Mr Clint |

Greetings fellow Pathfinders!
I am in the need of 2-3 adventurers to join a party that is just wrapping up a mission.
We seem to have lost a few due to casualty of the PBP ghost.
Here is a link to the Gameplay Thread
Here is a link to the Original Recruitment Thread
- Level 2
- Core Races & Classes (totally cool with Pazio official archetypes as long as the racial ones don’t cost RPs) (Feats/Spells/Equipment/Talents/Etc from other books are allowed as long as it is Paizo official.)
- Here is the list of Deities that are available.
- Stats: 15 point buy – min/max all you’d like but play it
- Favored Class: Skill, HP, & Racial Bonus (yes all three)
- No Background Skills
- Traits: 2 Traits and 1 Drawback.
- Starting Gold: 1000 Gold
- Alignment: I say “Any’, but you have will have to work together. And, as in real life, if the friend group doesn’t like you… you might get left behind.
- Background: I don't need a short story, but give us an example of your posting style. (Yes I said "us" because the current party and myself will be vetting the applicants.)
- Gaming History: What is your background in PBP and in person gaming.
- Posting Rate: I will be checking in twice a day. I don’t expect you to post more than once a day. All I ask is that each post gives others a place to go off of to move the story forward. Think “yes, and…” when it comes to improv. Also, this is text based so please be as descriptive as you can when making your post. Let’s paint each other a clear picture.
- Maps/Theater-of-the-Mind: I’m about 50/50 on this. If a map is needed/requested I can and will provide one.
- Find an image that goes along with this character so we can see who you are. I will find an image for most NPCs you come across for visual aids.
This is a homebrew game set in the Duchy of Ashar and currently is based in Languard more specifically the Low City. In the Campaign info tab there is a brief description off each of these locations.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have.
I will say that our deadline will be August 11th by 12 noon central.

Rocan |

dot for interest, I would need to read up on the gameplay to see what the world is about up till now, to actually make an interesting character.
Seeing the current make-up of the party, I can imagine what could fill roles currently missing.
Initial idea, seeing the fiefdom and the region, would be a sailor type. Either a muscular pirate type or a more swashbuckling kind normally travelling on merchant ships.
Is there some information you can tell me/us in regards to the various organizations? Primarily for me about the Worshipful Company of Freetraders (merchant’s guild)?

Robert Henry |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Having read through the first adventure, I will confess that I like how you provided images for the game. I must admit the green Lacedon with the bloated abdomen and long claws was just creepy :)
The group ended at a curious spot. May I assume that anyone who joins the game will be people that lady Pakkanen has already hired?
As for the present party, it looks like Nempura and Helgar are definitely in, waves at Smooshie and Grumbaki and your trying to talk Zalona into sticking around. Waves at Zanbabe, Hoping they will stick around as well.
So a cleric, bard and if Zanbabe hangs, maybe a third. I tend to prefer combat and or skill oriented characters, One to many Robert E. Howard stories to be the "Caster"
I'm waffling between a frontliner (fighter or barbarian) and a switch hitting ranger.
Smooshie, how would Ivar do in this game?
Mr Clint, will being a sea-going character aid or distract from the present story line? I have several characters that I can alter their backstory story, without changing their personality. So I'm not sold on Ivar, (a sea-going fighter or barbarian) he would be one idea. Also a Switch hitting ranger (would take the 'trapper' archetype) that can deal with traps might not be a bad idea since Zalona your trapfinder seems to be leaving or at least changing characters.
Anyway, will need to read more about the actual location, and alter someone's background accordingly. Will get started on a couple ideas, and think about more questions.

BelacRLJ |
I'm thinking a rogue/wizard going for Arcane Trickster might be a good addition.
Depending who sticks around in the party I'd shift it to focus on face/scouting/knowledge. In any event, the short version is a low-charisma, high-intelligence, very self-effacing illusionist, who bluffs with the Cunning Liar trait but otherwise is about the least dangerous-looking person there is, until the chips are down.
I'll work on crunch*, background^, and the writing sample requested over this weekend.
*If selected, I'd shift around class skills if needed to not overlap with the other party members
^I'll be somewhat general and rely on you to help, if selected, pinpoint exactly who they'd be working with.

SmooshieBanana |

Smooshie, how would Ivar do in this game?
Assuming he is the same, he'd do fine. I'd say it has been less puzzles than our Pelipe/Ivar combo game, and more brutal fighting, which I think is more his style anyway, but who can say? We've only completed one minor quest. I'm not sure where it will go. So far, sure. :) The more HP between the people Nempura is insulting, the better.

Cuàn |

This looks like fun.
Looking at a Sword-Devil or a Fortune-Finder Ranger, most likely Human or perhaps part Human.
How much of the game will be urban vs out in the wilds? Mostly asking because the Fortune-Finder makes less sense if the group doesn't travel through different terrains.

Mr Clint |

I searched the info on the guilds available in Languard and here is what I came up with.
"The Sagacious Masters of the Eldritch Nexus" is Ashlar's premier wizard's guild. They find their home in the Black Tower which is roughly 8 miles as the crow flies NE from Languard (See Map). The Black Tower is a heavily fortified, vitrified tower-complex perched on the coast to the north east of Languard.
Members of the Nexus also dwell in Dulwich, Dunstone and Languard, where they often serve as magical advisers and sages to all who can afford their services. Most wizards and their ilk belong to the guild, or aspire to join.
Only those able to master the second level of class spells are eligible for membership. Starting as apprentices and must study under their master until they gain the approval of their master.
"The Worshipful Company of Freetraders" is Ashlar's most successful merchant's guild. The guild is open to traders and merchants who practice their craft or trade regularly and who have a place of business. Membership is not open to traveling merchants and the like. The Worshipful Company's influence and power grow daily as it spreads its tentacles throughout Ashlar's commercial landscape.
Unsurprisingly, the Worshipful Company has strong links to Abarin and his clergy. Many company members worship the Great Craftsman which grants them divine powers.
"The Shadow Masks" are rumors to some, a way of life to others and for parents in Languard they are a way to keep your children in at night.
It is said that the Shadow Masks is Languard's pre-eminent thieves' guild. Ruling the city's underworld from a network of hideouts, safe houses and subterranean dens scattered throughout the city.
It is unknown how to join their ranks. But, if they notice your skill, you will find yourself hooded in a chair being presented before their leader.
Though "The Order of the Watch Eternal" is a group completely devoted to Darlen (see deities link). This order of holy warriors stands between Ashlar and the darkness pressing in on all sides. Its members are heroes and protectors of the common folk often seen riding the borders. A few of their number also delve into the sinister, benighted mysteries of Gloamhold - convinced that some ancient terror lurks, deep within.
The Order comprises paladins, lawful good fighters and priests of Darlen. It maintains two main fortifications - Tor Abbey in the west and the Watcher's Spire in Languard. Those seeking to join the order would visit one of these two key locations.
Hope those four options help out.

Mr Clint |

The group ended at a curious spot. May I assume that anyone who joins the game will be people that lady Pakkanen has already hired?
I will leave that up to you, to be either known or unknown by the party. There will be an opportunity for other's to join "at the tavern." Yes I know cliche, but when it works don't fix it.
Mr Clint, will being a sea-going character aid or distract from the present story line? I have several characters that I can alter their backstory story, without changing their personality. So I'm not sold on Ivar, (a sea-going fighter or barbarian) he would be one idea. Also a Switch hitting ranger (would take the 'trapper' archetype) that can deal with traps might not be a bad idea since Zalona your trapfinder seems to be leaving or at least changing characters.
I can think of several times moving forward that a sea-going character would be helpful to the characters. The PC could even be one of the crewmen that was aboard the Valerr when the party went to explore the Sea Sprite.
How much of the game will be urban vs out in the wilds? Mostly asking because the Fortune-Finder only really makes sense if the group travels through different terrains.
There will be a lot of traveling involved in this campaign. Some by land, some by sea, and maybe even some by air...

Robert Henry |

Cool, Mr Clint, thanks for the feedback.
I think I'm going to enter some iteration of Ivar, he's a northern barbarian sailor with a strong wander lust. I've read as much as I can find about "The Duchy of Ashlar" (If I were doing a ranger, he would be from Longbridge), but since Ivar is from "some where north" and has sailed here. Would you rather give me a couple of 'Place names' or should I just make something up.
Mechanics wise, will go barbarian, need to double check all the 'Character Creation' rules, to make sure he is compliant :)

Ivar "Goldilocks" Theodinson |
This is RH's barbarian, Ivar. I've got a generic background on his page, Mr. Clint if you give me a northern country which is 'Nordic' in nature I will work it into the background.
As for how to enter, I may need to wait to see how the conversation goes with Lady Pakkanen and the captain and his first mate. Depending on who the team is on good terms with when they leave the room.
Whether Ivar was a part of Captain Untamo's crew, or possibly someone who had sailed with the Sea Sprite, or who had worked for or works for Vilutar. Or just a sailor they meet in a bar....
SmooshieBanana, Grumbaki or Zanbabe Yeah I know Zanbabe is planning on exiting, but maybe we can change her mind :) if you have any opinions about how Ivar can meet up with Nempura, Zalona and Helga let me know :)

Merion Vynas |

This is BelacRLJ's submission, Merion Vynas.
Not knowing the intricacies of the city's guilds, I'd ask for some guidance on how someone with his personal history would have come to his current affiliations, and how from there he would be interested in the upcoming plot hooks (or how the sources of said hooks would volunteer him).

Nempura Babblebrook |

Nempura is a bard but also has been a tavern wench. If I recall Ivar's proclivities, he may have booked her services, listened to her sing, or both. Nempura is an adventurer when she can get the business though. Despite this, she's notorious for getting into trouble and having her goods stolen or meeting with the worst job givers due to her lacking ability to pay attention. For this reason, she's been thrust back and forth between being semi-wealthy to dirt poor. Working in low-wage jobs or low-end to high-end taverns. He may have seen her multiple times in various places. At some points it may have been during adventuring and doing well, and at some points back in a bar with nary a copper to her name.
That would go for anyone who would get accepted into the game.

Mr Clint |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

This is RH's barbarian, Ivar. I've got a generic background on his page, Mr. Clint if you give me a northern country which is 'Nordic' in nature I will work it into the background.
I believe that Skaalhaft is going to be your best bet for a northern location.
Ruler: Svaad Ruun
Government: Dynasty
Alignments: LN, N
Population: 187 (187 humans)
Notable Folk: Gremheks (Vaydmar’s Light), The Alchemist (Wayhouse), The Poacher (Wayhouse), The Wizard (Wayhouse)
Languages: Common
Resources & Industry: Alchemical good, rare creature parts
Skaalhaft is a whaling village, where the quarry are drakes, kraken and other magical aquatic beasts as well as more mundane prey. Each kill provides food and alchemical supplies for weeks, both for use in the viillage and for profitable export. Whaling crews leave for days at a time, returning with a kill or empty handed (or sometimes not at all). These warriors use specialized tools and techniques to take on creatures that would slay far greater warriors.
Back in Skaalhaft, women and children work in a miasmic processing mill. Stone faced and silent, they separate valuable scales, blood and bone from worthless refuse. The bay is thick with mutated sharks from the runoff of such arcane waste.
The citizens of Skaalhaft are strong, sombre and scarred, some marked with glowing tattoos, carved scrimshaw necklaces or strange magic gifts from the alchemically charged meals they consume. While the village’s mood usually matches the stormy grey skies, a valuable kill is marked by raucous celebrations which can last many days.
Appearance: The villagers are large, muscular, heavily tattooed and acid scarred. Their skin is pale, almost blue, but thick without any sign of veins. Both men and women either tie their dark hair in braids, or cut it off completely.
Dress: Here in the cold, there is little difference between the dress of men and women. Villagers wear leather and furs crafted from both land and sea creatures alike. Many wear white and black scrimshaw necklaces from familial kills.
Nomenclature: male Gunvor, Hakron, Magnor, Olvar, Ranghide, Torhyld; female Fridys, Hyldys, Sigryd, Trygvin, Yngryd; family Baas, Frys, Gurs, Mys, Ruun, Lyne, Ulf, Vyn.
Skaalhaft is sombre and its folk hard-working, without time or desire for the frivolities of play or art. Large men and women walk in silence, work in silence and largely socialize in silence. At night, the sounds of warm laughter sometimes emanate from the closed shutters of houses, but these displays of affection are deeply personal and not for outsiders or even other villagers.
Trade & Industry
Villagers hunt and process rare aquatic creatures, then sells the results to alchemically minded patrons around the realm. The entire village pursues this industry with single-minded enthusiasm. Almost half of all men are hunters, while the other half trawl the waters for fish or perform various odd jobs. Hunting is deeply engrained in Skaalhaft’s culture and closely tied to success and virility.
Law & Order
Skaalhaft’s chief, Svaad Ruun, has total governance over the village. He issues all decrees, adjudicates all major decisions and passes down judgement when necessary.
In reality, Svaad makes very few real choices. The traditions of Skaalhaft are deep-seated and clear to all villagers. Respect for one another is paramount. Physical affection outside the home is discouraged. Remain quiet unless you have something important to say. Split proceeds from the hunt evenly between all villagers. While there are the occasional rule-breakers, a strong work ethic combined with harsh punishments ensure there are few major problems.
Customs & Traditions
Skaalhaft’s citizens seem neither a religious nor celebratory lot. However, their lives burst with small rituals and customs nearly robbed of purpose by time. Scrimshaw takes on traditional significance, embodying the spirits of great kills of the past. Many villagers carry a lucky piece of scrimshaw, or make sure to touch the various whale bones embedded in the village’s buildings as they pass by.
Seasonal monster migrations are marked by short ceremonies, usually at sunrise and only involving the chief and the captains. Births and deaths are marked by small rituals confined to the immediate family, chief and lighthouse keeper alone. If there is disaster at sea, the entire village mourns for as many days as the number of sailors lost. By sharing the load, the mourning period is minimized and those affected may quickly return to work. Public weeping is always discouraged, even in the case of close loss.
Skaalhaft rests on a blustery spit of northern land. It is a week’s ride to the nearest major town, far enough to feel secluded but close enough that traders may reach it without extensive travel. The trails are not well-maintained, but the caravans make do. For the unique products that Skaalhaft offers, the trip is worth it.
If the village had an inn, however, the trek might be far more enjoyable. Instead, visitors must set up their own camps among the black boulders littering the landscape. The reception visitors receive is as frosty as the trail they have travelled.
It is cold, up here in the north. Most of the year, freezing sea mist, fog and rain cover the land. For a few weeks every summer, the land becomes stifling hot and still, without even a breeze to provide respite. For a few weeks every winter, the village endures a blizzard (though the snow does not survive long on the salted earth). Regardless of the season, however, the sea is always bitterly cold, hovering just a few degrees above freezing. It is not uncommon to see detached icebergs floating by in the distance.
The terrain around Skaalhaft is volcanic in origin, though no volcano has erupted here in millennia. Rocks are black and jagged, whipped into unnatural sharp shapes by wind, salt and time. Instead of earth, the ground comprises black gravel for several days travel in any direction. The few plants growing here are highly sought after by the herds of elk migrating through this bleak land.
Up and down the coast, cliffs and razor-sharp boulders make sailing difficult. A crew seeking respite from a gale must find one of the few black sand beaches piercing the cliffs, then pull their boat high out of the water to avoid the rough surf. Skaalhaft sailors are specially trained to navigate such harsh waters without smashing their boats to bits.
Many sea creatures revel in these conditions. Drakes, kraken, whales and dire sharks all travel and feed in abundance along the coast and in deeper waters. The rich seawater draws a range of prey and predator alike, including great colonies of seals and orcas along with the fiercer beasts. While most sailors avoid the region at all costs, those in Skaalhaft use secret techniques to bring down such valuable quarry.
In short, the area around Skaalhaft is not unlike the villagers themselves. In the cold and quiet, the land might seem lifeless and inhospitable to foreigners. However, great energy and strength and lie hidden just beneath the surface.
I know that is a lot of info, but I didn't want to just share the entire document. Hope that helps with your background.
As for how to enter, I may need to wait to see how the conversation goes with Lady Pakkanen and the captain and his first mate. Depending on who the team is on good terms with when they leave the room.
Whether Ivar was a part of Captain Untamo's crew, or possibly someone who had sailed with the Sea Sprite, or who had worked for or works for Vilutar. Or just a sailor they meet in a bar....
I believe that any of those are great options, or even if they head to the temple that Pakkanen just shared with them would be a good option.
This is BelacRLJ's submission, Merion Vynas.
Not knowing the intricacies of the city's guilds, I'd ask for some guidance on how someone with his personal history would have come to his current affiliations, and how from there he would be interested in the upcoming plot hooks (or how the sources of said hooks would volunteer him).
Here is some info for you about the City Watch. Hopefully that helps fill in some gaps for you. Let me read over your background and see what I can come up with to help you out.
Charged with maintaining law and order throughout the city, except within Castle Languard’s walls, the watch maintains garrisons at strategic points throughout the city. Led by Veli Nikkonen (LN middle-aged male human knight) the watch numbers roughly 180 individuals, although only a quarter or so of this number are on duty at any given moment.
The watch maintains a continuous presence in High City and Low City with daily and nightly patrols. Disturbances— particularly in High City—are quickly investigated.
In the Shambles and Fishshambles, however, the watch is a rare sight; here they only venture in large numbers. The watch a voids t he W recks e xcept i n times o f great n eed; incursions against the clannish Takolen are always wellplanned and often have support from the Watcher’s Spire such is the foul reputation of these degenerate folk.
Unless they are specifically expecting trouble, watch patrols normally comprise four men. Sometimes, in the Low City, the watch mounts double patrols led by an experienced sergeant. Most watchmen prefer working in the High City; here the folk are generally more pleasant, violence and robbery are rarer and the opportunity for bribery is greater.

Ivar "Goldilocks" Theodinson |
Nempura is a bard but also has been a tavern wench. If I recall Ivar's proclivities, he may have booked her services, listened to her sing, or both. ...Definitely listened to her sing :) I like the idea of 'having seen her around town.'
Ivar "Goldilocks" Theodinson wrote:This is RH's barbarian, Ivar. I've got a generic background on his page, Mr. Clint if you give me a northern country which is 'Nordic' in nature I will work it into the background.I believe that Skaalhaft is going to be your best bet for a northern location.
Thank you Mr Clint, I will read through the information and work some if it into his back story.
As for how to interject Ivar into the game, I will wait to see how the three ladies respond to lady Pakkanen's offer. If we chose for Ivar not to have a connection to Pakkanen, Untamo or the Sea Sprite, It would be easy to meet them while they are taking 'a few days.' Either at the the 'Orc’s Head Tavern' or even the 'Fane of the Waves Eternal' I can picture Ivar worshiping 'the Mistress of Storms,'
I will keep following along in the game thread, we have four days to sort it out.

Mr Clint |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So first, just Clint. I am regretting putting the Mr before it. I feel like I’m my son’s elementary school teacher. Lol
Robert/Ivar I think it is safe to say with your connection to those who are staying and me checking out your background that you’d be a solid fit. I’ll be sending you a PM as to imputing your PC into the game.
^This being said, I am still on the look for two more players.

Mr Clint |

I am interested in this and open to taking up anything really as far as a concept. I have a few things working around but nothing locked in yet.
Looks like we have a bard, cleric, and a barbarian. Could possibly use an arcane caster, or something that has disable device. Or whatever you really feel like. I’m more interested in the story and having fun than I am a balanced party. Sometimes an unbalanced party brings forward some interesting moments.

Merion Vynas |

Here is some info for you about the City Watch. Hopefully that helps fill in some gaps for you. Let me read over your background and see what I can come up with to help you out.
Thanks. This is a very interesting-sounding setting, with more opportunity for shared worldbuilding than the usual Golarion APs offer. I'm hoping that Merion's crunch fits well with the party, and his background offers useful plot developments.

Kazmanaught |

Abnaki bows deeply to the elemental. "Abbygailiwy. A lovely name for an enchanting creature. You must tell me how you became acquainted some time. I must confess I find the composite eleme most... relatable." He smiles at Abby before copying Samen's gesture.
Diplomancy check for first impressions with Abbygailiwy, attempting to flatter: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30"Greetings Tender. These oreads attempted to kill Wamblee of the tribe of Peace. We jumped to his aid. Although their actions were cowardly, and their motivation surely questionable, they deserve respect as fellow els, and so we have come to provide them with an appropriate final resting place."
I've got limited experience with PBP, although I'm down to try my hardest, but my in person experience is 12 years of pathfinder.
|HP:14|BaB:1|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:3|AC:12 T:12 FF:10|Init:+8|
Str: 8 -1
Dex: 14 2
Con: 12 1
Int: 10 0
Wis: 10 0
Cha: 16+2 4
Race Features:
+2 Cha, +1 SP/lvl, +1 feat, favored class sorcerer, +1 SP, HP, and +1 spell of a level lower known. [2 cantrips]
Class Features
Mage's Tattoo Necromancy: Touch of fatigue 3/day
Sanguine Bloodline Arcana: +1 to CL of necromancy spells
Tattoo Familiar: Greensting Sage, +4 initative
-7HP, 19 AC, Ref 5 Will 3 Fort: 2. Move action to become a tattoo or not a tattoo. Only provides initative bonus when a tattoo
-7 Int, gains 2 skill points per level, and 1 int per level, treats all knowledge skills as class skills
-Knowledge (Religion, Arcana) +3
-Share Spells, Empathic link, improved evasion
Skills: Ranks Stat Class Misc Total
Bluff 2 4 Y 0 10
UMD 2 4 Y 0 10
Spellcraft 2 0 Y 0 5
Craft(Leather) 2 0 Y 0 5
Sorcerer: Mage's Tattoo Necromancy
Human: Point Blank Shot
1st: Precise Shot
Magical Lineage: Enervation
Reactionary: +2 to initative
Shadow Scarred or Haunted, whichever is a bigger drawback
Spells: (All necromancy spells* are at +2 CL, +1 to hit and damage with ranged spells within 30ft)
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ray of Frost, Ghost Sound, Disrupt undead, Presti
Level 1: (5/day) Ray of Enfeeblement*, Mage Armor
Component Pouch(5)
Quarterstaff (0)
Masterwork Leatherworking tools (50)
Sleves of many garments (200)
Spellbook (15)
Tattoos (100)
Healing potion x2(100)
Arren is a tall, sallow woman. She would be attractive, if there wasn't something profoundly offputting about her. Perhaps it's the way she moves, or the strange color of her eyes. Maybe it's the numerous tattoos along her arms. Quite possibly it's the way she whispers to the scorpion that people swear lives inside her robes. Whatever it is, people tend to avoid the lady who dresses like a wizard. Which is a shame! Arren is a kind soul, who loves chatting with people. Unfortunatly for her, most people at best avoid her, and at worst shun her. Her only true companion is the scorpion she found living in her shoe, and adopted. She doesn't know which higher power sent it to her, but she knowns it must have been a sign from the gods; they had not forgotten her yet.
Arren dresses like a wizard to put people more at ease. A wizard throwing around rays that sap people's strength? Not a big deal. Someone who's powers come from some taint of undeath in their blood? Suddenly people get up in arms about these things. Arren is seeking a cure for her affliction, as she is sure that one day it will cause her to lose herself to her magic, and become a mindless undead, or worse; a lich. Having long expended the money that her parents gave her to try and find a way to return to normal, Arren takes on whatever jobs she can find. Despite her condition, Arren cares deeply for those in need, offering her assistance where she can. To help others proves to her that she is in fact, still alive. The tattoos on her skin show that she still has some control over her body. She'd die before allowing herself to turn.
Here's my submission, hopefully spoiler'd correctly to avoid a massive post!

Rocan |

I still need to read up on the game play but as far as crunch is concerned I am either looking toward a swashbuckling accountant who has been making voyages on a ship. Fighter (Learned Duelist/Lorewarden) could have been a great student of magic, were it not for his stutter.
He has learned swordplay, but isn't overtly confident in it. Speaking up what he needs to everytime to remind himself.
Other idea is a virtuos bravo paladin of the merchant guild

Mr Clint |

Haunted or Shadow-Scarred are both cool. I think that if you were to go with Shadow-Scarred you could tie in something from your youth. Maybe you and some friends went to Gloamhold and you were abandoned. Maybe you spent days, or even weeks lost within trying to avoid whatever lurks within.
If you went with Haunted I would want to know what it is from your past that haunts you. A trait like that I would love to play with and tie into the story.
As far as necromancy goes. I am cool with it, but I am not sure how the party would feel considering what they just went through. Are you looking to move down the road of raising the dead, or more of a focus on the other undead fun spells and abilities? I think that would make the biggest impact. Either way, I think it would be an interesting dynamic in the overall story.

Kazmanaught |

Nempura Babblebrook |

How your character will fit in will be the most important bit. If you have skin drooping or have an undead scent or teeth falling out, or anything like that, Nempura's going to probably kill her at this point without hesitation. If this is a slow progression thing over multiple levels and quests, and you tout yourself as being able to be a master over necromancy--to bring it into subjugation and/or destroy it--that might appeal to Nempura. Then, she'd want you super close.
As for the feat, I get the flavor of it, but I think mechanically it kind of screws us over. It's not like we have a strong healer anyways, as Helgar is a forgemaster. I think she's focusing on boosting weaponry more than keeping us alive through cures. I'm playing a bard with diminished spellcasting and no cures. That means that if you are taking this feat, it's going to make it even harder. So, if you feel like flavor is more important, go for it, but you'll probably die unless you can heal yourself.

Mr Clint |

Current Party Makeup:
Invulerable Rager Barbarian 2
Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 2
Forgemaster Cleric 2
Sanguine Undead Bloodline Sorcerer 2
Unchained Rogue 1/Mage of the Veil Illusionist 1
+ a few dots/interested/working on XYorZ
Submissions close 8/11 at noon central time.
TheWaskally - You are still good for a submission. I have 2, maybe 3, more slots available so feel free to jump on in with it. So, possibly a dumb question. You said the concept of the goddess, you mean The Mother when you say that correct? Just want to make sure we are on the same page.
I would have to agree with Nempura about the feat. Though I do love the flavor aspect, but the need for inflict would be hard. It would be something that you would need a wand for and possibly someone to even be able to cast it if/when you were to fall.
Again, I love the flavor of it and what it could do for the story because of, well, basically everything that Nempura said she is going through because of the past experience.
Rocan - Either option would be great.

Kazmanaught |

Ventiine |

To preface: I live under a rock when it comes to other tabletop rpg universes outside of Pathfinder. Do you mind explaining the player "hook" or the back cover synopsis?
Is there a Pathfinder AP that is similar to Dutchy of Ashlar, like Hell's Rebels? Or a pop culture movie or book similar to it?
Also, is the Dutchy of Ashlar part of Gloamhold Adventures of Shadow? I just googled Dutchy of Ashlar trying to learn more about it.

Rocan |

Here's my submission, Ewan, the Lore Warden/Learned Duelist Fighter, waiting on making an alias if I make the cut. When I read the first adventure though my mind immediately went to the videogame: Return of the Obra Dinn.
As to my experience on and off PbP. On PbP, I've had a lot of different characters I've liked, played in several campaigns, alas most of them bled to death, so the only one that was truly played to its end was a Falcon's Hollow campaign with a great group of players. Started somewhere late 2012, early 2013 on these forums, with a few years in between for a break.
Realtime, I've played and DM-ed several campaigns of Pathfinder, Mage the Awakening, World of Darkness and Pendragon, starting around 2011 or so. I've had a close group of friends at university to get me started and with whom I still play on and off for one-shots.
Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden/Learned Duelist
TN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses: Perception +0,
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 . . (+4 Dex +4 Armor +1 Dodge)
HP 12 (10+1+1)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0
mwrk Rapier +8, 1d6 (18/20)
Speed 30 ft. (Light Armour)
Str 10, Dex 18(16+2), Con 12, Int 14 , Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 16 (10 +0 Str +2 BAB +4 Dex)(+1 vs Disarm and Grapple)
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier).
Magical Talent: Benefit: Choose a 0-level spell. You may cast that spell once per day as a spell-like ability. This spell-like ability is cast at your highest caster level gained; if you have no caster level, it functions at CL 1st. The spell-like ability‘s save DC is Charisma-based. → Mage Hand
Cautious Warrior: Benefit(s): You gain an additional +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class while you fight defensively or use the total defense action.
Self-doubting: Effect The first time each day that you fail a Will saving throw or skill check, you take a –2 penalty on the next Will saving throw or skill check of that kind.
Skills: Acrobatics 2 ranks (+6), Linguistics 2 ranks (+7), Knowledge Nature 2 ranks (+7), Knowledge Dungeoneering 2 ranks (+6), Profession Purser 2 rank (+5), Survival 1 rank (+4), Swim 1 rank (+4), Knowledge Engineering 2 rank (+7), Knowledge Arcana 2 ranks (+7)
Languages: Common,
Combat Gear: mwrk Rapier, mwrk Chain Shirt
Other Gear: 10sheets of Paper (4gp), 3x inkpen (3sp), 2 inkwells one ¼ full(16gp), 2x Journal book (One filled up (named Silent Stride) and one relatively unwritten)(20gp), Book of Puzzles (50gp) mwrk Backpack (50gp) Compass (10gp), Scrivener's Kit (2gp), Fighter's Kit (Without the Iron Pot and only two torches)(9 gp)
Encumbrance: lbs; Light Load (53lbs), (Light Load up to 76lbs, Medium up to 153lbs, Heavy up to 230)
Money Left:
FCB: +1 HP, +1 Skill +1 to CMD vs Grapple and Disarm
Racial Traits
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Class Abilities
Scholastic (Ex)
A lore warden gains 2 additional skill ranks each level. These ranks must be spent on Intelligence-based skills. All Craft and Knowledge skills are class skills for lore wardens, as are Linguistics and Spellcraft.
This ability replaces the fighter’s proficiency with medium armor, heavy armor, and shields.
Skill Over Strength (Ex)
At 2nd level, a lore warden qualifies for feats and other abilities as though she had the Combat Expertise feat.
At 6th level, she gains Combat Expertise as a bonus feat, even if she would not normally qualify for the feat. If she already has Combat Expertise, she instead gains any one combat feat that includes Combat Expertise as a prerequisite (and for which she otherwise qualifies).
At 10th level, she can treat her base attack bonus as though it were 2 higher for the purpose of calculating the effects of Combat Expertise.
This ability replaces bravery and the fighter bonus feat gained at 2nd level.
Duelist Stance (Ex)
At 1st level, a Learned duelist gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC as long as he is wearing no armor or light armor, wields a melee weapon in one hand, and his other hand is empty. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 levels the duelist possesses to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
This ability replaces the fighter’s 1st-level bonus feat.
Ewan had always been a promising student, achieving good grades and praise from his teachers for his letters, numbers and able to grasp many a subject like geography, engineering and botany. As a son of two scribes, these talents were not too surprising. Even basic wizardry he grasped pretty quickly. Alas, Ewan was born with a bad case of stuttering that pops up when he feels under pressure or stressed. What happens to be, in his case, almost every moment as his stutter has made him very aware of himself.
During his entrance test, Ewan passed the initial tests to separate the wheat from the chaff, the good from the average. He could have made one of the best students of his year, though when the basic spell trial was held, to demonstrate the initial grasp of easy to use spells. Ewan easily picked up the words and gestures, but knowing and pronouncing the words were two very different things. A simple attack spell fizzled, a message spell came in like almost a different language, A light spell didn't produce even the faintest of candle light.
Ever since, in his eyes, this failure, Ewan had after a year or two, taken his study to be more economically focused. Working as an accountant first and then eventually wanting to leave Languard and Ashlar behind him for a while. He had chosen to work as an apprentice purser upon several merchant vessels that had docked in Languard and were sea-bound shortly thereafter.
It is on such a vessel, The Silent Stride, he met a new tutor: Lyria, an auburn-haired woman in her late thirties with a quick mind and an even quicker blade. She taught him a version of light-footed swordplay that was more fitting on the ever-moving and ever-shifting deck of a ship. It has helped him through several difficult challenges like a pirate attack, fellow new crewmembers thinking him easy to bully due to his soft-spoken mannerisms, even helping him sometimes get over his stutter.
It is now after several years that Ewan finds himself back in the port of Languard, having just completed his most recent trip.
He is quite self-aware of himself and what he's able to and what he can't do. New things and situations do give him trouble though, as he's unfamiliar as to what to do.
Violence isn't his first resort, if he can avoid a fight he will try to, though if cornered, he's quite a difficult opponent to beat, even if he might not look like it.
During combat one could hear him mutter to himself the steps, parries and observations he makes. It keeps his mind focused and even drowns out his stutter in the heat of the moment.
Lyria has called Ewan, 'Little Inkhand' as a nickname for him, due to most of the time he could be found with his nose in the ledgers and books. She has been the only one who has called him that.
Ewan was going through the motions of the previous sessions, practising the motions, the steps, the bladework. Lyria was sitting on a barrel of salted fish looking at her new pupil, sharpening her own blade again.
Step out, dodge, lean sideways, parry, parry, lunge His thoughts raced through his mind.
”You're doing well enough for only having three lessons so far.” His auburn-haired mentor called out from her perch.
”Tha' what you call a sailor?!” a shout came from the other side of the deck. ”Tha boy can't even speak proper, let alone beat a man in a fight.”
Lyria pointed her blade towards the black-bearded man and leered over her blade. ”Ah so you think you could best me is that it?” The man quickly held up his hands shaking his head. ”Meant no disrespec' to yus, Lyria. Tha boy is a liability though.”
Ewan had stopped practising for a moment as the shouts kept him unfocused.
”I c-ca-can f-fight if I h-h-have to. My s-s-peech h-has nothing to do w-with it.” Ewan's face became red from being the sudden focus of the attention and also from a little anger welling up.
Lyria jumped off from her seat at the barrel, still pointing at the bearded man. ”If it is proper fighting they want to see and proper words let's give em that. Ewan? Just follow my lead. Speak your mind as you go through the motions. Follow the steps and let your voice guide you.”
She stood next to him and the pair of tutor en pupil followed the same set. The words becoming louder and louder as they both shouted the moves.
”St-step ou-out. D-d-dodge. Wait for the f-fol-follow-up. P-parry. Str-Strike. St-trike. L-lunge. P-parry! Dodge. S-sidestep! Dodge! Step out! Step in! Strike! Strike! PARRY!”

Mr Clint |

Ventiine - it is the same world as gloamhold, but I am using the world as the setting for my own homebrew story. As far as backdrop goes I make it up as I go. Lol. Honestly read the gameplay thread and it will give you the best impression. And anyway, you’ll have to do that before submitting a character.
Rocan - I’ll give it a read here shortly

Mr Clint |

This is Edelsmirge's choice: Going to be the fellow I put in with a unchained summoner with his eidelon fulfilling the role of rogue.
Hey Edelsmirge! Under the creation rules I am only doing Core Classes. I think it would be great to submit a rogue if you'd like, regular or unchained. I would be sure to double read the Character Creation spoiler box. Looking forward to seeing your final submission.
Rocan - thanks for the submission. Seems like it would be interesting to have a character with a stutter in the party. I will add it to my list!

Kazmanaught |

1 day left! I'm excited for the results either way! Also I realize I forgot an image for my character so... look here! It's not perfect, but it will have to do.

Mr Clint |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

We are in the final day of submissions. We have just under 2 hours and 20 minutes before submission time is up. Below is where we stand so far. Best of luck!
Current Party Makeup:
Invulerable Rager Barbarian 2
Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 2
Forgemaster Cleric 2
Sanguine Undead Bloodline Sorcerer 2
Unchained Rogue 1/Mage of the Veil Illusionist 1
Lore Warden/Learned Duelist Fighter 2

Mr Clint |

I have read through the three submissions, and I was looking for 2-3 players. I believe that I am going to have to go with and keep all three of you.
Marion, Ewan, and Arren - head on over to the discussion page, with your alias completed, and introduce yourselves there. The next step will be getting you all plugged in.