GM Spazmodeus presents Second Darkness
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M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12
We appear to have lost Spazmodeus again...
+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14
He made posts on his other threads a couple days ago. I'll go contact him.
Apologies....I thought I had submitted a post last week, but evidently did not.
I will get a post up in the morning.
+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14
Krystal and Liza were doing the Golem game against each other... and with that roll Liza's likely taking it.
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Had an impromptu week off with the missus due to a favor from a friend watching my kids and providing access to a nice resort condo! Now that my SO and I are sick of each other again, I'm able to get back into the swing of things. Expect a post tomorrow!
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Sorry , long day. Next post tomorrow.
Female Demonspawn Resources: Raging song 6/6 Level 1 spells 2/2 HP 9/9 Rage HP 11/11 AC 19/17/12 RAC 18/16/11 Fort/Ref/Will 3/2/1 Rage saves 5/3/2 Perc 3 CMD/RMCD 15/17 Init2 Skald 1
As a fello occassional GM, do what is fun for you, it should not become a chore, none of us is paying your for you GMing!
Yeah, thanks for that.
I just get annoyed when RL gets in the way! Don't like making you guys wait on me.
HP 14/14 | AC16 T11 FF15 | F+5 R+1 W+0 | CMD 16 | Init +3 Percep +4 | Current effects: none
Ladies and gents, I am bowing out. Thanks for the game offer. RL takes precedence but I'm looking for something that moves a bit quicker. I hope all gets worked out. Take care.

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Hi Everyone!
Happy New year, and I hope all were able to enjoy friends and family during the holiday season, whatever you may have celebrated.
My apologies for my absence. November was a s%@@-show, every member of my family got sick multiple times (despite being vaccinated), mostly at the same time. That coupled with my work left me too exhausted physically and mentally to get on the boards here. Yes, I should have popped in with a notice here and there to let you know my situation.
Having missed quite a bit of time in November from work, my workload increased in December as I tried to catch up. In addition to that the holidays were getting into full swing with all of the activities and obligations that entails. Again, my apologies for not posting here to let you know I was still around.
I booked off of work and took the last half of December till now to decompress and relax.
I've also arranged to reduce my work obligations, the money is good, but the stress and time spent was a bit too much.
I'm back , mentally recharged, willing to continue if you are. I perfectly understand if your willingness to continue is lacking!
+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14
I'm willing to continue things if you are.
Female Demonspawn Resources: Raging song 6/6 Level 1 spells 2/2 HP 9/9 Rage HP 11/11 AC 19/17/12 RAC 18/16/11 Fort/Ref/Will 3/2/1 Rage saves 5/3/2 Perc 3 CMD/RMCD 15/17 Init2 Skald 1
Still there, still partying.
M Aasimar | HP11/11| AC: 17, T: 12, FF:15| Spd: 30ft | Shaman (unsworn) 1 | Init +2, Darkvision 60; Percept: +8, Sense Motive: +3 | Saves: F: +3, R: +2, W: +5; +2 vs compulsions +2 vs Death effects | CMB +0 / CMD 12
Throw up a post and we'll see what we get...
Hey guys,
Apologies for the extra delay, this and another of my campaigns got lost in the shuffle as I dealt with some RL stuff.
I'll get a continuation post up soon...
Female Demonspawn Resources: Raging song 6/6 Level 1 spells 2/2 HP 9/9 Rage HP 11/11 AC 19/17/12 RAC 18/16/11 Fort/Ref/Will 3/2/1 Rage saves 5/3/2 Perc 3 CMD/RMCD 15/17 Init2 Skald 1
+7 SoH, Ste, +6 DD, Blu, Inti, Kn (local), Lin Per (d), +5 Cl, +4 S M Unchained Rogue 1 Init: +4; Normal Per +8, +4 SM, Rapier +4 1d8 Saves: F +1, R +6, W +1, CMB +0 CMD 14
Hopefully we can get things started again.
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Hey guys, over that last couple of weeks got hit with the trifecta; work, family, sickness....took me out of action, but looking to get back into the swing of things. Look for a post in the next day or so...
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