Coriat |
Dragons are great. I hope the party winds up with at least one.
(Especially if I'm in it. Who doesn't want to make friends with a dragon?)
Also, even if the party ends up more Good than not, I hope we end up with at least one nongood or evil teammate (though hopefully one who is actually committed to teamwork). Keeps things interesting, especially if they have a well fleshed out philosophy. I've always thought that a little alignment tension (not to the point of breaking up the party or derailing the adventure ofc) really helps the characters involved define themselves.
Monkeygod |
GM, out of sheer curiosity, could I take the Jotunblood template, for a cyclops?
If so, I think I might go with a half-fiend, jotunblood cyclops which would be CR 11, and leave me with 3 class levels.
Liliyashanina |
Well, I for one would probably have "prevent the party of mostly mortal but all mythic murder hobos from killing things that should not be killed, like non Qlippoth demon lords, especially if red headed and generally charming" as a sidequest.
My recent elevation to the nobility of the Midnight Isles high society isnt worth much if Qlippoths eat the Abyss, I also like living, am fairly fond of mortals and am presumably under direct orders from Lady Shamira to remove tentacles with extreme prejudice.
As such, I should be the most cooperative Succubus without a redemption arc that is semi plausible. Technically, I am beyond morality anyway.
Concerning my proclivity to speak while shooting, well, subject to GM approval I could trashtalk the enemy/inform the enemies of their many objective shortcomings telepathically instead :).
The ambassador from hell sounds pretty cool, then we would have one charming lady trying to woo the intrepid heroes to the Abyss, and one presumably also charming devil to guide them to hell. Add a Saerenraen and we have a 3 way alignment tug of war.
And no, I am totally not aiming at seducing Hells Ambassador to the Abyss, because such a feat would absolutely not massively elevate me in status.
All claims to that effect are just utterly baseless inferno-reactionary propaganda!!!
Or alternatively irrelevant bickering from dear Auntie Vellexia, who for some reason thinks that I stole her portrait or something...
SmooshieBanana |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sorry if I've missed anyone or anything, I'm not trying to slight anyone. This was a list based solely on whether there was a backstory/crunch and more a link list for the GM to quickly go to these sheets.
Submitted Character List
Almonihah - Rahlmaat - Gynosphinx - Wizard (Spell Sage) 4 - Champion (Alias)
Coriat - Radamare - Ghaele Azata - Cleric of Milani 1 - Hierophant
Galahad0430 - Dar'Talenth - Munavri - Fighter (Aldori Defender) 8/ Unchained Monk (Master of Many Styles) 1 - Champion
Grumbaki - Lokhir the Reborn - Psychic Vampire Implacable Stalker - Unchained Scaled Fist Monk of the Mantis 1/Skirmisher Fighter 9 - Champion
Hayato Ken - Bizan Ashura - Half-Celestial Qlippoth Spawn Tiefling - Unchained Monk (Invested Regent/Zen Archer) 12 - Champion
Mightypion - Liliyashanina - Succubus - Gunslinger 7 - Trickster
Ouachitonian - Peace Through Vigilance - Advanced Juvenile Gold Dragon - Archmage/Champion
SmooshieBanana - Britta Haran - Advanced Enlightened Construct Android - Wizard 12 - Dual Path Archmage/Trickster
The Sorting Hat - Draco Victores - human orc - Primalist Bloodrager Antipaladin - Archmage
Showed Interest/Partially Completed
Aaron Sarris - paladin
Monkeygod - ambassador of hell, undead, or celestial
Edward Sobel - paladin
Crisischild - Grandfather Somnus - Brass Dragon -
Bigrig107 - daughter of urgathoa cleric
Gryfalcon - animated wagon tsukumogami investigator
Grinningjest3r - gunslinger/palestranger
Xyndar Illambra - Drow noble, half gold dragon, magus, vampire
Kazmanaught - dinosaur, awakened creature, ghosts
Storm Dragon - Abe no Toshiro- aasimar - shapeshifting arcanist
Jereru - human master performer/grand master performer
Trawets71 - paladin
SmooshieBanana |
So two undead... Immune to positive energy, immune to morale bonuses and immune to mind-affecting effects - such as Inspire Courage, Heroism, Good Hope, etc.
Before some of you jump with "but Inspire Courage is NOT a morale bonus", I know, it isn't - but it is mind-affecting.
I hope at least the rest of you would like to have me around :p
Ahh, forgive my ignorance. I didn't realize until now you were making a bard. I hadn't read your post stating as much, so I thought your concern was more the healing and mind-affecting abilities of the undead more accurately, not because you were going to try to inspire us and fail. Perhaps if the whole party is immune, you could be an inspiratory bard dishing out inspire bonuses, or a clerical bard dishing out sacred bonuses?
Jereru |
Sorry if I've missed anyone or anything, I'm not trying to slight anyone.
Don't worry, I didn't feel hurt or anything, it was just the right moment to point out I was gonna apply with a TN character - something out of my comfort zone.
Perhaps if the whole party is immune
Also no problems with this, or everyone being difficult to heal. I just wanted to know in advance so as to not spent precious feat slots on useless things. Bards have many archetypes which grant many different substitutes for Inspire Courage and that are cool to play. Dirge Bard and Dwarven Scholar are on my 'B plan' list.
Liliyashanina |
I suspect whatever party we end up with, we'll need to make some build adjustments after the final picks to make sure we mesh well (and aren't all over the map in terms of power level).
Definitly. We certainly have enough tools to cover all bases.
I honestly have no real idea of my "powerlevel".
I have no real concept of what a peak munchkin could come up with given these rules. It is probably much more powerful then a Succubus sniper.
One could probably query a monster database, and then rank them by "feats per CR" and "point buy by CR" pick whatever is stronkest, Slap primalist on it and max munchkin from there.
Aaron Sarris |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Aaron Sarris wrote:This definitely sounds interesting! I should be able to get up a submission before next saturday. I'll probably make a divine character of some sorts, probably a paladin.
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IC reply attempt:
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Thanks for the IC response :) Wish I could respond in-character at length but still working on completing the submission first.
I was a bit in dubio on which character concept to go for as I had two for nearly the same mechanical idea, but the short of it is that I'll probably go with a female paladin of Faylana, who elected to stay behind in the Midnight Fane somewhere during the events of WOTR. Ever since, she's become a gladiator of sorts in the arena of Alushinyrra. Both because it appeals to her warrior nature and that of her goddess, but also as a pseudo-deterrent, to keep showing the demons that the normal mortals can fight back in force, and that opening the rift to invade Golarion again is a very, very bad idea. That it allows her to keep killing demons while honing her skills is a nice bonus, for that time she might eventually leave to return home.
(Yes, I admit I've been playing too much metroid dread and just had to make a female badass warrior of sorts vaguely inspired by that much awesomeness!)
Oh, and since it looks like the apocalypse is happening in the story by Qlippoth invasion, I don't think she'll make any fuss about teaming up with evil characters or the like. Save the planes first and all :)
Belltrap |
Seriously considering a shabti horizon walker with a favored terrain/terrain mastery/terrain dominance of the Abyss who's been fighting to survive the Abyss as long as he can remember.
A question: How does the "You cannot, for any reason, gain additional attacks at their highest attack bonus from more than one source, no matter how many such abilities are in effect. (Example: haste, champion’s strike abilities, etc.)" interact with, say, the Zen Archery Monk's flurry ability and their ki pool ability to add an additional attack by spending a ki point? Does haste still stack with two-weapon fighting? Does haste still stack with rapid shot?
A 3pp request: Spell-less Ranger from Kobold Press.
Brolof |
Seriously considering a shabti horizon walker with a favored terrain/terrain mastery/terrain dominance of the Abyss who's been fighting to survive the Abyss as long as he can remember.
A question: How does the "You cannot, for any reason, gain additional attacks at their highest attack bonus from more than one source, no matter how many such abilities are in effect. (Example: haste, champion’s strike abilities, etc.)" interact with, say, the Zen Archery Monk's flurry ability and their ki pool ability to add an additional attack by spending a ki point? Does haste still stack with two-weapon fighting? Does haste still stack with rapid shot?
A 3pp request: Spell-less Ranger from Kobold Press.
Flurry gives a penalty, as does Rapid Shot and Two-Weapon Fighting. Those stack with each other. Spending a ki pool ability and then also using haste wouldn't stack. I'll rule feats such as Manyshot don't count as "abilities", so Manyshot and Haste would stack. Also, that ranger looks perfectly fine, basically just an archetype of Ranger.
Liliyashanina |
I think I am done.
Pretty sure I forgot some numbers somewhere.
Also, yikes the formatting. Will put the crunch into a Google Doc somewhere, it is very hard to audit due to the way it comes out here.
Would prefer to do full audit once I know if I am selected :).
Items loadout, Skills, spell selection on the rifle, one feat choice, one background trait choice and one trickster path choice are open to revision, based on party needs, but this version should be close to the final.
Belltrap |
If I form a Hunter's Bond with companions, per below
The first is a bond to his companions. This bond allows him to spend a move action to grant half his favored enemy bonus against a single target of the appropriate type to all allies within 30 feet who can see or hear him. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the ranger's Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This bonus does not stack with any favored enemy bonuses possessed by his allies; they use whichever bonus is higher.
can I apply half my effective favored enemy bonus from terrain dominance, per below
When dealing with creatures native to that terrain, the horizon walker treats his favored terrain bonus for that terrain as a favored enemy bonus (as the ranger class feature) against those creatures.This bonus overlaps (does not stack with) bonuses gained when fighting a favored enemy.
to my allies?
Rahlmaat |
I *think* I'm pretty much done with Rahlmaat here, other than traits, equipment, and spells. Equipment and spells are closely related because a significant chunk of her cash is going to go towards expanding her starting spells--she's a seeker after mysteries, a solver of riddles, and the secrets of arcana are one of her favorite types. She's also had many centuries to seek out more spells. Not to mention she's been the guardian of an ancient temple of Nethys full of arcane secrets for a long time.
If anything, I'm a little nervous she's going to feel just like a 12th-level wizard that happens to inhabit the body of a 25-foot-long winged cat. I'll have to play up her age and her odd sphinx focus on viewing things as riddles so she feels more like something non-human.
In terms of build... she's going to play a lot like a 12th-level wizard. While she's huge in her natural form and has fairly nasty claws, pouncing on things is usually going to be less effective than her magic. She's also incredibly brilliant and has nearly every knowledge skill, along with a few other skills. But mostly, she's a spellcaster.
trawets71 |
Here is my submission Daniel Beatty for this. I hope I have got him built right. I still have one feat to pick.
Lokhir the Reborn |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Lokhir is done! Will give numbers a once over. But the core is here.
* Ignore 5 DR for outsiders, 10 DR for outsiders native to plane
* 6x primary natural attacks. +22 hit and 3d6+33 damage
* 1d4 mental ability drain damage with 1 hit
* First hit causes intimidate at +39. Any shaken enemies count as flat footed
* Fear Aura 60ft with enemies at -4 penalty (or lose fear immunity). Failure = shaken (and thus flat footed)
* Shatter Spells
- Not the best to-hit. But good chance of attacking FF. Pretty decent damage. Will get sneak attack soon.
* DR 5/- (10 if anyone in 60ft shaken)
* Fast Healing 10 (15 if anyone shaken)
* SR 33 (if anyone shaken)
* AC46, good saves, undead immunities
* Swift action 1d6 heal 11x/day
* Standard invisibility and undetectable (+25 stealth without invisibility)
Mobility and Senses
* 55ft movement, can swift action teleport to anyone shaken within 480ft
* Darkvision 60ft, Thought Sense 60ft, Fear Sense 120ft
* Small array of psychic spells. Main ones are mind thrust IV, spider climb and synaptic scramble
* No flight (common here…)
* Very little, if any ranged potential
* Does poorly against mindless enemies
And there we go. Formerly a psychic elf, now an undead monstrosity that feeds off of fear.
Alignment is very much Lawful Evil. He has a moral code, in that he holds to his contracts. He is a professional, afterall, and reputation matters. He is evil in that he feeds on fear and, by his very nature, revels in violence and causing suffering. But he is not chaotic evil, in that he does this because it is how he survives, and he has no interest in returning to the mortal plane because he doesn’t trust himself to not indulge in the buffet he would find.
Lokhir would be more than happy working with good aligned people. Even if they do tend to taste best.
Draco Victores |
My tentative power level is nowhere near some of these I'm seeing, I'll probably find a way to power her up a bit.
I honestly wouldn't sweat it much. If the numbers to what you wanna be good at doing are 2x your Character / Class level, you're good to go.
A skill monkey might not have my fort save, but if they don't tell me to stop doing piercing damage because it just makes them bigger and more dangerous and I won't win that way, my HP, rage, saves, and damage don't matter fer nuthin'. :P
Brolof |
If I form a Hunter's Bond with companions, per below
Ranger wrote:The first is a bond to his companions. This bond allows him to spend a move action to grant half his favored enemy bonus against a single target of the appropriate type to all allies within 30 feet who can see or hear him. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the ranger's Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This bonus does not stack with any favored enemy bonuses possessed by his allies; they use whichever bonus is higher.can I apply half my effective favored enemy bonus from terrain dominance, per below
Horizon Walker wrote:When dealing with creatures native to that terrain, the horizon walker treats his favored terrain bonus for that terrain as a favored enemy bonus (as the ranger class feature) against those creatures.This bonus overlaps (does not stack with) bonuses gained when fighting a favored my allies?
... Yes!
Liliyashanina |
Lokhir is done! Will give numbers a once over. But the core is here.
* Ignore 5 DR for outsiders, 10 DR for outsiders native to plane
* 6x primary natural attacks. +22 hit and 3d6+33 damage
* 1d4 mental ability drain damage with 1 hit
* First hit causes intimidate at +39. Any shaken enemies count as flat footed
* Fear Aura 60ft with enemies at -4 penalty (or lose fear immunity). Failure = shaken (and thus flat footed)
* Shatter Spells
- Not the best to-hit. But good chance of attacking FF. Pretty decent damage. Will get sneak attack soon.Defenses
* DR 5/- (10 if anyone in 60ft shaken)
* Fast Healing 10 (15 if anyone shaken)
* SR 33 (if anyone shaken)
* AC46, good saves, undead immunities
* Swift action 1d6 heal 11x/day
* Standard invisibility and undetectable (+25 stealth without invisibility)Mobility and Senses
* 55ft movement, can swift action teleport to anyone shaken within 480ft
* Darkvision 60ft, Thought Sense 60ft, Fear Sense 120ftSpells
* Small array of psychic spells. Main ones are mind thrust IV, spider climb and synaptic scrambleWeaknesses
* No flight (common here…)
* Very little, if any ranged potential
* Does poorly against mindless enemies———
And there we go. Formerly a psychic elf, now an undead monstrosity that feeds off of fear.
Alignment is very much Lawful Evil. He has a moral code, in that he holds to his contracts. He is a professional, afterall, and reputation matters. He is evil in that he feeds on fear and, by his very nature, revels in violence and causing suffering. But he is not chaotic evil, in that he does this because it is how he survives, and he has no interest in returning to the mortal plane because he doesn’t trust himself to not indulge in the buffet he would find.
Lokhir would be more than happy working with good aligned people. Even if they do tend to taste best.
Can you possibly teleport to a shaken partymember as a get out of jail card for either you or the partymember? If yes, may need to check if there are ways to inflict shaken on oneself :).
Abe no Toshiro |
Grumbaki |
Can you possibly teleport to a shaken partymember as a get out of jail card for either you or the partymember? If yes, may need to check if there are ways to inflict shaken on oneself :)
“ Right Behind You (Sp)
As a swift action, an implacable stalker can teleport to an unoccupied space, which must be adjacent to a creature the stalker is aware of that has the shaken, frightened, or panicked condition. The implacable stalker can travel a maximum distance of 480 feet with each use of this ability, and must wait 1d6 rounds between each use. Additionally, if the implacable stalker travels at least 40 feet, any shaken, frightened, or panicked creature it arrives adjacent to is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against the implacable stalker’s attacks until the beginning of the implacable stalker’s next turn”So yes…this could be a party member. It’s not something I had considered.
“ Fear Aura (Su)
Creatures that have at least 5 fewer Hit Dice than the implacable stalker must succeed at a Will save or become frightened for 1 minute if they come within 60 feet of it. Even if they succeed at their saves, they gain the shaken condition for as long as they remain within 60 feet of the implacable stalker, and for 1 round thereafter. All other creatures within this radius must succeed at a Will save or become shaken for as long as they remain within 60 feet of the implacable stalker, and for 1 round thereafter. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same implacable stalker’s aura until the creature has left the aura and reentered it. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. ”
And it doesn’t seem like the party is immune, though I’d assume that they’d get used to it. At least I’d hope so. :p
Also, I can’t seem to find the DC for the fear aura…
Jereru |
I was thinking on picking a book for Legendary Item - the legendary Opus Mastropieri. But books are not listed as possible Legendary Items, nor do they have a surge roll assigned.
Which roll do you guys think it should be assigned to (in case they're allowed at all)? Intelligence-, Wisdom- and Charisma-based skill cheks seems the more obvious, but I though I should ask in case someone (or the GM) comes with a different idea.
Also, it's being an ordaly to check which Mythic abilities, spells, feats, and other choices to pic. I don't know how you guys did it so fast.
Coriat |
I was thinking on picking a book for Legendary Item - the legendary Opus Mastropieri. But books are not listed as possible Legendary Items, nor do they have a surge roll assigned.
Which roll do you guys think it should be assigned to (in case they're allowed at all)? Intelligence-, Wisdom- and Charisma-based skill cheks seems the more obvious, but I though I should ask in case someone (or the GM) comes with a different idea.
This depends on the fluff of the book, but if its role is to be a source of power related to bardic spellcasting/magic, you could also consider using the bonus for staffs and rods, which fill a similar role as sources of spellcasting power. They also correspond in body slot (at least, I presume a magic book would also be held in the hands when used, rather than worn).
Also, it's being an ordaly to check which Mythic abilities, spells, feats, and other choices to pic. I don't know how you guys did it so fast.
For my part, I have used the system before (albeit a while ago, back during the mythic playtest).
Jereru |
It's the book where master musician Johann Sebastian Mastropiero wrote all his works and knowledge.
The core of the character is Knowledge skills. He's got 32 Int (and that's because I thought it was already overkill, I could have otherwise risen it up to 38 or so), 12 ranks in every Knowledge that's not a background skill, plus Bardic Knowledge. That should add up to +31, and the possibility of another +18 thanks to Display of Int.
But Knowledge skills don't kill, so I didn't mind putting some hot sauce on them. The rest of my mojo goes to buffing teammates and staying alive.
Coriat |
It's the book where master musician Johann Sebastian Mastropiero wrote all his works and knowledge.
The core of the character is Knowledge skills. He's got 32 Int (and that's because I thought it was already overkill, I could have otherwise risen it up to 38 or so), 12 ranks in every Knowledge that's not a background skill, plus Bardic Knowledge. That should add up to +31, and the possibility of another +18 thanks to Display of Int.
But Knowledge skills don't kill, so I didn't mind putting some hot sauce on them. The rest of my mojo goes to buffing teammates and staying alive.
The ability to surge a caster level check vs. SR may come in handy, especially if you plan on casting a lot of buff spells in combat. Depending on how many nonhumanoids wind up in the party, you may end up having to roll against friendly SR, as well as the more traditional task of getting hostile spells through enemy SR.
For example, I took Eldritch Breach for Radamare partly because if some demon or dragon or such in the party urgently needs that quickened heal spell to land to survive the round, I want to minimize the chance of fizzling against friendly SR.
That said, surging lore checks would likely come in handy too, and if you plan on mostly casting your buffs before combat rather than in combat, friendly SR won't be as big a deal since it can just be lowered. Same if the chosen party doesn't end up including many characters with SR.
Grumbaki |
It's the book where master musician Johann Sebastian Mastropiero wrote all his works and knowledge.
The core of the character is Knowledge skills. He's got 32 Int (and that's because I thought it was already overkill, I could have otherwise risen it up to 38 or so), 12 ranks in every Knowledge that's not a background skill, plus Bardic Knowledge. That should add up to +31, and the possibility of another +18 thanks to Display of Int.
But Knowledge skills don't kill, so I didn't mind putting some hot sauce on them. The rest of my mojo goes to buffing teammates and staying alive.
That just screams Kirin Strike.
Brolof |
I was thinking on picking a book for Legendary Item - the legendary Opus Mastropieri. But books are not listed as possible Legendary Items, nor do they have a surge roll assigned.
Which roll do you guys think it should be assigned to (in case they're allowed at all)? Intelligence-, Wisdom- and Charisma-based skill cheks seems the more obvious, but I though I should ask in case someone (or the GM) comes with a different idea.
Also, it's being an ordaly to check which Mythic abilities, spells, feats, and other choices to pic. I don't know how you guys did it so fast.
Int, Wis, and Cha based skill checks does seem the most fitting considering it's essentially just a "Here's all my notes" books of a famous guy. You can probably get boosts to combat through the other abilities on the item.
Liliyashanina |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Fear Aura under universal monster rules s/
Fear (Su or Sp)
Fear attacks can have various effects.
Fear Aura (Su) The use of this ability is a free action. The aura can freeze an opponent (as in the case of a mummy’s despair) or function like the fear spell. Other effects are possible. A fear aura is an area effect. The descriptive text gives the size and kind of the area.
Fear Cone (Sp) and Ray (Su) These effects usually work like the fear spell.
If a fear effect allows a saving throw, it is a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 fearsome creature’s racial HD + creature’s Cha modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature’s descriptive text). All fear attacks are mind-affecting fear effects.
Format: fear aura (30 ft., DC 17); Location: Aura.
Format: fear cone (50 ft., DC 19); Location: Special Attacks.
Under this your DC should be in the mid 20s, 10 base + 10 (from your 30 CHA) + "half your racial hit dice". I am not familar with the last formulation.
Liliyashanina |
For me, choosing mythic stuff was relatively easy.
First: I am picking what seems fun/thematic. Its mythic, power is kind of guaranteed, so it is arguably rude to the GM to optimize too hard.
1: Get out of Jail cards are good (which is probably 3 out of 6 for me).
One get out of jail card is teleport 30 feet away if hit, leaving a mirror image behind and ignoring damage from that hit, another one is escape artist roll against stuff like paralyzed, stunned/grappled as a free action, this one is without even using mythic power (and with an escape artist skill in the 30s).
My third get out of jail card is remove a mind affecting condition from an ally within 30 feet, at the cost of a move action. Not as good as I thought because my vital strike like shoot is actually a full action.
Even better, all of these 3 are thematically fitting.
Giving up a move action isnt great, since gunslinger damage drops quite considerably if I dont full round action, but I can use the standard to teleport to improved position, and undominating/unpanicking or in some cases unparalyzing or unstunning (if the condition was caused by something mind affecting) a party member is rarely a wasted turn.
2: I want a legendary sniper rifle that a) gives me utility and well, undetectable is gud.
3: Beyond morality, fits her roleplaying wise given that she can quite decently hint at repenting/redemption (for improved interparty diplomacy), and you can technically heavenly AOE nuke her without her suffering more then an LG Paladin would. So yes, If I get grappled by a bunch of whatever, and am out of "go out of jail cards", just holy nuke away.
I have one slot remaining, could go skill mimic (best target would be class abilties that scale of charisma), I could go "this may just work" to skill monkey, I could go snipers reposte (no AOEs from shooting from melee), thus meanign I free up weapon finesse and mythic weaponfinesse, for even better shooting.
Items and feats/traits on the other hand...
Belltrap |
Two questions:
Will we be expected to keep track of nonmagical ammunition not made of special materials?
I'm a little confused on how enhancement bonuses to armor and weapons are going to work. For example, if I wanted to buy, let's say, a vorpal longsword, do I buy it for 50,000 gp? Or will I be buying it for 72,000 gp as a +1 vorpal longsword, to which I then add my attunement bonus for a total of +4? Could I even get a plain +2 longsword and using attunement boost it up to +5?
Aaron Sarris |
After thinking about it some more and seeing some of the other high-quality submissions, I will withdraw from the running. I don't think I have the game knowledge required to make something equally effective as multiclassed psychic vampires and the like, especially on limited time :') And, to be honest, the background story got a bit bit stuck in generic zero to hero too. Inspiration just wasn't with me this time.
Good luck to everyone in the selection process!
Liliyashanina |
So, having mostly finished my char, here is some dumb stuff that could have been done. Not saying that any of that would actually be a good idea.
Feeling much more confident in actually looking through the bestiary after I did my char, option paralysis go away :).
Akatas are CR1 creautres, that can create +CR1 Fast zombies out of humanoids they kill. Splash a template and a bunch of CLass levels that synergize with Zombies on it, go on a killing spree somewhere, send Zombie horde at Qlippoths, hope your dodge AC in real live is sufficient to dodge the chair that the GM is going to throw at you through the monitor.
There are a bunch of intelligent tiny CR2 options with capabilities of using weapons. Buff Dex through stratosphere, pick that Titans bane (even if nerfed), apply mythic weapon finesse and go to town. Lets the multiverse recoil at the exploits at the little Asura that could.
Nogitsune. Mechanically speaking, case can be made that it would make for a better sniper/gunslinger then a Succubus, because 25 base DEX. Trades considerably better stats and innate 3D6 sneak attack dice (Trickster has stuff to sneak attack from 60) for not being able to fly/teleport/do succubus stuff/be a less good face.
Psychopomp Calacas are CR8, but have bardic performances as a 11 level bard. Meaning that a character could start with effectively level 17 Bardic performances. They dont seem to cast like level 11 bards though, so awkwardness applies.
Lava child chieftains can channel fire, which should be able to scale with charisma granting shenangians, and have pretty good immunity.
Aranea: Gets an extra sorceror level over its CR (CR5 but Sorc level 5), has ok stats (not great stats though) and would make for a pretty reasonable gish with 10 levels to play with. Can also do a Spiderman impression, but the webs and poisons are no longer scaling at mythic 6 CR14.
Brolof |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Two questions:
Will we be expected to keep track of nonmagical ammunition not made of special materials?
I'm a little confused on how enhancement bonuses to armor and weapons are going to work. For example, if I wanted to buy, let's say, a vorpal longsword, do I buy it for 50,000 gp? Or will I be buying it for 72,000 gp as a +1 vorpal longsword, to which I then add my attunement bonus for a total of +4? Could I even get a plain +2 longsword and using attunement boost it up to +5?
I don't want to keep track of regular ammo as a player, you won't be made to do what I wouldn't want to as a player.
You'd spend the 50,000 GP to get it Vorpal.