Supreme Beings Pathfinder 2E

Game Master scranford

Pathfinder 2E campaign to introduce new veteren players and friends.
◆ One action, ◆◆ Two Actions, ◆◆◆ Three Actions, ◇= Free Action, ↺= Reaction

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Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"That's a sorry lot. Just keep trying big guy, you'll find a better deal. Then we can get some horses." Telurion says to Rail after they don't get the price they want. "When we offload these candlesticks I may get a shortbow as well if there is enough left from getting horses. Do you gentlemen have a ranged weapon of some sort?"

M Awakened Raven Sorcerer 2 | HP 20/20 | AC: 15 | F +5 R +5 W +6| Perc: +4 | Speed: 20', 15' fly | Spell DC 18 | Focus Pool: 1/1

"Hmmm, you prefer melee, don't you? Perhaps when combat seems likely I'll have to find another shoulder to perch on," Brennus muses.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Current Scene: (OBR- Region Map

Above is the link to Stable Row, and the Bards Gate Regional map. I'll give you today to purchase any last-minute items, review any social interactions you wish, and move us forward tomorrow.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

The Raven three accompanied by their new-found companions, spend the rest of the day buying food, and horses. Rail makes a deal through a urchin third-party and brings 40 GP to the group. After purchasing the horses, saddles, feed for the horses etc. the group is left with 25 GP.

Feel free to spend as you like, but I'm moving us forward.

The group then meets early on the following morning, the fog brings an unnatural chill to the air, and the smell of woodsmoke is strong in the city, as the group stops by The Dun Stables to claim their mounts. They walk the mounts at first as visibility is limited and they head north along the riverside path. After a couple of hours, the sun burns off the morning fog resulting in a beautiful day.

The party travels alongside the river road with joking and getting to know the new arrivals, and the first day passes without any trouble. There was quite a bit of traffic along the route, but the number of people encountered grows smaller at they travel North.

Several time during the day the shadow of one of the Lyre Guards famous Griffon patrols flies over, and as dusk approaches the imposing Citadel of Griffons stands atop the tallest rise in the valley. Below it is one of the Way-houses that most of the party is familiar with. There is a family of 5 already pitching a tent inside the palisade, and a lone man in a soldier's uniform pitches a lean-to against the north wall. Someone has lit a fire in the central firepit of the structure, and as the chill of then night sets in people begin to gather beside the fire.

If you wish to embellish either of these groups and add to their story feel free. If not I'll just move forward.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

On the second day the Old North Road while still well maintained grows less populated as you distance yourself from the city. About mid-day you pass an area where the sounds of the wilderness seem somehow muted. You see a wildly overgrown path to the east in this area, with some strange fetish scrawled on a rock near the entrance to the path.

I don't think anyone here speaks druidic (Wild Speech) so probably can't decipher the inscription.

As the party moves on another huge citadel appears off the trail. This is the famous "Citadel of Ravens" which was torn asunder in one of the many invasion attempts including the Hunn invasion. The party notices that while mostly complete there are still construction crews working to finish up repairs. The foot traffic of soldiers dressed in uniforms of the Lyre Guard, Warmark Troops, and groups of free defenders mark this as an important bulwark against raiders. The site offers a clear view of both the river and the valley to the north.

There is also a Waystation here with this one still smelling of newly cut timber, and lingering vestiges of burnt wood. This is obviously a new design as there is a lean-to shelter on the side with a hitching post to shelter animals, and a similar structure across the back of the structure offering at least a roof overhead.

As before if you wish to populate this evening's rest feel free.

There is a wagon parked outside the shelter, with a man sitting underneath it drinking from a flask. This seems to be a peddler's wagon, with its owner quickly making his dinner a bottle of some type of alcohol.

You can choose to interact with the man if you wish. If not he'll snore the uneventful night away.

There is a brief rainstorm during the night which results in a damp morning, and thicker fog than normal.

Tomorrow, you cross the river and head into less populated lands.

I'm assuming a leisurely travel pace. If you wish to press things your can travel faster.

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

Caks will attempt to Decipher Writing to determine the writing on the rock. Society is +7

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

This is written in a secret language, so the DC is astronomical.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 Society

You know this is written in Wildsong the secret language of Druids.

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140
Supreme Being wrote:

This is written in a secret language, so the DC is astronomical.

1d20+7 Society

You know this is written in Wildsong the secret language of Druids.

Hey, it was worth a shot! <<grin>>

M High Elf Bard 2 [HP: 22/22 | AC:18 (Shield Raised:19) | Fort:+4 | Ref:+6 | Will:+7 | Perc:+7 (Low-Light) | Spd 30]

After going home to retrieve his things, Rail had shown up in scuffed, worn studded leather with an equally well used pack on his back. For all that he said he wasn't an adventurer his gear certainly fit the part. The armor appeared to be surplus Free Defender equipment with any identifying marks filed off.

During the long ride he chats amiably and ably with anyone about almost anything, showing at least a shallow knowledge of everything from popular sports to distant cities and from horse trading to magical theory. He has an odd habit of referring to things that happened decades ago in the present or at least near-recent tense, as if he was there or at least alive to witness it when it happened.

Might as well try a Society check on the Druidic, too. Society +7 edit: Oh wait, he could use Ancestral Longevity to know Druidic, I think. Is this important, SB? If it's a hook you want us to know Rail should be able to read it to let the group know.

At the end of the second day the elf goes over to talk to the peddler. "It's bad luck not to buy from a peddler on the road," he explains to his new companions. I'm happy to skip over this if the party wants to move on.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Raloven "Rail" Winterbreeze wrote:

After going home to retrieve his things, Rail had shown up in scuffed, worn studded leather with an equally well used pack on his back. For all that he said he wasn't an adventurer his gear certainly fit the part. The armor appeared to be surplus Free Defender equipment with any identifying marks filed off.

During the long ride he chats amiably and ably with anyone about almost anything, showing at least a shallow knowledge of everything from popular sports to distant cities and from horse trading to magical theory. He has an odd habit of referring to things that happened decades ago in the present or at least near-recent tense, as if he was there or at least alive to witness it when it happened.

Might as well try a Society check on the Druidic, too. Society +7 edit: Oh wait, he could use Ancestral Longevity to know Druidic, I think. Is this important, SB? If it's a hook you want us to know Rail should be able to read it to let the group know.

At the end of the second day the elf goes over to talk to the peddler. "It's bad luck not to buy from a peddler on the road," he explains to his new companions. I'm happy to skip over this if the party wants to move on.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 Society

Note this is a DC35 so chances aren't really good.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

Before taking off Telurion picks up a shortbow and a quiver of arrows.

While traveling the first day...

Telurion makes small talk with the others getting to know the new pair and his earlier companions as well. Later, when they see the griffons fly over he comments on how amazing they are and wonders what it would be like to fly one. Upon seeing the citadel, "Now there's a fortress. Impressive, just impressive." He settles in for the night and is ready to ride in the morning.

The second day of travel...

Telurion carries on before and comments on the actions, discipline or lack thereof of the soldiers, and the impressiveness of all the new construction. When Rail goes to see the peddler Telurion tags along.

In the morning he rises as usual, preps to leave, but waits until all are ready to go before mounting up. He grumbles about the rain and pulls his oiled cloak tight about him. "Aggravating weather when you combine cool temperatures and rain."

M Awakened Raven Sorcerer 2 | HP 20/20 | AC: 15 | F +5 R +5 W +6| Perc: +4 | Speed: 20', 15' fly | Spell DC 18 | Focus Pool: 1/1

Brennus eagerly suggests that he rest in the inn with the rest of the party the night after meeting them, making it quite clear he doesn't fancy finding some dubious spot to roost when he could be safe and warm inside. He spends a fair amount of time that night preening his feathers, so in the morning when you depart he looks much less disheveled than when you first met him--though it obviously does nothing for his missing primaries.

He's quite surprised when he's offered a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the candlesticks. "I'll have to ask one of you to hold onto that for me," he says, spreading his wings slightly, "As you can see I have neither pocket, pouch, nor pack of my own. Perhaps we can remedy that upon our return... hmmm, yes, I'll give some thought to what a design might look like..."

It's easy to note that he stays quiet wherever other people could overhear him, but Brennus is quite talkative whenever the group is alone. He's obviously quite eager to know the group's histories, and the history of each of you individually, but he also quickly goes into asides about magical theory and even about the history and geography of the area. He *also* has a Society check of +7 :D Indeed, it's quite clear that he's not simply familiar with civilization, but that he's learned more about it than simple observation can explain.

"Hmmm, certainly not good flying weather," the raven agrees with Telurion. "Even if I fly more like a chicken then a raven right now..."

M High Elf Bard 2 [HP: 22/22 | AC:18 (Shield Raised:19) | Fort:+4 | Ref:+6 | Will:+7 | Perc:+7 (Low-Light) | Spd 30]

Rail had made sure to buy something off the peddler- an apple and some dried fruit- and chatted about news on the road before returning to his group and bedding down for the night. The elf fed the apple to his horse- for an apparent city dweller, he was taking very good care of the mount.

He nodded at Telurion and Brennus. "This is why I like to stay in town," he chuckles. His Free Defender surplus gear is well oiled and keeps him dry and warm in spite of the damp. "Today's a good day to sit with your feet up next to the fire and look out the window, thinking about the poor unfortunates who have to be out in the weather."

The elf sighs. "Hopefully these ruins will keep us dry, at least."

Using Ancestral Longevity to be Trained in Survival until we get through the wilderness, so Survival +5 until he switches it out.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

SB Screen


1d20 ⇒ 9 Diplomacy (Telurion)
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 Diplomacy (Rail)
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 FORT Save
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 Society (Brennus)

Rail buys some of the Peddlers personal supply of provisions, as his wagon in nearly empty. He has a route travelling between Bards Gate and the citadels delivering supplies, and personal items to those stationed there, and has sold almost everything. He does have a deck of cards with illustrations of different musical instruments on the back (12 SP), as well as an assortment of weather treated Fez (9@ 2 SP each). He seems to have something he was going to share with Rail and Telurion, but his overindulgence in potent drink makes him forgetful.

Though the evening is a bit chilly, and there are a couple of leaks in the new roof you could report the night passes pretty uneventfully. Rail being a newcomer to the adventuring life didn't seemed to waken at every strange night noise, and didn't really get a good night's sleep. Whew! Almost a crit fail... There will probably be a penalty to tomorrow night's attempt at sleep.

Rail gets up early to stoke the fire into something resembling a volcano, and the heat and noise of popping green wood awakens everyone else. Grumbling, they mount up and begin the trek downhill towards the bridge crossing the Stoneheart River. Finally, they arrive at the river it's strong current crashing against boulders giving it away before they come into sight of it.

Society DC 15


A wide stone span supported by three great stone arches crosses the
Stoneheart River here connecting the Valley Road to the Farm Road that
skirts the edge of the Plains of Mayfurrow. This is the main Thoroughfare for traffic from the northern parts of Bard’s Gate’s suzerainty and is where a significant portion of the grains and foodstuffs that feed the city are brought from. The Farm Road, where it passes through the foothills of the Stonehearts and then along the mountains’ eastern flank it one of the more wild and dangerous areas within the suzerainty,



You by some miracle do recognize a holy symbol that is part of the inscription to the god Bowbe, patron of battleragers, berserkers and other barbarous and uncivilized people, known also as Bowbe the Bloody, Bowbe the Baleful, Bowbe the Bearskin, and Bowbe the Berserker.

As you prepare to cross the bridge you notice an individual stand at the bridge watching you. He is dressed in shining full plate with a shield in hand, and a long sword sheathed at his hip. As you approach, he steps forward to the edge of the bridge and speaks.

"Turn back and find another way. None shall pass here".

Ysoki Female Rogue 2 | AC19 | HP26 | Speed 25 | Perc/Init+7 | F+6 R+10 W+7 | Thievery +9 | Acrobatics, Arcana, Crafting, Casterhage & Sewer Lore, Occultism, Society, Stealth +7 | Nature, Survival +5 | Deception, Diplomacy, Perform +4 | Athl +2 |◆ | XP 140

Society: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

"I heard about this bridge. It connects the Valley Road to the Farm Road around the Plains of Mayfurrow. Lots of food and grain go to the city from on the Valley Road. The Farm road goes through the foothills of the Stonehearts and along the mountains. It is definitely more dangerous."

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

At the Bridge

M Awakened Raven Sorcerer 2 | HP 20/20 | AC: 15 | F +5 R +5 W +6| Perc: +4 | Speed: 20', 15' fly | Spell DC 18 | Focus Pool: 1/1

Society: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Brennus appreciates riding along with the group, even if his way of expressing it is complaining about how he still can't fly properly.

I'm assuming what Brennus spotted is somewhere on the armor of the individual in front of us? Or is it on the bridge?

"Be wary. I think I see a symbol on this fellow's armor indicating some allegiance to Bowbe, patron of berserkers," Brennus whispers to his current ride-share. After a moment he adds, "On the other hand... we're mounted, and he is not. We may be able to use his anger."

The raven flies up onto Rail's shoulder. "I'm afraid we need a bit of clarification, sir," he calls to the armored figure. "When you say 'here', do you mean only this bridge, specifically? If we were to build another bridge right alongside it, say, would we not be able to pass on that one, too? And when you say 'none', does that mean you're blocking animals from passing as well? You really must be more specific."

Not really trying to make an impression or anything here, he's just trying to get a reaction out of this armored figure to get more of a feel for them.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

I thought you were trying to analyze the marker like the others. No obvious symbols on the armor.

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

Telurion dismounts his horse, "Is there danger, friend?" he asks.

M Awakened Raven Sorcerer 2 | HP 20/20 | AC: 15 | F +5 R +5 W +6| Perc: +4 | Speed: 20', 15' fly | Spell DC 18 | Focus Pool: 1/1
Supreme Being wrote:
I thought you were trying to analyze the marker like the others. No obvious symbols on the armor.

Ah, okay. Well, he would have mentioned that about the marker, then.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

The man squints and looks at Telurion.

"Are you a voice thrower? How do you make that bird look like it's speaking... good trick".

He then stands firm.

"I cannot let you pass unless you defeat me in combat".

See Discussion Thread

M High Elf Bard 2 [HP: 22/22 | AC:18 (Shield Raised:19) | Fort:+4 | Ref:+6 | Will:+7 | Perc:+7 (Low-Light) | Spd 30]

Rail nods his head at Brennus's information and stays on his horse as the bird suggests. "Um, why is that, friend? Is there something dangerous over there on the Farm Road?" The elf gestures at Telurion, indicating the restatement of the other man's question.

"What happens if a wagon train comes through? Do you stop them too? Or is this just for individual riders?"

So, Perception check to see how he's reacting to Brennus the talking bird and Telurion dismounting and being questioned. +7. You said you won't roll that for us? So we roll these Perception checks?

Also, Bardic Lore please to see if Rail knows anything about these berserkers or anything about knights blocking roads and challenging people to combat. +7

Human male NG Fighter | HP 34/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Current effects:

"Yes, why?" Telurion adds.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

SB Screen


1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 Brennus: Diplomacy
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 Brennus: Perception (Sense Motive).
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21 Rail: Diplomacy (To aid Brennus)
1d20 ⇒ 4 Telurion: Diplomacy (To aid Brennus). NOTE: This could be intimidation if Telurion so chose which would stand on it's own at a +4 bonus.

NOTE: You can all look behind the screen to see how I resolved the initial social encounter.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

The knight seems to relax a bit as the party doesn't initially attempt to cross.

He looks around his head spinning a bit as the elf seems to speak to him as though he was two different people.

SB Screen


1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 Perception Sir Goran
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 Rail: Perception: (Sense Motive)
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 Rail: Bardic Lore

"I'm not sure who I must address here... but I am tasked with guarding the bridge from those who wish to cross. Animals are allowed, but they usually don't try to cross. I'm... I'm not sure about other bridges, and nothing would stop you from building your own bridge".

He then rubs his chin and seems to think for a moment.

"Though that seems as though it might take some time".

"But I'm afraid that I must keep you from crossing.

He then addresses the other question.

"There is of course danger on the other side. That is why caravans hire guards to escort them... and most don't cross here, they cross further north at The Stoneheart Bridge, though it is a bit out of the way. When they try to cross, I challenge them to send a champion to battle me. So far few have crossed undamaged".



Your Sense Motive revealed that he is not happy about what he is doing.



* Your sense motive roll revealed that you think he is under some kind of compulsion and not acting with free will.
* Your Bardic lore reminds you that you have heard tales of bridge guardians, but most of the ones you recall involved a troll or something like that.

M High Elf Bard 2 [HP: 22/22 | AC:18 (Shield Raised:19) | Fort:+4 | Ref:+6 | Will:+7 | Perc:+7 (Low-Light) | Spd 30]

"Do you mind if we ask who has tasked you with this? We just came from Bard's Gate and no one there mentioned the bridge being guarded. Of course, if Stoneheart Bridge is the usual crossing point for caravans that might explain why no one said anything to us when we left the city. Are you part of the Lyreguard?" Now that the knight seems less hostile, Rail relaxes a little himself.

I assume we're close enough that he would hear us whispering amongst ourselves and might take that negatively? I would like to share that information but don't see how I could without the knight hearing.

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