{PFS} Outpost II ~ 10-10 The Shattered Shield (Inactive)

Game Master TriShadow

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| Templates | Master of the Fallen Fortress | | Knowledge questions |

Sounds as if you want to share with the Legion. So, Esper wants to go in under cover. The other choice would be to join them as they lead the raid. If I don't hear any other votes, I will go with Esper's plan tomorrow.

Dark Archive

Male LN Elven Investigator/Swashbuckler 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 23 19 (14 Tch, 15 Fl; +1 traps) | CMD: 20 (16 Fl; +1 traps) | F: +2, R: +10 (+1 traps), W: +2 (+2 ench.; +3 illu.) | Init: +8 +4 | Perc: +16 +13 (+2 traps), SM +14 +13 | Speed 30 ft; climb 10; swim 10'' | Active conditions: whispers of evil, heightened awareness, monkey fish, shield

Hi team, my apologies for disappearing at the end of last week. My life took a bit of a messy turn, but I'm getting it back on track. I don't know that I'll catch up entirely today, it may be until tomorrow or Thursday until I get get back on track with all of my games. Thanks for any botting you've done, and please feel free to keep botting until you see a post from me in Gameplay. Thanks!

| Templates | Master of the Fallen Fortress | | Knowledge questions |

No worries Kolris.

Sorry guys, I put up a post last night, but it seems to have been eaten by the board gremlins. My sincere apologies. Tough night tonight, so I will repost tomorrow. I will speed this net part up a bit.

Liberty's Edge

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 size) hp 15 (2d8+2) Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0 Perc +5

Life is busy right now.

| Templates | Master of the Fallen Fortress | | Knowledge questions |

My apologizes for the pace dropping off. I will work to remedy the situation moving forward.

The Exchange

Female Ifrit Rogue 6 | AC: 21/16/[21] | HP: 48/48 | Fort +4*, Ref +10* (evasion), Will +1* (*+2 vs fire/light) | CMB +4, CMD 19 | Init +7 | Perception +5 (+2 vs surprise)

Yea I'm sorry too-- yesterday was Pathfinder day with my IRL gaming group (I'm running Skull & Shackles, they just finished book 5!), so I couldn't check my games.

The Price of Infamy, ending scene:
They got to Harrigan, and the party druid cast baleful polymorph on him. As usually happens in Pathfinder stories, I rolled a 1 on his Fort save. He made his Will, but it still left them with a harmless catfish for an enemy. Not at all how I expected the end of that to go!

| Templates | Master of the Fallen Fortress | | Knowledge questions |

So, we have an encounter or two left, but we should roll some boons as Outpost II is wrapping up soon. We will still finish the game.

If you roll a 19 or 20, roll a d4 to determine the boon.

BOON?: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Scarab Sages

Male Human Bloodrager 3 Init +1 HP 9 /37 (With Rage: 15/43) AC 16 T11 FF15 Fort +6 Ref+2 Will +3 Per+5 CMB +5 CMD 16

Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 16

The Exchange

Female Ifrit Rogue 6 | AC: 21/16/[21] | HP: 48/48 | Fort +4*, Ref +10* (evasion), Will +1* (*+2 vs fire/light) | CMB +4, CMD 19 | Init +7 | Perception +5 (+2 vs surprise)

Boon roll: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Wohoo! This is probably my 20th boon-capable game, and I've NEVER gotten a boon before. Finally!

Which one?: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Paizo Employee

Female Kelishite Mesmerist 2 | HP: 13/13, Temp HP 0/0 | AC 16 (T12, FF 14) | CMB: +1 CMD: 13 | F:+0 R:+5 W:+8 | Init +2 | Perc +5, SM +6, Bluff +10, Diplo/Intim +9 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 1st: 3/3 | Tricks: 5/5 | Active Conditions: Psychosomatic Surge (Implanted: None | Triggered: None), Mesmeric Mirror (Implanted: None | Triggered: None)

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 9

| Templates | Master of the Fallen Fortress | | Knowledge questions |

Boon -Gnicky?: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Boon -Kolris?: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Boon -Yi Sun?: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Congratz Laiashi! I just need you email so I can pass it on to the powers that be.

Liberty's Edge

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 size) hp 15 (2d8+2) Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0 Perc +5


Liberty's Edge

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 size) hp 15 (2d8+2) Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0 Perc +5

Internet has been wonky and the last week was senior finals, Now that they are done and the seniors are gone, I have time to post more :)

The Exchange

Female Ifrit Rogue 6 | AC: 21/16/[21] | HP: 48/48 | Fort +4*, Ref +10* (evasion), Will +1* (*+2 vs fire/light) | CMB +4, CMD 19 | Init +7 | Perception +5 (+2 vs surprise)

Sorry all, busy weekend. (I have two toddlers, so it's actually easier for me to post at work than at home.)

Liberty's Edge

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 size) hp 15 (2d8+2) Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0 Perc +5

This week and next will be kinda busy with the last weeks of school and Friday being graduation.

Paizo Employee

Female Kelishite Mesmerist 2 | HP: 13/13, Temp HP 0/0 | AC 16 (T12, FF 14) | CMB: +1 CMD: 13 | F:+0 R:+5 W:+8 | Init +2 | Perc +5, SM +6, Bluff +10, Diplo/Intim +9 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 1st: 3/3 | Tricks: 5/5 | Active Conditions: Psychosomatic Surge (Implanted: None | Triggered: None), Mesmeric Mirror (Implanted: None | Triggered: None)

I think some of us should quickly steal some objects for the Pathfinders while the rest make sure the auction attendants are here. Then we can call in the Pure Legion. They'll get to arrest the attendees before they flee, scoop up whatever objects Esper doesn't steal, and we can tell them that an imposter took important relics and fled, but we lost her, etc. etc. We can also tie the woman to the gold death and the note we found on the person who tried to delay us back at the beginning of the scenario.

After we make sure we don't get arrested we can try to track down the imposter. There might be some clues in the museum or something, but we need to call in the Pure Legion so they don't think we betrayed them or anything. Then we can take the time to look around.

Thoughts or other suggestions?

Liberty's Edge

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 size) hp 15 (2d8+2) Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0 Perc +5

That sounds plausible.

Dark Archive

Male LN Elven Investigator/Swashbuckler 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 23 19 (14 Tch, 15 Fl; +1 traps) | CMD: 20 (16 Fl; +1 traps) | F: +2, R: +10 (+1 traps), W: +2 (+2 ench.; +3 illu.) | Init: +8 +4 | Perc: +16 +13 (+2 traps), SM +14 +13 | Speed 30 ft; climb 10; swim 10'' | Active conditions: whispers of evil, heightened awareness, monkey fish, shield

Kolris will definitely help secure and hide some of the other auction items. As far as I'm concerned, we should try to take everything, as long as that's physically feasible; we can blame the entire theft on "Aya"

The Exchange

Female Ifrit Rogue 6 | AC: 21/16/[21] | HP: 48/48 | Fort +4*, Ref +10* (evasion), Will +1* (*+2 vs fire/light) | CMB +4, CMD 19 | Init +7 | Perception +5 (+2 vs surprise)

Ooo yes! It looks like Kolris and I are both fair shakes at Sleight of Hand, so I think we could pull this off. Especially if any of the items are weapons-- I get a bonus to hide weapons. (Is there a list of them somewhere that I'm not seeing?)

| Templates | Master of the Fallen Fortress | | Knowledge questions |

Mea Culpa. Posted it to my "GM Prep" map and forgot to move it over. I will get the list onto the map this evening.

Paizo Employee

Female Kelishite Mesmerist 2 | HP: 13/13, Temp HP 0/0 | AC 16 (T12, FF 14) | CMB: +1 CMD: 13 | F:+0 R:+5 W:+8 | Init +2 | Perc +5, SM +6, Bluff +10, Diplo/Intim +9 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 1st: 3/3 | Tricks: 5/5 | Active Conditions: Psychosomatic Surge (Implanted: None | Triggered: None), Mesmeric Mirror (Implanted: None | Triggered: None)

Unless someone has a bag of holding or something we're not going to be able to take everything. Some things are too big. The staff, for example.

How big is the statue of Brigh, statue of Ra, and the grape trellis?

| Templates | Master of the Fallen Fortress | | Knowledge questions |

The Statue of Brigh is about a pound and the size of a Barbie Doll. The Staff, Statue of Ra and Trellis are too big and/or awkward to easily conceal.

Dark Archive

Male LN Elven Investigator/Swashbuckler 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 23 19 (14 Tch, 15 Fl; +1 traps) | CMD: 20 (16 Fl; +1 traps) | F: +2, R: +10 (+1 traps), W: +2 (+2 ench.; +3 illu.) | Init: +8 +4 | Perc: +16 +13 (+2 traps), SM +14 +13 | Speed 30 ft; climb 10; swim 10'' | Active conditions: whispers of evil, heightened awareness, monkey fish, shield

Hi team! Festival season is upon us; I am going to be camping in the woods without cell service from now through Sunday PM. Please bot me as necessary!

Dark Archive

Male LN Elven Investigator/Swashbuckler 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 23 19 (14 Tch, 15 Fl; +1 traps) | CMD: 20 (16 Fl; +1 traps) | F: +2, R: +10 (+1 traps), W: +2 (+2 ench.; +3 illu.) | Init: +8 +4 | Perc: +16 +13 (+2 traps), SM +14 +13 | Speed 30 ft; climb 10; swim 10'' | Active conditions: whispers of evil, heightened awareness, monkey fish, shield

Just wanted to point out here that I believe returning with the doll works towards a faction goal for Kolris. I'm not deliberately trying to be contrary here, but I did design Kolris as a low-CHA character who leans on various traits/class abilities to use INT for his social skills. I.e. he can be short and cantankerous, and now that he's got a reason to be, that's coming out in the RP. I'm not trying to be a jerk, even though he is, if you follow me.

Thanks, and carry on!

Paizo Employee

Female Kelishite Mesmerist 2 | HP: 13/13, Temp HP 0/0 | AC 16 (T12, FF 14) | CMB: +1 CMD: 13 | F:+0 R:+5 W:+8 | Init +2 | Perc +5, SM +6, Bluff +10, Diplo/Intim +9 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 1st: 3/3 | Tricks: 5/5 | Active Conditions: Psychosomatic Surge (Implanted: None | Triggered: None), Mesmeric Mirror (Implanted: None | Triggered: None)

Sorry for the lack of posts, busy weekend and both my kids are sick. No time to reply now.

@ Kolris - No worries. Totally understand. I have an impatient bard I always post a pre-game warning about so everyone knows I'm not a giant jerk trying to rush them through everything. Haha.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Bloodrager 3 Init +1 HP 9 /37 (With Rage: 15/43) AC 16 T11 FF15 Fort +6 Ref+2 Will +3 Per+5 CMB +5 CMD 16

Thank you for the Game, GM Gloom and fellows Pathfinders!

Now i'm level 3

The Exchange

Female Ifrit Rogue 6 | AC: 21/16/[21] | HP: 48/48 | Fort +4*, Ref +10* (evasion), Will +1* (*+2 vs fire/light) | CMB +4, CMD 19 | Init +7 | Perception +5 (+2 vs surprise)

Whoa, this Chronicle is awesome! I'm strongly considering doing this on my necromancer wizard. Good call on keeping the poppet, Kolris!

One thing: Laiashi should have gotten the Out of Subtier gold, since she's level 4.

Dark Archive

Male LN Elven Investigator/Swashbuckler 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 23 19 (14 Tch, 15 Fl; +1 traps) | CMD: 20 (16 Fl; +1 traps) | F: +2, R: +10 (+1 traps), W: +2 (+2 ench.; +3 illu.) | Init: +8 +4 | Perc: +16 +13 (+2 traps), SM +14 +13 | Speed 30 ft; climb 10; swim 10'' | Active conditions: whispers of evil, heightened awareness, monkey fish, shield

Korlis, level 3, should also receive out-of-subtier gold. Thanks so much for the game; this was definitely an interesting one!

Gonna have to look more into that witch archetype. That's crazy!!!

Dark Archive

Male LN Elven Investigator/Swashbuckler 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 23 19 (14 Tch, 15 Fl; +1 traps) | CMD: 20 (16 Fl; +1 traps) | F: +2, R: +10 (+1 traps), W: +2 (+2 ench.; +3 illu.) | Init: +8 +4 | Perc: +16 +13 (+2 traps), SM +14 +13 | Speed 30 ft; climb 10; swim 10'' | Active conditions: whispers of evil, heightened awareness, monkey fish, shield

Actually, given that Yi Sun and Gnicky both dropped out, might we not have ended up high tier for this one? How does that work if the tier effectively changes mid-scenario?

| Templates | Master of the Fallen Fortress | | Knowledge questions |

All right, gold for all the level 3's should now be fixed.

I'm glad you guys earned the archetype. I did not want to sway you one way or the other.

Honestly, losing players mid-game has never happened to me before. After we lost Yi Sun dropped, we were still low. After Gnicky left, I forgot to recalculate. So, I just continued at the initial tier. This also means that the last fight was the low tier option (even though we could have conceivably finished the scenario at the higher tier with the four player option).

I will have to explore how to handle that should it happen again.

The Exchange

Female Ifrit Rogue 6 | AC: 21/16/[21] | HP: 48/48 | Fort +4*, Ref +10* (evasion), Will +1* (*+2 vs fire/light) | CMB +4, CMD 19 | Init +7 | Perception +5 (+2 vs surprise)

Cool. Thanks for the game!

Paizo Employee

Female Kelishite Mesmerist 2 | HP: 13/13, Temp HP 0/0 | AC 16 (T12, FF 14) | CMB: +1 CMD: 13 | F:+0 R:+5 W:+8 | Init +2 | Perc +5, SM +6, Bluff +10, Diplo/Intim +9 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 1st: 3/3 | Tricks: 5/5 | Active Conditions: Psychosomatic Surge (Implanted: None | Triggered: None), Mesmeric Mirror (Implanted: None | Triggered: None)

Thanks for the game everyone!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
| Templates | Master of the Fallen Fortress | | Knowledge questions |

So, it looks like everyone has their chronicle. I will mark this inactive in a day or so.

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