Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Mythic Adventures (OGL)

4.20/5 (based on 17 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Mythic Adventures (OGL)
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Heroes of Legend

Not all heroes are created equal. Many adventurers pick up swords or call upon strange powers in times of trouble, yet only a few are chosen by fate or the gods to change the course of history. These are mythic heroes—legendary figures whose every footstep shakes the heavens. With Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Mythic Adventures, it's your turn to change the world. Choose a mythic path and take on unbelievable powers by completing mythic trials tied to your character's story. Each mythic path works in parallel with your character class, allowing you to continue advancing in your chosen calling even as you seek a greater destiny. Best of all, you can start playing a mythic character at any point—even as early as 1st level!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Mythic Adventures is a must-have companion volume to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds on more than 10 years of system development and open playtests featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into a new era.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Mythic Adventures is a 256-page hardcover book that includes:

  • Complete rules for playing mythic characters of six different paths: archmage, champion, guardian, hierophant, marshal, and trickster.
  • New mythic feats for every class, such as Powerful Shape, which allows druids to transform into enormous animals, or Deadly Stroke, which lets a mythic character dispatch even a formidable enemy with a single blow.
  • A whole grimoire of new and supercharged spells. Bring down a castle with a mythic meteor swarm, transform the landscape with terraform, or make every memory and record of someone disappear with mythic modify memory!
  • Tons of monsters enhanced with mythic abilities and ready to challenge your heroes, from dragons to vampires!
  • A hoard of new mythic magic items and artifacts. Brandish the sword of inner fire, capable of burning even elemental creatures, or turn your enemies to stone with the medusa-headed shield aegis!
  • A complete mythic adventure for 7th-level characters.
  • Advice on running a mythic game and forging your own legends.
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-549-5


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Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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4.20/5 (based on 17 ratings)

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Paizo's only major failure


This is my only 1 star review of a Paizo product. So I feel the need to explain why.

Mythic Adventures is a based on a great idea. Instead of restricting epic play to (say) characters after level 20, create a mythic system that runs orthogonal to standard level advancement, and which allows players to do things and explore themes not allowed by the standard ruleset.

In the abstract, here are the kinds of things one would want such a product to do:

--1. Provide new mythic abilities which provide plot hooks, inspire the imagination, and suggest ideas for various campaigns or adventures.

--2. Provide new mythic abilities which allow players to do qualitatively different kinds of things than the standard ruleset allows.

Now, D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder have a number of problems when it comes to high-level play: everything takes too long to resolve, and the combat starts turning into rocket-tag -- whoever goes first wins. In part this is because the core game offers more means of boosting offense than defense, and in part this is because the D&D 3.5 math doesn't extend well to high level play. Given this, here are the kinds of things one would hope such a product would avoid:

--3. Avoid positing many more mythic abilities that boost offense than defense.

--4. Avoid new abilities which just add static bonuses to everything. (Increasing everyone's BAB and AC by 10 doesn't make your game more mythic -- it just leaves you with the same game but different numbers.)

--5. Avoid positing abilities which do little other than boost the numbers into the high-level regime where the D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder math breaks down.

--6. Avoid adding abilities which add new sui generis ways of making the game rocket-tag like, by adding yet more "I win"-types of abilities (either by themselves, or in combination with other Pathfinder material that's been published elsewhere).

Unfortunately, for the most part, the mythic ruleset doesn't satisfy these desiderata. Most mythic abilities and spells offer what are effectively bland numerical boosts. There are many more ways to boost offense than defense. There are a handful of abilities inspire plot hooks and feel epic (mythic Levitate and mythic Sleep, for example), but they're surprisingly few in number -- the spells in Ultimate Intrigue offer more interesting plot hooks and adventure ideas than can be found in this entire book. And the mythic rules introduce a huge number of ways to break the game, especially when considered in combination with abilities offered in other books: attacks that do over a 1000 points of damage, spells that ignore SR, give no save, and could kill any creature published in the Bestiary, and so on. (The 3rd party product Mythic Solutions offers some helpful suggestions for how to tone down the mythic rules a bit, but in my experience, most of the game-breaking abilities and combos we ran into are left intact.)

It's not all bad. As I mentioned, there are a handful of mythic spells that feel epic and are plot-hook inspiring, and the book offers some tools for DMs to use to make opponents more deadly. But on the whole, most of what's in this book is best avoided.

Rare mixed, but generally okay, score


This book presents an excellent way, which I think worked better than 3.0-3.5's epic system, to allow for the truly legendary and heroic heroes of the world. Think less Aragorn and more Beowulf. In general it is a fine product and I don't recommend against getting it.

That said though I found it flawed in two ways which, while they've occasionally crept up into other PF/Paizo books, I think need to be noted.
1) Balance issues. To some extent when you discuss epic you're throwing that out the window anyway but this book, more so than even other books like the ARG or what the Ultimate series offered, needs a GM to keep an eye on what's going on. I wish it had undergone more play testing but I think this might just be an inherent issue at this power level. When you start multiplying character power as a DM you need to be ready to regulate that.
2) Print quality. The bigger issue I had. I've tried to physically own this book 4 times now. Twice from game stores in two different states and twice from a credible online store. In all four cases I found inking issues on some of the artwork, 3 of the times on the same few pictures. This is problematic because one of the biggest reasons to get the printed book and not just use the online info for free is the artwork. I am about to try and buy it again now, hopefully it's on a later run at this point and that's been fixed. That said, if you buy it and care about the artwork make sure to look at the larger pictures in the book and make sure they aren't faded or have streaks at any points.

In summary though, I want to make it clear that for it's price it's not a bad book. I'd give it a C++ or B-, it won't be something you regret (especially if you don't care much about a few images being a little off). It was a good, and unique, Paizo/Pathfinder book just not one of their very best.


I've reviewed this book over on

Hopefully More To Come


I was thrilled at the concept of this book. Sometimes the story, the characters, need to step up to a more rareified level and really bring the oomph and this book provides the oomph. I especially love some of the little pieces added therein that make a mythic adventure less roll-play and more role-play; the concept that mythic power can simply go away, that the leveling of tiers is solely up to the DM, that in fact much of the advancement and introduction should be story-based.

Loved all of that.

But for what I didn't love.

1. The powers offered are wildly inconsistent in effectiveness. I don't mean powers that are taking for a roleplaying reason. I mean powers that are obviously crunch-based when compared to another crunch power and you cannot fathom how one is supposed to anywhere near equal another. The same with the feats.

2. The very limited scope of mythic paths. I get that this is the intro book and we cannot get a ton of paths right off the bat, but really, six paths? Only 37 pages of path descriptions and powers out of 250+ pages? I've played more characters that wouldn't fit into these paths thematically than would.

3. Mythic monsters takes 57 pages and could have been done in 10. Paizo has been awesome about not reprinting crunch from one book to another, really guaranteeing the value you get in a book. But the monsters presented are basically mythic versions of creatures we all know already. And the mythic build rules for creatures are simple enough (a good thing!) that all we really needed was one example.

So, I like the idea, was a little less than thrilled with the execution, but I am awaiting more.

BAD *SS book


Here is why I like it. The system is so flexible that a GM can attach the rules to his or her game anywhere, anytime. Additionally, said GM can pace advancement to fit his or her campaign. Want PCs that are only marginally more powerful than standard PCs? Simply space or limit the number of trials.

Walks like its mythic, quacks like its mythic. It's mythic.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, I agree. Making mythic rules usable at any level of play seems like a really smart decision. Looking forward to seeing how the finished version looks!

Mythic enemies would probably be a bit like using the advanced template. But a lot more varied and interesting.

Yora wrote:
Mythic enemies would probably be a bit like using the advanced template. But a lot more varied and interesting.

... You really should get your hands on the playtest. ;-)

I did, and based my assesment on that.

Generally a regular example of its kind regarding HD and such, but with additional oomph.

Liberty's Edge

If this book (and WotR) is received (and sells) well enought, can we spect more books on the "mythic" line?

I certainly hope so. I know I'm going to be getting them, the playtest rules are making me SO EXCITED.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
BigWeather wrote:

Can this be used as a way of doing EL6 (or EL8) play? Normal character advancement through 6 or 8 then just mythic from then on? Will it, in essence, keep some of the lower-CR foes that normally become irrelevant relevant while still offering an advancement path for the PCs? Or does the advancement path actually widen the gap?

Meaning, going to CL6 then to CL6+ML10 vs. going to CL6 then to CL16?

Isn't the whole point of E6 to be avoiding the heavy powered magical abilities? If you're not keeping your games down to the human, gritty, mortal level, there really is no point in running E6 or E8.

When do we get see some previews of this?

Well, there's a mythic NPC in Reign of Winter 6...

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Cheapy wrote:
Well, there's a mythic NPC in Reign of Winter 6...

Which is 15 days before the mythic rule book comes out. Hopefully.

zergtitan wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Well, there's a mythic NPC in Reign of Winter 6...
Which is 15 days before the mythic rule book comes out. Hopefully.

It is out now!!!

Reign of Winter spoiler:
Baba Yaga - Female venerable advanced human witch 20/archmage 10
(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide65, Pathfinder RPG
Bestiary294, Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures14)

-- david

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Papa-DRB wrote:
zergtitan wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Well, there's a mythic NPC in Reign of Winter 6...
Which is 15 days before the mythic rule book comes out. Hopefully.

It is out now!!!

** spoiler omitted **

-- david

Reign of Winter 6 is shipping to AP subscribers now, so they're getting the PDF, but the retail release date isn't until July 31. So you're both right.

I love the descriptions but the cover doesnt really give that " umff " to it i like though. Im an artist as well i dont hate any picture because of the work that has to go with it. But if you do keep it im down with it 100% :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We are getting so close! How about some spoilers!

AwesomeComicsProductions wrote:
I love the descriptions but the cover doesnt really give that " umff " to it i like though. Im an artist as well i dont hate any picture because of the work that has to go with it. But if you do keep it im down with it 100% :D

I like the cover but after seeing the finished mythic designs for the iconics I agree that it just seems to be missing the "oomph" that is inherent in the update designs. Can't wait though, counting down the days!

This is dropping in less then a month. After having its playtest seven months ago. After being announced a year ago. After having to wait for that announcement since Pathfinder's earliest days. This waiting has been excruciating. I think it might all be worth it though.

I missed the playtest entirely because there was nowhere for me to integrate it into my campaigns. Now I'm looking at introducing it once the book is released. As I digest the playtest version, I'm kicking myself for not jumping in earlier.

I have one pressing question that maybe someone who followed the playtest can answer:

Were there complaints about spamming the word "mythic" on core rules mechanics? Or spamming of the word "mythic" in general? If so, were those complaints noted for improvement in the final release?

I'm gonna buy it either way, I am just hoping to set my expectations.

Sovereign Court

Baba Yaga's mythic stuff seems to include, there may be more...:

arcane sight, darkvision 60 ft., see invisibility;
regeneration 20
Defensive Abilities hard to kill, mythic saving throws,
unstoppable; DR 10/epic and good; Immune ability damage
and drain, charm and compulsion effects, death effects,
disease, energy drain, petrification, poison, and all forms of
madness; SR 35 (arcane only)

Special Attacks archmage arcana (wild arcana) mythic hexes, mythic power (23/day, surge +1d12), mythic presence (DC 28)

Feats Extra Path AbilityM, MA, Mythic ParagonM, MA,
Mythic Spell LoreM, MA,

Contingency Whenever Baba Yaga is attacked, she is affected
by mislead.

Forceful Presence (Ex) Baba Yaga adds her Charisma modifier
as an insight bonus to her Armor Class and on all of her saving
throws. In addition, Baba Yaga uses her Charisma score as
well as her Constitution score when calculating hit points. This
ability increases her total CR by 1.
Hut Familiar (Ex) Baba Yaga built her Dancing Hut using a
combination of the witch’s hut hex and the sanctum mythic
path ability, and over time expanded the artifact’s powers
to its present state. The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga serves
as Baba Yaga’s familiar, and replaces the normal witch’s
familiar ability. Baba Yaga’s life is forever intertwined with her
Dancing Hut and parts of her essence reside within it. As long
as the hut exists, this special connection grants her 300 bonus
hit points, DR 10/epic and good, and regeneration 20. This
ability increases her total CR by 1.


... Holy Crap at Forceful Presence.

If that is part of the Charisma path (Marshal?) then I want me some of that Mythic Path!

What Mythic Spell does she know?

Since Forceful Presence increases her CR by 1 *by itself* I don't think it is something that can be gained from a mythic path.


Matrix Dragon wrote:
Since Forceful Presence increases her CR by 1 *by itself* I don't think it is something that can be gained from a mythic path.

But my kitsune NEEDS it! D:

What adventure path is Baba Yaga in?

Starsunder wrote:
What adventure path is Baba Yaga in?

Reign of Winter

DM Papa.DRB wrote:
Starsunder wrote:
What adventure path is Baba Yaga in?
Reign of Winter

Nice, thanks.

GeraintElberion wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I'm curious. What's Baba Yaga's CL for her witch spells?

CL 20th

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Alexander Augunas wrote:

... Holy Crap at Forceful Presence.

If that is part of the Charisma path (Marshal?) then I want me some of that Mythic Path!

What Mythic Spell does she know?

Mythic Spells:
She has two spells with the MA superscript which implies that they are straight from Mythic adventures

Terraform and Steal Power

In addition she has the followingh spells with an m superscript, indicating that they are Mythic:

Magic Missile, Pox Pustules, Mirror Image, Suggestion, Haste, Fireball, Dispel Magic, Stoneskin, Ice Storm, Dominate Person, Break Enchantment, Baleful Polymorph, Disintergrate, Chain Lightning, Heal, Finger of Death and Time Stop

Oh and Mythic Wish

Ooo, tell me more about terraform!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
AlgaeNymph wrote:
Ooo, tell me more about terraform!

The spells aren't detailed, just their names. We have to wait for Mythic Adventures to use her to the fullest.

AlgaeNymph wrote:
Ooo, tell me more about terraform!

The product description does mention "transform the landscape with terraform" which to me sounds like a wide-scale Move Earth spell or similar.

That said, I wouldn't be opposed to a spell that could do things like raise an island from the depths of the ocean, or similar.

@ GeraintElberion -

Might you share Baba Yaga's HP, AC, ability scores, and equipment?

And what are her Archmage path abilities?


Dark Archive

Derron42 wrote:

@ GeraintElberion -

Might you share Baba Yaga's HP, AC, ability scores, and equipment?

And what are her Archmage path abilities?


Baba Yaga:

HP-782 (20d6+710); regeneration 20

AC-51, touch 31, flat-footed 46 (+13 armor, +5 deflection, +5 Dex,
+11 insight, +7 natural)

Str 17, Dex 20, Con 26, Int 46, Wis 24, Cha 32

GEAR-amulet of natural armor +5, apple of eternal sleepUE,
Baba Yaga’s besom (see page 62), belt of mighty
constitution +6, bracelet of second chancesUE, cackling hag’s
blouseUE, corset of dire witchcraftUE, ebony fly figurine of
wondrous power, gem of seeing, Grandmother’s basket
(as a portable hole), Grandmother’s shawl (as a cloak of
resistance +5), grim lanternUE, hat of disguise, haunted
shoesUE, headband of alluring charisma +6, hexing doll,
orb of foul AbaddonUE, pearl of power (5th level), ring of
elemental command (fire), ring of freedom of movement
(slotless), ring of protection +5; in addition to the gear listed
here, Baba Yaga has access to a wide variety of other magic
items that she can use at the GM’s discretion

SQ-amazing initiative (+10), component freedom, contingency,
crafting mastery, enduring armor, exceptional stats, forceful
presence, hut familiar, immortal, legendary hero, long-lived,
mythic spell power, permanent spells, Queen of Witches,
recuperation, true archmage

So no reference to possession of a mythic flaw, like they had in the playtest?

Mythic flaws are an optional rule now.

Alleran wrote:

The product description does mention "transform the landscape with terraform" which to me sounds like a wide-scale Move Earth spell or similar.

That said, I wouldn't be opposed to a spell that could do things like raise an island from the depths of the ocean, or similar.

To me it sounds like the means she used to lock Irrisen in eternal winter.

brad2411 wrote:
Derron42 wrote:

@ GeraintElberion -

Might you share Baba Yaga's HP, AC, ability scores, and equipment?

And what are her Archmage path abilities?


** spoiler omitted **

Which abilities were her Archmage Path abilities? I'm guessing crafting mastery, enduring armor, component freedom, and Queen of Witches but what else?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Kargoth Kargoron wrote:
brad2411 wrote:
Derron42 wrote:

@ GeraintElberion -

Might you share Baba Yaga's HP, AC, ability scores, and equipment?

And what are her Archmage path abilities?


** spoiler omitted **
Which abilities were her Archmage Path abilities? I'm guessing crafting mastery, enduring armor, component freedom, and Queen of Witches but what else?

We're looking for six as she's got extra path ability as a feat. Queen of witches won't be one as its explained as a seperate part of the stat block. In her special attacks, she has channel power which we know is one, plus these possibilities

Coupled arcana, mythic hexes, mythic prescence, reverse scrying, sanctum, throw spell

nighttree wrote:
Alleran wrote:

The product description does mention "transform the landscape with terraform" which to me sounds like a wide-scale Move Earth spell or similar.

That said, I wouldn't be opposed to a spell that could do things like raise an island from the depths of the ocean, or similar.

To me it sounds like the means she used to lock Irrisen in eternal winter.

It may have been involved, but there's more to it than that. Definitely more than one spell was involved.

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
To me it sounds like the means she used to lock Irrisen in eternal winter.

The adventure gives very specific details for Irrisen's eternal winter.

Baba Yaga planted multiple artifacts to gather the cold energy from chilly regions (including Antarctica), and to this day that energy is being projected by another artifact at the heart of the royal palace in Irrisen's capital.

Paizo Employee

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
LazarX wrote:
Isn't the whole point of E6 to be avoiding the heavy powered magical abilities? If you're not keeping your games down to the human, gritty, mortal level, there really is no point in running E6 or E8.

Not the whole point, no. It's certainly a nice thing about E6, but E6 is also simpler to run, keeps the opposition relevant longer, arguably helps class balance, and informs how your world functions.

I'm personally looking forward to running an M6 game for those reasons, mostly in exploring how it shapes the world. An E6 world with Mythic rules looks a lot more like our myths and legends, to me, than high level Pathfinder or high level Pathfinder with Mythic rules.


Generic Villain wrote:
Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
To me it sounds like the means she used to lock Irrisen in eternal winter.

The adventure gives very specific details for Irrisen's eternal winter.

** spoiler omitted **

Hmm, in regards to that spoiler:

I wonder, does this mean that people or objects from Earth or other places might end up in Golarion?
Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Starfinder Superscriber

If time is also fluid, then it might turn out that...



Eric Hinkle wrote:
Generic Villain wrote:
Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
To me it sounds like the means she used to lock Irrisen in eternal winter.

The adventure gives very specific details for Irrisen's eternal winter.

** spoiler omitted **

Hmm, in regards to that spoiler: ** spoiler omitted **

The Cudgel of St. Cuthbert, in Artifacts & Legends, has crossed the multiverse but originated on Earth. Likewise, Baba Yaga herself is from Earth, and as you probably know by now, in Rasputin Must Die! the AP actually goes to WWI Russia, where the PCs can obtain WWI-era fire arms and must fight Rasputin, tanks, and a World Engine built from Tesla's schematics.

That being said, stuff actually making it from Earth to Golarian takes the active effort of extremely powerful beings, like Baba Yaga or high level PCs.

Also, based on the Szuriel article, I'd say that Szuriel knows how to build modern weaponry and probably even atomic bombs, but most societies lack the technological advancement to utilize her knowledge. Szuriel will actually help a society's technological development if it'll lead to widespread massacre. Which brings up a tantalizing possibility that the Szuriel may have helped set up the Alkenstar Gun Works.

To be on topic for Mythic - Baba Yaga's stat block is pretty impressive, especially some of her safeguards. I'm curious as to how absurd Cthulhu's abilities will be.

In order to kill Baba Yaga, you must reunite her with her death, and then perform a coup de grace with an artifact. Anything other than that causes her to re-appear within 24 hours, assuming you can even get that far - she has regeneration 20 and nothing suppresses it.

Dear Grandmother keeps her death in a pocket dimension inside the Hut that only she can grant access to.

In other words, you need Baba Yaga's permission to be able to attempt to kill her.

I wonder if there will be a Mythic Counterspell feat or ability. No limit to the number of spellsyou are able to counter in a turn, and able to counter spells even if you didn't prepare to counter a spell. Similar to the Epic Counterspell feat from 3.0

Sooooo, are we gonna get any MA previews this week? The book comes out in like 11 days.

Silver Crusade



If you take out the dancing hut (her familiar), you remove her regeneration, her 300 bonus hp, and her DR.

Of course, by the time you do that, you'll be softened enough for her to finish you off herself.

Grandmother is truly an awesome piece of work.

Dark Archive

Zhangar wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Your proposed Szuriel / Alkenstar Gun Works connection is *awesome!*

I hope the Mythic Vampire got an overhaul. Other than the admittedly nice resistances, I don't see why a vampire would take that over a mythic path like champion or archmage.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Once someone has a copy can they inform us or give us a table of what classes fit best with each mythic path?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Isn't that already discernable from the playtest?

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