Eberron Official Campaign

Game Master EltonJ

This campaign is one where we go through the published adventures for 3.5e.

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Warforged Aegis (Aberrant) 2
EltonJ wrote:

"Well, what do we have here?" says one of the hobgoblins.

Another says, "A couple of humans, an elf, a half-orc, and two Warforged."

"Affirmative. Is one of your companions blind, that you needed to describe the visually obvious to him?" Lambda responds in a quizzical tone, glancing between them for any sign of impaired vision.

m LN human Gunslinger 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +3 CMD 16 | F +2 R +6 W +2 | Perc +7 | Grit 2/2 | Ammo 5/5

Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 ((

Warforged Aegis 1/Soulknife 1 | HP 23/23 | AC 22, T 11, F 21 | F 5, R 4, W 5 | Init +1, Perception +6

intimidate: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Male Half-orc Bard 2 Init +2 Percept +5 (darkvision 60) SenseMotive +4 22 /22 HP; Fort +3 Reflex +5 Will +3 (+4 v Bardic, sonic, lanaguage) ; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12

The half-orc draws himself upright and stares at the hobgoblins.

Intimidate, untrained, aid: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

The hobgoblins and bugbear back down, intimidated by both Jacen and Escher. "Sorry," one says, and they melt back into the crowd.

Elf (Aerenal) Cleric of the Undying Court 2 HP 9 AC 20 (T 13, FF 17) Fort +4 Refl +4 Will +7 init +3

"Well done Gentlemen. Now, if you are done we can move along..."

"Indeed. Quite done. Shall we?"

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m LN human Gunslinger 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +3 CMD 16 | F +2 R +6 W +2 | Perc +7 | Grit 2/2 | Ammo 5/5

When the hobgoblin departs, Beren lights a cigarette. I exaggerated a little, by the way. Just for the record...

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Male Half-orc Bard 2 Init +2 Percept +5 (darkvision 60) SenseMotive +4 22 /22 HP; Fort +3 Reflex +5 Will +3 (+4 v Bardic, sonic, lanaguage) ; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12

Karsh'e let's his hands drop. "Trouble dodged. Well done."

Some lovely intimidate RP there.

Warforged Aegis 1/Soulknife 1 | HP 23/23 | AC 22, T 11, F 21 | F 5, R 4, W 5 | Init +1, Perception +6

"But others noticed our little show." he says as he lets the crystal sword evaporate. "If we face further threats they will be better prepared."

Male Half-orc Bard 2 Init +2 Percept +5 (darkvision 60) SenseMotive +4 22 /22 HP; Fort +3 Reflex +5 Will +3 (+4 v Bardic, sonic, lanaguage) ; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12

"Let's keep moving. The airship is that way."

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

As you make your way to the Lyrandar dock, you find one airship taking on passengers. Aside from that, you see some half-elves of Lyrandar guarding the building. This is so they can keep the employees safe from the hobgoblins, goblins, and bugbears.

Warforged Aegis 1/Soulknife 1 | HP 23/23 | AC 22, T 11, F 21 | F 5, R 4, W 5 | Init +1, Perception +6

As they approach, Escher nods to the guards. "On our ship up here we found the results of a sahauguin attack. Sadly, the Lyandar ship Piliniel was lost, save for one survivor. Sean, could you come forward?"

As the boy comes up, he says, "He was booked for passage to Stormreach to meet the rest of his family. I hope that you will be able to arrange his passage home."

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Escher. wrote:

As they approach, Escher nods to the guards. "On our ship up here we found the results of a sahauguin attack. Sadly, the Lyandar ship Piliniel was lost, save for one survivor. Sean, could you come forward?"

As the boy comes up, he says, "He was booked for passage to Stormreach to meet the rest of his family. I hope that you will be able to arrange his passage home."

"We can," said the guard. "He's headed to Stormreach?"

The boy nods yes.

m LN human Gunslinger 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +3 CMD 16 | F +2 R +6 W +2 | Perc +7 | Grit 2/2 | Ammo 5/5

Beren shrugs his shoulders. It is gratifying that his companions are good people. Few people put Beren on this list either, so he decides that it's just none of his business.

Male Half-orc Bard 2 Init +2 Percept +5 (darkvision 60) SenseMotive +4 22 /22 HP; Fort +3 Reflex +5 Will +3 (+4 v Bardic, sonic, lanaguage) ; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12

Karsh'e watches the exchange. It occurs to him that they are giving the lad no agency. In the Shadow Marches he would be nearly considered an adult. "Sean, do you want to go with them?"

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"I don't know," he says.

Elf (Aerenal) Cleric of the Undying Court 2 HP 9 AC 20 (T 13, FF 17) Fort +4 Refl +4 Will +7 init +3

"It's your choice. I wouldn't suggest staying here alone though."

EltonJ wrote:
"I don't know," he says.

"What would help you know Master d'Lyrandar? All of us could try to give you the insights you need, and we each would have a different perspective I think."

Jacen smiles, rather gently

"My opinion is no greater than that of my colleagues, but you do have to good luck to be able to speak to at least one person who has a great deal of experience in a Dragonmarked House, even if maybe not your House specifically. Our Houses are hard enough on us, harder still for those of us who carry a Mark. I would be happy to help in any way I can."

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"I rather not go in there alone," he finally says.

Elf (Aerenal) Cleric of the Undying Court 2 HP 9 AC 20 (T 13, FF 17) Fort +4 Refl +4 Will +7 init +3

"Ah. If we are allowed to we can accompany you in and make sure you get on the ship safely. I would assume there are no dangers in there but I will be happy to keep you company."
She looks to the guards, "Is that permissible?"

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

The guards all nod yes.

Elf (Aerenal) Cleric of the Undying Court 2 HP 9 AC 20 (T 13, FF 17) Fort +4 Refl +4 Will +7 init +3

"Well then, shall we?" She enters with the boy.

Warforged Aegis (Aberrant) 2

Lambda follows Lia.

Warforged Aegis 1/Soulknife 1 | HP 23/23 | AC 22, T 11, F 21 | F 5, R 4, W 5 | Init +1, Perception +6

"Are we abandoning our mission in the mournland? Escher asks, but will continue with the others.

Elf (Aerenal) Cleric of the Undying Court 2 HP 9 AC 20 (T 13, FF 17) Fort +4 Refl +4 Will +7 init +3

"No. We are just seeing this young man safely to his home first. As soon as he is settled we can be on our way."

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Inside is a lavish interior. There is a mural on the ceiling, that is reminiscent of a baroque mythology painting. (Actually, I tried to find one, but I couldn't). The mural depicts the Sovereign Host and the Dark Six. The painting has lots of clouds, copious amounts of nudity, and the fires of hell. There are booths manned by house Lyrandar, selling tickets to Xen'drik. There are a lot of goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears here. It's mostly peaceful here.

Ah, finally found an example painting.

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