Protectors of Golarion (Wrath of the Righteous AP)

Game Master Sensen

Current Chapter: Sword of Valor
Wherein an army marches, a relic is rediscovered, and a victory claimed.
Date: Moonday, 15th of Rova (IX) 4713
Time of Day: Morning
Season: Late Summer
Weather: 21° F (-7° C), Mostly Sunny

4713 Calendar

General Purpose Maps:
The Worldwound

Siege Points: 28 (Victory is Assured)

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Oh, good. Let me get on that, then.

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F Tiefling (Hellspawn) Cleric of Ragathiel 7 | Hierophant 2 | HP 65/65 | AC: 19 (11 tch, 18 ff) | CMB +10, CMD +21 | F +8, R +4, W +11 | Init +3 | Perc +14, SM +18 | Destructive Smite 6/8 | Touch of Good 8/8 | Channel 4d6 3/3 | Pyrotechnics 1/1 | True Strike 2/2 | Protection from Evil 0/2 | Mythic Power 4/7 | Effects: tears to wine, shield of wings, ironskin, bull's strength, magic circle against evil, haste, shared training, keen edge, freedom of movement, align weapon
Elliot, the Red Heron wrote:
"I wasn't aware this crusade needed to be turned around. When have we ever had an actual setback since leaving Kenabres?"

This is like someone in the ER saying "Wow, it sure is quiet tonight!". Or the trash compactor scene in Star Wars. "Well, at least it can't get any worse." *trash compactor turns on* "It's worse."

M M Aasimar (peri) Magus 7 (Bladebound, Hexer) I Archmage 2. Unbuffed: Init +9, Perc. +11. HP 69/69. AC 22/FF16/T17. : F+9, R+10, W+8 (+2 vs conf/insan) Att. +13, 1d6+8/18-20/x2. CMB +13, CMD 23. Conc.: +13. VS SR: +9 /+13 (evil outsider). Darkvision. Current buffs/conditions: Haste, blur, prot. Vs evil, shield, flight, inspire courage +2.

Hah! I'd argue it's more like them saying "wow, i sure wish it was less busy tonight!" When there's exactly nothing going on, but sure :P I appreciate the classics deing referenced.

Side note, back when i actually worked in the ER departement we definitely had our dry spells but most of us were happy it meant apparently no one was in serious problems. Kinda like how it's a good sign the news is boring as it means there's no disasters to make the headlines. Personally I feel with could do with a lot more of that with how the world is now.

Here though, i legit have no idea what Anevia's talking about since it has been pretty much smooth sailing all the way through, right?


*Continues digging his own grave*

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F Tiefling (Hellspawn) Cleric of Ragathiel 7 | Hierophant 2 | HP 65/65 | AC: 19 (11 tch, 18 ff) | CMB +10, CMD +21 | F +8, R +4, W +11 | Init +3 | Perc +14, SM +18 | Destructive Smite 6/8 | Touch of Good 8/8 | Channel 4d6 3/3 | Pyrotechnics 1/1 | True Strike 2/2 | Protection from Evil 0/2 | Mythic Power 4/7 | Effects: tears to wine, shield of wings, ironskin, bull's strength, magic circle against evil, haste, shared training, keen edge, freedom of movement, align weapon

Well, the next mythic monster better focus on someone other than me. :P

As a side note, I actually have been to an ER that wasn't busy once! I was very surprised, I figured there would be a long wait to get my scalp and forehead stitched up because that's not exactly life-threatening. (Slipped on a puddle of snowmelt in the kitchen, fell forward and hit my head on the corner of the pantry, resulting in a nice long laceration from a little below my hairline to the crown of my head. The EMTs, ER nurse, and ER doctor were all rather impressed at how big it was.) Don't worry, this was several years ago.

M M Aasimar (peri) Magus 7 (Bladebound, Hexer) I Archmage 2. Unbuffed: Init +9, Perc. +11. HP 69/69. AC 22/FF16/T17. : F+9, R+10, W+8 (+2 vs conf/insan) Att. +13, 1d6+8/18-20/x2. CMB +13, CMD 23. Conc.: +13. VS SR: +9 /+13 (evil outsider). Darkvision. Current buffs/conditions: Haste, blur, prot. Vs evil, shield, flight, inspire courage +2.

Ouch! Hope they managed to help you well. I guess the closest I got to an exciting ER visit from the other end was when I got hit with a hockey ball in the eye socket up close during a match. Those are very solid objects launched at pretty high speeds when people shoot for the goal - there's a reason keepers are in heavy protective gear. Sadly, the players aren't and when shots go awry...

I fortunately ended up with only two scars along the upper and lower part of said socket. I suppose they can look a a bit badass too so I suppose it wasn't all bad :)

Also, I'm sure Elliot will get eaten long before Meri. Being a gentleman in the world of Golarion probably means you do that for your significant other, tempting god/the GM aside. :P

F Tiefling (Hellspawn) Cleric of Ragathiel 7 | Hierophant 2 | HP 65/65 | AC: 19 (11 tch, 18 ff) | CMB +10, CMD +21 | F +8, R +4, W +11 | Init +3 | Perc +14, SM +18 | Destructive Smite 6/8 | Touch of Good 8/8 | Channel 4d6 3/3 | Pyrotechnics 1/1 | True Strike 2/2 | Protection from Evil 0/2 | Mythic Power 4/7 | Effects: tears to wine, shield of wings, ironskin, bull's strength, magic circle against evil, haste, shared training, keen edge, freedom of movement, align weapon

Yikes, I’m glad your eye wasn’t injured! I healed up just fine. No skull fracture, no concussion, I am hard-headed in more ways than one. The scar is raised up a bit (and sometimes itchy) but it’s not visible under my hair unless you look closely.

If Elliot sacrifices himself for Merixia, she will absolutely yell at him once she raises him from the dead. And cry. Probably both at the same time.

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I think that I'll allow Verene to do scrying on Staunton Vhane as with second-hand information, effectively, since you saw him in a vision. So he'd end up with a +5 Will save bonus.

Male | Half-Elf | Archaeologist Bard 5/Evangelist 2/Trickster 2 | HP 40/65 | AC 20 T 14 FF 16; Uncanny Dodge | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +8; +2 vs. enchantments; +2 sacred vs. insanity or confusion effects | Init. +9 | Perception +23 | Low-Light Vision | Archaeologist's Luck 10/12 left, Lore Master 1/1, Mythic Power 5/7 | Spells 1st - 0/5 2nd - 0/4 | Current buffs: n/a

Man, I don't even remember my visits to the ER. They were so long ago when I was a kid or younger.

Appendicitis before the micro incisions they can make today left me with a scar a couple inches long.

A toy gun to the face as a baby left me with a small scar on my lip.

NG F Human Wizard (Diviner) 7 | Archmageᴹ 2 | HP 48/48 | AC 22 T 15 FF 18 (all +2 v. evil) | Prescience 6/8 | Mythic Power 2/7 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 Ref +8 Will +8 (+2 vs. insanity/confusion) | Init +13 (and Forewarned) | Perc +14 (+15 Thamyris) | Conditions: shield 10r, expeditious retreat 4m, protection from evil 4m, mirror image (4 images) 7m, fly 7m, alter self 19m, heightened awareness 37m, tears to wine 37m, mage armor 7h, endure elements 24h | Thamyris: HP 24/24; AC 20 (T 16, FF 18) | Conditions: merge with familiar 7h

I would say that seeing him is first-hand information and secondhand is explicitly only having heard of him. Like, if she had only his name, that would be secondhand information. But however you want to do it is fine. Verene will cast the spell as soon as we're back in the safe area of camp or have set up a new camp.

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Yeah, it's mostly due to it being from a vision. I dunno, it feels more intuitive, since you saw his past self or something?

My only time I went to the ER was when a dog bit me during my volunteering at an animal shelter. It wasn't exactly a huge issue, to be honest.

NG F Human Wizard (Diviner) 7 | Archmageᴹ 2 | HP 48/48 | AC 22 T 15 FF 18 (all +2 v. evil) | Prescience 6/8 | Mythic Power 2/7 | CMD 14 | Fort +5 Ref +8 Will +8 (+2 vs. insanity/confusion) | Init +13 (and Forewarned) | Perc +14 (+15 Thamyris) | Conditions: shield 10r, expeditious retreat 4m, protection from evil 4m, mirror image (4 images) 7m, fly 7m, alter self 19m, heightened awareness 37m, tears to wine 37m, mage armor 7h, endure elements 24h | Thamyris: HP 24/24; AC 20 (T 16, FF 18) | Conditions: merge with familiar 7h

Well, any way you want to do it is fine. I'm good with Elliot going on that scouting mission while Verene casts scrying (it takes an hour to cast) and then moving us to the strategy meeting, so that we have the maximum information possible going into the strategy meeting.

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