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Organized Play Member. 143 posts (953 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 13 aliases.


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Very interested. I've tried a couple times to get into Starfinder here and elsewhere but haven't had much luck.

Very highly interested. Gonna spend some time brainstorming character concepts.

Yeah, some general background information about the current location and situation would be appreciated. From skimming the Discussion thread I notice it's 9 BBY specifically, so that helps place things for me. I'll also admit I'm not really familiar with this system, so I may require a little assistance in putting together a character properly.

I was thinking a mechanic/technician type character might be fun to play, maybe one who had a history running with pirates or other criminals. More oriented toward working with ships and computer systems and the like, but hopefully not totally useless in a fight. Probably non-human, too. Would something like that work?

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I don't have a specific concept in mind right this moment but I'm definitely interested in playing Star Wars. I'll post something more substantive once I'm in front of my computer.

I'll echo Dalron's question: how much should we know about the setting generally? I know... well, next to nothing about Dragonlance. Is there somewhere I can get a good overview of things without having to read a whole series of novels?

3d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 6, 6) + 6 = 19 -> 18
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 1, 6) + 6 = 16 -> 15
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 5, 2) + 6 = 15 -> 13
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 6, 1) + 6 = 19 -> 18
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 2, 2) + 6 = 16 -> 14
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 6, 4) + 6 = 20 -> 16

Those are, uh, pretty good stats. Definitely something to work with.

All right, here's my ranger. It's rather late, so I hope I didn't forget anything. Please let me know if I did.


Andrei Frelyk
Male Varisian Human Ranger (Freebooter) 1
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +7

AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2

Speed 30 ft.
Melee cutlass +3 (1d6+2/18-20)
Melee boarding axe +3 (1d6+2/x3)
Melee dagger +3 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged longbow +5 (1d8/x3)
Special Attacks freebooter's bane

Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Skills Climb +6, Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +7, Profession (sailor) +7, Stealth +8, Survival +6, Swim +6
Traits Besmara's Blessing, Trustworthy
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ track +1, wild empathy +2
Gear/Possessions Leather armor, Longbow, arrows (60), dagger, boarding axe, cutlass, waterskin, belt pouch, masterwork backpack, rope (50 ft.), flint and steel, fishing kit, 131 gp 9sp

Besmara’s Blessing You were born aboard a ship at sea or down by the docks in a port city on an auspicious day. Old satls and sea dogs nod knowingly and say that Besmara the Pirate Queen, goddess of piracy, sea monsters, and strife, has marked you for a greater destiny. You don't know anything about that, but you've always felt more at home on the sea than on land, and your keen eyes can easily pick out a sail on the distant horizon. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception and Profession (sailor) checks. In addition, once per week you can reroll a Profession (sailor) check and take the higher result (you must announce that you are using this ability before the results of the check are known).

Freebooter's Bane (Ex) At 1st level, the freebooter can, as a move action, indicate an enemy in combat and rally her allies to focus on that target. The freebooter and her allies gain a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against the target. This ability applies only to allies who can see or hear the freebooter and who are within 30 feet of the freebooter at the time she activates this ability. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the bonus increases by 1.

The freebooter’s bane lasts until the target dies or the freebooter selects a new target. This ability replaces favored enemy.

Track (Ex) A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.

Trustworthy People find it easy to put their faith in you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks made to fool someone. You also gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for you.

Wild Empathy (Ex) A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.


Andrei was born in a dockside tavern in the Wharf District of the Varisian city of Riddleport. His mother was a young Varisian woman working in one of the city's brothels. When he was young his mother went to work in the House of the Silken Veil, and the young boy went to live with her in the Calistrian temple. He spent time there learning from the men and women working at the temple, but for the most part he found himself free to wander the streets of Riddleport with the city's other street children. The little boy was frequently drawn back to the docks, and to the ships and sailors who spent their time there. He would do favors in exchange for stories from sailors and old salts in the taverns near the wharf. The more he heard, the more he wanted to experience that kind of life for himself. One day after a particularly enthralling story of adventure on the high seas, he swore to himself that one day he'd leave Riddleport to sail and see the world.

As he entered adolescence, and reluctant to pursue his options in the service of Calistria, Andrei found himself with seemingly only two options: get more involved with one of the local Sczarni crime families, or go to sea. It was an easy choice. Deciding he could probably find more freedom and opportunity at sea, he signed on with one of the many brigands' ships that makes harbor at Riddleport at about 14 years old. Early on he found himself working as a cabin boy, scrubbing decks, all the less-than-glamorous jobs you don't hear as much about from the old salts telling stories in the harbor taverns. Still, he took to life at sea more quickly than he, or indeed anyone else on the ship expected. As he grew older and participated in more raiding and plunder, Andrei realized a couple things about himself. The first was that he was a better shot than much of the rest of the crew; the second was that he had a tendency to step into self-assigned leadership positions, particularly during combat. Barking orders at more experienced sea dogs got him a beating more than once, but his effectiveness meant there wouldn't be any lasting damage.

Always based out of Riddleport, Andrei hired himself out to a number of ships over the years, fully embracing the pirate's life. Though comfortable enough in Riddleport, Andrei still had ambitions beyond Varisia and its surroundings. As fate would have it, he would soon find himself pushed to fulfill those ambitions. A particularly profitable voyage to Ulfen lands was followed up by a rowdy night of celebrations. A little too rowdy, as it would turn out. Andrei ended up in a drunken dispute with a few well-connected gang members that came to blows. He came out with only bruises, but when he sobered up he realized that it might be best to be away from Riddleport for a while. Deciding to make good on the promise he'd made to himself years before, he quickly gathered up his things and joined a ship headed south. Several ships and ports later he finally found himself aboard a ship bound for Port Peril in the Shackles. Upon arrival, and against his better judgment, he goes out to celebrate this new stage of his life. A few bars in, he hears of a tavern called the Formidably Maid. Without much else to do, he makes his way there, seeing where that might take him.


Andrei gives the impression of someone who puts at least some effort into his appearance. He is slightly above average in height with a slender, athletic build. He has olive skin and bright, expressive amber eyes that seem to always have a mischievous glint to them. His thick, dark brown hair comes down to just below his shoulders. Andrei keeps his facial hair trimmed close to his skin. He enjoys dressing in bright colors and jewelry, and he is almost never seen without his bright red Varisian bandana, either on his head or wrapped around himself somewhere. He has numerous tattoos on his arms and torso, most of them Varisian in style.

Andrei is a boisterous, outgoing man with a rebellious streak and a taste for the finer things in life -- good drink, pretty women, an open sea before him, even a good fight. He is not lacking charm or wit, but he's not as charming or witty as he often thinks he is, and his mouth has gotten him into trouble more than once. He does have a hard edge to him, born of spending his youth among sailors and criminals, and though he does not revel in cruelty as such, his grasp on morality is best described as dubious.

Count me as one more who looks a lot at other profiles as well.

Anywho, I'm making a freebooter ranger whose backstory and build are coming together. I hope to have it done and ready to submit tonight, but it's just as likely I'll get done with it tomorrow.

I'm building them as primarily an archer, though I went back and forth for a while about whether to do a TWF or even a switch-hitter type build instead. I don't have much experience with this AP and its peculiarities, so I'll ask you all: does it lend itself equally well to whichever combat style I go with? Or would it favor one over another?

Definitely going to try to make a character to submit. Thinking maybe a cleric of Besmara or a freebooter ranger. Not sure yet though.

Dot. Thinking of making a swashbuckler.

Dotting in.

Dotting in. Got a couple different ideas I'll see if I can narrow down.

Lots of cool characters here. Good luck to everyone!

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Went with an elf. She a scholar biohacker with the medic archetype. Her background puts her out in the wilds, but that's obviously flexible depending on group needs.

I'm admittedly not nearly as familiar or comfortable with Starfinder builds and character sheets as others may be, so I apologize in advance if I've made some mistake here. It also peters off some at the end, which can be amended or added on to if you need me to do so.

Dr. Amalara Vallassar:

Amalara Vallassar
Female Elf Scholar Biohacker (Medic) 3
CG Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +2; Senses Low-light vision, Perception +11

EAC 15 KAC 15
Stamina 18 HP 22 Resolve 4
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3 (+2 racial bonus to saving throws against enchantment spells and effects)

Base Atk +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Survival knife +2 (1d4 S)
Ranged Caustolance (liquidator) +5 (1d6+1 Acid) 60 ft., Injection DC +2
RangedTactical needler pistol +5 (1d4+1 P) 40 ft., Injection DC +2

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 12
Feats Medical Expert, Skill Synergy (Culture, Diplomacy), Weapon Specialization (all proficient)
Languages Brethedan, Castrovelian, Common, Elven, Gnome, Kasatha, Shirren, Vercite, Vesk
Skills Bluff +5, Computers +7, Culture +11, Diplomacy +8, Life Science +12, Medicine +11, Perception +11, Physical Science +11, Sense Motive +8
Gear Lashunta tempweave (basic), Caustolance (liquidator), Needler pistol (tactical), survival knife, darts, battery (2), Custom Microlab, Personal comm unit, Medpatch (5), Datapad, Flashlight, Hygiene kit, Reconfigurable clothing (everyday, medical uniform, travel), formal clothing, Antitoxin, Analgesic, diagnostic lozenge, consumer backpack, 325 credits

Class Abilities
Custom Microlab
Injection Expert
Primary Field of Study (Genetics)
Scientific Method (Studious)
Spark of Ingenuity
Weapon Specialization

Racial Abilities
Elven Immunities
Elven Magic
Keen Senses
Low-light vision

Theme Scholar (Genetics)


Born more than a century and a half after the Gap on Castrovel, Amalara grew up comfortably in the ancient elven homeland of Sovyrian on Castrovel. Early on she showed a fascination and affinity with her homeworld's biology in all its forms, and this interest was fostered for many years by teachers and tutors. Somewhat differently from many other elves, however, Amalara was just as fascinated with the aliens and foreigners that can be found in Cordona. Though her parents were personally affected by the Gap, Amalara was not, and always considered the xenophobic and isolationist approach her people took to the rest of the universe to be self-defeating.

Frustrated with her people's self-imposed isolation, Amalara left her home continent to pursue a medical and scientific education among the Lashunta in Qabarat. She was a bright and determined student, earning a medical degree alongside a doctoral degree in genetics. The now-Doctor Vallassar, taking inspiration from the use of biotechnology in her homeland, sought to study the vast diversity of life in the universe, and use that knowledge to develop more effective biotech. Such technology, in her mind, had vast, untapped potential for medicine and healing as well as for augmentation.

Seeking new avenues for advancement and access to a wider cross-section of the diversity of the Pact Worlds, she left for Absalom Station; as luck would have it, she arrived and began practicing medicine just in time for the Swarm invasion. She spent time working in hospitals and medical bays during the conflict, seeing and treating the sorts of injuries produced by war. Dr. V., as many of her patients called her, came to have a much greater appreciation of not just the diversity of life under her care, but also the actual people and cultures they represented.

After the repulsion of the Swarm, Dr. Vallassar spent a few more years on Absalom Station before moving on to greener pastures. She spent a short time working with the Barathus on and around Bretheda, studying biotech and its development and application. She found the work fascinating, but the profit-driven corporate environment and the intense rivalries that bred grated on her, and soon enough she found herself on a shuttle headed back to Qabarat. Upon her return to Castrovel Dr. V. hoped to focus less on clinical practice more on research. She found a position at one of Qabarat's universities as a researcher soon enough. Amalara's most recent research opportunity finds her at a station on the edge of the jungle, studying the verdant wildlife of Castrovel. To her chagrin, however, Dr. V. finds herself dealing with foot fungus and other medical concerns more than she had hoped. So, while she splits her duties between medicine and research, she continues to bide her time, waiting to seize whatever opportunity may come along.

Ugh, stuff keeps popping up. Putting together an elf biohacker with the medic archetype. Will have it up tonight.

I think playing a biohacker academic/researcher with some background in medicine and an interest in biotech might be a neat build and concept to try out. Right now I'm kind of waffling back and forth on species between an ysoki and an elf. Once I make up my mind I'll go ahead about put the build and background together.

Dotting in with great interest.

Awesome. I'll check out the forum, might also reach out on discord.

I have lots of ideas for different Cam kindred. Count me in as interested. I'd love to play VtM.

Wish I'd seen this thread sooner! Might try to complete something by tonight, but this looks like it'll be fun regardless.

Still interested, just got caught up in some stuff. I'll try to post a build tonight or tomorrow.

Rolling up a halfling unchained rogue. Will get the stat block up soon-ish.

Let's roll up some stats!

Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 2, 1) = 12 -1 = 11
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 6, 3) = 18 -3 = 15
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 3, 2) = 15 -2 = 13
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 2, 6) = 14 -2 = 12
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 4) = 15 -1 = 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 6, 6) = 21 -3 = 18

Well then. That gives me a lot of options.

Sounds good to me. I'll think up and post something after work.

Cutting it a little close, and I might have rushed a bit and missed a couple little things, but I think I just made it. I ended up going with a Gravewalker witch rather than a wizard (partially because mellowgoth had already submitted such a good necromancer!).

Couldn't think of a name so I'm reusing the name from another alias; if selected I'll just recycle that one.

Florian Paran:

Florian Paran
Male Human Witch (Gravewalker) 3
LE Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +2
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 19 (3d6+5)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +0 (1d4-1/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +0 CMD 11
Feats Extra Hex (Cackle), Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (Necromancy)
Skills Bluff +10 , Craft (Alchemy) +9 , Intimidate +8 , Knowledge (Arcana) +11 , Knowledge (Engineering) +6 , Knowledge (History) +10 , Knowledge (Nature) +10 , Knowledge (Planes) +11 , Knowledge (Religion) +8 , Linguistics +7 , Perception +2 , Spellcraft +11 , Stealth +2 , Use Magic Device +8
Traits Fast-Talker, Grave Robbery
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Infernal, Necril
SQ aura of desecration, hexes (cackle, evil eye), witch's patron (plague), spell poppet
Gear light crossbow, crossbow bolts (20), dagger, witch’s kit, traveler's clothes, spell poppet, 140 gp

0th: all spells (DC 14)
1st: Charm Person, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Undead, Ear-Piercing Scream, Ill Omen, Inflict Light Wounds, Mage Armor, Sleep, Summon Monster I, Unseen Servant
2nd: Glitterdust, Web


Spells: A gravewalker replaces some of her patron spells with the following: 4th—command undead, 6th—animate dead, 12th—create undead, 14th—control undead, 16th—create greater undead. These replace the patron spells.

Spell Poppet: Each gravewalker carries around a gristly, inanimate poppet stitched from human skin and stuffed with shards of bone, fingernails, and grave dirt. A gravewalker’s spells come from the will of evil spirits residing in the poppet, and its ability to hold spells functions in a manner identical to the way a witch’s spells are granted by her familiar. The gravewalker must commune with her poppet each day to prepare her spells and cannot prepare spells that are not stored in the poppet. This ability replaces familiar. The following familiar ability works differently for a gravewalker:

Deliver Touch Spells (Su): At 3rd level or higher, a gravewalker can use her poppet to deliver touch spells. After casting a touch spell, as a full-round action, the witch can designate a target and stab a pin into her poppet, delivering the spell as a ranged touch attack. The target must be within range of her aura of desecration ability (see below).

Aura of Desecration (Su): At first level, a gravewalker can create a 20-foot-radius aura of evil power. This aura increases the DC of channeled negative energy by +1 and the turn resistance of undead by +1. At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the radius of the aura increases by 5 feet, to a maximum of 70 feet at 20th level. This ability replaces the witch’s 1st-level hex.

Bonethrall (Su): At first level, a gravewalker can take control of an undead creature within her aura of desecration by forcing her will upon it (Will negates, using her hex DC). If it fails the save, the creature falls under her control as if she had used command undead (once control is established, the undead remain controlled even if outside the witch’s aura). Intelligent undead receive a new saving throw each day to resist her command. The witch can control up to 1 HD of undead creatures per caster level. If an undead creature is under the control of another creature, the witch must make an opposed Charisma check whenever her orders conflict with that creature’s. This replaces the witch’s hex gained at 4th level.

Possess Undead (Sp): A gravewalker may take direct control of one of her undead minions within her aura of desecration, as if using magic jar; the witch’s poppet acts as the soul receptacle for this ability. The minion gets no saving throw against this ability. This replaces the witch’s hex gained at 8th level.

Brief Background:

Florian Paran wasn't supposed to be the sort of man who would do something worth being sent to Branderscar. Born to a large mercantile family, one of seven brothers and sisters, he was supposed to help run the family business, or perhaps attend a university somewhere. Of course, life doesn't always work out that way.

Growing up in Ghastenhall, Florian had an uneventful childhood for the most part. He was tutored. He got along well enough with his siblings. Some mischief here and there, maybe a fight or two, but nothing out of the ordinary for a young boy. That changed when a devastating illness swept through his neighborhood, and his family in particular was hit hard. In a short period of time his mother and all but his eldest brother had succumbed, leaving the Paran house severely damaged. Though they eventually recovered and prevented a financial disaster, dynamics in the family were never the same after that.

Florian grew to be a bored, indulgent young man, constantly seeking out new and increasingly hedonistic experiences. There was so much to experience in life, after all, and to "master" life meant to live it in a way that went against Mitran notions of propriety. At the same time, he began delving into obscure texts and spending time in and around graveyards, studying death and the dead. Mastery of life and mastery of death went hand in hand. It was in this way he first came across a young halfling woman, scrounging around in an open grave, who introduced him to a small, clandestine Urgathoan cell. While he never quite took to the totally unrestrained gluttony of some of his peers, he found himself strongly drawn to their embrace of undeath.

He regularly visited graveyards, attended debaucherous parties, joined in feasts, and participated in rituals. His father and brother were far too busy trying to maintain the family businesses to pay much attention to Florian, and Florian for his part did well to disguise his activities. He also forged a strong friendship of sorts with Celia, the halfling woman who had first brought him into the cult. It hovered somewhere between "just friends" and "something more" for quite some time, but never really got off the ground.

Late one night during one of these graveyard trips while picking through a relatively fresh grave, Florian heard something whispering to him, just at the edge of hearing. Though unable to make out what it was saying, he felt a strong urge, almost a compulsion, to act. Following this urge, he used skin, bone, and other material from the grave to craft a poppet, a crude facsimile of a human form. After completing it, he held it out, looking at it intently. The whispering became clearer to him, promising him the power he sought; then without warning it went silent. Florian hadn't even had to consider whether or not to accept. He knew immediately.

The priestess told him this was a gift from the Pallid Princess herself; Florian for his part accepted her explanation, but was more excited about the power itself than exactly where it came from.

Some time later, the cell decided to break into a crypt to perform a special ceremony, followed by a return to the temple for a grand feast. No one in the cell knew exactly where the idea for using that particular crypt had come from, but didn't see much of a problem with it. As it turns out the whole thing was a setup; the names of the members of the cell had been discovered, and the location of this "perfect" location had been intentionally leaked. Upon completing the ceremony and exiting the crypt, Florian and the others in his group found themselves surrounded by a force of Knights of the Alerion. The Knights fell upon them, hacking and slashing with their swords at any who resisted -- and they all resisted. Only Florian escaped in the midst of the chaos, fleeing into the night. Without the timely intervention of Asmodean agents, he too would have been caught; instead, he was spirited away before the Knights could find him.

I'll note that while he is associated with a NE goddess, and is probably not too far off from the LE/NE boundary, he is Lawful Evil rather than Neutral Evil. He's far more about control and mastery of life and death than about pure gluttony and reckless self-indulgence. He's got a bit of a hedonistic streak, but not overly so.

Let's give it a shot.

1d10 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Which I think would be about a 22 point buy, including the 18 and 8. I can work with that.

I was also considering a necromancer of some sort, probably a wizard. I'll give it some thought.

Lol, guess I should chime in before I get left behind!

Ah, I missed that too. From what I can tell of the starship roles, Soryn would probably make a good engineer or science officer, but could fill in as a pilot or gunner in a pinch, so fairly versatile. At least, I think.

All right, that took longer than expected. Life's funny that way sometimes. Presenting Soryn Dalohea, conflicted Lashunta technomancer and bounty hunter. I have an alias with the same name I made once that I'll recycle for this character should he be chosen (or I can just do so later if you'd like), but for now, here's his background questions and stat block. I don't have much experience with Starfinder, so if I missed something or could better present it, let me know.

Also as a general question, I wanted to kit Soryn out with a comm unit that was upgraded with a computer and all that, but I'm a little unclear about exactly how that's done. The rulebook says to go 110% of the price of the extra device's price, but if I made it include a tier 1 computer with some extra features, do I just calculate that computer's price by itself and do 110% of that? Do I do 110% of each upgrade (hardened, miniaturized, etc.)? Does it all include the original 7 credit cost of the original comm unit? It's a little murky.



-Write at least five things about your character’s concept and background, five things that you think are the most essential parts of your character.
1. Soryn was born and grew up on Castrovel in one of the Lashunta city-states. His upbringing instilled him with a strong, if at times misplaced, sense of justice.
2. He studied technomancy at university, but found the life of an academic too stuffy and stagnant for his liking. He joined up with a corporate-employed mercenary group almost immediately after graduation.
3. Soryn quickly found that while he enjoyed the excitement and pay of mercenary life, his sense of honor didn't quite gel with the company he found himself in. He left in under a year to take up bounty hunting.
4. Soryn has a sense of honor and of what is "right", though it's not always well-defined. Part of his code is to follow through on a contract once it's taken, no matter what it is. This contradiction between honoring a contract and doing the "right thing" leads to dilemmas that he sometimes can't find any satisfying solution to.
5. One of the things about his profession he found most compelling was the chance to hunt down criminals and others exploiting people and taking advantage of the difficult post-Swarm War conditions. Events in recent years have shaken his confidence in his role enforcing the law in the Collective as well as his other jobs for private entities.

-List two goals for the character that you, as a player, think would be cool to see accomplished in-game.
1. Soryn wants to be successful enough to be kind of famous in the Collective, be it as a bounty hunter or something else. It might also be cool for him to have a cool nickname he's known by.
2. His choice of career never went over too well at home, and he's been estranged from his family for some time. He'd like to reconcile with them if possible, or barring that, find a new "family" where he can belong.
3. One extra, but hey. A big intense running gun battle of some kind, maybe with vehicles and explosions? Might be pretty fun. :D

-Describe three memories that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.
1. The thrill and danger of his first hunt. Soryn vividly remembers tracking his first fugitive, finding the man, and bringing him to justice.
2. The first time he came to Absalom Station, he remembers being almost overwhelmed as he stepped off the ship and out into the station proper. The sights, sounds, and smells of Absalom Station were vastly different from the city he'd grown up on Castrovel. All the different languages, the alien species he'd never seen before, it left him with an impression of just how vast the galaxy actually was and how much it had to offer.
3. A recent job on Akiton that went wrong. His mark was apparently a rebel collaborator and terrorist of some sort, though Soryn's own information gathering suggested otherwise. Still, a job was a job, and Soryn tracked him to a home on Akiton. He hadn't expected the man to be there with his wife and son, though. His mark came along peacefully, but the wife had other ideas. A brief firefight ensued, and both ended up dead, their son suddenly left orphaned. Hey, a job's a job, right?

-Describe how you met Duravor Keel. For some context, Duravor is a dwarf whose mining expertise benefited the Starfinder Society for many years. He has travelled to many different locationss in the Collective, and is very sociable and friendly. He also has an eye for talent
Soryn met Duravor during work on Verces. Duravor was consulting for a mining operation there; Soryn, being a bit down on his luck at the time, was working as part of a security detail for the operation. While he could never find muster the same sort of passion for miners' issues like Duravor could, Soryn found the dwarf to be very knowledgeable about many different topics, and a very pleasant drinking companion to boot.

-Why are you coming to Absalom Station? Yes, Duravor invited you and said there was opportunities to work, but what is really pushing you to come to the center of the Collective?
Besides the opportunities for work, on some level Soryn is looking for some kind of change, some way to reinvent himself. He isn't sure what that change would be or how it would happen, but to his mind Absalom Station, as the center of civilization in the system, is the natural place to do this.

-You have a connection to the Voidwalkers and a reason to dislike the Collective, though you have yet to fully commit to outright rebellion. But what is your connection to the Voidwalkers?
Soryn has taken a couple contracts on Voidwalker sympathizers in the past. Sometimes he knew this beforehand, other times he did not. Regardless, due to the nature of his job, his contact with the Voidwalkers (that he knows was contact with the Voidwalkers) has been mainly adversarial. As for the Collective itself, while he generally does not involve himself in politics, he's had enough interaction with the more unsavory side of the Collective to be quite disenchanted with it. For now he's putting aside those concerns for the sake of earning a living, but it wouldn't take a great deal to push him to side with them against the Collective.

Soryn Dalohea:

Male Lashunta (Damaya) Bounty Hunter Technomancer 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Lashunta)
Init +2; Senses Perception +1


EAC 13
KAC 14
CMD 22
Stamina 5
HP 9
Resolve 4
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2

Base Atk +0
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged Laser Rifle, Azimuth +2 (1d8, Fire) 120 ft., 1d6 Burn


Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 13

Feats Longarm Proficiency

Languages Akitonian, Castrovelian, Common, Elven, Vercite, Ysoki

Computers +7
Engineering +7
Life Science +7
Mysticism +4
Perception +1
Piloting +6
Profession (Bounty Hunter) +4

Racial/Class/Theme Abilities
Bounty Hunter
Theme Knowledge Your mind is a cold steel trap when it comes to scraps of information about the creatures you’re tracking down. Choose a specific sentient creature that you can identify by name, alias, or specific identity to be your mark. Reduce the DC of Culture or Profession (bounty hunter) checks to recall knowledge about your mark, as well as to recall knowledge about law-enforcement individuals and practices, by 5. If you choose a mark that is known only by an alias or secret identity, this ability helps you learn facts only about the identity you know about, not any other unknown identities. Once you defeat your mark, as an action that takes 1 minute, you can study dossiers and database information about another individual to be your new mark. You can instead abandon your mark for a new one without defeating it, but if you do so, you take a –2 penalty to all skill checks for 1 week. Survival is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Survival checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Constitution at character creation.

Racial (Damaya lashunta)
All lashuntas gain +2 Charisma at character creation. Damaya lashuntas are typically clever and well-spoken (+2 Intelligence at character creation) but somewhat delicate (–2 Constitution at character creation).

Lashunta Magic
Lashuntas gain the following Spell-Like abilities:

At will: daze, psychokinetic hand
1/day: detect thoughts

See Spell-Like Abilities on page 262. The caster level for these effects is equal to the lashunta’s level.

Limited Telepathy
Lashuntas can mentally communicate with any creatures within 30 feet with whom they share a language. Conversing telepathically with multiple creatures simultaneously is just as difficult as listening to multiple people speaking.

Lashuntas love to learn, and they receive a +2 racial bonus to any two skills of their choice. (Computers and Mysticism)

Class Abilities
You cast spells drawn from the technomancer spell list. To learn or cast a spell, you must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell’s level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against your spell is 10 + the spell’s level + your Intelligence modifier.

You can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Your number of spells per day is given on Table 4–10: Technomancer. In addition, you receive bonus spells per day if you have an Intelligence modifier of +1 or higher, as shown on Table 4–11: Technomancer Bonus Spells—note that you only receive these bonus spells once you can cast spells of that level normally. You can also cast 0-level spells. These spells are cast like any other spell, but there is no limit to how many 0-level spells you can cast each day.

Your selection of spells is limited. You begin play knowing four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of your choice. At each new technomancer level, you learn one or more new spells, as indicated on Table 4–12: Technomancer Spells Known. Unlike spells per day, the number of spells you know isn’t affected by your Intelligence modifier.

Every time you gain a level, you can swap out one spell you already know and learn a single new spell of the same level in its place. In effect, you lose the old spell in exchange for the new one. You must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time you gain new spells known for the level.

You can cast any technomancer spell you know at any time, assuming you have not yet used up your allotment of spells per day for the spell’s level. You can also cast a spell using a higher-level spell slot. For instance, if you want to cast a 1st-level spell but have used up all your 1st-level spells for the day, you can use a spell from a 2nd-level slot instead if you have one.

You can also decipher magical inscriptions that would otherwise be unintelligible or, as a full action, identify any spells encoded in a spell gem. This does not normally invoke the magic contained within, although it may do so in the case of a Cursed or trapped spell gem.

Spell Cache (Su) 1st Level

As the culmination of your early study of the fundamental forces of the galaxy, you have created a spell cache that allows you to store and access spells. Your spell cache could be a device such as a handheld computer or technological implant; an item such as a ring or staff; or a symbol such as a brand, tattoo, or other permanent modification to your body. While you don’t need your spell cache to cast your spells, once per day, you can activate your spell cache to cast any one spell you know and are capable of casting, even if you’ve expended all your spell slots for that spell’s level.

If your spell cache is damaged, it is restored to full Hit Points the next time you prepare spells. If the spell cache is lost or destroyed, you can replace it after 1 week with a special ritual that takes 8 hours to complete.

Spells Known
.0— Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Token Spell, transfer charge
.1— Grease, Overheat

Backpack (Consumer)
Battery x2
Binders x2
Clothing (Everyday)
Clothing (Bounty Hunter)
Clothing (Travel)
Comm Unit (Personal)
Computer (customized)
-Firewall, Average secure data, Tier 1, Hardened, Miniturization, Self-charging
Laser rifle, azimuth
Second Skin
Tool kits (Engineering, Hacking, Trapsmith's tools)

49 credits leftover

Working on a Lashunta technomancer, probably a Bounty Hunter actually. Might be fun to play a character with a background ostensibly hunting down fugitives, whose slow-burning crisis of conscience comes to a head and causes him to join a rebellion. Plus it could give some interesting background connections to other PCs, if so desired. :D

Anywho, I'll see if I can't get some of the fluff done tomorrow.

Dotting in.

Awesome. Count me in.

Sure! I'd be willing to take on the role of Lord Admiral if needed. If the GM has someone else already, then I'm also okay with any other roles you might need filled.

My knowledge of 40k isn't super in depth, but I have some familiarity with it, and I do enjoy the setting quite a lot. If you need one more I'd be willing to give it a shot. Might have to do some reading, though. :)

Another thing I've seen popping up from looking around is that you can't have the caravan go against even CR encounters without getting wrecked.

Starting Wealth: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 2) = 12 x 10 = 120gp

Works for me.

I've never gotten the impression you had to always use background skills on the same two skills each time you level up. I thought it was just getting two extra skill ranks that you have to put in "background skills" rather than the "adventuring skills". Maybe I've been reading it wrong?

All righty, going with a witch. While I put that together, I'm curious: are you going to be doing anything particular with the relationship and/or caravan rules?

Congrats on the job!

I'm actually now strongly considering a witch, now that I've had the chance to sit down and really look at stuff. Regardless I should have something up tomorrow sometime.

Lol, this is what I get for playing VtM Bloodlines again and reading through CoC stuff. Character ideas get all dark and horror themed.

@GM Something like that, yeah. I know JR isn't really 'dark' as such, so I wouldn't wanna overdo the edge, if you know what I mean. Assuming oracle, I'm thinking he might be drawn to Desna to an extent given the nature of his abilities (which opens up some interesting interaction opportunities with Koya). With Heavens, he's probably more bewildered than outright frightened, and he's trying to get a grip on whatever destiny he's meant for; with Dark Tapestry he slowly learns that there's something else going on there that he has to grapple with. Just some extra internal conflict and all that.

I'm fine adjusting or continuing to brainstorm if it's not really a thematic fit.

@Oren That does help, thanks. I'll take a look at Stargazer as well. Between the witch and sorcerer, which might fit better with the party as currently constituted? We might already have a good amount of direct damage, so perhaps someone debuffing enemies into the ground before the front liners take them out? Or is the sorcerer versatile enough to do something like that as well?

So I'll just go ahead and share my thought process. My basic idea so far is a (probably) half elf Oracle with the Dark Tapestry mystery and haunted curse. I'll probably give him the childhood crush trait with Ameiko, but I'm not decided yet on that. The broad concept is of a young man who is afraid and uncertain regarding powers he doesn't really understand, going along partially to follow the person who had been kindest to him, and partially to get a grasp on himself and his place in the world.

The heavens mystery could also work, though it'd have a slightly different dynamic as he grows stronger.

So yeah, the original concept was as an oracle, but it could also work similarly as a sorcerer or even a witch. I don't have much experience with any of them. Any thoughts?

I'm currently playing in one on here, actually.

Still floundering a little on ideas, but I'll just pull the trigger on something sooner or later.

Still throwing some ideas around, still playing with a couple builds. It seems like we're kind of short on skills and/or arcane casting. I'm never quite sure how big a deal party composition is with these things, though.

Hey hey. Looking forward to it. Initial thought is some sort of Oracle, but I'll have to brainstorm a little bit.

All right, I couldn't make up my mind on the species; I was truly 50/50 on it. So I flipped a coin and it came up Twi'lek, so I moved forward with that. Fortunately he only requires a little tweaking if a Mon Calamari is truly preferred.

So without further ado, I present Zelad'asivron (which separates as Zelada Sivron), smuggler, gambler, gunslinger, and all-round dashing rogue. Seriously, just ask him how dashing he is, he'll tell you. He usually just goes by Zel.

Brief Background:

Zel was unfortunate enough to be born to a poor family on Ryloth, though fortunate enough not be born a slave. An only child, Zel spent his earliest years on Ryloth with his parents just scraping by. When not doing various menial tasks at home, he often went out trying to solicit donations from strangers. When he was about eight years old, Zel's family managed to barter passage on a departing freighter, finally seeing an opportunity to escape the rut they found themselves in on their homeworld. They left Ryloth and ultimately found themselves in a fresh new hell: Nar Shaddaa.

Ironically, though they were still quite poor, Zel's family had a degree more opportunity and freedom on the Smuggler's Moon. Zel began running with a small-time gang on Nar Shaddaa, mostly young people like himself. He learned, among other things, how to hold a blaster, how to run all sorts of different scams, and how to talk his way out of trouble. And he did end up having to talk his way out of trouble quite often.

By the time he was sixteen, he'd gotten quite good at his craft, but he was itching to see more of Nar Shaddaa, more of the galaxy at large. He didn't want to spend the rest of his life committing petty crimes and never seeing where else his skill and his wit could take him. He talked his way onto a small ship crew that primarily did smuggling jobs for the local Hutt bosses. He already knew how to shoot decently and how to run his mouth, but there was a lot he still didn't know. Zel made the most of every opportunity he got to learn about the trade, and even better, how to fly a ship.

Zel ran with the same crew for about nine years, at which point he convinced one of their Hutt employers to help front him the money to buy his own ship. Finally, he knew how to survive, how to make money, and he finally had a taste of the freedom he had chased for years.

Of course, about two years after getting his own ship, Zel finds himself imprisoned on an Imperial Star Destroyer, awaiting his fate. So much for freedom.


1) Tell me a memory, something unrelated to their main backstory.
Once Zel found himself accidentally cornered in a cantina by a bounty hunter who had come after him. Zel had been tipped off as to who the hunter was, but hadn't expected to be found as quickly as he was. The hunter, a woman who appeared to Zel as beautiful as she was potentially deadly, hadn't met him before and only had a general physical description to go on. When approached by the bounty hunter, Zel denied being who he was, and in the process feigned a great deal of indignity about being confused for another Twi'lek ("Why do so many people think all Twi'leks look alike? Typical.").

Of course, because the hunter was quite attractive, and because sometimes Zel can't help himself, he didn't stop there. He gave her a false name and claimed to actually know who she was looking for, and to know he'd probably be coming into the cantina the following day. Even better, he'd help point out the target and lure him into position to be captured, all for a small finder's fee. Somehow he convinced her of this story, and the two proceeded to spend the evening talking, flirting, and getting quite drunk. Zel paced himself a bit better and was still on his feet by the time she passed out. He proceeded to steal a few credit chips, boost her speeder, and flee the planet. And of course, he left a message for the woman, thanking her for a lovely evening and hoping they might have another drink some time.

In his general history she has a fun kind of adversarial role, but she hasn't shown up during any major, formative points during his life. Whether she shows up later on during the story is entirely up to you. If so, details about her can be fleshed out; if not, it's mostly just a fun story he can tell and another long-term issue he has to keep in mind.

2) What's a talent, unrelated to their class abilities?
He actually has a pretty decent singing voice.

3) A personality quirk?
Zel is quite charming and fancies himself as something of a ladies' man. He engages in humor in many situations, sometimes even ones that involve some element of risk or danger. He does this partially because he finds enjoyment from it, and partially because it helps him initially seem less threatening.

He also likes to sometimes share "interesting facts" with others. He has facts on almost any subject, and more often than not they are completely wrong. Whether he is aware that these facts are wrong is never entirely clear.

4) Distinguishing physical feature?
Besides being dashingly handsome? He's a Rutian (blue-skinned) Twi'lek with slightly darker striped patterning on his lekku.

5) A goal, short or long term.
Short to medium term, he'd like to be able to make enough money to pay off the debt he owes on his ship and get totally free of control by Hutt employers. That was a big reason he took this job in the first place. Longer term, one of his goals is to get enough money to pay for his parents to move off Nar Shaddaa, or at least to a nicer home there.

6) Why were they arrested and brought aboard the Deception? What reason could the Imperials have for being so sure that the PC is a member of the Rebellion (e.g., political connections, smuggling, being a mercenary or anarchist)?
Zel was hired to smuggle cargo past the blockade. Normally he'd find something like this just a little too risky, but the money was very good. Unfortunately for him, he was caught. Zel wasn't sure exactly what he was being asked to transport ("I swear, I thought it was just spice or something for weird fish parties!"), or what connections his contact on the planet had, but it turns out he was carrying weapons bound for less-than-loyal individuals. This was more than enough for the authorities to connect him to the Rebellion and imprison him as a traitor.

His backstory includes a ship. Its model and name, and even whether or not it plays a part, can be hashed out should Zel be chosen.

Mechanically, as I said before, he starts as a Scoundrel and I'm hoping to get him to Gunslinger at some point, perhaps focusing less on pure damage output and more on special trick shots and status effects? The idea of him dual-wielding blaster pistols is pretty appealing though. How exactly his feats/talents/etc. will play out is still TBD, and I'm not that familiar with character building in Saga Edition.

Character is starting to take form. Gotta say I'm pretty torn on what species. On the one hand, the vision I have of him is as a Twi'lek or something like that, but making Lando Calamarissian could also work.

Decisions decisions. Guess I'll start working on the build and background stuff in the meantime.

My initial idea is a roguish sort of character -- gambler, smuggler, etc. The vague idea is that he was arrested trying to break the blockade and smuggle something (supplies, weapons, people, not sure yet), and condemned as a rebel. If he had a ship that was detained, it could give the group another way of the Imperial ship. I haven't decided on a species yet, but making him Mon Calamari is an option I'm mulling over. Obviously it'll need more fleshing out and possibly approval on certain things, but I'm pretty flexible.

Mechanically I'm thinking a scoundrel, and going into gunslinger later on seems appealing. I'm not sure how mechanically viable that is off hand, but that's where I'm at right now.

Same here, dotting in from the other thread. Time to start brainstorming!

Very interested. I have only a passing familiarity with the Saga system but I really enjoy Star Wars and have been going to find something to scratch that itch since my last SW game died.

I'm interested. I've never played Numenera before so hopefully that's all right.


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