Sure there is. The Riftwarden Orphan trait. Unfortunately it only works if you have the Archmage mythic path.
I would love to play but unfortunately I don't think I can. I'm going to be spending 2 months in Europe from late May until mid July and don't know how frequently I could check in :(
If there is enough room, I would be interested. I have always loved the world of Krynn and always wanted to play in the campaign world. Maybe a paladin of Kiri-Jolith or Shinare, Knight of Solamnia or Ergothian Cavalier?
Hey Jason, any update on the Mythic Hero's Handbook?
Reading the rules FAQ, does the numerical bonus from sorcerer bloodlines like Orcish bloodlines +1/die damage or an evokes intense spells bonus damage also get empowered?
Well, there is also Little Red Goblin games take on Epic levels for Pathfinder.

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Are we talking about the Matt Damon character Jason Bourne that is very loosely based on Ludlum's character? If we are talking about the book version of Jason Bourne, not exactly optimized but fitting his role as infiltrator and "human chameleon" as well as being tough enough to survive being shot 6 times including a bullet in the brain and floating around the Mediterranean during a storm with those wounds, I would say something like this
Jason Bourne
Human rogue (chameleon) 12 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 71)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +23
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex)
hp 81 (12d8+24)
Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +4
Defensive Abilities evasion, improved uncanny dodge
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +11/+6 (1d3+2)
Ranged revolver +13/+8 (1d8/×4)
Special Attacks sneak attack +6d6
Rogue Spell-Like Abilities (CL 0th; concentration +0)
—sudden disguise
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +9; CMB +11; CMD 25
Feats Alertness, Diehard, Endurance, Forgotten Past, Improved Unarmed Strike, Jabbing Style[ACG], Lost In The Crowd, Skill Focus (Bluff), Skill Focus (Disguise)
Traits fast-talker, hard to kill
Skills Acrobatics +19, Appraise +7, Bluff +28, Climb +10, Diplomacy +21, Disguise +25, Escape Artist +19, Heal +2, Intimidate +19, Perception +23, Sense Motive +19, Sleight of Hand +19, Stealth +19, Survival +5, Swim +10
Languages Custom Language, Custom Language, Custom Language
SQ effortless sneak, effortless sneak, effortless sneak, effortless sneak, misdirection, rogue talents (defensive roll, false friend, firearm training, master of disguise, pressure points, sudden disguise, unarmed combat training), silver tongued
Other Gear revolver, 150 gp
Special Abilities
Defensive Roll (1/day) (Ex) When reduced below 0 Hp by an attack, can attempt to halve dam with Reflex save.
Diehard You are stable and can choose how to act when at negative Hp.
Effortless Sneak (Favored Terrain [Forest]) (Sp) Can take 10 on Stealth checks in the selected terrain.
Effortless Sneak (Favored Terrain [Jungle]) (Sp) Can take 10 on Stealth checks in the selected terrain.
Effortless Sneak (Favored Terrain [Underground]) (Sp) Can take 10 on Stealth checks in the selected terrain.
Effortless Sneak (Favored Terrain [Urban]) (Sp) Can take 10 on Stealth checks in the selected terrain.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
False Friend (Ex) +4 bonus to Bluff someone you've never met into thinking they've made your acquaintance.
Forgotten Past Half duration of mind-affecting effects on you (min. 1 rd).
Hard to Kill When dying, your penalty to stabilize is only 1/2 your negative Hp.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Lv >=16) (Ex) Retain DEX bonus to AC when flat-footed. You cannot be flanked unless the attacker is Level 16+.
Jabbing Style (1/round) +1d6 if you hit target with 2 unarmed strikes, +2d6 if hit with more than 2.
Lost in the Crowd +2 circ bon to Stealth in urban areas, +4 in crowds.
Master of Disguise (1/day) (Ex) Gain a +10 bonus to a Disguise check.
Misdirection (18/day) (Ex) Spend stealth points to gain a bonus to a Stealth check.
Pressure Points (Su) A ninja with this trick can strike at an opponent's vital pressure points, causing weakness and intense pain. Whenever the ninja deals sneak attack damage, she also deals 1 point of Strength or Dexterity damage, decided by the ninja. Unlike normal ab
Silver Tongued You can shift a creature's attitude by three steps with Diplomacy.
Sneak Attack +6d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Sudden Disguise (Su) As a swift action, a ninja can change her appearance for 1 minute per level. This ability functions as disguise self. Each use of this ability uses up 1 ki point.
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Personal favorites I have gmed: Pathfinder-Lost City of Barakus followed by Slumbering Tsar because it hit 20th level+ and had epic encounters especially no magical killer art that kept killing the party magus, AD&D-Lost Caverns of Tjoscanth because of Igglwilv and the awesome treasure trove at the end, and AD&D 2E - Dragon Mountain and Undermountain because once you were inside, good luck ;)
Frog God Game "Stoneheart Valley" begins with an introductory adventure with notes for first time gm's.
I used Lost City of Barakus as my lead in to at Slumbering Tsar. It was an awesome campaign except the party paladin was way too overpowered. I have fond memories of Barakus, including a successful Vargoilles kiss on a PC leading to the first of many character deaths
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Just picked this up. As a 20+ year fan of the source materials! I'm hoping to see more Mars products! One question, is there any chance at seeing some sort of hero lab support?
Wouldn't she have damage reduction Epic and Good and Silver?
Dragonlance Age of Mortals trilogy was pretty epic 3.5 campaign.
I believe Legendary Games, a 3pp, has a book available with all of the core spells done with mythic versions. I know they just ran a kickstarter to do a line of mythic sourcebooks including a spell compendium as well.
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Jason, is there any chance at getting hero lab support for this? My entire group uses hero lab at the table.I also wanted to say I love Legendary Games!
captain yesterday wrote: MYTHIC LOVECRAFT!!!!!! WITH CTHULU AT THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or you know something similar.
also because its been awhile GALT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since I just finished reading a complete works of H.P. Lovecraftian I really want to see minis for his creatures. We got stats for some in the Carrion Crown AP, like old ones and Mi-Go among others, now we just need minis!
Just my $.02. I stopped buying WotC sourcebooks early on because I noticed major power creep in new classes as well as the fact that only the PHB was supported in 3pp or even WotC released products.i never saw a villain or npc' in a supplement or module using feat x and class y from source z.
Paizo's new base classes, feats, etc, show up in supplements, AP's, and 3 pp material. Additionally, although I hate that new base classes get to make use of swift actions often and most core classes are limited to move and standard actions for class features, I still don't see base classes as suffering from power creep and leaving the core classes undesirable as 3.5 did.

Gancanagh wrote: Uhm i'm positive the Titans will make it in this bestiary, its (I don't like it) full of colossal creatures...
I think/guess (so don't shoot me if i'm wrong) at least 60 creatures in the book are colossal and Gargantuan now...
Very much pleasure for Americans who like everything BIG :-p (joking, joking its just a saying here in Holland)
Not so much pleasure for me tho, I like everything up to Gargantuan, as from colossal creatures I can't create pawns from, and I don't like such creatures (yes maybe 4 or so) in my world, they would destroy everything anyway, very unbalanced if you ask me.
I would like throwing gargantuan or colossal creatures at my players if I had miniatures for them. I am a bit of a stickler for having the right miniature for an encounter. I also liked the gasps from my players on our last session last Friday when we finished my Slumbering Tsar campaign and I pulled out the colossal red dragon figurine for the corroded gold dragon at the end. They couldn't get over the size disparity :)
Bill Webb wrote: Steve Geddes wrote: An urban campaign setting released in instalments. One summary of the city followed by a series of sourcebooks on each neighbourhood/quarter.
Bonus points if each sourcebook includes a low level adventure set within that neighbourhood. No points if it isnt available in hardcopy. Steve--gotcha covered on that next year:) Bard's Gate for Pathfinder?
The black raven wrote: John Carter ?
I'd rather mention Hulk and early Superman ;-)
Thor does something akin to this since he actually throws his hammer and grabs the handle to "fly".
The Eidolon looks far more fearsome here (and very much like a Dragon, I should say).
I think the OP is right. I mean John Carte is the greatest swordsman on two worlds in the books. However, how would you be able to stat out the ability (on Mars) to leap 30 feet up or 150 feet forward without mythic rules? Hmm, now I need to look for an ability to give immunity to mind affecting spells or affects, and try to stat out John Carter.
jasonfahy wrote:
The Dragonlance books frequently showed Raistlin's verbal components - they were things like (let's see how I do from memory)
"Ast kiranann kair soth aran / suh kali jalaran" (Fireball)
"Ast kiranann kair Gadurm soth-arm / suh kali jalaran" (Lightning Bolt)
...and something that ended "suh tangus miopar" which I think was Sleep.
There is a lexicon of words of magic the the dragon lance sourcebook "Towers of High Sorcery" for creating and translating spell phrases like the above as well as making up new ones for your own.
Haladir wrote: At my table, I'd rule that the banishment ends the smite only if it was successful. If it was unsuccessful, the smite stays in effect. The problem is losing your smite really hurts on a failed banishment. However, if the banishment only ends on a successful banishment, then the paladin basically gets to banish the creature as often as he successfully hits until he banishes the creature. Banishment being an instant kill effect, that is really powerful.

Peter Stewart wrote: GeraintElberion wrote: ** spoiler omitted ** No offense, but the majority of the material you quoted is not at all related to her mythic abilities. Her senses (arcane sight, darkvision, see invisibility), regeneration, damage reduction, and immunities are all spelled out in special abilities outside of her mythic stuff.
Her contingency is not mythic, nor is her forceful presence or hut familiar. All of this is stilled out in her block.
In any case, some conclusions one can infer from Baba Yaga's stats about the final state of the rules.
-Mythic still provides a total of +10 to ability scores, split as you see fit. In Baba Yaga's case they all seem to have gone into intelligence.
-There are a limited number of mythic feats - Baba Yaga took a number of regular feats instead of mythic ones.
-Amazing initiative likely retains its playtest update form, providing less than half the benefit it once did.
-Mythic uses per day is likely 3 + x2 tier.
-There are some new class specific mythic path abilities (mythic hexes for example).
-The archmage capstone remains largely unchanged - still providing SR against arcane spells.
-Mythic provides no caster level bonuses.
-Mythic tier 10 still provides a generic immorality ability. Also, wouldn't she have 10 path abilities + 1 for feat for a total of 11 not 5+1?
Gericko wrote: Thank the gods! Someone is putting out high level material! One of my pet peeves with Pathfinder/Paizo is that they run their rules through level 20, but refuse to publish much for the upper levels. So, without even knowing the quality of this work, I am destined to buy it.
Again, thanks!
I wonder if there will be a Mythic Counterspell feat or ability. No limit to the number of spellsyou are able to counter in a turn, and able to counter spells even if you didn't prepare to counter a spell. Similar to the Epic Counterspell feat from 3.0
brad2411 wrote: Derron42 wrote: @ GeraintElberion -
Might you share Baba Yaga's HP, AC, ability scores, and equipment?
And what are her Archmage path abilities?
Thanks! ** spoiler omitted ** Which abilities were her Archmage Path abilities? I'm guessing crafting mastery, enduring armor, component freedom, and Queen of Witches but what else?
I'm running it on medium advancement also. Players are at 19th level, about to ascend to the Shoulders of Orcus.
Should a character's smite ability overcome damage reduction/epic? I am thinking of at least house ruling that my player's paladin can only overcome DR/epic when he hits epic level.
I'm currently running a Slumbering Tsar campaign in San Diego. I have lost a couple players who have moved away and am looking to replace them. Currently as of the beginning of August 2012, the campaign is at 9th level and the players have completed 2 chapters of the 14 chapters in the campaign. Though I love roleplaying, this campaign is very much in the 1st edition hack and slash style. There are a few good roleplaying moments, but is fairly story lite and mostly it consists of combat encounters. We have historically met Friday afternoons after work for our gaming sessions, although we have the flexibility to move the games to Sunday afternoons.
Oh, and if I didn't mention before, I'm a cleric of Sarenrae. So, I believe that corpses (friend or foe) should be cremated with fire to liberate their souls. The cleric and me have been doing this since the beginning. Therefore, skeletons and zombies are definitely an abomination.

TheRedArmy wrote: Cheapy wrote: TheRedArmy wrote:
Really, all this trouble with Paladins people have. Stop playing on the edge of evil and do things a nice proper way - you can still be really effective this way. To deny someone an entire class is incredibly selfish. While I agree for the most part with the rest of your post, I'd like to point out that Paladins force the entire party to align themselves to the party, possibly throwing out any character concept the other members had. Sometimes, when a Paladin pushes too far, they can become overbearing to the rest of the party. The best way you could handle this (in my eyes) is something like...
"These are the things I preach and believe in (good and law), these are the things I will vehemently and violently oppose (evil and extreme chaos), and these are the things I discourage, but won't actively oppose if it's my friends (neutral and light chaos)."
That's kinda how I go. My party does some neutral stuff and as long as it's not skirting the line, I'll go along with it if it sounds like a good idea. I actually accept a fair bit of Chaos from party members - only the most extreme of acts will I generally oppose. Evil (including channeling negative energy, casting evil spells, willingly working with evil when it can be helped), I almost always oppose - as most Paladins should, in my opinion. Well, let me clear this long thread up a little bit. I don't blame Harmor for wanting to bring in a character who can animate some bodyguards. It sounds just like my type of caster. As far as those who say, tell they guy not to play a paladin, I am playing the paladin in question and have been the party for the last 6 months. Harmor didn't want his old character raised. I can probably speak for the party cleric of Sarenrae, as well as my cohort cleric of Sarenrae, that we won't likely accept a stranger into our group with an assortment of undead in tow. Sorry Harmor :(