Protectors of Golarion (Wrath of the Righteous AP)

Game Master Sensen

Current Chapter: Sword of Valor
Wherein an army marches, a relic is rediscovered, and a victory claimed.
Date: Wealday, 17th of Rova (IX) 4713
Time of Day: Morning
Season: Late Summer
Weather: 22° F (-6° C), Grey Skies

4713 Calendar

General Purpose Maps:
The Worldwound

Mythic Trials Until Next Tier: 1

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NG F Human Wizard (Diviner) 8 | Archmageᴹ 2 | HP 11/54 | AC 19 T 15 FF 15 (all +2 v. evil) | Foretell 3/8 | Prescience 3/10 | Mythic Power 2/7 | CMD 15 | Fort +7 Ref +10 Will +11 (+2 vs. insanity/confusion) | Init +18 (H.A.; and Forewarned) | Perc +17 (+16 Thamyris) | Conditions: greater invisibility 4r, haste 5r, mirror image 5m 3/4, protection from evil 5m, protection from electricity 10m 120/120, alter self 16m, heroism 67m heightened awareness 76m, message 76m, tears to wine 76m, mage armor 8h| Thamyris: HP 27/27; AC 20 (T 16, FF 18) | Conditions: merge with familiar 8h

Oh, good point. Okay, never mind then. Verene, then Azira's original posting order actions are preserved.

Male | Half-Elf | Archaeologist Bard 5/Evangelist 3/Trickster 2 | HP 40/65 | AC 20 T 14 FF 16; Uncanny Dodge | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +8; +2 vs. enchantments; +2 sacred vs. insanity or confusion effects | Init. +9 | Perception +25 | Low-Light Vision | Archaeologist's Luck 10/12 left, Lore Master 1/1, Mythic Power 5/7 | Spells 1st - 0/5 2nd - 0/4 3rd 1/2 | Current buffs: n/a

I've moved Thesius back, so we're good to keep going.

NG F Human Wizard (Diviner) 8 | Archmageᴹ 2 | HP 11/54 | AC 19 T 15 FF 15 (all +2 v. evil) | Foretell 3/8 | Prescience 3/10 | Mythic Power 2/7 | CMD 15 | Fort +7 Ref +10 Will +11 (+2 vs. insanity/confusion) | Init +18 (H.A.; and Forewarned) | Perc +17 (+16 Thamyris) | Conditions: greater invisibility 4r, haste 5r, mirror image 5m 3/4, protection from evil 5m, protection from electricity 10m 120/120, alter self 16m, heroism 67m heightened awareness 76m, message 76m, tears to wine 76m, mage armor 8h| Thamyris: HP 27/27; AC 20 (T 16, FF 18) | Conditions: merge with familiar 8h

In response to Azira's voice, Verene moves further away from the remaining enemies, currently invisible through the howling storm.

F Tiefling (Hellspawn) Cleric of Ragathiel 8 | Hierophant 2 | HP 72/72 | AC: 19 (11 tch, 18 ff) | CMB +11, CMD +22 | F +9, R +4, W +12 | Init +3 | Perc +15, SM +19 | Destructive Smite 4/8 | Touch of Good 8/8 | Rage 0/8 | Holy Lance 0/1 | Channel 4d6 1/3 | Pyrotechnics 1/1 | True Strike 2/2 | Protection from Evil 0/2 | Mythic Power 4/7 | Effects: heroism, weapon of awe, ironskin, crusader's edge, bull's strength, magic circle vs evil, tears to wine, haste, Foretell

Just as Merixia is trying to decide whether to keep fighting the brimorak in front of her or risk casting a spell to help Elliot, Azira cuts it down with her signature speed and grace. "Thanks, Azira!" The cleric turns to where Elliot landed, holy symbol already raised. Her boyfriend is covered in deep, bleeding wounds. It's obvious to Merixia's trained eye that the only things keeping him upright are the battle rush and the knowledge that they're surrounded by enemies. "By the gods, Elliot, pull back sooner next time! If you die, I will figure out how to raise the dead just so I can bring you back and yell at you." She reaches for the other copy of crusader's edge she prepared that morning, giving it the mental twist that will turn it into a healing spell.

Burn second copy of crusader's edge for cure critical wounds. Verene, Merixia does not know how badly you're injured since you're still invisible.

Cure critical wounds on Elliot: 4d8 + 8 ⇒ (6, 2, 1, 3) + 8 = 20

Encounter Maps | Geographic Map | Treasures | Important NPCs

Wow, lots happening. Was everyone in 30' of Azira when that went off, by the way? I think only Elliot was possibly outside it, but I'm unable to find the version history at the moment, so I can't be certain of it.

Round 5 Wrap-Up

Verene summons up a whirling storm of frost in the center of the court, blocking all of the enemies save the badly injured orange-lined brimorak. This problem is swiftly dealt with when Azira takes a series of strikes at it, cutting it to pieces which promptly dissipate in a burst of demonic fire. Almost immediately, she calls out to her fellows to act again, endowing them with sudden speed and energy.

Taking advantage of the concealment that the ice storm grants him and the powerful call that Azira has given, Elliot soars towards his friends, requesting belated healing as Thesius falls back himself. Merixia banishes one of her spells to heal her lover, and some of the pain recedes from the aasimar as his wounds heal.

In the distance, the champions hear a now-familiar chant, and as suddenly as it appeared, the sleet storm vanishes, revealing the cultists and demons alike, as well as the sorcerer, who rapidly advances towards one of the pillars.
CL Check vs. DC 21: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 Well that's just rude.

With their visibility clear, the archers move swiftly forwards. The first lined in yellow, rushes out from beneath the vrock before firing an arrow at Azira, who cuts the projectile out of the air with ease.
Yellow Longbow vs. Azira, divine favor: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 9 + 1 = 22

The next lined in red advances from the west, setting back against the pillar. She draws an arrow from her quiver, muttering a word that prompts its head to ignite, then fires it at Thesius. Fortunately, she is much less accurate than her fellow, and the half-elf is able to dodge out of the way of the flaming arrow easily.
Red Longbow vs. Thesius, divine favor, favored enemy, enchanted arrow: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 9 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 17

The next one lined in green rushes forwards, aiming at Elliot this time before loosing her shaft, but the arrow goes wide, sparking off of the wall in between them.
Green Longbow vs. Elliot, divine favor, cover: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 1 = 11

The last of them lined in blue rushes forwards as quickly as he can, but doesn't manage to get his bow out in time to attack.

The sole remaining brimorak floats forwards, then hurls a wave of magical energy at Elliot, but the aasimar's magics hold despite the attempt. The demon snarls, annoyed by its failure.
Dispel Magic vs. Longarm: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Nurah continues her inspiring speech, hesitating for a moment, before she falls back towards the corner of the room.

Round 6

Elliot & Thesius are up.


Verene: HP 11/54; AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15; Foretell 2/8, Prescience 3/10, Mythic Power 2/7, heightened awareness 77 minutes, message 77 minutes, mage armor 8 hours, heroism 67 minutes, protection from evil 5 minutes, 3 mirror images 5 minutes, greater invisibility 4 rounds, communal protection from energy (electricity) 10 minutes; Thamyris: HP 27/27; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 18, merge with familiar 8 hours
Merixia: HP 45/72; AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 23; pyrotechnics 1/1, true strike 2/2, protection from evil 0/1, Touch of Good 7/7, Destructive Smite 4/7, Channel 1/3, Rage 2/8, holy lance 0/1, Mythic Power 3/7, heroism 77 minutes, weapon of awe 5 minutes, ironskin 5 minutes, crusader’s edge 5 minutes, bull’s strength 5 minutes, magic circle against evil 77 minutes, shield of wings (4 wings) 8 minutes, communal protection from energy (electricity) 20 minutes (83 points remaining), wrathful weapon (holy) 10 minutes
Thesius: HP 55/64; AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16, uncanny dodge, evasion; Archeologist’s Luck 9/12, Lore Master 1/1, Mythic Power 7/7, shared training 97 minutes, protection from evil 5 minutes, heightened awareness 67 minutes, heroism 67 minutes, darkvision 7 hours, archeologist’s luck 1 round, communal protection from energy (electricity) 10 minutes, archeologist’s luck 3 rounds
Elliot: HP 32/77; AC 27, touch 19, flat-footed 21, Arcane Pool 4/6, Righteous Eclipse Arcane Pool 1/1 pyrotechnics 1/1, Mythic Power 1/7, shared training 99 minutes, keen edge 97 minutes, alter self 16 minutes, blur 5 minutes, blade tutor’s spirit 5 minutes, longarm 5 minutes, heroism 67 minutes, flight hex 5 rounds, shield 6 rounds, protection from evil 8 minutes, evil outsider bane on Righteous Eclipse 7 rounds, +2 enhancement bonus on Righteous Eclipse 8 rounds, communal protection from energy (electricity) 20 minutes (83 points remaining)
Azira: HP 59/81; AC 30, touch 20, flat-footed 21 (+2 vs. evil outsiders); glitterdust 0/1, smite evil 2/3, lay on hands 4/8, panache 3/4, divine bond 1/1, Mythic Power 4/7, Radiance Legendary Power 2/2, auras (immune to charm and fear), shared training 97 minutes, veil of heaven 38 minutes, featherstep 57 minutes, heroism 57 minutes, eagle’s splendor 3 minutes, keen edge 77 minutes, fly 7 minutes
Wulfric: HP 42/51; AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15; bardic performance 14/17, lucky number (3) 24 hours, protection from evil 8 minutes
All: tears to wine 77 minutes, Inspire Courage +2, haste 5 rounds
All within 30’ of Wulfric: Flagbearer
All within 10’ of Azira: +4 vs. Charm and Fear
All within 30’ of Verene: Foretell (+2 to ability checks, attack rolls, caster level checks, saving throws, and skill checks)

Male | Half-Elf | Archaeologist Bard 5/Evangelist 3/Trickster 2 | HP 40/65 | AC 20 T 14 FF 16; Uncanny Dodge | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +8; +2 vs. enchantments; +2 sacred vs. insanity or confusion effects | Init. +9 | Perception +25 | Low-Light Vision | Archaeologist's Luck 10/12 left, Lore Master 1/1, Mythic Power 5/7 | Spells 1st - 0/5 2nd - 0/4 3rd 1/2 | Current buffs: n/a

Thesius falls further back and lends his own healing power to the efforts to bring Elliot back to fighting shape.

(Move action to move, standard action to cast Cure Light Wounds)

Cure Light Wounds - Elliot: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

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