanny reflexes (Agility), massive brain (Smarts), power armor(Strength), religious conviction (Spirit), incredible constitution (Vigor).
This power increases a chosen attribute one die type per level.

Vampires, liches, zombies, Harrowed.
Undead gain +2 to their Toughness, add +2 to recover from being Shaken, don’t breathe or eat, are immune to disease and poison, and don’t suffer additional damage from Called Shots. Undead Wild Cards ignore one point of Wound penalties and don’t Bleed Out. Undead don’t benefit from the Healing skill, natural Healing, or even the healing power (without the Spark of Life modifier, see below). They’d best take regeneration if they don’t want to atrophy into a pile of bones.

Baseline Healing

TRAPPINGS: Powerful undead, mutant healing factor, magic.
He makes a Focus roll every 24 hours as a limited free action. Success heals one Wound, and a raise heals two.
REGROWTH (+2): The character can recover from serious traumatic damage. Treat all permanent injuries as temporary
unless caused by acid, fire, or damage caused by a Power Type matching their Environmental Weakness, Power Negation, or Vulnerability Hindrance.

Fed Healing

REGENERATION (10+2)(-2 Contingent only after drinking 2 pints of sentient blood. Note causing a wound with Bite will satisfy this condition. Stored blood lasts 24 hours 48 w/ a Healing roll or 72 with a raise.; Lasts 1 hr
TRAPPINGS: Powerful undead, mutant healing factor, magic.
He may attempt to heal every round (a free action)!
REGROWTH (+2): The character can recover from serious traumatic damage. Treat all permanent injuries as temporary unless caused by acid, fire, or damage caused by a Power Type matching their Environmental Weakness, Power Negation, or Vulnerability Hindrance.

TRAPPINGS: Acrobatics, swirling winds, mystic shields, fast reactions, “sixth sense.”
The hero is agile, prescient, or just really good at using cover. Direct ranged attacks (Shooting and Athletics (throwing)) subtract 1 for each point in this power, to a maximum of −5 for 5 Super Power Points.
Dodge stacks with any other abilities that subtract from ranged attacks, to a maximum penalty of −10. It offers no protection from area effect attacks.

TRAPPINGS: Hulking brutes, dense skin, reinforced bones, force fields, resilience, willpower.
Your character’s Toughness improves by +1. She may be particularly resilient, have mystical protection, unbreakable skin, dense bones, etc.
Toughness isn’t negated by Armor Piercing attacks

CLAWS (+2): The character has claws that add +d4 damage to her melee attacks an +2 to Athletics (climbing) rolls.

BITE (+1): The hero has fangs. When she bites, she adds +d4 damage to her melee attack. She can also bite a foe she’s grappled. (Most attackers can only crush their prey using raw Strength, see Grappling in Savage Worlds).

TRAPPINGS: Animal senses, sensors, robotic eyes.
LOW LIGHT VISION: Low Light Vision ignores penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination (but not Pitch Darkness).


a) Concept:

A Vampire who led the undead rebellion. Captured by the US government, he was frozen in liquid helium for future research. He was recently thawed. his savior unknown. He wakes up alone and to be unleashed on a world decades older than what he remembers.

b)Black hair, super-white-ass skin, gaunt, welcoming but creepy-ass smile. Arches his eyebrow alot.

c) Very, very hard to 'kill'. able to temporarily leach powers from other mutants if allowed to feed on them. Anyone fed on will probably become dead or another subservient undead.

d) Attempted to start undead revolution earlier in history

e) Deep inside a underground government facility deep in the desert.

f) he was captured in "The Turn". The Turn happened when many US cities were plagued with growing numbers of undead.


Before, he was known as Vlad the Impaler. Now he is known as Mr. Sardonicous.

Mr. Sardonicous followed his assignment into the marble adorned bathroom. His prey picks stall and enters. He closes the door. Mr. Sardonicous quickly checks the other stalls. Thankfully for Mr. Sardonicous, they were all empty.

Mr. Sardonicous slides a chair to brace the entrance.

Mr. Sardonicous quietly moves to his prey's door.

Mr. Sardonicous rips the door away.

Mr. Sardonicous says, "Capone says you're mine."

Mr. Sardonicous engulfs his body with a beastly embrace and devoirs his blood.

Mr. Sardonicous' head lifts and exposes his mouth dripping in ichor.

Normally the undead that he created from feeding, were Wild. They understand very simple mental commands within ? distance. One in ten thousand may be Civil. (one who keeps their mind and cannot be controlled)

His hands, which were long, white and thin, wrap both sides of his depleted prey. Mr. Sardonicous begins to squeeze. The prey's skull begins to crack. It's eyes begin to pop from their orbits. The skull explodes with blood, bone and brain. Mr. Sardonicous raises his gore soaked hands and flicks them hard. The grisly mess is spayed across the back of the stall.

Normally Mr. Sardonicous would wait to see if the corpse was wild or civilized before killing it. He had to stay hidden for centuries this way. The wild would feed and create more, which would create an epidemic. He knew that he instead needed to create a pandemic instead.

To create a pandemic of undead, Mr. Sardonicous needed to ship the Wild to his trusted Civil who were located in major cities all over the USA.


Al Capones office

Mr. Sardonicous enters and stands in a column's shadow. "He's dead."

Capone pushes back on his leather chair. He kicks his feet up onto his desk. He grabs a Cuban cigar from his humidor. He bites of the end and spits the tobacco piece onto his Afghan rug. He laughs and takes a puff.

"You have become very, very powerful in the short time I've worked fo you." says Mr. Sardonicous.

Al laughs and pulls a drag from his Cuban cigar. "Yeah. All while I ship...whatevers across the country."

Mr. Sardonicous steps into the light. His mouth creepily smiles from ear to ear. "I'd like to tell you that I appreciate your help." Mr. Sardonicous looks at the three other people in the room. Two goons sat on either side of Capones desk, And his moll laid across his sofa. She looked bored.

Mr. Sardonicous launches himself to devour Capone. His two guards pull their guns, but they cannot shoot the vampire without shooting Capone. Mr. Sardonicous releases the dead body of Capone into his leather chair. The guards fire. Sections of his chest and arms explode with black blood then quickly repair.

Mr. Sardonicous grabs one guard and throws him into the other. He steely steps on one guards neck and lifts the other by his neck. He quickly empties their blood from them. His eyes roll back into his head as he drains. His eyes dart to the woman on the couch. She is frozen by fear.

"As a mortal, I deeply enjoyed the company of a beautiful woman. However now, My feelings are as dead as I am. The only joy that I have is to take the life essence from another." He says. Her eyes freeze in fear.

After Mr. Sardonicous finishes the girl, He walks to Capone's desk. He tosses Copone's body to the floor. The body spasms on the floor as it begins to turn. Mr. Sardonicous grabs the phone. He contacts his friends to start the Undead rising.

The four Wild wake and are ravenous. Mr. Sardonicous tells them mentally "Go Feed."


A few nights later

Chicago burns before him. He watches as the ravenous undead crush the city under their endless hunger. His smile shows a few to many teeth. A pop sounds in the air behind him. [Teleporter Character] grabs him from behind and yells, "I got 'em."

Unfortunately the [Teleporter Character] was wrong. Mr. Sardonicous slips away and around to embrace him. The [Teleporter Character] is drained of powers and not of life.

[Strong, Flying Character] lands with a crack onto the penthouse porch, and punches Mr. Sardonicous off the building. Mr. Sardonicous tries to unscramble his punched brain. He clumsily uses his new powers. He can only teleport to what he sees. He teleports to the street.

The team of superheroes follow. Somehow they knew where he was. The teleporting power began to fail. And still he could not escape them. Mr. Sardonicous tried to escape to the sewer. As he lifted the manhole cover, [Iceman] hit him with a blast of ice.