A Rivalry in Diobel

Game Master caster4life

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Party chronicle

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Hi all! Let's get set up to start gameplay. I'm GMing this first round. Some items of business:

1. Who is going to be party scribe this round, to write in the party chronicle, divide up loot, etc?

2. Who is going to GM the next round?

3. Please set up your status line to something similar to what I have for Maxilara.

4. Say hi!

Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

Hi! I'm looking forward to this game. I think short and sweet quests with a rough continuity between them will be a lot of fun.

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)

Glad to be here! As for GMing next round, I'd prefer to wait a tick, to get things worked out on my end. It will take a hot minute to put the ideas to paper for a proper adventure

Now, for being party scribe...I do have a suggestion. It would be pretty easy at lvl 2. Automatic Bonus Progression. So current builds would be untouched. With the idea being that magic items found are adventure specific and thus mean something for the character. Plus it avoids the christmas tree feeling, where a monk doesn't want to fight unless he has his magic belt, necklace, ring, cloak, robes, gloves, etc. I much prefer the idea that said monk has an enchanted crown that he cherishes, as he got it from defeating a goblin chieftain, and a magic pouch that he liberated from smugglers. Not having them doesn't cripple him, but losing them would feel like more of a personal hit than a financial one.

Furthermore, I personally like the idea of gold being used for non-magic items, with lives lived between adventures. From buying one's own shop, to investing in your tribe, to opening a tavern. Gold is thus story driven, rather than hoarding it for that next +1 to add to something. I like how in systems like WFRP and D&D5e there is the expectation that gold is to go towards more than adventuring.

Anyways, that's just me. Would just like to throw the idea out there to see how others feel about it.

Investigator (conspirator)/slayer (cleaner) 3| HP:33 | AC:18; T:14; FF: 14: CMD: 17 |Fort: +3; Ref: +7; Will: +4; +2 v poison | Init:+4; PER: +6

Howdy folks! I definitely agree with Ghorza, ABP makes things a lot easier to track.

I’m happy to GM the next round, depending on how long the first adventure takes. I’ll have plenty of time once my semester’s over, but not so much around finals season.

Card Caster Magus 2 | Prepared Spells - Magus |
0: Open/Close, Prestigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic 1: Shocking Grasp [2/2] Web Bolt, (Shield)
Cartomancer Witch 2 | Hex DC: 15| Prepared Spells - Witch |
0: Touch of Fatigue, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Stabilize 1: Cure Light Wounds [1/2] Touch of Blindness, Undine's Curse
F Tiefling | HP:-8/22 | Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +3; | AC:16 - Touch:14 - FF:12 | Init: +4 ; Perception +5 (Darkvision) | Arcane Pool: 5/5| Attack: Throw Card - +6 1d4+1 x2 P/M - 20ft

So I'd like to ask whether or not I should add my Prepared Spells to the status line or if that would be a task for the scribe

Next GM: I think my quest will take 3-4 weeks IRL so maybe Aygavan (Simeon) shouldn't GM next.

Scribe: Who's doing it this round? I'll help get everything set up and operating since this is our first go around.

ABP: How about our first vote? Majority decides whether we do ABP or not. If there's a tie, let's do a dice roll. I don't have a huge opinion on this but I somewhat prefer not to do ABP so I vote no. Other votes?

Prepared spells: The scribe doesn't handle individual-level book-keeping like that. That'd be a nightmare. Just mark it in your profile the way I have it marked in Maxy's.

Hi I'm still new to this. :)

I vote "yes" to ABP. I'm happy to volunteer as a scribe.

I'm working on getting my character sheet and such set up here, it's my first time here so give me a bit of time please!

Dark Archive

Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Concentration +9, Handle Animals +7, Religion +3, Perception +8, Profession (Shephard) +8, Spellcraft +3
[dice=Dragon's Fist! Attack]d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dragon's Fist ! Damage]d6+4[/dice]
Male Nagaji Ascetic Oracle of Apsu/Sorcerer (Brass Dragon bloodline); Init +4; HP 21/33; AC 18 (22), T 12, FF 16 (20); Saves 3/3/3 (+2 vs Divination, Mind Affecting and Poison); CMB +6, CMD 18; Oracle Spell Slots 4/6; Sorc Spell Slots 6/6

I can plan to run next.

No worries, JoyDriver. You'll figure it out. Feel free to ask questions. Thanks for agreeing to Scribe first!

Tocash: Awesome, thanks!

Card Caster Magus 2 | Prepared Spells - Magus |
0: Open/Close, Prestigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic 1: Shocking Grasp [2/2] Web Bolt, (Shield)
Cartomancer Witch 2 | Hex DC: 15| Prepared Spells - Witch |
0: Touch of Fatigue, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Stabilize 1: Cure Light Wounds [1/2] Touch of Blindness, Undine's Curse
F Tiefling | HP:-8/22 | Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +3; | AC:16 - Touch:14 - FF:12 | Init: +4 ; Perception +5 (Darkvision) | Arcane Pool: 5/5| Attack: Throw Card - +6 1d4+1 x2 P/M - 20ft

I'm interested in ABP but not sold one way or the other. I'm tentatively voting yes, but I've never played with it so also good with No.

Investigator (conspirator)/slayer (cleaner) 3| HP:33 | AC:18; T:14; FF: 14: CMD: 17 |Fort: +3; Ref: +7; Will: +4; +2 v poison | Init:+4; PER: +6

I think that gets us to majority on ABP.

Alright! We're officially using Automatic Bonus Progression. That won't matter until next level. But I'll keep track of our campaign-specific build rules and put that info in campaign info, maybe some time later today.

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)

Great! Will be glad to not have to track gold for the purpose of buying +x items.

In this vein though, have a slight build change. Originally was going VMC Wizard, getting an elemental familiar at lvl 3 and enchantment bonuses to dex at lvl 7. With ABP can't get enchantment bonuses. So switching it to deep earth sorcerer vmc

Is it mechanically the best? Don't know. But as I'll be sticking as earth kineticist without any additional elements, I think that it fits thematically.

This first bit of combat is slightly unorthodox because I want to represent the fact that some people got to combat faster than others but I don't want to make the players of less mobile characters wait (IRL) for multiple full rounds of combat. Feel free to ask if how I explained it was confusing!

You can make a check as a free action to ID for each enemy. K nat, K nat, and K planes.

Maeve: Please use a mix of in-character text "Maeve throws a card" and ooc text The card alignment matters for XYZ to make a nice gameplay post and help me out with what all your dice rolls mean. I know I haven't been clear about what kind of gameplay posts I like so I'm trying to help establish that now.

I'm guessing your alignment rolls are related to your Role Dealer ability from Card Caster? But that doesn't come online until level 3 so I'm confused.

GM Caster of Diobel wrote:

Maeve: Please use a mix of in-character text "Maeve throws a card" and ooc text The card alignment matters for XYZ to make a nice gameplay post and help me out with what all your dice rolls mean. I know I haven't been clear about what kind of gameplay posts I like so I'm trying to help establish that now.

I'm guessing your alignment rolls are related to your Role Dealer ability from Card Caster? But that doesn't come online until level 3 so I'm confused.

Yes, not quite relevant yet, I can lose the expressions for alignment and suit. Just wanted to demonstrate how it works. I'm not really sure how to demonstrate that technically speaking a deck can only have one of each card and so of the 54 only 6 of an alignment and only 9 of a suit, I guess it really won't matter at all because next level my spell deck cards are not destroyed when used with Deadly Dealer and gain Returning. so really I'd only need the first expression I have. but for now Its so that I know what cards are now Missing from my non spelldeck set of harrow cards (if it's ever relevant)

I'm still learning this character, I should have thrown a bomb or maybe drank a mutagen on that turn rather than double moving without my weapon drawn. :) I should probably also prepare my extracts!

Also just a quick FYI for DM and everyone else: I'm describing my weapon as a longsword for RP but it's actually a scimitar on-sheet and mechanically, just a cosmetic description thing hope that's ok!

Edit: I also realized I didn't pick a slayer talent so I fixed that, which involved shifting my feats around a little.

\/ Oh I thought it took a swift action to ready a shield/draw a weapon as part of a move but apparently it's free cool then I'm armed!

Investigator (conspirator)/slayer (cleaner) 3| HP:33 | AC:18; T:14; FF: 14: CMD: 17 |Fort: +3; Ref: +7; Will: +4; +2 v poison | Init:+4; PER: +6

If you’ve got a BAB of +1 or higher (which you should, most likely) you can draw a weapon as part of a movement.

Tocash, I think you maybe didn't look at the map? The dretch is very far away. I'm going to apply your turn against the boar, who's on the way to the dretch anyway.

I've seen big ol' kinetic blasts from Grumbaki before. It's gonna get funz especially with full bab and free deadly aim from EITR.

Hey folks I made a mistake on my sheet: I do not meet the prereqs for Outflank so I'm changing it to Precise Strike.

That said, I have the Precise Strike teamwork feat, and I can grant it to the party every so often, but if anyone wants to take it and be my permanent flanking buddy that would be neat. :)

Investigator (conspirator)/slayer (cleaner) 3| HP:33 | AC:18; T:14; FF: 14: CMD: 17 |Fort: +3; Ref: +7; Will: +4; +2 v poison | Init:+4; PER: +6

Once I get sneak attack I’ll gladly take you up on that offer!

Druid (menhir savant) 3/Unmonk 3| HP:17/36 | AC:18; T:17; FF: 15: CMD: 25/22|Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +7| Init:+4; PER: +11 (Darkvision)| Active effects: Familiar alertness, familiar stealth, Bull's strength, bone fists (+1 AC for everyone), magic fa face of the devourer, Ki points spent: 0, stunfist: 2/3

Amusingly, Maxy also gets sneak attack (at lvl 6 from croc domain).

Aygavan still to go. Ghorza, I don't see your fort save.

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)

For the cloud, could she have just moved and shot 30ft at the closest target? It would have made the most sense. If not ignore my last hit (sad noises) and she would double move out.

Unfortunately, options are:
1. Fire blindly at where you saw them last and take 50% miss chance.
2. Double move north and not make it out of the cloud quite yet since the boardwalk is VERY crowded up there. But you'll then be able to make it out soon.
3. Double move to stand on the bow of the boat you're standing on so you can be out of the cloud and fire next round.

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)

Let’s go with 3. It’s cinematic to stand there, and with 120ft range she can still reach out and hit things.

Investigator (conspirator)/slayer (cleaner) 3| HP:33 | AC:18; T:14; FF: 14: CMD: 17 |Fort: +3; Ref: +7; Will: +4; +2 v poison | Init:+4; PER: +6

Hey folks, long day on the road today, I’ll post my action tomorrow.

Just an FYI for non-US folks, this is Thanksgiving week here, so ppl may be slow to update due to visiting family and such. :)

Wow I've barely had four minutes to rub together today. Will update as I can as soon as I can.

Ghorza: The most wounded enemy left is now the sleeping dire bat. Is that your target with that kinetic blast?

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)

Hadn’t even considered that. No, let sleeping bats lie. Let’s blast the most wounded target that is a current threat

Investigator (conspirator)/slayer (cleaner) 3| HP:33 | AC:18; T:14; FF: 14: CMD: 17 |Fort: +3; Ref: +7; Will: +4; +2 v poison | Init:+4; PER: +6

Could I just try to like...swing my whip around and see if it does anything?

I guess that could tell you there's no one invisible close to you?

Investigator (conspirator)/slayer (cleaner) 3| HP:33 | AC:18; T:14; FF: 14: CMD: 17 |Fort: +3; Ref: +7; Will: +4; +2 v poison | Init:+4; PER: +6

It's got a 15 foot reach, I'm thinking if I move around I could sort of establish like a swathe of non-invisibility?

Sure. You can sweep out an area as a standard action but it has to be a continuous arc without allies, enemies, or objects that would stop you from swinging the whip. Just state that you are swinging your whip and give me some descriptive idea of where and I'll let you know if you hit anything invisible.

Card Caster Magus 2 | Prepared Spells - Magus |
0: Open/Close, Prestigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic 1: Shocking Grasp [2/2] Web Bolt, (Shield)
Cartomancer Witch 2 | Hex DC: 15| Prepared Spells - Witch |
0: Touch of Fatigue, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Stabilize 1: Cure Light Wounds [1/2] Touch of Blindness, Undine's Curse
F Tiefling | HP:-8/22 | Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +3; | AC:16 - Touch:14 - FF:12 | Init: +4 ; Perception +5 (Darkvision) | Arcane Pool: 5/5| Attack: Throw Card - +6 1d4+1 x2 P/M - 20ft

you were right, misread, assumed the damage increase was similar to that of the "Wounds" spells, where it's an additional 1 damage/cure per level not an additional die.

Investigator (conspirator)/slayer (cleaner) 3| HP:33 | AC:18; T:14; FF: 14: CMD: 17 |Fort: +3; Ref: +7; Will: +4; +2 v poison | Init:+4; PER: +6

Is there an obvious entrance to that building? I can't find one on the map.

Great question! It's not obvious from this side. Once you move enough to see it, I'll mark it.

Card Caster Magus 2 | Prepared Spells - Magus |
0: Open/Close, Prestigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic 1: Shocking Grasp [2/2] Web Bolt, (Shield)
Cartomancer Witch 2 | Hex DC: 15| Prepared Spells - Witch |
0: Touch of Fatigue, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Stabilize 1: Cure Light Wounds [1/2] Touch of Blindness, Undine's Curse
F Tiefling | HP:-8/22 | Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +3; | AC:16 - Touch:14 - FF:12 | Init: +4 ; Perception +5 (Darkvision) | Arcane Pool: 5/5| Attack: Throw Card - +6 1d4+1 x2 P/M - 20ft

Sorry, I meant to get to the edge of where the mud meets the dock, or even underneath the dock, not to climb on top. But if the difficult terrain makes it out of the question still, I'd defensive cast Shield.

Card Caster Magus 2 | Prepared Spells - Magus |
0: Open/Close, Prestigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic 1: Shocking Grasp [2/2] Web Bolt, (Shield)
Cartomancer Witch 2 | Hex DC: 15| Prepared Spells - Witch |
0: Touch of Fatigue, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Stabilize 1: Cure Light Wounds [1/2] Touch of Blindness, Undine's Curse
F Tiefling | HP:-8/22 | Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +3; | AC:16 - Touch:14 - FF:12 | Init: +4 ; Perception +5 (Darkvision) | Arcane Pool: 5/5| Attack: Throw Card - +6 1d4+1 x2 P/M - 20ft

I don't think the bonus to concentration from Spell Combat would apply since I'm not making an attack, so no.

Yeah that crossed my mind as well. Very good.

Normal / Adventuring Temp (0) Damage (17) NL (4) HP (34) Burn (2) Minor Form (5/5) Fire/Cold Resistance (1) AC (21/14/19, +2 vs crit confirmation) DR (4/adamantine) Saves (8/7/8, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+3) CMD (20/21 bullrush/trip) Perception (+8 / + 10 stonecunning)

As a heads up: traveling on vacation from Sat-Sat

Card Caster Magus 2 | Prepared Spells - Magus |
0: Open/Close, Prestigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic 1: Shocking Grasp [2/2] Web Bolt, (Shield)
Cartomancer Witch 2 | Hex DC: 15| Prepared Spells - Witch |
0: Touch of Fatigue, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Stabilize 1: Cure Light Wounds [1/2] Touch of Blindness, Undine's Curse
F Tiefling | HP:-8/22 | Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +3; | AC:16 - Touch:14 - FF:12 | Init: +4 ; Perception +5 (Darkvision) | Arcane Pool: 5/5| Attack: Throw Card - +6 1d4+1 x2 P/M - 20ft

No healing potion, marked or otherwise.

I realized that I only gave myself two formulae known instead of two+Int Mod so I fixed that up. (Edit: Plus one more for leveling up!)

Also I forgot that I need Infusion to give my Extracts to other people and I already regret not having it. I unfortunately do not have a way to stabilize Maeve.

Dark Archive

Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Concentration +9, Handle Animals +7, Religion +3, Perception +8, Profession (Shephard) +8, Spellcraft +3
[dice=Dragon's Fist! Attack]d20+6[/dice] [dice=Dragon's Fist ! Damage]d6+4[/dice]
Male Nagaji Ascetic Oracle of Apsu/Sorcerer (Brass Dragon bloodline); Init +4; HP 21/33; AC 18 (22), T 12, FF 16 (20); Saves 3/3/3 (+2 vs Divination, Mind Affecting and Poison); CMB +6, CMD 18; Oracle Spell Slots 4/6; Sorc Spell Slots 6/6

We can all try and make bandages for people. Tocash is not the wisest monk sadly, but we will see how the dice bots favor us.

Maeve what is your con? I'm guessing you're less than a minute from death but I don't know how close to the wire we are here.

Edit: Inferring a Con of 16-17 based on the stabilization check. We need to get a 15 DC Heal on her within about a minute, then. I can hit that 25% of the time with a +0 modifier - should I prioritize disengaging from this last monster, or...?

Card Caster Magus 2 | Prepared Spells - Magus |
0: Open/Close, Prestigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic 1: Shocking Grasp [2/2] Web Bolt, (Shield)
Cartomancer Witch 2 | Hex DC: 15| Prepared Spells - Witch |
0: Touch of Fatigue, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Stabilize 1: Cure Light Wounds [1/2] Touch of Blindness, Undine's Curse
F Tiefling | HP:-8/22 | Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +3; | AC:16 - Touch:14 - FF:12 | Init: +4 ; Perception +5 (Darkvision) | Arcane Pool: 5/5| Attack: Throw Card - +6 1d4+1 x2 P/M - 20ft

Yeah. It's 16.
To think this would have been avoided if my Deliver Touch Spells ability for Cartomancer came online at lvl 2 instead of 3

Investigator (conspirator)/slayer (cleaner) 3| HP:33 | AC:18; T:14; FF: 14: CMD: 17 |Fort: +3; Ref: +7; Will: +4; +2 v poison | Init:+4; PER: +6

I hadn’t remembered that rule about Create Pit, could I have moved 5 more feet away from it? Totally fine if not, just figured I’d ask.

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