Coriat |
Liliyashanina wrote:Personally I'd lean toward class level, not "character level" for ABD.Oh right, forgot about automated progression there.
Are we considered level 14 or class level or purposes of automatic bonus progression?
On the flip side as someone contemplating a weapon wielding ghaele, that would make a plain magic weapon unobtainable either with wealth (because with ABP, you can't just buy a +2 weapon, they don't exist) or with ABP itself, and I'd wind up running around hitting all sorts of DR possessing high level outsiders with a weapon with no enhancement bonus, which sounds like a bad idea. Part of the logic of ABP is that weapons need a certain +X at certain levels to fulfill their function, and that doesn't change if you're a weapon wielding outsider rather than a weapon wielding humanoid.
Multiclass characters getting less ABP "wealth" (if it keyed off class level) would be a good reason not to play one of those either, fwiw.
So if we're stating preferences, I'd definitely prefer to use actual level rather than class level.
That said, no pressure on the GM, if you rule otherwise, it is a big incentive to work up a regular character. Which may be wanted.
Brolof |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'll probably close the recruitment next Saturday, maybe earlier if everyone I know is working on a sheet is done. Also, enough backstory to explain why your character is the way they are (mythic and all), as well as why they're getting involved.
I think I'll go with this. Monstrous Characters count their class level for ABP in everything except Weapon Attunement, where they are counted as Level 14. Helps even stats out while preventing the DR issue.
Liliyashanina |
Edit: Ninjaed by GM.
Class Level ABP is completely fine for me, I do need to know which one it is though.
Like, we are all going to get spoiled by power no matter what.
Especially with 100K Gold and ABP meaning no need to purchase "boring essentials".
Liliya meanwhile consults the "smart Succubus primer for seducing and controlling mortal skill monkeys" in the meantime, outside of bluff/perception she actually isnt much of a skill monkey.
Considering some background traits for adding stealth/disguise/sense motive/fly to class skills, would probably remove "+2 to some will saves while carrying a firearm" in return.
My current calculations are "character level" for ABP, and I do note that they get pretty ridiculous, especially defensively.
Like the aforementioned save vs. charm compulsion.
A Succubus innately has a Will save of 10, which factors in both that she has innate iron will as feat and her bonus from wisdom 14.
Due to irreprecible vs charm/compulsion, her WIS bonus gets removed (dropping it to 8), and her CHA get added instead, 14ABP would mean +4 to CHA, on top of initial modification of +4 for CHA 35 base, before adding in normal ability score increases from class levels or mythics)
CHA 36 is a bonus of 13, so her will save gets upped to +21, on top of it she would get +2 from base gunslinger will saves, another +2 as a luck bonus because of mysterious stranger and +5 resistance bonus from ABP with level 14, which adds up to 30 without any spells like Heroism or heroism greater, only Luck and resistance in terms of bonus type.
Just with that, if she expends a mythic surge, she, or anyone she profane gifted, has better then 50% chances to f.e. not get dominated by Nocticula (DC 43, using Nocticula because its the hardest save vs charm/compulsion as written that I am aware off), assuming a D8 mythic surge used, and this is without any buffs to willsaves from spells or equipment ().
ABP 7 would certainly reduce this by quite a bit.
-2CHA because there is no +4 mental stat adjustment (just a +2 one) and far more important -4 because ABP 7 only has resistance 1. Resulting in a shareable anti charm/complusion will save of 25 before morale modifiers.
bigrig107 |
I am dumb, need to carefully reread opening post.
For your class skill problem, a lot of that is covered by the outsider creature type your succubus HD would give you.
“Bluff, Craft, Knowledge (planes), Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth (plus 4 additional)” are the class skills for outsider Hit Dice.
gyrfalcon |
Thanks for the answers! One more clarification, do you mean for Weapon Attunement everyone counts as L14, or just as their HD? I ask since anyone who takes a template* will end up with fewer than 14 HD, right?
* Unless it's a template that grants HD, I suppose?
For example, I'll be a Animated Object (CR 7, HD 7) + Tsukumogami Template (CR +2, 0 HD) + Investigator (L5) = 12 HD character.
If Weapon Attunement is at L14 for all (even those with < 14 HD) is there anything else that'll also be bumped up for those who have < 14 HD (e.g. # of feats, CL for SLAs)?
Liliyashanina |
Succubus as a base get 4 feats, so, you've got 4 feats you can spend on what you want. Assuming none of them are a bonus feat.
Sorry, its kind of late here in Krautland and English is not my native language :)
To test if I understand correctly:
I can reallocate the "innate" 4 Succubus feat slots if I wish, assuming I qualify for prerequisites of course (I do not think any of these are bonus feats, I think not, but I have no idea how to find out).
As with multiclassing, I gain 4 additional feats from 7 levels of character class progression in mysterious stranger, as well a bonus feat from mysterious stranger level 4, resulting in a total 9 feats that I have in total.
Jereru |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
To check if the 4 feats the succubus gets are bonus feats of not, I would do this:
-Check how many hit dice a base succubus has.
-Check if the 4 feats would correspond to 1 feat at 1st level, another one at 3rd, etc.
-If there's any feat left, then that's a bonus feat.
Edit: checked myself. Succubus has 8 HD, in your case 7 HD because the GM ruled that HD were to be reduced to CR level. Even with 7 HD, that would make one feat at 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th levels, so it seems none of them are bonus feats.
Jereru |
I'm asking in a different post so as to separate matters.
A question: how many of you guys are building things that cannot be normally healed? My plan was taking the Healer's Hands+Signature Skill combo, but if most party members have problems with positive energy, then I can use those two feat slots for anything else.
Draco Victores |
I present to the GM The Sorting Hat's Draco Victores the Legend Ender. A chaotic evil champion of the ever chaotic and purposelessly purposed Lantern King, and reject of Lastwall before it fell.
I will be sure to do at least one more once over over his crunch and timeline. Things got a bit intense towards the final numbers ;)
I hope you find him, his story, and personality to your liking! Everything you need is contained in his character sheet attached to this profile, including a link to the crunchage by hand for his numbers. Honestly at a certain point, I had to just to keep track the finals were correct. Lmao.
Ouachitonian |
If we purchase an item that includes a stat boost, can we get a discount? I'm specifically looking at the Mirroring Belt. Normally a +2 Dex belt is 4,000 gold, I'd be happy to just buy it for less. But I'm also building a dragon with no class levels, so I wouldn't mind paying the full price to keep the +2 either, since I'm basically getting no ABP boosts (except to weapons).
Brolof |
If we purchase an item that includes a stat boost, can we get a discount? I'm specifically looking at the Mirroring Belt. Normally a +2 Dex belt is 4,000 gold, I'd be happy to just buy it for less. But I'm also building a dragon with no class levels, so I wouldn't mind paying the full price to keep the +2 either, since I'm basically getting no ABP boosts (except to weapons).
You get a discount.
Ouachitonian |
Thanks for the quick response. My build's close to done, but there is one other thing I wanted to run by you: the celestial template gives Smite Evil 1/Day. In your judgement, does that qualify me to take the Mythic Smite Champion Path Ability?
Mythic Smite (Su): As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to regain one use of your smite evil ability. For the rest of your turn, your successful attacks against evil creatures bypass all damage reduction. You must have the smite evil class feature to select this ability.
It's that last line that could be the problem, since I'm technically getting it from a template, rather than the class feature. That didn't occur to me until HeroLab showed it as an error.
Brolof |
Thanks for the quick response. My build's close to done, but there is one other thing I wanted to run by you: the celestial template gives Smite Evil 1/Day. In your judgement, does that qualify me to take the Mythic Smite Champion Path Ability?
Mythic Smite (Su): As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to regain one use of your smite evil ability. For the rest of your turn, your successful attacks against evil creatures bypass all damage reduction. You must have the smite evil class feature to select this ability.
It's that last line that could be the problem, since I'm technically getting it from a template, rather than the class feature. That didn't occur to me until HeroLab showed it as an error.
If you want to take it, then sure. It works by RaW, and if you wish to spend Mythic Power that way, who am I to judge? I've already accepted that this campaign's more than likely gonna be a party steam-rolling through whatever I try to throw at them. xD
Coriat |
OK. I'm pretty happy with where this turned out mechanically. She feels like a solid character well able to pull her weight in melee compared to the other characters I glanced at who were put up already, but with a casting stat of 28 also won't be just blowing any actual humanoids out of the water. I saw that 40 Int earlier! :p
This elegantly armored sentinel stands alert, her eyes radiating divine light and her noble blade crackling with power, but behind the light of her eyes is a thousand-yard stare.
"I will go, though I had dearly hoped to heal a little longer. Maybe, with the Everbloom's grace, I will return."
CG Medium outsider (azata, chaotic, extraplanar, good, shapechanger, mythic)
Init +7 (+1 Dex, +3 tier, +2 luck, +1 competence);
Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect evil, low-light vision, see invisibility; Perception +28
Aura holy aura (DC 22)
AC 37, touch 16, flat-footed 36 (+4 deflection, +1 Dex, +12 natural, +9 armor, +1 insight)
hp 246 (13d10+78+1d8+6+24); maximum hp; dies at -44 hp.
Fort +22, Ref +11, Will +26; mythic saves
DR 10/cold iron and evil; Immune electricity, petrification; Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 25
Speed 50 ft., fly 150 ft. (perfect)
Melee Holy greatsword +26/+21/+16 (2d6+18) (imbued +3)
Ranged 2 light rays +15 ranged touch (2d12)
Attack options: Combat Expertise (-4/+4), Deadly Aim (-4/+8), (Mythic) Power Attack (-4/+18)
Special Attacks gaze
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th)
Constant—detect evil, holy aura (DC 22), see invisibility
At will—aid, charm monster (DC 18), continual flame, cure light wounds, dancing lights, detect thoughts (DC 16), disguise self, dispel magic, hold monster (DC 19), greater invisibility (self only), major image (DC 17), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only)
3/day—globe of invulnerability
1/day—chain lightning (DC 20), prismatic spray (DC 21), wall of force
Spells Prepared (CL 15th; +17 vs SR; concentration +24, save DC 19+level; can convert a prepared nondomain spell to a cure spell of equal level)
7th—one, one, one, greater dispel magic
6th—one, one, one, one, greater dispel magic
5th—one, one, one, one, one, break enchantment
4th—one, one, one, one, one, one, freedom of movement
3rd—one, one, one, one, one, one, remove curse
2nd—one, one, one, one, one, one, remove paralysis
1st—one, one, one, one, one, one, one, remove fear
0 (at will)—one, one, one, one
I'm not going to go so far as selecting prepared spells until I know whether the character is accepted. DM, if you're looking for eyeballed what to expect, traditional cleric self-buffs such as divine power, divine favor, and righteous might will be mainstays, as well as Divine Reach Heal spells for the team when needed and a few other team buffs. I also plan to be good at dispelling and pack a good deal of that.
Str 30, Dex 12, Con 22, Int 12, Wis 28, Cha 19
Base Atk +13; CMB +23; CMD 41
Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spell, Spell Penetration, Dispel Focus, Quicken Spell, Divine Interference, Contingent Spell
Mythic Feats: Dual Path (champion; strike is Fleet Charge), Extra Path Ability (Divine Metamastery), Mythic Power Attack
Traits: Freed Slave, Fate's Favored
Skills Diplomacy +23, Fly +27*, Knowledge (planes) +20 (+21 demon-related), Knowledge (religion) +20, Perception +28, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft +20. *ACP -5 may apply - not included.
Diplomacy 14 ranks, 3 class, 4 Cha, 2 luck
Fly 11 ranks, 3 class, 1 Dex, 8 maneuverability, 2 luck
Knowledge (planes) 14 ranks, 3 class, 1 Int, 2 luck
Knowledge (religion) 14 ranks, 3 class, 1 Int, 2 luck
Perception 14 ranks, 3 class, 9 Wis, 2 luck
Sense Motive 14 ranks, 3 class, 9 Wis, 2 luck
Spellcraft 14 ranks, 3 class, 1 Int, 2 luck
Background Skills: Artistry +8 (4 ranks), Profession: torturer +25 (10 ranks); Lore (Asmodeus) +14 (10 ranks), Lore (Milani) +8 (4 ranks) Radamare has been gradually retraining both of her higher-ranked background skills as the skills and memories of her mortal life fade, a process that is far from complete
Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal; truespeechSQ light form, a whole bunch of class and mythic stuff detailed below
Amazing Initiative (Ex)
Radamare has +3 to initiative checks (1/2 tier). In addition, as a free action when rolling initiative she may expend one use of mythic power to add her surge die to her initiative roll.
Bastion (Ex)
Radamare adds her Constitution bonus to her CMD and to the DC of attempts to use the Intimidate skill against her.
Demonic Knowledge (Ex)
When making Knowledge (planes) checks regarding demons, demonic cults, and their magic, Radamare gains a bonus on the check equal to half her class level (minimum +1).
Force of Will (Ex)
As an immediate action, Radamare can expend one use of mythic power to reroll a d20 roll she just made or force any non-mythic creature to reroll a d20 roll it just made. She can use this ability after the results are revealed. Whoever rerolls a roll must take the result of the second roll, even if it is lower.
Gaze (Su)
In humanoid form, Radamare's gaze attack slays evil creatures of 5 HD or less (range 60 feet, Will DC 21 negates, shaken for 2d10 rounds on a successful save). Nonevil creatures, and evil creatures with more than 5 HD, must succeed on a DC 21 Will save or be shaken for 2d10 rounds. A creature that saves against Radamare's gaze is immune to her gaze for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Hard to Kill (Ex)
Whenever Radamare is below 0 hit points, she automatically stabilizes without needing to attempt a Constitution check. Bleed damage still causes her to lose hit points when below 0 hit points. In addition, she doesn’t die until her total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double her Constitution score.
Hierophant/Champion Strikes and Path Abilities
Radamare can expend one use of mythic power plus one for every two levels of the spell to cast any one divine spell with a casting time of one standard action or less, treating your caster level as 2 levels higher. This spell must be on your divine spell list (or your domain or mystery spell list) and must be of a spell level that you can cast using that divine spellcasting class. If you are a spontaneous spellcaster, you don’t need to have the spell prepared, nor does it need to be on your list of spells known. Using this ability does not expend a prepared spell or available spell slot. You can apply any metamagic feats you know to this spell, but its total spell slot level must be a slot level you can normally cast.
Radamare can expend one use of mythic power as a standard action, two as a move action, or three as a swift action to move up to her speed. At any point during this movement, she can make a single melee or ranged attack at her highest attack bonus, adding her tier (+6) to the attack roll. This is in addition to any other attacks you make this round. Damage from this attack bypasses up to 11 points of damage reduction (5+tier).
Whenever Radamare casts a divine spell with a range of touch, she can instead cast the spell with a range of 30 feet. If the spell normally requires a melee touch attack, it instead requires a ranged touch attack.
Radamare is adept at breaching magical defenses and resistance to her magic. When attempting a caster level check to dispel an effect, overcome spell resistance, or otherwise determine whether or not her magic affects a target (such as with knock or neutralize poison), she rolls twice and takes the higher result.
Whenever Radamare casts a spell with a duration of 10 minutes per level or longer upon one willing target, she can change that spell’s duration to 24 hours. If the spell has other duration conditions, those still apply (for example, the duration of stoneskin changes to 24 hours or until discharged). A creature can’t be subject to more than one spell affected by this ability at a time; if another is cast upon the creature, the first one ends.
As a swift action, Radamare can expend one use of mythic power and pick any one metamagic feat she knows that increases the slot level of the spell by 0 to 3 levels. For the next 10 rounds, she can apply this metamagic feat to any divine spell she casts without increasing the spell slot used or casting time. She can also use this ability on a divine spell cast from a scroll, staff, or wand. She can’t have more than one use of this ability active at a time. If she uses this ability again, any previous use immediately ends (though any metamagic effects on spells already cast remain).
Liberation (Su)
Radamare has the ability to ignore impediments to her mobility. For 1 round per day (=cleric level), she can move normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement, as if she were affected by freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.Light Form (Su)
Radamare can shift between her solid body and one made of light as a standard action. In solid form, she cannot fly or use light rays. In light form, she can fly and gains the incorporeal quality—she can make light ray attacks or use spell-like abilities in this form, but can’t make physical attacks or cast spells. This ability otherwise functions similarly to a bralani’s wind form ability.
Light Ray (Ex)
Radamare’s light rays have a range of 300 feet. This attack bypasses all damage reduction.
Mythic Power (Su)
Radamare's maximum mythic power is 15. She regains 3 points per day. It is restored to full after completing a mythic trial.
Mythic Saving Throws (Ex)
Whenever Radamare succeeds at a saving throw against a spell or special ability, she suffers no effects as long as that ability didn’t come from a mythic source (such as a creature with a mythic tier or mythic ranks).
Recuperation (Ex)
Radamare is restored to full hit points after 8 hours of rest so long as she isn't dead. In addition, by expending half of her remaining uses of mythic power and resting for 1 hour, she regains regain a number of hit points equal to half her full hit points (up to a maximum of her full hit points) and regains the use of any class features that are limited to a certain number of uses per day (such as barbarian rage, bardic performance, spells per day, and so on). This rest is treated as 8 hours of sleep for such abilities. This rest doesn’t refresh uses of mythic power or any mythic abilities that are limited to a number of times per day.
Surge (Su)
Radamare can expend one use of mythic power to increase any d20 roll she just made by rolling 1d8 and adding it to the result. Using this ability is an immediate action taken before the result of the original roll is revealed. This can change the outcome of the roll.
Radamare casts spells as a 14th level cleric - 13 from her status as a ghaele azata and one actual cleric level. Her domain is Liberation.
Possessions Evil outsider bane holy greatsword, evil outsider defiant full plate, stone of good luck, quick runner's shirt, prayer bead of karma, gloves of storing, ioun stones (dusty rose prism, cracked dusty rose prism, pale orange prism), lesser metamagic rod of quicken spell, 600 gp. Wondrous items are self-crafted.
Radamare's favored class is cleric, and she has selected skill points as her favored class benefit for her only actual cleric level. She is a Devilbane Priest (which sacrifices a domain, so her only domain is Liberation) and a Foundation of Faith (which sacrifices Channel Energy).
For all her exceptional power among the Ghaele azata, Radamare is shockingly new to the order of Azata knights - indeed a newborn among the entire host of the Azata - and quite unique because of it. The mortal soul that formed her did not die long ago, to spend centuries roaming the paradises of Elysium, unlearning mortal weaknesses, forgetting memories, learning to know freedom as only the azata do, and gradually growing into its new status. Rather, she arrived barely a year ago and was raised directly to the rank of an Azata knight by the hand of Milani herself.
And she was not the soul of a great mortal champion of liberty, but of a slave-priestess of Hell.
The story of that soul's life was a pitiable one, the life of a bound slave of the Devil God, nameless, an existence of darkness and pain, of obedience brutally enforced until it seeped into the heart and mind and became second nature.
The story of that soul's death was, perhaps, inspiring, a single spark of hope kept alive deep within, inspired by a whispered dream sent from Milani herself, leaping to sudden flame. A mythic ritual meant to empower nine elder cardinals of the Devil God, exploiting their obedient slave priestess as a conduit for dangerous planar energies, sent awry by her self-sacrifice, disrupting the ritual and letting its unbound energy sear her vile masters to ash even as her own body was likewise consumed.
The story of that soul's afterlife... might be unique.
Milani, goddess of revolution and liberation, had played a critical role in inspiring the heroic death of that soul, but as she wound her way as a petitioner through the River of Souls towards Pharasma's judgment, the hosts who serve the Everbloom were troubled at heart. After all, heroic deaths may be glorious, but evil deeds, even those done under vicious compulsion, scar and darken the mortal soul, and who could say whether the Gray Lady would assign heroic rebellion the same importance as it bore in Milani's sacred halls? What if the death goddess's judgment took a soul that had died striving for freedom and decreed that the balance of her life would condemn her to Hell?
Azata being azata, and not over-fond of putting their faith in the procedures and trusting the process, a group of Milani's knights took matters into their own hands, raided the River of Souls, stole the priestess's soul away, and brought her before Milani that their goddess might lay her claim in a way that even the Lady of Graves would be hard pressed to undo.
And the Everbloom smiled on the boldness of her knights, and decreed that in her court brave deeds would always meet with worthy reward. The soul that they had risked Pharasma's wrath to safeguard would be raised up to be one of them.
Thus it was that a lowly and battered mortal soul, freed from the clutches of the Devil God and then stolen away from the Gray Lady's judgment, was raised up by the hand of a third goddess and formed directly a mighty knight of the Azata.
But troublingly for Radamare, her hasty and unorthodox elevation from petitioner to azata left her no time to let go of the trappings of her mortality and subsume her old personality into the freedom of Elysium. Unusually, perhaps uniquely among azata, she still remembers much of her mortal life.
Though she fervently prays to forget it.
Although Radamere's true desire is only to rest and slowly forget the traumas of her mortal life in the bliss of Elysium, where there are no whips, no chains, no lightless prison cells and brooding torture chambers, the very connections to her mortal life that Radamare wishes to be rid of also empower her - especially her connection to the strange mythic ritual that the first and last rebellion of her mortal life so fatefully disrupted. The misfired ritual power still lingers within her, a pulsing wellspring of mortal energy that no other of her order commands, and Radamare has already used it to resolve challenges that had proved beyond older and more established azata knights.
Whether that power can carry her through the terrible depths of the Abyss - that is another question entirely, and a still unanswered one.
Why neither Asmodeus nor Pharasma has yet come for her - that is another still. Perhaps now that Milani has so overtly staked her claim, they are unwilling to rock the boat. Perhaps the lesser goddess's gambit has succeeded.
Or perhaps... the two greater gods were not so easily fooled by Milani and her azata. Perhaps they had their own purposes in allowing the soul that became Radamare to slip their net. Perhaps they foresaw that they would need someone like her.
For a little while.
Aaron Sarris |
This definitely sounds interesting! I should be able to get up a submission before next saturday. I'll probably make a divine character of some sorts, probably a paladin.
One thing I wanted to ask, for the sake of this story, has the worldwound already been closed, as in, have the events of WoTR played out?
Liliyashanina |
This definitely sounds interesting! I should be able to get up a submission before next saturday. I'll probably make a divine character of some sorts, probably a paladin.
** spoiler omitted **
IC reply attempt:
Greatings warrior of light *bows courteously*,
Lady Nocticula has already vacated the Abyss and has moved to a plane more in line with her artistic preferences, I have heard that the view there is most excellent.
There have been some frank exchanges of ideas about real estate management issues following her surprising relocation, but we are happy to state that these have been fully resolved in a manner deemed fully satisfactory to Queen Shamira the ardent dream and also to all of her leal subjects.
Rumors abound concerning the fates of Baphomet and Deskari, and only a higher and more knowledgable authority then myself *winks seductively at GM* can answer this question authoritatively.
Personally, I deem it possible, that the relocation/weakening or outright demise of no less then 3 Lords of the Abyss is a contributing factor to the Qlippoths invasion, particular if one accounts for the fact that the resulting power vacuums have caused significant disagreements among the remaining Lords and Ladies of my most charming and varied home plane, and that these disagreements will likely complicate the creation of a united front, but this is just my opinion.
Jereru |
So two undead... Immune to positive energy, immune to morale bonuses and immune to mind-affecting effects - such as Inspire Courage, Heroism, Good Hope, etc.
Before some of you jump with "but Inspire Courage is NOT a morale bonus", I know, it isn't - but it is mind-affecting.
I hope at least the rest of you would like to have me around :p
Jereru |
I'm a bit confused here...
Planar Lore (Ex): A chronicler of worlds can take 10 on Knowledge (planes) checks. A number of times per day equal to her Intelligence modifier, she can take 20 on a Knowledge (planes) check. This ability stacks with that gained by lore master at 5th level. A chronicler of worlds can attempt all Knowledge checks untrained.
This alters bardic knowledge.
Does that mean the CoW does get the pluses to all knbowledges, as a vanilla bard? It says "alters" BK, not "replaces", but it seems confusing.
Galahad0430 |
So two undead... Immune to positive energy, immune to morale bonuses and immune to mind-affecting effects - such as Inspire Courage, Heroism, Good Hope, etc.
Before some of you jump with "but Inspire Courage is NOT a morale bonus", I know, it isn't - but it is mind-affecting.
I hope at least the rest of you would like to have me around :p
I am more than happy to avail myself of any morale bonuses you wish to send my way. :)
Also, I am very good at suppressing the morale bonuses of enemies, I completely shut down Barbarians (look at me Shatter Confidence ability).Galahad0430 |
Augmented Undead. But this guy has pretty insane fast healing. So don’t worry about him.
The big question I have is whether to drop advanced template for a class level…it’s a hard choice
Class levels are far more powerful at certain points, it depends on what abilities you get for that level.
Also, wanted to point out that your ability to demoralize meshes quite well with mine. I get several great abilities against shaken opponents.
Galahad0430 |
And here is the background snippet:
Dar’ Talenth looked down at the Urdefhan body at his feet on the blood slicked deck. Yet another of the foul creatures to fall to his blade. Looking around, he saw the battle was essentially over. All of the Urdefhan were dead or dying, but the crew of the Ashava’s Light had suffered grievous casualties as well. But such was the character of encounters with the Urdefhan. One on one they were much more powerful than the Munavri. Only through superior skill could they be beaten.
The ivory sides of Ashava’s Light ran with rivulets of blood into the Underdark sea upon which she sailed. The Urdefhan ship was a shambles, and not worth taking as a prize, it would be burned along with its now dead crew.
Dar’ Talenth saw a familiar form in the pile of bodies. Hurrying over, he lifted a dead enemy from the form beneath. Hanno, the strange human that showed up some ten years ago, lay dying. Hanno had been instrumental in Dar’ Talenth’s training, teaching him the use of the uniquely fashioned blade he now wielded.
“It looks like my tutelage ends.” Gasped Hanno between gritted teeth. “I will not survive these wounds.”
Dar’ looked about desperately, but both of the ships healers had fallen as well.
“Quiet, my friend,” Dar’ replied. “I will find some healing draught to keep you here. You are being overdramatic, as usual.” But even as he said this, he knew there was little hope, Hanno would be gone before he could return.
“Ah yes, that eternal optimism of yours is so distinctly different from the normally fatalistic outlook of your kind.” Hanno smiled. “Remember your promise, I leave to you my blade, but you must return my effects, as well as news of my demise, to my family in Restov. You have the maps; I know that such a journey will be hard for you. I cannot think of a time any Munavri has travelled to the lands I hail from. But I think you will like it there for a time, except for the bright lights.”
With that, Hanno closed his eyes. Within seconds he also ceased breathing. Dar’ sat there with his friend’s head in his lap for several moments. Finally, he gently laid him down and stood. Hanno was correct, no Munavri that Dar’ knew of had ever travelled so far above. Their constant war with the Urdefhan kept them here. However, a promise had been made and Dar’ would keep it. He began helping with the aftermath of the battle while mentally preparing himself for the long road ahead.
Also, here is the updated stat block with the extra point buy and gold:
Dar' Talenth
Male munavri fighter (aldori defender) 8/unchained monk (master of many styles) 1/aldori swordlord 5/Champion 6
LN Medium humanoid (Munavri)
Init +22; Senses darkvision 120 ft., see in darkness; Perception +23
AC 35, touch 31, flat-footed 25 (+2 deflection, +10 Dex, +3 enhancement, +2 natural, +2 shield, +6 Wis)
hp 226 (14d10+86)
Fort +19, Ref +22, Will +17 (+2 vs. fear); +4 vs. effects that cause you to lose your grip on weapons
Defensive Abilities defensive parry +3, hard to kill, mythic saving throws, steel net; SR 22
Weaknesses light blindness
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +3 deceptive dueling heartseeker Legendary cold iron aldori dueling sword +34/+29/+22 (1d8+19/17-20/×3) or
. . unarmed strike +24/+19/+14 (1d6)
Special Attacks champion's strike (sudden attack), deft strike, disarming strike, force of will, mythic power (15/day, surge +1d8), shatter confidence, stunning fist (4/day, DC 23), weapon training (heavy blades +3)
Str 10, Dex 30, Con 18, Int 20, Wis 22, Cha 10
Base Atk +14; CMB +14; CMD 42
Feats Additional Traits, Advanced Weapon Training, Aldori Dueling Mastery[ISWG], Blind-fight, Combat Expertise[M], Combat Reflexes[M], Crane Style[UC], Dazzling Display, Deadly Aim, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (aldori dueling sword), Greater Disarm, Improved Critical[M], Improved Dirty Trick[APG], Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Shatter Defenses, Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (aldori dueling sword)
Traits aldori caution, bruising intellect, cunning liar, fate's favored
Skills Acrobatics +27, Bluff +25 (+36 to feint), Climb +4, Diplomacy +2, Escape Artist +27, Handle Animal +12, Intimidate +27 (+35 to demoralize with Dazzling Display & Aldori dueling sword), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +15, Knowledge (nobility) +11, Linguistics +7, Perception +23, Ride +14, Sense Motive +28, Sleight of Hand +24, Stealth +27, Swim +4
Languages Aboleth, Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Dark Folk, Draconic, Munavri, Undercommon; telepathy 60 ft.
SQ adaptive tactics, advanced object reading, amazing initiative, critical master[MA], critical master[MA], display weapon prowess, fleet warrior[MA], fuse style, legendary item[MA], legendary item[MA], legendary power, legendary surge, mythic bond, recuperation, soul safe, undetectable, unstoppable strike
Combat Gear unfettered shirt[UE]; Other Gear +3 deceptive dueling heartseeker Legendary cold iron aldori dueling sword[ISWG], eye piercings (greater), gloves of dueling[APG], mark of the grinning skull, ring of eloquence[ACG], seducer's bane[UE], stagger-proof boots, swarmbane clasp[UE],
Special Abilities
Adaptive Tactics (Ex) Use Sense Motive to gain +2 attack or AC vs. creature struck last round. (DC 10+BAB)
Advanced Object Reading (1/day) (Su) Gain temp. proficiency or learn use spell trigger device you have used object reading on.
Advanced Weapon Training You are specially trained to use your weapon skills in new ways.
Aldori Dueling Mastery Gain initiative and defensive bonuses when wielding an Aldori dueling sword.
Amazing Initiative (1/round) (Ex) As a free action, use 1 power to gain an extra standard action (can't be used to cast a spell).
Blind-Fight Re-roll misses because of concealment, other benefits.
Combat Expertise [Mythic] Use 1 power to eliminate attack penalties of Combat expertise for 1 min.
Combat Reflexes [Mythic] As a swift action, use 1 power for movement AoO vs. foes who already provoked one for moving.
Crane Style Fight defensive pen reduced to -2. When in style, dodge bonus increases by 1.
Critical Master (Mythic) (Ex) Automatically confirm critical hits and do maximum damage.
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Dazzling Display (Aldori dueling sword) Intimidate check to demoralize can affect those within 30' who see you.
Dazzling Intimidation (Weapon Training [Blades, Heavy] +3) (Ex) Add weapon training bonus to Intimidate checks to demoralize opponents.
Deadly Aim -4/+8 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Defensive Parry +3 (Ex) Gain dodge bonus to AC against melee attacks after making a full attack with Aldori dueling sword.
Deft Strike (Ex) Can apply Dex bonus instead of Str with Aldori dueling sword.
Disarming Strike (Ex) Deal damage to foe when you disarm them with dueling sword.
Display Weapon Prowess +5 (Ex) Bonus to Dazzling Display, perf combat, & dueling parry and resolve.
Fleet Warrior (Ex) You may move up to your full speed before or after making a full attack.
Force of Will (Ex) As an immediate action, use 1 power to reroll any d20, or force non-mythic to reroll.
Fuse Style (2 styles) (Ex) At 1st level, a master of many styles can fuse two of the styles he knows into a more perfect style. The master of many styles can have two style feat stances active at once. Starting a stance provided by a style feat is still a swift action, but whe
Greater Disarm When disarming a foe, their weapon lands 15 ft away in a random direction.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Improved Dirty Trick You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when performing a dirty trick.
Improved Disarm You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when disarming.
Improved Feint You can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a move action.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Legendary Power (6/day) All legendary items contain a pool of power - at least two uses that recharge each day. This power is called legendary power, and it works differently than mythic power. Any creature bearing the item can expend the items uses of legendary power, whet
Legendary Surge (+1d6 to Attack Rolls - All, Combat Maneuver Checks) All legendary items have a legendary surge ability, similar to a mythic character's surge ability (see page 170). It can be used only on specific rolls or checks based on the nature or purpose of the legendary item - see the Legendary Surge sidebar o
Light Blindness (Ex) Bright light blinds for 1 rd, then dazzled as long as remain in it.
Mythic Bond A legendary item is typically bonded to a single mythic creature. Others can pick up and use a legendary item for its basic functions (like hitting a foe with a legendary mace), but only the creature bonded to the item can utilize it fully.
Mythic Saving Throws (Ex) A successful save negates all effects from a non-mythic source.
Power Attack -4/+8 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Quick Draw Draw weapon as a free action (or move if hidden weapon). Throw at full rate of attacks.
Recuperation (Ex) Fully heal after 8 hrs rest, use 1 power and 1 hr to heal half and restore all non-mythic abilities.
See in Darkness See perfectly in darkness of any kind, including magical darkness.
Shatter Confidence (Ex) Intimidate to suppress morale bonuses on target after crit, disarm, repos, sunder, or if shaken.
Soul Safe Your item carries a part of your immortal spark within it, and unless the item is destroyed you cannot be permanently slain. If you are killed, your body reforms 24 hours later in the nearest open space within 30 feet of the item. If you are affected
Spell Resistance (22) You have Spell Resistance.
Steel Net (Ex) When fighting defensively as full-round action penalties on attacks and increases dodge AC by 2.
Stunning Fist (4/day, DC 23) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Sudden Attack (Ex) As a swift action, use 1 power to make melee att, roll twice with +6 bonus and bypass all DR.
Surge (1d8) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Telepathy (60 feet) (Su) Communicate telepathically if the target has a language.
Undetectable This grants its bonded user the ability to become utterly undetectable while invisible. While invisible and in physical contact with this item, the bonded creature can't be detected or scryed by any method.
Unstoppable Strike This weapon bypasses all armor. The wielder can expend one use of legendary power when attacking to make the attack against touch AC. If she instead expends two uses of legendary power, the weapon also bypasses any deflection bonus to AC the target h
Weapon Training (Blades, Heavy) +3 (Ex) +3 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Heavy Blades
Grumbaki |
Lokhir the Reborn wrote:Augmented Undead. But this guy has pretty insane fast healing. So don’t worry about him.
The big question I have is whether to drop advanced template for a class level…it’s a hard choice
Class levels are far more powerful at certain points, it depends on what abilities you get for that level.
Also, wanted to point out that your ability to demoralize meshes quite well with mine. I get several great abilities against shaken opponents.
They indeed would make a good team! And I agree with you on class levels…some of it feels like a downgrade. But the flavor was there. And at the end of the day it’s more important to play a character than a spreadsheet.
Galahad0430 |
They indeed would make a good team! And I agree with you on class levels…some of it feels like a downgrade. But the flavor was there. And at the end of the day it’s more important to play a character than a spreadsheet.
Oh, I agree completely. But that's just another benefit of the class level IMO. Class levels seem to add much more flavor than a basic template like Advanced.
Brolof |
I'm a bit confused here...
Chronicler of Worlds wrote:Does that mean the CoW does get the pluses to all knbowledges, as a vanilla bard? It says "alters" BK, not "replaces", but it seems confusing.Planar Lore (Ex): A chronicler of worlds can take 10 on Knowledge (planes) checks. A number of times per day equal to her Intelligence modifier, she can take 20 on a Knowledge (planes) check. This ability stacks with that gained by lore master at 5th level. A chronicler of worlds can attempt all Knowledge checks untrained.
This alters bardic knowledge.
It gives you knowledge plus that. In this case, alters just means adds.
GrinningJest3r |
Let me run this by you guys really quick to make sure I've got everything right with the different interactions:
Character Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 4, Pale Stranger (15HD (d8), CR10)
Str: 13 (17(base) -4
Dex: 26 (21(base) +4 +1(class level 4 bonus)
Con: -
Int: 13 (11(base) +2
Wis: 20 (18(base) +2
Cha: 22 (18(base) +4
Gunslinger gets 4+int (6/level)
Pale Stranger 4/level
Total: 64 total primary, 28 background
- Pale Stranger also automatically has Skills Acrobatics +13, Climb +11, Intimidate +22, Perception +22, Ride +15, Stealth +13, Swim +8 - some of those are based on the default 15HD. Do I start with those (bringing them down to 10max skill points as needed) and then add my 24 primary /28 background class skillpoints on top, or do I just get the 64 points / 28 background?
Human Gunslinger: 4 total (lvl 1, lvl 1 human, lvl 3, lvl 4 gunslinger)
Pale stranger: -9 bonus feats, but gets all the racial abilities instead
Does this cancel out my class level feats?
---Nevermind that, that's just how HeroLab tracks not giving the option to select additional feats based on the level---
Resistant +1 (class level 3)
Armor attunement +1 (class level 4)
Weapon attunement +2/+2 or +3 (HD 14)
Liliyashanina |
80% done on my part. Just items and full self audit (including double checking if I have all the mythic nerfs correctly applied) remaining. Will shift some feats around probably.
Unfortunately, my idea of using "arms of the marilith" (short version is that you get 4 extra clockwork arms, which cannot actually attack, use items etc. but you can exchange items they are holding with items your hands are holding, once per round, as a free action) to hold a bunch of extra guns/Grenades/Value shotguns and thus greatly reduce loading times probably wont work out that well (kind of expensive at 30K, and the too good to be true gunmans duster costs another 36K), and that contraption would also look somewhat unladylike but absolutely hilarious too.
Also need to figure out how much the Nagant ammunition actually costs, because I dont own "Rasputin must die" and archives only has the modern weapon base stats, not the ammunition stats.
But, here comes a TLDR of what she can, in my estimation, do in total:
Excellent to Very good:
Face, Scouting, Infiltration, very hard to lock down (between defensive trickster abilities, items, greater teleport at will, undetectable from legendary item), very mobile (Flight, greater teleport)
Pretty good:
Ranged damage vs single targets, Defensive Utility/Communication (assuming I can roleplay the rest of the party into accepting profane gifts).
I assume the GM will at some point veto me "Skill mimicking" divine grace/unholy resilience from a Paladin/Antipaladin and then essentially making everyone benefit from my CHA boosted will saves via profane gift of recovery, although enough Qlippoths could actually get through it because thats a lot of saves to be rolled. If he does not, and we have a Paladin/Antipaladin I would move that to excellent.
Meh: Melee. Limited spellcasting from her legendary sniper rifle. Limited anti Swarm/AoE options. Not particularly silent while killing, doubt I will do much seducing/dominating/suggestioning. I am also explicitly not built to grapple Qlippoths (why would I? yuck) thank you very much.
SmooshieBanana |
Not particularly silent while killing
Aside from your proclivity to speak while shooting, your firearm can make use of Oil of Silence, or a Silencing Weapon enchantment.
Pale Stranger also automatically has Skills Acrobatics +13, Climb +11, Intimidate +22, Perception +22, Ride +15, Stealth +13, Swim +8 - some of those are based on the default 15HD. Do I start with those (bringing them down to 10max skill points as needed) and then add my 24 primary /28 background class skillpoints on top, or do I just get the 64 points / 28 background?
A 13int is a +1 bonus. As for your question, I'm not sure what you mean. Are you asking about whether you get the skills for the race itself, and does that deduct from your total skills should you have a max amount of class levels?
GrinningJest3r |
Good point on the +1, I was looking at the default Int stat regarding its skill points, not accounting for the +2 I added to it.
My question still stands though. Based on the Pale Stranger's stat block. Acrobatics 5 ranks, Climb 5 ranks, Intimidate 15 ranks, Perception 15 ranks, Ride 10 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks, Swim 5 ranks. 60 skill points matches 4 per 15 HD (+0 int bonus on default stat block). Do I:
1. remove 20 of those ranks (due to the decreased HD), add 10 more for the +1 per HD with the Int bonus after adjustments, and then add on my 4 class levels of skill points
2. do I just get all those points to assign as I normally would?
gyrfalcon |
I think the simplest way to do it is to forget what skills are in the default stat block.
You'll get:
Pale Stranger = 10 * (4+INT) = 50 points
Gunslinger = 4 * (4+INT) = 20 points
Background = 14 * 2 = 28 points for background skills
And then assign those anywhere you like. Your Class Skills are the Gunslinger's + the Undead default ones: Climb, Disguise, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Stealth.
GrinningJest3r |
Yeah that's my hope, but that's also my question. Do I have to stick with the base assigned skills, or do I get to reapply them how I see fit?
Is there a confirmation one way or another that I missed?
Edit: I did miss it. Right in the initial post.
but you do not have to choose all of the same feats and skill ranks as the “standard” member of that race
Monkeygod |
I'm currently pondering 3 different ideas:
1) Some sort of 'ambassador of Hell', who would take advantage of the Abyssal War to wipe out as many on both sides as possible, and try to secure souls for Hell.
2) An undead. Unsure what type, and what the exact role would be, but I love me undead, and there's plenty of interesting types to make a unique character.
3) A celestial(not necessarily a good outsider) who is just out to destroy all the evil in the Abyss.
Leaning towards the first idea atm, but they all have their merits.
Could use some feedback/opinions on the above ideas from both the GM and other potential players.
Ouachitonian |
Ok, I'm done. Here's Peace Through Vigilance. The background is a little bit haphazard, as I was more or less trying to fill in around what we know in canon. But I went for no class levels: Advanced Celestial Juvenile Gold Dragon, Dual Pathed Champion/Archmage 6 (mostly Champion). He's very good in a melee. Think of him as a guided missile: activate Smite Evil, use Fleet Warrior to pseudo-pounce up to 200 feet directly to the target, then hit with 7 natural attacks (all ignoring DR due to smite). Oh, and his ABP weapon enhancement went to adding +1 Holy to an Evil Outsider Bane Amulet of Mighty Fists. He's not much of a caster, having only CL 3 as a Juvenile dragon, (though he does pile on a bunch of SLAs from various sources: Bless and Detect Evil at will, and Detect Gems 3/day from Juvenile Gold Dragon, various ones from items, and Divine Source x2 granting 1/day SLAs from the Law, Good, and Glory domains and Archon and Heroism Subdomains up to 6th level). Oh, and an 8d10 Breath Weapon every 1d4 rounds (That's (Su), he can do it in an antimagic field!).
Expect him to use Change Shape for scouting as necessary, or also just to walk around pretending to be a human. It's more fun when nobody knows you're a dragon. He also has a whole ton of skill points (168 to be exact), including all the knowledges, UMD, Spellcraft, etc. His best is Intimidate at +37 (and Cornugon Smash).
Also, expect him to be a bit whimsical and talkative. Probably the most happy-go-lucky in the party. He's only 50, after all, just on the cusp of young adulthood. So he can be a bit immature (though I'm fine with toning that down if need be). [Fart noise]
Ouachitonian |
I'm currently pondering 3 different ideas:
1) Some sort of 'ambassador of Hell', who would take advantage of the Abyssal War to wipe out as many on both sides as possible, and try to secure souls for Hell.
2) An undead. Unsure what type, and what the exact role would be, but I love me undead, and there's plenty of interesting types to make a unique character.
3) A celestial(not necessarily a good outsider) who is just out to destroy all the evil in the Abyss.
Leaning towards the first idea atm, but they all have their merits.
Could use some feedback/opinions on the above ideas from both the GM and other potential players.
Are there a lot of celestials that aren't good outsiders? Aside from templated creatures like my celestial gold dragon, I mean. PTV wouldn't mind a fellow celestial in the party, but you do you. The first one does sound fun. I momentarily considered a lich (or even a demilich). Undead are attractive, in some ways. But all in all, you do you, pretty much.