Volcano's Land - Mercury Morn

Game Master Miner Cotren

Darkness surrounds the land where the peoples of Volcano, River, and Forest live under a Fallen Sky.

Current Battle Map

Current Characters

Abnaki Thrice Slain

BaB:7/2 | HP:19/63 | AC:17 T:12/14 FF:15 | Fort:4 Ref:10 Will:10/16(Compulsion/Charm) +4 vs mind affecting | Init: +2 | Favored class bard [HPx10]
3rdx5. 2ndx2, Boostx5, 4thx1 Performx4

played by Kazmanaught (120 posts)
Beltias Kreun
Gabriel Freemind

Male LN Human Unchained Monk (Enlightened Monk) 5/ Unchained Rogue (Dark Lurker) 4/ Psychic Fist 1 | HP: 90/90| AC: 23 (23 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +8, CMD: 29| F: +8, R: +16, W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +21, SM: +16 | Speed 50ft | Psionic Focus (x)| Active conditions:

played by natloz (125 posts)
Hubristic Efreeti

played by Miner Cotren (4,123 posts)
Kallik Sisa

female NG Oread Phantom of Rage HP 54/54 |AC-18 T-12 FF-16 DR 5/slashing. DR 5/magic| F+7 R+3 W+5 |CMB+13CMD 24| Init+1 | Perc +5|

played by Deaths Adorable Apprentice (1,430 posts)
Opræterius, Northern Sunlord

played by Miner Cotren (24 posts)

Haunted Summoner lvl 9 / init +1 /51/67 / fort +8, Ref+4, will+9, AC 16 / Spells (1st 3/6)(2nd 4/5)(3rd 1/4)

played by Deaths Adorable Apprentice (93 posts)
Shambling Mound

played by Miner Cotren (22 posts)
Loris Raknian
Samen The Cleansed

Male Neutral Good Human Psychic (rebirth, marauder) 10 | Phrenic pool: 8/8 | HP: 56/56 (+19)| AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | BAB: 4, CMB: +3, CMD: 13 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +12 | Init: +1 | Perc: 12, SM: 3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None. | Spells: 1st: 5/8 2nd: 7/8 3rd: 6/7 4th: 4/6 5th: 3/4

played by Himyulmaion (286 posts)
Chain Mauler
Shadow-touched Gabriel

Male LN Ifrit Unchained Monk 5/ Unchained Rogue (Dark Lurker) 4 | HP: 77/77| AC: 22 (22 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +8, CMD: 32| F: +8, R: +13, W: +8 | Init: +6 Perc: +21, SM: +16 | Speed 40ft , +10ft sprinter | Active conditions:

played by natloz (80 posts)

played by Miner Cotren (17 posts)

Current NPCs

Abnaki Once-Dreamt

played by Miner Cotren (11 posts)
The Dream Crow

played by Miner Cotren (21 posts)
Gabe Shadowsneak

played by Miner Cotren (4 posts)
Iniga Vexed

played by Miner Cotren (10 posts)

played by Miner Cotren (100 posts)
Seaweed Leshy
Learningto Ellen

played by Miner Cotren (42 posts)
Larur Feldin
Odebie of the King's Tribe

played by Miner Cotren (42 posts)
Ohkwarikó of the Nightshade

Male N Oread Ranger 2 (Divine Tracker) | HP: 20/20 | AC: 14 (10 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: -1 | Perc: +7, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | eventually, divine tracker blessings | Active conditions: None.

played by Miner Cotren (24 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak
Ozhna Ghosthand

Male CN Sylph Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 7 | HP: 45/45 | AC: 21(with Mage armor) (T20, FF 16) | BAB: 5, CMB: +4, CMD: 20 | F: +4, R: +11, W: +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: 11, Sense Motive : 6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Mage armor(7h), Mirror images 4, 7 minutes|

played by Miner Cotren (106 posts)
Female Sorcerer
Phon Vos the Pantheist

played by Miner Cotren (1 post)
Sequoya of the Night Shade

played by Miner Cotren (5 posts)
Wamblee of the Tribe of Peace

played by Miner Cotren (96 posts)
_your shadow

played by Miner Cotren (28 posts)

Previous Characters

Deaths Adorable Apprentice

(2,275 posts)

(305 posts)
Stone Giant
Miner Cotren

(1,353 posts)
Shining Child

played by Miner Cotren (121 posts)
Abnaki v'Cardi

BaB:6/1 | HP:21/57 | AC:17 T:12/14 FF:15 | Fort:4 Ref:9 Will:9/15(Compulsion/Charm) +4 vs mind affecting | Init: +2 |
6rds perform, 5 2nds, 1 1st

played by Kazmanaught (413 posts)
Automaton Master Mold
Albert Glazier

N Male Sylph Elmorph Mechanic-Alchemist 8 / Fighter 1 | HP 72/72 | AC 27 Touch 12 Flat 26 CMB +13 CMD 25 | Fort +13 Ref +10 Will +6 | Resist 5 Electricity, Fire | Spd 20, Climb 15, Fly 20, Swim 20 | Init +1; Per +19 (See Invis), SM +5 | Extracts (Lv3 2/3, Lv2 3/5, Lv1 3/5) | Bombs (12/12), Mutagen (0/1), Healer's Hands (9/9) | Active: Breeze-Kissed (AC +2 vs non-magical ranged), Ht Awareness, Heroism, Mutagen, Oreadskin, See Invis, Tears to Wine
played by polyfrequencies (133 posts)
Pallid Mask
The Declarative

played by Miner Cotren (659 posts)
Dispassionate Monitor

played by Miner Cotren (571 posts)
Etrah Proudfeather

played by Miner Cotren (7 posts)
Gabriel Izalith

Male True neutral Ifrit / 3 UC rogue / 6 Stygian Slayer | HP: 65/65| AC: 23 (16 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +10/+5, CMD: 26| F: +9, R: +14, W: +6 | Init: +7 | Perc: +11, SM: +12 | Speed 30ft , +10ft sprinter | Active conditions: None.

played by Archae (217 posts)
Ibinu Kemish

NG Male Sylph Sorcerer 5 & Dragon Disciple 4 | Mods: Comp Lang, False Life, Mage Armor | HP 73 (-0) Temp 11 | AC/Tch/FF 20/12/18 | CMD: 20 | F/R/W +6/+6/+10 (Elec Resist 5, Fire Resist 10) | Speed 30ft (Fly 60 when cast) | Climb 20 ft | Storm Blood Heal 18/18, Bite & Claws 6/6 | Level 1: 3/7, Level 2: 5/7, Level 3: 1/6, Level 4: 3/3 | Perc: +14 (Dark & Dragon), SM: +2 | Init: +2

played by Pete H. (1,098 posts)
Iniga v'Breda

Female Ifrit Skald (Fated Champion Red Tongue) 7 | HP: 52/52 | AC: 15 (10 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 20 | F: +8, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +7 | Perc: +9 , SM: +12 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none

played by ginganinja (385 posts)
Inquisitor Ky La

played by Miner Cotren (53 posts)
Red Dragon

played by Miner Cotren (33 posts)
Lizardfolk Sorcerer

played by Miner Cotren (15 posts)
Kllik Xixa

played by Miner Cotren (37 posts)
Bounty Hunter

Male Half elf [5e] 10 Druid 5 Warlock, 1 Barbarian

played by Archae (272 posts)

HP: 44/45 ; AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 12; DR 2/Adamantine; Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +5 (+9 vs enchantment):

played by Mark Thomas 66 (20 posts)
Female Sorcerer
Niamh Emberheart

Female Sylph Chosen One 9 | HP: 103 (-0) | AC: 23 (13 Tch, 22 Fl) {+2 vs nonmagical) | CMD: 23 | F: +15, R: +10, W: +10; Immune Fear,Disease,Charm | Init: +1 | Perc: -2, SM: +5 | Speed: 20ft, Climb: 15ft | Active Conditions: +4 vs Fear/Charm to allies in 10ft;

played by Miner Cotren (19 posts)
Oisin Cauldronslave

played by Miner Cotren (1 post)

Male CG Sylph Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 7 | HP: 45/45 | AC: 21(with Mage armor) (T20, FF 16) | BAB: 5, CMB: +4, CMD: 20 | F: +4, R: +11, W: +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: 11, Sense Motive : 6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Mage armor(7h), Mirror images 4, 7 minutes|

played by Llaelian (100 posts)
Phon Vos

F Undine Warpriest (Disenchanter) - HP 17/59 - AC 21 - FF 20 - TAC 12 - CMD 22 - Fort +9 - Ref +5 - Will +13 - Init +2 - Perc +21 - Bless 6/6 - Fervor 0/8 - Sac Wep 8/8 - Sac Arm 7/8

played by Hubaris (168 posts)
Lens-Keeper Tiluatchek
Samen Vloe Firenze

Male Neutral Oread Magus (staff magus)(Elemental Paragon) 9 | Arcane pool: 6/7 | HP: 65/65 | AC: 18(+stf bonus) (12 Tch, 15 Fl) | BAB: 6, CMB: +11, CMD: 23 | F: +9, R: +7, W: +10 | Init: +2 | Perc: 2, SM: 2 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None. | Spells: 0th: AS, Det. Mg, RoF, Arc. Mk, RoF 1st: (Elemental) Frostbite 3/3, Det. elem 2/2 2nd: bladed dash 2/2 Frigid Touch 2/2 Shatter 1/1 3rd: Infuse Self 2/2 Planar Inquiry 0/1

played by Himyulmaion (1,248 posts)

Female NG Oread Hunter 9 | HP: 65/65 | AC: 20(currently 23) (13 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +7, CMD: 20 | F: +12 (+18 vs death eff), R: +12 (+14), W: +11(+17 vs Neg energy) | Init: +3 | Perc: +16 (Darkvision 60ft), SM: +3 | Speed 30ft/ Burrow 10ft | Animal Focus:11/12 minutes/day| Spells: 1st 4/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

played by Mark Thomas 66 (227 posts)