About Lania 'Shrike' FordyceInit +10; Senses Perception +9☁; low-light vision
SPECIAL ABILITIES: --------------------------------
Dazzling Display While wielding the weapon in which you have Weapon Focus, you can perform a bewildering show of prowess as a full-round action. Make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet who can see your display. Dual Heritage A half-elf double scion appears to be an elf in one identity and a human in the other identity. She takes no penalties to Disguise checks to appear as the race that matches her current identity. The selection of which race is the social identity and which is the vigilante identity is made at 1st level and cannot be changed. Additionally, when a half-elf double scion switches from one identity to another, she is representing different aspects of her heritage rather than personality. As a result, a half-elf double scion has the same alignment in both of her identities. This alters dual identity. Dual Identity (Ex) A vigilante hides his true identity, allowing him to move about social circles and nobility without carrying the stigma of his ruthless actions. In effect, the vigilante has two identities: one is a polite member of society while the other is a skilled and cunning warrior. To keep up this charade, the vigilante usually has two names: his true name, used in polite company, and his vigilante name, used to strike fear in the hearts of those who oppose him. Knowledge checks about one do not reveal information about the other, unless the vigilante’s true identity revealed to the world at large. The vigilante can start each day in either of his identities, referred to simply as social or vigilante. Changing from one identity to another takes 1 minute and must be done out of sight from other creatures to preserve the vigilante’s secret. Changing identities is more than just changing outfits and clothing (although that is certainly a part of it); the process often also involves applying make-up, altering his hair, and adjusting other personal effects. Furthermore, the change is as much a state of mind as of body, so items such as a hat of disguise and similar spells and effects that change the user’s appearance do not reduce the time required to change identities. Most social talents require the vigilante to be in his social identity, but a vigilante who uses vigilante talents in his social identity risks exposing his secret.
A vigilante’s two alignments cannot be more than one step from each other on a single alignment axis. For example, a vigilante with a lawful neutral social identity could have a vigilante identity that is lawful good, lawful neutral, lawful evil, neutral, neutral good, or neutral evil. If a vigilante is the target of an effect that would change his alignment, it changes both of his alignments to the new alignment. Any attempts to scry or otherwise locate the vigilante work only if the vigilante is currently in the identity the creature is attempting to locate (or if the creature knows that the two identities are the same individual). Otherwise, the spell or effect has no effect, revealing nothing but darkness, as if the target were invalid or did not exist. Elven Weapon Command (Ex) A half-elf double scion can wield traditional elven weapons as well as elves can. The half-elf double scion treats any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon, and gains Weapon Focus as a bonus feat for one such weapon. (Choosing elven branched spear) Hidden Strike 3d8/3d4 (Ex) A stalker vigilante gains an ability called hidden strike, which allows her to deal an extra 1d8 points of precision damage on melee attacks (or ranged attacks from within 30 feet) against foes who are unaware of her presence, who consider her an ally, or who are made flat-footed by startling appearance. This extra damage increases by 1d8 at 3rd level and every 2 vigilante levels thereafter. A stalker vigilante can also deal hidden strike damage to a target that she is flanking or that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, but in these cases, the damage dice are reduced to d4s. A stalker can deal hidden strike damage against targets with concealment (but not total concealment). Once this choice is made, it can’t be changed. While many vigilante talents are usable by both specializations, some are unique to each specialization. A stalker vigilante can apply only one talent marked with an asterisk (*) to a given hidden strike, and only when that hidden strike is dealt against a foe that is unaware of the stalker vigilante’s presence (or who considers her an ally), unless otherwise noted. Frightening Ambush (Ex) (Vigilante Talent L6 Free Feat) As a free action, you can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize a flat-footed opponent you attack. Lethal Grace (Ex) (Vigilante Talent L6) The vigilante combines strength and speed into incredibly deadly attacks. He gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat, and if he already has the Weapon Finesse feat, he can immediately swap it for another feat for which he qualified at the level he chose Weapon Finesse. When using Weapon Finesse to make a melee attack using his Dexterity bonus on attack rolls and his Strength bonus on damage rolls, he also adds half his vigilante level on damage rolls. This bonus damage is not reduced or increased if the vigilante is wielding a weapon two-handed or in an off-hand. Owl’s Sight (Ex) (Social Talent L1) The vigilante gains low-light vision. If she already has low-light vision, she gains a +4 competence bonus on Perception checks in dim light. The vigilante also gains a +2 competence bonus on Sleight of Hand and Stealth checks at night. Renown (Ex) (Social Talent L3) The vigilante becomes known for deeds and abilities regardless of his current identity. This renown grants him favorable treatment in civilized company and lends him an air of menace while facing down his enemies. While he is in his social identity, a vigilante can spend 1 week gaining renown among the locals of any community of no more than about 200 individuals (a village, if using settlement population ranges). This could be the entire community or a smaller neighborhood in a larger settlement. He must spend at least 4 hours each day socializing and making contacts. After spending 1 week doing this, whenever he is in his social identity, all NPCs in the community have a starting attitude toward him that is one category better, as long as each person’s initial attitude would have at least been indifferent (see the Diplomacy skill description). While he gains renown in an area using his social identity, he also spreads rumors and tales about his vigilante identity. Once he has gained renown in a community, he gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks whenever he is in his vigilante identity. This bonus applies only while he is near the community in which he has gained renown; he must be within a number of miles equal to his vigilante level. A vigilante can hold renown in a limited number of communities (normally one, with other social talents allowing two). If he gains renown in a new community, he must decide which one of his previous communities to lose. These effects are subject to GM approval. For example, the GM might rule that an NPC or monster has not heard any tales about the vigilante. Or, a foe may have a starting attitude toward him that’s one category worse, rather than one category better. Seamless Guise (Ex) A vigilante knows how to behave in a way that appears perfectly proper and normal for her current identity. Should anyone suspect her of being anything other than what she appears to be while either in her social or vigilante identity, she can attempt a Disguise check with a +20 circumstance bonus to appear as her current identity, and not as her other identity. Social Grace (Social Talent L5) The vigilante selects any one Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill other than Perception or Use Magic Device. Whenever the vigilante is in his social identity, he receives a +4 circumstance bonus on checks with the selected skill. At 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter, he can select another skill (with the same restrictions) to gain this bonus. (Choosing Diplomacy, Perform (Dance)) Spear Dancing Style (soon) Choose one weapon from the polearm or spear fighter weapon groups. (Choosing elven branched spear.) While using this style, you grant the chosen weapon the double special weapon feature, using the weapon’s normal statistics for its main-hand end and the statistics of a light mace for its off-hand end. A weapon wielded in this way loses the brace and reach special weapon features. Startling Appearance (Ex) At 5th level, a vigilante learns to use the element of surprise to his advantage, startling foes that are unaware of his presence. Whenever a vigilante with this ability attempts an attack against a foe that is completely unaware of the vigilante’s presence (usually due to Stealth or invisibility), the foe is treated as flat-footed for the rest of the vigilante’s turn (uncanny dodge or a similar ability prevents this effect unless the vigilante is at least 4 levels higher than the foe with uncanny dodge). The foe also takes a –4 penalty on attacks made against the vigilante until the start of the vigilante’s next turn. Two-Weapon Fighting You can fight with a weapon wielded in each of your hands. You can make one extra attack each round with the secondary weapon. Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6. See Two-Weapon Fighting. Unshakable (Ex) Starting at 3rd level, a vigilante adds his class level to the DC of any attempts to Intimidate him. Up Close and Personal (Ex) (Vigilante Talent L4) When the vigilante attempts an Acrobatics check to move through an opponent’s space during a move action, he can attempt a single melee attack against that opponent as a swift action. If the Acrobatics check succeeds, this attack applies the vigilante’s hidden strike damage as if the foe were unaware of the vigilante. Otherwise, the vigilante applies the hidden strike damage he would deal if the target were denied its Dexterity bonus to AC. Only a stalker vigilante of at least 4th level can select this talent. Vigilante Specialization (Ex) At 1st level, a vigilante must choose to be either an Weapon Focus (Elven Branched Spear) You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon. GEAR/POSSESSIONS -------------------------------- Worn arrows (4 normal, 5 holy, 1.35 lbs), arrows [blunt] (3 normal, 4 holy, 1.05 lbs), cestus (5 gp, 1 lb), masterwork chain shirt (250 gp, 25 lbs), cloak of resistance +2 (4,000 gp, 1 lb), dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), daredevil boots (1400 gp, 1 lb), masterwork elven curve blade (80 gp, 7 lbs), handy haversack (2000 gp, 5 lbs), lesser talisman of beneficial winds (50 gp, -), masterwork composite longbow [+2 Str] (600 gp, 3 lbs), pickpocket's outfit (- gp, 3 lbs), potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp, -), masterwork shuriken (6.2 gp, -), sleeves of many garments (200 gp, 1 lb), smog pellet (40 gp, -), Thorn [masterwork elven branched spear] (320 gp, 10 lbs) Carried in handy haversack (34.35/120 lbs) Adamantine arrowhead (60 gp?, -), antiplague (50 gp, -), arrows x29 (1.45 gp, 4.35 lbs), arrows [blunt] x10 (1 gp, 1.5 lbs), candle x5 (5 cp, -), candle lamp (5 gp, 1 lb), chalk powder x2 (2 cp, 1 lb), crowbar (2 gp, 5 lbs), entertainer's [Merula's] outfit (3 gp, 4 lbs), flint and steel (1 gp, -), grappling arrow (1 gp, .5 lbs), holy weapon balm x1 (30 gp, 1 lb), sap (1 gp, 2 lbs), shovel (.02 gp, 3 lbs), silk rope (50', 10 gp, 5 lbs), silver light mace (5 gp, 4 lbs), silver weapon blanch (5 gp, .5 lbs), soothe syrup (25 gp, .5 lbs), masterwork thieves' tools (30 gp, 1 lb), vermin repellent x5 (25 gp, -), whetstone (2 cp, -), whistle (8 sp, -), Zellara's harrow deck (?? gp, -) Carrying Capacity Light: 58 lbs Medium: 59-116 lbs Heavy: 117-175 lbs Current 50.4 lbs (light load) Money 18 pp 2 gp 2 sp 4 cp Starting Gold Spent: 171.71/175 Left elsewhere acrobat's pillar (50 gp, 40 lbs), belled catsuit (30 gp, 12 lbs), food for Majenko [latest: a whole plank of smoked and cured salmon] (.5 gp, 2 lbs), nightgown (as peasant's outfit, .1 gp, 2 lbs), mourning dress (as traveler's outfit, 1 gp, 5 lbs), simple dress (as artisan's outfit, 1 gp, 4 lbs), waist pouch (5 sp, .5 lbs) --------------------------------
BOT ME (DICE ROLLS): --------------------------------
Tactics: Before combat but when combat threatens, Shrike will keep either her composite longbow (if spaces are big) or elven branched spear (if spaces are small) out and in hand, and do her best to stick to the shadows, staying quiet and hidden with every movement. Generally, she'll try to stay in dim light and take 10 on Stealth whenever possible. In combat, she prefers to begin by attacking with the bow while hidden or charging with the spear from hidden if possible, for full Hidden Strike damage. Once in combat, she switches to melee weapons if necessary and prioritizes attacking the most threatening enemy, using her Up Close and Personal ability to get flanking if possible with allies, or reach tactics (staying 10+ feet away and preparing readied actions and attacks of opportunity) as much as possible. She usually uses Power Attack if the enemy seems easy to hit or she has some balancing advantage like flanking or attacking first (i.e. against flatfooted), but not otherwise. Rolls below have all common modifiers included; whatever doesn't apply can be removed.
[dice=Thorn v. X, flanking OR charge OR attack of opportunity provoked by movement OR daredevil softpaw boots, Power Attack]1d20 + 10 + 2 - 2[/dice]
FUTURE BUILD PLANS: --------------------------------
Mithral breastplate; some combination of Leave an Opening, Close the Gap, Vital Punishment, Shield of Blades, Evasive, Shadow's Sight, Shadow's Speed, Stalker Sense, Steely Resolve.
Eventually: get an Eagle Cape (shrike colors, of course) for pure Rule of Cool. CHARACTER DETAILS -------------------------------- Description: Shrike is an androgynous figure wearing a mask shaped like a pale grey and white bird's face, with a small hooked beak and dark brown tear tracks leading away from its slanted, clearly elf-shaped black eyes. The hooded cloak mostly hides the elf's ears, but now and then one long and pointed tip is visible through the moon-pale hair. The cloak and her light chain shirt likewise hide her sex for the most part: though she would be a bit short for an elven man, they can sometimes be as gracile as the women, and only the light timbre of her surprisingly harsh and croaky voice really gives her away. Her dark cloak and habit of complete stillness lets her blend unnoticed into the shadows, until she chooses to surge out of them with startling speed. Vigilante identity reference picture (but she will be using an elven branched spear, not a spiked chain.) Merula is a very tall (5'11") and very slender (155 lbs) human woman with the elegant bearing and smooth, continuous gestures of a trained dancer; when she moves with her feet concealed by an entertainer's voluminous split skirts, her head is so steady she appears almost to be floating. She wears her silver-blonde hair in a loose braided-back style. If one looks closely, her proportions are just slightly eerie when seen in full extension: all her limbs and fingers are a bit too long for her compact torso, or at least they are too long for the human her rounded near-colorless eyes and other facial features proclaim her to be. Although it makes her dancing stand out now, and her practiced movements are graceful enough one wouldn't know it, as a child and teenager she was always knocking things over, and the gangly frame still makes it difficult to do anything in a hurry. (Mismatched) Even aside from her unusual height, she could not be called waiflike, though she generally prefers loose and layered clothes that hide how her arms, shoulders and thighs are strong and thickly muscled. Reference: 1; 2 Personality: Lania was fairly happy-go-lucky until she was forced by her family's circumstances to grow up very quickly. Even up until six months ago, she was optimistic, generous and kind, and her fierce ambition to return her family and herself to the security and luxuries of their old life was always tempered by a real affection for her friends and admirers in the theater scene. But these days, she increasingly finds that the diplomatic, fun-loving performer is the exhausting mask to wear, and the ruthless, intimidating Shrike is the more honest version of herself (Empty Mask). Yet Shrike was only supposed to be a temporary pressure valve, and has certainly never been a whole different person; the human way of doing things had failed, so it was time to try the self-reliant techniques and tactics her father, grandmother and aunt had taught her. Once Isi is back and Lamm is dead, Shrike can die too. ...Right?
Born in a decaying mansion to a family of crumbling prestige, the half-elf Lania Fordyce nevertheless enjoyed a relatively privileged, stable and loving upbringing — until a speculation scheme ruined what remained of the family's fortunes in her early twenties. By that time, her elven diplomat father had tired of his human wife and been recalled to the Mierani Forest, and the money he sent for her upkeep and that of her younger brother was not sufficient on its own to keep the family in the lifestyle to which they were accustomed. Her foolish human grandfather was dead, never having seen the ruinous results of his speculating, and her mother rendered prostrate with grief. Thus, supporting both her mother and her younger brother fell to the just-barely-adult Lania. After the sale of the manor and all remaining valuables to settle the family's debts (including the heirloom elven weapons her father had made sure his children were trained in), she used the relative pennies left to move them to a modest house in Korvosa's cosmopolitan Midland merchants' district, thinking they would be safe there while she scraped together the money — or the marriage — to restore their position in the minor nobility.
She was not prepared for Gaedren Lamm. Lania took on the name Merula Antius and a human identity to put a thin veneer over her family's shame, though it was certain many of her clients recognized her and knew the truth. While she was busy teaching the bored daughters of nobility and rich merchants as a dancing-instructor, and auditioning endlessly for less stable but more lucrative work as a performer at various theaters with the intent of eventually joining the elite company at the Marbledome, her younger brother Isideo, just ten years old, was neglecting his studies and spending more and more time out of the house. One day six months ago he simply vanished. Lania's whole life since that terrible day has revolved around how to get him back. When Korvosa's Guards could not or would not help her, she began investigating on her own after her jobs let out at night, and sleeping during the daylight hours. She could not afford for anyone to know of her interest and have it get back to the kidnapper, for she and her mother (always in fragile health since her breakdown of a few years ago) were too easy to find and too vulnerable to a determined criminal or gang. So Lania began using a convenient mask from a recently discontinued performance, and emphasizing the elven features she normally found it easier to hide in order to pass for human. Slowly, as the weeks and months passed and she spoke to more and more of the bereaved parents, siblings, guardians and peers who were not too intimidated to say anything about their experiences, she realized that Isi was far from the first innocent to be taken by the vile child-snatcher Lamm, and it was far from his only heinous crime. Drugs, muggings, murder — all treated with the same seeming indifference by the legitimate authorities that they showed to Pilts Swastel, Touran Palastus, the King of Spiders, and all the other abusive scum preying on the vulnerable in the city's underbelly. Lania used to believe that the Korvosan Guard kept the King's peace fairly well; but her family's abrupt descent from the rarefied air of the Heights has opened her eyes and left her embittered about the prospects of 'justice' for people like her. If the authorities will not act, someone will. By this time, Shrike is a powder keg of suppressed rage, and it will not be long now before she finds Gaedren Lamm and earns her name. The only question is whether she stops at him. Important NPCs:
Vanaletia Fordyce (Mother; 49 year old female human, golden hair, gray eyes) — A beauty and a Court favorite in her day despite her family's lack of fortune, some whispered that she rushed into marriage with a titleless, relatively penniless Mierani diplomatic attaché specifically to avoid the amorous attentions of King Eodred II. It was certainly not because she was pregnant, for their first child was not born for another three years. As is usually the case for such matches (and as is the prevailing norm for elves), their children were considered members of House Fordyce. After twenty-one years she and Eiravel formally separated and he returned to the Mierani Forest. Vanaletia, called Vita by her friends, was always charming and affectionate by nature, but also sensitive and anxious: she fell into a deep depression when the true extent of the family's impoverishment became known, one that left her unable to leave her bed for weeks at a time. This coincided with a variety of other health complaints, from headaches to insomnia to fainting fits to indigestion. Her ill health led to Lania taking on the responsibilities that should have fallen to the head of the family as they descended from minor nobility to middle class. Three years later, Vita is not much better and it is clear to Lania she could not survive on her own. She has many accomplishments, but few skills others will pay for, limited ability to cope with the tasks of day-to-day household management, and even less willingness to attempt to earn a living in a trade. Lania has attempted to convince her to take dressmaker's work or sell her art, without success. She is lonely, for few in her former social circles will receive her now; and she rarely leaves the house, so has made no new friends in Pillar Hill. She alternates between feverishly working on her needlework or paintings to the exclusion of all other concerns, and spending all day in bed or a drunken haze if Junie or Lania have not found and disposed of her latest stash of liquor. High: Cha, Int. Low: Wis, Con. (References: Now; Younger) Isideo Fordyce (Brother; 10 year old male half-elf child, golden hair, blue eyes) — A well-favored and basically good-natured but slightly spoiled and needy child (due to everyone doting on him after his father left), Isi used to worship Lania and follow her everywhere he could. She spoke Elven with him after Papa left, and was trying to teach him how to handle a bow. But unsurprisingly, with all the disruptions in his young life and with Lania suddenly having no time to spend with him, in the year before his disappearance he was showing a distinct tendency to act out. In that time, he and Lania often fought over his schoolwork, his weapons practice, and his unsupervised excursions into the city. Lania blames both herself and their mother for his disappearance, because while she had to work most afternoons and evenings, she knew that Vita was often not fit to supervise or discipline him, Junie was busy, and yet they could not afford to hire a full-time nurse in addition to a housekeeper. Isi loves music, sweets, and the hippogriff riders of the Sable Company; his greatest ambition was to ride a hippogriff himself someday. Like Lania, his face looks markedly more human than elfin, but unlike her it is a consistently distributed trait: his pointed ears are not especially long and would certainly never let him pass for an elf. High: Dex, Cha. Low: Wis. (References: as noble child; as orphan) Alika Junian (Housekeeper; 53 year old female human, brown hair, brown eyes) — The loyal and officious 'Junie,' who has been Vanaletia's lady's maid since she first came out in society, was the only servant who stayed on with the Fordyces after their reversal of fortunes. She now is a combination lady's maid, cook and housekeeper who is as much or more responsible for them not all starving on the street as Lania. Accordingly, she gives advice and participates in household decisionmaking more like a strict aunt than a servant. Her cooking, though much improved, is still mediocre at best, but she is paid three silver shields a day and earns every pinch. Three times a week, her niece comes to help her with the cleaning, which otherwise would be too much for one person. High: Wis, Int. Low: Cha, Str. Dancing Lesson Students:
Performer Friends/Colleagues:
Dead/Missing Former Colleagues:
Expenses tracking: Starting gold: 3.29
First split: +242.5 Whetstone: -.02 Shovel: -.02 Crowbar: -2 Whistle: -.8 Chalk powder x2: -.02 Rope, hemp: -1 Grappling hook: -1 Masterwork backpack: -50 Living expenses x2 months [average]: -20 Burials, Zellara/Eran: -.4 Second split: +364.75 Loan to Dal: -30 Fashionable accessories [5 gp silk wrap, 2 gp slippers, 1 gp gloves, 2 gp combs, 10 gp fan]: -20 Masterwork elven branched spear: -160 Third split: +527.5 Return of loan to Dal: +30 Masterwork composite longbow, +2 Strength rating: -600 Selling chain shirt (50%): +50 Selling heavy crossbow (50%): +25 Selling 6 crossbow bolts (50%): +.3 Masterwork chain shirt: -250 Arrows, common: -1 Grappling arrow: -1 Selling grappling hook (50%): +.5 Silk rope: -10 Selling hemp rope (50%): +.5 Gift to Diver and Pug: -20 Saps x3: -3 Thieves' tools, common: -30 Cow Hammer Boys reward: +250 Antitoxin: -50 Post-Barvasi party gold split: +1231.58 Blunt arrows x20: -2 Cestus: -5 Light mace: -5 Elven curve blade: -80 Holy weapon balm x2: -60 Holy water x2: -50 Smog pellet: -40 Antitoxin: -50 Soothe syrup: -25 Food for Majenko: -.5 Messenger to the Weagras: -.02 Gift to Tiona, Wayllon, K'lyda and Ivy: -120 Farrago pay 5/13-5/17 +8 Gifted to ex-Lambs -50 Post-Dead Warrens party gold split +1523.58 Masterwork transformation, elven curve blade -300 Lesser talisman of beneficial winds -50 Silver weapon blanch -5 Arrows x20 -1 Alchemical silver light mace -25 Selling light mace +2.5 Daredevil softpaw boots -1400 Sleeves of many garments -200 Selling masterwork backpack +25 Selling thieves' tools +15 Acrobat's pillar -50 Belled catsuit -30 Retraining Dazzling Display into Two-Weapon Fighting -250 Money earned from the Farrago, week of 5/20-5/24 +9.4 Money earned from the Farrago, week of 5/27-5/31 +18 Money earned from the Farrago, week of 6/3-6/7 +17 Money earned from dance lessons, month of Sarenith +10 Money earned from the Farrago, week of 6/10-6/14 +21 Grappling arrow -1 Antiplague -50 Audria emergency fund -50 Shrike & Audria underwater infiltration magic share -38.4 Goggles -5 Current gold: 182.24 gp Harrow Point tracking:
+2 First Harrowing
+2 Second Harrowing +1 Dream Sequences (The Desert Inverted) +1 Solstice 2023 -1 Derromancer Fight +3 Third Harrowing And one free reroll for anytime, courtesy GM Harrow's birthday. |