Thron's Altered Kingmaker (Now Litejedi's)

Game Master Litejedi

Roll20 Map
New Roll20 Map

Loot List

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Druid (Defender of the True World) 13 | HP: 75/140, AC:29/11/28, Fort:+14-2/Ref:+6/Will:+15 CMD: 34, Resist 15 Cold & Fire; DR 10 Good; Init+4, Perc+21 current form(Behemoth Hippo)

Added an entry for Thrush stats for wild shape in case I decide to bull rush a guard off the tower as an itty bitty bird... Also updated my stat line to reflect the transformation.

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine
Tikroch wrote:

Not sure if we're still going to use the loot spreadsheet linked at the top of the page. Here is a list of our spoils from trekking to the fort.

a masterwork quarterstaff shod with silver at either end and decorated with carvings of predatory birds, worth 900 gp
a wide leather belt of mighty constitution +2
a silver ring of jumping
a coral holy symbol of Gozreh worth 250 gp
a stylized mithral brooch in the shape of a gilded leaf worth 500 gp
an uncompleted, leather-bound spellbook in a waterproof case containing all 0-level spells, as well as control water, fabricate, move earth, stone shape, and transmute mud to rock

20 taldan-stamped gold ingots worth 250 gp each +favor of bogards to stop raiding

a headband of mental prowess (wis +2/Cha +2) (with some spirit naga blood on it)

This is either not useful or duplicative for Sootscale.

Male Medium Vampire (Dhampir) Arcanist 13 | HP: 36/67 | AC: 21 | Init: +7 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +8 | P+18, Bl +25, Scrft +24, UMD +20, Knw A/D/L/N/P/R +24, H/No +18, G+17| Speed 30ft | 1: 5/6, 2: 6/6, 3: 4/6, 4: 6/6, 5: 4/5, 6: 4/4| Reservoir 8/16, Staff 10/10 |Active Conditions:

Vincent would benefit from the Con belt, and obviously will fight people for the spellbook, but otherwise he's fine.

Male Human Cleric (Crusader) of Iomedae 13 | 97/97 HP | AC 28 T 13 FF 27 | Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +13 | Init +1 | Perception +18 | Channel Energy 5/5 | Touch of Glory 8/8 | Aura of Heroism 11/11 rounds | Cohort |

I don't think I'm due for a share of treasure yet, but if so, the headband of mental prowess would be an upgrade for Donovan.

Druid (Defender of the True World) 13 | HP: 75/140, AC:29/11/28, Fort:+14-2/Ref:+6/Will:+15 CMD: 34, Resist 15 Cold & Fire; DR 10 Good; Init+4, Perc+21 current form(Behemoth Hippo)

All this stuff was gained after we joined up. I figure we can claim something especially if it's helpful.

Rogue 8/Arcanist 1/Fighter 4 | HP90/90 | AC 32(37 with barkskin,41 w/ shield)/DR 2 cold iron/ Fire Res 5 | T 17 | FF 25| CMD 25 (30 disarm/sunder) | F+10, R+15(evasion), W+10 :-2 poison/illusion/disease:+2 fey:+4 plant | Per +21, Sense M +21, Init +6 | spells: 3/3 | arcane pool 4/4| prehensile hair 8/8 minutes | flight 8/8 minutes Portrait conditions: Freedom of Movement, Feather Fall, Deathwatch, Fastidious, Endure Elements

Full agreement!

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine


Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

Alright, proposed buffs for everyone:

Protection from Arrows Communal--I think this works against firearms too?
Magic Circle Against Evil (via Alchemical Allocation)--Sootscale
Shield--Sootscale, Chrysa, Tikroch
I know Tikroch talked about saving magic, but Sootscale's elixirs are not that useful in spontaneous situations--better to use them in a situation that we know will help. I could do a few more buffs too, but I picked things that don't have immediately visible effects.

Male Human Cleric (Crusader) of Iomedae 13 | 97/97 HP | AC 28 T 13 FF 27 | Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +13 | Init +1 | Perception +18 | Channel Energy 5/5 | Touch of Glory 8/8 | Aura of Heroism 11/11 rounds | Cohort |

Since we ostensibly know when they guy is showing up, Donovan can throw down divine power, righteous might, prayer, heroism, bless, and shield of faith if we're going all-in.

Druid (Defender of the True World) 13 | HP: 75/140, AC:29/11/28, Fort:+14-2/Ref:+6/Will:+15 CMD: 34, Resist 15 Cold & Fire; DR 10 Good; Init+4, Perc+21 current form(Behemoth Hippo)

I was only going to use barkskin and possibly greater magic fang (and shield now). Also planning on turning into a sargassum fiend (plant) and attacking from above, assuming the place isn't more than two floors tall.

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

I'm entering a busy period at work that may keep me tied up until February 12 (Super Bowl Sunday). I'll still try to check in and post, but I can't guarantee I'll make a consistent appearance. Please feel free to bot me.

Male Human Cleric (Crusader) of Iomedae 13 | 97/97 HP | AC 28 T 13 FF 27 | Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +13 | Init +1 | Perception +18 | Channel Energy 5/5 | Touch of Glory 8/8 | Aura of Heroism 11/11 rounds | Cohort |

FINALLY managed to squeeze in a post.

Rogue 8/Arcanist 1/Fighter 4 | HP90/90 | AC 32(37 with barkskin,41 w/ shield)/DR 2 cold iron/ Fire Res 5 | T 17 | FF 25| CMD 25 (30 disarm/sunder) | F+10, R+15(evasion), W+10 :-2 poison/illusion/disease:+2 fey:+4 plant | Per +21, Sense M +21, Init +6 | spells: 3/3 | arcane pool 4/4| prehensile hair 8/8 minutes | flight 8/8 minutes Portrait conditions: Freedom of Movement, Feather Fall, Deathwatch, Fastidious, Endure Elements

Level 11 back to the basics (Rogue!!!)

fcb to skills

+1 intimidation, linguistics (Tien), handle animal, perception
+2 bluff, diplomacy,
+3 disable device, stealth

+1d6 sneak attack
Improved Critical as a feat

Druid (Defender of the True World) 13 | HP: 75/140, AC:29/11/28, Fort:+14-2/Ref:+6/Will:+15 CMD: 34, Resist 15 Cold & Fire; DR 10 Good; Init+4, Perc+21 current form(Behemoth Hippo)

Lvl 11: Druid (duh)

+1 BAB
+1 lvl 3 & Lvl 6 spell slot
+Feat: planar Wild Shape
+1 Perception
+1 Know Nature
+1 Know Planes
+2 Sense Motive

BG: Handle Animal, Know Geography

Luca: Stays the same :(

That should be it. Now I have to do the math for the changes in wild shape forms.

Male Medium Vampire (Dhampir) Arcanist 13 | HP: 36/67 | AC: 21 | Init: +7 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +8 | P+18, Bl +25, Scrft +24, UMD +20, Knw A/D/L/N/P/R +24, H/No +18, G+17| Speed 30ft | 1: 5/6, 2: 6/6, 3: 4/6, 4: 6/6, 5: 4/5, 6: 4/4| Reservoir 8/16, Staff 10/10 |Active Conditions:

Level 11: Arcanist (duh!)

+1 5th lvl spell slot
+1 2/3/4/5 prepped per day
Feat: Piercing Spell
Skills: Many.
Greater Exploit: Greater Counterspell.

Druid (Defender of the True World) 13 | HP: 75/140, AC:29/11/28, Fort:+14-2/Ref:+6/Will:+15 CMD: 34, Resist 15 Cold & Fire; DR 10 Good; Init+4, Perc+21 current form(Behemoth Hippo)

All up to date. I picked sirroco as my lvl 6 spell. It will behoove melee people to invest in fire resistance in case we need to use it while still fighting, ie. getting swarmed by people we need to debilitate. My DC is only 19 but it just needs to do at least some damage to fatigue someone.

It was either that or wall of stone and I wasn't very excited about creating stone walls in this situation.

Just to make sure, nothing we "used" in the time loop was actually used correct?

Correct, but things used before the loop would be. I don’t think anyone expended resources on the last loop either.

Also communal resist elements fire would be good.

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

Alchemist 10 / U. Monk 1
+1 BAB
+1 Fort/Ref
Improved Critical (Bombs)
Spontaneous Healing discovery ("The alchemist gains the ability to heal from wounds rapidly. As a free action once per round, he can heal 5 hit points as if he had the fast healing ability. He can heal 5 hit points per day in this manner for every 2 alchemist levels he possesses. If the alchemist falls unconscious because of hit point damage and he still has healing available from this ability, the ability activates automatically each round until he is conscious again or the ability is depleted for the day.")
Staggering Blast ("Whenever a grenadier scores a successful critical hit with a bomb, the creature directly struck by that bomb is staggered for 1d4+1 rounds. A successful Fortitude save (DC equals the bomb’s Reflex save DC to avoid splash damage) reduces the duration to 1 round. The effects of this ability stack with a frost bomb’s staggering effect, but not with the effects of the Staggering Critical feat. Additional hits from a staggering blast add to the effect’s overall duration.")

Acrobatics x2, Craft Alchemy, Escape Artist, K. Arcana, K. Engineering, K. Nature, Perception, Stealth, Survival

Male Human Cleric (Crusader) of Iomedae 13 | 97/97 HP | AC 28 T 13 FF 27 | Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +13 | Init +1 | Perception +18 | Channel Energy 5/5 | Touch of Glory 8/8 | Aura of Heroism 11/11 rounds | Cohort |

Level 11: Cleric (crusader) 11

+7 hit points
+1 BAB
Channel energy: 6d6

Spells per day: +1 3rd level, 6th-level domain spell (only)

Skills: +1 each of: Heal, Knowledge (religion), Perception, Spellcraft; Artistry (philosophy), Knowledge (history)

Feat: Reach Spell

Druid (Defender of the True World) 13 | HP: 75/140, AC:29/11/28, Fort:+14-2/Ref:+6/Will:+15 CMD: 34, Resist 15 Cold & Fire; DR 10 Good; Init+4, Perc+21 current form(Behemoth Hippo)

Assuming we're approaching the secret tunnel (tm) with all our 10 min/lvl buffs (~2 hours)... I've got: Extended Freedom of Movement, Air Walk, Resinous Skin, Protection from Energy Fire (120), Beastspeak, and Extended Barkskin. Luca has barkskin and feather step.

Is the governor going to distribute elixirs as well? Previous proposal

Chieftain Sootscale wrote:

Protection from Arrows Communal--I think this works against firearms too?

Magic Circle Against Evil (via Alchemical Allocation)--Sootscale
Shield--Sootscale, Chrysa, Tikroch

When did the 10 minute per level buffs get cast? You spent quite a while digging graves, obtaining alcohol and a little while talking to the giant.

Druid (Defender of the True World) 13 | HP: 75/140, AC:29/11/28, Fort:+14-2/Ref:+6/Will:+15 CMD: 34, Resist 15 Cold & Fire; DR 10 Good; Init+4, Perc+21 current form(Behemoth Hippo)

I thought we were getting all that done then waiting around till the right time to go, casting long term buffs on the way. I can take em off and cast them after the oozes as I didn't say I was casting them before.

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

Sorry for the prolonged absence. I need another week or so to power through a busy and stressful time. Please bot me as needed.

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

Hi folks, my theory that things would be better in a week was too optimistic. I suspect work is going to keep me from posting for the next couple of months, with late September being the time where I can jump back in. I have a September 21 deadline I'm facing, and there may be spillover / I'll need to recover. I'm really sorry for the trouble.

I will roll with whatever solution makes sense to you. Happy to have my character botted or have my character or just step away from the action temporarily. If you prefer to move on entirely, I'm okay with that too; I don't want to sap the momentum of any of my games.

Druid (Defender of the True World) 13 | HP: 75/140, AC:29/11/28, Fort:+14-2/Ref:+6/Will:+15 CMD: 34, Resist 15 Cold & Fire; DR 10 Good; Init+4, Perc+21 current form(Behemoth Hippo)

My map doesn't work while I'm at the office so I can't place myself right now. My plan is to move after Drelev while staying far enough away from guards to not get full attacked. I'll figure out what to do with Luca when I can see the map.

Rogue 8/Arcanist 1/Fighter 4 | HP90/90 | AC 32(37 with barkskin,41 w/ shield)/DR 2 cold iron/ Fire Res 5 | T 17 | FF 25| CMD 25 (30 disarm/sunder) | F+10, R+15(evasion), W+10 :-2 poison/illusion/disease:+2 fey:+4 plant | Per +21, Sense M +21, Init +6 | spells: 3/3 | arcane pool 4/4| prehensile hair 8/8 minutes | flight 8/8 minutes Portrait conditions: Freedom of Movement, Feather Fall, Deathwatch, Fastidious, Endure Elements

Chrysa embraced skills again, getting Rogue level 8 (retaining fighter 3 and arcanist 1)

highlights: herolab online is not telling me Chrysa's complexity is 9.9 and soon I can no longer have her on the site:(

new rogue/hex: iceplant giving her +2 natural armor and endure elements all the time

dex +1 = 19 normal 23 with belt
increased bluff, diplomacy, disable device, intimidate, local, perception, sense motive, stealth, nobility, linguistics (adding Kelish as her 18th language)
Damage reduction 2/cold iron due to fey continued Fey infection

Druid (Defender of the True World) 13 | HP: 75/140, AC:29/11/28, Fort:+14-2/Ref:+6/Will:+15 CMD: 34, Resist 15 Cold & Fire; DR 10 Good; Init+4, Perc+21 current form(Behemoth Hippo)

+1 druid
+1 bab, fort, ref, will
+1 wildshape per day; can now assume huge plant and elemental forms
+1 str
extra lvl 5 slot, extra lvl 6 slot

+1 perception, +1 fly, +2 sense motive, +1 know nature; +1 handle animal, +1 know geography

+1 hd, bab, fort, ref
+2 NA bonus
+1 str, dex
+1 trick (flanking)
+1 perception

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

Okay, I think this is all I need to do to level up (twice, since I'm 2 levels behind):

Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1
+16 HP
+2 BAB
+1 Fort / Ref
Bombs 6d6 damage
Staggering Blast (from Grenadier archetype)
Discovery: Preserve Organs
Feat: Extra Discovery: Dragonification (Mummification but with acid immunity instead of cold)
Skills: Craft (alchemy) x2, Escape Artist x2, K. Arcana x2, K. Dungeoneering x2, K. Engineering x2, K. Nature x2, Perception x2, Stealth x2, Survival x2, TBD x2
(I think I have extra skill points and I'll sort that out, probably need to deduct from Acrobatics)
Formulae: Freedom of Movement, Greater Invisibility

Retrain Draconic Scales racial to natural armor, probably.

Hoping I got this right! Will update my character sheet after letting this sit for a while.

Male Human Cleric (Crusader) of Iomedae 13 | 97/97 HP | AC 28 T 13 FF 27 | Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +13 | Init +1 | Perception +18 | Channel Energy 5/5 | Touch of Glory 8/8 | Aura of Heroism 11/11 rounds | Cohort |

Level 12: Cleric (Crusader) 12

+1 Wisdom, BAB, all saves
+1 hit points

Skills: +1 each of: Heal, Knowledge (religion), Perception, Spellcraft; Knowledge (history), Profession (soldier)

+1 5th level and 6th level spell

Male Human Cleric (Crusader) of Iomedae 13 | 97/97 HP | AC 28 T 13 FF 27 | Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +13 | Init +1 | Perception +18 | Channel Energy 5/5 | Touch of Glory 8/8 | Aura of Heroism 11/11 rounds | Cohort |

As far as treasure: In the near term, the simple improvements that would help me are upgrading my sword to +2 (6,000 gp), and improving my ring of protection to +2 (3,000 gp).

For prep buffs: Given enough time, Donovan will generally use (in this order of priority):
divine power
shield of faith
bless weapon

He will also deploy, if there appears to be a need for it (either b/c we know in advance, or we see it happen mid-fight:
communal reach resist energy if someone uses fire/lightning/etc.
communal reach protection from evil if we know we are fighting demons, evil clerics, etc.

Because of communal reach on these, he can even hit party members who are not adjacent when he casts.

freedom of movement if we think we are gonna fight ghouls or something with mobility problems. This one is flexible depending on circumstances: Usually it goes onto whoever's front lining, but if we think we need to keep Vincent able to cast in the middle of a black tentacles or something, Donovan's smart enough to do that.

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

Sootscale hands out the following buffs/extracts:

Cast immediately:
Mutagen on self
Mage Armor on self (with wand haded to Chrysa)
Protection from Arrows, Communal on party
Tears to Wine on party (+5 to Int and Wis skill checks)
Freedom of Movement on self and Tikroch
Heroism on self (via Alchemical Allocation)
Magic Circle Against Evil on self (via Alchemical Allocation)
Magic Circle Against Evil on Chrysa (via Alchemical Allocation)

Handed out for future use:
Greater Invisibility extract - Chrysa
Reduce Person extract - Chrysa
Shield extract - Tikroch, Chrysa
Fly extract - Donovan, Tikroch

Rogue 8/Arcanist 1/Fighter 4 | HP90/90 | AC 32(37 with barkskin,41 w/ shield)/DR 2 cold iron/ Fire Res 5 | T 17 | FF 25| CMD 25 (30 disarm/sunder) | F+10, R+15(evasion), W+10 :-2 poison/illusion/disease:+2 fey:+4 plant | Per +21, Sense M +21, Init +6 | spells: 3/3 | arcane pool 4/4| prehensile hair 8/8 minutes | flight 8/8 minutes Portrait conditions: Freedom of Movement, Feather Fall, Deathwatch, Fastidious, Endure Elements

"I will claim the crown of ash." the red haired baroness bows deep to her friend, but keeping a wry smile on her lips.

Male Human Cleric (Crusader) of Iomedae 13 | 97/97 HP | AC 28 T 13 FF 27 | Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +13 | Init +1 | Perception +18 | Channel Energy 5/5 | Touch of Glory 8/8 | Aura of Heroism 11/11 rounds | Cohort |

Level 13: Cleric 13

+7 hit points

Skills: +1 each of: Heal, Knowledge (religion), Perception, Spellcraft; Artistry (philosophy), Knowledge (history)

New feat: ???

Suggestions? I could pick up Power Attack, or I could get something more esoteric in hopes of developing some tactic. Bless Equipment could allow me to temporarily generate a bane weapon. Um... very few fighting styles that would be of use. Donovan doesn't have the Dexterity necessary to go into Dodge or Combat Reflexes trees. Could also pick up some other metamagic or some weird minor power like basic war priest blessings.

Male Human Cleric (Crusader) of Iomedae 13 | 97/97 HP | AC 28 T 13 FF 27 | Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +13 | Init +1 | Perception +18 | Channel Energy 5/5 | Touch of Glory 8/8 | Aura of Heroism 11/11 rounds | Cohort |

How much wealth do I have available for item upgrades? The loot sheet wasn't helpful (says I have no money and I don't see how to determine a share).

Donovan of Restov wrote:
How much wealth do I have available for item upgrades? The loot sheet wasn't helpful (says I have no money and I don't see how to determine a share).

In terms of cash, theoretically everyone got 33,879, but Donovan claimed 19,775, so was left with 14,104. Donovan claimed the plumed mantle, but could just as easily have not claimed it

That’s what reduced your gold share. Some of this data is listed in armag’s tomb sheet. As to why Donovan has 0 in cell Q209, it probably is because the wealth tracker is defunct. Cells above 209 have useful information.

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