Age of Ashes (Team Alseta)

Game Master Delta Arena

Running through the fist Pf2e AP! Come forth brave adventurers and answer the call for heroes. Google Drive Folder

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Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

"Oh - oh dear."

"If everyone takes a step back, I can throw another bomb at them the moment they come in..."

Human Male Thaumaturge 2 | HP 26/28 | AC 19 | Fort +7 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | Perc +6 | ◆◇↺

"Before we attack more boggards or other enemies, I could use more healing. And Ardoinel is looking worse for the wear, as well. Maybe we need to fall back to a safer area to patch up?"

Who has a healer's toolkit? We need at least another round of healing for Cerrus and Ardoinel. Maybe others as well.

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Ardoinel, who has kept silent for as the band regroups, looks at the symbol, looks up at Ellaeeanda, and gives her a grim nod.

"Yes. One of Dahak's marks. It is HIS fire within my body and soul, that I struggle to keep from burning all around me. That must be why it's burning brighter now."

He then nods at Cerrus.

"Would that I had foraged for herbs before we descended, I could aid in that with Yuelral's wisdom."

I think you need to HAVE herbs on hand to use Natural Medicine, and at the moment I don't have any on my character sheet. <_<

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

“Cinderclaws,” Ellaeaanda murmurs, making the connection between the cult and this symbol of a smoldering claw. “Dragon god of greed, but as the Destroyer.” She gazes at Ardoinel, her large violet pupils twinkling in the magical light. “What strange threads woven by fate.” Her words are calm and measured, lacking judgment of any kind. “Let us discover what awaits.”

When Resa retreats and the door begins to crack, she nods in agreement with Netkin’s idea, stepping away herself and readying her longbow. “Time is a river that stops for none,” she counsels Cerrus. “Attack will come whether we wish it or not. We must prepare for our fate.”

@Cerrus: Netkin just used Treat Wounds on you, so it’ll be another hour before we can do so again. I don’t see anywhere to hole up where the boggards can’t follow. Maybe you could take the healing potion you refused? :)

Human Male Thaumaturge 2 | HP 26/28 | AC 19 | Fort +7 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | Perc +6 | ◆◇↺

Oh, I didn't read Delta's update closely enough to realize that the boggards noticed Resa. That's my bad.

When he realizes that enemies are closer than he previously realized, Cerrus readies himself by gathering sword and tome in hand and then moving back slightly. "We can use the door as a choke point. Alak, you are the most armored in the group. Would you take point?"

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Ardoinel fishes out one of the potions and downs it quickly.

Minor Healing Potion: 1d8 ⇒ 5

"I am ready."



The skill feat doesn’t mentioned any requirements to use it. What it gives you is a +2 to checks in the wilderness if you have access to healing herbs because of it, so maybe not in a desert for example.

I got you at 22/30 after the potion, does that match with what you have on your end?

Netkin and Ellaeaanda

Since you mentioned it on your posts, do you want to ready actions to strike?


”I’ll gladly stop them,” says the hellknight stepping forward.

Ardoinel’s Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Cerrus’ Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Ellaeaanda’s Initiative: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Netkin’s Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Resa’s Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Alak’s Initiative:
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Boggard’s Initiative:
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Mandrils’ Initiative:
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

You can all reposition yourselves before the first round of combat.

After that, we have Cerrus and Ellaeaanda (let me know if you want to delay until after the door opens) before one type of enemies. Then, Ardoinel, Netkin and Resa before the second type of enemies. And, lastly, Alak, whose initiatives so far suggest that he is very slow when it comes to reacting.

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

"Alak, Resa, if you could... not stand between me and the door..."

Netkin repositions himself in a corner of the room. If he has a clear shot, he will ready an Alchemist's fire.

Female Tiefling (Looks like a standard elf but short, has horns hidden by a head scarf) | HP 21/22 | AC 19 | Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perc +7 | Starknife +8 1d4+4 Sneak Attack 1d6 Rogue 2

Resa steps away, her face down but the tips of her ears flaming red in embarrassment as the enemies had seen her, despite there not really being any true way to prevent it. She does ready to stab anything that comes through the door, but outside of that she can do nothing.

Human Male Thaumaturge 2 | HP 26/28 | AC 19 | Fort +7 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | Perc +6 | ◆◇↺

Cerrus nods to Netkin. "I'll stay out of the way for now."

Cerrus delays. Plan to have him take his turn when an enemy is visible.

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

With a graceful hop, Ellaeaanda steps back onto a crate, affording her a better vantage point to fire over her allies. With an arrow fitted to her bowstring, she waits with the inborn patience of a race that lives for centuries.

Readied attack:
Longbow Attack & Damage: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 71d8 ⇒ 6

Ready action to Strike when an enemy appears

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Ardoinel steps back and raises his shield.

"I'll give you all the room you need, Netkin," he says.

Then he readies his blade to strike at the first boggard to approach him.

Step, Raise a Shield, Ready to Strike.

Readied Attack:
Bastard Sword Attack & Damage: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 121d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

"We will burn them with a fire hotter than theirs, and let them break upon our shields."



One more powerful hit from the boggard and the door comes smashing down, revealing the creature at the other end of the short passage.

Quickly, Ellaeaanda lets an arrow fly, which, unfortunately, goes over the head of the boggard.

Eager to start taking out its opponents, the boggard rushes at Alak.

Seeing the creature coming out of the hallway, Netkin hurls his alchemist’s fires.

Alchemist’s fire vs boggard: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
fire damage: 1d8 ⇒ 8
The boggard is going to take 1 persistent fire damage.
Resa and Alak also take 1 splash damage

The flask flies the short distance and breaks on the boggard's pauldron, catching on fire and burning the creature.

Ignoring the pain from the fire, the boggard swings its club to the hellknight right in front of it.

club vs Alak:
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Ready as he is, Alak has no issues parrying the attack with his club.

AB: Strike* (To break the door), Stride*, Strike*

Ardoinel, unfortunately, the boggard doesn't come close enough for you to attack it.

You can all take your turns now.

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

Devise a Stratagem: 1d20 ⇒ 14

Recall Knowledge:
Society: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21 What language do boggards speak?

Ellaeaanda eyes the boggard for a split second, then, foreseeing an opening as the frogman pulls his club back, she fires another arrow.

Longbow attack = 14+8 = 22
Longbow Damage (P): 1d8 ⇒ 8 Strategic Strike (precision): 1d6 ⇒ 4

With confidence in their fate, the elven seer quickly closes the distance to their foe, standing beside the hellknight. Taking advantage of the boggard’s momentum as it wildly whirls about, she times a tiny, precise push to topple the creature.

◇Devise a Stratagem (free as an Active Lead)
◇Recall Knowledge (free from Known Weaknesses)
◆Strike – Boggard is off-guard to Alak from Shared Stratagem
◆Trip - use Assurance on Athletics for 16

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Female Tiefling (Looks like a standard elf but short, has horns hidden by a head scarf) | HP 21/22 | AC 19 | Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perc +7 | Starknife +8 1d4+4 Sneak Attack 1d6 Rogue 2

to hit: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
to hit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
to hit: 1d20 ⇒ 14
damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

The fire burning her causes a brief moment of panic and bad memories, fear rising to the surface as memories of burning houses crashing down around her, causing her first strike to seem slow and sluggish, but she feels her next two strikes may land with a good targeting of the fell creature. She stands ready to keep supporting her friends here in a flanking position, with should hopefully lend a hand to everyone.

" Keep targeting this one, we can maybe get them to come to us" She calls out, a slight tremor to her voice. She was not overly confident in fighting, but she seemed to trust the group.

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

"I mean, okay, but... Okay!" Netkin retrieves his sling, and aims a bullet at the frogman.

Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Damage: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

He then gets safely a little further away from the door.

Interact, Strike, Stride

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Seeing Alak is in his way, Ardoinel sidles around him and Ellaeeanda to the door opposite Resa.

◆ Stride

Then he raises his shield and holds his blade up reverently, murmuring something between a prayer and an incantation as it begins to sparkle anew.

◆ Raise a Shield
◆ Charge Spellstrike

Human Male Thaumaturge 2 | HP 26/28 | AC 19 | Fort +7 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | Perc +6 | ◆◇↺

Cerrus fumbles with his bag of bits and bobs, while examining the frog-man from out of harm's way. "Surround it!" Then he moves us next to Resa and Alak, stabbing at the boggard once he is within reach.

◆ Exploit Vulnerability
◆ Step
◆ Strike

Exploit Vulnerability: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 8 + 1 = 19

Strike: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Piercing Dmg w/ Implement's Empowerment: 1d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 2 = 13 Potentially more damage depending on Exploit Vulnerability's result.



Boggards have their own language, Boggard.

You time the opening just right, you hit the boggard directly. Then, you move in and trip the boggard, leaving it on the ground.


You manage to land your second strike on the boggard, worsening the already bad injuries it had. Unfortunately, even on the ground it rolls around fast enough to avoid your last strike.


The pellet from your sling hits the boggard and bounces off of it.


Taking a deep breath, you start bringing the ashes and the fire to you. Once again they dance around you, igniting the fire within you. It’s been a while since the last one and I haven’t given you one. You gain one hero point.


Coating your blade in salt, you approach the boggard and impale it to the ground. It gurgles as it dies.


As the mandrils move to get a clear line, they see their companion’s dead body laying on the ground. They place they weapons on the ground and fall to their knees. They bow in submission and start speaking in a foreign language. What languages does everyone speak? I want to double check I have the right ones in my notes.

You get 40xp for defeating the boggard.


“I say we kill them. They had no mercy for the goblins, why should we have mercy on them.”

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

Sorry, her languages are on her Pathbuilder sheet but not in her profile; I just added them. Ellaeaanda speaks Common, Draconic, Elven, Fey, Gnomish, Goblin

Seemingly unsurprised and unmoved by the boggard's quick death, Ellaeaanda gives Alak a curious look. “Not all act as one. Those who treated with the goblins need not be these. And expelled the goblins were, not killed. An eye for an eye would show more mercy.”

She fixes her eerie gaze upon the mandrils, assessing their actions while trying to understand their tongue.

Sense Motive +9 on mandrils (+10 if the mandrils count for her Cinderclaws investigation). Recall Knowledge (Society +8, or +9 if Cinderclaws) to know basics and what does their culture value most?

Human Male Thaumaturge 2 | HP 26/28 | AC 19 | Fort +7 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | Perc +6 | ◆◇↺

Cerrus knows Common and Elven. Maybe an Esoteric Lore check to determine their language?

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

Common, Halfling, Elven, Gnome, Dwarven

"Ah. Um. Killing them might be a bit. Brutal? I mean, they're unarmed now," Netkin shifts from foot to foot, clearly uncomfortable with the idea.

"Hello? Can you speak our language?" he asks in Common. If that fails to make any effect, he repeats the greeting and the question in every language he knows - though his accent is rather terrible every time.

He tries to reassure the creatures with smiles and a calm voice, but really he just looks awkward and nervous.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Female Tiefling (Looks like a standard elf but short, has horns hidden by a head scarf) | HP 21/22 | AC 19 | Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perc +7 | Starknife +8 1d4+4 Sneak Attack 1d6 Rogue 2

Common, Diabolic, and Elven, but currently due to story she doesn't actually speak the Elven yet.

" I think umm... maybe we should not kill people? I know that hellknights enjoy killing innocents, but I am not one. I want no part of their murderous legacy. If they do not harm us, we have no reason to harm them. I think Desna teaches us to help other travelers." Resa speaks up a bit hesitant at first, not really sure the reception the group will give her opinion. She was not a fan of random murder, having seen enough in her life from the Chelish she had been around.

Resa attempts no way of talking to the other creatures, her unease around them clear enough that Netkin was a better talker than her. She had not been blamed for letting her friends go down, but that did not mean she should have not warned them better. If nothing is preventing her, she will scout into the new room, being careful to be polite but also thorough search without taking anything.

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Common (Taldane), Draconic, Dwarven and Elven.

Ardoinel takes point and looks down at the mandrills.

"তুমি ড্রাগনের জিভ বল?" he demands in a language that sounds imperious and somewhat scary even in his more moderate tone.

"Speak thou the tongue of dragons?"

He figures if they and their allies wear the dark dragon's claw as their insignia, they or at least their masters would know the language of his kin.


Ellaeaanda’s sense motive:
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Ellaeaanda’s Recall Knowledge:
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Cerrus’ Esoteric Lore:
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28


Their body language shows no sign of deceptiveness. They are honest in their submission.

”As you wish,” says Alak. ”But one day mercy might be your undoing.”


Given the inflections, the clicking and the pauses, and the fact that this creatures are likely from the Mwangi, you realize that the language they are attempting to communicate in is Mwangi.


As you attempt to communicate over and over again, you can see the despair in their faces growing with the realization that you can’t understand each other.


”These are not innocents. They intended to harm us. They would have if not for their cowardice against a more numerous foe.”

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Tucked behing a shelf and under some rubble, you find a lesser comprehension elixir.

The mandrils look at Ardoinel and nod emphatically.

”We do.”
One of them says changing languages.
”Have mercy on us, we beg of you.”

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

"Mwangi appears to be their native language, but they speak and understand Draconic," Ardoinel says over his shoulder. Then he turns back to the mandrills.

"আমরা এটা নিয়ে ভাবব। আমাদের প্রশ্ন আছে, আপনি যারা দক্ষিণের জঙ্গল থেকে এতদূর ভ্রমণ করেছেন। প্রথম হচ্ছে 'আপনি কে?'"

"We shall think about it. We have questions, you who have traveled so far from the jungles of the south. The first being 'who are you?'"

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

“Honest they are in surrender,” Ellaeaanda reassures her companions in a relaxed tone. As a sensible precaution, however, she asks Resa to collect the mandrils’ weapons for safekeeping. To the Mwangi folk she communicates her intent in a strangely lilting Draconic, to ensure no misunderstanding.

“We accept your weapons in exchange for peace. Stay true, for the armored one craves death for the treacherous.”

She glances over at Alak while stowing her longbow.

“What know you of the Cinderclaws?”

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

Netkin's gaze shifts from the elves to the mandrils. What a shame he never learnt Draconic! Maybe he should ask for lessons... "So? What are they saying?"

Female Tiefling (Looks like a standard elf but short, has horns hidden by a head scarf) | HP 21/22 | AC 19 | Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perc +7 | Starknife +8 1d4+4 Sneak Attack 1d6 Rogue 2

Resa does take their weapons, but makes a show of stowing her knife away as well, so they know she is not attempting to trick them. She looks like she has something to say back to Alak, but keeps her words to herself, knowing that mercy is sometimes used against people. He wasn't wrong, and it clearly bothered her.

"But we are not to be savages, we are to be peaceful and calm. Assist other travelers, I know Desna teaches that."

Human Male Thaumaturge 2 | HP 26/28 | AC 19 | Fort +7 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | Perc +6 | ◆◇↺

As Ardoinel and Ellaeaanda speak with the mandrills in Draconic, Cerrus takes notes in his tome. "How interesting! Monkey-like men that can speak Draconic. I never would have guessed."


Understanding the party’s glances, Alak puts away his weapon.

"আমরা Skorp এবং Venak. Mwangi বিস্তৃত থেকে Charau-kas.আমরা ধ্বংসের প্রভু দহককে নিবেদিত একটি দল ।আমরা অনেক। আমরা একটি পোর্টালের মাধ্যমে এসেছি। আক্রমণ করতে। ধ্বংস করতে। বিশ্বের উপর দহক উন্মোচন করা. কিন্তু আমরা এখানে পুরোহিত মালারাঙ্কের সাথে আটকে গেছি। আমরা পালানোর পরিকল্পনা করছিলাম। Cinderclaws পিছনে ছেড়ে যেতে. মালারঙ্ককে পেছনে ফেলে যেতে।"

We are Skorp and Venak. Charau-kas from the Mwangi expanse. We are a group dedicated to Dahak, lord of destruction. We are many. We came through a portal. To invade. To destroy. To unleash Dahak upon the world. But we got stuck here with priest Malarunk. We were planning to escape. To leave the Cinderclaws behind. To leave Malarunk behind.

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

Ellaeaanda translates the mandril words for her companions, before responding to Resa. “The Goddess of Fortune teaches many lessons: wonder, art, and discovery, both within and without. Explore the doors, but open not yet.” She gestures at the doors to the north and east. (right and bottom on the map)

To Skorp and Venak she continues questioning in her otherworldly Draconic.

“Ellaeaanda they call me. How many came through the portal? And who is this Malarunk? Is he charau-ka like you? Why do you wish to leave the Cinderclaws?”

Sense Motive +10 on reply. For those who don't know Draconic, feel free to ask questions through Ellaeaanda.


Yes, you can all assume Ellaeaanda and Ardoinel are translating for you, feel free to ask questions and read the draconic speech.

I’ll keep your sense motive from before. Btw, I was re-reading the rules for leads and active investigations. What would the question at the heart of your Cinderclaws case be?

”বিশটিরও কম লোক এটির মাধ্যমে তৈরি করেছে। আমাদের নেতৃত্বে ছিলেন পুরোহিত মালারাঙ্ক। তিনি চরৌ-কাসের নেতা, একজন চরৌ-কা নিজেই। তিনি বিপজ্জনক, এবং তিনি নিষ্ঠুর। যেহেতু সে নীচে আটকা পড়েছে, তাই তার জোয়াল থেকে বাঁচার এটাই ছিল আমাদের সুযোগ।“

”Less than twenty made it through. We were led by priest Malarunk. He is the leader of the Charau-kas, a Charau-ka himself. He is dangerous, and he is cruel. Since he is trapped below, this was our chance to escape his yoke.”

Judging by the whip scars on their bodies, Ellaeaanda feels like they are being honest.

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

Ellaeaanda continues translating for the others and speaking in Draconic to the mandrils. পোর্টাল কোথায়? এর বাইরে কী আছে? She gestures at the exits out of the room, trying to discern what they know about the underground complex.

“Where is the portal? What lies beyond?”

বোগারদের সাথে আপনার সম্পর্ক কি? She glances back at the dead frogman.

“What is your relation to the boggards?”

Ah yes, the remaster mentions a key question for each investigation. For the Cinderclaws it would’ve been “What is their goal?” Since that’s been answered (aka unleash Dahak), I guess I drop it and open a new investigation into the Cinderclaws, with the question “How will they unleash Dahak?”. I’ll drop the investigation into the boggards.

Female Tiefling (Looks like a standard elf but short, has horns hidden by a head scarf) | HP 21/22 | AC 19 | Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perc +7 | Starknife +8 1d4+4 Sneak Attack 1d6 Rogue 2

Resa goes over to the corner room leading to B8, checking it for traps before trying to see if she can press her ear to it to listen for anything beyond the door. She does wait until her friends are ready before she would open it. Until the group agrees to go through the door, she will not open it. However, once the group does decide to go in, then she would open it enough to peer in hopefully without anything being alerted to her presence.

Human Male Thaumaturge 2 | HP 26/28 | AC 19 | Fort +7 ; Ref +5 ; Will +5 | Perc +6 | ◆◇↺

"Ellaeaanda, let's also ask them to surrender their arms. Maybe we tie them up while we explore the rest of this area."

"Resa, we should bandage our wounds before we delve deeper into this dungeon."

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

"I mean, I have a few Elixirs left... I don't think it's cautious to stitch you up some more. You've lost a lot of blood already!"

Resa is immune to Treat Wounds for the day, I think?
Cerrus only got Battle Medicine though

"Lord of Destruction? Invade? Destroy?" Netkin shivers. "I think they need to be sent back where they came from... But that would just make it someone else's problem, wouldn't it?" He sighs.

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”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Ardoinel nods grimly as he listens to Skorp and Venak. More than ever, he knew his visions had been pushing him here. But why would Dahak need to be "unleashed?" He recalled no stories of the dark dragon god being imprisoned in some way. Was this why he was being drawn here? Did Dahak mean to use him as a "key" to whatever chains were binding him? He had to know more.

"আপনার উত্তর আমাকে আরও প্রশ্ন দেয়। আপনি যখন বলছেন ডাহাককে 'মুক্ত হতে হবে' তখন আপনি কী বলতে চান? দহক একজন দেবতা, তুমি কি জানো না তোমার পুরোহিত তাকে মুক্ত করার পরিকল্পনা কি করে?

"Your answers give me more questions. What do you mean when you say Dahak must be 'unleashed?' Dahak is a god, is he not? Do you know anything of your priest's plan to free him? How does he plan to do this?"

He's interrupted by another coughing fit as smoke spills from his mouth and a small flicker of flame singes his hand. So you take offense at my blasphemy, you wretched wyrm? Good, he thinks to himself.

"আপনি এই জায়গা ছেড়ে চলে গেলে কি করার পরিকল্পনা করছেন? আপনি এই জমিতে একমাত্র চরউ-কাস হবেন, তাই স্থানীয়দের সাথে মিশে যাওয়া আপনার পক্ষে কঠিন হবে।"

"What do you plan to do should you leave this place? You would be the only charau-kas in these lands, so it will be hard for you to blend in with the locals."



"পোর্টালটি হলওয়েতে সিঁড়ি বেয়ে নিচে, কিন্তু সিঁড়িটি ভেঙে পড়েছে। এখন সেখানে পৌঁছানোর কোনো উপায় নেই। এই কারণেই মালারাঙ্ক সেখানে আটকে আছে।"

”The portal is down the stairs in the hallway, but the stairway has collapsed. There is no way to reach it now. It’s why Malarunk is stuck down there.”

"আমরা তাদের পছন্দ করি না। কিন্তু তারা সিডারক্লা এবং তারা যাজক মালারাঙ্ককে অনুসরণ করে।"

”We are not fond of them. But they are Ciderclaws, and they follow priest Malarunk.”


The door is barricaded from your end with debris. There is no doubt as to why, as a series of roars and heavy padded steps can be heard from the other side of the door.


They have already surrendered their weapons. There’s a couple of sickles and whips if anyone wants to take either.


Resa, Ardoinel, Alak and Ellaeaanda are immune to Treat Wounds for about 35 more minutes. Cerrus is immune to Battle Medicine and immune to Treat Wounds for about 45 more minutes.


"আমরা জানি না। আমরা শুধু জানি যে অভ্যন্তরীণ গোলক তার নাগালের বাইরে।"

”We don’t know. All we know is that the Inner Sphere is out of his reach.”

"এই জায়গাটা আমাদের অজানা। আমরা ভেবেছিলাম যে আমরা শহর থেকে দূরে বন্যের মধ্যে বেঁচে থাকতে পারি।"

”This place is unknown to us. We figured we could survive in the wild, away from the cities."

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

Netkin jumps in surprise when more smoke and some sparks come out of Ardoinel's body. "Oh, good Gods! Doesn't that upset you?"

"So the portal is out of reach?" The halfling looks dismayed. That can't be. Perhaps there is another way?"

Female Tiefling (Looks like a standard elf but short, has horns hidden by a head scarf) | HP 21/22 | AC 19 | Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perc +7 | Starknife +8 1d4+4 Sneak Attack 1d6 Rogue 2

Unsure if the rest of her party is noticing the noise coming from the door she is near, Resa steps back and warns them " This one door has a very nasty creature trapped behind it. We perhaps could fight it, but given everyone wishes to rest before hand, we may wish to wait first. Or at least explore more then come back. Does our new friends know what is behind it?"

Resa had missed some of the undertones of the talks given she did not understand draconic, but nothing seemed that pressing really, outside of her fellow half blooded companion being somehow connected to this creature they spoke of. At that is what she got from it, but she could be wrong. It did sound nice to have a family who wanted you after all, even if they were slightly evil.

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

Ellaeaanda nods, thanking Resa for the information, then questions the mandrils.

“What lies beyond? There ... and there.”
She points at the door next to Resa, then swivels her hand to indicate the door between Skorp and Venak. After pausing for a few moments, she asks a few more questions.
“Are there more boggards? And what of your kin? Do they all willingly serve Malarunk, or do their hearts crave freedom? Are they also trapped below?”

To Netkin, the elf responds “Buried by the stairs, trapping their leader below and the grauladon above. But … mayhap you see beyond the rubble.” She turns back to the mandrils.

“What if we could find a way below, defeat Malarunk, and send you back through the portal? Would you help us?”


"আমরা অন্য কোন উপায় জানি না."

”We do not know of any other way in.”

"ব্যারিকেডের পিছনে একটি বড় ভালুক আছে। আমরা একবার এটিকে হত্যা করার চেষ্টা করেছি এবং এর পরিবর্তে আমাদের কয়েকজনকে মারধর করা হয়েছিল। তাই আমরা আবার রুম ব্যারিকেড."

”There is a big bear behind the barricade. We tried to kill it once and some of us got mauled instead. So we barricaded the room again.”

"আমরা একটি ব্যায়াম কক্ষ তৈরি করেছি। এটি চরউ-কাস দ্বারা ব্যবহৃত হয়।"

”We have made an exercise room. It is used by Charau-kas.”

"উভয় স্তরেই আরও বোগার্ড এবং আরও চারু-কাস রয়েছে, তবে তারা মালারাঙ্কের অনুগত।"

”There are more Boggards and more Charu-kas in both levels, but they are loyal to Malarunk.”

"আমরা মালারাঙ্ক ছাড়া সিন্ডারক্লোতে ফিরে যেতে পারব না। তারা জানবে কিছু ভুল হয়েছে। তারা এর জন্য আমাদেরকে দায়ী করবে। আমরা শুধু এই জায়গা ছেড়ে যেতে চাই."

”We would not be able to go back to the Cinderclaws without Malarunk. They would know something is wrong. They would blame us for it. We just want to leave this place.”

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None
Netkin Bigpot wrote:
Netkin jumps in surprise when more smoke and some sparks come out of Ardoinel's body. "Oh, good Gods! Doesn't that upset you?"

"On the contrary. It means he is displeased with me, and I'll take any petty victory over him I can take," Ardoinel replies with a rueful smile.

He turns back to the charau-kas and folds his arms.

"যদি আমরা তোমাকে ছেড়ে দিই, তবে তুমি কি আমাদের শপথ করবে যে, তুমি শিকার করে জীবিকা নির্বাহ করবে এবং দস্যুতায় ফিরবে না?"

"If we release you, will you give your oath to us to live by hunting and foraging, and not turn to banditry?"

Elf Investigator 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +9 | Perception +9 (Low-light vision) | Prepared Spells: Divine Lance, Light | Investigations - Cinderclaws (how unleash Dahak), Slimy thing (what is it) | Conditions: That's Odd | ◆◇↺

“The bear barricade is a sign,” Ellaeaanda nods at Cerrus. “Fortify here and rest,” she proposes staying for an hour or so to treat their wounds. To the mandrils she asks “এই স্তরে ভালুক ছাড়া আর কোন প্রাণী আছে?”

“What other creatures are in these levels, besides the bear?”

After musing for a pace, the elf poses a question to her companions. “Informative and helpful they are. Should we release them from the Cinderclaws?"

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Ardoinel nods.

"If we can extract an oath to not join a bandit gang or something from them, yes. They want to live off the land, so they say."

He looks back at Skorp and Venak, waiting for their answer.

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (2) HP 26/26, AC 18/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, W +6/ Perception +6/ Initiative +0/ HL: 0/1/ VV: 1/5 / Hero Point 0/3/ IM 0/1

"Oaths only work if they're not lying," Netkin looks skeptical.

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Magus 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 16 | F +7 R +3 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

"True, but I think they know well that lying to us would be...a fatally bad idea," Ardoinel replies.

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Female Tiefling (Looks like a standard elf but short, has horns hidden by a head scarf) | HP 21/22 | AC 19 | Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perc +7 | Starknife +8 1d4+4 Sneak Attack 1d6 Rogue 2

" Um... Um if I may? Maybe we try to get them home? If they have one? If that does not work, I guess we can let them go. But I don't think killing them is right. We disarmed them." Resa seems unsure exactly of the wording, but she would much rather them be free than chained here, or dead. She had seen enough of people let go only to be hunted down by their previous captors, she was not feeling the death part.

" I mean, you trust me, and I know how to steal things. Surely they get some measure of trust?" She reasons.


"হ্যাঁ, আমরা দস্যুতার দিকে না যাওয়ার প্রতিশ্রুতি দিচ্ছি।"

”Yes, we promise not to turn to banditry.”

"এই দিকে, আমাদের মধ্যে আরো কিছু আছে. কোথাও দুটি কোবোল্ড আছে। আমরা যখন পৌঁছলাম তারা ইতিমধ্যেই এখানে ছিল। সিঁড়ির কাছে কিছু চিকন এবং ভূতুড়ে কিছু আছে। আমরা ঠিক কি জানি না। এবং সেখানে দুটি পাখি আছে যেগুলো মালারুঙ্ক নিয়ে এসেছে। আমরা জানি না বিপরীত উইংটিতে কী আছে।"

”On this side, there are some more of us. There are two Kobolds somewhere. They were already here when we arrived. There is also something slimy and something haunted near the stairway. We don’t know exactly what. And there are the two birds that Malarunk brought. We don’t know what there is on the opposite wing.”

Are you staying there for the hour?

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