Korvosa Stat Block (Unrest) LN large city
Corruption +6; Crime +0; Economy +1; Law +5; Lore +3; Society +0
Marketplace Base Value 8,800 gp; Purchase Limit 50,000 gp; Spellcasting 6th
Corruption: This modifies Bluff checks against city officials and guards, and Stealth checks attempted outside on city streets, alleys, or in the Shingles.
Crime: This modifies Sense Motive checks to avoid being bluffed and Sleight of Hand checks to pick pockets.
Economy: This modifies Craft, Perform, and Profession checks to generate income.
Law: This modifies Intimidate checks to make an opponent friendly and Diplomacy checks against government officials.
Lore: This modifies Diplomacy checks to gather information or rumors, and Knowledge checks using city resources (such as schools or libraries) to research topics.
Society: This modifies Disguise checks and Diplomacy checks to alter the attitude of any citizen of Korvosa who is not a government official.
Harrow Points
You can spend them at any point during the book to gain one of the following benefits:
1. Constitution Rerolls: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to reroll a Fortitude saving throw, stabilization check, or other Constitution-based check. She must abide by the new result (although if she has additional Harrow Points remaining, she can use them to attempt additional rerolls).
2. Damage Reduction: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to gain DR 3/—. This damage reduction persists for the duration of the encounter in which she spent the Harrow Point. A PC can't spend multiple Harrow Points to increase this damage reduction.
3. Fast Hit Point Recovery: A PC can spend a Harrow Point after resting for 1 minute to recover from her recent ordeals. She regains a number of hit points equal to her character level and 1 point of ability damage each time she does so (this does not remove ability drain). She can spend a Harrow Point in this manner once after each encounter.
Additionally, there may be some other bonuses throughout the book. I’ll let you know as we reach those points.
Zellara's Harrow Deck
Hand-painted images decorate this Harrow deck, and the cards frames are gilded in silver so that they sparkle and flash under lighting. Despite the worn condition of the card backs, the images on the faces are so vibrant they seem to move when viewed out of the corner of the eye. The deck handles with surprising ease, almost shuffling itself. A bent, torn, or lost card always seems to mend itself or reappear when no one is looking. These features are subtle manifestations of the spirit that haunts the cards. In life, Zellara lived by this deck, and in death, she has become the deck.
Zellara can sense the world around the deck via sight and sound, and she can communicate with anyone who holds the deck via empathy. She can create a major image once per day, often doing so to generate an image of herself manipulating the cards - in this manner, she can carry on conversations with other creatures in Common or Varisian. She can also cast identify for anyone who holds one of the cards of the deck to his forehead (a move action) up to three times per day.
The Korvosan Times, 13 of Desnus 4708