Chicago by Night (V:tM - 20th Anniversary Edition)

Game Master Talomyr

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Hi all, thanks for the opportunity to play this game!

Locations and NPCs

Running behind on a number of things today, but here are 3 of the selections. One more will be chosen later today or tomorrow.

Gangrel - Ollivor Myles (Ridge)
Malkavian - Dr. Matthew Baker (Silver Priest)
Malkavian - Savanna Douglas (Escharid Blackrose)

Male Clan Gangrel 12th Gen

Well, thank you!

13/13 BP 7/7 WP

Very happy to join. I've read the thread and this looks like a fun group, very excited to game with you all.

She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: ???

Welcome! Excited to play with you all.

I wish good game to everyone who's been invited!

Locations and NPCs

As we are at the end of a night for our two-remaining original characters, I'm going to pause them for a bit while I get our new folks started up.

Locations and NPCs

Dr. Baker, your first post is up. Ollivor is up next.

13/13 BP 7/7 WP

As a quick question, should I be using spoilers as well when responding?

Locations and NPCs

For the sake of keeping things that are in the "past" separate, for now, yes please.

Locations and NPCs

Ollivor's first post is up. Next up is Savanna, but that will have to wait until tomorrow as the alarm clock goes off way too early for me to stay up any later tonight.

No problem for me!

Locations and NPCs

Final selection made:

Ventrue - Joey Hart (Rosc)

A few details to be wrapped up this one, but once that is a done, I'll get a post up for Joey.

Savanna's first post is up.

Ventrue 11th Gen | Blood: 10/12 | Willpower: 5/5

Hello! Thanks for the selection, Talomyr.

Happy to be here! Thngs are slightly hectic tonight so for now I'll just copy over my submission's stats onto my profile and fix it up when I post.

Quick question. In terms of spending EXP, a "New Discipline" costs a flat 10 EXP. Does learning the first dot of a clan discipline count as a "New Discipline" or is it only for out of clan stuff?

Locations and NPCs

Sorry folks. Today has been a day and half. Will post tomorrow.

Locations and NPCs
Joey Hart wrote:

Hello! Thanks for the selection, Talomyr.

Happy to be here! Thngs are slightly hectic tonight so for now I'll just copy over my submission's stats onto my profile and fix it up when I post.

Quick question. In terms of spending EXP, a "New Discipline" costs a flat 10 EXP. Does learning the first dot of a clan discipline count as a "New Discipline" or is it only for out of clan stuff?

Unfortunately, the first dot of a discipline, clan or otherwise, is 10XP

Locations and NPCs

Ollie, I sent you a PM with stats for Buttons.

Male Clan Gangrel 12th Gen

Thanks. Sorry, this sickness is NOT fading so forgive if I'm a bit slow to respond

She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: ???

Happy father's day to any of the dads in here :)

Shadow's Status
Calliope Marchette wrote:
Happy father's day to any of the dads in here :)


Thanks Calliope!

Locations and NPCs

Thanks for the father's day wishes, Calliope.

Edwin & Calliope - I should have you guys back into the game in another day or two. Please make sure your profiles are updated by then.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shadow's Status

Edwin is ready to go

She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: ???

I will get it done today. I started a graduate course that's very intense and yesterday felt soul-sucking!

She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: ???

Updated except for blood pool. What does 2 hunger equate to? And what would my max end up being? Answers in the handbook were hard to follow

Locations and NPCs

13th generation means a total bloodpool of 10. Let's say that you are currently at 8/10.

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