Aisha Spark |

I worry that if we split up to flank, we'll wind up isolating half of the party with our foe while the other half is on its way. If that half has Marcus, Marcus is probably dead before any of us can even arrive.
I also worry that jails are generally designed to have a lot of enclosed spaces, so we'll have difficulty bringing ourselves to bear at all. Complications!
Edit: Lyon gets a star!

Kaussek |

Wish I'd rolled more images on that mirror image... still, I think Kaussek should take point since he has less than a 33% chance of getting hit by the first shot, which is hopefully the only shot a gun can get off before he gets in melee range.

The Harrow GM |

Hey, sorry for the recent pace. I just moved internationally, and I'm basically trying to rebuild my life.
I should be able to post fairly regularly now :) Thanks for your patience.
It seems like you have a plan figured out. Just give me some time to put a map together and then I'll move forward.

The Harrow GM |

Hey, another post from me.
I'm sorry for not botting Faluhann, but I've had a busy couple of days so I haven't had the energy to really push the game. I'm now waiting for a straight answer on whether he wants to continue with the game.
I will push us forward soon, but this weekend I have had frightfully little time or energy for PBP. We shall resume soon.

The Harrow GM |

OK, so - the scene has lost momentum due to a player absence.
Before I simply begin botting him, I'd like to check in that everyone is still here, and ask if you'd like to try and quickly finish off the combat, or whether you'd like to be skipped ahead to something slightly more engaging.
It's the sort of thing that is a little bit cheat-y, but serves to get the ball rolling quickly again.

Aisha Spark |

I'm here and cool to continue the scene.

Lyon Dawnguard |

I'm still here. I think our only plans after this, unless something changes after this fight, is to rest for the night with the caravan then go back after Varn's team.
With Lu MIA and Marcus kind of low on HP I think skipping would be best but I'm fine with whatever the party wants to do. I do really want to loot that revolver, Lyon can fix it from the misfire, if it did misfire, she can use it but it won't be nearly as effective as her shotgun so someone else should take it.
If Lu does decide to drop maybe he can decide to stay and protect the caravan? A little change of heart but it lets us keep him as an NPC for healing, doesn't require writing out his entire caravan, and might help the IC drama about the caravan being attacked while we are away.

Ishana Tamanna |

I’m still here and ready to continue with the fight. Agreed with Lyon that it’s much better to proceed with hunting down Varn after we rest and try and win R2

Kaussek |

Pretty much the same as the rest. I've no problem with continuing the combat.

Lyon Dawnguard |

Welcome back.

Kaussek |

I'm guessing it looks like it'll take more than five minutes of climbing to get to the temple area?

Marcus Cowl |

If it's martial, I can use it. I forgot we were using the commonplace rule set.
I'm fine with Aisha keeping it though. It would be a backup weapon for me anyway.

Lyon Dawnguard |

Lyon took all the stuff, except the club and the fetishes, back to camp but she'll hand them out to the party. I wasn't try to hog loot, just make sure we got it.
Lyon doesn't have a haversack but she does have muleback cords so she doesn't really need one. Feel free to say you took it before we left.
I agree Aisha should keep the gun since she has phantom sun stance she can use it without an ammo cost, which is a pretty big thing until we get a smith/trade route set up. Anything the group doesn't want to talk Lyon will leave with Lu/The Caravan unless someone wants to stash it their tenet instead.

Marcus Cowl |

I think we're running into another issue regarding what the players understand the situation to be vs. what the situation actually is.
GM, are we using the same encounter map as before, or are we in a different area now?

Aisha Spark |

Marcus: Will you carry the cyclops book and the urn in the bag?

Marcus Cowl |

Pretty sure Lyon still has the Haversack. That was never handled in game, probably mostly because her character and mine don't get along yet.
If I'm going to end up with the sack, that's awesome but I think it should be a thing that happens in game. Seems like it might make for a good scene.

Aisha Spark |

Alright then.
Lyon: Will you carry the cyclops book and the urn in the bag?

Aisha Spark |

My turn is pretty much determined by what Kaussek does, so I'm holding out for that before I post, sorry for the delays.

Kaussek |

Apparently I really need to work on Kaussek's attack bonus.
Speaking of Kaussek, I got some art of him!

Lyon Dawnguard |

I think you would have taken an AOO in this instance but flanking always helps, also I think you can still use arcane accuracy.
If I am reading the draconic bloodline correctly you can also make two attacks with your claws as a full-round action. I'm not sure how natural weapons and ABP work but that would give you two chances to hit at least.
Grats on the art.

Marcus Cowl |

Did the halfling really move away so I can't protect him? Loyal Oath and my attack redirect only work if the person I'm protecting is next to me. And I can't even Withdraw to get adjacent to him again because Trolls have reach. Grumble grumble.

Aisha Spark |

If it makes you feel any better, he also wants you to cut him free while he squirms away from you. :P

Aisha Spark |

I like the art style on your art, Kaussek, where do I recognize that rune from?

The Harrow GM |

Hey guys, I have some sad news for you.
A lot has been going on in my life lately that make it very difficult to have the time or inclination or energy to spend much time writing out posts on a computer. I seem to have been drawn out of the digital world into the real world to deal with a lot of stuff.
To be short, I've started a new job, I'm moving soon, my mother is getting divorced, I'm starting a new relationship, and I'm trying to find time for artistic pursuits in addition to my 2-hour commute. It's simply too exhausting for me to even consider doing this anymore. Not to mention the fact that it's been years and, frankly, it just doesn't satisfy me in the way that it used to.
I've come to the conclusion that it's time for me to quit Paizo.
I want to thank you guys for sticking this out with me for this long, even though I haven't been the most responsive DM. I appreciate it.

Ishana Tamanna |

Takes courage to come to a decision like that GM, and I wish you the best of luck in the future. Currently going through some of the things on your list myself so I can definitely sympathize with where you are coming from.
Thank you also for taking the time to let us know - it means a lot. Even though this is coming to an end, it was still an enjoyable game while it lasted, so thank you for that.
All the best GM with everything that you do~

Kaussek |

Take care, I hope things go well for you! Real life really doesn't cooperate with fantasy a lot of times.
Would you mind marking your campaigns as inactive before you go?

Lyon Dawnguard |

Sorry to hear but I understand, good luck with your real life things.

Aisha Spark |

Leaver GM gonna leave. :O
Thanks for letting us know.