The Age of Progress; A Kingmaker Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master leinathan

Driven by destiny and ambition, a group seeks to form lawless wilderness into the beginnings of a great, modern empire.

Map of the Stolen Lands


Trolls Cooking a Halfling, round 3 -> 4

1. Aisha <--- You are up!
2. Marcus (grazed) <--- You are up!
3. Blue Troll (blinded 2 rounds)
4. Lyon (grazed)
5. Walthus (grazed)
6. Red Troll (wounded)
7. Melira
8. Ishana <--- You are up!
9. Pink Troll (KOd)
10. Kaussek <--- You are up!

101 to 150 of 394 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | next > last >>

HP 34/48, AC 20, CMD 17, Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +10, Perception +5, Initiative +4 Corruption 9/9, Channel, 0/7, Oath 2/2, Suicidal 1/1, Active effects:

I have a horse (taken from the bandits) pulling my cart.

I must have done the math on what I'm carrying wrong. I'll move more stuff to the cart.

Perception +07 (LLV, DV) | Init +05 | Android Egs 3/Brd 1 HP 40/42 | AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 20/15/15/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +05/09/06 / +4 v. Mind-Affecting, Paralysis, Poison, Stun | Evasion | Stalwart | DR 2/-
Trained Skills:
+11: Acro, Stealth; +10: A(Prose, Linguistics); +9: K(Society, Planes); +8: K(Other); +7: Perception, Spellcraft, Survival, Athletics; +5: Autohypnosis

The bronze star was wrongly taken in the gameplay post. As we all know, they belong to me. 300 posts reached! Soon. Soon you shall see the next tier of star.

HP 34/48, AC 20, CMD 17, Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +10, Perception +5, Initiative +4 Corruption 9/9, Channel, 0/7, Oath 2/2, Suicidal 1/1, Active effects:

I'm wiped out and about to try to get some much needed sleep. Please bot me as needed until tomorrow.

Female Human (Taldan) Gunslinger 1 / Warder (Hawkguard) 3 | HP 40/54 | AC 19, Touch 14, FF 15, CMD 19 | Fort +7, Refl +8, Will +4 | Init +4, Perception +7
Grit: 1/1 | Armiger’s Mark: 4/4 | Called: 1/1 | Mythic Power: 0/0 | Ammo: 48

Some of Lyon's loot is missing. I listed everything on her mythweaver sheet but must have missed it when I copied it to Paizo, sorry. It should be fixed now. I wasn't sure if you want us editing the loot document so I've just listed what I missed here.

• Her studded leather should be 20 instead of 15 lbs unless I missed something.

• Her 50 Metal Cartagaes are 40 Slug/10 Buckshot, They weight/cost the same and I'm keeping up with how many of each I have so if you don't want to bother it won't really affect anything.

• Her starting outfit (Outfit, Travelers) isn't listed, which is another 5 lbs.

• Her hollow pommel and healing potion aren't listed but both weight nothing.

• Her Dagger and Wrist sheath aren't listed and each weights 1 lb.

So her weight should be 138.25 but she is leaving her cot/tent with the caravan so she is only carrying 78.25

HP 34/48, AC 20, CMD 17, Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +10, Perception +5, Initiative +4 Corruption 9/9, Channel, 0/7, Oath 2/2, Suicidal 1/1, Active effects:

I'm back from my busy weekend and much needed rest, but I'm a little lost as to what the current situation is.

We went from investigating the houses of the two local heroes, and now we are at the old fort (which seems to have been built on cyclops ruins?)

Now we're split up and looking around?

Do I have that right?

Perception +07 (LLV, DV) | Init +05 | Android Egs 3/Brd 1 HP 40/42 | AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 20/15/15/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +05/09/06 / +4 v. Mind-Affecting, Paralysis, Poison, Stun | Evasion | Stalwart | DR 2/-
Trained Skills:
+11: Acro, Stealth; +10: A(Prose, Linguistics); +9: K(Society, Planes); +8: K(Other); +7: Perception, Spellcraft, Survival, Athletics; +5: Autohypnosis

Group A went to priest house
Group B went to swordlord fort.

Group a finished their Searcy and joined group b... Ish

Ishana is reading in fort, Lu, Kaussek and Lyon are heading back to the caravan, Aisha us undetermined.

After we suggest the caravan hole up in the fort, I think the plan is to hear north.

Global Buffs:

It seems to me that most members of the party are finished investigating for now. I believe the plan is to follow the tracks of the missing town into the mountains.

Global Buffs:

@Marcus, I know I'm perfectly capable of going in and checking by myself, but can you please post here exactly what you've moved from your person to your cart or to the ground?

Perception +07 (LLV, DV) | Init +05 | Android Egs 3/Brd 1 HP 40/42 | AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 20/15/15/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +05/09/06 / +4 v. Mind-Affecting, Paralysis, Poison, Stun | Evasion | Stalwart | DR 2/-
Trained Skills:
+11: Acro, Stealth; +10: A(Prose, Linguistics); +9: K(Society, Planes); +8: K(Other); +7: Perception, Spellcraft, Survival, Athletics; +5: Autohypnosis

I misunderstood how Composite weapon's pull works, based on looking at d20pfsrd just now. According to it, any level of pull can be wielded (just not effectively) by any strength score, with a -2 penalty. This means that it's just harder to hit with the weapon.

Is that the way you intend for the bow to work, such that Marcus could easily use it (proficient, non-negative dex, positive strength mod), and Aisha could use it (proficient, postive dex, non-negative strength mod), albeit at a -2 penalty if the strength mod is too high? It also provides a 'better than nothing' option for Lu or Kaussek (albeit that Lu and Kaussek both take huge penalties due to not being proficient and having negative dex, in that order).

Male Lizardfolk Magus (Eldritch Scion) 4 | HP 47/48 | AC:17 T:8 Fl:17 | CMB: +7 CMD: 15 | F +9 R +0 W +5 | Init -2 | Perc: +0 | Fire Res 5
Per-Day Abilities:
1st level spells 3/4 | 2nd level spells 2/2 | Eldritch Pool 5/5
Current Effects:

Kaussek's ranged option is magic missiles. His low dex makes it virtually impossible for him to hit anything with ranged weapons.

Global Buffs:

I misunderstood too, but if that's how the rules work then that's how we should play it.

Kaussek, can you respond in-character?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Lizardfolk Magus (Eldritch Scion) 4 | HP 47/48 | AC:17 T:8 Fl:17 | CMB: +7 CMD: 15 | F +9 R +0 W +5 | Init -2 | Perc: +0 | Fire Res 5
Per-Day Abilities:
1st level spells 3/4 | 2nd level spells 2/2 | Eldritch Pool 5/5
Current Effects:

I can make it explicit that he's studiously ignoring the situation, yes.

Global Buffs:

Thank you :D

HP 34/48, AC 20, CMD 17, Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +10, Perception +5, Initiative +4 Corruption 9/9, Channel, 0/7, Oath 2/2, Suicidal 1/1, Active effects:

Current Gear Loadout:

Stuff listed under Consumables and Worn items, plus:

Manacle keys
Lock keys
Skeleton keys x2
Travler's Anytool
Healer's kit
Masterwork Medical tools
Smelling salts
Small silver mirror
2 pairs of manacles
10 tinder twigs
1 lb pouch of ground chalk x2
5 sticks of chalk
5 sticks of charcoal

Basically, it's all stuff that's easily stowed with negligible weight.

Female Half-Elf Arcanist (Brown Fur) 4 | HP 32/32 | AC13 T11 FF12 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+4 W+4 (+2 to all saving throws against enchantment) |Init +2 | Perc +2 | Senses: Low Light Vision |Spells 1st - 6/6 2nd - 2/3 | Arcane Reservoir 4/11

We might need GM to wade in here and tell us what the exact situation is. I see things like this (excuse the terrible drawing)

Spider = Z
Strands on the ground = X
People = O
Upper strands = |

Which means we should be able to burn the ground strands without harming people up above. It also pisses off the spider in ruining its trap. Aisha believes that would kill the people above though.
Ishana believes shooting down the people above will trigger the strands (since thats what I think of when I think laser field) but maybe the spaces are wider?


Man paizo ruins perfectly good editting.

| |
| |
| O


Best I can do

Global Buffs:

There are strands that are like pillars. They connect the overhang with the ground. The laser field is horizontal strands between these. The two live people hang from pillar strands that dont full reach the ground.

If you were to set the webs on fire, the people above might get burned and they might inhale some smoke, but it isnt a definite thing.

The region is not forested. It is green mountainous scrubby bushland. There are trees but the coverage is not thick and there is no canopy.

Female Half-Elf Arcanist (Brown Fur) 4 | HP 32/32 | AC13 T11 FF12 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+4 W+4 (+2 to all saving throws against enchantment) |Init +2 | Perc +2 | Senses: Low Light Vision |Spells 1st - 6/6 2nd - 2/3 | Arcane Reservoir 4/11

GM can I use Mage Hand to put pressure on the strands, or use Mage Hand to levitate an object to push against the strands to trick the spider into attacking?

Global Buffs:

I don't see any reason why not, assuming you're within close range.

It will only be 5 pounds of pressure, so such a large spider might not really care.

Female Half-Elf Arcanist (Brown Fur) 4 | HP 32/32 | AC13 T11 FF12 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+4 W+4 (+2 to all saving throws against enchantment) |Init +2 | Perc +2 | Senses: Low Light Vision |Spells 1st - 6/6 2nd - 2/3 | Arcane Reservoir 4/11

Its an option I guess, although I probably need to be within 15 feet which is probably a little closer than I want to be. Its a good alchemist fire delivery method as a last resort I guess.

Female Human (Taldan) Gunslinger 1 / Warder (Hawkguard) 3 | HP 40/54 | AC 19, Touch 14, FF 15, CMD 19 | Fort +7, Refl +8, Will +4 | Init +4, Perception +7
Grit: 1/1 | Armiger’s Mark: 4/4 | Called: 1/1 | Mythic Power: 0/0 | Ammo: 48

If you want fire Lyon can Light up a 30 foot cone with fire damage. It's only 1 point but it's cheaper than alchemist fire.

Global Buffs:

Is there some reason you would need to be within 15feet? Magical close range is 25 + 5/2levels.

Female Half-Elf Arcanist (Brown Fur) 4 | HP 32/32 | AC13 T11 FF12 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+4 W+4 (+2 to all saving throws against enchantment) |Init +2 | Perc +2 | Senses: Low Light Vision |Spells 1st - 6/6 2nd - 2/3 | Arcane Reservoir 4/11
As a move action, you can propel the object as far as 15 feet in any direction, though the spell ends if the distance between you and the object ever exceeds the spell’s range.

DW GM, I worded it badly (its really late here), I meant to phrase things that I need to be 15 feet within max range to get max thrust distance out of the spell, moving an object to trigger various strands.

I guess one option is moving shoes to mimic steps, and hope that it triggers its detection abilities. I still think burning its webs is smart but still a little risky since I don't think we have water handy.

If anyone has a better option, or just thinks the idea's im thinking of are bad, I'm happy to do something different, I just think walking into its webs is a bad idea.

Global Buffs:

With your Knowledge check, you know that this spider would not react to something walking in the trap without also triggering the webs. The webs are its detection ability.

Female Half-Elf Arcanist (Brown Fur) 4 | HP 32/32 | AC13 T11 FF12 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+4 W+4 (+2 to all saving throws against enchantment) |Init +2 | Perc +2 | Senses: Low Light Vision |Spells 1st - 6/6 2nd - 2/3 | Arcane Reservoir 4/11

There's always the horizontal bungee...

Perception +07 (LLV, DV) | Init +05 | Android Egs 3/Brd 1 HP 40/42 | AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 20/15/15/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +05/09/06 / +4 v. Mind-Affecting, Paralysis, Poison, Stun | Evasion | Stalwart | DR 2/-
Trained Skills:
+11: Acro, Stealth; +10: A(Prose, Linguistics); +9: K(Society, Planes); +8: K(Other); +7: Perception, Spellcraft, Survival, Athletics; +5: Autohypnosis

No time for a real post, will update later if not too late, but if we're going to fight, Aisha is going to put her backpack elsewhere, leaving her with bow, 2 arrows, starknife, and armor. One hit of that str poison could be game over for her even with that prep.

That should leave her at well under 20 pounds, I think.

Perception +07 (LLV, DV) | Init +05 | Android Egs 3/Brd 1 HP 40/42 | AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 20/15/15/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +05/09/06 / +4 v. Mind-Affecting, Paralysis, Poison, Stun | Evasion | Stalwart | DR 2/-
Trained Skills:
+11: Acro, Stealth; +10: A(Prose, Linguistics); +9: K(Society, Planes); +8: K(Other); +7: Perception, Spellcraft, Survival, Athletics; +5: Autohypnosis

I have been informed that getting naked to fight the spider does not make any sense, as strength damage does not affect carrying capacity. In decades of play... I never knew this.

So, we will not be seeing Florida Aisha today. I'll post my prep in a bit.

Global Buffs:

Lyon, I'm a little confused.

I see 8 + 1 + 1 - 4 - 2 for your attack rolls.

Clearly 8 is your base, but I don't know where either of the first two +1s come from. -4 I think is for double shot, and -2 I think is from Deadly Aim?

I see 2d8 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 2 for damge.

I know 4 is from your Dex and 1 is from fire, and the second 4 is from Deadly Aim, but I don't know where two +1s and the +2 are from.

In the future, can you include the sources of your bonuses in addition to the bonuses themselves, so that I'm not left guessing?

Looking at your character sheet, I think I found the attack bonuses: You have 8 + 1 + 1 listed for your shotgun - 4 from Dex, 4 from BAB, 1 enhancement and 1 Weapon Focus. This is totally unnecessary, since you will always be getting these bonuses, could you list it as +10 instead? Less clutter that way.

Similarly, I'd guess one of those +1s to damage is from enhancement too? Can you just list your base damage as (1d8+5 plus 1 fire)?

I still can't find where the other +1 damage and the +2 damage are from, so I'm deducting 3 damage from each attack.

Female Human (Taldan) Gunslinger 1 / Warder (Hawkguard) 3 | HP 40/54 | AC 19, Touch 14, FF 15, CMD 19 | Fort +7, Refl +8, Will +4 | Init +4, Perception +7
Grit: 1/1 | Armiger’s Mark: 4/4 | Called: 1/1 | Mythic Power: 0/0 | Ammo: 48

Yea I see what I did wrong. I copied an old post for my damage but used one that had encouraging roar and point blank so that is the extra 3 and I did it to both so that should be -6 damage.

2d8 = Weapon Dice
4 = Dex
1 = Weapon Enhancement
1 = Fire
4 = Deadly Aim
1 = Point Blank
2 = Encouraging Roar

Sorry about that, I'll double check my math from now on and the character sheet should be fixed now.

Does the grazed debuff to AC effect touch AC as well? Also if Lyon misses does she risk setting the area on fire since she's doing fire damage?

Global Buffs:
PRD wrote:
Each day, when preparing spells, the arcanist’s arcane reservoir fills with raw magical energy, gaining a number of points equal to 3 + 1/2 her arcanist level. Any points she had from the previous day are lost.

Female Half-Elf Arcanist (Brown Fur) 4 | HP 32/32 | AC13 T11 FF12 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+4 W+4 (+2 to all saving throws against enchantment) |Init +2 | Perc +2 | Senses: Low Light Vision |Spells 1st - 6/6 2nd - 2/3 | Arcane Reservoir 4/11

Yeah, I keep forgetting its like the only class ability that doesn't return it to full value every day and that the FCB doesn't add to the points you have in the morning. Most annoying, since I'll need points to cast in Wild Shape in later levels. I'll have to think of a solution to that one.

Fixed resource value and added it into my header.
Should be fine now.

Female Human (Taldan) Gunslinger 1 / Warder (Hawkguard) 3 | HP 40/54 | AC 19, Touch 14, FF 15, CMD 19 | Fort +7, Refl +8, Will +4 | Init +4, Perception +7
Grit: 1/1 | Armiger’s Mark: 4/4 | Called: 1/1 | Mythic Power: 0/0 | Ammo: 48

Would Lyon know if her mark failed or not?

Global Buffs:

I think so, since i believe that it is visible.

HP 34/48, AC 20, CMD 17, Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +10, Perception +5, Initiative +4 Corruption 9/9, Channel, 0/7, Oath 2/2, Suicidal 1/1, Active effects:

I'm traveling from now until late Tuesday night. Likely won't have much internet signal or posting time. I'll be back to normal availability on Wednesday. Please bot me as needed

Perception +07 (LLV, DV) | Init +05 | Android Egs 3/Brd 1 HP 40/42 | AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 20/15/15/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +05/09/06 / +4 v. Mind-Affecting, Paralysis, Poison, Stun | Evasion | Stalwart | DR 2/-
Trained Skills:
+11: Acro, Stealth; +10: A(Prose, Linguistics); +9: K(Society, Planes); +8: K(Other); +7: Perception, Spellcraft, Survival, Athletics; +5: Autohypnosis

I'm gonna start disqualifying the DM from the hundred-post stars. He shouldn't get as many as he does and really needs to learn to share.

Pretty solid pace so far, guys! 5/7!

Global Buffs:

A: 1d16 ⇒ 8
S: 1d16 ⇒ 4
F: 1d16 ⇒ 15

- -

A: 1d16 ⇒ 2
S: 1d16 ⇒ 10
F: 1d16 ⇒ 12

Ignore this, I promise, it's nothing ;)

Perception +07 (LLV, DV) | Init +05 | Android Egs 3/Brd 1 HP 40/42 | AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 20/15/15/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +05/09/06 / +4 v. Mind-Affecting, Paralysis, Poison, Stun | Evasion | Stalwart | DR 2/-
Trained Skills:
+11: Acro, Stealth; +10: A(Prose, Linguistics); +9: K(Society, Planes); +8: K(Other); +7: Perception, Spellcraft, Survival, Athletics; +5: Autohypnosis


Global Buffs:


Perception +07 (LLV, DV) | Init +05 | Android Egs 3/Brd 1 HP 40/42 | AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 20/15/15/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +05/09/06 / +4 v. Mind-Affecting, Paralysis, Poison, Stun | Evasion | Stalwart | DR 2/-
Trained Skills:
+11: Acro, Stealth; +10: A(Prose, Linguistics); +9: K(Society, Planes); +8: K(Other); +7: Perception, Spellcraft, Survival, Athletics; +5: Autohypnosis

I am OOC-Immune to all of those.

Age, Sex, Faction?

Female Half-Elf Arcanist (Brown Fur) 4 | HP 32/32 | AC13 T11 FF12 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+4 W+4 (+2 to all saving throws against enchantment) |Init +2 | Perc +2 | Senses: Low Light Vision |Spells 1st - 6/6 2nd - 2/3 | Arcane Reservoir 4/11

Age, Sex, From?

Female Half-Elf Arcanist (Brown Fur) 4 | HP 32/32 | AC13 T11 FF12 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+4 W+4 (+2 to all saving throws against enchantment) |Init +2 | Perc +2 | Senses: Low Light Vision |Spells 1st - 6/6 2nd - 2/3 | Arcane Reservoir 4/11

Hey GM

How secure is the caravan?

Like, I feel as (probably) some of the 'strongest' people part of the caravan, we should be protecting it, but we cannot exactly take the entire caravan with us (its too slow), and the plot is currently pulling us in a different direction.

Just kinda worrying that if we ride off to follow the plot and leave the caravan to its own devices, we return to find it wiped out which would be kinda not heroic.

Is the caravan better protected / secure / well defended than I realize, or are threats to it largely uncommon?

Global Buffs:

In terms of "what the caravan would do if it were directly attacked", there are a few 'noteworthy' NPCs who can help defend it - some PCs have already met most of them. Ven and Kesten are quite capable of taking on decently powerful foes on their own (to be specific, Kesten is a 5th-level cavalier and Ven is an 8th-level adept).

If you feel you should complete some tasks in order to make the caravan safer, you should feel free to spend time doing those things. There are obviously things that can impact the caravan's safety, and even if it is capable of defending itself, there still might be consequences if they are not taken care of.

However, I would recommend that as PCs you take on a proactive role in the story. For one, it makes for a more interesting story when the narrative is being driven by your choices rather than circumstance. For another, if you wait in a defensive posture for things to happen, the characters who get to influence what happens will typically be enemies - in this case, the mysterious "Aria" (or giants, or bandits, or disgruntled settlers) will get to make the next move if you do not. So, if there are things that you see as problems that impact caravan safety, you should actively seek to solve those problems rather than waiting for them to come to you.

In terms of 'how much danger are we in', I think you might just have to trust me to forecast that. I have already dropped several plot hints about what dangers await you in the Stolen Lands. You simply have to use your own judgment about when and where these problems might manifest themselves. I will do my utmost to have nothing happen that is completely unpredictable. If you leave and return to find everybody dead or missing, it will be because of a decision that you made, and will be according to information which I will have made available to you.

Female Half-Elf Arcanist (Brown Fur) 4 | HP 32/32 | AC13 T11 FF12 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+4 W+4 (+2 to all saving throws against enchantment) |Init +2 | Perc +2 | Senses: Low Light Vision |Spells 1st - 6/6 2nd - 2/3 | Arcane Reservoir 4/11

That is super helpful, and makes me (and Ishana) probably feel a little more relaxed about leaving the caravan on its own for a temporary timeframe should it be required.

Definitely good to know that we can still be proactive rather than reactive and still manage the risks to the caravan.

Perception +07 (LLV, DV) | Init +05 | Android Egs 3/Brd 1 HP 40/42 | AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 20/15/15/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +05/09/06 / +4 v. Mind-Affecting, Paralysis, Poison, Stun | Evasion | Stalwart | DR 2/-
Trained Skills:
+11: Acro, Stealth; +10: A(Prose, Linguistics); +9: K(Society, Planes); +8: K(Other); +7: Perception, Spellcraft, Survival, Athletics; +5: Autohypnosis

Per This Feat there are 4 different kinds of solar wind. Do you mind if I change Aisha's Solar Wind to Oncoming Storm, as it fits her image better? The only Solar Wind Maneuver she has used onscreen is Phantom Sun stance for creating copies of her weapons (which still works with the light and dark of stormclouds!), meaning that I haven't set her element in stone yet. Technically I'm supposed to have already, though!

Global Buffs:

I realized I missed a Q: The wound threshold debuffs do affect all forms of AC.

Also, I've just adjusted Marcus' loot in the loot list. According to my count, he is still medium load, at 102.5 lbs of gear.

I do not mind if you make that change, Aisha.

Global Buffs:

I also wanted to bring this up, since Aisha keeps mentioning the horses: Unless you actually describe your characters getting a horse and riding it, you will be assumed to not have horses with you.

Also, since Marcus mentioned OOC that he took one, there are three spare horses.

Female Half-Elf Arcanist (Brown Fur) 4 | HP 32/32 | AC13 T11 FF12 | CMD 16 | F+4 R+4 W+4 (+2 to all saving throws against enchantment) |Init +2 | Perc +2 | Senses: Low Light Vision |Spells 1st - 6/6 2nd - 2/3 | Arcane Reservoir 4/11

Open disclosure, Ishana does not own a horse and lacks skill points in Ride. Which means I would need to borrow one IF there was a house available.

Global Buffs:

Well, the group captured four horses from bandits earlier, that's why I bring it up. Aisha keeps mentioning them, but nobody else is acknowledging it, and I wanted to make it clear (probably to Aisha herself) that people won't be treated as having horses unless they explicitly mention taking and riding one.

Although someone maybe should have mentioned IC to the others that horses were gathered, we can assume that they did if that was the intent.

Perception +07 (LLV, DV) | Init +05 | Android Egs 3/Brd 1 HP 40/42 | AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 20/15/15/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +05/09/06 / +4 v. Mind-Affecting, Paralysis, Poison, Stun | Evasion | Stalwart | DR 2/-
Trained Skills:
+11: Acro, Stealth; +10: A(Prose, Linguistics); +9: K(Society, Planes); +8: K(Other); +7: Perception, Spellcraft, Survival, Athletics; +5: Autohypnosis

Horses don't fit in backpacks, so I think it's common knowledge that we came back with horses ;)

Female Human (Taldan) Gunslinger 1 / Warder (Hawkguard) 3 | HP 40/54 | AC 19, Touch 14, FF 15, CMD 19 | Fort +7, Refl +8, Will +4 | Init +4, Perception +7
Grit: 1/1 | Armiger’s Mark: 4/4 | Called: 1/1 | Mythic Power: 0/0 | Ammo: 48

If Kaussek votes to stay but Lu and Aisha are still going to leave Lyon will go with them even if she isn't happy about it.

Male Lizardfolk Magus (Eldritch Scion) 4 | HP 47/48 | AC:17 T:8 Fl:17 | CMB: +7 CMD: 15 | F +9 R +0 W +5 | Init -2 | Perc: +0 | Fire Res 5
Per-Day Abilities:
1st level spells 3/4 | 2nd level spells 2/2 | Eldritch Pool 5/5
Current Effects:

Kaussek is a terrible rider, and four horses isn't enough for the whole group, anyway, so I haven't figured it's mattered if some of us are on horses.

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