Coriat |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Jumping on the bandwagon of highlighting what my character's core schtick is intended to be. Which is basically "being a 14th level battle cleric" with a bit of extra mythic and azata sauce. Bold are the biggest highlights.
Major Capabilities
Radamare's biggest mythic trick is the ability to spend a point of mythic power and then for the next ten rounds (starting the round after, since it takes a swift action), cast any of her spells as Quickened without affecting the spell level. This enables things like high-level buffing while full attacking or providing quickened 150-point heal spells (with 30 ft reach due to Faith's Reach). She should be able to get them through friendly SR (with +17, roll twice take best). CLW at will means unlimited out-of-combat healing.
She has at-will dispel magic and prepared casting of greater dispel magic and should be very good at taking away enemy buffs, destroying magic traps, etc., with +17, roll twice take best on dispel checks. Could get into the +20s with different gear.
She also can give an ultra-long-lasting buff to each PC via Enduring Blessing. As she is a Liberation cleric, the default option unless requested otherwise would probably be extended freedom of movement lasting 48 hours.
Divine Interference exists to block the occasional character-vaporizing mythic crit.
Offensively, she hits at 27/22/17 for 2d6+18 (29/24/19 for 6d6+20 vs evil outsiders) before any buffs other than at-will aid. With a couple quickened self-buffs, say divine power and righteous might, she Power Attacks at 32/32/27/22 for 7d6+47 vs evil outsiders.
Minor Capabilities
Radamare would probably make an adequate scout (invisibility, incorporeality, teleportation, all at will; +28 perception, constant see invisibility and detect evil) if the party doesn't include anyone better at it, but pretty much anyone really specialized in it would be better. A few of her other SLAs may come in handy, though none of them are jawdropping. Defenses (AC, HP, CMD, saves) are not embarrassing (except Reflex) but are nothing to write home about either. Her gaze attack can probably slay endless hordes of dretches and inflicts shaken on enemies with more HD, but anything that could actually threaten us probably won't fail a DC 21 Will save..
Stuff I might change
There's one or two minor things I already plan to change if accepted (get rid of Mythic Power Attack, get rid of lesser quicken rod since I did gear before I did the mythic part of the character and determined I could afford all four Divine Metamastery abilities). I probably also will change the Contingent Spell feat for something else.
Also, depending on the party I might try to lean a little more martial (if we end up light on martial) or a little more caster (if we end up with plenty of martial characters who can do damage better than I can). At the moment I have some room to tweak in either direction without drastically changing the character, especially if ditching Mythic Power Attack leaves me with a mythic feat to spare.
Edward Sobel |
here is the starting info
still working on back story stuff.
this leads into wrath of righteous AP then assume she has journeyed through the AP.
Sabrina De'Foe
Female Half-celestial Angel-blooded aasimar Paladin (oath against fiends, oath of vengeance) 11 / Marshal 6
LG Medium outsider (native)
Init +13; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13
Aura courage (10 ft.)
AC 30, touch 17, flat-footed 25 (+7 armor, +2 deflection, +5 Dex, +4 natural, +2 shield)
HP 214 (11d10+104)
Fort +26, Ref +21, Will +25; +2 vs. [evil], -2 vs. distraction ability of swarms, and mind-affecting effects, +2 vs. Mind-Affecting effects of Evil Outsiders., +4 vs. poison
Defensive Abilities hard to kill, mythic saving throws; DR 5/magic; Immune disease, fear; Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10; SR 28
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
. . +2 gauntlet +23/+18/+13 (1d3+12)
. . Claíomh Solais +28/+23/+18 (1d8+15/19-20 plus 2d6 vs. evil)
. . Unarmed strike +21/+16/+11 (1d3+10 nonlethal)
Special Attacks force of will, marshal's order (advance), mythic power (18/day, surge +1d8), Smite evil 5/day (+10 attack and AC, +11 damage)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +19)
. . 3/day—protection from evil
. . 2/day—alter self- or Sunbeam
. . 1/day—aid, bless, cure serious wounds, detect evil, dispel evil, holy smite (DC 24), holy word (DC 27), light, neutralize poison, remove disease
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +19)
. . At will—detect evil
Paladin (Oath against Fiends, Oath of Vengeance) Spells Prepared (CL 8th; concentration +16)
. . 3rd—burst of speed [UC], fire of judgment [APG] (x2, DC 23)
. . 2nd—inheritor's smite, litany of defense [UC], paladin's sacrifice [APG] (DC 22), shield companion [ACG]
. . 1st—cure light wounds, hero's defiance [APG] (x2), liberating command [UC], lesser restoration
Str 30, Dex 20, Con 22, Int 18, Wis 20, Cha 30
Base Atk +11; CMB +21; CMD 38
Feats Angel Wings, Angelic Blood, Extra Lay on Hands, Greater Mercy, Heavenly Radiance, Mythic Paragon, Weapon Focus (longsword)(Mythic), Wingover, Blind Fighting (ioun stone)
Traits chosen of iomedae, demon-proof mind, fiend blood
Skills Acrobatics +8 (+12 to jump), Diplomacy +19, Fly +16, Handle Animal +15, Heal +19, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +11, Knowledge (planes) +18, Knowledge (religion) +11, Linguistics +8, Lore (demons) +14, Perception +13, Ride +9, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +13, Survival +10 (+2 to avoid becoming lost) ; Racial Modifiers +2 Heal, +2 Knowledge (planes)
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Infernal, Shadowtongue, Sylvan, Tien
SQ amazing initiative, anchoring aura, binding ritual, channel wrath, concentrated barrage, divine bond (weapon +3, 2/day), extra mythic power [MA], haunting regret, holy vessel, lay on hands 20/day (7d6), legendary item [MA], legendary power, legendary surge, master of mercy [MA], mercies (diseased, fatigued), mythic bond, powerful justice, recuperation, shout of defiance[MA]
Gear Scabbard of Champion Stanching , inheritor's gauntlet; mwk crusading determination mithral agile breastplate of the pious, gauntlet, claíomh solais, boots of striding and springing, cloak of the crusader, knight-inheritor’s ring, ring of force shield, Bracers of the Merciful Knight , Vanishing Wayfinder , Incandescent Blue Sphere (Cracked) Ioun Stone , 8,650 gp
The Wounded Lands, The birthplace of the Worldwound; The barren landscape, where the sun almost never shines; the land is not just tainted with evil, It is the very definition of evil.
A lone rider, clad on a tattered black leather cloak stands atop a ravine overlooking the ruins of a Fortress. The walls lay crumbled, the surrounding fields still littered with the remains of the fallen. Rotted banners still flap in the breeze; the very ground still stained red from the blood that was spilled.
The rider stares out over the scene, taking pause to recall the events that happened there. With a glance skyward, the rider sees the incoming rain in the distance. Spurring the back horse on, the rider rides down the ravine, across the battlefield, and into the ruined city. Piercing, glowing red eyes appear in the shadows as the rider passes, several small flying creatures take flight from the tops of partially crumbled watchtowers. Ram horns curl back from the twisted head of these tiny winged demons, their bodies, thin and wiry.
As the rider approaches the crumbled gatehouse of the main keep, a light but steady rain begins to fall. The rider dismounts and draws a blade from its sheath attached to the saddle, drawing her cloak a little tighter around her to keep the rain off as best she can the rider makes her way into the remains of the old fort.
Memories soon flood her mind, the visions of war, the death, the valiant stand of the fortress’ defenders against the demonic onslaught. She remembers it well; her tears mix with the damp rain, as she recalled the horrors of war.
She makes her way through the destroyed buildings, with practiced ease, she knows every hall, every room, this was her home, and she needed to remember.
She makes her way to her objective; she stands before a rotted wooden door the defaced emblem of Iomedae still can barely be seen carved on the door. As she approached, the shadows suddenly took shape as rats, the size of small dogs came scurrying out, and the smell of sulfur lingered about them, Rats spawned from the abyss.
The rats move to stop her from advancing but with practiced skill the woman dispatches both. She enters the desecrated temple and begins her search. She knew it had to be here; it was hidden during the siege and protected by magic. She was the last of the bloodline; she was the only one that could find it.
Hanging on the wall was the last visible remains of the former rulers of this keep, a blonde haired woman clad in plate armor wielding a sword, its blade etched with ancient runes, its hilt wrapped in fine blue leather with gold inlay, the sheath bearing the emblem of Iomedae. The rider removes her cloak; she is the very image of the woman in the painting, though now clad in black leather, stained with dirt and blood. Sabrina De’Foe, Daughter of Trista, Commander of Fort Taams loyal general of Queen Galfrey, and last known living member of the De’Foe family, .
As she looks upon the painting, the last days of the keep come to mind in a series of visions…
General Arctaurus, sits at the head of the fortress’ command room; his guards stand ready to receive their orders. Word of another demon incursion as reached his ears. Arctaurus gathered his soldiers and headed out to meet them.
It has been 4 days since they marched out to face the demonic attack and no word. Trista was troubled, something was wrong…
Sabrina searched the alter, and there, she found what she was seeking, almost completely destroyed but still barely identifiable was an indentation in the bottom of the alter in the shape of the holy symbol of Iomedae.
She removed her necklace bearing her own holy symbol, removing her black glove she cuts her hand and covers the pendant in her own blood and places it into the indentation.
The alter opens to reveal a hidden compartment the dust creates a small cloud surrounding her, after all these years lying dormant.
Within, lays a long object wrapped in, now faded, blue cloth. She pulls it out and opens it; the sword of her mother, “Claíomh Solais”, The Sword of Light, The Shining Blade; Placing her old sword in the compartment in its place.
Holding the sword she senses the turmoil of that day….
Trista gathered her remaining troops, her husband was gone she had to avenge him; she had to stop the horde. Trista donned her armor, she bid farewell to her daughters and rode out into battle. Sabrina rode out after her and joined her mother on the field of battle.
Gennoa took advantage of the situation and slaughtered the remaining family and opened the gates to the invading horde. Taams was about to fall.
Sabrina turned to see the gates open and a second wave of demons emerged from the flank to swarm the gate. Gennoa stood there receiving the horde. Trista was forced to divide the meager army to meet the new threat, as Sabrina turned to ride to face her sister.
Gennoa and Sabrina fought, both skilled in the use of the sword. Sabrina was critically wounded but did not fall. With a final blow, Sabrina managed to plunge her sword into Gennoa’s black and tainted heart.
As the battle continued, Sabrina was soon to be face to face with the remaining horde. She circled back around to meet with her mother, but arrived too late, as she witnessed the marilith Aponavicius slay Trista. What remained of the Army of angels were captured and were tortured, dismember, and executed in unimaginable methods. The Marilith Aponavicius reveled in the victory, as Sabrina took advantage of the confusion to flee a vow of vengeance crossed her lips as she rode away.
Sabrina snaps back to the present, wiping the tears from her face. She kneels before the alter and begins her prayer to Iomedae. But just as she starts the sounds of approaching demons can be heard. Her presence has been discovered.
Quickly she makes her prayer as the demons move closer, the sounds of them at the door to the shrine.
Suddenly the blade of Claíomh Solais begins to glow. Sabrina reaches for the sword and as she grips it, her hand begins to burn. She shrieks out in pain as the holy mark of Iomedae is seared onto the back of Sabrina’s hand.
At that moment the door bursts open, Sabrina holds The Sword of Light in both hands ready to fight even die if need be. Then in a blinding flash of light, an angel appears a halo of swords circle his head. Drawing a blade from the countless blades of his halo, the hand of the Inheritor joins the battle saving Sabrina. As he fights, his head turns to Sabrina, Run, go to Kenabes, my lord needs you there, War is coming.
Sabrina nods and heads out a hidden door in the back of the shrine. As the Holy angel fights on, be safe, the world needs you.
Sabrina made her escape and traveled to Kenabres.
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
De’Foe coat of Arms
De’Foe family tree
image of her sword (add in holy symbols of Iomedae in place of a cross
Grumbaki |
Lol I love these creation rules so much that I can't stop tinkering with other builds xD
A Stone Golem Fighter, A furious finish 1 man engineer cannon shooter, an animated dream based on that one weird "Goodbye Moonman" creature in Rick and Morty.
Way too much fun.
Oh, definitely!
I was looking at a wood giant with giant template
Giant 6, Template 1, Fighter 5, Sanguine Angel 2 (Str hit with bows)
Str 20 (Race) +4 ( Template) +2 (Lvls) +3 (Mythic) +2 (Enchant) = 31
Add mythic deadly aim, mythic weapon spec and mythic manyshot, along with a legendary horn bow (4d6 base). She wouldn’t be an archer, she’d be a mobile artillery piece!
Ouachitonian |
Scrapped my original idea, couldn't get it to work like I wanted it.
Almost finished with my actual submission, an advanced flame-infused legion archon bloodrager mortal herald of Szuriel. Should have it done by the end of tomorrow at the latest.
An Archon herald of a NE deity? There’s got to be a story there.
...hey, waitaminute, can an outsider be a “mortal herald”? Aren’t they immortal? lol
Draco Victores |
bigrig107 wrote:Scrapped my original idea, couldn't get it to work like I wanted it.
Almost finished with my actual submission, an advanced flame-infused legion archon bloodrager mortal herald of Szuriel. Should have it done by the end of tomorrow at the latest.
An Archon herald of a NE deity? There’s got to be a story there.
...hey, waitaminute, can an outsider be a “mortal herald”? Aren’t they immortal? lol
We're all mortal to the Sphere of Annihilation.
Storm Dragon |
bigrig107 wrote:Scrapped my original idea, couldn't get it to work like I wanted it.
Almost finished with my actual submission, an advanced flame-infused legion archon bloodrager mortal herald of Szuriel. Should have it done by the end of tomorrow at the latest.
An Archon herald of a NE deity? There’s got to be a story there.
...hey, waitaminute, can an outsider be a “mortal herald”? Aren’t they immortal? lol
Big shrug on that, most of the existing Heralds are Outsiders.
Edward Sobel |
Edward Sobel wrote:Now all we need is an Aetherkineticist in Golden Armor and an archer in is the starting info
still working on back story stuff.
this leads into wrath of righteous AP then assume she has journeyed through the AP.
** spoiler omitted **...
Ok so I had some inspiration. I also thought the pictures were cool.
Brolof |
Brolof wrote:Ok so I had some inspiration. I also thought the pictures were cool.Edward Sobel wrote:Now all we need is an Aetherkineticist in Golden Armor and an archer in is the starting info
still working on back story stuff.
this leads into wrath of righteous AP then assume she has journeyed through the AP.
** spoiler omitted **...
I'm not gonna complain, I used a certain saint as inspiration for a Martyr Paladin.
Liliyashanina |
Now all we need is an Aetherkineticist in Golden Armor and an archer in red.
I tend to wear greens for practicality and camouflage, but I am a Sniper and have been part of an organization called "Red army" before. So, it kind of counts?
have never been much into Fate Stay Night, shouldnt they have a Soviet Sniper? Or did they go peak anime into sex swapped Simo Häya because reasons?
Edward Sobel |
Brolof wrote:
Now all we need is an Aetherkineticist in Golden Armor and an archer in red.
I tend to wear greens for practicality and camouflage, but I am a Sniper and have been part of an organization called "Red army" before. So, it kind of counts?
have never been much into Fate Stay Night, shouldnt they have a Soviet Sniper? Or did they go peak anime into sex swapped Simo Häya because reasons?
Black lagoon has the Russian mafia...
Liliyashanina |
Black lagoon has the Russian mafia...
Sofia Pavlovna (dont call her that to her face though) is indeed part of the inspiration, my loyal vasalls are currently busy bringing Alushinnaras booze market under their/my control.
Not just quality wise (nobody would truely disapprove of this), but also concerning distribution.Balalaika and Black Lagoon are/were relatively popular in Russia, although a frequent complaint was that they were portrayed as far too nice/too honorably for Vory v Zakone (although I am not sure if they actually are Vory).
Also, Red/Black Vory are insanely misogynist, greys a bit less so.
Brolof |
Brolof wrote:
Now all we need is an Aetherkineticist in Golden Armor and an archer in red.
I tend to wear greens for practicality and camouflage, but I am a Sniper and have been part of an organization called "Red army" before. So, it kind of counts?
have never been much into Fate Stay Night, shouldnt they have a Soviet Sniper? Or did they go peak anime into sex swapped Simo Häya because reasons?
Surprisingly no, they've never done Simo Häya anywhere. Fans have, but never the actual company.
Liliyashanina |
My chars name is a combination of this lady
[url] Litvyak.jpg
and this lady
allthough the former was a pilot not a sniper.
Bonuspoints for the name amalganation sounding somewhat in line with known Succubi naming conventions.
Coriat |
My chars name is a combination of this lady
[url] Litvyak.jpg
and this lady
[url]]allthough the former was a pilot not a sniper.
Bonuspoints for the name amalganation sounding somewhat in line with known Succubi naming conventions.
I love combining and tweaking real-world names for characters. Looking at a couple aliases from past PBPs, Choombolat the wizard came from Chumbylat and Shulme-Silule the Dark Tapestry oracle came from combining Shulme and Silulumesh from the Sumerian King List, which is a great source for names with a Conanesque dark sorcery vibe. Ishme-Shamash, Shar-Kali-Sharru, Amar-Sin, Ishme-Dagan...
Azrielan |
Bigrig107 here, finally stepping in with my last-minute submission. Need to spend the rest of my gold on things and select all of my skills, but that can be done after the selection phase.
Basic premise is a heavily mobile melee focused disruptor combatant. Has Sweeping Strike and Lunge to deal some nice area attacks , as well as some AOE spells available both from Mortal Herald (with MP expended) and the Divine Source Fire and War domain lists.
AC is high, and saves are relatively decent. Immune to electricity and acid, has Abyssal bloodrage to increase his size and strength in battle. Like I said, still working on the finer details and tuning, but hopefully the general idea gets across well.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have, or point out any problems with what I have so far!
Background summary: Legion archon left to die after a failed invasion of Abaddon, given a chance to redeem himself in Her eyes (the Horseman of War). Disillusioned with Heaven, falls and accepts power and support of Szuriel (his source of mythic power and his Daemon cohort from Leadership). Deals with planar threats quite often, and can move between planes easily (3/day Plane Shift mythic path ability)
Liliyashanina |
I like that it has a relatively clear weakness, not much at ranged, limited skills, breakable saves.
I do have a generalized question concerning blood sanctuary. Assuming you get dominated/possessed/charmed/compulsed, and I am out of mythic power to just sardonic writ it away, RAW, I am no longer your ally and thus you would not get a +2 bonus to willpower if I try to dominate/suggest/charm you into joining our side again, right?
You probably would get it if its just confusion/shaken/panicked as these iirc dont change ally/enemy designations.
Azrielan |
Well, I haven't finished out gear or the tiny details, but yeah. He has some movement skills and Fleet Warrior to move up to his admittedly large speed before making a full attack.
I assume that sanctuary would not apply if I was dominated and you tried to recharm me, because you aren't my ally anymore.
Liliyashanina |
I am by the way fine with nixing preemptive "do whatever you want" suggestions.
Like, RAW, I can suggest for everyone to "Contribute to the Qlippoths defeat in whatever way you deem appropriate" as a suggestion, you could choose to autofail it, and every mind affecting effect that would stop you from doing so would have to roll contested charisma vs me.
I think its fine for me to try a "You are mind controlled drop your weapon" suggestions, as these would also cost me an action in combat, a dominated character could not intentionally fail his willsave etc., but the preemptive thing would seem hilariously and obnoxiously over the top and does not even cost any resources whatsorever because suggestion is at will for me.
Brolof |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Okay, so... I went through the thread searching for as many completed characters as I could. I get the distinct feeling I've missed several though, cause this thread's got a lot of stuff in it. Does anyone not see their character on this list?
Rahlmaat, TN Sphinx Wizard
Liliya, CE Succubus Gunslinger
Azrielan, NE Legion Archon Bloodrager
Lokhir, LE Undead Tiefling Assassin
Draco, CE Half-Orc Antipaladin
Sabrina, LG Half-Celestial Aasimar Paladin
Marcos, TN Mutant Human Bard
Hadrhune, NG Shabti Ranger
Britta, NG Android Wizard
Bizan, TN Half-Celestial Tiefling Monk
Radamare, CG Ghaele Azata Cleric
LN Munavri Fighter/Monk
[url=]Peace through Vigilance, LG Juvenile Gold Dragon[/url
Brolof |
Three more:
• Radamare, CG Ghaele
eladrinazata cleric
• Dar'Talenth, LN munavri fighter/unchained monk/aldori swordlord
• Peace through Vigilance, LG advanced celestial juvenile gold dragon
Thank you, I knew there had to be more I missed. Got a lot to go through to try and figure out who to pick...
Abe no Toshiro |
I was going to say you forgot my character (Abe no Toshiro) but apparently I never actually wrote down his backstory; or rewrote it in this case. I forgot I used this alias for a very briefly lived Savage Worlds campaign and deleted all the previous stuff (the original was already a high level PF character; level 12 or so).
Liliyashanina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I am just visualising the pile of prospective heroes, with bodies tangled and piling up haphhazardly in order of their posting, and couldnt quite resist writing this.
Lililya was somewhat chafing under the pile.
As one of the earlier entries, the will of the multiverse put the entire rest in on top of her just as she was amiably chatting with the Gynosphynx who showed up earlier. The pile includes some relatively heavy entities like a celestial Dragon, which made being at the bottom of it pretty uncomfortable for a charming Succubus whose talents did not exactly lie in her biceps.
Liliya uses her trickster powers to teleport to the piles top.
Not only does this increase her visibility, it makes her sit on top of a tangled pair of a fairly attractive ghaele azata, who, according to her rarely wrong in such matters intution, definitly had some kinks she could work on/with, and an entirely human Paladin.
"Oh my, what a dashing hero, bravely descending into the Abyss to face the Qlippoth hordes, as a so called mere mortal? How positively inspiring!" She said to the Paladin, eyelashes flashing.
"That takes balls, balls approxmatively the size of the Kremlins spires. Seems like a Sarenraean by aura and symbology. Very interesting, now, do I try to get him before Shamira does?" She thought to herself.
Liliyashanina |
Of course, there is totally no celestial dragon around.
If I end up dating a certain "Peter", who of course is just a normal adventurer imbued with human adventurousness.
I am also certain that it will just be an utterly harmless romantic comedy where the main dramatic climax is when Peter introduces his new sweetheart, meaning me, to his parents.
Nothing could possibly go wrong there yes?
Lokhir the Reborn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The midnight isles. A place that had become truly famous throughout Golarion, after the events involving the Commander of the Crusade. Deep within the bowels of the lower city there was a pale, towering humanoid with eight spider-like eyes that glistened hungrily. It's mouth contained dozens of sharp teeth and it carried a barbed spear with long, clinking chains attached to its end.
The creature was waiting. It had been part of a hunting party which had captured, tortured and killed a uinuja azata. Usually that would not have been an issue, but in it's death the azata had laughed. It was a laugh that would have not been out of place coming from a demon, for it contained malice mixed in with it's pain. It had said that within it's nightmares it had hired an assassin and that it's tormentors would be repaid in kind. The painajai had laughed at this. Where the azata's laugher was filled with malice and pain, the demon's was full of derision. It never failed to amuse the demon what it's prey's last words were. The amusement faded though, when it's comrades began to vanish, one after another. Some had went out to challenge this assassin, but they never returned. Others fled, only for their bodies to be found. The rest were banding together, pooling their resources. And what they had found was that their hunter was an undead creature whose name was becoming known. For this assassin fed on fear.
So the painajai decided to hide. Let the others face it together. He would wait until they solved the problem. Deep within the slums he just had to lay low until it blew over. Then...the door to the hovel opened. Standing in the entrance was a figure that was just shy of six feet tall. It was thin, with long black hair and deathly pale skin. It's eyes had a soft glow. Given that the demon was ten feet tall and several hundred pounds heavier than the assassin, there should have been nothing to fear. But the creature had an aura that emanated from it. An aura of death and despair.
Will save vs. Fear Aura DC26: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Painajai demons fails. It is shaken. As such Lokhir gains fast healing equal to its Hit Dice + 1/2 Con, its damage reduction increases to 10/—, and it gains spell resistance 33.
Initiative Lokhir: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
Initiative Painajai: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Unused to feeling fear, the demon acted first. Raising it's spear it pointed at the 'elf' and yelled out arcane words. If the assassin wanted fear, then fear it would have!
Overcome SR 33 casting greater oneiric horror: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17
For a long moment time seemed to hold still. The elf didn't move as the spell slammed into it. And...nothing happened. Then it looked up.
Swift Action 'right behind you' to teleport behind the demon, then full attack with mutagen active
Rounds until used again: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Cornugon Smash: 1d20 + 41 ⇒ (12) + 41 = 53
Shaken enemies are FF
Drain Psychic Energy after first hit: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Claw: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (9) + 24 = 33
Damage: 3d6 + 42 ⇒ (3, 4, 1) + 42 = 50
Claw: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (6) + 24 = 30
Damage: 3d6 + 36 ⇒ (6, 5, 6) + 36 = 53
Claw: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (16) + 24 = 40
Damage: 3d6 + 36 ⇒ (6, 2, 1) + 36 = 45
Slam: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (14) + 24 = 38
Damage: 3d6 + 36 ⇒ (2, 5, 3) + 36 = 46
Gore: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (13) + 24 = 37
Damage: 3d6 + 36 ⇒ (5, 2, 1) + 36 = 44
Bite: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (20) + 24 = 44
Damage: 3d6 + 36 ⇒ (6, 1, 2) + 36 = 45
Crit: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (7) + 24 = 31
Damage: 3d6 + 36 ⇒ (2, 6, 2) + 36 = 46
Demon has DR 10/good. Ignores 10 DR as this is a demon on it's home plane. Every attack hit.
Total Damage: 50 + 53 + 45 + 46 + 44 + 45 + 46 = 329
Demon had 203 HP, so it is dead. Can't use Gory Display as a swift action was used to teleport
It only took a blink of an eye and the elf was behind the painajai. The ten foot tall demon began to turn around when the elf was on him. The first swipe of a claw ripped off the demon's right knee, sending it falling to the ground. It raised an arm to ward off the next blow, but the elf was already on him. Both hands gripped the demon's arm and the elf bit down. With a yank of it's head the lower arm and hand were ripped free and spat out. The painajai tried to stab with it's spear, but the elf was too close. The last thing it saw with it's terror stricken eyes was the bloody fangs of the elf descend upon it.
Lokhir looked down at the corpse with a frown. The demon's fear had tasted good, but he did not have the time to savor it. Like any good assassin, he had done the research on his target. Many demons could teleport, and that usually wasn't an issue, as he could follow their fear. The problem with this kind was that they should shift between planes, and it would have been very troublesome to track it down again. Knowing that he only had a few seconds to do the job meant that it was rushed. It was by all accounts a tragedy, as the demon could have provided quite a meal. But he was a professional, and he had a contract to fulfill. Luckily, he had been able to contact the dying Azata while he did his morning ritual. Once his work was done, he would go collect his reward. A ring that could shield his mind. A prize worth it's weight in souls for someone in his profession. And with that in mind he left the hovel. His work wasn't done.
Just rolling some dice to see how he works out in practice. So even if he isn't chosen, I at least got to use him for abit. :)