A Rivalry in Diobel

Game Master caster4life

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Yes, Intelligence is a secondary stat for me. I'll never be a knowledge specialist but I can pick up a few. Right now I have:


Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

Ok sounds good, Zabojrca.

All: With Tocash wrapping up our second quest some time soon, we should figure out who is running our next quest. Does anyone have an appetite for this? Even something simple like a single boss fight could be fun.

Dark Archive

Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Concentration +9, Handle Animals +7, Religion +3, Perception +8, Profession (Shephard) +8, Spellcraft +3
[dice=Dragon's Fist! Attack]d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dragon's Fist ! Damage]d6+4[/dice]
Male Nagaji Ascetic Oracle of Apsu/Sorcerer (Brass Dragon bloodline); Init +4; HP 21/33; AC 18 (22), T 12, FF 16 (20); Saves 3/3/3 (+2 vs Divination, Mind Affecting and Poison); CMB +6, CMD 18; Oracle Spell Slots 4/6; Sorc Spell Slots 6/6

That does conclude what I had for now.

Investigator (conspirator)/slayer (cleaner) 3| HP:33 | AC:18; T:14; FF: 14: CMD: 17 |Fort: +3; Ref: +7; Will: +4; +2 v poison | Init:+4; PER: +6

I could run one! I'll need a few days to dial in what I want to do, but I could work something up pretty easily.

Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

Sounds great, go for it!

I have a quest in mind that I can run when we're ready. Given the format, I hardly need to have it fully prepared before we start, so I can be ready to GM for later!

Investigator (conspirator)/slayer (cleaner) 3| HP:33 | AC:18; T:14; FF: 14: CMD: 17 |Fort: +3; Ref: +7; Will: +4; +2 v poison | Init:+4; PER: +6

Got the seeds of it ready, I'll get started on the intro post. Remind me, do we level between quests?

Dark Archive

Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Concentration +9, Handle Animals +7, Religion +3, Perception +8, Profession (Shephard) +8, Spellcraft +3
[dice=Dragon's Fist! Attack]d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dragon's Fist ! Damage]d6+4[/dice]
Male Nagaji Ascetic Oracle of Apsu/Sorcerer (Brass Dragon bloodline); Init +4; HP 21/33; AC 18 (22), T 12, FF 16 (20); Saves 3/3/3 (+2 vs Divination, Mind Affecting and Poison); CMB +6, CMD 18; Oracle Spell Slots 4/6; Sorc Spell Slots 6/6

I don't think we said one way or the other. I do not believe the two fights would have leveled the group.

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)

Thank you for taking the next leg. I have an idea of what I would like to do...but I've dropped out of some campaigns already due to RL being...RL. So GMing would not be the best right now.

From the last quest, we got 1000 gold to split amongst us. Ghorza now has 2513 gold. Just enough for her to buy a ring of sustenance.

Dark Archive

Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Concentration +9, Handle Animals +7, Religion +3, Perception +8, Profession (Shephard) +8, Spellcraft +3
[dice=Dragon's Fist! Attack]d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dragon's Fist ! Damage]d6+4[/dice]
Male Nagaji Ascetic Oracle of Apsu/Sorcerer (Brass Dragon bloodline); Init +4; HP 21/33; AC 18 (22), T 12, FF 16 (20); Saves 3/3/3 (+2 vs Divination, Mind Affecting and Poison); CMB +6, CMD 18; Oracle Spell Slots 4/6; Sorc Spell Slots 6/6

I am tempted to quickly redo Tocash to have a sorcerer/oracle instead of monk/sorcerer. I do think we are going to run into healing problems as we go forward with a druid as our main divine caster.

Investigator (conspirator)/slayer (cleaner) 3| HP:33 | AC:18; T:14; FF: 14: CMD: 17 |Fort: +3; Ref: +7; Will: +4; +2 v poison | Init:+4; PER: +6

I've got no problems with that as acting GM! Now's a good time to do it. You won't be getting into the thick of it for a little bit, and I tend to favor more RP/skill challenge/exploration heavy-scenarios so you'll have some time to sort out a rebuild.

Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

Sorcerer/oracle huh? All the spells! Haha.

Alright, so Maxy received 250 gp there. Marked. Tocash, should I assume we kept that 500 gp item to sell or give it to Madge as evidence?

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)

Would it be alright to change Ghorza’s vigilante to shifter? I chose vigilante for the dual identity, but that really hasn’t worked out. Instead, the biggest part of her character is the stone aspect.

Could she change vigilante to Elementalist Shifter? I’d try to match the elements to her Kineticist ones. The big part of it is that at lvl4 she can shift into elemental forms, which feels thematic with the Kineticist powers. I think it would be more appropriate, if allowed.

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KM Handouts Drunken Wanderings

I think that is fine Ghorza since I am asking to change too. With the shifting story lines Vigilante will come up really randomly.

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Fragments of the First Battle Maps | Old and Broken Battle Maps | Twilight of the Heroic Age Battle Maps |

That sounds like a cool change! While the game being based heavily in a single town could probably work for vigilante, I totally agree that the story shifting as much as it does isn’t great for them. As a sucker for shifters, I’m totally fine with that switch, too.

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)

Glad you guys like the flavor of it and allow the change. :)

Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

I agree the change is fine.

A thought for making life easier. What if we ditched loot tracking altogether? Even in a normal game, tracking loot can get annoying. Howzabout we just have automatic bonus progression AND normal wealth by level from now on? That's a bit extra rich but it's a gestalt game so I think it's fine. Plus it's simple. We'll ditch tracking XP as well and just level, say, every other quest?

Fragments of the First Battle Maps | Old and Broken Battle Maps | Twilight of the Heroic Age Battle Maps |

I’m fine with that!

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)

I'm always a fan of ABP. It just feels right to me. For wealth though? I'd say just not worry too much about it. Given this is all homebrew, it isn't like we can break the game as encounters are designed for this party. I'd say that wealth should stay reasonable for the local economy. Very expensive and powerful magic items serve better as macguffins, rather than something you buy at the market.

Quick note: I forgot to assign myself languages so I randomly selected some.

Sadly, Giant is not one of them. :P

Dark Archive

Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Concentration +9, Handle Animals +7, Religion +3, Perception +8, Profession (Shephard) +8, Spellcraft +3
[dice=Dragon's Fist! Attack]d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dragon's Fist ! Damage]d6+4[/dice]
Male Nagaji Ascetic Oracle of Apsu/Sorcerer (Brass Dragon bloodline); Init +4; HP 21/33; AC 18 (22), T 12, FF 16 (20); Saves 3/3/3 (+2 vs Divination, Mind Affecting and Poison); CMB +6, CMD 18; Oracle Spell Slots 4/6; Sorc Spell Slots 6/6

Because of how we are doing this, I think we should do some kind of standardized wealth that just automatically increases as we go up. I will say one of the more difficult parts of running was just trying to judge how much treasure I should be giving and that is going to vary pretty wildly between judges. I feel like I was being stingy, but maybe I was actually being overly generous. I am not really sure.

On a different note, I am almost finished converting from monk to Ascetic Oracle. But I will not be speaking Giant, nor will I have any Knowledge: Local.

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Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

What if we did the standard for Automatic Bonus Progression, i.e., you get ABP and half the standard wealth by level? Does that handle your issue of worrying about being too rich, Ghorza?

I vote for Oaths and Boons with a mandatory Absolute Poverty feat.

(But I'm just doing that to be contrarian so everyone should ignore me.)

Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

Lol. Yeah I'm going to ignore that.

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)
Maxilara "Maxy" Okeanos wrote:
What if we did the standard for Automatic Bonus Progression, i.e., you get ABP and half the standard wealth by level? Does that handle your issue of worrying about being too rich, Ghorza?

That sounds the best to me. Get the big upgrades with some customization. This has my vote.

Dark Archive

Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Concentration +9, Handle Animals +7, Religion +3, Perception +8, Profession (Shephard) +8, Spellcraft +3
[dice=Dragon's Fist! Attack]d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dragon's Fist ! Damage]d6+4[/dice]
Male Nagaji Ascetic Oracle of Apsu/Sorcerer (Brass Dragon bloodline); Init +4; HP 21/33; AC 18 (22), T 12, FF 16 (20); Saves 3/3/3 (+2 vs Divination, Mind Affecting and Poison); CMB +6, CMD 18; Oracle Spell Slots 4/6; Sorc Spell Slots 6/6

I think that sounds good. I will need to go find ABP.

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)

https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/unchained-rules/automati c-bonus-progression/

And 1/2 WBL is 1500

I’m over it atm due to the ring of sustenance, which I had posted about. I’ll ignore it for now, and once we level up will start actually using it. It’s mostly flavor anyways, as food/water almost never comes up, and we can do a sleep rotation until we hit lvl4

Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

Ok sounds good. Half normal WBL+ABP.

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Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

This reminds me of a lizardfolk druid I had once who only spoke Draconic by default. I put a rank in linguistics at level 1 to get common but RPed him as still learning the language. He spoke with a thick accent, simple sentences, low IQ, and the like. Then one time, he was speaking with someone who spoke Draconic and he suddenly sounded totally wise and competent. It helps a lot to be working in a language you're good at! XD

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)

I love that.

In Fallout 2 there is a character named Torr with extremely low intelligence, to the point where he only speaks in short, broken pidgin. If you also have extremely low intelligence, however, it unlocks richly detailed translations for the pidgin language, implying that you understand one another perfectly. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/4/47/Low_Intelligence_conv ersation_Torr.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20051229114913

Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

Hahaha. Brilliant.

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Fragments of the First Battle Maps | Old and Broken Battle Maps | Twilight of the Heroic Age Battle Maps |

Hey folks, been slammed with the holidays and the approaching end of the semester. I don't see myself having quite enough headspace to get something up before most likely this coming Tuesday (the 28th.) Apologies for the wait.

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)

Thanks for checking in. Relax, have fun, and for all of the Americans here, happy Thanksgiving.

Dark Archive

Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Concentration +9, Handle Animals +7, Religion +3, Perception +8, Profession (Shephard) +8, Spellcraft +3
[dice=Dragon's Fist! Attack]d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dragon's Fist ! Damage]d6+4[/dice]
Male Nagaji Ascetic Oracle of Apsu/Sorcerer (Brass Dragon bloodline); Init +4; HP 21/33; AC 18 (22), T 12, FF 16 (20); Saves 3/3/3 (+2 vs Divination, Mind Affecting and Poison); CMB +6, CMD 18; Oracle Spell Slots 4/6; Sorc Spell Slots 6/6

Life happens. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

Yes my schedule has been all out of whack with Thanksgiving as well.

Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3


Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

Just FYI that I'm traveling for the holidays and will be spotty on my posting until January 2nd.

Fragments of the First Battle Maps | Old and Broken Battle Maps | Twilight of the Heroic Age Battle Maps |

Hey folks, had one of my cats pass very unexpectedly and unfortunately last night, I might be a few days before I’m feeling up to much.

i'm really sorry for your loss Coyote that's a huge hit. please take all the time you need.

Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

Yeah that's a big bummer. We'll be here when you're ready.

Dark Archive

Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Concentration +9, Handle Animals +7, Religion +3, Perception +8, Profession (Shephard) +8, Spellcraft +3
[dice=Dragon's Fist! Attack]d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dragon's Fist ! Damage]d6+4[/dice]
Male Nagaji Ascetic Oracle of Apsu/Sorcerer (Brass Dragon bloodline); Init +4; HP 21/33; AC 18 (22), T 12, FF 16 (20); Saves 3/3/3 (+2 vs Divination, Mind Affecting and Poison); CMB +6, CMD 18; Oracle Spell Slots 4/6; Sorc Spell Slots 6/6

I will be on vacation from Thursday through next Monday. I am not sure how much I will be able to post in that time. Feel free to bot me as needed.

Dark Archive

Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Concentration +9, Handle Animals +7, Religion +3, Perception +8, Profession (Shephard) +8, Spellcraft +3
[dice=Dragon's Fist! Attack]d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dragon's Fist ! Damage]d6+4[/dice]
Male Nagaji Ascetic Oracle of Apsu/Sorcerer (Brass Dragon bloodline); Init +4; HP 21/33; AC 18 (22), T 12, FF 16 (20); Saves 3/3/3 (+2 vs Divination, Mind Affecting and Poison); CMB +6, CMD 18; Oracle Spell Slots 4/6; Sorc Spell Slots 6/6

I am still around. Hopefully, everyone is doing well.

Fragments of the First Battle Maps | Old and Broken Battle Maps | Twilight of the Heroic Age Battle Maps |

Shoot, I thought I had posted! Sorry folks, I’ll get on that ASAP.

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)

Awesome. Checking in, I'm here.

Dark Archive

Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Concentration +9, Handle Animals +7, Religion +3, Perception +8, Profession (Shephard) +8, Spellcraft +3
[dice=Dragon's Fist! Attack]d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dragon's Fist ! Damage]d6+4[/dice]
Male Nagaji Ascetic Oracle of Apsu/Sorcerer (Brass Dragon bloodline); Init +4; HP 21/33; AC 18 (22), T 12, FF 16 (20); Saves 3/3/3 (+2 vs Divination, Mind Affecting and Poison); CMB +6, CMD 18; Oracle Spell Slots 4/6; Sorc Spell Slots 6/6

I am taking a small family trip for Spring Break. We leave Sunday and return sometime on Tuesday. I am not sure how much free time I will have to post, so please feel free to bot me as needed.

Dark Archive

Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Concentration +9, Handle Animals +7, Religion +3, Perception +8, Profession (Shephard) +8, Spellcraft +3
[dice=Dragon's Fist! Attack]d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dragon's Fist ! Damage]d6+4[/dice]
Male Nagaji Ascetic Oracle of Apsu/Sorcerer (Brass Dragon bloodline); Init +4; HP 21/33; AC 18 (22), T 12, FF 16 (20); Saves 3/3/3 (+2 vs Divination, Mind Affecting and Poison); CMB +6, CMD 18; Oracle Spell Slots 4/6; Sorc Spell Slots 6/6

I will be going on vacation from Sunday, July 28th, through Friday, August 2nd. I should have the internet, but I am not sure how much time I will have to post. So feel free to bot me if needed.

Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

Thanks! I think we are waiting on Simeon/GM Coyote after I botted Zaborjca, in case anyone is curious. But we might have faded out here for good.

Fragments of the First Battle Maps | Old and Broken Battle Maps | Twilight of the Heroic Age Battle Maps |

Oh, crap, I didn’t realize Zab had been botted! I’ll be camping this weekend but I’ll get us moving again once I’m back.

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