Jhondar d'Ghallanda |

Jhondar has way to much fun with the feather fall down from the top of the mushroom. As he floats down, he inspects the side of the mushroom for any signs of damage.
Acrobatics to show off during the trip down: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Perception to inspect side of mushroom: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
As he comes out of an unnecessarily showy superhero landing Jhondar dramatically yells "To the Mycologist!"

EltonJ |

Jhondar has way to much fun with the feather fall down from the top of the mushroom. As he floats down, he inspects the side of the mushroom for any signs of damage.
Acrobatics to show off during the trip down: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Perception to inspect side of mushroom: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11As he comes out of an unnecessarily showy superhero landing Jhondar dramatically yells "To the Mycologist!"

Romilen d’Lyrandar |

Rom knocks and calls out.
”Helooo? We were sent by the owner. We have some questions for you…about mushrooms? And some other things…”
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Romilen d’Lyrandar |

Hand on Rapier, Rom pushes his way in cautiously.
”Come forward! We have permission from the Professor to be here and ask questions while on his property! Come forward or answer to him! My guess, like most mages, he won’t like it if you question his word on his own property!”
He then glances back at the inquisitive halfling in the group.
”You wanted to talk to this guy?…”

Romilen d’Lyrandar |

Raising an eyebrow, Rom get stupid-angry and already hates himself a little for doing this...
"The owner of the property says we can come in and question you on the robbery. If you do not agree to talk to us you will be considered a prime suspect and taken immediately away from your wife. Talk to us now, just a few minutes, and I'm sure we can clear up this situation quickly and leave you both to whatever peace you can muster in this situation."
Diplomacy/Intimidate: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Jhondar d'Ghallanda |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

”You wanted to talk to this guy?…”
Jhondar steps towards Rom and motions for him to bend down so that Jhondar can whisper in his ear. "The professor said his Mycologist was a 'she.' Could be the wife, I guess, but the professor didn't say anything about her being sick when I asked to meet her. Seems odd."

Romilen d’Lyrandar |

Rom nods carefully and draws a dagger, but hides it behind himself, just in case. He then whispers in return.
”Check the back, make sure there are no other exits to this place.”

Jhondar d'Ghallanda |

Jhondar nods and sneaks out. He makes a circuit around the mushroom, checking for other exits, as requested. He also ruminates on why the mycologist's mushroom is purple.
Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Profession(cook): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19 for info on the purple mushroom

Romilen d’Lyrandar |

Not liking the situation at all, Rom looks to the other but continues.
”I don’t care. We have questions and you must have answers. There was a robbery! Speak to us or we are coming in by force.”

EltonJ |

Jhondar nods and sneaks out. He makes a circuit around the mushroom, checking for other exits, as requested. He also ruminates on why the mycologist's mushroom is purple.
Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Profession(cook): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19 for info on the purple mushroom

EltonJ |

Not liking the situation at all, Rom looks to the other but continues.
”I don’t care. We have questions and you must have answers. There was a robbery! Speak to us or we are coming in by force.”
He opens the door. He is a half-elf who looks to be about forty. His wife, Nessa, is a human and looks very gaunt and is in bed.

Gaelyn d'Orien |

"My friend's exuberance aside, let's step back a moment; the robbery has happened and it isn't like the trail will go cold, so that can wait. Your distress cannot. We are sorry to hear of your situation, but also probably compelled to ask; why are you keeping this so private? Your answer could be almost anything but as gently as I might remind you, death is death. It is noticible. So if your employer who would seem to also be your landlord, who to appearances is a person of good character, is about to lose a very talented employee, wouldn't you think he would want to know? Might he not intervene, he is a person of considerable means. Please understand, and you may have noticed, I come from a "Family" - we are all very very well trained to mind our own business in many things. This is not that, and I struggle to understand both your misfortune and your silence. Could we start there? Please?"

Romilen d’Lyrandar |

Nodding to Jhondar, Rom will pull back a bit and let him step closer to the door.
Rom looks at Astrid once she proclaims her intent to help.
"May I remind you Lady Orsted, we have a job already? If you want to cure the sick lady somehow, be our guest...on your own time. Until then we have a robbery to solve and a robber to arrest."
He then turns to the older half-elf man in the door.
"What do you know of the robbery? Do you both have an alibi? Were you involved in any way, or do you have any personal witness accounts of the time when it happened that might help? This would be quickest if we were allowed to search your home now, and without hesitation on your part, so we can rule you out as suspects..."
Rom seems overly eager to get the questioning over here so they can move on.

Jhondar d'Ghallanda |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Jhondar steps past Rom, frowning as he hears how Rom is speaking to Astrid.
Jhondar turns back to look at Rom and winks before turning back around to address Carmichael and Nessa: "At the risk of provoking another rebuke from our esteemed colleague, I would be interested in trading for some of your knowledge about mushrooms and some specimens, if you have any spare. I have heard that goblinoids consider the mushroom of which the ir'Winson residence is made to be a delicacy, and the mushroom of which your residence is made promises to be sweeter yet. Unfortunately, my personal funds are a bit tapped; at the moment, I could not afford to make a large enough order that you could afford magical healing. We have been promised great rewards for tracking down this thief, though, and I would be willing to put some of these rewards towards purchasing information and/or stock from you. Perhaps, if you help us, I will be able to help you. Think of the possibilities! A d'Ghallanda-branded restaurant in a mushroom serving mushrooms that are tasty enough to make a creature my size want to eat his way through the side of the mushroom building!"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 to try to get them to go along
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 to see if they start acting shady when I mention Small creatures eating through the wall of a mushroom building

Romilen d’Lyrandar |

Rom waves away the discussion on mushrooms like bad pipe smoke in the air.
"Yes...yes. Mushrooms are great. Especially in soup. What about the robbery? Do either of you know anything...or have you seen or heard anything about it?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Romilen d’Lyrandar |

Nodding, Rom points to the speaker.
"Excellent! How many halflings did you see? Can you remember when this happened? Any unique or unusual details would be helpful..."

Romilen d’Lyrandar |

Trying not to show his frustration at having to pull all the details from one at a time, Rom smiles through the pain.
”Was this at night? Any idea which way they were headed?”

Romilen d’Lyrandar |

The Children's Mushrooms. Children can often be mistaken for halflings or gnomes. How old are the children?
Rom thanks the couple and sincerely wishes them well for the future.
"If you remember anything else that could be pertinent, please let the owner know that you need to speak to us immediately."

EltonJ |

The Children's Mushrooms. Children can often be mistaken for halflings or gnomes. How old are the children?
Twelve and seventeen.
Rom thanks the couple and sincerely wishes them well for the future."If you remember anything else that could be pertinent, please let the owner know that you need to speak to us immediately."

Jhondar d'Ghallanda |

@Jhondar: Have you mentioned the 'halfling-sized' hole in the mushroom/building that you saw to us yet?
If I can do so retroactively, now realizing that the ir'Winsons didn't come with us, then yes. Otherwise, I definitely would when we're headed to the next stop. Mainly, the idea is to not mention it in front of suspects.
Side note, Sorry for being gone. I got locked out of my account for several days; seem to have it fixed now.

Romilen d’Lyrandar |

Moving away from the older couple, Rom leads the others towards the kid's mushroom.
"Its possible the kids could have disguised themselves or been mistaken as halflings, and could have fit in the hole in the side of the mushroom. I 'm not assuming they did it, but we need to rule them out as suspects. Anyone here good with kids? I don't spend time with kids very much since the war."