GM Wolf's Carrion Crown the Bard's Epic! Module 2: Trial of the Beast

Game Master BloodWolven

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Anapa, tell me if this works.

Seriously no one else?

Channel Energy 2d6 (Will 18 DC for half), 10/10x/day|Resist Negative Energy, Cold, and Electricity 10|Immune Magic Aging, Disease, and Positive Energy Damage
HP 67/67|Fast Healing 7|AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF)|Fort 8 Reflex 3 Will 7|BAB +2, CMB +6, CMD 18
Percept +6|SM +12|Diplo +14|Heal +12 (+10)|Kn. (arcana, planes, hist.) +11|Kn. (religion) +14|Kn. (nobility) +12|Appraise +11|Linguist. +11|Spell +11|Stealth +7


Goreth and Anapa? Will you be making a post today?

Male Half Celestial Aasimar
AC: 21, T: 13, FF: 18; HP: 56/56; F:15, R:10, W:13; CMD 23 ; Init: +5 ; Perc:+11
Paladin 4
Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Diplomacy +13, Fly +8, Handle Animal +15, Heal +10, Knowledge (religion) +11, Perception +11, Profession (soldier) +10, Ride +4, Sense Motive +10, Survival +5

Woke up really early for work. But finally managed to squeeze in a post



F Half-Elf Alchemist 151 (Sacrament, Chiurgeon, Ectoplasm Master)

Hey all, my apologizes but I’ll have to bow out. It’s been a rough time and I’ve been unable to maintain the focus needed for this game, and realizing that I’m holding things up has made it worse. Sorry to everybody but need to step away. Best wishes to all.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Thanks for popping back here to let us know. Best of luck, Fatima! Keep an eye on this game. Who knows, maybe we'll need reinforcements again!

Channel Energy 2d6 (Will 18 DC for half), 10/10x/day|Resist Negative Energy, Cold, and Electricity 10|Immune Magic Aging, Disease, and Positive Energy Damage
HP 67/67|Fast Healing 7|AC 20 (12 T, 18 FF)|Fort 8 Reflex 3 Will 7|BAB +2, CMB +6, CMD 18
Percept +6|SM +12|Diplo +14|Heal +12 (+10)|Kn. (arcana, planes, hist.) +11|Kn. (religion) +14|Kn. (nobility) +12|Appraise +11|Linguist. +11|Spell +11|Stealth +7

Yes! You will be missed!

F Half-Elf Alchemist 151 (Sacrament, Chiurgeon, Ectoplasm Master)

Thank you; I appreciate it.

male Dire Halfling Spl 1st (2), Luck (9), Adapt (3); HP 8, In +3, Per +5, AC 17, T 14 ,FF 14, Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; CMB +0, CMD 13; sword +2, 1d6+1, bow +4, 1d6; Acro +6, Blff +7, Dipl +7, DsDv +3, Kn(loc) +7, Kn(other) +3, Prf +7, SlHn +6, Stl +6, UMD +7

Good evening all, I want to offer my apologies for my disappearance. About 12 hours after my last post I had to rush my 2 year old son to the hospital after he got into his grandfather's medications. After a week in treatment, I am happy to say he is now home and doing well.

I realize I delayed the progress of this game, and offer my apologies to both GM Wolf and the party as a whole. I respectfully step away and wish you the best in your adventures.

Good day.

Wanderer, I'm happy your little one is safe and recovering. Such a shock must have been rattling. I pray for a swift recovery

I am sorry that happened, its good to hear he is doing well now!

Thank you for your apologies good luck on your next adventures!

Well it looks like Fatima, Cassandra, and Wanderer will not be joining us then. We will make due.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Glad that everything turned out okay. Scary situation!

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