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![]() It is sixth candle. Sunshout. "Think you the Dark has any power on this day? Think you the pitiful absence of light has any dominion of the Light Itself?" "COME NOW! Come the Dawn and show all, els, eles, men and women that Light conquers Shadows, and Bright Shining Radiance is never stopped by mere skulking Penumbras!" "ALL THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN A SKY, AND RADIANCE FROM HEAVEN, SHOUT IT NOW! TELL THE DARKNESS THAT IT! IS! NOTHING!" ![]()
![]() When Volcano makes ready to begin the day, the teakettle from Samen's pack erupts in sound and light. "Come the Dawn! Come the Dawn so all elens and humans and creatures may see the True Radiance of Sun! The Lords and Ladies of the Light will shed their old rags and become NEW!" As this speech gains momentum (and volume), a pinpoint of light, so painfully bright the color is difficult to see, expands into the space between Temple and Phoenix. "All things will be made New and Free and Glorious under the all-encompassing Rays of Sun's regard! Nary a bird nor stone nor blade of grass will be alone again - the Light will fill all spaces, and the Light will be reflected from the many it touches, to rebound and touch many lives, each single drop of Sun a powerful Testament to the one who offers Freedom rather than godly shackles!" Like a vivid illusion (only humbling and real), the Dark pulls back from directly above you, revealing a sight to make your eyes water - a piercing blue-green Sky, like an ocean of cloud impossibly suspended in the air. The speech winds down with a few more over-wrought statements, and the Sunlord goes back into his teapot. A shriek, somewhere between kettle-whistle and hawk-scream, echoes in the still morning air as the Phoenix beats with one last pulse of power. ![]()
![]() Benedetto Laguardia wrote:
"No, THIS WAY!" You feel your rapier tugged in various directions, darting about. Like poisonous fumes killing flies, the shards pop, burn, and lie still. The ordeal is exhausting (you are fatigued), and the yellow aura of light, grumbling about imperfect vessels, flies back into Samen's pack. ![]()
![]() The death of that great concentration of Dark creates an imbalance. I must act. A golden voice unfurls from inside a kettle concealed within Samen's pack. "Champion!" I bellow both aloud and in his mind, heedless of politeness and protocol. "The darkspawn grow bold, and are likely to swarm this bleeding artery of magicks at any moment. Cleanse this miserable pile of onyx offal! Show all creatures that the Dark cowers before the light of Sun! Depending on your background, "Sun" would be a strange word to some of you, used in this context. ![]()
![]() As bright commences, the teakettle becomes hot, and the Sunlord bellows, "It is proper to give Us praise and honor for the retreat of the night! When dawn truly arrives on this wretched plane, when this Darkness is banished forever, tears of joy shall flood the very plains! Sunlight and radiance will be ecstasy in every soul! We come to free your minds from the old cobwebs that ensnare and befog!" describe your transformation as you will, Gabriel ![]()
![]() It is Fallenday, Rainrites the 6th. It is seventh candle. The teakettle Sunlord gives his daily bellow, "It is proper to give Us praise and honor for the retreat of the night! When dawn truly arrives on this wretched plane, when this Darkness is banished forever, tears of joy shall flood the very plains! Sunlight and radiance will be ecstasy in every soul!" ![]()
![]() Slightly after seventh candle, with no warning, from out of Samen's pack bellows, "It is proper to give Us praise for the retreat of the night! When dawn truly arrives on this wretched plane, when this Darkness is banished forever, tears of joy shall flood the very plains!" Your pack briefly smolders. Then the teapot appears to be quiescent once again. ![]()
![]() Gabriel, you hear the Sunlord's voice begin to fade from your mind; he sounds tired after reaching out from his teakettle protection. Of course, little shadow. We trust you will see the proof of Our cause with your own eyes, and come to your own conclusions. Goodnight. another archaic phrase, as this world mostly uses "good dim" and "good bright" ![]()
![]() Gabriel, the Sunlord speaks clearly but not overloud into your mind. We know you have no fondness of Us, shadow-elen. We want to speak clearly, and ask but a single question. If you decide to keep these changes and remain human, you could likely develop the powers of your mind even more, just as others have before you. We make no guarantees - We only offer to open the door toward freedom from...your tongues have no word for it. Freedom from obligations, We suppose. Will you at least consider becoming human? The door will remain open to you as long as my priest bends his mind toward this noble task. ![]()
![]() "Digest my words, priest. Yes, you shall be my advocate; my great speaker and smith and priest. We shall show to one and all the perfect shape of Our cause, and the many shall choose freedom, the many shall choose to break their own chains!..." As the impassioned speech goes on and on, you feel intense heat in your stomach, as if you downed half a gallon of boiling-hot soup all in one go. There is no pain, but the extreme discomfort distracts you from the Sunlord's words. The feeling settles, and you find a reservoir of golden energy roiling in your very bones. Sunbeam 1/day! ![]()
![]() Samen, an assistant healer gives you a handful of gently glowing pebbles, and gets back to sterilizing bandages and checking other patients. ** In the small supply closet you have been allowed to use, the pebbles and your own spell drive away the shadows. "Excellent. Thank you, priest. Now, you are familiar of course with the touch of the gods upon elens? Ash, pearl, flower, and cloud?" when you answer in the affirmative "Glorious Sun was not so hasty with her creations. She watched as elens roamed the land, using their gifts and talking to their gods. Using only the gifts they began with. Never truly innovating, just refining the magicks they had been imbued with, through no efforts of their own." "The great revelation of Sun was this: the most extraordinary gift a god can give to their people is nothing. Humans have not a trace of elemental power within them; it was given to them to create their own power." "You, priest, are an excellent example of this. Though weak of body and with no natural protections, you are free to walk paths of magic that no elemental god could envision. Pathways of the mind. Do you understand this great gift, priest?" ![]()
![]() "A fair question, priest. In truth, it is difficult-"
"What is this place? It is not Our home- this be an airless place of death! Priest, find a vessel, quickly!" Like a guttering flame, the Sunlord diminishes in size, but still has the force to knock Samen over like a child. You feel the Sunlord's desperation, like a drowning elen clutching scrabbling at life. Among Samen's possessions, now spilled across the ground, the Sunlord comes across a battered copper kettle. The remainder of the suffocating Sunlord leaps into kettle, sealing the lid with a brief burst of molten magicks. An imperious face appears on the kettle a moment later. "Thank you, priest. We are pleased to see you are resourceful as well as loyal. |