Into the Abyss

Game Master Brolof

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Planar Adaption counters the mental check penalty.

HP 260/246 | AC 41 (43 vs. evil outsiders), t. 16, ff. 40 or 42, CMD 45 | Perception +38 (darkvision 60, lowlight, det. evil, see invis) | F +22 R +11 W +26


F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

I am pretty happy about having SR 18 as well.

HP 84/84 Temp: +5 | AC 28 (T 25, FF 18) +4AoO (no flanked) | Perc +16 | Init +7 (+ additional 4 after surprise round) | F +7, R +13, W +14 (-2 will vs charm/compulsion if involved with power/wealth) | CMD 27 (29vs Dirty Fighting) | Jutsu 7/6 | | Vergence Human Legendary Ninja/Legendary Sorcerer 8 | Continuous Aura of Magic (Spellcraft DC19), Discern Lies (Will DC20 Negates)

Shield blocks and negates all damage from Magic Missile. You are perhaps thinking of the Brooch of Shielding. The duration is a minute per level for the spell, and so you'll probably want to just rush through quickly triggering many of them and we can all follow.

I probably should have said this sooner, but I've officially entered into finals week at my school. Until the 18th, I'll likely only rarely get a post out. Got something I need to do every day until then...

HP 84/84 Temp: +5 | AC 28 (T 25, FF 18) +4AoO (no flanked) | Perc +16 | Init +7 (+ additional 4 after surprise round) | F +7, R +13, W +14 (-2 will vs charm/compulsion if involved with power/wealth) | CMD 27 (29vs Dirty Fighting) | Jutsu 7/6 | | Vergence Human Legendary Ninja/Legendary Sorcerer 8 | Continuous Aura of Magic (Spellcraft DC19), Discern Lies (Will DC20 Negates)

Eww. Good luck. Are you graduating? If not, how much longer do you have (if you don't mind me asking)?

Female Sphinx Legendary Wizard 20/Prodigy 20/Mythic Archmage 1 | Form: Hybrid | HP 203/203| AC: 35+8 T: 30+8 Fl: 33+8 | CMB: +39 CMD: 56 | F +17 R +23+4 W +25 | Init 31+4 | Perc: +47+4+2; Arcane Sight, True Sight | Mythic Power 4/4 | Spell Points: 25/40 | Adaptation: 15/15 | Martial Focus: 2| SS: Sense Motive | Current Effects: Foreshadow, See Hazard, Lifesense (Mid range), Thoughtsense (Long range), Touchsight

Good luck! I'm glad those days are behind me. XD

Female Sphinx Legendary Wizard 20/Prodigy 20/Mythic Archmage 1 | Form: Hybrid | HP 203/203| AC: 35+8 T: 30+8 Fl: 33+8 | CMB: +39 CMD: 56 | F +17 R +23+4 W +25 | Init 31+4 | Perc: +47+4+2; Arcane Sight, True Sight | Mythic Power 4/4 | Spell Points: 25/40 | Adaptation: 15/15 | Martial Focus: 2| SS: Sense Motive | Current Effects: Foreshadow, See Hazard, Lifesense (Mid range), Thoughtsense (Long range), Touchsight

I'm guessing we're not going to see much movement until after the holidays?

Also happy holidays to all!

HP 84/84 Temp: +5 | AC 28 (T 25, FF 18) +4AoO (no flanked) | Perc +16 | Init +7 (+ additional 4 after surprise round) | F +7, R +13, W +14 (-2 will vs charm/compulsion if involved with power/wealth) | CMD 27 (29vs Dirty Fighting) | Jutsu 7/6 | | Vergence Human Legendary Ninja/Legendary Sorcerer 8 | Continuous Aura of Magic (Spellcraft DC19), Discern Lies (Will DC20 Negates)

Yeah, I think it was finals week and then holidays. All of my games are just dead. Shame because I have so much free time right now!

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

Hahaha yes, I am under quarantine for good measure :)

HP 84/84 Temp: +5 | AC 28 (T 25, FF 18) +4AoO (no flanked) | Perc +16 | Init +7 (+ additional 4 after surprise round) | F +7, R +13, W +14 (-2 will vs charm/compulsion if involved with power/wealth) | CMD 27 (29vs Dirty Fighting) | Jutsu 7/6 | | Vergence Human Legendary Ninja/Legendary Sorcerer 8 | Continuous Aura of Magic (Spellcraft DC19), Discern Lies (Will DC20 Negates)

Merry Christmas to all of you.

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

This is the Abyssal answering machine of Liliyashanina.

For merry Christmas press 1.
For inquiries about profane gifts press 2.
For inquiries about long term employement opportunities press 3.
If you are a Qlippoth, please shoot yourself in the brain carrying tentacle and then press 4.

Female Sphinx Legendary Wizard 20/Prodigy 20/Mythic Archmage 1 | Form: Hybrid | HP 203/203| AC: 35+8 T: 30+8 Fl: 33+8 | CMB: +39 CMD: 56 | F +17 R +23+4 W +25 | Init 31+4 | Perc: +47+4+2; Arcane Sight, True Sight | Mythic Power 4/4 | Spell Points: 25/40 | Adaptation: 15/15 | Martial Focus: 2| SS: Sense Motive | Current Effects: Foreshadow, See Hazard, Lifesense (Mid range), Thoughtsense (Long range), Touchsight

So, we're mostly past the holiday season now, do we think we can get this game going again?

HP 84/84 Temp: +5 | AC 28 (T 25, FF 18) +4AoO (no flanked) | Perc +16 | Init +7 (+ additional 4 after surprise round) | F +7, R +13, W +14 (-2 will vs charm/compulsion if involved with power/wealth) | CMD 27 (29vs Dirty Fighting) | Jutsu 7/6 | | Vergence Human Legendary Ninja/Legendary Sorcerer 8 | Continuous Aura of Magic (Spellcraft DC19), Discern Lies (Will DC20 Negates)

I'm all for it. Here's my check in.

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage

As am I!

HP 260/246 | AC 41 (43 vs. evil outsiders), t. 16, ff. 40 or 42, CMD 45 | Perception +38 (darkvision 60, lowlight, det. evil, see invis) | F +22 R +11 W +26


Male Half-Fiend Noble Drow Graveknight Iron Tyrant 10/Hellknight 10/Fighter 20(gestalt)/Guardian 8(mythic)

Also still here!

HP 84/84 Temp: +5 | AC 28 (T 25, FF 18) +4AoO (no flanked) | Perc +16 | Init +7 (+ additional 4 after surprise round) | F +7, R +13, W +14 (-2 will vs charm/compulsion if involved with power/wealth) | CMD 27 (29vs Dirty Fighting) | Jutsu 7/6 | | Vergence Human Legendary Ninja/Legendary Sorcerer 8 | Continuous Aura of Magic (Spellcraft DC19), Discern Lies (Will DC20 Negates)

We may have lost a GM and a paladin. Let's see. I'll be sad if we did. It has certainly been a long time.

Female Sphinx Legendary Wizard 20/Prodigy 20/Mythic Archmage 1 | Form: Hybrid | HP 203/203| AC: 35+8 T: 30+8 Fl: 33+8 | CMB: +39 CMD: 56 | F +17 R +23+4 W +25 | Init 31+4 | Perc: +47+4+2; Arcane Sight, True Sight | Mythic Power 4/4 | Spell Points: 25/40 | Adaptation: 15/15 | Martial Focus: 2| SS: Sense Motive | Current Effects: Foreshadow, See Hazard, Lifesense (Mid range), Thoughtsense (Long range), Touchsight

Yeah, we won't get much of anywhere without the GM at the very least. It's too bad. I'd just gotten a sketch of Rahlmaat. :) I'll have to put it somewhere I can link to...

HP 84/84 Temp: +5 | AC 28 (T 25, FF 18) +4AoO (no flanked) | Perc +16 | Init +7 (+ additional 4 after surprise round) | F +7, R +13, W +14 (-2 will vs charm/compulsion if involved with power/wealth) | CMD 27 (29vs Dirty Fighting) | Jutsu 7/6 | | Vergence Human Legendary Ninja/Legendary Sorcerer 8 | Continuous Aura of Magic (Spellcraft DC19), Discern Lies (Will DC20 Negates)

A couple of weeks later and still no update from a couple of people. I think I'm going to step back from this one, unfortunately. I hope everyone is fine and I'll see you all on the next campaign wherever it may be.

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Yeah, I checked the other day, and Brolof's been MIA in all games they're in.

Hopefully, they are okay, and just too slammed with school/life.

Thanks for joining me in this game. See ya around!

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