Zero's Q18: Student Exchange
Game Master
Super Zero
RPG Chronicles
Slides Tabletop
High Tier - 20 CP
Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺
Anything unusual mechanics for your character I should know about (Dubious Knowledge, That's Odd, etc.)?
In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I may bot you. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions in your profile, great!
On the Slides (linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order. If you have a token, go ahead and add it. We can use your forum avatar if you don't have any other token art you prefer.
There's some information and images for you there, as well.
Make sure there's a character sheet accessible in your profile.
Any GM Glyphs to distribute?
Looks like we're in high tier with a level 1 character. Make sure to share your Mentor Boons!
Female Human Oracle 2 | HP 32/32 | 1 Hero Point | Perception +6 | AC 19 | Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +8 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Hands: Rubbing her Belly
I have 3 glyphs. Unless we have enough to get to 6, I'll take one and give one to the first level Bard and to the Magus.
Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
Glyphs are for fellow players!
CG Male Kobold | Charlatan | Swashbuckler Lvl 3 | Hero Point: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ | HP 39/39 | AC 20 (22 w/ buckler) | F/R/W 8/11/7 | Perc +7 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | Resistances: Fire 1, Negative 1 | Deception(E): +10, Acrobatics/Thievery/Stealth +9, Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +8, Athletics: +6, Society/Lore (Kobold, PFS, Underworld): +5 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice |
4 glyphs. we each start with 2 hp each.
CG Male Kobold | Charlatan | Swashbuckler Lvl 3 | Hero Point: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ | HP 39/39 | AC 20 (22 w/ buckler) | F/R/W 8/11/7 | Perc +7 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | Resistances: Fire 1, Negative 1 | Deception(E): +10, Acrobatics/Thievery/Stealth +9, Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +8, Athletics: +6, Society/Lore (Kobold, PFS, Underworld): +5 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice |
rainzax wrote: Glyphs are for fellow players! Actually it's not explicitly stated (IIRC) that you have to give a glyph to another player. I've had someone give himself his glyph... It's fairly rare for people to do that though...
Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
Female Human Oracle 2 | HP 32/32 | 1 Hero Point | Perception +6 | AC 19 | Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +8 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Hands: Rubbing her Belly
Yes, there's some form of custom of giving all the Glyphs' HPs, but nothing enforced by the rules.
male human (aiuvarin) bard (maestro) 1 (level bump) | HP 27/27 | AC 18 |F +5 R +7 W +6 | Perc +6 | Stealth +7 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 1/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | Spell Slots: 1st: 3/3 | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Search | Conditions: None
Does anyone have mentor boons?
I haven't specifically picked one up, but there's no reason not to have it, right?
Rugged Mentor from Horizon Hunters would be hers.
Female Human Oracle 2 | HP 32/32 | 1 Hero Point | Perception +6 | AC 19 | Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +8 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Hands: Rubbing her Belly
As long as you have 20 reputation with a faction, it's free, yes. But having 20 reputations is hard before level 3, that's why some of us can't provide a Mentor to Variel.
| Speed: 20 ft| Conditions: None | Hero Points: 0/1 | | HP 20/20| AC 18 | F: +5, R: +9, W: +7 | Perception: +7 N Dwarf Rogue 1 (Thief)
No glyphs, but I do have godless healing. That gives +5 hp to mundane healing for me and battle Medicine is once an hour instead of once a day.
CG Male Kobold | Charlatan | Swashbuckler Lvl 3 | Hero Point: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ | HP 39/39 | AC 20 (22 w/ buckler) | F/R/W 8/11/7 | Perc +7 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | Resistances: Fire 1, Negative 1 | Deception(E): +10, Acrobatics/Thievery/Stealth +9, Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +8, Athletics: +6, Society/Lore (Kobold, PFS, Underworld): +5 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice |
Protective Mentor here.
Protective Mentor (Radiant Oath)
Prerequisites: Liked by Radiant Oath
Cost: 0 AcP
While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you shield your more fragile wards from the threat of death. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase their current and maximum Hit Points by an additional amount equal to 3 times your Radiant Oath reputation tier (Liked = 1, Admired = 2, Revered = 3).
Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s Hit Points by 10% or 10, whichever is higher.
Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.
Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
I will check Winter’s reported xp and get back to you about a Mentor boon…
Katsumi Noizumi wrote: As long as you have 20 reputation with a faction, it's free, yes. But having 20 reputations is hard before level 3, that's why some of us can't provide a Mentor to Variel. Ah, that's right - thanks.
Athena has 33 Rep with the Hunters, so she would have have the boon.
+2 on saves instead of +1.
| Speed: 20 ft| Conditions: None | Hero Points: 0/1 | | HP 20/20| AC 18 | F: +5, R: +9, W: +7 | Perception: +7 N Dwarf Rogue 1 (Thief)
Dolan has the protective mentor boon. It gives an additional +3 hp on top of the normal 10
male human (aiuvarin) bard (maestro) 1 (level bump) | HP 27/27 | AC 18 |F +5 R +7 W +6 | Perc +6 | Stealth +7 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 1/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | Spell Slots: 1st: 3/3 | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Search | Conditions: None
Thanks all, I've taken protective and rugged boons and applied then to Vairel. All good to go.
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Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
Just purchased the Centaur Ancestry boon for Winter, and ready to go!
Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺
Don't forget to introduce yourself in the gameplay thread, Noizumi.
Female Human Oracle 2 | HP 32/32 | 1 Hero Point | Perception +6 | AC 19 | Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +8 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Hands: Rubbing her Belly
Sorry for that, I was not having any indication that the game was running (I don't understand why, it looks like you don't have indication about the gameplay thread if you haven't posted once in there). I do it ASAP (in an hour, during my lunch break).
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That's one way to do the mystery of life!
Just FYI - I'm headed to Origins tomorrow afternoon.
I'll try my best to check in once per day, since I will have the laptop with me, but it could be a little erratic (on Fri/Sat especially).
CG Male Kobold | Charlatan | Swashbuckler Lvl 3 | Hero Point: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ | HP 39/39 | AC 20 (22 w/ buckler) | F/R/W 8/11/7 | Perc +7 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | Resistances: Fire 1, Negative 1 | Deception(E): +10, Acrobatics/Thievery/Stealth +9, Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +8, Athletics: +6, Society/Lore (Kobold, PFS, Underworld): +5 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice |
That's the one thing I miss from living in the US... To be able to travel easily between states for a convention/tournament/etc. (I used to play chess competitively). Normally if there's a tournament I'd like to play in w/in the Eastern US, I'd ride the rails... :)
BTW, I'm looking to run this scenario myself so I'll just go with whatever the party wants...
Mik-mek wrote: Mikmek's story is not totally made of whole cloth. Dwende is part of Philippine Mythology and Folklore. There are oodles of dead trees that nobody wants to remove because someone is rumored to live under it! :) It's funny because duende in spanish means small fey/goblin/imp.
I don't know if there's a link as I don't think Spain was in the Philippines, I think it was mostly France and England that colonized there.
CG Male Kobold | Charlatan | Swashbuckler Lvl 3 | Hero Point: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ | HP 39/39 | AC 20 (22 w/ buckler) | F/R/W 8/11/7 | Perc +7 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | Resistances: Fire 1, Negative 1 | Deception(E): +10, Acrobatics/Thievery/Stealth +9, Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +8, Athletics: +6, Society/Lore (Kobold, PFS, Underworld): +5 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice |
SuperBidi wrote: Mik-mek wrote: Mikmek's story is not totally made of whole cloth. Dwende is part of Philippine Mythology and Folklore. There are oodles of dead trees that nobody wants to remove because someone is rumored to live under it! :) It's funny because duende in spanish means small fey/goblin/imp.
I don't know if there's a link as I don't think Spain was in the Philippines, I think it was mostly France and England that colonized there. On the contrary, the Philippines was a Spanish colony... :)
Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺
Taking Hero Point nominations.
| Speed: 20 ft| Conditions: None | Hero Points: 0/1 | | HP 20/20| AC 18 | F: +5, R: +9, W: +7 | Perception: +7 N Dwarf Rogue 1 (Thief)
Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
Katsumi for posts that are fun to read.
Female Human Oracle 2 | HP 32/32 | 1 Hero Point | Perception +6 | AC 19 | Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +8 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Hands: Rubbing her Belly
rainzax wrote: Katsumi for posts that are fun to read. Thanks (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
CG Male Kobold | Charlatan | Swashbuckler Lvl 3 | Hero Point: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ | HP 39/39 | AC 20 (22 w/ buckler) | F/R/W 8/11/7 | Perc +7 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | Resistances: Fire 1, Negative 1 | Deception(E): +10, Acrobatics/Thievery/Stealth +9, Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +8, Athletics: +6, Society/Lore (Kobold, PFS, Underworld): +5 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice |
rainzax wrote: Katsumi for posts that are fun to read. Second the motion! :)
CG Male Kobold | Charlatan | Swashbuckler Lvl 3 | Hero Point: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ | HP 39/39 | AC 20 (22 w/ buckler) | F/R/W 8/11/7 | Perc +7 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | Resistances: Fire 1, Negative 1 | Deception(E): +10, Acrobatics/Thievery/Stealth +9, Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +8, Athletics: +6, Society/Lore (Kobold, PFS, Underworld): +5 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice |
I'll post an update tomorrow -- have to be up early for a doctor's appt...
Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺
Yes, sorry, Hero Point for Katsumi.
And now might be a good time to double-check that everything looks right on RPGChronicles. If you'd like to make downtime checks here, feel free.
| Speed: 20 ft| Conditions: None | Hero Points: 0/1 | | HP 20/20| AC 18 | F: +5, R: +9, W: +7 | Perception: +7 N Dwarf Rogue 1 (Thief)
-1 Diplomacy, you guys have fun with that
Crafting, earn income: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
fail, sad panda
male human (aiuvarin) bard (maestro) 1 (level bump) | HP 27/27 | AC 18 |F +5 R +7 W +6 | Perc +6 | Stealth +7 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 1/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | Spell Slots: 1st: 3/3 | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Search | Conditions: None
performance, earn income, lvl 0: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Success for 2 sp
Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺
Dolan Ironbeard wrote: -1 Diplomacy, you guys have fun with that You can always try a different approach.
(And I'd say Follow the Expert, but that's trickier at this level. Aid?)
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Female Human Oracle 2 | HP 32/32 | 1 Hero Point | Perception +6 | AC 19 | Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +8 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Hands: Rubbing her Belly
I promise, I stop annoying Variel ;)
Male Beastkin Human Barbarian 3 (raging) | HP 47/47 | AC 20/22 | F+8 R+7 W+7 | Perc +7 | Speed 30 ft | Hero Points 1 | Exploration: Scout | Active Conditions: None
Scouting Lore: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺
Primary Objective: 2 Reputation for impressing Teacher Ot 2 out of 3 times. ...there are more than three times were it says "If the Pathfinders... then Teacher Ot is impressed," but you got all of them anyway.
Treasure Bundles:
One for at least half the party successfully demonstrating aptitude to Teacher Ot.
One for recovering the purse from the sewers.
One for making it to the feast on time.
Two for recovering Tokku's jewelry.
All five acquired.
Thanks for a fun game GM Super Zero! This is rapidly becoming my favourite quest.
CG Male Kobold | Charlatan | Swashbuckler Lvl 3 | Hero Point: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ | HP 39/39 | AC 20 (22 w/ buckler) | F/R/W 8/11/7 | Perc +7 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | Resistances: Fire 1, Negative 1 | Deception(E): +10, Acrobatics/Thievery/Stealth +9, Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +8, Athletics: +6, Society/Lore (Kobold, PFS, Underworld): +5 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice |
Performance: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Female Automaton Magus 3 | HP 35 | AC 20 | F +8 R +8 W +7 | Perc +5 | Speed 25' | Focus 1/1 | Spells 1st 2/2 2nd 1/1| Explore: Investigate | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
Thanks for running!
Cheers, all!
Female Human Oracle 2 | HP 32/32 | 1 Hero Point | Perception +6 | AC 19 | Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +8 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Hands: Rubbing her Belly
Thanks a lot for the game, Super Zero, it was a lot of fun!
Performance: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Crit success to Earn Income!
| Speed: 20 ft| Conditions: None | Hero Points: 0/1 | | HP 20/20| AC 18 | F: +5, R: +9, W: +7 | Perception: +7 N Dwarf Rogue 1 (Thief)
Thanks for the game.
I got an email that says the chronicle is attached, but there isn't an attachment.
NG Male Human Educator
Sorry, resent it.
Huh, I only see five in my outbox. Did I miss someone else?
Female Automaton Magus 3 | HP 35 | AC 20 | F +8 R +8 W +7 | Perc +5 | Speed 25' | Focus 1/1 | Spells 1st 2/2 2nd 1/1| Explore: Investigate | ◆◇↺ | Character Sheet
male human (aiuvarin) bard (maestro) 1 (level bump) | HP 27/27 | AC 18 |F +5 R +7 W +6 | Perc +6 | Stealth +7 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 1/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | Spell Slots: 1st: 3/3 | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Search | Conditions: None
Mine looks good thank-you, and the Paizo site looks good too.
| Speed: 20 ft| Conditions: None | Hero Points: 0/1 | | HP 20/20| AC 18 | F: +5, R: +9, W: +7 | Perception: +7 N Dwarf Rogue 1 (Thief)
everything looks good now
CG Male Kobold | Charlatan | Swashbuckler Lvl 3 | Hero Point: 1/3 | ◆◇↺ | HP 39/39 | AC 20 (22 w/ buckler) | F/R/W 8/11/7 | Perc +7 Darkvision | 25 feet | Class DC 19 | Resistances: Fire 1, Negative 1 | Deception(E): +10, Acrobatics/Thievery/Stealth +9, Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +8, Athletics: +6, Society/Lore (Kobold, PFS, Underworld): +5 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice |
Chronicle looks good. Thanks GM!
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