Blaydsong |

I jumped the gun a little and got this recruitment post officially off the ground a bit earlier than originally intended. So let's get this show on the road, already!
I still consider myself a fledgling GM, but I have been getting a lot more experience in the last few years. I have some experience GMing in Pbp games, but it has been many years, and none of them were on the Paizo forums, or with the Pathfinder system in general. All that being said, after being involved in a few different games here and picking up a few idea and tricks, I think I have a good grasp on how I want to run this game. That being said, please feel free to provide (positive!) feedback if there is something that I have forgotten or could be doing better/more efficiently.
For all entries, Official Paizo-only sources will be considered.
Level 1 start. I will be tracking XP, though at this point I've already got a fairly good idea as to when players should be gaining a level. Standard rules for building ability scores (Start at 10; ABC rule). Optional rule to trade 2 extra flaws for an extra boost is allowed (just let me know). Showing your math is always appreciated.
Race Ancestry: All Core/Common Ancestries are fine. Uncommon are allowed, but no more than one of each in the group at once. Rare will require a really good write up to be considered. Keep in mind that I may be a bit harsher with some ancestries more than others, as not all will fit easily into the setting. In the end, a well thought-out story will always help to sway me. Common ancestries will generally have an easier time fitting in, but Breachill is a fairly inclusive place, especially where their heroes are concerned. All this applies to Versatile Heritages, as well.
Classes: All classes are allowed. Archetypes during play will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but rarity will definitely be taken into account. For the most part, class-based Archetype feats will usually be allowed, but I always try to encourage story-based integration. Also, keep in mind that there are some exclusive options in this AP, so don't go planning your characters ahead too far.
Backgrounds: Backgrounds from the AoA Player's Guide would be preferred, but not required. Otherwise, should be fairly open ended, as long as it makes sense within the story. Being a local helps, but not required. The only real restriction will be on the Rare Backgrounds in the APG. After reading through them, I don't see any way that they could provide an advantage in this particular story. If you're dead set on trying, we can talk about it, but I wouldn't count it as likely.
Alignment: For this, I'll fall back on the Player's Guide: "There isn’t any restriction on PC alignments in the Age of Ashes Adventure Path, although the fight against an impending doom and the push against a mysterious organization of slavers works best for non-evil PCs.
As long as your PCs can get along and aren’t the type who want to raze and ruin the towns they visit instead of help the locals out (whether this is out of a sense of altruism and kindness or in the pursuit of fame and fortune), your PCs should fit in fine."
Everything else should follow standard rules. If there is something that you'd like me to consider, please let me know. I won't make any promises, but sometimes there are good reasons to make the odd exception.
Whenever possible, I will be using Roll20 for maps. It offers a lot of tools that you just don't get with any other medium, which I think lends a little more flavor to the game. There will be some items that will be tacked to the forums, as well.
Hero Points are a staple of PE2, and as such, I will be incorporating them into the game as much as I can. I will probably follow a similar, continuous method of providing HP like they used in the Paizo Oblivion Oath stream. There will be major points where players earn HP, as well as for good role-playing moments and epic combat moments. As always, a player can never have more than 3 HP at a time, and standard uses of HP will be in play (open to some modification).
That being said, the current TL;DR version of the Players guide:
Your character should be in the town of Breachill. Either as a citizen or visitors. There will be a decent amount of traveling, but be ready to make Breachill your own. For those characters that are citizens of Breachill, I would encourage using one of the listed NPCs to tie your character to the town, but this certainly isn't required.
- I would like people to include their Exploration Mode activity in their tagline stats. This allows me to be able to keep these things in mind throughout the game, seeing as this Mode probably takes up at least 50% of game time, if not more. For those that are still new to PF2, Exploration Mode activities can be found in the CRB pgs. 496-497.
- PF2 makes much more use of the concept of Secret rolls when regarding activities that players take part in. This can mean, in certain cases, that as players you won't roll as many checks. Hopefully, this will help to promote more thought into role-playing, rather than mechanics. This also means that, sometimes, information that I provide you based on a Secret roll, may sometimes be incorrect or misleading. I hope that people can keep themselves from peaking at any hidden GM rolls that I make, and I will try to keep them labelled well enough to make it obvious.
Overall, what I'm trying to say is, when making your posts, focus on the RP and use OCC text as needed to further explain your intentions. I will make any rolls that are necessary and let you know the outcome. If you feel the need to add a roll to your post, I don't want to outright discourage it, but I may ignore it and make one myself, depending on the type of roll it is. Otherwise, I will request for you to make any other rolls, as needed.
- Due to the continuous nature of Pbp, it's impossible to receive new Hero Points from sessions, and the current rate of achievement may be too slow, so here's what I suggest: Once per combat, everyone has the ability to gain a HP when they Critically Succeed at a check or attack. My only caveat being that the RP description of the Crit must be epic to receive the point. HP will still be limited to a maximum of 3, but hopefully this will provide more options. Also, HP should be tracked in your stat line, as well.
- Spinning off of that, I am considering using the Critical Hit and Critical Fumble decks for PF2. Assuming that everyone is in agreement of this, there are some special rules for this.
1) Critical Hit cards will only happen on a natural roll of 20, and the final result must be a crit (which is almost always). The same for Cricital Fumble cards on a natural roll of 1.
2) Critical Hit cards can either be used immediately, or can be held onto for later use to counter Critical Fumble cards (I will probably also limit these to a maximum of 3). These can be used for your own benefit, or for that of a team mate.
3) If the player received a HP for a Critical Hit, they do not also receive a Critical Hit card. Alternatively, you can choose to forgo a HP to gain a card.
I will be keeping recruitment open until the end of day, August 7, at the latest. I may close it earlier, depending on how things go, but this is my current goal. Once recruitment has closed, I'll give stragglers some time to finish their entries before making a final decision.
Unless something happens, I'll only be accepting 2 players, as I already have 2 others through private invite: GM Nayr and GM Dak. I know that Nayr is currently looking into some kind of Divine caster. Dak is currently up in the air and may look at building around everyone else. I'll have them check in to verify.
If I've left anything out, or something isn't clear, please ask question. I may not start responding until tomorrow morning at the latest, but I will respond. :)
Looking forward to seeing what people come up with.

Nico Maletesta |

I'm going to submit Nico for this one. I made Nico a while ago with this AP in mind.
I like characters that have room to grow and wrote Nico to have been a spoiled noble that learned only recently how horrible he had been with his bullying and attitudes.
Hellknights run in the Maletesta family, so Nico had hopes to join their numbers. But he still has room to grow and decide for himself whether he truly wants to strive for the Order of the Pike, or if his recent epiphanies will continue to lead him in new directions.

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I'd like to submit as this guy: Human Investigator. I have been wanting to play this AP for so long. Alternatively, I could play an archery Ranger, but the Investigator is my first choice.
No problems with the rules as stated. I prefer a more rules-centric game.
I will need to update this character with the changes in the Advanced Player's Guide. But I can do that if I'm chosen.
I can post several times a day.
My playstyle for this character will be on the skills side. I am not a hardcore optimizer, but I will try and make a character that can contribute in combat.
Really hoping I can finally try out an AP as this will be my first in either PF1 or PF2 (all the others either failed to launch or the GM quit after 1 month).

Blaydsong |

Already have a nice little list going on.
Morinn “Alskazi Du’Durazi” (Dread); Dwarf [Strong-Blooded]; Scout; Rogue [Ruffian]
Nico Maletesta (Doctor Mono); Human; Fighter
Inathel Gunuthelan (Anthorg); Elf [Whisper]; Hellknight Historian; Wizard [Enchanter]
Joran Bravestone (Javell DeLeon); Human [Versatile]; Local Scion; Barbarian [Giant]
Luz Lumino (N N 959); Human [Versatile]; Detective; Investigator [Empiricist]
Freda Fairfield (Twilik); Half-Elf; Reputation Seeker; Alchemist [Bomber]
Cobb Gilroy (Quirk, Private Eye); *Specifics pending*
@Nico Maletesta - Would be good to know your background and your Heritage.
@Luz Lumino - I would seriously look at the new Investigator. There are some nice changes in there. Less skills, unfortunately. I would definitely want to see a finished (updated) character sheet before making a decision.

inara14 |

Dotting - I will get my character up today or tomorrow.
I've started building a duskwalker/elf (uncommon) ranger with a focus on archery using the "Haunting Vision" background from the player's guide. I just have to write my backstory and motivation up fully and will post it!
Looks like a great opportunity!

Milo Townsend |

I will be submitting Milo Townsend, my character from a Fall of Plaguestone game (the GM no longer has the time to run the game). I will de-level him to 1st if selected. He's a former member of the Nightscales (Magnimar's main thieves guild), who is disillusioned with criminal life, and is trying to turn his life around. The background will be updated to visiting a cousin in Beachill.

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Probably too late, but here goes anyway.
I'm reading through the new APG and I'm really liking the look of a Spellscale Kobold Wizard Dragon Disciple with the AoA Dragon Scholar background.
Looks like it will fit nicely with AoA, though I could make him a Charhide Goblin or Fey-Touched Gnome if that would work better.
I'll put him together this weekend regardless.
Let's call him: Yonghakja

Blaydsong |

Dotting - I will get my character up today or tomorrow.
I've started building a duskwalker/elf (uncommon) ranger with a focus on archery using the "Haunting Vision" background from the player's guide. I just have to write my backstory and motivation up fully and will post it!
Looks like a great opportunity!
Looking forward to seeing it. Been interested to see some of the Versatile Heritages in action.
I will be submitting Milo Townsend, my character from a Fall of Plaguestone game (the GM no longer has the time to run the game). I will de-level him to 1st if selected. He's a former member of the Nightscales (Magnimar's main thieves guild), who is disillusioned with criminal life, and is trying to turn his life around. The background will be updated to visiting a cousin in Beachill.
Looks pretty good, so far. The only thing I can't see on the sheet is which Racket you went with. I'm assuming Thief, but I don't like to assume.
Probably too late, but here goes anyway.
I'm reading through the new APG and I'm really liking the look of a Spellscale Kobold Wizard Dragon Disciple with the AoA Dragon Scholar background.
Looks like it will fit nicely with AoA, though I could make him a Charhide Goblin or Fey-Touched Gnome if that would work better.
I'll put him together this weekend regardless.
Let's call him: Yonghakja
Not too late at all! In fact, we're just getting started.
All of this looks good, just so long as you use something that seems fun to you. Personally, I try to let my story build the character as much (if not more so) than anything else.
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Limere Allspice |

Hello, hello! It's been so long since I've applied to a Pathfinder game - so long in fact that this would be my first using 2E rules if accepted!
Going through the player's guide, I considered several character concepts, but this one sings out to me in particular for being just fun overall! I would enjoy presenting Limere Allspice, former Cheliaxian slave now emancipated and taking up the champion's cause of Cayden Cailean!
Growing up in the kitchens of a palace like estate allowed Limere some small measure of education. He became well acquainted with the knife and learned by watching, even having the elder slaves teach him reading using the cookbooks available to them. It was constant, tiring work, yet despite having no other options, Limere delighted in finding ways to make the food better. He learned how to enhance flavors using what was available, earning him the nickname 'Allspice'.
Limere had one fatal flaw - his love of wine. Carefully and cautiously while delighting in the small piece of rebellion, he would sample what was brought up from the cellars - at first claiming that he needed to do so to pair the flavors right, but soon he was going from sips to gulps, gulps to full glasses, until finally his growing carelessness managed to get him caught.
It was only fortune's blessing that soon after escaping by the skin of his teeth that the rebellion started up. Thanking his stars and finding a common cause, Limere joined the fight and praised Cayden Cailean for his protection. It was during this time that Limere became a champion - but all too late, as the fight ended before he could find any glory.
As the new nation of Ravounel emerged, Limere was at a loss once again to what he should do now. Chosen by the Lucky Drunk, he decided to let chance guide his way, polishing off a wine bottle, spinning it in the middle of the crossroads, and venturing where it pointed him. In this way, happenstance set him in Breachill after three subsequent bottles ended up smashed or broken attempting to discern which direction to go now. It certainly can't be a coincidence either there's a Call for Heroes here as well...
As this is the first 2e character I've built, please let me know if I'm missing anything!

Blaydsong |

Hello, hello! It's been so long since I've applied to a Pathfinder game - so long in fact that this would be my first using 2E rules if accepted!
Going through the player's guide, I considered several character concepts, but this one sings out to me in particular for being just fun overall! I would enjoy presenting Limere Allspice, former Cheliaxian slave now emancipated and taking up the champion's cause of Cayden Cailean!
I like it!
Just make sure to have a copy of your backstory on your character sheet, for later reference.
At first glance, I don't see anything major missing.

Blaydsong |

I would like to submit Ottor, a goblin Rogue. This is my first time making a Pathfinder 2e character, so any feedback on the crunch would be welcome.
Backstory will come tonight when I have more availability.
Good start. Nothing immediately look out of place. Looking forward to reading the backstory.

inara14 |

Hi, please find my submission for my female duskwalker/elf ranger (archery) with the Haunting Vision background.
You can find a link to her build here - Eliza Yarrow
”Run Vashti! Run!”
Eliza woke, a cold sweat beaded on her forehead and her hands thrust out, as though carrying her dream’s useless sword. Once the dream was just fire, all engulfing, agonising and mercifully brief. But for months now it had become clearer.
The man, calling for her to run. The children behind her. The vast maw of the dragon as it seared her flesh from her bones.
”Why?” She asked the cool silence of her darkened room. ”Why this dream?” Reaching for her journal Eliza scrawled down the few new details she could remember. The man’s hair – brown, the children – five of them. Her dress – embroidered with flowers. A wedding dress?
”And why Breachill?”
The opposite page held her notes from the other dream. Unlike the tangled web of tiny details this one was stark and plain. Three simple lines.
So many questions.
A castle, above a town, flying a flag of nails.
An echoing roar of vast hunger.
Eliza shook her head, the night held no answers . But the coming day, the Call for Heroes… with luck and Gozreh’s blessing maybe she’d find her answers there.
Morta Valaskin took an instant interest in Eliza the second she saw her. Eliza was taken aback as she was recognised by Morta as being a duskwalker, rather than just another drow. Having had a couple of conversations with Morta since her arrival and even though they themselves are nothing alike, Eliza feels a certain kinship with the eccentric town gossip due to her understanding of the delicate but natural balances between life and death.
-Finding out about her visions
-The need to preserve the balance of life and death within nature.
-To prevent the catastrophe she is sure is coming
Eliza has dark blue-grey skin and elven ears, because of this, many who do not know any better, often mistake her for a drow. She has black hair with grey streaks ageing her beyond her years. Eliza is usually dressed in practical clothing showing a lot of wear and tear but she still aims to ensure she is presentable.
I have been roleplaying for a decade, with pathfinder 1 and have just started pathfinder 2 with the Agents of Edgewatch game. I am dedicated to post once a day as much as possible, there may be an occasional day off if work requires during school term time (teacher). I am in the UK (GMT) but will look at posts both in the morning and evening.

Blaydsong |

Seeing some great things here, both of you!
Hi, please find my submission for my female duskwalker/elf ranger (archery) with the Haunting Vision background.
You can find a link to her build here - Eliza Yarrow
I'm loving the imagery and the use of both elven and duskwalker traits. Nice little details all around. The only thing that I would encourage is to put a little more into her history. Is she a Breachill local? If not, how long has she been here? Were the dreams her reason for coming here, or did they start after? How did she meet Morta (I like the tie-in!)? Maybe a bit more on their relationship.
I'm not saying that I require this, but it would flesh out your story so much more.Hello, this is the Character submission for Fallen_Mage.
Fluff and Crunch in the Profile.
Again, some great stuff here. I wasn't sure if adding the extra character in there (Bastion) would cause any issues, but if you wind up getting in, I'm sure that I've got some ideas on how to use it. :)
It may sound a little weird, but I appreciate how you organized your equipment based on where it's kept and what capacity your backpack and such has. Nice little details.
Matherius Damasio |
Introducing Kurk, bard of the Starsoot tribe!
He's one of the best goblin singer north of the Chitterwood, and is traveling the World to learn new songs and meet new people to share those songs with!
He recently arrived in Breachill during his aimless roaming, and hearing about the "Call for Heroes" gave him the idea of becoming a renowned adventurer, that would be exciting!
He also heard that a nearby goblin tribe could be in danger, and thought that helping them would make him a great goblin hero!
He's eager to start this new adventure, to meet his new friends and share with them his best goblin songs and to become the new hero of Breachill!
This is my application for this Adventure Path. I could tweak Kurk a bit if needed, but hopefully it won't be necessary. I'm still not sure about his "profile picture" (see link), if anyone has a better one please let me know.

Blaydsong |

Sorry. I'm confused. Is he a Goblin, or Human? The character sheet and pictures indicate human, but your write-up says Goblin.
Edit: Oh! Okay. I think I see what I missed. Sorry. :p
Cool idea. The only downside to HeroLab for PF2 is that the statblocks are kinda minimalist.
Could you please let me know your Heritage and Background. It doesn't seem to be listed.

Blaydsong |

Backstory is updated on the profile. I apologize for the length, but hopefully it makes for an entertaining read at least.
Also, I can do once per day, potentially twice (AM and PM, not as much during the day due to work and such).
Nicely done. :)
Blaydsong wrote:Could you please let me know your Heritage and Background. It doesn't seem to be listed.Kurk is a Versatile Heritage Human with the Out-of-Towner background.
Got it! Thanks. :)

inara14 |

I think I've implied all the answers to the questions in the story and I'm pretty happy with how it reads, but I can summarise below to help.
Is she a Breachill local?
No, her dreams told her to go to Breachhill as she has recently dreamt about the destruction of the town and has the need to intervene (towards the end of the backstory).
If not, how long has she been here?
Arrived a few days ago after her dreams led her here. The timing was accidental but fortuitous for the call for heroes.
Were the dreams her reason for coming here, or did they start after?
Dreams started beforehand and led her here as implied by backstory.
How did she meet Morta (I like the tie-in!)? Maybe a bit more on their relationship.
Morta probably walked up to Eliza out of curiosity and her unofficial "duty" as the town gossip!
Eliza doesn't have a developed relationship with Morta as she has only been here a few days but as Morta is the local gossip, Eliza has been happy to provide some gossip about herself and spend a little time getting to know her. Eliza would like to get to know her further as she feels an unusual bond and interest in the balance between life and death that Morta speaks so freely of.

Vrog Skyreaver |

Okay, here's my submission. I took inspiration from the player's guide and even a little liberty with his backstory as well to fit a cohesive narrative.
TN Wetlander Iruxi Druid 1
Background: Haunting Vision
Str 14
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 08
Wis 18
Cha 10
HP: 18
AC: 18 (10 +2 dex +3 proficiency +3 armor)
Perception (T): +7
Fort (T): +5; Ref (T): +5; Will (E): +9
Focus Points: 1
Speed 25'; 15' swim
1) Spell Attack: +7 to hit
2) Claws: +5 to hit; 1d4+2s damage
Acrobatics (T) +5
Dahak Lore (T) +2
Iruxi Lore (T) +2
Nature (T) +7
Perception (T) +7
Religion (T) +7
Survival (T) +7
*Simple Weapons (T)
*Unarmed Strike (T)
*Light Armor (T)
*Medium Armor (T)
*Unarmored Defense (T)
Ancestry Features:
*Aquatic Adaptation (gain Breath Control as a bonus feat)
*Claws (unarmed attack that deals 1d4 slashing, w/agile and finesse)
Class Features:
*Class DC (T): 17
*Order (Order of the Storm; "Order of the Sky Claw")
- Lizardfolk Lore
- Storm Born
- Breath Control
- Shield Block
- Student of the Canon
Spells/Day: 5/2
*Focus Spells:
- Tempest Surge
Hide Armor (+3 AC; +2 Dex Cap; -2 ACP; Str: 14; Speed: -5'; Bulk: 2) -2 gp
Satchel (Holds 2 Bulk; Bulk: -) -1 sp
Holly and Mistletoe (Bulk: -)
Torch x5 (Bulk: Lx5) -5 cp
Waterskin x2 (Bulk: Lx2) -1 sp
Rope (Bulk: L) -5 sp
Piton x5 (Bulk: -) -5 cp
Hammer (Bulk: L) -1 sp
Rukha's first memory is, strangely enough, of fire.
That it was a dream meant little to comfort him. In the dream, he watched as fire fell from the sky like the rain, and his birth givers and all the others of his village - Wise Tuko the shaman, Strong Kunli, who made their bows and spears and always had a smile for Rukha, and even the wizard Or-Haka all fell to the fire raining from the sky.
When she woke, he told his birthers of his dream and they apprenticed him to Tuko the next day.
Life studying with Tuko was hard; there was much learning, and in addition Tuko demanded that he provide the spark for her next generation, so even his nights offered little rest, and he often dreamed that same dream, only as time passed, he learned that the spirits were telling him to go on a journey to warmblooded lands and protect the land from the monster that would burn everything to ash.
After talking with Tuko, he said his farewells and made his way southwest, following the will and word of the spirits.
So it was that Rukha made his way to Breachill, just in time for the calling of heroes to begin.
This, then was also the will of the spirits; indeed, Rukha could see their hand in all that had occurred.

Blaydsong |

Okay, here's my submission. I took inspiration from the player's guide and even a little liberty with his backstory as well to fit a cohesive narrative.
Very nice. I like the flavor. :)
A little update.
One of my invited players has submitted his character concept. I thought that I would share it, in case anyone who has already submitted something wanted to make any adjustments.
Futin, the Catfolk Sorcerer (Angelic Bloodline), with the Haunting Vision Background.
Current Submissions:
Morinn “Alskazi Du’Durazi” (Dread); Dwarf [Strong-Blooded]; Scout; Rogue [Ruffian]
Nico Maletesta (Doctor Mono); Human; Fighter
Inathel Gunuthelan (Anthorg); Elf [Whisper]; Hellknight Historian; Wizard [Enchanter]
Joran Bravestone (Javell DeLeon); Human [Versatile]; Local Scion; Barbarian [Giant]
Luz Lumino (N N 959); Human [Versatile]; Detective; Investigator [Empiricist]
Freda Fairfield (Twilik); Half-Elf; Reputation Seeker; Alchemist [Bomber]
Cobb Gilroy (Quirk, Private Eye); *Specifics pending*
Milo Townsend (PCScipio); Halfling [Gutsy]; Criminal; Rogue [Thief]
Eliza Yarrow (Inara14); Elf [Duskwalker]; Haunting Vision; Ranger [Archer]
Limere Allspice (Azrael Dukshi); Halfling [Gutsy]; Emancipated; Liberator [Cayden Cailean]
Ottor (Veltent); Goblin [Treedweller]; Reputation Seeker; Rogue [Thief]
Talina Vandotanos (Fallen_Mage); Human [Skilled]; Guard; Fighter
Kurk Starsoot (Diaz Ex Machina); Human [Versatile]; Out-of-Towner; Bard [Polymath]
Rukha (Vrog Skyreaver); Iruxi [Wetlander]; Haunting Vision; Druid [Storm]

Blaydsong |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I actually altered Limere slightly and he's now a Hillock Halfling. The ability to heal extra from creature comforts seemed more in theme with his character than Gutsy! Nothing like a nip of wine to settle the blood while getting patched up.
Also added background to his sheet, as you requested!
Super! :)
Just making sure you saw, Nico Maletesta is Human (Versatile) with the Hellknight Historian background
Sure did. It's on my personal list, I just forgot to update it here. :)

Cuàn |

This sounds like fun and I've been aching to try my hand at 2nd edition. So yes, this would be my first character for 2nd edition.
I'm looking at Takara, a Tengu Swashbuckler using the Fencer Style. The background he uses would be Returning Descendant.
The idea behind that is that he's the son of Chuko, a retired adventurer turned merchant (and an NPC in the Hell's Rebels AP) living in Kintargo. Chuko would have started his adventuring career in Breachill and my character would seek to do the same and follow in his father's footsteps.
Beyond that he's still very much under construction.

Talina Vandotanos |

Btw, I found this Playlist on YouTube with a guy going over the various rules for PF2E. I've found him quite helpful.

Blaydsong |

This is Jayma checking in with my Kobold Wizard [Evocator], now called Haechi. I've added some background under the Description spoiler. There is a little cleanup to do, but the character is essentially there.
If there is anything more you'd like to see, let me know.
Looks good!
If anything, you might have too much information. I figure that it's probably a 'just in case' kind of thing, but if you get chosen for the game, you won't need any of that PFS information.
Just keeping my hat in the ring with this post.
Character is done unless there is something youd like to suggest. With this many applicants on 2 slots Itll be very competitive
No problem. Everything on your sheet looks good. Can't really find anything out of the ordinary.
You're right about the competition being tight, though.

Blaydsong |

Btw, I found this Playlist on YouTube with a guy going over the various rules for PF2E. I've found him quite helpful.
YES! I love his videos. Very well put together.
NoNat1s is also pretty good, and he actually has a video specifically about the basics of building a character in 2E.
Cobb Gilroy |

You know, I feel a little apprehensive about submitting such a vanilla character idea after reading all of the fine, thoughtful work so many have put forward on this thread. Perhaps our GM will be charitable and see Cobb Gilroy more as "iconic" than "vanilla."
In any case, I hope you all enjoy reading the following:
It is this type of humility, and even meekness, that Cobb Gilroy radiates as he goes about his mundane day-to-day life. It is only his sense of duty that made him use his modest inheritance to purchase a sword and suit of mail before he stepped forward for the monthly Call For Heroes in his hometown of Breachill.
This modest inheritance is a result of the passing of his father after a long, happy life as a militiaman and farmer. Cobb grew up as the youngest sibling on his successful farm. Now his older brothers and sisters bicker over the fields, pastures, and humble manor left by the elder Gilroy. Along with daily goat milking and help with harvesting, Cobb remains content to take odd jobs around town. He's a daily visitor at his Aunt Renatta's soup kitchen, where he'll often help serve in return for a hot meal. He's also been a regular on Narine Howerdell's lumberjack crews.
It was on one of these jaunts into the forest on a lumberjack crew where Cobb first overcame his fears and began to figure out what it means to serve, and what it means to be brave. The aggressive boar actually never had a chance. Cobb's arrow found it's mark, and the clean kill meant a feast later that evening where Cobb was toasted multiple times.
Someday Cobb will return to the farm. But today he humbly serves Breachill, much as his father did all those years ago.
Cobb will also have a winning smile (CHA 14) that will often turn the hearts and minds of potential allies to his party's side.
We'll also see what we can do to have a few useful skills. Cobb's character sheet here on the Paizo boards will have some updates soon with all of the crunchy bits for this character.
My real passion has been Starfinder. I am a GM here on the forums, and am currently running The Threefold Conspiracy AP, along with a new original PBP game called Gateway to Absalom.
In real life I work at a downtown library in community television.