The Age of Progress; A Kingmaker Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master leinathan

Driven by destiny and ambition, a group seeks to form lawless wilderness into the beginnings of a great, modern empire.

Map of the Stolen Lands


Trolls Cooking a Halfling, round 3 -> 4

1. Aisha <--- You are up!
2. Marcus (grazed) <--- You are up!
3. Blue Troll (blinded 2 rounds)
4. Lyon (grazed)
5. Walthus (grazed)
6. Red Troll (wounded)
7. Melira
8. Ishana <--- You are up!
9. Pink Troll (KOd)
10. Kaussek <--- You are up!

Set Out Date: Pharast 17, 4730
Founding Date: N/A
Current Date: Pharast 24, 4730, 2:00pm

HP Totals and Status

- Aisha Spark, HP 42/42
- Lyon Dawnguard, HP 40/54
- Marcus Cowl, HP 34/48
- Ishana Tamanna, HP 32/32
- Kaussek, HP 47/48


Melira Golka: HP 42/42

Mythic Nerfs:
Rule 0: The GM reserves the right to add to these nerfs as necessary if a mythic ability grows out of hand.

You only get +1 to stat bonuses as part of advancing in mythic tiers, not +2.

You cannot get permanent bonuses to your stats through wishes in this campaign.

The amazing initiative basic mythic ability is replaced with a bonus to initiative checks equal to one-half of your mythic tier. In addition, as a free action when rolling initiative you may expend one use of mythic power to add your surge die to your initiative roll.

The agile monster template, when applied to PC companions and summons, no longer gives the dual initiative ability. Instead, it gives haste.

The following abilities: champion’s strike, guardian’s call, marshal’s order, and trickster attack abilities are no longer usable as swift actions. Instead, they are standard actions when sued at the cost of 1 mythic power, move actions at the cost of 2 mythic power, and swift actions at the cost of 3 mythic power.

You cannot, for any reason, gain additional attacks at their highest attack bonus from more than one source, no matter how many such abilities are in effect. (Example: haste, champion’s strike abilities, etc.)

If you enter the space of a mythic creature with the Titan’s Bane ability, it is considered flat-footed only against the first attack you make against it.

Player characters (and their allies) can use only one ability that requires the expenditure of mythic power per round. This may be a mythic feat, mythic spell, mythic path ability, a power used by a legendary item, or anything else; if it involves expending mythic power, a character can use only one per round. Characters can use abilities that require spending more than one use of mythic power. Legendary power is considered separate from mythic power.

You are likewise limited to the use of only one ability that requires the expenditure of legendary power per round.

Mythic surges may be spent after a d20 has been rolled, but not after the result of the roll has been revealed.

Mythic power is regained at a rate of 1 use per day. It is refilled to full after completing a mythic trial. This rate of mythic power regeneration cannot be changed in any way through abilities or spells. The GM may allow the heroes to regenerate additional uses of mythic power as a reward for epic feats or good roleplay. At 2nd tier, 6th tier, and 10th tier, the regeneration of mythic power increases by 1.

The foe-biting legendary item ability has been banned. It is replaced with the ability to expend one use of the item’s legendary power after striking an opponent with the weapon to add the bane property against that specific creature (regardless of its type and subtype) for 1 minute. If the item is already a bane weapon against that creature’s type (and subtype, if applicable), using the foe-biting property increases the effect of bane to a +3 enhancement bonus and +3d6 damage, or to +4 and +4d6 if the wielder is a mythic character and expends one use of mythic power as a swift action when expending the item’s legendary power to increase its bane effect.

The Mythic Power Attack feat is now identical to the Mythic Deadly Aim feat, except it applies to melee damage rolls, not ranged.

Mythic Vital Strike is banned.

Instead of granting a flat +20 bonus on the relevant ability check or related skill check, the universal path abilities Display of Strength/Dexterity/Constitution/Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma grant a bonus equal to three times your mythic tier.

Using the Recuperation mythic ability costs one-half of each character’s remaining daily uses of mythic power (minimum 2).

You need to spend 2 uses of mythic power to use the unstoppable mythic ability to remove a debuff caused by a mythic effect, not 1.

Any ability that allows you to ignore immunity or resistance allows you to ignore up to 5 points of resistance or immunity, plus 5 points per 2 mythic ranks or tiers you possess.

Any ability that allows you to ignore or bypass damage reduction instead allows you to ignore 5 points of damage reduction, plus 1 point of damage reduction per mythic rank or tier you possess. This applies to mythic abilities like the fleet charge champion path feature as well as non-mythic effects like a paladin’s smite evil.

When a critical hit is confirmed against a mythic creature with damage reduction and the attack does not ignore damage reduction, the creature has a percentage chance equal to twice its damage reduction to negate the critical hit and treat the hit as a normal hit. If the creature also has the fortification universal monster ability or a similar ability to negate critical hits, add these two percentage chances together and make a single roll.

An effect that allows you to ignore spell resistance (when it would normally apply) allows you add your mythic tier on caster level checks to ignore spell resistance. You apply an additional +2 circumstance bonus if the target is a non-mythic creature or if you are casting a mythic spell; these circumstance bonuses stack.

Harmful conditions that occur even on a successful save are halved in duration (minimum 0 rounds) if the mythic rank or tier of an affected creature equals or exceeds that of the creature that created the effect. They are also halved (minimum 0 rounds) for a non-mythic creature whose CR equals or exceeds the caster level (or Hit Dice, for supernatural effects) of the creature that created the effect. This does not apply to effects with an instantaneous or permanent duration.

Wild Arcana, Inspired Spell, Arcane Surge, and Recalled Blessing can only be used on spells with a casting time of 1 standard action or less. Using these abilities requires expending one use of mythic power, plus one additional use for every 2 levels of the spell.
For Arcane Surge and Recalled Blessing, you may expend an additional 2 uses of mythic power to cast a spell as a swift action.

Mythic enemies may expend mythic surges as a swift action to add a bonus to its AC equal to the result of its surge die. If the enemy has DR or hardness, the surge die is also added to DR or hardness. If the enemy has energy resistance, it adds twice the result of its surge die to each type of energy resistance it possesses. This bonus lasts until the beginning of the enemy’s next turn; if it expends two uses of mythic power, it lasts for a number of rounds equal to one- half its mythic rank or tier (minimum 1 round).

When the actions taken by an enemy during its turn would reduce a mythic opponent below 0 hit points, it can expend one or more uses of mythic power to survive with 10% of its current hit points (before that enemy began its turn) for each use of mythic power spent. All damage dealt as part of a full attack action is considered a single effect for this purpose.

Language Cipher:
Common = English

Elvish = Tel-Quessir

Halfling = Old English

Orcish = Black Speech

Dwarven = Scottish Gaelic

Gnomish = Thai

Sylvan = Azerbaijani

Draconic = Hebrew

Hallit = Welsh

Aklo = this random speech generator

Thassilonian = Italian

Azlanti = Greek

Giant = Dutch

Iobarian = Serbian

Campaign Outline:
Chapter 1: The Varnhold Vanishing
Part One: Finding Varnhold - The heroes and their caravan of homesteaders climbs the Nomen Heights on the way to the frontier town of Varnhold. However, not all is well in their new paradise...
Part Two: Big Trouble in Little Varnhold - The heroes have found their destination - the frontier town of Varnhold. However, they found that not only is it empty of settlers, but it also faces multiple mysterious threats! From bandits and ogres to a mysterious enchanter named Aria, sequestered in a hidden temple, will the heroes be able to conquer the threats and make their new home safe?