Audria |

"Shane, you're a sweetheart, but there was no saving those. I tried," Jessica says with a wry smile.
After getting dressed and hearing Shane compliment her, Audria, and Tally, she grins as she gives him a bow.
"Thank you, but they do most of the work," she says before telling Audria and Tally good bye and leaving with Shane. As they head out into town, she hugs his arm and gives a little-girl squeal of delight.
"Eeeee! I've been wanting to do this for so long! You are going to look fabulous," she tells him in a quiet voice. "Tell me, what kind of look are you going for? I've got so many ideas. Oh! I know! Let's got to Blidden's and then..."
As she rambles on about her plans for the day, it sounds as if she needs this more than she realizes.
Of course, she does indeed enjoy spending Shane's money.

GM Harrow |
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Extraordinarily bored with being cooped up in Zellara's house and garden for most of the time, Majenko is thrilled to learn of Shane's plans to spread some juicy rumours. "Leave it to me!" the house drake proclaims, then proceeds to gather all his friends. Of course, rumours are not quite as credible when coming from a bunch of pseudodragons, but every little bit helps!
Shane gets +2 to those 3 Bluff rolls.
The rumour about Gissperia seems to take root almost immediately - it seems that the woman has quite a few haters who dislike at least one thing about her and are all too glad to believe nasty accusations levelled at her. People are also ready to believe that Blackjack has fled Korvosa, and more than one young woman (and the occasional young man) imagine themselves in fake Trinia's place, spending a few days of romantic adventure with Blackjack in Magnimar, Riddleport, or even Absalom.
The identical twin doesn't fly, though.
Knowing the customs of the informal messenger corps formed of urchins street rats and other people who find themselves challenged in the gainful employment department, this is not the whole message. The rest will only be relayed once the bearer's palm has been satisfactorily greased.

Shane Driscoll |
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Extraordinarily bored with being cooped up in Zellara's house and garden for most of the time, Majenko is thrilled to learn of Shane's plans to spread some juicy rumours. "Leave it to me!" the house drake proclaims, then proceeds to gather all his friends. Of course, rumours are not quite as credible when coming from a bunch of pseudodragons, but every little bit helps!
"Why didn't you say something, Majenko? this is a home for you, not a prison. " At the offer of help, he is surprised, but then smiles "What can I say but thank you and good luck!"
The help maybe little, but every little bit helps, as they say, and Shane is almost diabolically pleased with the tarnishing of Gissperia's name has taken root with a good chance of flowering. If he helped Blackjack, that's a bonus! Noting how many women seem to dream of Blackjack, he reminds himself that abuses of disguise spells are ethically WRONG. Also, pretending to be Blackjack could get him killed. No smoldering eyed beauty with an hour glass figure is worth that.Pity the twins in a shadow war lie didn't catch on. He liked the theatricality of it.

Elric Rivers |
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Early Afternoon, 21st of Desnus
After arranging a time and a place to meet Audria the following day, Elric departs the Wise Dragon. He heads straight for the Bank of Abadar and withdraws the coin he deposited there earlier.
Then he makes his way back to the Sable Company barracks at the Great Tower. Here, he visits the quartermaster and trades in most of his gold and his own bow for a new enchanted one.
The rest of the day and evening, he spends on the archery range, practicing with his new magic weapon. He prioritizes exercises with dynamic and tightly clustered targets, improving his accuracy in the chaos of melee combat. This is a much different type of archery than firing off a couple of volleys at an approaching ship before switching to boarding weapons.
Before bed, he pays a quick visit to Galewing. It's clear that the hippogriff is growing stronger under the masterful care of Sable Company's stablemasters.
"Soon, you'll carry us both in the sky above the city. We have hard times ahead of us, my friend, and I'll need your help to save Korvosa." he wispers softly, his forehead pressed against Galewing's sharp beak.
It takes a minute for Elric to recognize the young paladin when he arrives at the agreed time and place. He was tempted to ride Galewing, but the hippogriff would certainly draw too much attention, and he got the distinct feeling that was the last thing Audria had in mind for a covert meeting.
"Audria....You look quite different. If it had not been for Tally on your shoulder, I would not have been sure it was you," he says softly as he moves close to Audria and Talanaliel. He looks around, making sure their conversation is not being monitored.
"What did you want to talk about? he says, once he's certain noone is eavesdropping.

Audria |
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"Jessica thought it was time for a change," Audria says with a smile. Her cheeks color, turning pink, as he draws closer to ask what she wanted to talk about.
"I thought we could go for a stroll," she says, "After everything that's happened, I think we could both do with a little time outside of Korvosa." She too looks around before leaning in closer and speaking softly.
"There's a grove a little ways outside of the city. I think it is better to talk there," she tells Elric.
As she walks beside Elric through Eodred's Square and over the bridge to East Shore, she tries to think of something to talk about that could make them seem more like friends out for a walk than two people heading somewhere. It surprises her how much harder it is to start a casual conversation with the marine than it was to throw herself into a dangerous fight or even to lay bare her heart before the queen.
"D-do you like it," she asks after as they step onto the bridge over the Jeggare River. "M-my look, I-I mean," she stammers out, her blush deepening as she realizes how vain she must sound.
Of all the things to talk about, you pick how you look and if he likes it?! You're not exactly helping dispel the stereotype of Shelynites being vain and vapid, Audria.
She reaches up and grabs her holy symbol as she waits for Elric's answer and begins tracing the engraved details with her thumb. As she walks, he can see the tasteful jewelry she wears with the fine outfit. The combs are silver and set with small sapphires, and the necklace and earrings she wears match the combs while her holy symbol, normally on a chain of its own, secures the dark blue tie around her neck.
She's wearing a courtier's outfit and 45 gp of jewelry and her silver holy symbol.
Whatever comes of her question, it takes close to half-an-hour to reach the grove once they are out of the city. A large flat rock provides the perfect place to sit in the shade while various wild flowers add splashes of color around it. It's a little ways off the road, and far enough out that it's unlikely anyone would lurk here just to eavesdrop on anyone who comes here, especially since this is the kind of place young lovers might come to for a more scenic rendezvous.
The blush and girlishness from earlier are gone as Audria sits down and Tally flies off into the branches of the tree over them to keep watch. The young paladin takes in a deep breath before looking up at the marine and patting the stone beside her, indicating that she wants Elric to sit there. Whether he does or not, she takes a few moments to work up the courage to broach the subject she's led him out here to discuss.
"At the execution, did it seem more like a show than something done to bring an assassin to justice," she asks, deciding to see if Elric's thoughts were close to her own first.

Elric Rivers |
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Elric barely glances at Audria again when she asks about her look. His mind is clearly elsewhere and she has no way of knowing that in the social circles where he grew up, the ensemble would barely be considered fit for a servant. But he's left that world behind long ago, and appearances mean little to him now.
"Huh...Oh, yes...very nice...Jessica knows what she's doing. I'm just concerned that we'll all be spending more time in armor than in velvet in the days ahead."
As they walk towards their destination, Elric keeps polite conversation going, but never lets it distract him from keeping a sharp lookout for anyone shadowing them or other signs of trouble.
When Audria asks about the execution, he replies: "Of course it was a show. Anyone with half a brain could see that was not Trinia, even without having seen her. That does not matter though. This was about sending a message to the nobles and anyone else who might be tempted to challenge the queen. In the game of politics, you'll get eaten alive if you show weakness."

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
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Remainder of Oathday, 21 Desnus, 4708
Shrike keeps her silence for the rest of the brief and whispered chat at the inn. When the kvass and reefclaw pasties arrive, she drifts away. "I'll check the garden daily. And the warehouse. Leave a message if you need me." She slips up the stairs, and her dark-cloaked and bird-masked figure does not come down again.
After only a minute or so, however, a tall woman in the colorful many-layered robes, headdress and heavy veil of a Qadiran Sarenite descends the stairs and leaves the Wise Dragon without a backward glance, a long curving sword something like an oversized scimitar strapped to her back.
Fireday and Starday, 22-23 Desnus, 4708
For the next two and a half days, Merula renews her dedication to both teaching and the Farrago. In her off time, Lania throws herself into practicing with her weapons and her agility tools, a circumstance that Isi quite enjoys. Once he finds her training in the billy-jacket, he tells her about Lamm's regime of sending the Lambs out to pick pockets once they had sufficiently pleased him with their proficiency on the billy-jacket and bell-dummy. Haltingly, shamefaced at first, he even shows her some of the training: he had picked it up quickly under the threat of beatings, for he was the right size and age, healthy, and his hands were naturally deft. But Old Man Lamm had never trusted him to go out and cut purses. That was something only favored Lambs were allowed to do, and the privilege was jealously guarded, as it was a respite from making the stinking fish slurry. Lania suspects privately that the old rogue had considered it too much of a risk that Isi would run away home, even though Isi tells her that all the Lambs who still had any family had been told many times that if they tried to run away, Lamm's bully-boys would go after them and kill their families along with them.
Lania listens, more than speaks, and tries to show him only encouragement, keeping her rage tightly under wraps. Her little brother is stronger now, but sharper too: less inclined to tears and more inclined to fear and anger. He had seen horrors not only in Lamm's gang's treatment of the other children and their robbery victims, but in some of the older and more favored children's treatment of the younger ones and even helpless animals, as Lamm shaped all under him in his own twisted image. But Isi had come out the other side with his essentially good nature intact, and she tells him how proud she is of him, as often as she hugs him.
True to her word, Shrike checks in at Zellara's garden each morning for any messages and to see if the sickly tree or other plants need water, but she never stays long, and there is no whisper of the butcherbird's presence in the Shingles or the alleys after dark.

Audria |
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Elric's response, while not rude, does a wonderful job of banishing the fledgling fantasies that had started to dance in her head.
"Oh, I-- uh, I think you're probably right about that, unfortunately," she says quietly before quickly changing the subject and asking how Galewing is doing.
Audria pulls her knees into her chest and sighs as Elric answers her.
"I guess nobles and criminals aren't that different then," Audria observes. "B-but why do any of this at all? Were you here when she sent the Hellknights in to quell the riots right after King Eodred's death? It was-- It was brutal," she says as she grabs her left arm just below the shoulder. "Surely that would be enough of a show of force to cow anyone thinking about challenging her," she insists, a pleading note in her voice. She clenches her jaw as she tries to get a better handle on her emotions.
"I-I met her after that. When there was that remembrance for the late king. She gave us an audience when she learned that we had a brooch of hers that we'd found in the pile of things Lamm had stolen and decided to keep for himself." She shivers as she remembers that night. "She-- She seemed so different. She listened to me when I told her how she could help Korvosa, or I thought she did."
Tears stream down her face as she remembers thinking the queen was far kinder than the rumors had said. Ileosa had seemed pleased to see her, well a priestess of Shelyn anyway, and how she seemed willing to listen to her.
"Sh-she fooled me. Fooled all of us! I-I-I thought she actually cared about Korvosa, about its people." Her face crumbles as she shakes from the effort to keep what little of her composure remains.
"I-I know Trinia. I've known her for years! She was the first friend Ellie and I made at the Sanctuary. She stood up for us when some noblewoman sneered at us and threatened to call the guards on us. She-- she would never, ever hurt anyone! She and Elli aren't like me. I can hurt people. I can kill people. I have killed people. They can't! I know they can't! And-and-and Trinia's one of the sweetest people I know. She's just a good person. She's a painter without a patron and she's always helping others out, even when she can't afford to."
Audria buries her face into her knees as she breaks into sobs.
"H-how could anyone think she killed the king?! And-and the way it got out. It was like she-- she didn't care who or what the mob destroyed. Th-the way those people looked at me when the rumors were going around, it-- it made me feel like I was a lame housedrake in an imp nest. I-I-I c-can't imagine what it is like for Eliana. Sh-she's in Castle Korvosa. She's Trinia's Friend. Sh-she's my best friend, my sister, and now I don't know if I'll ever be able to see her agian. I don't know if I'll ever be able to see either of them again, and-and-and all I can think about is what happens if Queen Ileosa learns that Ellie and Trinia are friends, are just as close as Trinia and I are!"
Audria curls up tighter as she pulls herself back together. For a long while she sits and breaths in and out in a slow steady rhythm to calm herself down. Slowly, she lifts her head up and looks at Elric with puffy, red eyes in her tear-stained face.
"She doesn't care," she says calmly. "She doesn't care about Korvosa or its people. If she did, she would have never gone along with this plan. She would have never accused Trinia of poisoning the king. She would have never had a poor girl beaten up and her hair hacked off so she could kill her just for show." Her fingers tighten around her arms as her eyes flicker with seven iridescent colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. "Korvosa's broken. It's been broken for a long time, I think. I-- I can't just sit and watch as the city burns and takes everyone who calls it home with it. If things continue like this, I'm worried that Queen Ileosa will burn it all down." Audria pauses for a moment, then grimaces as she shakes her head. "No, I know she will."
She falls silent again, looking out over the rolling farmland that surrounds Korvosa's East Shore. The wind gently blows in from the sea, ruffling her clothes and hair.
"Elric, if you had to choose between doing what is right and what the law says you should you do, which would you choose?"

Pava / Nips at Heels |

"Gissa moment, eh kid?" Pava says with a wry grin before turning back to their initial problem. "So if Aneta's there to help too, then you don't have to worry about Jara's drinking, right? Come on then Kveta, no one's handier with a handsaw and they need a new roof. With enough hands we'll have it done in a good evening's work. That's worthwhile, innit? Mull it over. Kid?"
Pava avoids large coinage, but the handful of sails and pinches they give to their messenger totals out to a gold piece nonetheless. "Let's have the rest then."

GM Harrow |

The urchin affects indifference at the royal ransom, but the quickness to which they make the coins disappear tells a different story. This is probably the most money this kid has had in their entire life.
"Quick as you can, but after closin' time, an' make sure no-one claps eyes on ye. 'e was a tad jittery." They scrunch up their face, trying to come up with anything else worthy of such a generous tip. "Did'ya know the king what died had a brother? 'e was all deformed and died at birth. They're keepin' the body in a jar in the castle!"
You get a free rumour.

Pava / Nips at Heels |
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"Well that's a believable story from a reliable source if I've ever heard one. Thanks for running this over so fast. Kveta, I'll see you this evening, yeah? I might be a touch late though, so don't be afraid to bang heads together if anyone's causing problems..."
That evening
Pava gives themself a little extra time, even though Orisini's Academy is just there in Old Korvosa. Asking memories to grow foggy or eyes to go dim was certainly not impossible for them, but it was simpler to just do as Ven had suggested and avoid those eyes in the first place.
They throw a long cloak on against the chill of the evening, but leave a sheathed blade plainly in view. Let their outfit tell its own story in case cunning eyes are actually watching.
"Ven? You in here?"
Taking-10 for a 21 Stealth on the way there

GM Harrow |
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The school building is dark, but the back door opens immediately, as if Vencarlo had been waiting behind it and listening to the noises outside. The grizzled swordmaster quickly ushers in his erstwhile student, glancing into the alley before shutting the door behind him.
"Gods damn him, that fool! Pava, my b- child, you will not believe what happened." A theatrical pause as Vencarlo paces up and down the corridor that leads to the changing rooms. It smells faintly of lye soap and sweat. "I had just gotten home the night after Her Majesty's morbid gala, when who knocks on my door but that troublemaker - Blackjack himself! He must be mad, there's a five thousand sails reward on his head, yet there he stands on my doorstep, a cloaked and hooded woman behind him." He waves a hand dismissively as he turns on one heel. "The so-called "people's hero" and I have had some dealings in the past, but it's been some years since I've seen the scoundrel. I was certainly not expecting him to entrust that poor young woman to my protection and care! I'm just a fencing teacher!"
He stops abruptly, feet wide and hands on his hips as he tucks his chin and breathes deeply. "Well, what is done is done. I did not believe for a moment that she was guilty, but Korvosa is not safe for her and I cannot protect her alone - not for long. I've arranged for friends in Harse, a couple of well-respected ranchers, to take her in until this whole foolishness blows over. It's the first leg of the journey where we find our problem, though. Blackjack is not the only one with a bounty on his head, obviously, so mercenaries, soldiers, guards, even the queen's new armored maidens have been searching for her without pause. They've stopped by here three times already and each time I've only just been able to turn them away without them barging in and ransacking the place. My most reliable contacts have gone to ground with the recent unrest." Vencarlo raises his head, looking Pava straight in the face. "So. You and your friends. Can you escort a lady to safety?"

Pava / Nips at Heels |
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Pava's brows knit in surprise and suspicion. "Wait wait wait wait wait. Who is it's supposed to be more reliable than me then?"
They roll their eyes to the ceiling. "Ven, the only reason I'm not going to bedevil you for even asking is that all the dung in Harse could absolutely ruin these boots."
"But in any case, to business. Can't just head up the Jeggare, which leaves either a few days hard travel by foot, or a lot of dangerous questions by sea. As an eminently reliable schemer, I do, of course, have thoughts on how to pass her through the gates without her immediate capture, but I will have to make certain of one of my most reliable contacts..."
Later with the Crew
"...which is where I'm hoping you come in, Acadamae. Make her invisible for the right few minutes and our lives get a lot simpler."

Shane Driscoll |
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Later with the Crew
"...which is where I'm hoping you come in, Acadamae. Make her invisible for the right few minutes and our lives get a lot simpler."
Shane looks up from his book at that, "Terribly sorry, Pava, but exactly WHO am I supposed to be helping again? I mean.. if you said her name, I don't recall it. Also, you do know that the more targets escape the royal grip with invisibility, the more they'll be on guard against that? I'll help of course, but it behooves me to warn you there are counter methods to any magic."

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

"Harse's sixty miles. We escorting her there?" Shrike lurks in a corner, arms crossed. She doesn't particularly care about the identity of the false Trinia. In fact, it might be better for her never to know it. But a hundred-twenty mile round trip means five days of walking. Or four days on a horse — if it's the same horse. Less if they ride hard for just an hour or so at a time and change horses at every single roadside inn that offers the service to travelers. Then they could probably make the journey in one day out and one day back. But that's if everything goes perfectly. It still might be tricky to accomplish during the theater's two dark days and be back in time for the Wealday performance.

Pava / Nips at Heels |

Pava bares their teeth in what can scarcely be called a smile. "Don't know her name, don't need her name. Not like a lech though. If she chooses to give it that's her business, but she's the price for Trinia getting away clean. We didn't save her the first time, but it's in our hands now. If this all goes clean, they won't know when we slipped the net or that we used invisibility to do it.
"So, plans: If you have someone else you'd trust with a life between here and Harse, I'm willing to listen about a handoff, but my contacts dry up that far into the sticks. I'd assumed we'd be in for a long walk. Anyone who has commitments that make that impossible? No shame in taking a pass. Though, could be just my gut, but I do think we'll be needed."

Audria |

Audria mulls over the problem for a moment as she nibbles her bottom lip.
"I could ask Mister Bartholomew and Misses Olga if they'd be willing to go. Their children live in Harse, so it wouldn't be that unusual for them to head that way," Audria says.

Elric Rivers |
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"Galewing is doing great. It's good for him to be back in the care of Sable Company's Master Hippogriff Trainers. He's getting stronger every day...and smarter. I swear, he's able to understand everything I tell him now."
"The Queen can't just unleash the Hellknights on the nobles like she did with the mobs of commoners. She has to stay within the confines of the law, at least in appearance. So framing an innocent of a crime sends a strong signal - "This could happen to any of you" - to the nobles." Elric replies, conveniently neglecting to mention how a marine sergeant knows so much about noble politics.
"I would not worry too much about Ellie. Trinia has played out her role, and highborn tend to ignore commoners unless they have a compelling reason not to. It's hard to become the top priority for truly powerful people and I imagine the Queen has much bigger fish to fry right now - Blackjack being at the top of the list."
As Audria talks about the law, Elric responds.
"I don't like breaking the law, but I'm also aware that laws are made by those in power and are usually designed to protect their power rather than the people. And I became a marine to protect this city and it's people, rather than the law and the power of the nobles."
He looks out over the river that bears his family name and sits in silent reflection for a while.
"We had better head back. We can talk about this again another time, if you want. I feel like we understand each other better than some of the others." he finally says.
Discussing the escort mission
"I'll help and I can take Galewing. His presence alone will be enough to deter most troublemakers. And it might not be the worst idea for Bartholomew and Olga to go on an extended family visit, considering what we expect is about to happen to the city. I expect Mauler can handle himself to see all of them safely to Harse if we escort them the first leg of the journey"

Shane Driscoll |

Shrike's point about sixty miles makes his legs ache just thinking about it. "There are times the civic minded stance we take seems to just lead to more nigh herculean labors. Fine, we don't need to know her name though we may need an alias for her and a falsified back story in case she does get checked out and we defer. I said I would help. I admit, until countermeasures are taken to stop me, I am uniquely qualified to assist. You are my allies, and frankly by now major social circle. So I'll help. I've a halfling friend I trust to watch the house and water the garden while we're gone."
A smile, "I've a few spells I want to try out anyway and outside the city might be safer than flying about in Korvoso. The locals might get upset if I soar about too much looking like a Faustian caricature in some shrill Chelaxian Opera or play. 'I shall have thee my pretty, aye, and thy diminutive mongrel as well'" He mimes a menancing gesture before finally rolling his eyes.
"Anyway, any chance we can buy or rent a wagon pulled by a horse?" Embarrassment fills him "I don't know how to ride."

Audria |

"I would not worry too much about Ellie. Trinia has played out her role, and highborn tend to ignore commoners unless they have a compelling reason not to. It's hard to become the top priority for truly powerful people and I imagine the Queen has much bigger fish to fry right now - Blackjack being at the top of the list."
"Ellie was playing at a noble's party the night King Eodred died," Audria says quietly after she's calmed down some. "Queen Ileosa was there and brought her to the castle because of her performance. I-- I don't think the queen will ignore her."
"I don't like breaking the law, but I'm also aware that laws are made by those in power and are usually designed to protect their power rather than the people. And I became a marine to protect this city and it's people, rather than the law and the power of the nobles."
As she listens to Elric, a calmness flows through her, washing away her doubts. As he looks out over the river, Audria lays her head on his shoulder.
"We had better head back. We can talk about this again another time, if you want. I feel like we understand each other better than some of the others." he finally says.
Audria starts, surprised she almost dozed off.
"I guess we should," she says as she stands up and Tally glides down to land on Audria's shoulder. As they begin to head back, Audria moves closer to Elric and, after a moment of hesitation, wraps her arm around his and intertwines her fingers in his.
"You're a good man, Elric. Thank you for being my friend."
"I don't know if we should use a horse and wagon in the city. It'd draw attention," She says before looking at Elric. "And I think Galewing would do the same, unless we could just 'coincidentally' run into each other on our way out of the city. Then it'd look like a marine just doing his civic duty, maybe?" She shrugs, unsure if the ruse would actually work. She thinks for a moment as her hand reaches up to the holy symbol hanging from her neck.
"I'll ask Mister Bartholomew and Misses Olga about seeing her to Harse. It might not be a bad idea for some of us to shadow the others instead of all of us going together. I think a smaller group would attract less attention." She grins at Shane as she adds, "I think that means no reenactments of the Wizard of Aus while in the city."
"What about me? I could fly over y'all and see if anything bad is coming," Tally asks from Audria's shoulder.
Audria frowns in thought for a moment before nodding.
"I think that should work," she agrees before turning to Shane again, "Is Majenko good to fly? If he is, I'd like to ask him to help keep Tally safe. We haven't run into any imps in a while, but I'd feel better if I knew someone was able to help Tally if she needs it."

Shane Driscoll |
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Shane winces a bit at the notion of just how sore his rear is going to be if he doesn't get some vehicle and horse combo. Or how sore his legs will be when they walk. Oh well.
"Majenko is good to fly, and in fact was a great help to me. Please, I'm sure he'd appreciate the offer even if he declines."

Audria |

Sense Motive on Shane: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 I think Shane needs to roll bluff to see if Audria can guess why he winced.

Audria |

"I guess the only thing left is when are we supposed be at Mister Orsini's for this? Well that and if we're all going together or splitting up to avoid drawing attention to ourselves."

Pava / Nips at Heels |
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"Right, so are Olga and Bartholomew willing to become an enemy of the crown on your say-so? Having some folk along who have a verifiable excuse to traipse out to Harse is brilliant so long as it doesn't add a heap of predictables. Speaking of avoiding said predictables, hiring someone to take us there seems right out. Renting a horse and wagon from a livery near the gates gives us a bit of speed, a way to rest our feet, places to hide, and no one additional along to ask questions. That's err, assuming someone knows how to drive a horse though? Unless tangential ancestral skills suddenly kick in, it's not precisely in my bailiwick..."
Pava pauses, musing, before refocusing their eyes on Audria. "Duckling, if you're not feeling entirely unsqueamish about Olga and Bartholomew winding up on someone's list, maybe just ask for something we can be bearing on their behalf. Care package, letter, what have you. Mind, that's only if the executioner's axe if a concern."

Audria |
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Hearing Pava put things in those terms drives home how dangerous things have gotten for anyone close to them. Facing death herself was something she'd accepted when she decided to help Trinia escape rather than watch her friend be killed for something she didn't do. She hadn't really accepted that asking others for help might have them facing the same dangers.
She looks down as she tries to think, but the fear and uncertainty Pava's questions raise make it difficult. In the end, there really isn't anyway she can make the decision for them.
"That's not my decision to make. I'll ask them and tell them what they might be getting into, but in the end that's their decision to make. I can only ask," she says. "I don't think they would be any less angry than we are about what happened. They know Trinia, too. They know that those charges are as false as Ileosa's modesty."

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

Shrike has been thinking and appears to come to a decision. "I'll help get her out of the city. Ten or twenty miles. No more. Invisibility when they check the wagon at the gate. She'll stay hidden when the magic wears off. The rest will need horses." She turns her head slightly to Elric, who must have experience with equine beasts from training his hippogriff at least. "Can you drive."
Driving a wagon can be done with a Handle Animal check in any circumstances where checks are needed, I believe, which makes Elric the best fit.

Elric Rivers |
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"I can handle a wagon and so can Mauler, but someone else should probably do the talking if we get stopped and questioned. If Bartholomew and Olga don't want to go themselves, our official cover story could be that we're bringing a delivery to their relatives on their behalf."
"I'll instruct Galewing to fly with Tally and Majenko. He's getting smarter and will be able to understand that he should follow and protect them. We can meet up outside the city." Galewing's intelligence increased to 3 when he leveled, so he should be able to understand basic instructions.

Audria |

"It might be better if I talk," Audria says. "I'd like to think I'm nice, and well," her cheeks turn pink as she looks off to the side, "people keep telling me I'm cute."

Shane Driscoll |
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"It might be better if I talk," Audria says. "I'd like to think I'm nice, and well," her cheeks turn pink as she looks off to the side, "people keep telling me I'm cute."
He gives her a careful study then as if resolved to speak a somber truth, proceeds, "I try not to join the convergence of the masses, but Audria, if cute were a source of arcane power, you'd have a cavalcade of wizards gathered around you like a mass of trembling street urchins around a public fire in winter. You're tremendously, often disturbingly, cute. It goes beyond mere appearance, your demeanor makes being mean to you feel like one is a kicker of kittens. I am not very religious, but I thank Shelyn you seek to use this power for the good of all and not for selfish ends. You'd be a veritable tyrant of adorability otherwise."
Then as if realizing his verbosity had buried his point somewhat, he added, "That is to say, I agree you should probably do the talking."

Audria |

Audria blushes even more as Shane lays it on a little thick.
"Th-thanks, I think," she says quietly as she starts rubbing her thumb along the engravings of her holy symbol.
Shelyn, does everyone see me like that? Shane's assessment certainly puts Abella calling her Canary and Pava Duckling in a new light.
Yep, they probably do.
"Well, here's hoping we don't run into anyone that likes to kick kittens or puppies."

Pava / Nips at Heels |
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"Okay, but she also has to lie without blushing. Or get through a sentence without blushing. Aside from that little wrinkle, Murder Bird and Soldier Boy get the plan.
"So, Murder Bird meets us outside the gates unless she's got a good way to be less remarkably conspicuous. Soldier Boy, if you know some chums who pull gate duty, let's angle for those.
"Elsewise, I'll inform Mssr. Orisini when to expect callers. We should hit the gate after noon when the guards are fed and sleepy."

Audria |

"I'd prefer not to lie at all," Audria mumbles, her blush deepening at Pava's teasing. "I'm not good at it."
She sighs and gets up. If Bartholomew and Olga are going to have time to get ready, she'd need to talk to them as soon as she could.
"Where's Mister Orisini's place? I'll met you there."
Audria knocks on the door to the Holdts' home, a modest townhouse in High Bridge. She feels far more nervous now than she ever has, even the night she met Abella and Shrike and raided Lamm's hideout. Before, it has always been her life she risked. Now, she is potentially risking the lives of those she loves. Her stomach ties itself in knots as she begins to worry about what might come of this meeting.
When the door opens, Audria's face is pale and she looks like she's about to be sick.
"C-can I come in? I need to talk about something," she says.

Abella Tribastarion |
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Abella stretches and yawns, her typical and amused expression unchanged. ”Little paladins shouldn’t be lying anyways. Sadly, I have never bothered with such skills myself and can offer little help in that regard. Cainabeth always says I come off too smug, like I am pleased with myself for getting one over on other people. It’s true, of course. I have always been too honest for my own good.”

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
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"Better give them some time. Leave Sunday night or Moonday morning." Shrike turns away, puts her weapons down, and tugs at her forearms briefly, seeming to adjust something under her black sleeves. She turns back around. Her clothes and mask are gone. Instead she wears a beggar-simple but clean brown tunic, trews and cloak over the wrapped white bandages of a leper or a burn victim. Most of her face is covered, leaving holes only for her mouth, a pale strip of nose, and one half-closed eye. A straggly white stripe of long hair escapes the cloak and bandages. She slumps in place and coughs weakly into one fist, seeming barely able to stand upright. "Inconspicuous enough?"
The effect is somewhat spoiled by the fact that a few links of her armor are still visible under the neck of the tunic, but that could just as clearly be removed for the process of going through the gate.

Shane Driscoll |
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"I can try lying while Audria handles the cute." Shane says to shore up the 'weak point' if weak point it is.
"I have always been too honest for my own good.”
Shane has several thoughts to this, but wisely curbs any attempts at humor.
"Inconspicuous enough?"
"Not bad... nice touch, the cough. Folks tend to shy away from that."

GM Harrow |
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Olga peeks her head from around the doorway leading into their modest kitchen-dining-living-room, her hair tied up with a colourful kerchief. "Audria! Come in, we were just sitting down to supper!" This is, of course, an invitation to join them. Olga would probably die of shame if a guest wasn't well fed in her home.

Audria |
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Before leaving for the Holdts'
Audria feels her face heating even more at Abella's teasing and knows that she's not exactly inspiring confidence in her ability to not give them away. She nods at Shrike's suggestion that they leave later in the day. Shane's offer of assistance lifts her spirits a bit, though apparently she's now stuck being the cute one.
"Thanks, I appreciate the help," she tells the wizard before Shrike's rapid change. She stands with mouth open as she wonders how in the world the vigilante pulled it off with out magic.
"Is that something you could teach us," she asks.
Audria comes in and pulls the hood of her cloak down, revealing her hair now dyed raven-black. She tries to smile at the offer, but her stomach is twisting far too much to manage anything but a grimace.
"I-- Thank you, Misses Olga. I appreciate it, but-- I need to talk to you two first," she says as she grabs her left arm just below the shoulder. "It's-- It's about what happened the other day, at that farce. A friend of a friend is trying to get the girl that Blackjack saved out of Korvosa to some acquaintances in Harse, and-- and I thought--" She looks down at the toes of her boots. "I thought that you could help her get there and maybe stay with there for a while."
She shivers as she tries to hold herself together. Tally, who'd been riding on her shoulder, hops off and changes into half-elven form so she can hold Audria and help her calm down.
"Th-the queen tried to have her killed, and-and if you help--" Audria's voice trails off as she finds she can't get the rest of it out. If you help me get her out of Korvosa and you're caught, you'll be labeled enemies of the crown and killed.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come and asked this of you," she apologizes as she tries to turn and leave, but Tally holds her in place, refusing to let her run away from this.
"I think there's a lot more that she needs to talk about," Tally tells Bartholomew and Olga.
I think this may be the first time they've seen Tally's half-elven form.

GM Harrow |
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"You know B-"
"Harse? Our-"
They speak over each other, then stop. Bartholomew takes a deep breath and holds it - and with it a tremendous sigh, Audria feels. Then he sputters and coughs as Tally takes her humanoid form.
"Who are you?!" His training kicks in and he almost tackles Tally before his brain catches up and sends the signal that the girl is likely not a threat. Olga gasps, looking wide-eyed at the paladin's companion. "Audria, who is this? Did- was that a spell?"
"Not important now, Olga," cuts in Bartholomew, still watching Tally closely. "Well, you better sit down, both of you, and tell us what this is all about." He waits for them to go through the doorway and take the two chairs, then moves to lean against the side table, arms crossed. Olga's own training kicks in as she pours cups of strong tea for both Audria and Tally and bustles about with a plate of cookies, listening intently all the while.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
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"Thanks, I appreciate the help," she tells the wizard before Shrike's rapid change. She stands with mouth open as she wonders how in the world the vigilante pulled it off with out magic.
"Is that something you could teach us," she asks.
"Just some glimmer-sleeves. Bit flash. But useful." The change is illusory only, so the bandages and rough clothing still feel like her mask and normal practical garb to Shrike, and also would to anyone touching them. But it lasts until she takes them off, and unless someone does touch them, there is no reason to suspect they are anything but what they appear to be. She had learned about such sleeves' existence because Cherie owns a pair, gifted to her by some noble admirer for especially tricky and swift costume changes.

Audria |
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"Oh," Audria says, sounding somewhat deflated as it turns out it was magic.
"Maybe get something like that for Audria," Tally says, "Would make it easier to change her looks whenever she gets up to shenanigans anyway."
The look Audria gives the bird is not a friendly one.
For a moment, Tally and Audria both look terrified as Bartholomew almost springs at her. Neither had ever heard Bartholomew be so short with Olga even when he calmed down and realized that Tally wasn't a threat. Audria wonders how much stress the man that taught her to fight and defend herself must be under to be so rude. The two girls obey, taking seats next to each other as Olga busied herself fixing tea and cookies.
"I-I'm sorry Mister Bartholomew," Tally says, "I-- I'm Talanaliel, Tally. I promise I am! I just--" her voice trails off as she sees Bartholomew's stern visage.
"It really is Tally," Audria assures him. "It's not a spell, just something she can do. She started doing it while we were up at Castle Korvosa-- for the remembrance," she explains, her voice getting quieter and the words coming out more slowly as she realizes that Tally is right, she has a lot she needs to talk about.
It takes a long while for Audria tell Bartholomew and Olga everything, from being invited up to Castle Korvosa and explaining how they'd found the queen's broach among Gaedren Lamm's ill-gotten gains to meeting with the queen and her plea and how Queen Ileosa seemed nothing like her reputation, that she actually seemed to care, to Tally transforming some time during the night and crawling under the covers with her, then on to meeting Ellie again and how the queen had taken an interest in her, and about how she'd taken Ellie's last name as her own. She told them about running into Grau Soldado and helping to sober him up before they did a favor for Sabina Merrin and checked in on Grau's sister, Tayce, and her children. She then told them about the missions Field Marshal Kroft had for her and the rest of their group to bring in Verik Vancaskerkin and his lackeys, how some of them looked at her and Tally when she tried to find out more, how she thought she'd messed everything up, and how they discovered that not only had Verik's lackeys, Baldrago, Karallo, Malder, and Parns been murdering people for money, they'd also been chopping them up and giving the bits away to unsuspecting people looking for something to help fill their bellies.
It takes Audria a long moment to recover from recounting the events around All the World's Meat. Tally rubs her back as the young paladin pushes the memories of that night back. Audria is only part way through her tale, so she steels her nerves and continues.
She tells Bartholomew and Olga about seeing Trinia and talking to her about what had happened from the night she'd meet Abella and Shrike and they had raided Lamm's hideout with a few others that had gone their own ways since Lamm was not longer a threat up to what had happened earlier that night. She smiles a bittersweet smile as she remembers the encouragement that Trinia had given her and her promise that the next chance they get, the two of them and Ellie would go to Magnimar and see all of the monuments there. She even laughs a little when she talks about how she and Ellie managed to trap Trinia and Tally into wearing fancy dresses when the four of them and the most of the group she'd been going around town with doing what they could to make Korvosa a little better and safer went to see Hommel and Brekka.
The moment of happiness doesn't last, however. She continues on with how they'd been asked by Kroft to do another task, retrieving some lurid love letters ("The field marshal was blushing when she read them. What else would they be?") that had been exchanged between the Cheliaxian ambassador and the wife of one of his superiors back in Egorian. She talks about trying to learn more from Jessica and being warned off, but her also helping by pointing them in Shane's direction and how they planned to infiltrate Eel's End while avoiding the embarrassing scene on the roof of Copper Beater's Hall. Tally, thankfully, was wise enough not to bring it up.
She then tells them about how they succeeded, found the letters, killed Devargo Barvasi and feed him to his pet ettercap before escaping. She may not have helped with any of it, but she was still there, and despite knowing how awful of a man he was, she still feels guilty about killing him instead of trying to bring him in. When she mentions Halvara taking over, she has to spend several minutes explaining how she knows the half-elf madame after they noticed how much venom Audria said her voice with, so she tells them about the memories she has of her mother and how Halvara kicked her out when she died.
Again, Audria has to stop to recompose herself. The pause is long enough for Olga to fix another pot of tea and check to make sure supper hadn't gotten cold or burnt. When she returns, Audria tells them about how Gaekhen, one of the dancers in the troupe that was putting on Brommel and Brekka had been killed and his body stolen by corpse sellers and it had been bought by Gaedren Lamm's son, Rolth, a necromancer with an elven accomplice from what they learned. She tells them how they raided his lair in the Gray and fought the undead and derro infesting the place and how they rescued several people that had been kidnapped. Her face burns with shame as she explains how she hadn't even thought to go looking for Dalmano when he had gone missing. Thankfully, even the worst injured of those they rescued were seen to by the Pharasmins that oversee the Gray District.
She tells them about Gaekhen's funeral and the portrait she'd painted for Thousand Bones, his grandfather. She begins to shake from the effort needed to keep herself calm as she tells them about the rumors they heard when coming back into the city and how Trinia had been blamed for King Eodred's death. They can see her struggling as she relives the flight to Trinia's apartment and the chase over the rooftops. She talks about the search for a way to get her out of Korvosa, though she never tells them how they did manage to do it.
Then comes the day of the execution. She tells them how they saw Blackjack save the young woman that the queen was going to have executed, and how she'd fired an arrow at the executioner when it looked as if he was about to do the legendary hero in. As she mentions that part, she can't meet Bartholomew's eyes for fear of what she'd see in them. She continues on, gamely, to earlier that evening when Pava gathered them all and told them about the request the rakish Shoanti had received from their friend, Vencarlo Orsini.
Now she has no choice but to look Bartholomew and Olga in the eyes.
"That's why I came here. I-- I had to ask you because I don't know who else I can. I-- You're like my momma and papa, and I don't want to put you in harm's way. I just don't know who else to ask, and if you're caught, she'll-- she'll--" Audria's face crumples as she faces the reality of what she's asking them to do head on and she can't bring herself to say what will happen. She bows her head and covers her face with her hands.
"I don't want that to happen. I don't want you or Brother Theolan or Sister Jenelyn, or anyone else to die, not for me. Not because I messed up." She sniffles. "It's why I've dyed my hair and haven't been back to the Sanctuary since Trinia left."
She lowers her hands and tries to keep herself from crying, but it's all been too much. She doesn't have the will to stop the tears, and she holds her arms as they come. Her scalp grows hot as the dam bursts and her hair begins to grow.

GM Harrow |
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"If I needed any more signs that our goddess chose you... But even chosen ones need a break now and then. A couple of weeks in he countryside would do you good, and the weather's lovely at this time of year."
"But the temple-"
"They'll manage. Besides, I miss my children. Don't you?"
And with that, it's settled. Bartholomew rises to begin packing, while Olga keeps the girls company, chit-chatting and filling their bellies with homemade food and tea. She has a calming presence that is like a balm for someone who just dredged up terribly traumatic memories and still trembles in anxiety about the fate of her friends.
Alright, I think we're ready to set out!

Audria |
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Works for me!
After a little while, the extra three feet of Audria's hair fades away like fairy dust, removing the dye job that Jessica had done and leaving her hair its natural strawberry-blonde color. While Bartholomew busies himself getting everything together, Olga makes sure supper is ready and has both Audria and Tally sit with her and Bartholomew at the table while they eat.
Audria feels better after getting something to eat. After being asked where she was staying if not the Sanctuary of Shelyn, she tells them that Jessica pretty much insisted on Audria staying with her. She tells them about the clothes Jessica helped her pick out, and assures them that they're more to her tastes than the buxom alchemist's when she sees the concerned and cross looks Bartholomew and Olga give her. She describes the outfit she wore when she met with Elric the day before and winds up letting it slip she has a crush on him. For a little while, at least, Audria could pretend things were like they were before she'd found Zellara's Harrow Card in her sketchbook and journal.
The next morning, Audria wakes up to Jessica knocking on the front door. Tally had slipped out after the paladin had gone to sleep and let Jessica know that Audria would need the clothes she bought and her hair redyed. Though clearly tired from not sleeping at all, she still has plenty of energy as she dyes Audria's hair the same raven-black as before. She also hands her a large bundle that included not only the clothes Audria had gotten with her, but most of the paladin's belongings from her room at the Sanctuary, save for the books she and Eliana had collected over the past couple of years.
After breakfast, Bartholomew helps get her armor packed into her backpack and goes over the plan she'd told them last night to make sure they were all aware of what they needed to do. He, Olga, and Jessica all hug her and Tally before they leave, with Jessica telling her that she'd let Brother Theolan and Sister Jenelyn know that she is well and would be away from the Sanctuary for a while. After goodbyes are said, she hears Olga fussing over a clearly exhausted Jessica and ushering her to a bed for at least a little sleep while they finish getting everything packed and ready to go over the younger woman's protests.
Audria smiles knowing that Jessica is going to lose that fight. Though the worry is still there, she feels some of the weight on her shoulders gone. She looks up at the quarterstaff that Bartholomew had given her when he found out that she didn't have anything less conspicuous than her new glaive. He was right, she'd need a sidearm, but that would have to wait until she could afford one. At least the staff wouldn't draw as much attention and she could still be armed.
With one last look at the Holdts' home, she heads off to meet the others so they can head to Vencarlo Orsini's place and get an innocent young woman to safety.
Audria meets the others with a quarterstaff in hand and Tally riding on her shoulder as a bird. She looks like she feels much better than she had last evening.
"Hello! I hope everyone had a good night's sleep," she says with more cheer than she'd felt since learning of Gaekhen's death. She actually feels happy, she realizes.

GM Harrow |
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They had been right to take all the precautions. All the main roads are patrolled by the Korvosan Guard, with marines looping through search patterns above on their hippogriffs. There's even small groups of the formidably-looking Queen's guards, in silvery full plate armour and the great helmets with crimson plumes, the visor hiding their faces. Whisper on the streets is that they're called the Gray Maidens, and that they are handpicked by the Queen from among the best fighters in Korvosa and elsewhere.
1d100 ⇒ 58 1d8 ⇒ 1
An unfortunate (and very unwise) cutpurse bumps into one of them, only to be swiftly apprehended and dragged away before he can do much more than let out a strangled shout. It feels like martial law has descended upon the city once more, and there are less people than usual on the streets. This, of course, makes it more difficult to be inconspicuous.
1d100 ⇒ 72
Through a mix of sheer luck and careful preparation, those who are meant to pick up the young woman from the Orsini Academy manage to get there without being stopped by the authorities. Vencarlo is waiting for them, together with a young man. The swordmaster's companion is wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a kerchief high around his neck that he frequently uses to bury his chin in. He has a wispy mustache that he keeps twitching, as if his face was itchy, and long, dark hair gathered in a greasy ponytail.
"Ah, my friends! So good to see you! This is, um, my third cousin once-removed. Theo. Theodosius." The youth looks a little blank until Vencarlo clears his throat, and then he jumps a little and nods in greeting. "Theo would like to accompany you to, to where you're going. The city air is making him sick, you see."
1d20 ⇒ 17

Shane Driscoll |
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Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Shane is a bit preoccupied with how the others will react. For he is wearing his fancy outfit. Perhaps by standing out as above his station, he hopes to draw attention away from others. Black leather riding boots adorn his feet, gliding over pale tan trousers, this tan is broken up nicely by the top side garments. The dress shirt of white is under a waist coat of black, which is itself under a tailcoat of burgundy. The various upper garments have highlights and linings of crimson, and matching that crimson is a glorious cravat. On his head, a top hat with adjustments made so his horns might not intrude too much. He leans on a cane with a brass head.
And not only are his clothes altered. His skin looks red as well, though a lighter hue. A minor adjustment should someone later seek him out. After all, one seeking a red hued Tiefling is less likely to spot a pale blue one. His gloves are black, that much hasn't changed.
"For this journey," He says with a slightly more nasally voice to his allies, "I am Mister or Master Culde Pompeux, and I am leaving this wretched city and heading back to Magnimar, where a man of my status isn't mugged and his jewels stolen just because he's a tiefling. See ? No jewelry exterior. I feel positively naked."
His voice positively DRIPS pretentious fop.
Taking ten on bluff for initial act

Elric Rivers |
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On the day of the mission, Elric collects Galewing at the hippogriff stables, making sure to mention that he’ll be training his companion in long-range patrol flight. It’s not uncommon and will make other Sable Company patrols less likely to investigate a lone riderless hippogriff.
Then he introduces Galewing to Tally and Majenko, making sure the hippogriff understands that it should follow and protect the pair.
With that out of the way, he collects the hired wagon and gives it a thorough inspection, making sure they won’t be surprised by a faulty wheel or similar problem.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

Shrike takes extra care to keep out of the sight of any Sable Company marines she sees aloft on their hippogriffs as she follows the group from above. She observes Vencarlo Orsini's silver head and the wide-brimmed hat concealing the hair of their new charge bobbing as they meet with the others, and shadows them just as silently toward their designated meeting place with the wagon. She watches mostly for threats approaching the group on the street in any direction, staying ready at all times to warn them and jump down to meet the danger head-on.

Pava / Nips at Heels |
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Pava doesn't disguise themself. Nothing they can do will make them less a tattooed Shoanti, and their reputation shouldn't make a jaunt outside the city's gates seem too irregular. They may not seem like a traditional musclebound brave or bodyguard despite their height, but the spiky menace they exude discourages unnecessary questions.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Audria |
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Meeting "Master Culde Pompeux" before going to pick up "Theodosius"
Will DC 15: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
The corner of Audria's mouth twitches as she sees and hears Shane talk. Anyone looking into her eyes, however, would see them dancing with amused delight, even if her expression shows no other signs of her temptation to burst out into laughter.
"Well met, Master Culde Pompeux," she says, her voice bubbling with laughter, as she holds out her right hand. "Call me Oddly."
At Orsini's
"Well met, Mister Theodosius. Please, call me Oddly. This is my associate, Spike," she says as she gives Vencarlo's "cousin" a polite bow. "We'd be more than happy to have you along."
As Pava works to keep everyone away with an aura of "just don't," Audria tries to keep an eye out for the best routes to take to avoid being noticed.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12