Legion Archon

Azrielan's page

101 posts. Alias of bigrig107.

Full Name



Advanced Flame-Infused Legion Archon Bloodrager 4











Strength 30
Dexterity 18
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 24
Charisma 30

About Azrielan

NE advanced flame-infused legion archon bloodrager 4/champion 6
Init- +15
Perception- +, darkvision 60 ft.,low light vision, detect evil

(favored class bonus-+5 hp)

AC 34, (+9 natural, +10 armor, +5 Dex) 29 ff , 15 touch
HP 272 (7d10+4d10+162)
Fort- +21 Ref-+17 Will-+16 (evasion) (+4 poison)

CMD- 40
SR- 25
DR 10/evil
immune- electricity, fire, petrification

Aura of Menace- 20 feet, DC 24

bab- +11/+6/+1
CMB- +22 (+2- bull rush, grapple, sunder)
speed- 80 feet, fly 90 feet

Lamentation of the Treacherous +27/+22/+17 (2d6+20+1d6 fire +2d6 vicious) (17-20/x4)

+1 flaming javelin +17 (1d6+11+1d6 fire)

Special Abilities:

=Flame infused=

=Quickness (fire): The creature’s base movement speed increases by 10, and it gains a +1 bonus on initiative checks. For every 5 HD the creature has, its base speed increases by an additional 10 feet (maximum double its base speed), and its initiative bonus increases by 1 (maximum +5). (+30 speed, +3 init)

=Immunity to fire

=Gusting strike: Once per round when the creature hits with a melee attack, it can attempt a bull rush combat maneuver check against the target of its melee attack as a free action. This bull rush does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

=Fiery Blood- Anyone who damages the creature with a slashing or piercing melee weapon is sprayed with boiling blood that deals 1d4 points of fire damage. This damage increases by 1d4 for every 5 HD the creature has. Creatures using reach weapons are not subject to this damage.


Fast Movement- +10 feet
Bloodrage- +4 Strength/Con, +2 Will, -2 AC. 20 rounds/day.
Abyssal Bloodline- grow claws and Enlarge Person in rage
Uncanny Dodge- He cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does he lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. He still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A bloodrager with this ability can still lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against him.
Blood Sanctuary- He gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells that he or an ally casts.

Darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision
DR 10/good
Aura of Menace
True Speech
Spell like abilities
Flames of Faith
Second Skin

Hard to Kill
Mythic Power
Surge +1d8
Amazing Initiative
Mythic Saves
Force of Will

=Path Abilities=
Fleet Charge
-Divine Source (Fire, War)
-Mortal Herald (Strength)
-Fleet Warrior: When making a full attack, you can move up to your speed either before or after your attacks. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.
-Farwalker (2): 3/day Planeshift
-Ever Ready: Whenever you make an attack of opportunity, you gain a bonus on the attack roll and damage roll equal to your mythic tier. You can make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed, even if you don't have the Combat Reflexes feat. At 3rd, 6th, and 9th tier, the number of attacks of opportunity you can make each round increases by one.
-Sweeping Strike: Even when you're swarmed, your foes are not safe from danger. Whenever you could make a full attack, you may instead make a single attack at your highest attack bonus and apply the results to all opponents within your reach. Roll damage once and apply it to all opponents hit by the attack. This attack can't deal precision damage. If the attack roll is a critical threat, choose one target you hit and attempt to confirm the critical against that target.

Improved Init- +4 init
Furious Focus- ignore first PA attack penalty
WF (greatsword)- +1 attack
Extra Path ability (farwalker)
Toughness- +1 hp/HD
Quicken SLA (mirror image)- 3/day quickened
Skillful Manuevers (grapple, bull rush, sunder)
Whirlwind Attack
Improved Crit (greatsword)
Eschew Materials

Mythic Improved Init- The bonus on initiative checks granted by Improved Initiative increases by an amount equal to your tier. This bonus stacks with the bonus from Improved Initiative. In addition, instead of rolling initiative, you can expend one use of mythic power to treat your roll as a natural 20
Mythic Improved Crit- +1 crit modifier

=Bonus Feats=
Improved Crit (Greatsword)
Whirlwind Attack


==Spell Like Abilities==

(CL 11, Conc- +7)

3/day- plane shift
1/day- commune with Szuriel. Expend one use of mythic power while doing so: this ability is a free action and time stops (from the point of view of everyone else) to allow you to ask your questions and receive answers instantly.
SLA: Spend a mythic power to cast one of: 1st—enlarge person, 2nd—bull's strength, 3rd—magic vestment, 4th—spell immunity, 5th—righteous might, 6th—stoneskin.

=Divine Source=
1/day- 1st—magic weapon or burning hands, 2nd—spiritual weapon or produce flame, 3rd—magic vestment or fireball, 4th—divine power or wall of fire, 5th—flame strike or fire shield, 6th—blade barrier or fire seeds

Constant- Detect Evil, Magic Circle Against Evil
At Will- Aid, Continual Flame, Greater Teleport, Message
3/day- Align Weapon, Mirror Image, Versatile Weapon, Quickened Mirror Image

=Bloodrager= (CL 4. Conc +7)
Known- Shield, Enlarge Person
Per Day- 3-

skill points- /level

Lamentation of the Treacherous: +4 adamantine vicious, flaming burst, phase locking greatsword
+1 adamantine deathless full plate

Whatever previous life the angelic warrior Azrielan had, he no longer remembers it. He spent millenia fighting the fiends of Hell and the Abyss, giving his blood for the armies of Heaven.

But one fateful invasion to the plane of Abaddon, home of the soul eating Daemons, would spell doom for the legion archon. The fight was extremely intense, the archons and angels sent here for some heavenly objective. Whether it was rescuing some prisoner or acquiring some foothold, Azrielan doesn't remember. The daemons were ready for their suprise attack; they had figured it out somehow.

A thunderous clap in the air, a burst of fire exploded across the sky, and Szuriel, the Horseman of War herself, arrived. She immediately set to defending her realm from this invasion, engaging the celestials in battle.
The less powerful good outsiders were slaughtered left and right. The ones that could return home did, but the rest were left to die in the blood filled fire pits of the daemons.

Azrielan was one of the few left alive after the fighting had settled down. Szuriel sensed that he was broken, but not quite dead; she appraoched him. His sword reappeared in his hand, a feeble mockery of the weapon that the Horseman of War carried.

Offered the choice of death or servitude, Azrielan broke completely. He saw the way Heaven treated its servants. Abandoned. Betrayed. Left to be ripped to pieces by whatever fiends live in that accursed place.
Szuriel repaired his wounds and brought him to his feet, before infusing him with the power of her plane. In a rare act of mercy, she gave him the power to earn his place among the servants of the Horseman of War.

He has served her loyally ever since, slowly amassing the power neccessary to take the fight to Her enemies across all of the planes. The invasion of the qlippoths has recently been brought to Her attention, and Azrielan has been sent to investigate and, if needed, intervene.