Violant's Iron Gods

Game Master Violant


Loot Sheet

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Male CG Half-Orc Fighter 3 | HP 31/31 | AC: 17 (18 v. robots) Touch: 12 (13 v. robots) FF: 15 | CMB: 7 CMD: 19 | Fort: +5 Reflex: +3 Will: +2 | Init: +2 | Darkvision 60ft Perc: +1 SM: +1 | Speed 30ft | Active Buffs:

Grezzag comes back down. "Doors are locked. Let's make sure there's no more surprises on this level."

M Aasimar | HP 28/30| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15 | Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 3 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +11, Sense Motive: +4 | Saves: F: +3, R: +3, W: +7 +2 vs compulsions| CMB +3 / CMD 15

That's 3 for this level - Grezzag, Khoran and Uwe, and Hekau abstaining out of 6... With Alyn possibly dropping.

"I suppose we can start with that door over there," Khoran points to the door to the north. "Uwe, if you will..."

I have put a red arrow on the map to indicate the door I intend.
@GM Violant, given we are in the room we are in, why can't we see behind the block that I turned pink?

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