GM Harrow’s Curse of the Crimson Throne - AE

Game Master GM Harrow

Map of Korvosa
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CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 5 | HP 40/40 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +5 (+7 v. enchantment, +6 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +8/+10 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 9

"Rumor is the ship sunk at North Bridge on the eleventh was under quarantine and unresponsive to hails. No one visible aboard. We saw an early case three days later in Thief Camp. Could be related. But the coins definitely are. The girl'd found a purse full of silver lying about. Now the vault-brothers are falling sick too," Shrike adds in her even croak. After a moment she asks, as if the words taste strange, "How are things. With the Guard."

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Audria wrote:
"He can probably explain things in more detail than most of us can, but it looks like someone's using coins to start and spread a potent illness."

Brother Ishani clears his throat, hastening to add, "We don't know that for certain. It is not impossible, of course, but until we know more we cannot presume ill intent." He inclines his head to Shrike. "As your companion notes, there was a ship under a quarantine flag. If coins from it washed ashore and got picked up by people, that would explain my brethren falling ill, as they handle a great many coins every day."

The Field Marshal's countenance grows grim. "This is unwelcome news. A few of my guards have called in sick, and I lost a few more to the Queen's recruitment campaign... Speaking of, Her majesty needs to be informed." She frowns, thinking for a few moments. "We cannot stops people from using money. We need to know the nature of the illness, how it spreads - aside from the coins, if your suspicion is correct - and how to cure it without resorting to divine miracles. I will assign some guards for extra protection at all the temples. If things get much worse, we'll have to consider other measures - curfews, quarantine - but for now what we need the most is information." She nods to Brother Dhatri. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know."

The priest looks relieved, and turns to smile at Audria. "Oh, I couldn't have done it without Sister Lumina and her friends, they are so kind and helpful! I will of course render payment for your services... that is, once I figure out how to do so without resorting to coins." He looks sheepish for a moment, the embarrassed smile making him seem younger.

"Brother Dhatri, if you wouldn't mind waiting outside for a few moments, I need to discuss private matters with your escort." The Field Marshal patiently waits for the cleric to leave her office and for the door to be shut before turning her full attention to the group.

"On the matter of compensation and services- hmm, how best to put this. While you were away, things have been moving swiftly in Korvosa, and in a direction that makes me nervous. Queen Ileosa has been restructuring several elements of the city's military organizations, and there are rumors of disbanding some or even all of the groups in favor of new ones. more importantly for you, my ability to finance your assistance will almost certainly be diminished as the new leadership realigns and restructures elements of the Korvosan Guard. Nothing is certain, not even my position." She pauses to let the full meaning sink in. "My intention right now is to keep that position for as long as I can, not out of some personal vanity, but to protect the people of the Guard. For all of our best interests, you should no longer consider yourselves official agents of the Korvosan Guard - except for you, Rivers, obviously - but I hope that you will continue to help the people of Korvosa. I will try to aid you as much as I can, in an... unofficial capacity. So, what is the best way to contact you, if there's an... opportunity for you to help?"

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Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-4/HP: 25/25; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +3,R: +4,W:+6; Init +2, Perc: +2

Shane most certainly feels bags of silver left behind seem to indicate deliberate spread, but is reluctant to say so aloud at this point. He listens to the Priest's comments.

The priest looks relieved, and turns to smile at Audria. "Oh, I couldn't have done it without Sister Lumina and her friends, they are so kind and helpful! I will of course render payment for your services... that is, once I figure out how to do so without resorting to coins." He looks sheepish for a moment, the embarrassed smile making him seem younger.

Bad time to ask for yet more real estate? Few landlords ever went hungry. But he suppresses that too and ponders, "I think we may eventually be turning to you for more healing aid at ...discounted rates." They have a skilled Oracle for a friend, but she's likely to be very busy during all this.

When the priest withdraws... they get the news

"On the matter of compensation and services- hmm, how best to put this. While you were away, things have been moving swiftly in Korvosa, and in a direction that makes me nervous. Queen Ileosa has been restructuring several elements of the city's military organizations, and there are rumors of disbanding some or even all of the groups in favor of new ones. more importantly for you, my ability to finance your assistance will almost certainly be diminished as the new leadership realigns and restructures elements of the Korvosan Guard. Nothing is certain, not even my position." She pauses to let the full meaning sink in. "My intention right now is to keep that position for as long as I can, not out of some personal vanity, but to protect the people of the Guard. For all of our best interests, you should no longer consider yourselves official agents of the Korvosan Guard - except for you, Rivers, obviously - but I hope that you will continue to help the people of Korvosa. I will try to aid you as much as I can, in an... unofficial capacity. So, what is the best way to contact you, if there's an... opportunity for you to help?"

He looks at the others, clearly reluctant to have Zellara's house in the crossfire should things get yet more intrigue laden and it become a target.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Male human ranger (ilsurian archer, sable company marine) 5| HP 53/53 | AC 18/12/16, CMD 19 | F +7, R +7, W +5 | Init +2*, Perc. +10* (* +2 in urban terrain) | Ammo: regular arrows (40), blunt (20), silver blanched (20)| Harrow Points: 1 |Status: N/A

Elric straightens to attention when they enter Marshal Kroft's office, then stands at ease while the others bring her up to speed. His brow furrows at the news of the restructuring of the military branches.

Seems like further proof that loyalty to the Queen and loyalty to Korvosa can no longer automatically be assumed to be the same, he thinks to himself, but he knows better than to voice those concerns. Instead, he asks "Do you know if this reorganization involves Sable Company, Field Marshal?"

When she mentions their new status and the need for a way to establish contact, he responds "If another curfew is likely, moving about the city may become difficult. Fortunately, we have several allies who can fly. Perhaps we can devise a system with a signal that can be spotted from the air - a lantern, strip of colored cloth or chalk marking - and a deaddrop where messages can be left by either party?"

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Nonbinary (They/them) Shoanti Rogue (Unchained, Scout, Thug)/Brawler (Snakebite Striker) 3/2 | HP 45/45 | AC 19, T 14, FF 15 CMD 17 | F +6, R +10, W +3 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | SM +6 | Long-term buffs:

"Mm. Worse than the guard. Lovely." Pava sucks air through their teeth as they muse. "Chalk's better than cloth and safer than lanterns. There's a lot of imps and house drakes who like to steal sashes and tip over unattended flames. Just a thought."

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Any satisfaction that Audria feels at Ishani's compliment is swiftly swept away by Field Marshal Kroft's sobering news. It seems that if she wants to protect Jessica and her friends at the Sanctuary, she'll have to find a new place to stay. She thinks about it for a moment, and hits upon an idea.

"You just need to be able to get in touch with one of us, yes? What if I were to be your assistant. Not a member of the Korvosan guard, but maybe something like a page," she muses.

CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 5 | HP 40/40 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +5 (+7 v. enchantment, +6 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +8/+10 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 9

"There's the Sanctuary. Safe and central. Not suspicious for us to be seen there. That big tree in the inner courtyard's visible from above and a good place for a dead drop." The best place would be a random rooftop cache at a nondescript centrally located building in the city — somewhere like the fourth-floor window of Trinia's former flat in 42 Moon Street, for instance, which is waist-high over the adjoining roof — but Shrike isn't sure how much Elric told the boss robin, so she keeps her mouth shut.

Male human ranger (ilsurian archer, sable company marine) 5| HP 53/53 | AC 18/12/16, CMD 19 | F +7, R +7, W +5 | Init +2*, Perc. +10* (* +2 in urban terrain) | Ammo: regular arrows (40), blunt (20), silver blanched (20)| Harrow Points: 1 |Status: N/A

"I'd advise against the Scantuary and any other temple. They are likely to be overwhelmed by people seeking treatment for themselves or loved ones."

Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-4/HP: 25/25; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +3,R: +4,W:+6; Init +2, Perc: +2

"I wonder how busy the temple of Aroden is? No healing to be found there, obviously. It's a historical monument now to my mind. I know someone there, Old Broom, the custodian. Perhaps he'd help as a go between if they aren't swamped?"

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Audria is grateful for Elric's interjection. She has her own reasons, but the marine had given a very sensible reason not to involve the church as a liaison between Field Marshal Croft.

"I-- I'd rather not involve anyone else," she admits when she hears Shane's suggestion. "Tally and I should be able to get in touch with everyone, if the field marshal doesn't mind me trying to help her out. If I'm regularly sent out on errands, then it wouldn't be too suspicious if she sends me out to get in touch with all of you." She turns to the field marshal and feels every bit of her youth as she tries not to squirm under her gaze.

"Th-that is if you think this will work, ma'am," she sheepishly says to the head of the Korvosan Guard.

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Elric wrote:
"Do you know if this reorganization involves Sable Company, Field Marshal?"

Cressida Kroft gives the marine a long look before answering. "Probably not what you want to hear, but yes. I hear that the Queen has been complaining about the cost to house, feed and train the hippogriffs, and how ineffective they were during the riots."

To Audria, she says. "I appreciate the suggestion, but I think you will do best as a free agent. And I agree with Lieutenant Rivers - temples should be avoided, even ones to dead gods. Besides, Old Korvosa is rather far." The Field Marshal is pondering the options when Majenko pipes up. "Messages? I can do messages! You find any of my kin, give them the words, they give words to me and I give words to them!" The housedrake flies a quick, complicated loop around Elric, Shane, Audria, Shrike and Pava, showing off.

"Well, then. That sounds doable. Unless any of you has a better solution, we will do as your companion suggests. I imagine it won't be long before I contact you, as much as I wish it was otherwise. Fair day to you, and stay safe - as much as you are able."

The Field Marshal's voice fades as Zellara's voice whispers in your mind. "Avenger of my son. Gather the others and go to my house. It is time we speak."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Despite the rather worrying information that Cressida Kroft had relayed to them, Audria chuckles at Majenko's aerobatic display. The little housedrake is certainly an agile flyer and she smiles as watches his impromptu performance.

"Thank you, ma'am," she says with a nod towards the field marshal. "I hope that your days will be less stressful in the coming weeks."

Once outside the Citadel, Audria turns to Talanaliel.

"I think for the time being, you should probably stay a bird, Tallyfeather. I don't want you getting ill with whatever it is that's going around," she quietly tells the bird.

"I don't either," Tally says before a shiver ruffles her feathers. "I fear things will get worse before they get better with how things are going."

Turning her attention to the others, she wonders what they think about all of this, and if any of them have more of an idea of what to do to fight this growing wave of sickness than she does. She hopes so, for she has no idea at all how to keep the city from exploding into another round of riots.

"Wh-what do we do, now," Audria asks, the stutter in her voice betraying her growing anxiety.

CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 5 | HP 40/40 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +5 (+7 v. enchantment, +6 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +8/+10 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 9

With the issue of communication between them and the boss robin decided, Shrike nods to Kroft silently and follows the others out of the Citadel before speaking.

Audria wrote:
"Wh-what do we do, now," Audria asks, the stutter in her voice betraying her growing anxiety.

"Lancet Street. Ghost wants a chat." Shrike has already begun walking in the direction of Zellara's house, but she stops and the mask turns back just enough to look at the group from the corner of one blank black eye. "With all of us."

Once at Zellara's House
Gazing around with covert interest at the changes, Shrike notes that Shane has really done a wonderful job replacing the shattered furniture, cleaning the place up and making it livable again. Even the curtains seem less heavy with dust and grief. "Looks good."

Once everyone is inside, she withdraws the haunted Harrow deck from a hidden pocket and sets it carefully down on the new and distinctly whole table in the sitting room where a group of summoned vigilantes had gathered just over a month ago.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-4/HP: 25/25; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +3,R: +4,W:+6; Init +2, Perc: +2

Majenko surprised him, but the offer is kind and he can see the logic.
Hopefully Housedrakes are immune to this illness.

Shane is startled as Shrike announces that a certain ghost wants them to gather at her old house, but he nods and makes haste.


Gazing around with covert interest at the changes, Shrike notes that Shane has really done a wonderful job replacing the shattered furniture, cleaning the place up and making it livable again. Even the curtains seem less heavy with dust and grief. "Looks good."

Once everyone is inside, she withdraws the haunted Harrow deck from a hidden pocket and sets it carefully down on the new and distinctly whole table in the sitting room where a group of summoned vigilantes had gathered just over a month ago.

"Thank you. I just hope Zellara approves, I tried to keep some of her touches as she had them while still mixing in the new or repaired." Indeed, Shane is rather proud of this place. He once thought of a fancy mansion, but this little spot has ...charm, and more importantly, a knack for being overlooked. "And hope the rest of you like it also. After all, it's our haven."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male human ranger (ilsurian archer, sable company marine) 5| HP 53/53 | AC 18/12/16, CMD 19 | F +7, R +7, W +5 | Init +2*, Perc. +10* (* +2 in urban terrain) | Ammo: regular arrows (40), blunt (20), silver blanched (20)| Harrow Points: 1 |Status: N/A
Audria wrote:
"Wh-what do we do, now," Audria asks, the stutter in her voice betraying her growing anxiety.

In an effort to calm the young paladin, Elric lays a reassuring arm around her shoulder.

"Tally is probably right that things will get worse before they get better. But Korvosa and her citizens are tough. They will weather the storm and so will we. We have each other and we'll do whatever it takes to help get the plague under control."

At Zellara's house, he moves to stand close to the table where Shrike is laying out the Harrow deck.

"You did an excellent job, Shane. And it's is indeed nice to have someplace to rally if things get ugly. From what Kroft told us, neither the temples or the Marine barracks may be completely safe before long. "

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-4/HP: 25/25; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +3,R: +4,W:+6; Init +2, Perc: +2

As Eric talks, Shane makes some tea and gets out the clean cups before offering them out while they wait for their benefactress . He even makes an extra cup for Zellara. She may not be able to drink it, but she might appreciate the gesture.

"You did an excellent job, Shane. And it's is indeed nice to have someplace to rally if things get ugly. From what Kroft told us, neither the temples or the Marine barracks may be completely safe before long. "

"It sounds like the Queen is using the understandable growing panic of the crowds from the Crimson Veil to cement her power over any institution that might otherwise mitigate abuses of authority. I'm not sure how much real help anything she sets up is going to be beyond that purpose. Cutting funds to the Field Marshall does not fill me with optimism. Indeed, the plague will be bad, how the Queen uses it may make it even worse." He remembers Hale's warning , though the epidemic was not existent then, "I've a good friend who once said 'when there's troubles, those in power always look for someone to blame.' And I think that the Queen may do that. The question is who? Forgive my selfishness, but I sure hope they don't blame Tieflings as 'carriers' or the like."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Audria leans into Elric as he reassures her and wraps her arm under his and around his waist. Tally hops up onto the marine's shoulder as her normal perch is occupied. Audria's worries ease a little as Elric reminds her that Korvosans are tough and they are in this together. She has never doubted her friend's courage nor their loyalty, but she feels her paranoia building. True, Korvosa may well weather this storm, but how many will suffer in the meantime, she wonders.

Hearing that Zellara wants to have a chat, she follows Shrike and Shane to what was once the Harrower's home and has now become Shane's. Seeing the house once again lives and breaths with life, she smiles, then chuckles as she remembers her rather clumsy entrance the first time she came here.

Hearing Shane refer to it as their haven sobers the young paladin. Part of her worry is getting the people she'd come to see as family involved in whatever retribution may come down on her head as a result of her helping Trinia escape Korvosa and saving "Theo" from the executioner's axe and the following manhunt. Shane, however, had been involved in both of those escapades. As Shrike sets the deck on the table and Elric and Shane talk about the changes that Queen Ileosa is making and how they could make things worse, Audria decides to see if Shane had a room she could stay in before leaving.

"I hope she doesn't do that, and not just for your sake, Shane," Audria says before taking a sip from the tea the wizard had prepared.

How good is Shane at making tea? :P

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-4/HP: 25/25; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +3,R: +4,W:+6; Init +2, Perc: +2
Audria wrote:

"I hope she doesn't do that, and not just for your sake, Shane," Audria says before taking a sip from the tea the wizard had prepared.

How good is Shane at making tea? :P

"I hope I'm wrong and no part of the populace is singled out, but I don't have much trust it won't be so."

SO glad you asked! And winging this ;)

Given his mother often... hosted a wealthy man as his mistress before she died, the ability to make tea was required to a degree. Teaching her son the basics of this skill saved her time in preparation , so Shane learned how to make more than one blend. Tragically, this never translated to Alchemical skills, but he does know how to make a decent cup. And Shane's many knowledge allow him some appreciation for the history of the beverage in its myriad forms.
The tea currently prepared is... Jarl Flay; hot! Many stories about of the Ulfen Nobleman who, delighted by the gifts travel allowed, took on a world tour where he was said to be polite, professional, and had a plan to kill everyone he met if need be. On one such journey, it is said that Jarl Flay rescued a Xa Hoi nobleman from drowning, and was rewarded with this wonderful recipe that now bears his name when he took it back to Avistan. As the Orange rind used for the unique oil in the tea was said not to be local to Xa Hoi, some theorize that the Jarl tweaked the original recipe with orders to his servants to 'make it just so'. Of course, this black tea mix was not meant to have milk, but some milk is on the side to be added as preferred. Shane relies on Jarl Flay, among other stimulants, for those late night, and he quite enjoys its citrusy (and sometimes spiced) touches.

For those that snub this wondrous blend, more standard tea is available.

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Having some fun:

How does Audria Like the tea?: 1d100 ⇒ 38
With Honey?: 1d100 ⇒ 14
With Milk?: 1d100 ⇒ 73
Stealth to be surreptitious about adding the honey and milk.: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Bluff to hide her initial reaction: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Sense Motive DC 6:

Try as she might to hide it, she does not like the tea, at least not at first. After a few sips, she seems to be enjoying it.

Perception DC 21:

During the conversation that follows, you spot Audria sneaking some honey then some milk, a lot of milk and honey actually, into her tea cup. It seems that the young paladin may have a bit of a sweet-tooth.

Audria holds her cup up for a moment as she considers Shane's words.

"I cannot blame you for that," she says, remembering the number of times Varisians were blamed for ill turns or how after the lies about Trinia poisoning King Eodred II everyone looking at her with suspicion and barely concealed hostility. "How many more tieflings are there in Korvosa? I admit, I think you may be the first I have met."

Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-4/HP: 25/25; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +3,R: +4,W:+6; Init +2, Perc: +2

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

He notices her shift from distaste to liking it, and lets it be, unaware she's putting in increasing amounts of sweetness.

"Not so many, but More than folks want to admit I am sure. I only know of a few personally, some feel pressured to work in shady business. The Acadamae summons devils now and then for final exams. While the school won't admit it, this means now and then a...congress may occur, either with a student or, if the devil slips out, with the locals. Nevermind that it can be in a bloodline without incident for generations, then bam, some poor kid finds themselves with horns because of their great great great grandmother's indiscretion or some such." He sips his own cup "My friend, Old Broom, is one."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Audria shivers as she sees the subtext of Shane's message. She doesn't want to think about the likelihood of those couplings being consensual and quickly moves on.

"Do you think we could find a way to protect them if things become violent again," she asks.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Nonbinary (They/them) Shoanti Rogue (Unchained, Scout, Thug)/Brawler (Snakebite Striker) 3/2 | HP 45/45 | AC 19, T 14, FF 15 CMD 17 | F +6, R +10, W +3 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | SM +6 | Long-term buffs:

Pava cracks their knuckles, then rolls a coin along their knuckles, then takes out their dagger to clean their nails, desperate for a distraction from Shane's depressingly likely predictions.

"You can't ever save everyone, duckling. But whoever Them is this time... We'll do what we can."

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They are afforded a few moments of enjoying (or not) their cup of Jarl Flay before Zellara's spirit apparates above the Harrow deck. She looks around the house, smiling faintly in approval.

"Hello, everyone. It has been some time. Thank you for taking such good care of this place."

The cards of the deck lift into the air one by one, circling the Varisian fortuneteller as they shuffle and create figure eight patterns in the air. Six cards separate from the deck and fly towards each living person present.

The Choosing:
Abella card: 1d9 ⇒ 2 The Brass Dwarf
Audria card: 1d9 ⇒ 3 The Tangled Briar
Elric card: 1d9 ⇒ 4 The Survivor
Pava card: 1d9 ⇒ 7 The Desert
Shane card: 4d9 ⇒ (3, 3, 7, 8) = 21 The Mountain Man
Shrike card: 3d9 ⇒ (4, 4, 9) = 17 The Waxworks

Abella's Card

On this card, a dwarf with brass skin and hair and beard of flame is leaning against a smoking hookah, its pipe in his left hand as he holds a mug in the other. His eyes are closed and his head tilted back.

"This azer represents invulnerability to a current danger. Although others might fall, he remains hale and strong. Do not take that invulnerability too literally, though. It can also mean a dark fate for one, that saves many others around them. Or unassailable hope in the face of long odds." Zellara smiles. "I hope the latter is true for you."

Audria's Card

Audria sees a far less benign image on her card: a skeleton is posed like a scarecrow in a field of tangled, thorny vines. A sword is serving as the horizontal arm of the cross, the skeleton's upper limbs tied to it. Some of the vines bear dark green leaves and dark purple berries.

"Do not be alarmed by this one. It is a card of ancient deeds. A person, or an object, from long ago that will somehow have great influence on the situation at hand, even though they might be lost right now. The thorny past can bring not just pain, but sometimes hope for the future. We should not be afraid to confront the darkness that came before."

Elric's card[ooc]

On Elric's card, a wounded, bandaged man in armour is sitting on a stone throne, being comforted by green, translucent shadows of people. His shield, a green briar on a crimson field, is leaning against the foot of the throne, and his sword and lance are lying on the floor beside it. A chest encircled by chains, a golden crown and a sack from which gold coins spill are also on the floor.

"The Survivor. Someone who has gone through a terrible ordeal and has lost much- see how he is surrounded by his fallen comrades. It represents someone, or something, thought lost forever, but found once more. It can also mean rebirth and renewal."

[ooc]Pava's card

In front of Pava, the floating card shows an enormous sand-coloured lion with a long, dark mane and beard, bushy eyebrows and a hat on its head. It holds up a paw, in which a human figure sits, wearing robes and a cloth over their face. The lion is standing in a desert at night, with the crescent moon in the upper left corner.

"The Desert is a place so hostile that none can survive it without aid. For those who find that aid, the journey across the wastes can lead to great things. But if the traveller cannot rely on the help of others they will surely be lost." Zellara pauses, frowning slightly. "This card is particularly relevant to the threat currently facing Korvosa, for the sphinx represents a mystic or doctor bringing salvation in times of plague or illness."

Shane's card

On Shane's card, a red-haired and red-bearded giant is holding a dragon over his shoulder by the tail. In the foreground, a small cottage with a stick fence and a lone tree that barely rises to the giant's knee establishes the scale of the two enormous creatures.

"The Mountain Man signifies an encounter with a physical force beyond one's control. The giant could be an army, an earthquake, an authority figure or even a desperately needed rainstorm in a parched land. Acceding to this power might be wise, but surviving it is paramount."

Shrike's card

The card in front of Shrike depicts a blindfolded figure wrapped in chains and hanging upside-down above a huge cauldron bubbling with melted wax. In the backround, stone arches are decorated with larger-than-life skulls that seem to be melting as well, dripping from their empty orbits and deforming mouths.

Zellara frowns at this one, as well. "The Waxworks. Helplessness and physical dissolution, the inability to act despite the wish to do so. Paralysis, imprisonment. An ominous draw, for what you face."

She claps her hands, and the six cards return to the deck. She shuffles the Harrow cards together, then spreads nine of them face down, in a three by three pattern. With a silent snap of her fingers, the leftmost column cards flip.

The Past

The Teamster, The Desert, The Marriage.

This top one represents a driving, external force that keeps one going no matter what. This can be a physical impetus or a mental influence that pushes one onwards - for good or for ill, it cannot be ignored. In this position, the goal for the person or the people being thus driven was their own betterment. For Korvosa, it was the ambition of its leaders that built the city we know today in only a few short centuries. But it was not without cost." She glances at Pava before continuing. "The Desert we have already seen. Here, it is misaligned, which could indicate that the subject was lost in the past. Perhaps they remain so, or perhaps they have found their way." She moves to the last card in the column, depicting a water and fire spirit side by side, a baby in a diving suit and helmet floating between them. "A marriage is generally a union of people, but it could also be the merging of ideas, cultures, kingdoms. The progeny can bring forth power from both parties, or it might be a ruinous joining of that which should never have been united. Since this card is partially aligned, I would say it is the former. Once wedded, the two cannot be parted - this is the card of permanent change. We cannot undo this aspect of our past."

Zellara snaps her fingers again, and the middle column of cards flips over.

The Present

The Fiend, The Forge, The Demon's Lantern

The top card depicts a monstrous scaled and finned creature swallowing people, a tiny figure already disappearing down its fanged maw. Zellara nods towards it with a sorrowful expression. "It is as I feared. The Fiend indicates the death of many in a calamity, the loss of countless innocent lives. Or that a dark and intelligent creature is endangering the population of the city. Here it is misaligned, which brings hope of salvation from the catastrophe." The middle card shows a man working at a forge, tiny fiery creatures flying around him. "The blacksmith represents those who can survive the mephit's trial by fire, but The Forge's heat is so strong that it burns many to cinders instead. There is danger ahead that will take many sources of strength to overcome, and not just physical strength." The bottom card shows a forest of great trees dripping with ivy. A curled hand and arm reach upwards from a muddy lake at the bottom, with coloured light orbs floating above it. "The Demon's Lantern, the card of traps and tricks, sleight of hand and deception. It is partially aligned, so be wary; things are not always what they seem, and you may face temptation or a situation impossible to solve."

The Future

The Waxworks, The Tyrant, The Rabbit Prince

Zellara looks at the cards for a long moment, apparently lost in though. "The Waxworks, again. But misaligned, which could signal an abundance of energy at a crucial moment." She s%*+s her gaze to look at Shrike. "I believe you will know when that moment comes." Back to the spread. "The Tyrant is a ruler who is a blight upon their subjects. The dragon might indicate a monarch, an overseer, or the head of a household. Whoever this person is, they do harm to those over whom they hold sway, whether they realize it or not." A pained expression from Zellara. "I believe this future is very close at hand, if it has not already come to pass. Now, for the last card. The Rabbit Prince, partially aligned. A capricious card that evokes physical combat and how the course of a fight can shift in a blink. Anyone can die in battle, no matter how strong, fast, or skilled."

She claps her hands and all the cards return to the deck, stacked neatly. "This is all that the cards are willing to reveal at this point. I feel that there is great peril ahead, but I also see reasons for hope and the chance to turn the tide for a positive outcome. It is clear that a lot of it hinges on you and the diverse talents and abilities you all bring. Now I must leave you, but don't hesitate to call on the powers of the Harrow deck should the need arise."

With a last look around the house and at the assembled people, the Harrower's ghostly form dissipates.

Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-4/HP: 25/25; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +3,R: +4,W:+6; Init +2, Perc: +2
"Hello, everyone. It has been some time. Thank you for taking such good care of this place."

"Thank you for the use of it," True, by letter of the law, the dead can't take it with them, but Zellara's advice and generous aid made it possible to tranfer this residence smoothly and economicly.

Then the cards fly. Shane listens to all the readings somewhat, but it is hard not to focus on his own, and egads, he does not like what he hears...

On Shane's card, a red-haired and red-bearded giant is holding a dragon over his shoulder by the tail. In the foreground, a small cottage with a stick fence and a lone tree that barely rises to the giant's knee establishes the scale of the two enormous creatures.

"The Mountain Man signifies an encounter with a physical force beyond one's control. The giant could be an army, an earthquake, an authority figure or even a desperately needed rainstorm in a parched land. Acceding to this power might be wise, but surviving it is paramount."

"Ah, Physical force, we wizards excell at that. Lots of staff twirling..." He winces at the mental image of being thrown around by some ogre thewed opponent who seems resistant to his spells. Too literal he knows, perhaps the giant is this damned plague? "Pardon my sardonic commentary, thank you for the message. Survival sounds like an excellent strategy."

The cards return to the deck, and come out again to give clues to the past, the present, and, of course, the ever shifting future. Then, Zellara departs. Shane makes a gesture of respectful fare well, then, with nervous energy paces and rambles his own thoughts aloud hoping for input from those with insights he lacks.

"The Past's bit about the marriage interests me... already done right? A change that is permanent and already here? If we could be sure of just what that one represented we might be able to research it and see what resource we had right under our noses," The Tiefling goes on, "The Present, should, by definition, be somewhat observable now... so is the Fiend the plague itself? And is it guided by someone, or someones? Or am I just being conspiratorial? The forging together sounds a bit like what we're trying to do now if that's the case, sound the alarm, help other unite and so on. As for the trickery and things not being what they seem, not a surprise but I'm not sure what we can do about it until we find one of the ruses for ourselves."
He paces a bit, the tea in the cup of his hand swaying a bit, "Then there is the future. Shrike, Zellara said you were the most likely to know when the moment of energy might come? Other than that, simplicity suggests the Queen is the tyrant, but there maybe more than one to watch for. And the Rabbit Prince says anyone can die in a battle. Easy to dismiss as obvious, but perhaps a sign we should get our hands on some insurance? How much is a raise dead scroll or service going for these days?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1
Pava / Nips at Heels wrote:

Pava cracks their knuckles, then rolls a coin along their knuckles, then takes out their dagger to clean their nails, desperate for a distraction from Shane's depressingly likely predictions.

"You can't ever save everyone, duckling. But whoever Them is this time... We'll do what we can."

Audria's eyes fall to her cup as she curls up in the chair she's in. Tally rubs her head against the paladin's cheek, doing her best to comfort her friend.

"I know," Audria says quietly just before Zellara appears.

The Reading that follows is a sobering reminder of how precarious the peace and order in Korvosa is right now. It is already cracking, and once again Audria sees the yawning chasm of what is coming before her. At least she knows that she doesn't have to face it alone. She looks as Shane begins talking and pacing. The Reading obviously has him worried, and she can't blame him. Even with all of them here, they were six against a tide of death and destruction that could see the city's people all but wiped out.

"What do we do, though? We can't just sit here trying to puzzle everything out, can we," she asks the others.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nonbinary (They/them) Shoanti Rogue (Unchained, Scout, Thug)/Brawler (Snakebite Striker) 3/2 | HP 45/45 | AC 19, T 14, FF 15 CMD 17 | F +6, R +10, W +3 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | SM +6 | Long-term buffs:

Pava manages to whiteknuckle it through Zellara's appearance, but doesn't say a word to her while she's manifested. "Best course I can see is we assume the Veil is intentional, or at least intentionally being spread about. Fits the circumstances we've uncovered, and best of all, gives us something other than rotten cinderblasted luck to fight against. So, we've an eye on a few places where spreads began; if we can get a closer look at any of them so much the better. So, the bank, the ship, and a lost purse full of likely tainted coin. Two of those we can put eyes on ourselves, if the third's been replicated, it will be news as long as the people who wound up with it trust the ones asking..."

They finally tear their gaze away from where Zellara had disappeared with a slight shudder, and let it pierce Audria instead.

"We won't just sit. Acadamae, whatever you can dig up with your spellwork will help us narrow the field. Abella can read her omens; the duckling can do some of the same. Soldier boy's still got official contacts 'til he's put out to pasture. Murderbird knows her business."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 5 | HP 40/40 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +5 (+7 v. enchantment, +6 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +8/+10 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 9

Shrike does not react to Shane's bustle of making tea, but she certainly notices when it is poured. She drifts to the table as the citrusy aroma of the steam rises and has the spare cup half raised to her face to better inhale it before she realizes. Slowly she lowers it again.

The others are talking. Shrike sets the delicate teacup down with unconscious ease, causing not even the smallest clink against its porcelain saucer, and returns to her previous position with her usual precision-punctuated stillness. She listens without speaking for a time, noting that Audria's skepticism of the drink quickly gives way to enjoyment.

Shane wrote:
"Forgive my selfishness, but I sure hope they don't blame Tieflings as 'carriers' or the like."
Pava wrote:
"You can't ever save everyone, duckling. But whoever Them is this time... We'll do what we can."

"Tieflings don't control anything she wants. But we'll see." Shrike, who had never met an adult tiefling until Shane, or any tieflings at all until they saved the girl Kidskin and her friends from the Street Hole, does not think that the Queen will have to look so far for her scapegoats. The mobs of ordinary Korvosans had been quick to target entirely human nobles; the Korvosan Guard; the homes and shops of the wealthy; foreigners like her Janderhoff dwarf neighbors; Shoanti like Gaekhen; and, on Hell Night, even the Shelynites. The accusation of regicide against Trinia, given her connection to the temple, also instilled suspicion. In the confusion and panic of a plague, the Queen will be able to use rumor and suspicion turn the masses against any faction she chooses — and in order to consolidate her position, as Shane shrewdly predicts, it would make sense for her to first target all centers of power in the city that are not loyal to her. That means noble political rivals, temples that do not support her, the Acadamae and University, and any military forces not directly under her control, as the Hellknights and Gray Maidens are. It should be easy enough to stir crowds to anger about priests 'withholding' healing magic from the sick, nobles 'hoarding' the same magic for themselves through money, Guards 'protecting foreigners and horsers who spread disease instead of good Korvosan citizens' and so on.

The Harrowing
Shrike nods respectfully to Zellara when her spirit appears, and listens intently to the Harrowing, tensing with acute attention when the ominous Waxworks, which last predicted Dal and Ivy's imprisonment at Lamm's hands, appears as both her card and the card of the future. A chill laps at her lungs like dark river water. Helplessness. Better make sure everyone I care about knows to avoid touching any coins with their bare hands for a while. In fact, no one should leave the house. Mamma can't get this. She can't.

"Thanks for the warning," she croaks grimly when the reading is complete. And this time, just before the spirit disappears, she manages to remember a question to ask. "Wait. Please. What powers?"


Shane wrote:
"Then there is the future. Shrike, Zellara said you were the most likely to know when the moment of energy might come?"

Shrike has been listening, arms crossed. "No mystic feeling yet. But I'll let you know." She doesn't shrug, but the twitch of her fingers conveys much the same information. "Pava's right. Got to figure out the source. I think Lamm's involved. Just a feeling. But he's a necromancer obsessed with disease. And we burned his nest.

"Haven't run him to ground yet. No one'll admit seeing him. Can't find the croaksman who sold to him either. He's got a friend though. Plenty have seen her. Just not in the past few weeks. An elf. South Shore outcast. Addiction and..." Unusually for Shrike, she pauses as though considering the right word. "Immaturity. Long blonde hair in a braid at last sighting. Maybe goes by Jenny or Josie. Maybe not anymore.

"The ship's our only solid lead. But it's at the bottom of the Jeggare. Until we all learn to breathe underwater, I'll ask around about people who've lately had money they shouldn't."

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-4/HP: 25/25; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +3,R: +4,W:+6; Init +2, Perc: +2

Shane misses a lot, such as how Shrike's handling of tea makes HIM look like a barbarian in comparison...
but she has a very good point about why Tieflings aren't likely to be the chosen Scapegoats.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce wrote:

"Tieflings don't control anything she wants. But we'll see."

She's right. And Audria hinted at same.. a minority might be chosen, but it needs to be bigger in number. AND... they have to have something the Queen would want to take. It's a cold comfort, and now he feels bad for whoever IS going to be chosen.


Pava / Nips at Heels wrote:

"We won't just sit. Acadamae, whatever you can dig up with your spellwork will help us narrow the field. Abella can read her omens; the duckling can do some of the same. Soldier boy's still got official contacts 'til he's put out to pasture. Murderbird knows her business."

Shane muses over that Whatever I can dig up with my spellwork? I can't go invisibly into every dingy locale and hope I stir up a clue...the odds don't calculate. How can my magic possibly... but then Shrike answers the question of just HOW his magic can narrow the field...considerably.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce wrote:
"The ship's our only solid lead. But it's at the bottom of the Jeggare. Until we all learn to breathe underwater, I'll ask around about people who've lately had money they shouldn't."

At THIS, Shane breaks out into a smile, the smile of a man of lofty education getting to show why his degree was worth every headache, heartache, and effort to pursue, "Oh is THAT all we need? Give me time to memorize the spell and I can gather the magic to allow ten hours of water breathing to be spread out among us. For example, I can help five of us breath water for two hours each. Transmutation is not my specialty, but does come in handy." He lifts his tea cup to them all, "You know the old saying? Where there's a wizard, there's a way." The full saying is more like 'Where there's a wizard there's a way, but there might be a long wait first' but why soil a happy moment with provisos?

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

As Audria listens to Pava, Shrike, and Shane, she sips her tea, heavily laded with milk and honey, and feels a little ashamed of herself. Of course there are others that would be more likely to be targeted by Queen Ileosa. For that matter, she could see how the Sanctuary of Shelyn could be one of those targets. Brother Theolan was a kind soul, and he would never support the kind of atrocities the queen had proven herself capable of. As she begins to fall into her own thoughts again, she hears mention of the ship, and Shane's assurances that he can help them get to it pull her into a different set of worries.

"B-but I don't know how to swim," Audria blurts out before she can stop herself.

Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-4/HP: 25/25; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +3,R: +4,W:+6; Init +2, Perc: +2

"That's the beauty of being able to breathe water, you can't drown." Shane smiles, "Maybe we can hook up with ropes or something on top of it if you like."

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Audria looks to Shrike, wondering if the masked vigilante is remembering her little accident under the Old Fishery where Gaedren Lamm was hiding the night they first met, well the night everyone but she and Shrike first met given that Audria knew Shrike by her real name from before.

"M-maybe I can learn before we go," Audria says quietly as she glances at Shrike and Elric, wondering if they could help her learn.

CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 5 | HP 40/40 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +5 (+7 v. enchantment, +6 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +8/+10 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 9

The shrike mask turns slightly toward Audria and Shane both. "Like the girl says. There's more dangers than drowning. Jigsaws. Reefclaws." Shrike remembers the giant human-eating lizard Gaedren Lamm kept as a pet with a repressed shudder. "Alligators. Got anything that'll let us swim like them? Otherwise we're sitting ducks. Even knowing the basics."

Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-4/HP: 25/25; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +3,R: +4,W:+6; Init +2, Perc: +2

"I'm not a good swimmer either," He says "But I can cast invisibility on some or a tight pack of us... as long as we don't lose each other in the water, that should discourage the visual predators. It's up to all of you, but we DO have the ability to breathe water for a few hours available to us."
Edit: Taking ten on Arcane Knowledge or Spellcraft so I can bring up what was mentioned in Discussion
He does consider other magics, "There ARE other spells that enhance swimming skill and under water agility, or so I hear. The problem? Those I don't have. Maybe potions or scrolls could be bought?"

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