Thron's Altered Kingmaker (Now Litejedi's)

Game Master Litejedi

Roll20 Map
New Roll20 Map

Loot List

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Rogue 8/Arcanist 1/Fighter 4 | HP90/90 | AC 32(37 with barkskin,41 w/ shield)/DR 2 cold iron/ Fire Res 5 | T 17 | FF 25| CMD 25 (30 disarm/sunder) | F+10, R+15(evasion), W+10 :-2 poison/illusion/disease:+2 fey:+4 plant | Per +21, Sense M +21, Init +6 | spells: 3/3 | arcane pool 4/4| prehensile hair 8/8 minutes | flight 8/8 minutes Portrait conditions: Freedom of Movement, Feather Fall, Deathwatch, Fastidious, Endure Elements

That is awesome! Very awesome sir.

Female Human Human Cavalier (Daring Champion) 6/Swashbuckler (Rostland Bravo) 1| 66/66 HP | AC25 T17 FF19 | F: +7* R: +9* W: +5*| Perception: +10 | Init: +12

I agree. Well done and congrats!!! I just finished book three with one of my groups here on the forums and we're like four years in or something! :)

Rogue 8/Arcanist 1/Fighter 4 | HP90/90 | AC 32(37 with barkskin,41 w/ shield)/DR 2 cold iron/ Fire Res 5 | T 17 | FF 25| CMD 25 (30 disarm/sunder) | F+10, R+15(evasion), W+10 :-2 poison/illusion/disease:+2 fey:+4 plant | Per +21, Sense M +21, Init +6 | spells: 3/3 | arcane pool 4/4| prehensile hair 8/8 minutes | flight 8/8 minutes Portrait conditions: Freedom of Movement, Feather Fall, Deathwatch, Fastidious, Endure Elements

"Not Mites!:!" Sapher yells from a game over.

F Half-Elf Skald 1 (Urban Skald)/Druid 11 (Men. Sav./Prog.)/LM 1 | HP 116/116 | AC 26-15-24 | F+16, R+9, W+22 | Per +22, Sense M +25, Init +7 | Cont. Ins. Rage Dex is OFF
Active Effects:

What the heck is up with all the mites.

Okay, set up a map on roll20. Everyone go hop on and make sure you can move your token. If not, let me know what account on there to link it to.

Rogue 8/Arcanist 1/Fighter 4 | HP90/90 | AC 32(37 with barkskin,41 w/ shield)/DR 2 cold iron/ Fire Res 5 | T 17 | FF 25| CMD 25 (30 disarm/sunder) | F+10, R+15(evasion), W+10 :-2 poison/illusion/disease:+2 fey:+4 plant | Per +21, Sense M +21, Init +6 | spells: 3/3 | arcane pool 4/4| prehensile hair 8/8 minutes | flight 8/8 minutes Portrait conditions: Freedom of Movement, Feather Fall, Deathwatch, Fastidious, Endure Elements

Yep, Chrysa is movable!

Male Human (ulfen) | Bard (arcane healer) 5 / Fighter (Lore Warden) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 26 (Base 20) | T 15 | FF 22 (Base 16)| CMD 20 | Fort +4| Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +4| Perc +10 | Portrait

Orri is set

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

Please link Chieftain Sootscale to Silvio. :P

Hi everyone! Thanks for humoring my clumsy storyline!

Rogue 8/Arcanist 1/Fighter 4 | HP90/90 | AC 32(37 with barkskin,41 w/ shield)/DR 2 cold iron/ Fire Res 5 | T 17 | FF 25| CMD 25 (30 disarm/sunder) | F+10, R+15(evasion), W+10 :-2 poison/illusion/disease:+2 fey:+4 plant | Per +21, Sense M +21, Init +6 | spells: 3/3 | arcane pool 4/4| prehensile hair 8/8 minutes | flight 8/8 minutes Portrait conditions: Freedom of Movement, Feather Fall, Deathwatch, Fastidious, Endure Elements

Lol! I completely missed that you were the chief Tazo!

Female Human Human Cavalier (Daring Champion) 6/Swashbuckler (Rostland Bravo) 1| 66/66 HP | AC25 T17 FF19 | F: +7* R: +9* W: +5*| Perception: +10 | Init: +12

We shoulda killed Mikmek.

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

The kobolds are your friends! Promise! :)

F Half-Elf Skald 1 (Urban Skald)/Druid 11 (Men. Sav./Prog.)/LM 1 | HP 116/116 | AC 26-15-24 | F+16, R+9, W+22 | Per +22, Sense M +25, Init +7 | Cont. Ins. Rage Dex is OFF
Active Effects:

Can’t move my token, please link to!

Don’t have that as an option...

Matt F
John G
Gareth K

F Half-Elf Skald 1 (Urban Skald)/Druid 11 (Men. Sav./Prog.)/LM 1 | HP 116/116 | AC 26-15-24 | F+16, R+9, W+22 | Per +22, Sense M +25, Init +7 | Cont. Ins. Rage Dex is OFF
Active Effects:

Gareth is me!

Okay try again. Been busy with work and lack of PC at home. Also headed out of town this weekend. I’ll get combat going ASAP.

F Half-Elf Skald 1 (Urban Skald)/Druid 11 (Men. Sav./Prog.)/LM 1 | HP 116/116 | AC 26-15-24 | F+16, R+9, W+22 | Per +22, Sense M +25, Init +7 | Cont. Ins. Rage Dex is OFF
Active Effects:

My wife has been having trouble participating as effectively as she’d like, due to some external constraints that she has. She’d like to drop out. I have another friend who could try, but he’s never done pbp before. Not sure what the best course of action is.

I’ll leave that up to the group. Was beginning to wonder.

Male Human (ulfen) | Bard (arcane healer) 5 / Fighter (Lore Warden) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 26 (Base 20) | T 15 | FF 22 (Base 16)| CMD 20 | Fort +4| Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +4| Perc +10 | Portrait

I could always check with a few people I know that are pretty active posters.

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

We have a party of five, I think that's a solid number. But I'm flexible either way.

Also, are up!

Rogue 8/Arcanist 1/Fighter 4 | HP90/90 | AC 32(37 with barkskin,41 w/ shield)/DR 2 cold iron/ Fire Res 5 | T 17 | FF 25| CMD 25 (30 disarm/sunder) | F+10, R+15(evasion), W+10 :-2 poison/illusion/disease:+2 fey:+4 plant | Per +21, Sense M +21, Init +6 | spells: 3/3 | arcane pool 4/4| prehensile hair 8/8 minutes | flight 8/8 minutes Portrait conditions: Freedom of Movement, Feather Fall, Deathwatch, Fastidious, Endure Elements

Sophiel, Tell you wife thank you for joining us for as long as she did!

Tazo, does that mean the chief is joining us permanently? If we live that is of course.

5 is good with me. It does puts us at an odd number in kingdoms, with the majority of us firmly in neutrality to boot. So adding someone is also good with me.

Chief was secretly with us from the start. We just were keeping it secret for RP impact!

Rogue 8/Arcanist 1/Fighter 4 | HP90/90 | AC 32(37 with barkskin,41 w/ shield)/DR 2 cold iron/ Fire Res 5 | T 17 | FF 25| CMD 25 (30 disarm/sunder) | F+10, R+15(evasion), W+10 :-2 poison/illusion/disease:+2 fey:+4 plant | Per +21, Sense M +21, Init +6 | spells: 3/3 | arcane pool 4/4| prehensile hair 8/8 minutes | flight 8/8 minutes Portrait conditions: Freedom of Movement, Feather Fall, Deathwatch, Fastidious, Endure Elements

Lol! That is awesome.

Wait what else was staged? Is Drask going to show up as an orge lord?


*evil grin*

F Half-Elf Skald 1 (Urban Skald)/Druid 11 (Men. Sav./Prog.)/LM 1 | HP 116/116 | AC 26-15-24 | F+16, R+9, W+22 | Per +22, Sense M +25, Init +7 | Cont. Ins. Rage Dex is OFF
Active Effects:

Thanks for letting her try!

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

I really did decide I was too busy. But then I realized I couldn't resist the allure of creating a kobold empire. One that will be birthed from this historic battle! :P

So you claim. I knew you were joining from the start!

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

Uh oh, I'm continuing our party's fine tradition of friendly fire.

If Isabella goes down, I think I will have made an enemy for life.

Male Human (ulfen) | Bard (arcane healer) 5 / Fighter (Lore Warden) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 26 (Base 20) | T 15 | FF 22 (Base 16)| CMD 20 | Fort +4| Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +4| Perc +10 | Portrait

Yeah, if we are keeping the Chieftain then we should be ok. We will just have to be careful since we won't have a real front line fighter per say.

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

Isabella can tank for us! She's doing a great job of it already. :P

F Half-Elf Skald 1 (Urban Skald)/Druid 11 (Men. Sav./Prog.)/LM 1 | HP 116/116 | AC 26-15-24 | F+16, R+9, W+22 | Per +22, Sense M +25, Init +7 | Cont. Ins. Rage Dex is OFF
Active Effects:

Would you like me to run Dunstan for a bit, just to finish out this combat or bot him Thron?

You can bot him.

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

Dunstan needs to come back as a ghost and convert the kobolds to the Abadarian faith. :P

F Half-Elf Skald 1 (Urban Skald)/Druid 11 (Men. Sav./Prog.)/LM 1 | HP 116/116 | AC 26-15-24 | F+16, R+9, W+22 | Per +22, Sense M +25, Init +7 | Cont. Ins. Rage Dex is OFF
Active Effects:

Heh, I have her account if we ever want to resurrect the character.

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

Hey DM Thron, would this be a good time for everyone to go to 3rd level (especially since Sootscale is already there)?

Oh yeah. Forgot. Everyone level up!

Male Human (ulfen) | Bard (arcane healer) 5 / Fighter (Lore Warden) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 26 (Base 20) | T 15 | FF 22 (Base 16)| CMD 20 | Fort +4| Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +4| Perc +10 | Portrait

Ok, went back and made a loot list if we could maybe link this at the top:


Female Human Human Cavalier (Daring Champion) 6/Swashbuckler (Rostland Bravo) 1| 66/66 HP | AC25 T17 FF19 | F: +7* R: +9* W: +5*| Perception: +10 | Init: +12

I'm taking the studded leather. I need to be slightly less squishy.

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

When Chief Sootscale establishes his kingdom, he is going to declare total war against the fey!

F Half-Elf Skald 1 (Urban Skald)/Druid 11 (Men. Sav./Prog.)/LM 1 | HP 116/116 | AC 26-15-24 | F+16, R+9, W+22 | Per +22, Sense M +25, Init +7 | Cont. Ins. Rage Dex is OFF
Active Effects:

Sootscale may have a problem with Sophie’s feytopia then...

Male Human (ulfen) | Bard (arcane healer) 5 / Fighter (Lore Warden) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 26 (Base 20) | T 15 | FF 22 (Base 16)| CMD 20 | Fort +4| Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +4| Perc +10 | Portrait

War of the kobolds and the fey!

Male Human (ulfen) | Bard (arcane healer) 5 / Fighter (Lore Warden) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 26 (Base 20) | T 15 | FF 22 (Base 16)| CMD 20 | Fort +4| Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +4| Perc +10 | Portrait

Posting this to all my games, so apologies if you see it in multiple places :).

Sorry for the delay everyone, my wife was in a pretty serious car accident Tues. She is luckily ok, but have been dealing with the aftermath of that the last couple days and have just been a bit mentally exhausted. Things are mostly cleared up now and I should be good to get back into things again.

Male Human (ulfen) | Bard (arcane healer) 5 / Fighter (Lore Warden) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 26 (Base 20) | T 15 | FF 22 (Base 16)| CMD 20 | Fort +4| Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +4| Perc +10 | Portrait

Tossing out a reminder to all my games. I will be off to Disney World next week with my family and the extended family starting Saturday morning through the following Saturday night. As such my posting will be limited to non-existent. Please bot me as necessary. If you need something you can try pinging me on Discord for a quick response but I can't guarantee how quickly I will be able to reply.

I will try and check in if I can in the morning or at night but not sure how that will go.

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

Alchemist 3 / Monk 1
+4 HP
+1 BAB
+1 Will
+1 Fort
+1 Int
Bomb 2d6
Favored class - +1 bomb
Switching out Tanglefoot Bomb for Sand Bomb
Swift Alchemy
Skills: Acrobatics x2, Craft (alchemy), Escape Artist x3, K. Arcana, K. Engineering, K. Nature, Stealth, Survival, Use Magic Device
Languages: Dwarven
Formulae: Crafter's Fortune, Shield

Male Human (ulfen) | Bard (arcane healer) 5 / Fighter (Lore Warden) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 26 (Base 20) | T 15 | FF 22 (Base 16)| CMD 20 | Fort +4| Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +4| Perc +10 | Portrait

Dropping a note in all my games, I am back from my week long vacation. Hope everyone who celebrated had a good Thanksgiving. Going to be working on catching up on things but I got sick over the weekend so moving a bit slower than normal. In any case, I will get caught up ASAP.

Kingdom | Male Kobold Alchemist 11 / U. Monk 1 | HP 101/101 | AC:27 T:19 FF:21 CMD:25 | F+21, R+20, W+10 | Init +12 | Perc +16 | Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Mage Armor, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mutagen, Protection from Arrows Communal, Tears to Wine

I looked at the loot sheet. Nothing I want besides the Stag Lord's helm, which I claimed.

Female Human Human Cavalier (Daring Champion) 6/Swashbuckler (Rostland Bravo) 1| 66/66 HP | AC25 T17 FF19 | F: +7* R: +9* W: +5*| Perception: +10 | Init: +12

FYI - If Isabella wakes up with a nightmare and murders Chief in the middle of the night for wearing that helm, I apologize in advance.

Female Human Human Cavalier (Daring Champion) 6/Swashbuckler (Rostland Bravo) 1| 66/66 HP | AC25 T17 FF19 | F: +7* R: +9* W: +5*| Perception: +10 | Init: +12

If we are going to go back to Restov, this is probably a great opportunity for our new oracle to join us? Are they ready?

Female Human Human Cavalier (Daring Champion) 6/Swashbuckler (Rostland Bravo) 1| 66/66 HP | AC25 T17 FF19 | F: +7* R: +9* W: +5*| Perception: +10 | Init: +12

I will be traveling to PAX Unplugged tomorrow and will be generally unavailable through Sunday. I hope to catch back up on the games by Monday at the latest.

Please GMPC me as needed.

Female Android Sorcerer (unicorn bloodline) 9 | HP 47/47 | AC 15+3 T 11 FF 15+3 | Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +8 | Init +0 | Perc +9 | Spells 1st: 8/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 7/7, 4th 5/5 | Safekeeping 9/9 | Repairing Nanites 1/1

Happy to be here folks. I can't wait for everyone to meet Annalla. :)

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