Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

"Do?" Shrike doesn't shrug, but the tiny twitch of her fingers conveys the same attitude. "Lie low. Wait. Put out fires. Maybe Audria can get her friend a warning. Assume it'll be read. Beyond that it's not up to us. We've enough trouble already. Seems Lamm's got a friend. A 'crazy elf girl.' Bet she'll be easier to find than him."

Pava / Nips at Heels |

"Well, unless you've got some Acadamae way to cut corners, legwork's the only real option. Wouldn't be bad for us to be visibly involved in different affairs anyways."

Audria |

Audria curls up in the chair she's sitting as the others talk. She listens, but her thoughts keep going back to Ellie. She doesn't even know how to warn her about any of this, not without tipping anyone reading any letters sent to her off. Then again, would she even get any letters sent to her? And what about Brother Theolan and Sister Jenelyn or Mister Bartholomew and Misses Olga? What about Jessica? True, she had the people in this room, but for how much longer?
The doubts and questions swirl in her mind as she feels her life crumbling around her. If the Queen wants Trinia dead, and if she finds out how close Audria and Trinia are, then everyone she knows is in danger.
I can't go home, she realizes. Not as long as Queen Ileosa is on the throne.
She comes back the conversation as Shrike says they look for Rolth Lamm's elven accomplice.
"Maybe we should wait for Tally and Jessica to get here, at least I should," Audria says quietly. "I wouldn't want her to worry and she can help me hide this," she explains as she holds up her strawberry-blonde braid.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
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Shrike tilts her head and croaks, "Right. Won't hurt to be publicly looking for someone. Meet at the Sanctuary tomorrow morning then. We weren't here tonight. Nothing's changed." She prepares to leave, already thinking about what route she can take to avoid being seen on the way home, with so many people on the streets.
Ready to move on if others are. Shrike has no idea yet what Audria is planning by dyeing her hair. Also, if we want to get back on track with Kroft as a vehicle for plot developments, we should think of a reason the whole party needs to talk to her again. As is, Shrike doesn't have such a reason (figuring Elric has already told her we recovered Gaekhen's body, and because he hasn't said anything about it that there was no reward and Kroft will get in touch if she wants something else) and now would probably rather avoid her just because of potentially awkward questions/assignments about Trinia.

GM Harrow |
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It has been a very long day, but at least Trinia is on her way to safety and there is nothing more to do tonight. Everyone seeks some rest and respite however - and wherever - they can.
Oathday, 21 Desnus
It's 10 days to the Breaching Festival, and the city has already begun preparations. Gangs train feverishly, polishing their breaking-and-entering skills, and merchants hawk talismans, charms and guaranteed-to-work baubles that supposedly increase one's chance of breaching the magical and mundane defenses of the Hall of Wards in the Acadamae and claim the prize purse which is by now worth a considerable fortune. Street food vendors have already begun making batches of festival-themed food - key-shaped cookies, spun sugar wands, pullers dusted with turmeric to symbolize gold sails.
Today, the pre-festival fervor is overshadowed by the news that the criers are shouting from every street corner - King Eodred's assassin has been captured, and she will be executed today. The entire city is invited to watch justice being carried out in the Domina Square, a large plaza in the shadow of Castle Korvosa.

Audria |
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Zellara's before everyone leaves
Audria shakes her head when Shirke suggests they meet up at the Sanctuary of Shelyn.
"No, not there. If we are found out, I don't want to put them in danger," she says. "I think it's better if we meet somewhere else. Maybe-- Maybe Copper Beaters Hall," she asks.

Shane Driscoll |
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"No, not there. If we are found out, I don't want to put them in danger," she says. "I think it's better if we meet somewhere else. Maybe-- Maybe Copper Beaters Hall," she asks.
Shane almost suggests the temple of Aroden, but adding more options will confuse the issue so he just nods at the suggestion of the Hall. If no one is there he'll go to the temple of Shelyn. He can certainly understand not wanting to put Audria's goddess house at risk.
He heads, home. It's good to have one again. He has spells to rememorize, and, a friend to talk to.Grumby Hale sips tea, "You practically stole this place, you know that?" The little halfling teases, but he can't help but admire a rather cozy set up.
"It's all legal on paperwork, which means it is in keeping with Korvosa properiety, as well as property," Shane says loftily, "And it it comes with some provisos."
"Doesn't everything?" Grumbly agrees over tea, "I'm a bit worried for you, Shane. These new friends of yours, you don't talk much about them."
"I don't talk much about you either, Grumbly," Shane reminds, "They're...good people but the less I say of them, the safer for them, at least at this point."
"Academae illusionists, always afraid the truth will be used against you," The halfling tuts.
"In the Academae, it often was," Shane counters.
"I wouldn't know, I went to a school that doesn't try to squeeze the decency out of you," Grumbly Hal says faux lofty. Theumanexus College is thought of by most as a lesser school, but Hale has a certain Alum pride, "Glad to hear this crowd is better than most of your old classmates. You're a decent chap, Shane. Don't let the world make you forget that."
Shane smiles, "Are you trying to get me to lower the price on that book of mine? You know, as a 'Universalist' you COULD use it, Necromancy heavy or not."
"Still don't have the coin," Hale admits, "We can trade notes now and then. Just... things are tense in Korvoso, and you know as well as I, when there's troubles, those in power always look for someone to blame."
Shane frowns, remembering the talk of scapegoats from earlier, "You're not the first to bring it up."
"We're non humans in a mostly human city, keep a vanish spell handy if you can," Grumbly says "Because the upcoming Breaching Festival? It won't be enough to set folks to full distraction. They are angry NOW."
"No," Shane admits, "No it won't. And yes, yes they are" They talk politics, they talk shop, and they talk magic. Before his friend goes on his way.
Later that night, he memorizes spells for evasion, he or his friend may need them for themselves now that Trinia is safe.
Oathday, 21 Desnus:
It's 10 days to the Breaching Festival, and the city has already begun preparations. Gangs train feverishly, polishing their breaking-and-entering skills, and merchants hawk talismans, charms and guaranteed-to-work baubles that supposedly increase one's chance of breaching the magical and mundane defenses of the Hall of Wards in the Acadamae and claim the prize purse which is by now worth a considerable fortune. Street food vendors have already begun making batches of festival-themed food - key-shaped cookies, spun sugar wands, pullers dusted with turmeric to symbolize gold sails.Today, the pre-festival fervor is overshadowed by the news that the criers are shouting from every street corner - King Eodred's assassin has been captured, and she will be executed today. The entire city is invited to watch justice being carried out in the Domina Square, a large plaza in the shadow of Castle Korvosa.
Shane hears Asillare the Crier hawking the news, and hoping to be paid for it! The ten year old boy is a menace to sleeping late in the neighborhood, and Shane often tries to ignore him, but the news today makesh him pause. He curses under his breath. Either somehow Trinia ended up having a ship turn around, not likely, but possible, or another double has been found. Mustn't have the new regime seem less than competent even for a second.
He snorts as some vendor waves a a bauble about swearing it will render one immune to the Hall Of Wards defenses! "That wouldn't allow access to the privy in there," He says when the fellow gets too pushy, and keeps going. He heads off to met the others, his honed cautiousness having him take a less than direct route but he will get there.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

Zellara's, post-Trinia
"No, not there. If we are found out, I don't want to put them in danger," she says. "I think it's better if we meet somewhere else. Maybe-- Maybe Copper Beaters Hall," she asks.
Shrike nods acknowledgement before leaving for the night.
Wealday, 20 Desnus, 4708
Shrike meets with Audria and the others on top of Copper-Beater Hall in the morning.
If nothing happens adventure-wise on this day, Lania will spend it picking up the elven curve blade, transporting and setting up the acrobat's pillar and belled catsuit in the attic of her home in Pillar Hill, and then on her day job as Merula: a dance lesson with Cordelinda Tuttle and a performance at the New Korvosa Theatre. In South Shore in the morning and at night after the performance, she'll Gather Information about the 'crazy elf girl.' In South Shore as the anonymous elf (with a slightly different wig) and after the performance as Shrike, using Intimidation.
Hours taken: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
Perform (Dance), dancer's garb: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 9 + 2 = 17
Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Intimidate, dim light or darkness, Renown: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 8 + 2 + 4 = 23
Hours taken: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Acrobatics DC 20 (acrobat's pillar): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Stealth DC 25 (belled catsuit): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26 I'll generally assume she takes 10 on these going forward, and practices with the catsuit at night since that's when her conditional modifiers kick in to put her total bonus at +15: enough to meet the DC when taking 10. This time, she's still getting used to the pillar, so no bonus at least until she attempts the practice again.
Oathday, 21 Desnus, 4708
Lania hears the words of the crier faintly through the attic window she has opened for air circulation while she sweats through a morning practice with the tumbler's dummy. It strikes her sharply in the stomach when she loses focus at the distant word captured, and she gasps for breath. Giving up on the aggravating object for now, she retreats from its spinning arms and washes up quickly before Shrike slips out the window and sets out for Old Korvosa again.
At midmorning, on top of Copper-Beater Hall, Shrike crouches on the side of the roof, as still and silent as a gargoyle. The mask is focused on the looming Castle Korvosa and Domina Square in its shadow. "We going?" she croaks briefly.

GM Harrow |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Pava / Nips at Heels |

A pit yawns in Nips at Heels' stomach when they hear that the Queen has an assassin to display before the grasping crowd.
Might not really be Trinia, but that's not much better...
I need to know more.
They hit the streets immediately, looking to find out rumors of the assassin's capture, and more importantly is Mother of Song alright?
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Audria |

Sorry all. Been dealing with some stuff.
Jessica arrives at Zellara's home not long after sundown with Tally on her shoulder. Those still at Shane's new home and that have known the vivacious alchemist have never seen her so angry as she storms up to Audria and slaps her across the face. The paladin stands there, her head turned to the side and tears welling up in her eyes from the stinging bruise on her cheek, as she tries to comprehend what just happened as Jessica grabs the front of her shirt and pulls her up on her toes.
"Are you trying to get yourself killed," she snaps, her voice barely within what might call a reasonable speaking volume as she forces Aurdia to look her in the eyes. "Tally overheard some drunk idiots talking about it. There's not many strawberry blonde waifs carrying around axes as big as they are. What in the hells were you thinking, Audria?!"
Jessica's sharp, piercing tone punches through Audria's shock like a needle lancing a boil. The paladin opens and closes her mouth several times as she tries to find her voice. Tears stream down her face as everything about today slams into her all at once and she begins to cry.
Jessica's anger goes out like a snuffed candle, and her arms shake, more from exertion than emotions, as she puts Audria back on her feet and wraps her in a hug. Her own tears fall to soak Audria's hair as she starts to rub the paladin's back.
"Tally told me what was going on," Jessica says softly after a few moments. "Gods, Audria, I know you're tougher than you look, but I don't know how you're managing to even function in this f@@$ed up mess." The alchemist guides Audria over to the couch that had been fixed up and gets Audria to sit in it. "I never met Trinia, but if you and Ellie like her, then she must be good people." Audria sniffs and nods in Jessica's shoulder at that. "I'm guessing she's safe?"
Audria nods again, sniffling as she sits up. "Sh-she's gone. Won't say where or how."
"Right, that just leaves you. I know you wanted me to help disguise Trinia, but you need it just as much, probably more, than she did." She brushes a stray strand of Audria's hair out of her face and smiles.
"Well, let's get to it. I promise it won't hurt."
Later that night, Jessica pulls Audria back to her home in Old Korvosa after extracting Audria's plans for where she was going to sleep, since the Sanctuary of Shelyn is apparently out of the question for the time being. Audria, her hair now much shorter and colored a ruddy-brown, follows along without protest, too tired to argue, and too drained to feel anything but numb after she had told Jessica as much of what she felt she could. It's telling that while picking out night clothes that might fit Audria, Jessica doesn't once tease her. Instead, she pulls the young woman she sees as a little sister into the bed and holds her there as she hums a soft lullaby. Perhaps it is a mercy from Desna, perhaps it is Jessica's soothing voice as she hums, or perhaps it is simple exhaustion, but no nightmares visit Audria as she sleeps.
The Next Day
When the others meet at Copper Beater's Hall, they find that Audria's hair has changed. It barely reaches past her ears and it's dyed a ruddy brown that doesn't look out of place with her freckled skin. Dark circles shadow her eyes. If not for Tally on her shoulder, it would be easy to mistake her for someone else.
Diplomacy to gather information: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
She spends her time looking for information on the mysterious elf in the seedier parts of Korvosa, places like Gaedren Lamm's old haunts. Some of the skills she'd learned while growing up on the streets come back to her as she mingles with the kind of riffraff she remembers knowing more than most, and might divulge with enough sweet talking and a few drinks. More than once, she walks away from conversation shocked at how much like Jessica she has started acting while appealing to the baser natures of the people she talks to.
Let me know how much I need to deduct for lubricating some lips to spill the beans.
Preparing for the Breaching Festival
Audria looks like someone had punched her in the gut when she hears the news. It's all she can do to keep her head low and staying out of the way of the crowds as she arrives at Copper Beater's Hall again. When she climbs up to where Shrike is perched, the shock has worn off, leaving behind the sickening swirling and knotting of snakes in her belly as she tries hard not to assume the worst.
"I-I--" Audria tries to say, but as she speaks, she barely manages to keep from falling apart. She looks and feels as if she's woken up to some twisted nightmare.
And I think that's me caught up.

GM Harrow |

Mother of Song has not returned from her fishing trip yet; the other Shoanti who ply the waters of the Jeggare or the sheltered part of Conqueror's Bay have not seen her nor her boat since she set off. Hard to know if this means good news or bad.
Audria doesn't get much, either. Most people are eager to talk her ear off in exchange for a free drink or five, but it's all gossip and fabrication, tall tales and contradictory rumours. And without a description or details, it's impossible to tell if anyone has seen Rolth's accomplice anywhere.
Let me know when you're all ready to head towards the castle.

Shane Driscoll |

When Jessica storms upon the newly returned Audria, the two wizards don't much notice. Jessica had been allowed in, of course, she's a friend, and tea had been prepared, but she had slipped off waiting for Audria.
Then there was a loud SLAP sound...
And Shane and Grumby's heads whipped around. Curious, they did peek on the situation, Shane ready to step in, but anger turns to tears and sympathy and he realizes he's about as needed as u shaped wand. He returns to his own friend, "Looks to be settling. I'll ask about it later."
"That happen often here? Folks slapping each other?" Grumby inquired.
"The actual slapping? No. The Urge TO slap? Probably more often than I want to think about. I've annnoyed a few people myself." Shane admits.
"You? NOOO" The Halfling says, and smiles faux sweetly.
After the halfling is gone, he ponders making sure Audria has a room clean and ready for herself but then... Jessica has taken her away. He trusts Jessica will handle whatever this is. She's good people, if a bit passionate.
While he shows up at Copper Beater Hall to meet the others, it must be said, Shane has not exactly been searching the streets for information. Rather he had been researching spells so he might one day cast them until now. He mostly does this to check in.
Going to use this slow day as an excuse for when he hits 5th to yank the usual 2 free spells out of the ether.
Oathday, 21 Desnus, 4708
At midmorning, on top of Copper-Beater Hall, Shrike crouches on the side of the roof, as still and silent as a gargoyle. The mask is focused on the looming Castle Korvosa and Domina Square in its shadow. "We going?" she croaks briefly.
Audria looks like someone had punched her in the gut when she hears the news. It's all she can do to keep her head low and staying out of the way of the crowds as she arrives at Copper Beater's Hall again. When she climbs up to where Shrike is perched, the shock has worn off, leaving behind the sickening swirling and knotting of snakes in her belly as she tries hard not to assume the worst.
"I-I--" Audria tries to say, but as she speaks, she barely manages to keep from falling apart. She looks and feels as if she's woken up to some twisted nightmare.
"To see some poor bastard we CAN'T help die for something they didn't do? I admit, I'm tempted to go home and get drunk instead. It would be as productive, but... I suppose we should at least do the honor to the victim of showing up." A kind of sneer crosses his features but not against his allies, "But if some Queensman tells me to cheer for justice, I may throw up on his shoes."

Pava / Nips at Heels |

Pava's gloom is no more pleasant. "Stay behind if you wish, I'm not going to tie a lead around your neck, Mage. But one way or another this is my failure, and I'm going to look it in the face."

GM Harrow |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

The execution of the king's assassin is not a thing to be missed. It feels like half of Korvosa is in attendance, the well-heeled in a cordoned-off area wearing their best - garish gowns, fine capes and enough jewels to blind the unfortunate bird that might happen to glance down. Merchants walk around with wooden boxes hanging around their necks, hawking refreshing drinks, sweetmeats and mementos. The overall feel of the event is that of a colossal street party, not a public execution.
Queen Ileosa herself emerges amid great flourish and pomp as heralds announce her arrival with a fanfare of music and drums. She carries herself with poise, style and grace in her green and white silk dress worth thousand of sails and attended by a small army of striking guards. These do not look like the palace guards, clad in suits of full plate polished to a blinding sheen and wearing closed helms with flowing crimson plumes. The crowd meets her with cheers, and if here and there there are noises of dissent they are quickly silenced by the guards spread out through the crowd.
Accompanied by a single armoured and helmeted guard, the Queen slowly ascends the steps of a tiered platform covered in crimson velvet and takes her seat in the high-backed chair at the top. She turns, casting her gaze to the other end of the plaza, over the heads of the people amassed below. There, a lower platform holds the executioner's block and the headsman next to it, a towering, muscular man wearing a hood and idly holding an immense axe. Whispers ripple through the assemblage - admiring comments on the queen's attire, predictions regarding how the traitor might comport herself, speculations on the identity of the armoured guardian who stands at the Queen's side.
Then, as the drums begin a slow, ominous beat, the gawkers fall silent. The heavy beats set the pace for the procession of the condemned to the executioner's block; a slim woman, shackled and hooded, flanked by eight palace guards. As they reach the block and she is pushed up the few steps onto the platform, one of the guards yanks the hood off her head.
Even at this distance...
It is not Trinia.
The woman is somewhat similar in height and build to Trinia, but it isn't her. She is clearly very frightened, but so far holding back her tears. A few bruises darken her light olive skin, and her short hair looks sheared off in a hurry. Jessica shakes her head at the terrible dye job - the blonde colour looks out of place on someone whose natural hair is clearly darker. They forgot to dye her eyebrows.
The guards unshackle her, then tie her arms behind her with a leather cord before pushing her roughly towards the block. She is left to stand there as Queen Ileosa addresses the crowd. "Fellow Korvosans! You have suffered greatly these past few weeks. Homes have burned, family members have died, and fortunes have been lost. I feel your suffering, for not only have I lost a beloved husband, but with each act of anarchy that followed, my heart bled more. This has been a trying time for us, yet the torment is at an end. Before you is the source of your anguish and pain. Do not be deceived by this murderer's timid nature - she is a black-hearted assassin. I offer you her death as a salve against the hatred and hurt you have suffered."
A tremendous noise swells from the crowd, yells and cries like all the tension and grief of the last couple of weeks is pouring forth. Shouts of "Murderer! Assassin! Fiend!" pelt the trembling woman together with stones and refuse. The queen holds up her hand, and silence slowly descends once more upon the plaza. "I hear you, my beloved Korvosans. I hear you crying out for justice! And so, without further delay, let us usher in a new era of righteousness! OFF WITH HER HEAD!"
The executioner kicks the back of the young woman's knees, causing her to collapse forward onto the block. The axe is hoisted up. A cry of pain, and the axe clatters heavily on the wooden platform as the executioner's hand now has a dagger sticking out of it.
"Yes indeed, my queen! Let us usher in justice, but let that be justice for Korvosa, not this shambles you call a monarchy! Long live Korvosa! Down with the queen!"
The source of these bold words has appeared at the young woman's side as if from thin air - a man dressed all in a black, wearing a hooded cloak and a black mask. With another dagger, he slices through the leather cord binding her wrists, then throws it down to pin the executioner's foot to the platform. Blackjack turns to take a bow towards the shocked crowd, like a virtuoso at the end of a performance.
Across the plaza, Queen Ileosa stands stunned for a few moments, then whispers something to her guardian and then hurriedly descends the steps of her wooden ziggurat. The armoured guards open up a path for her through the crowd as they whisk Her Majesty towards the safety of Castle Korvosa's walls. The rest of the guards in the plaza move to apprehend Blackjack, but the crowds make it difficult to reach him. Meanwhile, the headsman yanks the dagger out of his foot, then lifts the axe over his head as he approaches the masked vigilante from behind.
Please excuse the cutscene. Pausing here to let you react or take an action, if you wish.

Audria |
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Copper Beater's Hall
Talanaliel transforms into her half-elven form Audria looks as if she won't even need the provocation that Shane would to empty her stomach. She trembles as Tally holds her shoulders and helps keep her upright. The horror she feels is clear in her eyes, and from the way Tally, her guide, the one that is always connected to her heart, shakes as well, it threatens to pull her in, too.
Tally grabs Shane's sleeve and gives him a pleading look. The hurt, the fear, and, below them, a white-hot rage just beginning to burn show themselves in her large, brown eyes. Whatever else happens, it's clear that Queen Ileosa has made one new enemy, one that, for just a moment, looks at the wizard not with the eyes of a songbird, nor with the eyes of a young half-elven woman, but with eyes that have seen the passage of years uncounted and things beyond mortal ken.
"Please," she begs, "for Audrey?"
The Execution Grounds
As the group made their way towards Domina Square to bear witness to the travesty of justice that would be taking place, Audria grows steadier on her feet. The shock wears off leaving behind a cold, bitter gall. A black cloud hangs over the young paladin, despite the bright sunshine and the clear spring day. When she sees what awaits them, raw, incandescent fury wells up against the depression threatening to smother her. The lye-bitter taste of knowing that she'd been tricked, that the queen, whatever else she might be, sees this as nothing more than theatre, burns on her tongue. The subtle comfort and reassurance that those near her normally feel is drowned out by the roaring of Audria's temper as it frays the leash it is on.
Then the "assassin" is brought out, and only Tally grabbing her keeps her from rushing the stage. Multicolored embers smolder in the depths of her eyes as she watches the farce play out. She doesn't look away, doesn't even flinch, as the queen's victim has her legs kicked out from under her and falls onto the block. She's not sure she could or even wants to look away, some part of her wanting to burn every part of this scene, the faces of everyone in the crowd of nobles, their expressions, and every detail of Queen Ileosa, into her mind. She watches the axe rise and holds her breath as she waits for the inevitable.
Audria's eyes widen as she sees the axe fall when a dagger appears out of nowhere in the executioners hand. The roiling emotions she feels vanish into a hollow calm as she sees the figure, recognizing it instantly.
Blackjack. Blackjack was here and denouncing the queen!
She feels Tally's grip slacken with her own realization and surprise. Blackjack was the hero of Korvosa, a myth, a legend, the hope of children and orphans that had not yet been beaten down by the harsh realities of living on the streets. He would never denounce the queen like that unless he knew that leaving her in charge would be far worse for the city than risking another round of riots and brutal suppressions. Perhaps it is a last flicker of her naivety or even a delusion she clings to while despair and grief threaten to drown her in madness, but she feels it believes it with all of the certainty of someone who hadn't yet outgrown the idealism of childhood and still believes in heroes.
She sees the executioner pulling the daggers free from hand and foot and her eyes focus on him as the formless, impotent rage she felt earlier comes back. She embraces it, forms it, and wields it. It is now a part of her, a weapon with a purpose to one day see Queen Ileosa face justice, but for now to make sure that both Blackjack and the young woman he is here to rescue escape.
She pulls away from Tally before she can recover from the shock of what is happening and runs for someplace she can climb up and get a better shot. Her bow is out in her hand with an arrow in another as she vaults up onto a stack of crates and takes aim.
Shelyn, forgive me for this. I can't ask him to surrender and I have to land my shot.
She sends up the quiet prayer to her goddess as she lets fly.
Acrobatics or Climb to get to a perch: 1d20 ⇒ 16 Acrobatics +8 for 24, Climb +7 for 23
Bow Shot vs. Executioner: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 I don't think that's going to hit.

Pava / Nips at Heels |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Their tongue felt thick in their mouth. Blackjack- this had to be the real Blackjack, no one else was brave enough or lucky enough to have made it this far -meant that there was a chance.
And they'd be thrice-damned as a Chel if they didn't try to help.
But earth and embers, Da always said I'd regret not learning the bow, city or no.
In lieu of a weapon, Pava's voice cracks out like a whip, sharp-edged and urgent even amid the confusion. "Executioner! Behind you!"
Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
All I need's for either one of them to heed me.

Shane Driscoll |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Copper Beater's Hall
Talanaliel transforms into her half-elven form Audria looks as if she won't even need the provocation that Shane would to empty her stomach. She trembles as Tally holds her shoulders and helps keep her upright. The horror she feels is clear in her eyes, and from the way Tally, her guide, the one that is always connected to her heart, shakes as well, it threatens to pull her in, too.Tally grabs Shane's sleeve and gives him a pleading look. The hurt, the fear, and, below them, a white-hot rage just beginning to burn show themselves in her large, brown eyes. Whatever else happens, it's clear that Queen Ileosa has made one new enemy, one that, for just a moment, looks at the wizard not with the eyes of a songbird, nor with the eyes of a young half-elven woman, but with eyes that have seen the passage of years uncounted and things beyond mortal ken.
"Please," she begs, "for Audrey?"
"All right, all right," He assures gently, For Audrey. We'll do something." He just doesn't know what.
The Execution Grounds
It all went so profoundly, remarkably, insane. He knew he had agreed to SOMETHING insane. Audria's pleading had successfully destroyed any vestige of common sense that Pava's courage hadn't already shamed out of him. I need friends who have lower standards He thinks wryly.
There was this Blackjack fellow, straight out of a minstrel's story, a rescue underway and for once it wasn't them. Oh wait, Audria attempts to find high ground and get a shot on the executioner, then Pava, bless them, tries to bluff the executioner to watching out for something not there. A trick, as an illusionist, he can admire.
In the mean time, he promised Audrey he'd try to help the prisoner. The prisoner is a stranger to him. Not his concern except... did his mother not get justice because she was , ultimately, of no concern save to powerful folks who sought to frame her? While others squabble and fight, someone is going to need to get to the scapegoat.
Oh death damnation, and taxes, it's going to have to be me, isn't it? Fortunately, he had prepared more spells for deception that combat. And so, while chaos erupts ,and hopefully under the cover of it... Shane disappears.
Let's hope I don't get stampeded by a blood thirsty mob that can't even see me.
Invisibility spell on Shane. He'll start making his way towards the prisoner in operation 'save the citizen' :)

Abella Tribastarion |

Abella laughs out loud. She wishes she had a nice little munchy snack to just watch the events unfold. Alas, she does not. However, she does have the anonymity of a crowd, and she does have a fun little idea….
If she is within 30 ft of the platform, she will use her Evil Eye hex on the executioner (DC 16 will, targeting saves) and start chanting. If she’s not within 30 ft, she will move closer

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Shrike follows the group to Domina Square without further discussion. It is clear she was itching to go anyway, although what she thinks she could do about Trinia's looming execution is anyone's guess.
At the square, she fades behind the side of a street vendor's tent, still and silent and watchful as she observes the small army of new crimson-plumed knights accompanying the Queen. She remains there while the false Trinia is revealed and paraded toward the execution block flanked by eight guards. No chance. There are too many for anyone to take on alone. She resigns herself to seeing an innocent woman killed to improve the public image of a murderer.
Fortunately, it becomes a moot point just moments after the Queen completes her grand and calculated speech. Shrike stills as Blackjack — the Blackjack — appears to come to not-Trinia's rescue out of nowhere. Can it really be him? After being absent for so long? No matter. They need help.
The man seems to be bowing to the crowd even as the executioner recovers his axe and charges him. Pava calls out to warn Blackjack, and Audria and Shane are each rushing to do something; she will have to trust that will be enough, or at worst that the canny old showboat will not fall to a single blow from an axe. But how will he actually escape with the girl?
Shrike scrambles to draw her bow and her sole grappling arrow. She aims at a likely-looking place on the top of the wall closest to the execution platform, and looses. The arrow flies, trailing thin silken rope, which then falls in a slender string down the side of the wall near Blackjack and the false Trinia.
Mwk composite longbow v. A Wall, grappling arrow: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

GM Harrow |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
The executioner flinches as Audria's arrow thuds into a wooden board near him, then looks over his shoulder for the source of Pava's false warning. Abella's hex settles over him and his reactions seem more sluggish, but he still takes a swing at the vigilante. While Shane begins to make his way unseen through the crowd, Shrike's grapple arrow finds its mark, providing an option for escape.
Blackjack turns just in time to avoid the axe blade, then leaps towards the wall, pulling the young woman behind him. He murmurs something to her, and she puts her arms around his neck as he reaches for the silken rope and begins to scale the wall with incredible speed and agility.
When he reaches the top, he stops, letting his charge down gently, then turns to scan the crowd. One by one, his gaze falls upon Audria, Pava, Abella and Shrike, and unsheathes his rapier for a salute towards them before quickly drinking a potion, taking not-Trinia in his arms and jumping off the roof towards the street on the other side.
Chaos erupts in the crowd as people clamour everywhere and the guards attempt to pursue Blackjack. That would have been difficult at the best of time due to the sheer number of people gathered in the plaza, but now it seems that some of them are following the example set by the group and actively hindering the pursuit. Shouts of "Long live Blackjack! Freedom for Korvosa!" resonate against the surrounding buildings and the immense pyramid atop which Castle Korvosa sits.

Elric Rivers |
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Had this thought out and half-way written up before leaving for a date with my wife. Don't think it will affect the outcome much, but it establishes Elric's loyalties and frame of mind with the rest of the group.
Once the group breaks up after securing Trinia's escape, Elric heads to his quarters in the marine barracks at the Great Tower.
Here, he avoids the company of the other marines as much as possible and instead spends most of his time grooming Galewing in the hipppogriff stables.
He recalls the haunted faces of his fellow marines after the first riots, and the sense of unrest is palpable as further disorder looms over the city.
And he is reminded why he left Korvosa, turned his back on his noble heritage and ultimately joined the marines in the first place. It certainly was not to draw steel against the citizens of the city in service a illegitimate monarch who has used regicide to claim the throne.
As he leaves for the Copper Beater's Hall, his mind is still torn.
At the execution
The revelation of the false prisoner causes the last wisps of doubt evaporate from Elric's troubled mind.
"The Queen knows that's not Trinia...but she has no qualms using the blood of an innocent to appease the mob and the nobles." he hisses.
When Blackjack appears and chaos erupts, Elric's first instinct is to protect his new allies...but as the hooded executioner moves to strike the popular folkhero from behind, he does not hesitate.
Simultaneously with Audria and Shrike, he nocks an arrow and takes aim. Opting for greater accuracy and intending to injure, but not kill, he spends just a few heartbeats longer to slow his breath and steady his arm. The arrow flies, seeking to pin the executioner's uninjured hand to the haft of his axe.
Composite Longbow - Steadied Shot, Favored Enemy (Human), No Deadly Aim: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
He smiles at Blackjack's escape and salute, but he's also keenly aware that the masked rebel is unlikely to be the only one to have noted their involvement. Fortunately, judging by the shouts from the crowd, they are far from alone in opposing the Queen's injustice.
"We should leave. Now."

Audria |
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Audria starts to open her mouth and add her own voice to the dissention when she hears Elric's voice cut through the din. She looks at him, the fire in her eyes flickering out as she sees his expression. She realizes he is right, and more over, if the crowd begins calling for Ileosa's abdication, or more likely her head, it would only spark even more violence. She looks back to where the queen had disappeared to and clenches her jaw as she remembers that Eliana is still in danger. She hops down from her perch and hurries over to the others.
"You're right," she tells Elric as her cheeks burn dully with shame for what she had almost tried to do. She looks around and sees the others, but a frown of worry crosses her face as she looks around for Shane and can't find him.
"Where's Shane," she asks, worry pitching her voice higher as Tally and Jessica join her and not so subtly box her in next to the marine.

Shane Driscoll |
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Shrike's actions admittedly caught Shane off guard, Well, if too many people start finding non magical solutions to a crisis, it's going to really hurt the wizard economy. a silly thought but he had just screwed himself up to do something heroic, not easy for him mind, only to find others way ahead of him.
Then he realizes that Elric doesn't have a disguise, or a mask, or a spell protecting him from view. And suddenly he's racing back to the group...
"We should leave. Now."
""Where's Shane?"
A whisper comes up out of nowhere, near them "I had thought to sneak closer and cast my extra invisibility on the scapegoat to help free her. Instead... well, here I am about as needful as a third nipple, pardon the language. And yes, we need to get the hell out of here. Elric, do you want the other invisibility on you as you were more exposed than the rest of us?"

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
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Seeing Blackjack begin to scale the rope with ease, even weighed down by his rescuee, Shrike has already begun pulling her hood up to partly hide her mask, ears and hair, preparatory to an attempt to vanish into the general pandemonium. Then something happens she does not expect. Blackjack, the beloved hero of every child's favorite story, salutes them and jumps away to safety, and the people are roaring defiance of the Queen and support for him, and bumping and tripping the guards as they stumble to respond. Something fizzes in her chest like Carpenden wine, leaving her wanting, madly, to laugh.
"We should leave. Now."
Shrike shakes off her odd pause and nods agreement with Elric. In a few efficient movements she stows the bow and her distinctive elf-spear in the magical backpack in order to become less conspicuous, and looks around to make sure the others are coming.
"Where's Shane," she asks, worry pitching her voice higher as Tally and Jessica join her and not so subtly box her in next to the marine.
"I had thought to sneak closer and cast my extra invisibility on the scapegoat to help free her. Instead... well, here I am about as needful as a third nipple, pardon the language. And yes, we need to get the hell out of here. Elric, do you want the other invisibility on you as you were more exposed than the rest of us?"
"Good thought. Wise Dragon?" Wanting to get them off the street, but not wanting to run straight to Zellara's, in case they are followed, Shrike names a nearby inn close to both the Acadamae and the University, which at this time of year should be full of Breaching Festival hopefuls as well as prospective students and their families. Plenty of people to disguise their movements, most of whom will not care at all about today's excitement. She would prefer the Jittery Quill, as it does have two private parlors, but it closes each Oathday at noon and does not reopen until dusk on Fireday — the only time its doors are ever shut.
Once a meetup location is decided, she melts away into the crowd as well as she can in broad daylight — which is not as well as at night, though she fancies that her time practicing with the billy-jacket has already made her more aware of every small unnecessary movement.

Audria |

Audria jumps and lets out a yelp as Shane's voice comes from behind her and far closer than she would have expected since she hadn't seen anyone there just a moment ago. Shane's offer of casting a spell on Elric causes her to consider what her actions might have done, and as she looks to Jessica, she can see that her friend is going to be having a long conversation with her after this. For now, though, the main focus is on getting away.
"I-I don't know where that is," Audria admits, not having spent much time near either the University nor the Acadamae.
"I do," Jessica says. "If your boyfriend doesn't, he can follow us," she adds as she nods to Elric and, despite it all, gives Audria a wicked grin as the young paladin's face turns scarlet.

Shane Driscoll |

Unless Elric objects, Shane puts his second invisibility spell upon him causing him to vanish as well
The suggestion of the 'Wise Dragon' gives him pause. "I hope there aren't imps there but it WILL be crowded. Unless anyone else can think of a place better, then there we go. I can tell you directions, Audria."

Elric Rivers |

Elric does object - no need to waste spells that we might need later.
With the need for intervention over, Elric slips his bow back into his quiver and pulls up the hood of his cloak.
"Save your spell, Shane. I can hide in the shadows of the city just as easily as I can in the forest. Let's split up for now, so we attract less attention. I'll meet you at the inn shortly."
Glancing around one last time to make sure noone is actively interested in the group, he slips into the flow of the crowd and then quickly thereafter into the back alleys, out of sight.
Take Ten for 19 Stealth

GM Harrow |
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The Wise Dragon is crowded, and buzzing with the news. Those who were in the plaza are more than happy to bring those who were not up to speed - and the tale grows in the telling. Trinia shouted her defiance as she was being sentenced, eyes blazing, Blackjack flew in on a hippogriff, tried to kill the queen and then turned into a bat and flew away.
Of more concern to the group, however, are the rumours that the vigilante had accomplices in the crowd. While generally the sentiment towards the popular hero is positive, there are a few who are shaking their heads and muttering about lawlessness and anarchy.
1d100 ⇒ 83
No-one seems to suspect them yet, but lying low for a while might be the most prudent move.

Audria |

After Splitting Up
Once everyone had gone their own ways, Jessica leads Audria and Tally through a series of back alleys. After a little while she spins around in front of Audria and puts her hands on the young paladin's shoulders.
"Audria," she says, gently shaking her friend. "Does anything go on in that pretty head of yours when you decide to help someone, sweet pea? I only ask because you did the same thing you did yesterday just now."
"I couldn't--" Audria starts to reply before Jessica puts a shushing finger to her lips.
"'I couldn't let a good deed go undone,' blah-di-blah-de. I know. I know, but now I'm going to have to redo your hair and get you new clothes." She looks over at Tally and sighs as she gives Audria's guide a wry smile.
"You, too, Tally," she adds before turning back to Audria. "Now, I know that you can't help it on some level. You and Ellie are just a couple of goody-goodies that have to be so tooth-achingly sweet and cute I could gobble you both up, but gods, Audria, you almost gave me a heart-attack when you tried to shoot the headsman. So, since I don't want to slap you again, I hope you know that I'll have to find a fitting punishment for you. Maybe the lesson will stick this time."
Audria pales as she begins to think about what Jessica could have in mind considering what she's done when she wasn't trying to punish her for something. Then again, with her staying with Jessica now, anything she did could come back and hurt her friend badly, possibly even get her killed.
"I should stay somewhere else," she says glumly as the potential consequences sink in.
"Oh, enough of that! I knew you could get me into trouble when I let you stay. I was just hoping it was the kind of trouble you get into with some delicious looking snacks and a bottle of wine, not the kind that you get into for trying to do the right thing in this little pocket of hell. I do hope you'll understand if I find someone else to share my bed with tonight, though."
Audria's cheeks turn bright red at that.
"Hey, if I thought it wouldn't wind you up more, I'd be more than happy to pop your cherry."
"Jessica!" Audria's face darkens to an indignant shade of crimson at both the reminder that Jessica knows she's a virgin and the implicit offer. Her voice, for all she tried to keep if from doing so, comes out more as a squeak than anything admonishing.
"That's more like it. You're a hero, even if no one knows it. No reason to be so morose about, and at least this time you weren't running through the Shingles. I call that progress! Now c'mon, we have to go meet your friends."
At the Wise Dragon
Audria Bluff: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
After talking about more on the way here, Audria, Jessica, and Tally all agree that it would be better for Tally to find a place to keep an eye on things outside while the other two go in to meet with the others. Tally changed back into a thrush and now sits perched on an eave that gives her a good view of the Wise Dragon.
Inside, as they hear about the rumors flying around, Audria does her best to school her expression into something innocuous. Her nerves are clear for anyone that's particularly observant, but she does at least manage to avoid looking around like a nervous cat in a kennel full of mean, hungry dogs.
"I think we're all going to need to change our looks," Audria says after hearing the rumors about Blackjack's accomplices.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

"And lie low. Back to normal." The flat croak doesn't sound happy about the idea of pausing the investigation for Lamm, but then, Shrike never does. "Can't vanish though. Someone might involve the Guards."
She had let one of the more normal-looking members of the group take care of any necessary interactions with the innkeepers, and remained in an out-of-the-way corner in the crowded common room with her hood up, listening statuelike to the rumors, until they all could speak in privacy. Although her hood is still up and voluminous enough that it fully conceals the mask from most angles, and the sharp hooked beak of the shrike is so short that it does not protrude far past her face, if anyone looks at her full-on, it is also clearly not a nose.

Shane Driscoll |
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The Wise Dragon is crowded, and buzzing with the news. Those who were in the plaza are more than happy to bring those who were not up to speed - and the tale grows in the telling. Trinia shouted her defiance as she was being sentenced, eyes blazing, Blackjack flew in on a hippogriff, tried to kill the queen and then turned into a bat and flew away.
Of more concern to the group, however, are the rumours that the vigilante had accomplices in the crowd. While generally the sentiment towards the popular hero is positive, there are a few who are shaking their heads and muttering about lawlessness and anarchy.
No-one seems to suspect them yet, but lying low for a while might be the most prudent move.
Shane wonders if this location was a mistake. The crowd is too big for his liking, even if the idea was to blend. Tieflings don't blend that well. He wasn't seen taking part against the authorities. He shouldn't be in trouble. And yet this is so close to the school, and memories in this area include...
Bullying, humiliation, having my tiefling features jeered at? Oh, when he cast cantrips, that sobered the mundanes. They didn't know how much he had, only that he had it. To be a wizard was to be a thing to be feared AND respected. Why, poke a wizard in the belly and a fireball might be burped out in your face. Shane had to admit, that was gratifying. Tieflings don't get love, but they can get something close to respect.
The problem might be his fellow graduates. They weren't so ignorant and knew wizards came in tiers. And attracting the attention of someone like that ass Egeo Courenero would be just another complication in an already complicated situation.
He too has taken a corner, near a curtain so when he fades back into view, few will notice and merely think they didn't see him earlier.

Audria |

Audria wrings her hands as she hears Shrike talk and wishes the others were already here. It surprises her how much she misses Pava, considering how she never really warmed to the Shoanti rogue. Abella's presence would help bolster her confidence and dispel her worry, and both Shane and Elric were comforting to have around. They just felt dependable.
Jessica rubs Audria's back, soothing the Paladin's nerves as the silence stretches on.
"Are you saying we can't vanish from here right now or we can't do it for a while after what happened today," Audria asks, whispering to keep others from overhearing the conversation.
"Either way, I think you chickadees are in need of a new wardrobe," Jessica adds as Audria waits for the answer to her question.

Pava / Nips at Heels |

Pava takes refuge in audacity. Their actions at the attempted execution had been carefully deniable, so they had more to lose by looking as though they had something to hide.
Still, though their fingers twitch with the urge to peel away at the rumors' layers until any potential paths to their friends are laid bare, they know that for now those questions are more likely to lead to danger.
So instead of lingering at different tables or chatting up the bartender for very long, they simply lean in with a smile. "Kvass for the table, eh? We'll wave you down when we need more."
The smile falls from their face as they slide in to join the rest of the crew. "Well. What a day. Could've been a lot worse though, eh?"

Elric Rivers |

Confident that he has not been followed, Elric slips in besides the others at the table and grabs a drink.
”Looks like we’re out of immediate danger. But things are going to get worse for Korvosa before they get better. Lying low for a few days while we see how the Queen reacts to Blackjack’s actions is a good move.”

Shane Driscoll |
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Pava taking the lead, Shane joins them at the table now that he won't pop into existence in front of everyone. Though with as many wizards or wizard want a bes that are in this area it might not be the shock it would be elsewhere.
"Kvass it is." He says in loud agreement
At Audria's mention of disguises, he mutters "One advantage to my vanishing act, it came to little avail but I may not have been 'made'. I'll try to help with color changing cantrips and the like in the short term.
”Looks like we’re out of immediate danger. But things are going to get worse for Korvosa before they get better. Lying low for a few days while we see how the Queen reacts to Blackjack’s actions is a good move.
"Oh, it's going to get SO much worse," he agrees, but is careful not to take credit on any of their behalf "The she-bear has been poked, my friends, the tigress has had her tail pulled in public and Blackjack and... others, did it. I suspect a huge reward for Blackjack's capture is already going up as we talk. But more than that, a display of power on the Queen's part is likely. Something beyond an execution. Some of the crowd cheered for Blackjack. She'll reprimand the public itself in some way for that. How? I don't know. Conjecture would have me think some sort of loyalty tax on those not flying her colors at their homes, or maybe increased searches for 'city security' in people's very houses?? Who knows. Laying low and waiting is smart, but ... cautious citizens, might want to make sure anything that might be seen as a sign of disloyalty is not an eye sore to authorities." Wryly.

Audria |
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"There'll be blood in the streets again," Audria says quietly as memories of the last bloody night of the riots immediately after King Eodred's death come back. She reaches up and grabs her left arm where an arrow from Kaitlyn Embresi, a woman also known as Embercat, had sliced it open. A part of her wants to blame herself, but how could she have acted any other way and been true to herself?
Sensing Audria's mood darken even more, Jessica rubs the young paladin's back to comfort her.
"That's a good point," Jessica says slowly, clearly unhappy about some of the implications. "She may also decide to make some examples to see if she can draw Blackjack and his accomplices out." Her tone is thoughtful, but the worried expression that crosses her face when she glances at Audria makes it clear that she is well aware how effective that kind of tactic would be against Audria and those like her.
"Still, that's worries for later. I haven't had lunch yet, and I bet y'all are hungry, too," she says as the kvass Pava ordered arrives. She flashes the server a winning smile and asks if they could get some soup, bread, and reefclaw pasties with thileu sauce.
I need to remember to get Tally something. I wish she was here, but she's right. She can give us a warning if someone is coming to look for us.
"What are we doing after we eat," Audria asks after the server leaves. As the others answer, she sips her drink, and is rather surprised by the flavor. She had expected something more bitter.
Meanwhile: Outside
Tally Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
Tally Stealth (Hiding from Predators): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (13) + 21 = 34
Tally keeps watch on the Wise Dragon from a spot where she's well hidden from anything in the Shingles that might find a small thrush a tasty snack. Her mind is on other things, however. Whatever else may result from the attempted execution, murder really, and the appearance of Blackjack, it's clear that Queen Ileosa cares little for justice and only paid as much lip service to Shelyn as she needs to keep up appearances. For the first time since she came to Golarion, she feels truly enraged. No one who respected Shelyn's teachings would falsely accuse anyone, especially a talented artist, and they certainly wouldn't condemn an innocent young woman to die after beating her.
She takes in a deep breath and quietly sighs. That anger is dangerous. Audria's is bad enough. She acts on her emotions. Some of it was the impulsiveness of youth, true, but a lot of it was more because when she feels, she feels deeply and strongly. That makes it even more important that she, Talanaliel, keeps her head clear, or as clear as she can. She is supposed to guide Audria.
Yet she can't ignore that she feels that anger either. What happened in Domina Square is an affront to everything her goddess, her ward, and she believes and holds dear. Queen Ileosa's actions put her beyond the pale as far as she and Audria are concerned, but what can they do? For now, the best thing is to distance themselves from the Sanctuary, at least until they know if someone is looking for Audria or not. But would that work? She doesn't know. If Queen Ileosa could tie the accusations she'd leveled at Trinia and Blackjack's rescue of the woman she'd fully intended to kill to the Shelynites, then things could get really bad for them, whether or not she managed to do that using Audria. Staying away might help, but if the Queen had already decided that the Sanctuary of Shelyn had to be swept aside, then there is little she or anyone could do to prevent it, at least as they are now.
She thinks back to the Harrowing that Zellara had done for them, and wonders what ill fortune lay waiting for them in the future. She can see some things are already proving true. Zellara definitely has the gift. Now, she can only hope that Audria and Korvosa come through this darkness intact. Memories of Hell Night suggest that hope was likely in vain.

Abella Tribastarion |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Abella hears the rumors about “accomplices” and decides to have a little fun. She wanders the crowd interjecting into the groups gossiping, giving wildly different, contradictory accounts before quickly moving on.
”Oh I was there, I can tell you all about it. There was one was a mighty bear of a man, a paladin of Iomedae with a greatsword who cleft three guards at once before running away. There was this little gnome illusionist who used magic to cover the escape by making it look like there was more of a crowd than there was.”
”Oh my goodness, did you hear that the executioner was Blackjack’s accomplice? Yes, I saw him wink at Blackjack when he missed a blow. The fight was entirely staged!”
”Oh I’ve seen Blackjack before. He rescued me from a run in with a nasty crocodile. That was definitely not him. The mask was all wrong.”
”Did you hear? Did you see? The executioner was actually an undead creature! What a scandal!”
”Personally, I didn’t see any accomplices. I think that’s just a story cooked-up to make Blackjack’s rescue sound less impressive. I think the authorities are scared, and I mean, who wouldn’t be when a man effortlessly chops a dozen crossbow bolts out of the air?”

Shane Driscoll |
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Shane watches Abella work, and while her delivery isn't great, the idea is great! And..then he remembers Pava's use of deception earlier too.
I think I'm inspired. In fact, I know I am. He has an idea.
Over the next day or so, Shane has an epiphany ... invisibility and disguise self are his to use liberally. He even has a magic mouth option though that can get costly.. the point is, he doesn't have to be himself.
And he can bluff while he looks like total strangers spreading lies.
"I think Gissperia DeGuidice is plotting against the queen... she wants to be a noble after all, why not all the way to the top?"
If he's allowed to take 10 on bluffs that'll give him 20s :)
Loaded with illusions to have certain folks appear at key locations, an image of Gissperia DeGuidice colluding with Blackjack in a back alley is very possible
And happens where someone can see it..but if they close the figures leave.
Oh he doesn't push the act. Once in at least three different neighborhoods should be enough to have it catch at least once.
He also decides to do Blackjack a good turn, and spreads information that Blackjack has fled to another city to build an army. That Blackjack and the executioner were in cahoots (He stole this from Abella, but it really is brilliant) and just for kickss, that the Queen's identical twin has escaped from her secret cell where she was once kept in an iron mask.
Not sure where he got that last one.
If you prefer bluff rolls to taking 10, here are some *Crosses fingers* Put em where suits your story
Bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
Bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Not risking too much more than that, and isn't that enough, he does go shopping for a much nicer wardrobe. It will be costly, but at least one set of good clothes will make it so he can 'pull a Shrike' and be less recognizable when he's not in them. Or so he hopes. A dapper look, but he does have to get Jessica's help. My she has fun with HIS money.
Will buy a Courtier's level outfit. Details may be filled later when he meets his fellow PCs again.
All the study he did, and does, and the practice with illusion finally cements his growth as a wizard. Old threshholds of arcane limits are crossed, spells more powerful than anything he knew before come to him.
Flight is possible.
He is delighted.
And, at no time does he neglect Zellara's house upkeep, or a little dragon friend either.

Audria |
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Spoilering to avoid making this a wall of text. I'm labeling these with when they happen and who would be involved so if you just want to skip stuff, you can without worrying about missing anything. I do want to have a conversation between Audria and Elric.
When the food is delivered, Audria does ask for something to go for Tally, a reefclaw po'boy. Other than that, she's quiet as she eats, letting the others talk while she tries to sort through her own thoughts and feelings about what the past day or so have revealed. She can feel Tally's emotions as well as she does the same, though with her guide's anger simmering just below the surface. She dares not focus on those emotions too closely lest they begin to feed of each other.
Before Elric leaves, she gets his attention and whispers in his ear.
"Where and when can I meet you tomorrow." she asks. She wants to talk to him, but she wants some time to sort herself out before she does.
The only response to Jessica's teasing she gives is a wry smile and a gentle nudge to her friend's ribs with her elbow.
After finishing up lunch at the Wise Dragon, Jessica and Audria meet back up with Talanaliel in an alley nearby where she can change into her half-elf form without being seen. She tries to turn down the offer of the sandwich, but her growling stomach makes it clear that she is very much hungry. While Tally eats, Jessica muses over what to do about hers and Audria's wardrobe.
"Hmm, not giving me much to work with here, girls," the alchemist mutters as she studies the pair of them. "I wonder if Von Heller's has something that'd help with the ahem--" she holds her hands up in front of her as if she were holding two large melons, "and the mm-hmm--" she twists to better show off the curve of her hips and derrière as she gestures at them with her hands like a salesman showing off his finest wares. Her serious expression melts into a stunning smile as Audria's face turns bright red and she begins stammering out a protest.
"Oh relax! I wasn't seriously going to take you there. It's far too tame," she teases, barely able to hold in her laughter as she sees Audria's mortified expression. "No, I have something else in mind once Tally-girl over there finishes stuffing her face."
The indignant looks Tally and Audria give her do get her to break out in a laugh.
"That's better! You're both far too pretty to mope," she says as she puts an arm around each of their shoulders. "Now c'mon! We have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in!"
The afternoon passes into evening as Jessica leads Audria and Tally to a few of her favorite shops, the lesser known clothiers that are prized by their customers for their quality, service, and, most importantly at this time at least, their speed. By the time the sun is setting, Jessica, Tally, and Audria all have a few new outfits in styles that are different from what they usually wear.
Audria begins to wonder what else Jessica has in mind when she leads the paladin and her guide into Northpoint but in a different direction from where her apartment is. At first, Audria thinks she's taking them someplace for supper, but as they leave the main thoroughfares where any eateries would be located behind, she finds that possibility unlikely. Before she can muster up the nerve to ask, however, Jessica leads them to a small storefront with an elegantly simple sign proclaiming the place's name, Sylvia's Grove. It looks closed, but Jessica just walks up and knocks.
"J-Jessica! Isn't it too--" Audria starts to say, but closes her mouth as the door opens.
"Ah, Jessica," the slender, severely-styled, middle-aged woman who answers the door says with a welcoming smile. "I had wondered when you would be by." She steps out and hugs the buxom alchemist and kisses her on each cheek before turning her attention to Audria and Talanaliel. "I presume that you two must be Audria and Talanaliel," she says before giving them both a graceful bow. "I am Sylvia Vance. It is a pleasure to meet you. Jessica has told me much about you two and your friend Eliana. Please, come in."
She steps to the side and gestures for the three young women to enter. Inside, are dress forms clad only in a variety of styles of women's underclothes. Already, Audria can feel her cheeks heating. She can feel Tally's confusion, too, but she figures her friend will figure it out soon enough. As Sylvia follows Jessica in and closes the door, Audria turns to face the alchemist.
"Jessica, I--" the paladin starts to say before she sees that there isn't a teasing smile on her face.
"No, Audria, this isn't a joke," Jessica says seriously as she steps closer to her. "You may not have noticed how badly fitted your underwear is, but I certainly did, and Tally's is not in much better shape. There's more to taking care of yourself than just taking care of the bits that people can see." She pokes Audria in the forehead and gently rocks her head back. "And you obviously need someone to teach you how much better just having something that fits you can make you feel and look even if no one sees it at all, so, Sweetpea, I've asked Sylvia here to help me educate you two all about that."
Audria rubs her head as she looks from Jessica to Sylvia, then back.
"I-is it really that bad," she asks. "And, um, I--"
"Miss Lumina," Sylvia gently cuts in. "Jessica has made me aware of the, ah, shall we say rigorous and strenuous activities you regular find yourself engaged in. If you are concerned about how these will hold up, allow me to put your mind at ease. I have a number of adventurers, guards, and even marines among my clientele, and almost all of them wear my wares daily without any issues."
"So, shall we get started," Jessica asks with a smirk.
Seeing no alternatives, Audria sighs and agrees. By the time they leave, she has to admit that Jessica was right. She does feel a lot better wearing something that fits her well.
That didn't keep her from glaring daggers at the other woman later that night when Jessica shows off how well they fit to get her hair to grow out so she can trim it longer than it was.
When Shane arrives at Jessica's apartment in Northpoint, Audria answers the door. Her outfit is new, but the more striking change is her hair, now longer than it was yesterday and a deep black that's almost blue.
"Oh, hello," she says. "I guess you're here to see Jessica?"
I talked to Elric's player over Discord about where he'd pick to meet, and he said he was fine with the ideas I had, so yeah...
Audria arrives and waits for Elric at Eodred's Square in the southern part of the Midlands close to twenty minutes before she's supposed to meet him. Talanaliel rests on her shoulder in the form of a songbird after she and Audria had decided that she needs to be there, but it might be better if she isn't in her half-elven form. She fidgets nervously, and not just because of what she wants to talk to Elric about.
When Jessica had learned that she was going to meet the marine and have a conversation with him, she'd insisted on Audria letting her "doll her up." She'd done Audria's hair, now much longer than it was yesterday, though still well short of the length it had before Jessica had turned it into a bob, and raven-black, is done up with a set of combs and intricate plaits. She wears a light-weight jacket, vest, and skirt in a deep blue that matches her eyes with a white blouse underneath. A matching hat keeps the sun off her ears and face while a pair of comfortable boots that only come up a little above her ankles shod her feet, and the hem of the skirt is just long enough to hide the white stockings she wears. A part of her wanted to wear what she always wore, but another part of her wonders if Elric would like it.
She pushes the thought away and keeps an eye out for the marine. She hopes he will be there soon. After they cross the bridge to East Shore and get a little ways out of the city, they'll talk. It is a conversation that is far too dangerous to have within the walls of Korvosa, and that thought is enough to chase away any adolescent fantasies about how someone might see her.
She looks around again and prays to Shelyn that both Trinia and Eliana are alright as she tries to ignore the butterflies in her stomach.

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"Oh, hello," she says. "I guess you're here to see Jessica?"
For a moment he is about to introduce himself then stops, "Audria, I must say the hair is very different but you look riveting. Yes, I was seeking Jessica out for a bit of help in my own shopping plans and fashion. If this is a bad time I can try another."

Audria |

Audria smiles as her cheeks turn pink.
"Thank you. I guess it was worth the embarrassment after all," she says as she opens the door wider so Shane can come in. "I don't think it's a bad time. Jessica just woke up, though, so it may be a bit. I don't think she'd mind if you came in though. Have you had breakfast?"
A moment later, Jessica comes out of the bedroom, her hair dyed a brilliant red and done up in a sloppy tail that loops back through the ribbon tying it at the nape of her neck. She has no make up on and the gown she wears is downright frumpy. Her eyes are slits as she walks towards the table where a skillet of shakshuka and toasted bread sit steaming and joins the other young woman, Tally if one had to guess, who's hair matches Audria's, making the two of them look even more like sisters.
"'M'rn'n," she mumbles as she sits down. "Wuz Shane doin'--" she stops talking as her eyes open more and she frowns in thought. She looks up and over at the wizard as surprise pulls her fully awake.
"Shane?! What are you doing here," she asks now fully awake.

Shane Driscoll |
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"Breakfast? Can't say I have but I didn't intend to be a bother." He admits, then says "Right, Jessica's not a morning person. Sometimes I think she's the one who needs darkvision."
When Jessica comes out, he admires her sleepy stagger and flop, and waits for it...
Five, four, three, two...
"Shane?! What are you doing here," she asks now fully awake.
"Intruding, Infringing, Invading, meddling? take your pick, Jessica," Shane says "It's become apparent to me that more than one look, non illusionary, might go far in this city. So I'm looking for one upscale, not quite aristocratic but won't have me kicked out fancy places set of clothes. As they don't teach Fashionmancy at the Academae, I thought I might turn to you for advice on what colors go best on this pale blue white surface of mine and goes nicely with gaunt features and horns. I understand some humans are labeled by seasons, Summers and Winters and such. I suppose for Tieflings it might more disasters, like 'Floodwater' and 'Wildfire' but whatever ... I just thought I'd pick your brain on the topic. I can go if it's a bad time."

Audria |
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"B&&%@@@s to that," Jessica snaps when Shane says he can go if now's a bad time. "Pull up a chair and dig in. Audria made too much for the three of us anyway," she says in a more normal tone as she waves at the empty chair at the table. "I'm not about to send a friend away hungry, and I'm definitely not about to trust you with any fashion advice I give you either." She turns to Audria and holds up a hand to the side of her mouth as if she were shielding someone from seeing it. It just wasn't Shane since she left the side he could see uncovered.
"This is the man that thought wearing a bright orange robe with black trim was a good idea! If that was the only thing I had to wear, I'd go naked," she tells the young paladin, sotto voce.
Despite herself, Audria blinks and looks at Shane with a look that mingles shock and little bit of horror.
"The cut," she asks Jessica in a voice of someone who's not sure if they want to satisfy that bit of morbid curiosity.
"Terrible!" Jessica laughs before looking back up with a warm smile, the one she saved for her friends.
"I am flattered that you want my help, and I don't mind. Really I don't. I'm more than happy to help while teaching the ins and outs of fashion. In fact, it seems that I'm perhaps getting a sign from the gods that I should do something else for a living. Fashion advisor to the aesthetically conscious adventurer doesn't sound too pretentious, does it," she asks as she looks up at Shane with her big beautiful eyes and a slight pout, the kind of look that could could get anyone it was aimed at hot and bothered. The mischievous twinkle in Jessica's eyes does ruin the effect however.
"At least let the poor guy eat before you start teasing him," Audria says. "Otherwise I'll tell Misses Olga to not make you anymore of those pastries you love so much." For someone who is so sweet, normally, Audria can certainly put on a sinister smile.
"You wouldn't." Audria's smile widens as she notes the edge of panic in Jessica's voice.
"Okay, okay! I give. You win. I'll behave," Jessica promises after a moment.
After a few minutes, Audria has said a blessing over the food and helped serve everyone's plates. The meal's good and filling, though hardly on par with what the best kitchens in Korvosa can turn out. For one thing, Audria definitely overcooked the eggs.
"Where's Majenko? Is he doing alright," Tally asks after a few minutes.

Shane Driscoll |
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As Jessica curses her insistence, Shane smiles The woman is the soul of eloquence in the mornings.
Then they go on about his colors, he hurmphs "I was in the ILLUSIONIST program at the school, they MADE us wear orange. Abjurers were stuck in Brown, Conjurers in White, Diviners got Blue, Enchanters had Yellow, Evokers wore red, Necromaners are clad in purple, Transmuters in green, and we Illusionists got jammed into orange. We tried calling it Saffron, it didnt' help it look any prettier. And the black trim was the best I could to salvage that citrus abomination"
Admittedly, the black hadn't worked with the orange as well as he liked. Made him look a bit like a deranged harlequin in a horror opera, but he doesn't want to confess to that.
WHen she pouts at him, he can't help but feel the burn as it were. "We are very grateful for your help, your kindness, and your fashion advice." She is a lovely creature and a good friend. "What fellow wouldn't want you to tell him 'to get out of those clothes'?" A wicked gleam for only a moment, then eats break fast.
He's too polite to complain about the eggs, but might prestiditation the flavor when no one is looking.
"Where's Majenko? Is he doing alright," Tally asks after a few minutes.
"He's much better and enjoying being my housemate." He assures Tally.
He doesn't want to be impatient, but he has other things to do so he hopes for the shopping soon.
Which I think we'll assume off panel as promised. :)

Audria |

Definitely off panel for the shopping. I'm playing this out because I'm having fun.
Then they go on about his colors, he hurmphs "I was in the ILLUSIONIST program at the school, they MADE us wear orange. Abjurers were stuck in Brown, Conjurers in White, Diviners got Blue, Enchanters had Yellow, Evokers wore red, Necromaners are clad in purple, Transmuters in green, and we Illusionists got jammed into orange. We tried calling it Saffron, it didn't help it look any prettier. And the black trim was the best I could to salvage that citrus abomination"
Jessica desperately gestures for Shane to shut up as starts talking about the colors that each school of magic had to wear. The look of betrayal is almost comical as Audria pipes up with a question.
"What program were you in," she asks Jessica who buries her head in her hands and mutters her answer so that it's an unintelligible mush by the time it reaches anyone's ears.
"I-- I didn't understand that."
"ab--r-on," she mutters again.
"Um, s-sorry, I didn't--"
"Abjuration! I specialize in abjuration," Jessica wails as she sits back up and slouches in her chair with her arms crossed over her chest. For the first time since any of them have meet her, Jessica looks genuinely embarrassed, a look that's rather cute on her, actually. Her face is flushed and she pouts as she adds, "I hated those robes. I always felt like I was wearing a sack."
"We are very grateful for your help, your kindness, and your fashion advice." She is a lovely creature and a good friend. "What fellow wouldn't want you to tell him 'to get out of those clothes'?" A wicked gleam for only a moment, then eats breakfast.
She does cheer up after teasing Shane back and hearing him joke.
"Oh not many, and not many women either," she replies as she returns his gleam with one of her own. Shane can tell it's taking all she can do to not burst out laughing at Audria's fidgeting as she tries to block out that part of the conversation.
All three of the ladies are happy to hear Majenko is doing well. Jessica finishes up first and changes into a flowy blouse, a corset, and a pair of pants so tight, it's a wonder she ever got them on. Washed up, dolled up, and dressed, she throws on a light cloak in case of rain and looks to Shane.
"Well, my horny friend," she says with wicked glee at Audria's expression as she cleans up from breakfast, "shall we be off to get you out of those clothes," she hesitates just long enough for Audria to start to say something before adding, "and into something more fashionable?"

Shane Driscoll |

"Now in Jessica's defense, she put highlights on those brown robes that really upped the snap to them" And her figure would look good in a burlap sack, but that would be crass to bring up he supposes.
Shane cheers her up with a flirty joke though and the two have a moment making poor Audria blush.
Shane waits here for them to prepare, when they do he says "You all look great by the by. And yes, let's be off." And out shopping he goes with the fashionmancer!