Natalia Ashton |

Hello! I'd like to submit this character to the campaign. This is my first time trying play by post and trying to condense a character sheet to the about me section. Please let me know if there's anything that needs to be clarified or altered. Also I have a friend that will be submitting a character for a Local Scion Human Ranger named Klum Murdoon. If possible, I'd like for both of us to be accepted if one of us is.
In summary my character, Natalia Ashton is a middle-aged, washed up, once famous Chelish opera singer. Her parents were born and raised in Breachill before traveling abroad as adventurers. After her life in Cheliax literally burned to ash around her, Natalia ventured to Breachill to get away from the memories of the life she had wasted and lost. She's tired and a bit self-centered, but she's desperate to be somebody again and to move people the way she once could at the opera.

Klum Murdoon |

Hello! I'd like to join my friend Natalia Ashton and submit my own character for this campaign. His name is Klum Murdoon, he's a lawful good human ranger, a devout follower of Erastil, and an up and coming marksman bonded to a feisty young bull named Ruckus. :)
I"m also new to play-by-post campaigns, so I would greatly appreciate any advice and feedback you might have to give, and please let me know if there is anything I can clarify or adjust in my character sheet.

Blaydsong |

You know, I feel a little apprehensive about submitting such a vanilla character idea after reading all of the fine, thoughtful work so many have put forward on this thread. Perhaps our GM will be charitable and see Cobb Gilroy more as "iconic" than "vanilla."
Nothing wrong with Iconic/Vanilla. As long as you enjoy the character, that's all that matters. :)
I like what I see. Nice writing.
Okay, I redid Lumino using a Background from Age of Ashes. He's still Interrogation, but his background is Truth Seeker. I might have a Skill or two I still can choose, but I can do that based on the party composition.
Let me know if you need me to flesh anything else out.
As long as you have the majority of your character done, that should be fine. I just know that there are enough changes between playtest and official that it might have made some difference. All in all, I like the look of him. the Investigator is a pretty cool class in this system.
@Natalia Ashton/Klum Murdoon: Both of your characters look really good. The only concern I have is in the fact that I only have two spots open, so the chances of getting both of you in the game is slim (not impossible, mind you). I just wanted to be transparent about it.

Cuàn |

Here is the mechanical part for Takara Sharpbeak, my Tengu Swashbuckler.
Background is still a work in progress.
The easiest way to describe his personality would be as a scoundrel and a bit of a clown. Those who don't know him might qualify him as a fool but he absolutely isn't.
The latter even applies in combat and that translates in how he actually uses Comedy Performance for his Battledancer Swashbuckler Style. Think along the lines of slapstick and appearing quite a bit more incompetent than he really is. This also includes using his Skyborn Tengu heritage by dropping from great heights and for great dramatic effect, only to walk away unscathed after lightly landing on the ground.
Beyond that he's a friendly and somewhat rowdy sorts who likes a drink (translating to his love for both Cayden Cailean and Hei Feng) and would go through the Hells and back to save friends and family.
He is prone to carrying grudges though and it will take effort from the offending party to make amends, time alone doesn't do it.

Cobb Gilroy |

Vanilla is great! It's the best ice cream to go with pretty much every type of fruit pie.
I agree. I think Cobb is potentially a nice symbol of humanities struggle within this world we are playing in. The allegories and symbolism are less hidden when it's a simple heroic farm boy (albeit from a successful, respected family) who steps forward.
It's easier for me as a player to identify with this as opposed to something more exotic (and I do like more exotic choices sometimes as well).

Of-The-Time-Of-Rain "Ottor" |

Of-The-Time-Of-Rain "Ottor" wrote:Vanilla is great! It's the best ice cream to go with pretty much every type of fruit pie.I agree. I think Cobb is potentially a nice symbol of humanities struggle within this world we are playing in. The allegories and symbolism are less hidden when it's a simple heroic farm boy (albeit from a successful, respected family) who steps forward.
It's easier for me as a player to identify with this as opposed to something more exotic (and I do like more exotic choices sometimes as well).
An example of someone from ordinary circumstances stepping forward to simply do what needs to be done.
I like it!
I also added some info to Ottor. Felt like a little extra background about her would be good to round the character out.

Blaydsong |

due to a suddenly busy schedule, I'm dropping out :(
Have fun guys
Sorry to hear that, Chillblame, but best to take care of yourself. Hope that things go well.
Here is the mechanical part for Takara Sharpbeak, my Tengu Swashbuckler.
Background is still a work in progress.
The easiest way to describe his personality would be as a scoundrel and a bit of a clown. Those who don't know him might qualify him as a fool but he absolutely isn't.
The latter even applies in combat and that translates in how he actually uses Comedy Performance for his Battledancer Swashbuckler Style. Think along the lines of slapstick and appearing quite a bit more incompetent than he really is. This also includes using his Skyborn Tengu heritage by dropping from great heights and for great dramatic effect, only to walk away unscathed after lightly landing on the ground.
Beyond that he's a friendly and somewhat rowdy sorts who likes a drink (translating to his love for both Cayden Cailean and Hei Feng) and would go through the Hells and back to save friends and family.
He is prone to carrying grudges though and it will take effort from the offending party to make amends, time alone doesn't do it.
Great job, so far. :)
Loving all that I'm seeing. This is really going to be a tough call once it comes down to picking the finalist.

Blaydsong |

Hello! I am going to submit an entry with this character - a fairly classic ranger. I submitted him not too long ago for another campaign and I think everything is good to go, but please let me know if anything is missing or needs clarification!
Thanks for running this!
Thank you for your submission!
Generally looks good. I like the journal entries.

Cobb Gilroy |

Wow Blaydsong, you have your work cut out for you. Lots of nice submissions here.
I thought I would post quickly that I have had a nutty week at work, so most of the "crunchy bits" of Cobb are not entered on the character sheet yet. I can tell you that everything other than a few bits of mundane equipment are committed to paper--they just need to be transferred over.
If it would help in your decision making process to see some of these things, I'd be happy to make it happen, certainly over the weekend at some point. Please let me know if I can be helpful.

Blaydsong |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Figured that this would be a good time to update the current submission list.
Guaranteed Member:
Futin, the Catfolk Sorcerer (Angelic Bloodline), with the Haunting Vision Background.
Current Submissions:
Morinn “Alskazi Du’Durazi” (Dread); Dwarf [Strong-Blooded]; Scout; Rogue [Ruffian]
Nico Maletesta (Doctor Mono); Human [Versatile]; Hellknight Historian; Fighter
Inathel Gunuthelan (Anthorg); Elf [Whisper]; Hellknight Historian; Wizard [Enchanter]
Joran Bravestone (Javell DeLeon); Human [Versatile]; Local Scion; Barbarian [Giant]
Luz Lumino (N N 959); Human [Versatile]; Detective; Investigator [Interrogator]
Freda Fairfield (Twilik); Half-Elf; Reputation Seeker; Alchemist [Bomber]
Cobb Gilroy (Quirk, Private Eye); Human [Versatile]; Local Scion; Fighter
Milo Townsend (PCScipio); Halfling [Gutsy]; Criminal; Rogue [Thief]
Eliza Yarrow (Inara14); Elf [Duskwalker]; Haunting Vision; Ranger [Archer]
Haechi (Palandri); Kobold [Spellscale]; Dragon Scholar; Wizard [Evocation]
Limere Allspice (Azrael Dukshi); Halfling [Gutsy]; Emancipated; Liberator [Cayden Cailean]
Ottor (Veltent); Goblin [Treedweller]; Reputation Seeker; Rogue [Thief]
Talina Vandotanos (Fallen_Mage); Human [Skilled]; Guard; Fighter
Kurk Starsoot (Diaz Ex Machina); Human [Versatile]; Out-of-Towner; Bard [Polymath]
Rukha (Vrog Skyreaver); Iruxi [Wetlander]; Haunting Vision; Druid [Storm]
Takara Sharpbeak (Cuàn); Tengu [Skyborn]; Returning Descendant; Swashbuckler [Fencer]
Natalia Ashton (SardineSeeker); Human [Versatile]; Returning Descendant; Bard [Maestro]
Klim Murdoon (Subparhiggins); Human [Versatile]; Local Scion; Ranger
Sindarin Elessar (Esha); Half-Elf; Haunting Vision; Ranger
A good list of characters, and I've been enjoying reading what people have written.
When looking at the list grouped by 'categories' (and I use this term loosely), it looks something like this:
Morinn (Dwarf Rogue [Ruffian])
Luz (Human Investigator [Interrogator])
Milo (Halfling Rogue [Thief])
Ottor (Goblin Rogue [Thief])
Kurk (Human Bard [Polymath])
Eliza (Elf/Duskwalker Ranger)
Natalia (Human Bard [Maestro])
Klim (Human Ranger)
Sindarin (Half-Elf Ranger)
Rangers are arguably Martial characters, and Bards are arguably casters, but think they both sit in this area nicely.
Nico (Human Fighter)
Joran (Human Barbarian [Giant])
Cobb (Human Fighter)
Limere (Halfling Champion [Liberator])
Talina (Human Fighter)
Takara (Tengu Swashbuckler [Fencer])
Inathel (Elf Wizard [Enchanter])
Freda (Half-Elf Alchemist [Bomber])
Ruhka (Iruxi Druid [Storm])
Haechi (Kobold Wizard [Evocation])
Again, Alchemists could be argued to be a Skilled character, but as a Bomber, I think being a Pseudo-caster makes about as much sense.
Also, the current breakdown of Ancestries:
Dwarf - 1
Elf - 2
Goblin - 1
Halfling -2
Human - 10 (Half-Elves technically count as human)
Others (including Variant Ancestires) - 4
Lastly, Backgrounds:
Dragon Scholar - 1
Emancipated - 1
Haunting Vision - 3
Hellknight Historian - 2
Local Scion - 3
Out-of-Towner - 1
Reputation Seeker - 2
Returning Descendant - 2
Others - 4

Blaydsong |

Wow Blaydsong, you have your work cut out for you. Lots of nice submissions here.
I thought I would post quickly that I have had a nutty week at work, so most of the "crunchy bits" of Cobb are not entered on the character sheet yet. I can tell you that everything other than a few bits of mundane equipment are committed to paper--they just need to be transferred over.
If it would help in your decision making process to see some of these things, I'd be happy to make it happen, certainly over the weekend at some point. Please let me know if I can be helpful.
Tell me about it! :)
I'm not too concerned about equipment at this point, as long as you have some of the basic stuff (weapons/armor), that should be fine for now.

Blaydsong |

Youve done a good job compiling that list...Isnt there 1 other of your friends that has a guaranteed slot?
Anyway. Not that it matters. a hefty task to sift through all those great entries to weed out a couple.
You are correct about having one more person, but I don't have a verified character for that slot... yet! :)
I'll still leave recruitment open until the end of Friday, on the off-chance that there is still someone that hasn't submitted a character, or if anyone wants to modify their submission.

Blaydsong |

Oh! I like some of the twists in the character build. Taking the Rogue Dedication feat right off the bat is a nice touch.
The only part of the character I'm curious about (though I have my suspicions) is the familiar. There's no description of it anywhere. Not that it matters, statistically, but what kind of animal are you using for the familiar?

Villar Shadowsun |

This would be Drogeney's near last minute submission. Villar Shadowsun is a tiefling investigator who I intend to have take the shadow dancer devotion when I can.
While not a normally available bonus language for an elf I took abyssal, for the moment, as it makes sense given his heritage. If chosen and that needs to be changed I will do so.

Blaydsong |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Recruitment is now officially closed!
Thanks to everyone that showed interest in joining. I've enjoyed going through all the entries.
I've already made a cursory scan through everything, but I'm going to take at least the weekend to go through everything thoroughly before I make my final decision.
Thanks in advance for your patience.

Blaydsong |

Blaydsong wrote:In case it's not clear, Milo Townsend is an Out-of-Towner.Lastly, Backgrounds:
Dragon Scholar - 1
Emancipated - 1
Haunting Vision - 3
Hellknight Historian - 2
Local Scion - 3
Out-of-Towner - 1
Reputation Seeker - 2
Returning Descendant - 2
Others - 4
Don’t have it in front of me, but I’m pretty sure you are the ‘1’.

Blaydsong |

Well folks, it's that time.
First of all, I would like once more to thank everyone for showing their interest in this. I could spend all day just reading people's character ideas and stories, and the new PF2 allows for some combinations that may have never been possible in 1e.
I spent a good amount of time going over everyone's entry, and it wasn't an easy decision. I went back and forth on a number of options, but eventually, I found a combination that I think will work well. I wish I could have picked everyone, but 21 players is a lot to deal with at once. :)
Before I get to the inevitable, there's a small update that recently came up. Originally, I was only looking for 2 players, as I had 2 other players lined up by invite. Unfortunately, one of those people had a brush with COVID and is currently layed out in recovery. Thankfully, it seems like it's not a serious case, and they should be back to playing with the rest of us soon, but they decided to bow out so as to not hold things up.
So without further ado, the three players that will be making their first steps into Breachill are as follows:
Drogeney's Villar Shadowsun
Fallen_Mage's Talina Vandotanos
joker 27's Cicero Aldoran
Please make your way to the Discussion thread to start things off!
To everyone else, thanks again. I will hang onto the list of names for contact down the line, whether to fill vacated spots, or (if I ever get brave enough) to fill a new table.