About Morinn "Alskazi Du'Durazi"Background: Growing up in The Five Kings Mountains in the city state of Rolgrimmdur was dangerous for Morinn. He wasnt a dwarves dwarf as some of his kind. He was thinner and amore agile. Had a quicker mind. More spontaneous. He was less likely to form a shield wall to fight off intruders and more likely to hit and run guerrilla tactics. Yet he still found himself in the military fighting in the Darklands against the myriad races there. Noteworthy were the battles against the Kobolds in the area. He learned Draconic because of this. His military commanders found he had a knack for reconnaissance and he became a scout. On one of his outings he stole a gem that had sacred value to a Kobold tribe in the area and he gained his nick name...'The Stone Thief' from the Kobolds. War changes a person, and so it did for Morinn. he became harder, and more apt to turn to dangerous work for his pay. He mustered out and sought the adventuring life to ease his desire for that adrenalin boost. He couldnt stay settled then in the Dwarven City and moved away coming to Breachill Since settling in at Breachill Morinn has answered the Call For Heroes a few times, usually to scare off some Kobolds whoa re acting out, or to guard a merchant caravan, or some other minor feat. Because he frequents The Wizards Grace he has come to know Trinil Uskwold and counts her as a contact and friend. Ethnicity: Dwarf
Unarmored: Trained (+3), Light: Trained (+3) Medium: Trained (+3) SAVING THROWS
Rogue Class DC: 16 (10 + 3 + 3 +0) Dexterity/Trained Speed: 20 Movement Types: ignore difficult terrain caused by rubble and uneven ground made of stone and earth. Melee Strikes
Clan Dagger +6 (3+3+0) Damage 1d4+3 B/P Agile (Multiple attack -4), dwarf, parry (can provide +1 to ac), versatile Shortsword +6 (3+3+0) Damage 1d6+3 P/S Agile (-4 multiple attacks), Finesse, Versatile S Ranged Strikes
+1d6 precision with sneak attack Ruffian Damage ability with Crit:
When you critically succeed at an attack roll using a simple weapon and the target has the flat-footed condition (unable to focus on defending itself), you also apply the critical specialization effect for the weapon you’re wielding. You don’t gain these benefits if the weapon has a damage die larger than d8 (after applying any abilities that alter its damage die size).
Clan Dagger- The target takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage. You gain an item bonus to this bleed damage equal to the weapon’s item bonus to attack rolls. Crossbow- If the target of the critical hit is adjacent to a surface, it gets stuck to that surface by the missile. The target is immobilized and must spend an Interact action to attempt a DC 10 Athletics check to pull the missile free; it can’t move from its space until it succeeds. The creature doesn’t become stuck if it is incorporeal, is liquid (like a water elemental or some oozes), or could otherwise escape without effort. Weapon Proficiencies
Acrobatics: +6 = 3 + 3 + 0 Trained {not flat footed performing acrobatics on uneven stone. success = crit success}
STR 16 +3, DEX 16 +3, CON 14 +2, INT 12 +1, WIS 12 +1, CHA 8 -1
Ancestry Feats and Abilities
(Your blood runs hearty and strong, and you can shake off toxins. You gain poison resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1), and each of your successful saving throws against a poison affliction reduces its stage by 2, or by 1 for a virulent poison. Each critical success against an ongoing poison reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 for a virulent poison.) 1st: (feat) Rock Runner: Rock Runner:
Your innate connection to stone makes you adept at moving across uneven surfaces. You can ignore difficult terrain caused by rubble and uneven ground made of stone and earth.
In addition, when you use the Acrobatics skill to Balance on narrow surfaces or uneven ground made of stone or earth, you aren’t flat-footed, and when you roll a success at one of these Acrobatics checks, you get a critical success instead. Skill Feats
While using Survival to Subsist, if you roll any result worse than a success, you get a success. On a success, you can provide subsistence living for yourself and four additional creatures, and on a critical success, you can take care of twice as many creatures as on a success.
Each time your proficiency rank in Survival increases, double the number of additional creatures you can take care of on a success (to eight if you’re an expert, 16 if you’re a master, or 32 if you’re legendary). You can choose to care for half the number of additional creatures and provide a comfortable living instead of subsistence living. Multiple smaller creatures or creatures with significantly smaller appetites than a human are counted as a single creature for this feat, and larger creatures or those with significantly greater appetites each count as multiple creatures. The GM determines how much a non-human creature needs to eat. 2nd: (feat) General Feats
Class Feats and Abilities
Sneak Attack:
When your enemy can’t properly defend itself, you take advantage to deal extra damage. If you Strike a creature that has the flat-footed condition with an agile or finesse melee weapon,a simple weapon (Ruffian), an agile or finesse unarmed attack, or a ranged weapon attack, you deal an extra 1d6 precision damage. For a ranged attack with a thrown melee weapon, that weapon must also be simple, agile or finesse. Feature 1st: Surprise Attack Surprise Attack:
You spring into combat faster than foes can react. On the first round of combat, if you roll Deception or Stealth for initiative, creatures that haven’t acted are flat-footed to you. 1st: Trap Finder Trap Finder:
You have an intuitive sense that alerts you to the dangers and presence of traps. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to find traps, to AC against attacks made by traps, and to saves against traps. Even if you aren’t Searching, you get a check to find traps that normally require you to be Searching. You still need to meet any other requirements to find the trap.
You can disable traps that require a proficiency rank of master in Thievery. If you have master proficiency in Thievery, you can disable traps that require a proficiency rank of legendary instead, and your circumstance bonuses against traps increase to +2. Bonus Feats
Experienced Tracker:
Tracking is second nature to you, and when necessary you can follow a trail without pause. You can Track while moving at full Speed by taking a –5 penalty to your Survival check. If you’re a master in Survival, you don’t take the –5 penalty. If you’re legendary in Survival, you no longer need to roll a new Survival check every hour when tracking, though you still need to roll whenever there are significant changes in the trail. ____________________
Combat Gear:
Magic Items: Other Gear:
Coins:2gp 2SP