Brolof |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |
The Outer Planes tremble. Literally. Random earthquakes that should be impossible have happened in multiple planes. The reason for this is as horrifying as one might imagine. The Abyss is in chaos, hordes of quipploth rising up from the deepest depths. A repeat war of when the Demons first appeared, except this time no one is sure the Demons will win. The tide’s seemingly never-ending, and the quipploth have even been appearing on Golarion in increasing numbers around the Pit of Gorumz. Something must be done, lest the Quipploth potentially win and spill out across the Outer Planes. Or worse, spill onto Golarion en-mass and free the one who must remain bound.
No regular mortal would have even a hope of succeeding. What is needed, are heroes of myth.
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As exactly stated, I want high-powered PCs. Minor demigods, saints, divine scions, heroes of myth, monsters known across a continent. The kind of characters that can they can really trust to be able to handle most of the threats that inhabit the depths of the Abyss.
Your characters start at effective character level 14. You can replace character levels for CR of a monster on a 1-for-1 basis (for example, you could play a CR 5 troll with 9 class levels on top). In the context of the world, this means that your characters are legendary and famous, with great achievements already behind them. In terms of scale, they are likely the best on a continent at their chosen specialty and are famous or infamous in a number of communities. However, many people still surpass them (especially in planar communities) and their fame is hardly universal yet. In planar communities, at CR 17, they are above most rabble - they near the power of an empyrean or a balor.
25 point buy.
2 Traits.
Maximum Hit Points.
Start off with 100,000 Gold Pieces to spend.
Your characters start with six tiers of any path of your choice. As per mythic nerfs below, you will only get three +1s to ability scores from tiers, not three +2s.
You only get +1 to stat bonuses as part of advancing in mythic tiers, not +2.
You cannot get permanent bonuses to your stats through wishes in this campaign.
The amazing initiative basic mythic ability is replaced with a bonus to initiative checks equal to one-half of your mythic tier. In addition, as a free action when rolling initiative you may expend one use of mythic power to add your surge die to your initiative roll.
The agile monster template, when applied to PC companions and summons, no longer gives the dual initiative ability. Instead, it gives haste.
The following abilities: champion’s strike, guardian’s call, marshal’s order, and trickster attack abilities are no longer usable as swift actions. Instead, they are standard actions when sued at the cost of 1 mythic power, move actions at the cost of 2 mythic power, and swift actions at the cost of 3 mythic power.
You cannot, for any reason, gain additional attacks at their highest attack bonus from more than one source, no matter how many such abilities are in effect. (Example: haste, champion’s strike abilities, etc.)
If you enter the space of a mythic creature with the Titan’s Bane ability, it is considered flat-footed only against the first attack you make against it.
Player characters (and their allies) can use only one ability that requires the expenditure of mythic power per round. This may be a mythic feat, mythic spell, mythic path ability, a power used by a legendary item, or anything else; if it involves expending mythic power, a character can use only one per round.
Characters can use abilities that require spending more than one use of mythic power. Legendary power is considered separate from mythic power.
You are likewise limited to the use of only one ability that requires the expenditure of legendary power per round.
Mythic surges may be spent after a d20 has been rolled, but not after the result of the roll has been revealed.
Mythic power is regained at a rate of 1 use per day. It is refilled to full after completing a mythic trial. This rate of mythic power regeneration cannot be changed in any way through abilities or spells. The GM may allow the heroes to regenerate additional uses of mythic power as a reward for epic feats or good roleplay. At 2nd tier, 6th tier, and 10th tier, the regeneration of mythic power increases by 1.
The foe-biting legendary item ability has been banned. It is replaced with the ability to expend one use of the item’s legendary power after striking an opponent with the weapon to add the bane property against that specific creature (regardless of its type and subtype) for 1 minute. If the item is already a bane weapon against that creature’s type (and subtype, if applicable), using the foe-biting property increases the effect of bane to a +3 enhancement bonus and +3d6 damage, or to +4 and +4d6 if the wielder is a mythic character and expends one use of mythic power as a swift action when expending the item’s legendary power to increase its bane effect.
The Mythic Power Attack feat is now identical to the Mythic Deadly Aim feat, except it applies to melee damage rolls, not ranged.
Mythic Vital Strike is banned.
Instead of granting a flat +20 bonus on the relevant ability check or related skill check, the universal path abilities Display of
Strength/Dexterity/Constitution/Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma grant a bonus equal to three times your mythic tier.
Using the Recuperation mythic ability costs one-half of each character’s remaining daily uses of mythic power (minimum 2).
You need to spend 2 uses of mythic power to use the unstoppable mythic ability to remove a debuff caused by a mythic effect, not 1.
Any ability that allows you to ignore immunity or resistance allows you to ignore up to 5 points of resistance or immunity, plus 5 points per 2 mythic ranks or tiers you possess.
Any ability that allows you to ignore or bypass damage reduction instead allows you to ignore 5 points of damage reduction, plus 1 point of damage reduction per mythic rank or tier you possess. This applies to mythic abilities like the fleet charge champion path feature as well as non-mythic effects like a paladin’s smite evil.
When a critical hit is confirmed against a mythic creature with damage reduction and the attack does not ignore damage reduction, the creature has a percentage chance equal to twice its damage reduction to negate the critical hit and treat the hit as a normal hit. If the creature also has the fortification universal monster ability or a similar ability to negate critical hits, add these two percentage chances together and make a single roll.
An effect that allows you to ignore spell resistance (when it would normally apply) allows you add your mythic tier on caster level checks to ignore spell resistance. You apply an additional +2 circumstance bonus if the target is a non-mythic creature or if you are casting a mythic spell; these circumstance bonuses stack.
Harmful conditions that occur even on a successful save are halved in duration (minimum 0 rounds) if the mythic rank or tier of an affected creature equals or exceeds that of the creature that created the effect. They are also halved (minimum 0 rounds) for a non-mythic creature whose CR equals or exceeds the caster level (or Hit Dice, for supernatural effects) of the creature that created the effect. This does not apply to effects with an instantaneous or permanent duration.
Wild Arcana, Inspired Spell, Arcane Surge, and Recalled Blessing can only be used on spells with a casting time of 1 standard action or less. Using these abilities requires expending one use of mythic power, plus one additional use for every 2 levels of the spell.
For Arcane Surge and Recalled Blessing, you may expend an additional 2 uses of mythic power to cast a spell as a swift action.
Mythic enemies may expend mythic surges as a swift action to add a bonus to its AC equal to the result of its surge die. If the enemy has DR or hardness, the surge die is also added to DR or hardness. If the enemy has energy resistance, it adds twice the result of its surge die to each type of energy resistance it possesses. This bonus lasts until the beginning of the enemy’s next turn; if it expends two uses of mythic power, it lasts for a number of rounds equal to one- half its mythic rank or tier (minimum 1 round).
When the actions taken by an enemy during its turn would reduce a mythic opponent below 0 hit points, it can expend one or more uses of mythic power to survive with 10% of its current hit points (before that enemy began its turn) for each use of mythic power spent. All damage dealt as part of a full attack action is considered a single effect for this purpose.
In order to play a “monster” PC, you must give up some of your class levels - you give up a number of class levels equal to the CR of the monster you are, and you gain a number of racial hit dice equal to that same number of levels (even if the monster you are a PC of possesses fewer or more HD than the number of levels you gain, you always have the same number of HD as a character of your level would). You also gain all of the abilities given by that monster type, but you do not have to choose all of the same feats and skill ranks as the “standard” member of that race. Instead, you gain the same number of feat slots as a normal character of your level, and skill ranks/class skills according to the type of creature you are playing for every racial hit dice you possess. Treat it very similarly to multiclassing, except in order to play one of these creatures you must possess a certain minimum number of levels.
When you are a monster, you do not have standard ability score generation. Instead, you take the ability scores of the monster you wish to be. Choose two scores - those scores gain a +4 bonus. Choose two more scores - those gain a +2 bonus. Choose a fifth score - that score takes a -4 penalty. These are your base scores at level 1, and will further be modified by level, tier, and ABP.
Alternate Rules:
From Unchained, we will be using Deadly Poisons and Diseases, Background Skills, and Automatic Bonus Progression. Automatic Bonus Progression has two adjustments. The first is that the enhancement bonus you gain to ability scores can stack with enhancement bonuses to ability scores granted by class features and spells up to a maximum of +8 total. The second is that you do not have to pay twice for special abilities on purchased weapons. Your attunement enhancement bonus automatically stacks with the qualities that you purchase for your weapon. Fighters get Combat Stamina as a bonus feat.
We use some feat tax elimination. Power Attack, Deadly Aim, and Combat Expertise are free options for everybody. The improved maneuver feats have been consolidated into a single feat, Skillful Maneuvers. When you take Skillful Maneuvers, you can choose three combat maneuvers, and you gain the benefits of the Improved maneuver feat for all three. However, the Greater maneuver feats are still separate. Point-Blank Shot is no longer a prerequisite for Precise Shot. Deflect Arrows can be taken by a character who has Shield Focus.
Jereru |
A question regarding Monstrous characters, to check if I got it right:
Let's say I want to play an Ogre. My basic stats would be
STR 21
CON 15
WIS 10
Then on top of that I would add two +4, two +2 and a -4, instead of using the 25 point buy. Am I right?
Also, how would I - if allowed - apply a template?
Thank you.
Brolof |
A question regarding Monstrous characters, to check if I got it right:
Let's say I want to play an Ogre. My basic stats would be
STR 21
CON 15
WIS 10
CHA 7Then on top of that I would add two +4, two +2 and a -4, instead of using the 25 point buy. Am I right?
Also, how would I - if allowed - apply a template?
Thank you.
Yes, that's what you would use. Templates would follow the same rules as monsters, if it increases a monster's CR by 1, it costs 1 level. CR by 2, two levels, so on and so forth.
SmooshieBanana |
If we wanted to add a Gestalt, or Tristalt, how would that equate? Is that a possibility?
Mightypion |
Rough concept:
"Midnights Blade"
--Nocticulas favorite (Incubus or Succubus) troubleshooter for dealing with things that are hard to seduce or assasinate (like Qlippoths for the most part), direct vasall of her but not running any midnight isle.
--Probably a Cambion template with Bloodrager on top, so, ok face, pretty good martial, self buffs, not all that much utility otherwise.
--Not yet profane ascended.
--About as moral as your average shadow runner, not innately bound by his nature to backstab all the things.
--Nocticula (presumably) disapproves of Qlippoths, and having one of her vasalls part of the group makes the groups successes hers, at least to an extent.
--Narratively, we probably want an at least semi friendly demon lord in the Abyss.
Mightypion |
Given possible shenangians with gaining growth points as a Nabasu from feeding it kills, I would assume that Nabasu (CR8) are probably too much of a pain to handle?
Although there may be plenty of enemies that cant be ghoulified for growth points.
Just looking at <10 CR demon options atm from a perspective of what will probably be a major pain to GM.
SmooshieBanana |
Thank you for the swift answers! Are you including adjustments for creation feats? I was thinking of taking 1 in addition to the one for my potential class I'm building.
Edward Sobel |
Edward Sobel wrote:Question here, are the pc's supposed to be good guys fighting the demons or the pc's are demons?I THINK the idea is it doesn't matter much. Even the Demons hate Qlippoths.
Unless I decide to make a paladin. Then that may matter.
I would rather consider a character that has a chance in the selection if it meshes well with other applicants.
If everyone makes demons then my paladin would be pointless to apply with.
Storm Dragon |
Storm Dragon wrote:Edward Sobel wrote:Question here, are the pc's supposed to be good guys fighting the demons or the pc's are demons?I THINK the idea is it doesn't matter much. Even the Demons hate Qlippoths.Unless I decide to make a paladin. Then that may matter.
I would rather consider a character that has a chance in the selection if it meshes well with other applicants.
If everyone makes demons then my paladin would be pointless to apply with.
Even Paladins may work with evil creatures for the purpose of stopping a greater evil; it's in the Code.
Mightypion |
Heh, I was actually unaware that even a relatively lowly Incbus has a 101 point buy, technically speaking.
According to the rules posted, a sample Incubus (CR6 + for Eldrich scion) would be:
STR 24 (+4)
Dex 17 (+2)
Con 20 (+2)
Int 12 (-4)
Wis 15 (+-0)
Cha 25 (+4)
And have 8 levels of eldritch scion on top of that as well as 6 mythic tiers.
Do we get ability increases from normal hero levels? If yes, including equipment, a Succubus player character can be as attractive as Nocticula as soon as she reaches level 8 in her class (so after one additional level is gained). CHA 27 base, CHA 31 from the +4 boost, CHA 37 from a +6 CHA circlet, 38 from a mythic ability score increase (iirc these cant be all put on the same stat), +2 ability increases from normal leveling, bingo 40 CHA.
Damn this will be wild.
Mightypion |
Concerning Paladins,
Qlippoths often (iirc with the exclusion of Mazmezz) have the cunning plan of beating the Demons by killing all mortals, and thus depriving the Demons of Larvae that would support their economy and essentially provide for their reinforcements.
A reasonable case can be made that a Paladin may cooperate with a Demon against such threats, although the Demon will generally speaking try to convert the Paladin as well.
Demon also vary considerably in their degree of "reasonableness" and demon lords arguably even more so.
Crisischild |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Alright, I wanna run this by @Brolof before I get too deep into building it. I have picked, for my "class", an Old Brass Dragon, which is exactly CR14. Old Brass Dragons have 18HD, I have reduced the HD to 14, accounting for the HP, BAB and Save changes that go with it. I've got the stats adjusted to take in to account ABP, but I haven't added the Mythic stuff/feats/skills/gear yet because I wanted to get approval from Brolaf to move ahead with this before I opened that whole can of worms. Cuz dragons are pretty strong.
Old brass dragon
CG Huge dragon (fire)
Init +5; Senses dragon senses; Perception +
Aura fire (5 ft, 1d6 fire), frightful presence (240 ft., DC 25)
AC 39, touch 13, flat-footed 39 (+2 deflection, +3 enhancement, +26 natural, -2 size)
hp 280 (14d12+112)
Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +16
DR 10/magic; Immune fire, paralysis, sleep; SR 25
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed 60 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor)
Melee bite +25 (2d8+19), 2 claws +27 (2d6+13), tail slap +23 (2d6+19), 2 wings +23 (1d8+6)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks breath weapon (100-ft line, 16d4 fire, Reflex DC 25 half), crush (Small creatures, DC 25, 2d8+19), desert wind, sleep breath (50-ft. cone, 1d6+8 rds, DC 25)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; concentration +23)
. . Constant—move earth (sand only)
. . At will—control winds (DC 23), endure elements, speak with animals, suggestion (DC 21)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 11th; concentration +20)
. . 5th (5/day)—telekinesis (DC 23), wall of force
. . 4th (8/day)—black tentacles, communal protection from energy[UC], telekinetic charge[UC]
. . 3rd (8/day)—battering blast (DC 21), haste, lightning bolt (DC 21), slow (DC 21)
. . 2nd (8/day)—alter self, create pit[APG] (DC 20), glitterdust (DC 20), invisibility, resist energy
. . 1st (8/day)—alarm, burning sands, celestial healing, liberating command[UC], mage armor
. . 0 (at will)—breeze[UM], dancing lights, detect fiendish presence, detect magic, mage hand, mending, penumbra[UM], prestidigitation, read magic
Str 37, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 20, Wis 17, Cha 26
Base Atk +14; CMB +29; CMD 41 (45 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Power Attack
Traits arcane temper, friend in every town
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling
Other Gear 100,000 gp
Special Abilities
Blindsense (60 feet) (Ex) Sense things and creatures without seeing them.
Breath Weapon (100-ft line, 16d4 fire, Reflex DC 25 half, usable every 1d4 rounds) As a standard action, affect an area with elemental damage (Ref half).
Burrow (30 feet) You have a Burrow speed.
Combat Expertise +/-4 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Crush (Small creatures, 2d8+19, DC 25) A flying or jumping Huge or larger dragon can land on foes as a standard action, using its whole body to crush them. Crush attacks are effective only against opponents three or more size categories smaller than the dragon. A crush attack affects as m
Damage Reduction (10/magic) You have Damage Reduction against all except Magic attacks.
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -4/+8 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Desert Wind (DC 25) (Su) Gust of wind but also blinds foe for 1d4 rds (Fort neg).
Dragon Senses (Ex) See four times as well as a human in dim light and twice as well in normal light.
Fire Aura (5 ft, 1d6 fire) (Su) Creatures in aura at the start of the dragons turn take fire damage
Fly (200 feet, Poor) You can fly!
Flyby Attack You can take a standard action during your move action while flying.
Frightful Presence (240 ft., 5d6 rounds, DC 25) Those in area of effect become frightened or shaken (Will neg.)
Hover Can hover in place without Fly checks, and kick up dust cloud if within 20 ft of ground.
Immunity to Fire You are immune to fire damage.
Immunity to Paralysis You are immune to paralysis.
Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Power Attack -4/+8 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Sleep Breath (50-ft. cone, 1d6+8 rds, DC 25) (Su) As a standard action, creatures in area fall asleep (Will neg).
Spell Resistance (25) You have Spell Resistance.
Vulnerability to Cold You are vulnerable (+50% damage) to Cold damage.
bigrig107 |
Ah, here it is. Been waiting on this recruitment to pop up!
Looking at a Daughter of Urgathoa (CR 8) Cleric 6. They have 6th level cleric casting already, so I’ll end up with 12 levels of cleric casting as well as the Daughter abilities, but I’m looking around at other undead creatures as well to see if there’s a better fit. The Daughter doesn’t really provide a whole lot of unique defensive/offensive abilities, so I might try to find something more interesting.
Definitely 100% going evil undead, I’ve wanted to play one forever.
Monkeygod |
*Awesome* of you to take this up Brolof!
I will have to seriously consider my concept.
However, I'm working New York Comic Con this weekend, and won't really be able to put any real effort into this until next week.
Also, I'm not sure if all of your mythic nerfs include them, but I would consider looking over the Mythic Solutions from Legendary Games.
As much as I would normally love 3pp there's plenty in PF with including monster PCs, though if we can make use of relevant 3pp mythic options, that would add a ton more specifically for mythic play.
If necessary, I can provide mythic versions of many spells, feats, monsters, etc.
Grumbaki |
Going to be making a vampire assassin…this sounds like a lot of fun! I actually have a PC who died in a TPK to what I think was a powerful demon. Got torn apart, his soul bound to his skin which was in torn worn like clothing. Going to bring him back to life for this. Give him one more chance to die horribly trying to fight things over his weight class.
Almonihah |
Actually what about mythic templates? Are those on the table? And if so how do you deal with the mythic rank part of them?
Lokhir the Reborn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Nearly done with crunch. Old PC died. He is now reborn. Stitched together with the forms of other fallen adventures, this former occultist is now a psychic vampire implacable stalker.
Classes are: Shifter (2) Scaled Fist Monk (1) Thug Rogue (1) Brawler Fighter (6) with Champion Mythic Path. Has a total of 5 primary natural attacks. If any attack hits then it causes 1d4 stat damage to highest mental stat.
Will have story up soon. But basically this is an undead monstrosity used as an assassin in the abyss. Still piecing together the full list of immunities and defenses. But it’s a creature that is hard to stop, and if his target is afraid then he can teleport to it.
Glad to tone things down should he be outside of what you are expecting. But for a template/mythic game, I figured that I'd do what I planned and let the GM tell me if it is within expectations.
Kazmanaught |
Sorry to be such a pain, but what's the level adjustment on awakened animals?
I see there is both an awakened leopard and an unawkaekend one in the bestiary with a CR difference of two; maybe I'll just grab a template or two to help solve that issue instead?
Final question, we're rounding up for CR right? If I chose a CR 1/2 creature, it still rounds up to 1, right?
Brolof |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I went to bed and came back to a lot of attention… Oh boy, okay, from the top!
- Oh, I’ll be using the whole “Noticula, Redeemer Queen” bit for her. This would still result in a friendly ally in the Abyss with Shamira, but yeah.
- Yes you can play something huge-sized, though I recommend having a way to shrink down. Sometimes you gotta squeeze through something, you know? But yes, playing a dragon’s totally reasonable for this.
- I’ll consider third-party content on a base-by-base basis, but honestly, I’d rather not have it. Approving characters is gonna be difficult enough as is without adding third-party content on top of it.
- Nabasu would be off the table, basically anything with its own separate ability to scale through an ability.
- The PCs can be from any walk of life. Servants of Demon Lords, holy paladins, neutral mercenaries, just a literally aeon. I’ll pick a party that can work together.
- Sure, I’ll include the adjustments.
- I recommend looking at Grandfather Somnus as a good example.
- Trumpet Archon is totally reasonable.
- As is a Daughter of Urgathoa.
- I’ll consider the Legendary Games Mythic Options on a case by case basis.
- Vampire Assassin, another thing that works.
- I’m gonna say no to the Class Templates, simply for the fact it makes an absolute mess. I’ll let you swap out the Gynosphinxs natural SLA’s in exchange for 8th level Wizard Spells. Also, let’s not get into the absolute mess that is the Mythic Templates.
- If you make a monstrous character, you use the rules listed for Monstrous Characters, You don’t get normal ability point buy, you get the listed bonuses and deficit.
- Busted punchy boi, sounds fun.
- Awakened Animals get a CR increase of +1, so effectively a 1 level change.
- Yes you could take Leadership, but be warned, I wouldn’t recommend taking any followers into the Abyss. I’ll also allow the treating of the great claw attacks as scythe attacks for the Daughter of Urgathoa, considering it’s basically a giant scythe in every other regard.
Almonihah |
- I’m gonna say no to the Class Templates, simply for the fact it makes an absolute mess. I’ll let you swap out the Gynosphinxs natural SLA’s in exchange for 8th level Wizard Spells. Also, let’s not get into the absolute mess that is the Mythic Templates.
Ah, that will work well! I will work on putting together my build immediately!
bigrig107 |
Yeah, she’d probably leave the followers in her realm inside of Urgathoa’s, taking favored ones with her whenever she travels planes.
I’m not sure what I’ll make her cohort, likely some undead minion.
Thanks for allowing the scythe thing, that lets me take a whole lot of other cool Urgathoa specific feats and stuff.
Jereru |
So I'm assuming we can take a monstrous race AND a template. I want to be some kind of celestial with a mighty solar bow, kind of angel forced to work with demons and whatever for a greater good. I might take two Paladin levels, but that doesn't mean the character has a stick up his arse. We're all in the same boat here, at least for now.
I might add Warpriest or Ranger levels, and even Magus levels, becoming quite MAD, but this is the proper game to do that, I guess. If not here, where else?
Brolof |
So I'm assuming we can take a monstrous race AND a template. I want to be some kind of celestial with a mighty solar bow, kind of angel forced to work with demons and whatever for a greater good. I might take two Paladin levels, but that doesn't mean the character has a stick up his arse. We're all in the same boat here, at least for now.
I might add Warpriest or Ranger levels, and even Magus levels, becoming quite MAD, but this is the proper game to do that, I guess. If not here, where else?
Yep, you can have both a monstrous character and a template ontop of it.
Kazmanaught |
Current Concepts:
Awakened Gigatasaurous/other dinosaur. Mountable. Depending on the dinosaur variety, possible class levels include working towards dragon disciple, but also maybe not. Willing mount to anyone who wants it.
Awakened very small creature. Either as a wizard of some sort, which would be funny to have the master of the arcane arts be a lobster, or as a fighter of some sort with mythic weapon finesse to do damage. Monk or warpriest would be fun options.
Ghosts. I like incorporeal undead, and I could see making a fun build out of one. Ghost dinosaur wizard is a list of words that I think are fun.
What's the vibe that we're going for here? More serious? I can do more serious concepts than the crustacean caster, or vital striking dinosaurs.