GM Harrow’s Curse of the Crimson Throne - AE

Game Master GM Harrow

Map of Korvosa
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Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-6/HP: 35/35; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +4,R: +5,W:+7; Init +2, Perc: +2/( 3 Str dmg)

Master Culde Pompeux eyes the offered hand as if checking it for filth, then , satisfied, shakes it, "Capital. We shall soon be on our way. I do hope there are some top rated inns on the road... a proper large bath will be every so soothing."

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Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 20/14/17 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Meeting before heading to Vencarlo's to pick up "Theo"
Audria returns the shake with a firm grip.

I wonder if he'd be interested in theatre? He's good at acting, Audria thinks to herself.

"Oh, most definitely," she agrees. "If not, there's always the river."

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Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-6/HP: 35/35; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +4,R: +5,W:+7; Init +2, Perc: +2/( 3 Str dmg)

His own grip is almost tepid in response, rather milquetoast and he pulls it back quickly before he reaches for a delicate cloth and puts it to his nose "ugh, but so often the docks just.. smell. Still, we'll trundle through."

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At the Orsini Academy

Theodosius nods again as Audria introduces herself and Pava, but doesn't speak. Vencarlo quickly interjects. "And this is why poor Theo needs to leave the city as soon as possible. An affliction of the lungs, you see, every time he attempts to speak he gets dreadful coughing fits." He pats the youth on the shoulder. "Well, off you go, my dear, and write me as soon as you can." To Audria and Pava, he adds. "I'm certain you will take exceptionally good care of him, and I am immensely grateful for your assistance." He produces a rather large velvet pouch, heavy and clinking. "Here, for any travel expenses." Inside it rest an assortment of coins and cut gems, worth about 500 gold sails in total.

Loot: 500 gp in coins and gems.

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Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 20/14/17 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Osrini Academy

Audria takes the pouch while trying, and failing, not to look stunned.

"Thank you, Master Orsini. We'll take the best care of your nephew that we can," she assures the swordsman before turning to Theodosius.
"If you're ready, sir, we would be glad to see you to Harse. Don't worry. We'll keep you safe."

I rolled a perception check for the trip to where we're meeting the others and setting out with Bartholomew and Olga in the last post I did for this part. I got a 12.

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Theodosius nods at Audria, a deeper nod that conveys gratitude as well as acknowledgment. The youth hesitates for a moment, then turns around and quickly hugs Vencarlo Orsini, a move that seems to take the swordmaster by surprise.

"Er, yes, take care of yourself now, Theo. And don't worry about a thing, you'll be safe with my friends." He claps Pava on the shoulder and gives Audria a deep bow, then with a casual salute of two fingers to an invisible hat brim he turns on scuffed boot heel to disappear into the corridors of the fencing school.

Audria doesn't know this area that well, and beyond the main roads the place tends to be a maze of alleys. Luckily, Pava is familiar with all that and can guide their small group through little-frequented streets and back alleys.

Where are you meeting Bartholomew and Olga? You'd want to go through North Gate as it's closest, so I presume somewhere near that.

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 20/14/17 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

That would work. I thought the gate out of East Shore was the one that went to the road to Harse, that's why I said that one.

Audria smiles as Vencarlo's hugged by his "nephew" and nods when he salutes her and Pava.

Traveling through Old Korvosa was more nerve-wracking than she wants to admit, and is grateful that Pava knows the area better than she does as they lead Theodosius and herself along the less traveled roads.

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There's a tense moment when they cross Jeggare Bridge, the only stone bridge connecting Old Korvosa to the mainland. A checkpoint has been set up at the southern end, with guards scrutinizing passers-by and frequently stopping them. Theodosius is visibly nervous, and keeps touching his moustache then snatching his hand away as if scalded. Fortunately, their group warrants no more than a glance, and soon they are in North Point and heading eastwards.

Two blocks before the gate is the meeting point with the others, and where Bartholomew and Olga await with the rented cart. The former marine frowns in puzzlement when there's no sign of a blonde young woman to escort, looking at Audria with that quirk of his brow that he has. Olga murmurs, "There's guards at the gate, and a half dozen of those Maidens. They're checking everyone who comes into the city, but especially those looking to get out." She scratches her nose, using the movement to point discreetly upwards - where a few shadows circle in the overcast sky, undoubtedly Sable Company hippogriffs.

Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-6/HP: 35/35; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +4,R: +5,W:+7; Init +2, Perc: +2/( 3 Str dmg)

Shane tries to judge if there is width room at the gate for an Invisible cart to possibly sneak by while they're inspecting another. Calculations run in his head regarding the limits of an Invisibility sphere

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 20/14/17 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

"Mr. Bartholomew, Mrs. Olga, this is Theodosius, the man we're accompanying to Harse. Please forgive him for not speaking, he has a condition that doesn't agree with the air in the city, and causes him fits when he tries to speak," Audria explains before turning to young Theo. "Mr. Theo, this is Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew Holdt. They've been like family to me since I've meet them and they agreed to allow us to accompany them as they visit their children in Harse."

The news about how closely the gate is being watched and that the Sable Company Marines are out patrolling the skies isn't unexpected, but it's also far from welcome. She helps Theodosius into the wagon, along with anyone else being "escorted," like Shrike posing as a burn victim or Shane posing as master Culde Pompeux. She then turns to Pava and whispers in their ear.

"Still going with me doing the talking," she asks.

CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 6 | HP 47/47 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 (+10 v. enchantment, +9 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +9/+11 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 8

Shrike drifts to the ground in a shadow in a nearby alley and slips into the back of the Holdts' rented cart. She slides the sleeves on to effect her transformation into a bandaged burn victim. This time she makes sure to put some char on the cloak and and ominous pink stains on part of the bandages. She lies down on the floor of the cart and prepares to be the picture of silent or hoarsely-breathing suffering, depending on whether the guards seem overly interested in their party or not.

Nonbinary (They/them) Shoanti Rogue (Unchained, Scout, Thug)/Brawler (Snakebite Striker) 3/3 | HP 47/54 | AC 20, T 14, FF 16 CMD 17 | F +6, R +10, W +4 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | SM +6 | Long-term buffs:

"Seems to me like we'd rather be slick than sincere, duckling. I say we let Acadamae handle it, so long as he doesn't need to focus on maintaining young Theo's invisibility."

It doesn't sound like they're generically scanning things with Detect Magic or higher level divinations, but Pava is planning on just standing in the way of where 'Theo' should be. They're perfectly happy to explain that magical armor et al is a good idea when you're providing protection.

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 20/14/17 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Audria nods and gets into the wagon and leans in towards Master Clude.

"I think you're up," she whispers in his ear.

He can only keep Theo invisible for 5 minutes. We might not be able to do that if it's taking longer than that to get through the queue.

Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-6/HP: 35/35; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +4,R: +5,W:+7; Init +2, Perc: +2/( 3 Str dmg)

For a moment Shane freezes from nerves, then he resolves himself and casts invisibility on Theo quietly "Make yourself small to avoid reaching hands. Not a peep."

Male human ranger (ilsurian archer, sable company marine) 6| HP 62/62 | AC 18/12/16, CMD 21 | F +8, R +8, W +6 | Init +2*, Perc. +11* (* +2 in urban terrain) | Ammo: regular arrows (40), blunt (20), silver blanched (28)| Harrow Points: 3 |Status: N/A

At the reins, Elric carefully guides the wagon forward, doing his best to look the part of a gruff hired guard.

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4d20 ⇒ (10, 3, 6, 13) = 32

One of the gate guards recognizes Bartholomew, who is sitting on the driver's seat next to Eric, and waves the cart through with a respectful salute. The gaze of one other guard follow them as they trundle across North Bridge, but it's not particularly inquisitive.

Another checkpoint has been set at the far end of the bridge. This time, one of the guards peers into the back of the cart, narrowing her eyes at the bandage-wrapped Shrike. "What's the matter with that one?"

1d100 ⇒ 75 4d20 ⇒ (2, 2, 18, 12) = 34

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Nonbinary (They/them) Shoanti Rogue (Unchained, Scout, Thug)/Brawler (Snakebite Striker) 3/3 | HP 47/54 | AC 20, T 14, FF 16 CMD 17 | F +6, R +10, W +4 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | SM +6 | Long-term buffs:

"Oh where to even begin, mate. The bandages and such though? Burned. Real nasty oozey stuff too, and that's just the ointments. So what happened was- Well wait, you saw it better, right?"
Bluff Aid for Shane: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

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Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-6/HP: 35/35; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +4,R: +5,W:+7; Init +2, Perc: +2/( 3 Str dmg)

Grateful to Pava for their lead in for him, Master Culde Pompeux comes to life. He covers his mouth, "I wish I had not, one feels positively nauseated at the memory. And don't, for the love of all that's holy, poke at the bandages. It.. might release the smell. and you won't want that. No one with a nose would. I hope there's a strong breeze to carry scents away once we get outside."

He prepares to slip loose a small prestidigitation to create an unpleasant scent in the guard's nostrils if need be... something akin to rotten eggs and over cooked bacon mingled by sewage water should do it.

Bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

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The guard casually places a hand on the shaft of her halberd. "And why, pray tell, are you not taking this injured person to one of the temples in the city? There are no healers for many miles past these walls."

If she was only a little suspicious before, she now seems in full investigator mode. "Remove their bandages. I want to look at their face."

1d20 ⇒ 8

Shane can feel the invisible Theo tense next to him as an unseen hand clutches at his thigh.

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Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 20/14/17 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Uh-oh, this isn't good.

Audria, thinking fast, decides to step in.

"Pardon me ma'am, I am a priestess of Shelyn," she says as she holds up her holy symbol. "We have done all we can for her physical wounds," because she has none, "and now we must treat the emotional and mental ones," that she'll never admit to having. "It is best for someone suffering from that kind of trauma to leave Korvosa and move somewhere more peaceful and free of reminders about the recent violence," she tells the guard. "I have some skill in the healing arts, so she will not be without aid, should she need it. Besides, I believe I know why you wish to see her face, but this woman is clearly not the same one that Blackjack helped escape the executioner's axe. She's taller and her limbs are longer. The person you're looking for would be closer to my size. Besides, if we removed the bandages from a burn victim we would have to replace them immediately, and that is a time consuming process. We would be holding up the line while we did so, as well. That would only make those behind us more cross about the delay and would only humiliate someone who's already suffered greatly."

Diplomacy (Audria has not told a single lie): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29 -3 if Tally's not within a mile.

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Her sharp gaze still lingering on Shrike's bandaged form, the guard nods slowly as her expression softens. "Ah. I- see." She steps back and waves the cart through, nodding at Audria.

As they pass under the arch at the far end of North Bridge, Olga removes her cloak and holds it over the back half of the cart, ostensibly to provide some shade for the burn victim. But as Theodosius's form shimmers into the visible spectrum a scant moment later, it is a fortunate gesture indeed. Or, perhaps, a premeditated one, by how the cloak drapes him just so and hides him.

As the city of Korvosa recedes behind them, Bartholomew lets out a whistling breath. "Well, that was close. At least we didn't run into any of those Gray Maidens. By what I hear, I doubt they would have let us pass so easily."

You're in the clear! We won't play out the entire journey to Harse, but you can RP a little if you like.

Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-6/HP: 35/35; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +4,R: +5,W:+7; Init +2, Perc: +2/( 3 Str dmg)

Once they're outside the city and it seems to be shrinking behind them, he says "Nicely done, Audria." Then he has to ask Bartholomew "What have you heard of them. The Gray Maidens I mean?"

Nonbinary (They/them) Shoanti Rogue (Unchained, Scout, Thug)/Brawler (Snakebite Striker) 3/3 | HP 47/54 | AC 20, T 14, FF 16 CMD 17 | F +6, R +10, W +4 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | SM +6 | Long-term buffs:

Pava's gaze is locked on Bartholomew, awaiting his answer. "They seemed... serious. Also, if this one," they hook a thumb at Shrike, "is going to insist on the coverings, might be that that's the kind of uniform that would discourage questions instead of nearly getting us caught."

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1d3 ⇒ 3

"well, I've heard that Sabina Merrin, the Queen's bodyguard, is their leader. It's not uncommon for a new ruler to want their own martial force for protection, it's just.... something about it rubs me the wrong way." Olga gives him a playful slap on the arm. "Is it because they're all women? And I heard that the queen is selecting them personally, to be pretty as well as good fighters. A shame they keep wearing those full-faced helms."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 20/14/17 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

It isn't until Korvosa is far in the distance that Audria lets out a breath and relaxes.

"I can't believe that worked," she mutters as Tally comes swooping in with Majenko and Galewing.

The little bird lands on Audria's shoulder and looks around.

"Is everything okay? I could feel Audria getting really tense all of the sudden," Tally says.

"Just a close call. I think it was less the disguise and more 'Master Clude Pompeux' needs some acting lessons," she says with a smile, gently teasing Shane.

She turns to face the back of the wagon and lifts up Olga's cloak.

"Are you doing alright back there? we should be a little further away from Korvosa before we stop for the night. It should be safe to come out then," the young paladin tells Theodosius.

Hearing about the Gray Maidens, all temptation towards levity vanishes.

"I don't think that's it," Audria says when Olga asks if it's because they are all women. "It's... I dunno. There's something cold about them, I think. It's like most of them don't see anyone else as real people."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male human ranger (ilsurian archer, sable company marine) 6| HP 62/62 | AC 18/12/16, CMD 21 | F +8, R +8, W +6 | Init +2*, Perc. +11* (* +2 in urban terrain) | Ammo: regular arrows (40), blunt (20), silver blanched (28)| Harrow Points: 3 |Status: N/A

Once they are well out of the city, Elric signals for Galewing to land with a loud whistle and a wave.

The imposing hippogriff comes soaring in from a great height and seems content to take a brief break on the ground after the flight.

"That went well, and our flying trio here seem to be getting along nicely. I feel safer letting Galewing roam beyond my sight knowing you are with him, Tally and Majenko."

Tally preens ant Elric's praise, but then deflates a bit as she looks over at the magnificent hippogriff.

"He is smart, and big. I had to be careful following him down," she says.

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Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-6/HP: 35/35; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +4,R: +5,W:+7; Init +2, Perc: +2/( 3 Str dmg)
"Just a close call. I think it was less the disguise and more 'Master Clude Pompeux' needs some acting lessons," she says with a smile, gently teasing Shane.

"Ungrateful peasant." he gives a faux sniff, then says "All right, clearly thespianhood is not my day job."

GM Harrow wrote:

"well, I've heard that Sabina Merrin, the Queen's bodyguard, is their leader. It's not uncommon for a new ruler to want their own martial force for protection, it's just.... something about it rubs me the wrong way." Olga gives him a playful slap on the arm. "Is it because they're all women? And I heard that the queen is selecting them personally, to be pretty as well as good fighters. A shame they keep wearing those full-faced helms."

"I don't think that's it," Audria says when Olga asks if it's because they are all women. "It's... I dunno. There's something cold about them, I think. It's like most of them don't see anyone else as real people."

"Well, all rulers have their quirks, but it's almost as if they were birthed from her open skull full formed and feared by all." He ponders that "We don't see mercenary groups of women coming into the city. We don't see recruiting posters for locals. Where does the talent come from, how are they selected I wonder? Does Sabbina write discrete letters and have them come in from the back door? I don't like Secret Police at the best of times, and these aren't the best of times."

He smiles as the Hippogriff lands, glad to see the magnificent creature is well.

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 20/14/17 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

"I guess I don't have to worry about her trying to recruit me, then," Audria says. "I'm too short from what I saw."

Nonbinary (They/them) Shoanti Rogue (Unchained, Scout, Thug)/Brawler (Snakebite Striker) 3/3 | HP 47/54 | AC 20, T 14, FF 16 CMD 17 | F +6, R +10, W +4 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | SM +6 | Long-term buffs:

"Plenty of women can wield a blade with the best or be taught to do it better, and most of them in the city already serve in forces loyal to the crown," Pava demurs, "but kit like they were all wearing... that much custom plate and uniforms takes planning, usually time, even if you have the right wizard. So they knew they'd need it." A fierce sort of joy tugs at their features.

"Timeline tells us a lot."

A thought occurs. "Oh, do mind the masks. If anyone else is partial to dangerous women, keep any seditious pillowtalk to a minimum, particularly around tall ones."

CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 6 | HP 47/47 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 (+10 v. enchantment, +9 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +9/+11 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 8

Except for one rattling breath when the guard peered into the back, Shrike has been lying silent and still through the juddering of the cart as it slowly makes enough distance from Korvosa.

Now she sits up under the covering cloak that provides a makeshift roof. "Nice save, little lark." She tugs at her wrists. The illusion of the charred homespun and stained bandages vanishes, to reveal the many-pocketed second-story man's garb and grey shrike mask with its dark tear tracks once more. It turns to Pava. "Expensive to play rooster-knight. Something's off about them. Never seen one alone. Or traveling with civilians. Don't talk much either. Like little toys that all go back in their box at the end of the day."

With this disturbing reflection, Shrike pulls her armor from the magic pack that went into the cart when she did and shrugs into it, then likewise retrieves her weapon, and leaves the cart to play caravan guard for a while.

I think it would take a true hat of disguise to make one's armor look different as opposed to just one's clothes. But don't get me wrong, I'll definitely invest in one when the difference between 200 and 700 gp isn't so important.

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Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-6/HP: 35/35; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +4,R: +5,W:+7; Init +2, Perc: +2/( 3 Str dmg)

"Well, my social calendar is dripping with the company of ladies of every height," Shane jokes with Pava "Mostly in the form of rescue attempts lately."

Then he sobers as Shrike brings up more points "True. I think we can count on them not caring about much beyond the Queen's will."

Then, in a kind tone he inquires, "Are you okay, Theo?"

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Elric Rivers wrote:

Once they are well out of the city, Elric signals for Galewing to land with a loud whistle and a wave.

The imposing hippogriff comes soaring in from a great height and seems content to take a brief break on the ground after the flight.

"That went well, and our flying trio here seem to be getting along nicely. I feel safer letting Galewing roam beyond my sight knowing you are with him, Tally and Majenko."

Majenko's head emerges from amidst Galewing's neck feathers, looking a little smug. "That was great! Didn't even have to exert my injured wing. And I'm sure the big guy doesn't mind."

Theo startles at Shane's question, then manages a hesitant nod. The youth is seated with his back to the driver's bench, and as he gazes at the fading skyline of Korvosa tears fill his eyes. He is clearly doing his best to keep it together, but every now and then a silent sob wracks his body.

Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-6/HP: 35/35; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +4,R: +5,W:+7; Init +2, Perc: +2/( 3 Str dmg)

He notes this, and sighs "Brave fellow, but.. sometimes, it's okay to be not okay. In some places, among some crowds, folks are like sharks, they smell a moment of vulnerability like sharks smell blood," His own thoughts drift back to the academy... when he was newly arrived.

He remembered tears at the academae working so...

A memory:

"Look, it's CRYING!" One boy, a fellow student with pimples akin to a constellation, laughed.
"Can't be, Tieflings don't cry, they steam" A girl tittered at her own cleverness. She was lovely... on the outside.
She was rewarded as much for her cruelty shared than the humor of it by others joining in.
"Awww, horn head, can't you even summon a familiar right?" Egeo Courenero, their ringleader, tutted in faux sympathy, but his eyes were full of pleasure at the weeping smaller student.
The brazier was overturned. A part of the ritual was to offer a bit of food to the animal to be bonded with. It had been the loveliest little songbird, and it trilled in greeting as it ate the seed out of young Shane's hands.

It's death had been horrible. Someone had poisoned the seed before the ritual, and not with anything fast acting or painless. The bird writhed and flopped as if every iota of blood in its tiny frame were on fire. Shane had called for help, but the only ones who came were the bullies. Shane was smart enough to be sure this was no coincidence. To their delight, they caught him openly weeping at his own helplessness to help the little songbird.

Had Shane the strength of will then, he would have snapped the little bird's neck and put it out of it's misery right then. He didn't. All he could do was try to comfort the poor creature in its last moments as his tears flowed down his inhuman face and the laughter rang behind him.

Shane brushed the memory away, And that is why I use a ring he thought to himself.

Focusing to break from the shadow of the past, he looked at Theo anew "This is where I tell you it's okay to cry in front of US if you need to. But you don't know us, not really. And while we are helping you, you don't know our reasons. Instead, I'm going to give you advice on how to stop once you start." Shane's tone became almost teacher like, "Concentrate on your breathing. It steadies the system and redirects awareness. Blink and move your eyes, it may sound like a way TO cry, but moving them about as you blink can help prevent the tears from spilling out. Better wet than dripping in some cases. Three, your face will tense, try to relax the muscles in your face. I also suggest water to drink in small sips for a throat lump, and you might want to go some place private where you can run your heart out or punch a soft target... maybe that was just me. Anyway, thought the tips might be of use to you."

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 20/14/17 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Seeing Theo trying not to cry, Audria slides down beside him as Shane gives him some advice. She puts an arm around his shoulders and gives him a moment to compose himself.

"Is this your first time outside of Korvosa, too," she asks.

Nonbinary (They/them) Shoanti Rogue (Unchained, Scout, Thug)/Brawler (Snakebite Striker) 3/3 | HP 47/54 | AC 20, T 14, FF 16 CMD 17 | F +6, R +10, W +4 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | SM +6 | Long-term buffs:
Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce wrote:
"Something's off about them. Never seen one alone. Or traveling with civilians. Don't talk much either. Like little toys that all go back in their box at the end of the day."

Pava's mouth wryly twists, and they angle their body towards Shrike rather than admit how horribly open the sky around them was. "Don't tell me I have to explain masks to you, Murder Bird. What we see in a row of expressionless helms doesn't tell us what's beneath. Or make it easy to tell "

CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 6 | HP 47/47 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 (+10 v. enchantment, +9 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +9/+11 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 8

The mask dips consideringly, then turns away as Shrike scans the horizon instead. "Just a feeling."

Without turning her head, she watches 'Theo' through the mask's impassive eyes. Fate has dealt her a harsh hand, and there is little anyone can do to soften it. But in a year, maybe two, the Queen will likely have so much to do with all the problems that come from actually ruling that she will forget all about the plot to frame and execute 'Trinia Sabor,' and she may be able to return under her real appearance without drawing attention.

The slanted black elf eyes of the mask turn directly toward the cart's unhappy occupant. "It's not forever." Her voice is as gentle as Shrike ever is, almost hoarse instead of a croak.

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Theo's frame is surprisingly small under Audria's arm, narrow round shoulders with not a lot of muscle on them. The youth hiccups as they focus on their breathing like Shane advises, and soon they relax a little. Their gaze whips to Shrike as she speaks, considering. Then they reach up to unglue the wispy moustache from their upper lip, rubbing their face with both hands until it turns red.

"Thank you. You probably know who I really am. I- I didn't expect anyone to do this for a stranger. I'm nobody, I have nothing, but I will never, ever forget what you did." The voice is high and trembling a little in the beginning, but towards the end there is a hint of iron in it as the young woman balls both fists and stares fiercely at every face near her.

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Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 20/14/17 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

"We knew ever since we were asked to help get you out of Korvosa," Audria confirms with a giggle. Her smile fades quickly as she looks into the young woman's eyes. "I know that I had nothing to do with why you were up there to be killed, but I still feel as if I share some blame," she explains. "T-trinia's one of my closest friends. I've known her for years, and there was no way she could have hurt anyone, much less killed them." She takes in a deep breath to steady her own voice. "My friends and I saved her from the mob and got her out of the city, but that meant the queen had no one to trot out for that farce," she continues on, her anger rising as she remembers the execution. She closes her eyes and lets it go out with her breath. "I guess they found you, and you looked enough like Trinia to fool most people."

Audria pulls the other young woman into a hug. It's all she can do for her at the moment, and she feels it is pathetically little considering how her life had been uprooted.

"I'm worry," the paladin apologizes. "I'm so sorry that you had to go through that."

She lets go and sits back upright as she wipes away the tears that are threatening to fall.

"I guess we should introduce ourselves now that we're going to be on the road together for a little while. I'm Audria Lumina, and I am a priestess of Shelyn. This," she points to the thrush on her shoulder, "is Talanaliel, or Tally since that can be a bit of a mouthful." She laughs at the indignant "hey" the little bird lets out as she continues. "May I have you're name?"

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Nonbinary (They/them) Shoanti Rogue (Unchained, Scout, Thug)/Brawler (Snakebite Striker) 3/3 | HP 47/54 | AC 20, T 14, FF 16 CMD 17 | F +6, R +10, W +4 | Init +6 | Perc +7 | SM +6 | Long-term buffs:

Pava tsks at how free Audria is with their secrets, but lets it pass. "Don't need your name unless you actually want to give it, Theo. Just be sure to do the same for another if you have the chance."

Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-6/HP: 35/35; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +4,R: +5,W:+7; Init +2, Perc: +2/( 3 Str dmg)

Well, I fell stupid. I forgot who 'Theo' might be.

"Yes, might best for all of us if we restrained full name use."

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 20/14/17 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Audria's shoulders slump as Pava and Shane speak. She feels that they are being too paranoid, but she also can't argue with the reasons why.

"Sorry, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," she tells "Theo" in a soft voice.

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Roll20 Map | Loot inventory

The girl dips her head at Audria in a gesture of respect, glancing at Talanaliel with sudden understanding. "It's... alright," she manages as the priestess apologizes.

Her features shift into what might, possibly, be a smile - aimed at Pava. "I- rather like Theo, to be true. I don't mind if you keep calling me that."

1d100 ⇒ 62

The rest of the journey is mostly uneventful, the road running along the coast for a day or so before cutting across sparsely wooded hills and long stretches of open plain. Shrike leaves them after the first night to return to Korvosa. They have to sleep rough for the most part, since there's only one inn between the city and Harse, a modest affair frequented by farmers going to the city to sell their harvest. One night out from Harse wolves approach the campsites, but Bartholomew picks up a burning branch from the fire and charges at them yelling and hollering - and that scatters them.

Harse is a narrow village located on a strip of land at the point where Sarwin River empties into Falcon River. The village itself consists of just a few dozen buildings, including a temple dedicated to Erastil, two general stores, two taverns (the Spotted Pony and the somewhat dingier Nag Bag), a large inn (Rancher’s Retreat), and a bustling ferry service. Olga and Bartholomew's oldest son has a farm a bit out of town, while their daughter and younger son run one of the general stores.

"We should take Theo to my oldest, less eyes there," suggests Bartholomew. "And you all are welcome to stay as well, as long as you like."

There's an opportunity for downtime, if anyone wants to do something that requires a few days. The trip to and from Harse is also considered downtime (although you won't have access to trainers or crafting facilities, of course).

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Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 20/14/17 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

"I dunno, you look more like a Thea," Audria teases, "but if you insist, I supposed Theo's fine." Her tone is droll, and her eyes dance with laughter as she grins at the young woman they were escorting.

When Shrike leaves, Audria follows the vigilante a little ways and asks her to make sure Jessica is alright when she gets back to Korvosa. She looks around to make sure no one is watching and no one is in earshot before turning back to Shrike and giving her a hug.

"Please be careful, Merula," she quietly tells her friend before letting go and heading back to the others.

That first night, Audria and Tally reveal that the little bird can turn into a half-elf that looks a lot like the young paladin. The two of them spend much of the journey trying to get to know and befriend Theo. They tell her stories about the mischief they, Eliana, and Trinia would get up to, and how much of a headache they could be for Sister Jenelyn. She's careful not to give away anything about the others, but she's open about her own experiences when asked.

The rough conditions don't bother Audria much. She has slept in similar or worse for most of her life. She does her best to help Olga with the cooking and to keep up morale by singing and dancing whenever they stop for camp or just singing some traveling songs she's learned when Theo wants to be left alone or there is a lull in the conversation. However, when Audria is alone or on watch, her thoughts turn to Trinia and Eliana and how they are doing. She prays to Shelyn for her friends' safety and wellbeing and that one day they'll be together again.

The night before they reach Harse, though, Theo and Olga see a side of Audria they haven't seen before. With the wolves closing in, she follows Bartholomew's orders and stays close to them with her glaive ready to defend them from attack. Her face is a stern mask as she watches Bartholomew scatter the wolves and drive them off. She only relaxes when the sounds of their retreat fade into the night.

Audria's excitement grows as they near the town and Bartholomew suggests going to his eldest son's home. She has never had the chance to meet the Holdts' children, and she's looking forward to it.

"I think that'd be great! Do you think the others will come? I hope they do. I'd like to meet all of them," she says, seeming more like a young girl excited to see family and friends again than a young woman who's an ordained priestess.

Could Audria earn some coin performing or doing some commissions?

CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 6 | HP 47/47 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 (+10 v. enchantment, +9 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +9/+11 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 8
GM Harrow wrote:
"Thank you. You probably know who I really am. I- I didn't expect anyone to do this for a stranger. I'm nobody, I have nothing, but I will never, ever forget what you did." The voice is high and trembling a little in the beginning, but towards the end there is a hint of iron in it as the young woman balls both fists and stares fiercely at every face near her.
Audria wrote:
"I guess we should introduce ourselves now that we're going to be on the road together for a little while. I'm Audria Lumina, and I am a priestess of Shelyn. This," she points to the thrush on her shoulder, "is Talanaliel, or Tally since that can be a bit of a mouthful." She laughs at the indignant "hey" the little bird lets out as she continues. "May I have your name?"
Pava wrote:
Pava tsks at how free Audria is with their secrets, but lets it pass. "Don't need your name unless you actually want to give it, Theo. Just be sure to do the same for another if you have the chance."

The sharp-beaked mask twists toward Audria, about to raise some objection, but then Pava steps in, and Shrike flattens her feathers. She nods gravely to the girl, half agreement with Pava and half acknowledgement of her promise. By nightfall she is gone.

Shrike nods shortly, accepting the request to check on Jessica. Just as she was before, when they discussed the King of Spiders in the Shingles, she seems surprised by the hug. This time, however, she not only awkwardly permits it, but slowly rests her hands on Audria's shoulders in some approximation of returning the embrace. "Swift steps, canary." Rather than flat and croaking, the hoarse voice sounds almost amused.

Male human ranger (ilsurian archer, sable company marine) 6| HP 62/62 | AC 18/12/16, CMD 21 | F +8, R +8, W +6 | Init +2*, Perc. +11* (* +2 in urban terrain) | Ammo: regular arrows (40), blunt (20), silver blanched (28)| Harrow Points: 3 |Status: N/A

On the road to Harse, Elric makes the most of their time away from the city to train with Galewing and hone his archery.

Even though he's more at home in the city streets, he's no slouch when it comes to stalking among the trees, setting up a proper campsite or bringing back game for dinner.

Survival: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

He also makes sure Galewing gets more opportunities to get acquainted with Majenko and Tally, as he suspects the trio may be needed for more airborne support missions in the future.

In the evening, he spars with Bartholomew and anyone else who wish to hone their melee fighting skills, before relaxing by the fire swapping more war stories with the retired marine.

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Male Tiefling Wizard (Illusionist)-6/HP: 35/35; AC: 13(t12ff11); F: +4,R: +5,W:+7; Init +2, Perc: +2/( 3 Str dmg)

One thing Shane does, when he gets a moment of privacy, is change out of his fancy clothes into standard traveler gear. The pretense was meant more for the gate, and he doubts folks of Harse will appreciate some snooty tiefling merchant aristocrat in their midst.
In truth, he worries they'll not want ANY Tiefling in their midst. In the stories, small towns and villages are where lynchings happen to those who are different. Logically, he realizes Korvosa has been full of lynchings and mobs. He helped save folks from same after all, but still, small towns have a reputation, deserved or not, for narrowmindedness.
So Shane is a bit on edge. On the ride, there is little he feels he can do beyond memory excercises, theoritical thought experiments on magic, and the like.
What he does do is gawk. He has never really been outside the city. Oh he studied the basics of geography, history, and nature, but he's never been out and about in it. The coast is easiest to adapt to, he's seen water ways, but they sure look odd without docks everywhere, and the water seems ... what's the word? Well, cleaner will do. Sparsely wooded hills might as well be a great forest to him, and the open plain is...
Where the hell are the people? How is this much THERE out there without people to fill it?
The sounds are the worst. When they camp, instead of the typical sounds of the city there seem to be odd 'chirp chirps' going on all the time, and buzzing out of nowhere. After a night or two of that, he is tempted to swear a blood oath on crickets!
The good news is, with so few folks around outside of themselves, he does get to cast fly on himself and hone some smattering of expertise with it. Glorious really! He waves to Galewing and his rider as the sky is , sometimes, shared.
He helps with the wolves, creating an illusion of yet more fire to aid Bartholomew, but he has to say "You've got nerves of steel, sir." Hard not to respect the man.
The next day as they approach Harse, he has pulled his cowl over his horns as best he can and hidden his features as much as possible. Unfortunately, unlike the city, there will be no blending among the crowds.

Harse is a narrow village located on a strip of land at the point where Sarwin River empties into Falcon River. The village itself consists of just a few dozen buildings, including a temple dedicated to Erastil, two general stores, two taverns (the Spotted Pony and the somewhat dingier Nag Bag), a large inn (Rancher’s Retreat), and a bustling ferry service. Olga and Bartholomew's oldest son has a farm a bit out of town, while their daughter and younger son run one of the general stores.

Shane gawks in surprise, "Well, this is... profoundly more dimunative than I expected. Almost..dangerously underpopulated. Does it even have a town wizard?"

At the offer of a place to stay, he IS grateful, but reluctant, "I wouldn't want to upset your family. Not everyone is used to Tieflings even in the big city. Here I might, cause your family some unwelcome attention. Are you sure?"

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 20/14/17 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Tally does spend some time getting to know Galewing, transforming into a thrush and riding on the hippogriff or flying alongside him from time to time.


"Shane," Audria says when he begins asking Bartholomew if he's sure. "You'll be fine. I don't think he'd offer if he thought your appearance would cause trouble."

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Male human ranger (ilsurian archer, sable company marine) 6| HP 62/62 | AC 18/12/16, CMD 21 | F +8, R +8, W +6 | Init +2*, Perc. +11* (* +2 in urban terrain) | Ammo: regular arrows (40), blunt (20), silver blanched (28)| Harrow Points: 3 |Status: N/A

To clarify, Elric is training Galewing from the ground. He’s not strong enough to carry a rider yet.

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 3 HP: 53/53 NL: 0 | AC: 20/14/17 CMD: 22/19| F: +7 R: +6 W: +4 (+1 vs. paralysis, slow, or entangle) | Init: +3, Per: +8 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 26/26| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 9/7 SR: 10| F: +4 R: +4 W: +8 | Init: +2, Per: +14 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Oh, I meant Tally's riding on him as a thrush, not as a half-elf, and she'd be flying when he is up in the air.

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