About Pava / Nips at HeelsAppearance:
Pava is a rangy beanpole as soft and comforting as rawhide. The sloping linework where their tattoos emerge only further emphasizes the straight lines of their long, lean limbs. Their clothing is cheap, roomy, and functional, dyed only with what was leftover, and muffling the slight clink of the armor beneath it. They carry something reminiscent of a klar strapped to one hand, but the chosen bones are small, and the normal spikes have been sawn off or replaced with cold iron - a better fit for the alleys of Korvosa than the broad steppes of the plateau. Their expressions move as fast as the rest of them - easily flickering between sardonic disdain, protective warmth, and cold anger, but they're not great at looking relaxed. Defense:
HP 54
AC 19 (+5 armor, +4 Dex, +1 shield) FF 15 (+5 armor) TAC 14 (+4 Dex) CMD 19 (+5 BAB, +0 Str, +4 Dex) (+2 vs. Grapple, Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Reposition, Steal) Fort +6 (+4 Base, +2 Con)
Speed 30'
Initiative +6 BAB +5 CMB +9 (+2 to Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Reposition, Steal) Cut-Down Klar +11 or +9/+9 1d4+4 B/P 19-20/x2
Acrobatics +13 (6 ranks, +4 Dex, +3 misc) +2 to avoid AoO until a test is failed that day
*Bluff +11 (6 ranks, +2 Cha, +3 misc) Climb +10 (5 ranks, +3 misc, +2 circ.) Intimidate +11 (6 ranks, +2 Cha, +3 misc) *Knowledge (Local) +7 (4 ranks, +3 misc) Linguistics +4 (1 rank, +3 misc) *Perception +7 (4 ranks, +3 misc) Profession (Community Organizer) +8 (5 ranks, +3 misc) *Sense Motive +6 (3 ranks, +3 misc) Sleight of Hand +13 (6 ranks, +4 Dex, +3 misc) Stealth +11 (4 ranks +4 Dex, +3 misc) *Survival +5 (2 ranks, +3 misc) Swim +5 (2 ranks, +3 misc) Use Magic Device +8 (3 ranks, +2 Cha, +3 Misc Special Abilities:
Favored Class: Brawler (+3 hp)
Finesse Training: Pava gains Deft Maneuvers as a bonus feat. Whenever they make a melee attack with close weapons they add their Dexterity modifer instead of their Strength modifer to the damage roll. Sneak Attack: If Pava can catch an opponent when they are unable to defend themselves effectively from their attack, they can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Pava’s attack deals extra damage anytime their target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks their target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every 2 rogue levels thereafter (3d6). Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. This additional damage is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit. With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (such as a sap, unarmed strike, or whip), a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. They cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack—not even with the usual –4 penalty. Pava must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. They cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with total concealment. Frightening: Whenever Pava successfully uses Intimidate to demoralize a creature, the duration of the shaken condition is increased by 1 round. In addition, if the target is shaken for 4 or more rounds, Pava can instead decide to make the target frightened for 1 round. Brutal Beating: Whenever Pava deals sneak attack damage, they can choose to forgo 1d6 points of sneak attack damage to make the target sickened for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 their rogue level (1). This ability does not stack with itself—only the most recent duration applies. Evasion: Pava can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If they succeed at a Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, they instead take no damage. Evasion can be used only if the are wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion. Weapon Training: Pava gains Weapon Focus (close) as a bonus feat Brawler's Cunning: Pava's Intelligence score counts as 13 for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats. Martial Training: Pava counts their total brawler levels as both fighter levels and monk levels for the purpose of qualifying or using feats and magic items. Brawler's Flurry: Pava can make a brawler’s flurry as a full-attack action. When doing so, they have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat when attacking with any combination of unarmed strikes, weapons from the close fighter weapon group, or weapons with the “monk” special feature. They do not need to use two different weapons to use this ability. Pava applies their full Strength modifier to their damage rolls for all attacks made with brawler’s flurry, whether the attacks are made with an off-hand weapon or a weapon wielded in both hands. Pava can substitute disarm, sunder, and trip combat maneuvers for unarmed attacks as part of brawler’s flurry. Snake Feint: Pava can combine a move action to move with a feint. Feats:
Deft Maneuvers: Pava is skilled at a variety of dextrous combat maneuvers. They do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a trip or disarm combat maneuver. In addition, they receive a +2 bonus on checks with trip and disarm combat maneuvers, and they can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a move action. They also receives a +2 bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to trip or disarm them
Dirty Fighting: Pava can take advantage of a distracted foe. When they attempt a combat maneuver check against a foe they are flanking, they can forgo the +2 bonus on their attack roll for flanking to instead have the combat maneuver not provoke an attack of opportunity. If they would not provoke an attack of opportunity, they can instead increase the bonus on their attack roll for flanking to +4 for the combat maneuver check. Iron Will: Pava is more resistant to mental effects. They get a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws. Weapon Focus (close): Pava gets a +1 bonus to attack with close weapons. Dazzling Display: Pava's skill with their favored weapons can frighten enemies. While wielding a weapon in which they have Weapon Focus, Pava can perform a bewildering show of prowess as a full-round action. They make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30' who can see their display. Unarmed Combatant: Pava is skilled at grappling and fighting while unarmed. Pava is considered to be armed even when unarmed - they don't provoke attacks of opportunity when they attack foes while unarmed. They do not provoke an attack of opporunity when performing a grapple combat maneuver. In addition, they receive a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe. They also receive a +2 bonus to their CMD whenever a foe tries to grapple them. Pummeling Style. Pava's unarmed strikes weave together in an effortless combo, focusing on the spots they've weakened with the last hit. Whenever Pava uses a full-attack action to make multiple attacks against a single opponent with unarmed strikes, total the damage from all hits before applying damage reduction. Motivating Display: Pava can empower their allies through their fear of them. Whenever Pava uses Dazzling Display to demoralize foes, they can motivate their allies to better serve them. In addition to possibly demoralizing foes within 30', their Intimidate check while using Dazzling Display also applies to allies within 30' that can see them. The DC is the same as it would be to demoralize them. Each ally so affected gains a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and skill checks for the duration that they would normally be shaken. Traits:
The Vessel Between: Pava ushers their victims from the kingdoms of the living to the kingdom of the dead. They gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls that would deal sneak attack damage on a hit.
Wary of Danger: Pava's people are beset on all sides by threats, and they have developed a keen sense for danger. they gain a +2 bonus to initiative rolls. Equipment:
Combat Gear: Mithral Shirt +1, Masterwork Cold Iron Cestus (sawed-off Klar), Dagger, Heightened (4) Continual Flame Gray Ioun Stone (in pocket), Potion of CMW, Antivenom, Antiplague, Potion of Mage Armor, Oil of Bless Weapon, Oil of Magic Weapon, Silver Tekko-kagi, Acrobat Pillar, Climbing Kit 2377.16 gp
Other Gear: Leveling Notes:
Pummeling Scout Charge -
Pummeling Style – is a Brawler
Weapon Focus
1 Deft Maneuvers
Emboldening Strike? New Antitoxin