Aisha Spark |

Appreciation appreciated!

Marcus Cowl |

srd wrote:The "start full-round action" standard action lets you start undertaking a full-round action, which you can complete in the following round by using another standard action. You can't use this action to start or complete a full attack, charge, run, or withdraw. (p.186)
Wow, that's... terrible.
I guess I must have learned a house ruled version that made it a "standard action in one round, move action in the other" (or vice versa) thing. It never occurred to me that splitting a full round action over two rounds might take up the standard actions of both of them. Ew.

Aisha Spark |

It is very gross and rarely worthwhile. :(

Ishana Tamanna |

Yeah I found this out when I tried casting that same spell in PFS for the first time. Its the only reason Ishana doesn't run / take that spell herself (despite being transmutation) because its just so terrible to use correctly. I'll get better upgrades to pass out eventually.

Aisha Spark |

Wands suffer the same detriment; they mimic the cast time of any spell you cast from them. Scrolls, too. :(
So a tricksy herbalist goliath druid is the best solution for hugifying a party on the fly! Which is thematically really cool. Now if only Herbalism had some much-needed built in rules...

The Harrow GM |

Hey friends, tomorrow I will be on an airplane all day long and so will not be available to post. Then, for the next two weeks I am only likely to have one opportunity to post each day. The game should continue at a fine pace as long as you all interact enough, but I wanted to let you know that if there's a slowdown, that's why.

Aisha Spark |

You would! Enjoy your trip! :O

The Harrow GM |

@Ishana - Remember to give yourself keen senses and elven immunities back on your character sheet, unless you'd like to trade those for a half-elven alternate racial trait.
Also, please make that small edit to your AC regarding attunement - it should be AC 13, ff 11, touch 12 (1 armor, 2 Dex)
@Lu - You still gotta add that header, subtract the deflection bonus to AC, Alertness and one usage of martial flexibility each day.
Also needs to take skill consolidation into account, add skill ranks and to make a statblock for Sil.
Please do these things as soon as possible.

Faluhann 'Lu' Windborne |

Ugh, forgot to dot this. Will fix stuff tonight!

Ishana Tamanna |

I'll try to remember to do that every level up since HL considers it an enhancement bonus rather than an armor bonus

Lyon Dawnguard |

Does the box have a padlock or is it like a safe?

Aisha Spark |

There's no reason she can't. She has unlimited ammo, probably a horse that's equally fast... it's just trying to take him out before gm fiat determines that a bear splits us up or something :p
I mean, I'm hopeful. It's a cool scene, regardless, and not something I expected at all. I need to get ride as a class skill, so I can straight up jack horses reliably. :P

Lyon Dawnguard |

Disable Device is a trained only, sorry I missed that. So Lyon would just fiddle with the chest for now but she wouldn't have been able to open it anyway. If someone wants to check the house for the key we might be able to get it open that way or Lyon can look later if you want to do something else.

Kaussek |

Kaussek doesn't have any way to help, and doubts there would be any clues in it, anyway.

Aisha Spark |

How far is the rogue bandit from Aisha, is he still visible? Does he have any sort of cover?

Kaussek |

A thought I was having about Kaussek... I've explained his terrible dexterity by blaming it on the disease which almost claimed his life, but that leaves open the question of why the damage can't be healed. So I got to thinking, what if the plague somehow made it his new 'normal'?
And that got me thinking... what if it was like a magical retrovirus? So it actually re-wrote his body a bit? That could also become an explanation for how he becomes a dragon disciple and maybe even his mythic power--if it was some ancient retrovirus designed by the same ancestors who first infused dragon blood into his lineage, it might have triggered something that will slowly make him more dragon-like over time.
Not sure I want to go with that explanation or not, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Marcus Cowl |

There's tons of examples of diseases, poisons, and other kinds of corruption that also count as Curses. Lycanthropy and Mummy Rot are the most obvious examples.
There's a real-world disease reptiles get called Scale Rot, which is a fungal infection that builds up slowly but is really hard to cure and often fatal. The cure basically involves drying out a reptile to the point of moderate dehydration, keeping them like that, and administering an anti-fungal cream every day for as long as the infection lasts. It can take weeks to get rid of, and often comes back.
It wouldn't be dangerous to anything without scales, it would fit the criteria you're looking for, and it would give you a really good reason to want to be traveling with a doctor. Wink.
It would also give you an interesting character quirk about keeping dry (which would be quite strange for a lizard man). Getting wet wouldn't be an immediate problem, but it could mean relapsing on a potentially fatal infection.
So anyway, that's my suggestion. Make it into a condition he still has (or might get again). It wouldn't have any immediate mechanical effect, but living with an "invisible illness" is often like that.

Kaussek |

Hmmm... interesting thought. I'm mostly trying to solve the "why can't a cleric fix this problem" issue, though, which I'm not sure that would adequetly explain (a cleric could remove a cursed disease, it's just harder). Of course, we could always just say "for mysterious reasons this particular strain resists cleric magic" and be done with it. I'll think on it.

Aisha Spark |

In my Homebrew campaign, one of the ways to become mythic is via a disease. ;). You get it and you either ascend, or you die. Probably both. :)
The simple explanation for why it can't be fixed is because it simply can't, short of a miracle or wish. Which is how you buy free stats anyway. Maybe, like you said, it's what's turning him into a mythic
I get that you're asking why regeneration or restoration doesn't work, but if you're having trouble digesting it mechanically, maybe Kaussek simply never was agile to begin with. Adding that it's a disease is fluff, not mechanics, in the case of your character. Because the mechanics of disease don't support it. A wish or miracle (or even tier 3+ path abilities) could allow you to buy them back. If the DM allows a specific book, I could suggest another path, as well. I'll have to check it and run it by the DM.

Aisha Spark |

My idea won't work! The option I was thinking of is not an option at all, sadly.
On the other hand, you could also spend your Automatic Bonus Progression on Dexterity to flavor it as recovering from the disease!

Lyon Dawnguard |

@Marcus, We've had two days of travel so don't forget to reset your resources. Unless Lu heals you with magic you should recover 8 HP for two 8 hours rest.

Marcus Cowl |

@Marcus, We've had two days of travel so don't forget to reset your resources. Unless Lu heals you with magic you should recover 8 HP for two 8 hours rest.
Thanks for the reminder!
Marcus's heal skill is high enough that he can pretty reliably provide long term care, and treat deadly wounds twice a day, and channel energy, so I think it's safe to say that everyone is back to full.

Marcus Cowl |

Do we really not have a trap breaker in the group? That's kinda funny.
My suggestion is that someone be allowed to take an extra Drawback so they can take Trap Finder or Vagabond Child.
I'm willing to do it if no one else wants to rearrange the skill points. I don't mind taking an occasional trap to the face or being the first one through the door. Marcus knows how to make traps, so it makes sense that he'd be able to break them, and picking locks fits with his whole aesthetic. I'm already carrying around a pair of skeleton keys, just in case.

Aisha Spark |

Trailblazer 5 will net me trapfinding, but that's three levels or more away. Trap Finder is a campaign trait, and thus generally not available. Aisha will get better with traps next level, though, as she gains a level of Snoop rogue. This box has begun her understanding of why she would want to see what is on the other side of something that is locked. :P
I'm honestly more surprised at how bad everyone is at perception and stealth, overall. :P

Marcus Cowl |

If I decide to go that route I'll end up being pretty good in the trap department too. I'll never get Trapfinding, but I'll have a few other tricks that would work against magical traps.
Want to split the vanguard/trapfinder duty? We'll both be bad at first but can use Aid Another to cover each other's weaknesses.
I'm liking Aisha and Marcus' unlikely rapport, so I think it would be fun.
GM, thoughts?

Aisha Spark |

I'm alright with that. Aisha is pretty eclectic with her skills. She just picked up everything that seemed useful at the time with the exception of things that seemed useful -all- the time... or felt core to her 'class'.
Bear in mind that if we -do- find a trap, and do recognize that it is indeed a trap, Aisha can use her boost, then either double move, or run to 'trigger' it, and blink back before anything bad happens to her. It might lock us out of a dungeon or something, though...

The Harrow GM |

This is mostly a wilderness adventure. There will not be many dungeons and only one or two castles to infiltrate. As such, there will not be a big emphasis on traps. However, if you want to share Stealth and Disable Device duties, don't let me put you off it!
No Disable Device basically means that I can't throw a locked door in front of you, for fear of completely stymying you.

Lyon Dawnguard |

Lyon could likely break down doors pretty easily, we also get a crowbar to pry open doors. Later on we could pool for a wand of knock

Marcus Cowl |

Lyon should definitely have Breaching rounds rounds. :)
Eventually I'm going to get myself an Adamantine chisel. They're useful for so many things.

The Harrow GM |

@Kaussek- In my view, if you haven't figured it out yet then it's okay for us to leave questions open. We can figure it out together within the story!
For now, we can settle ourselves with "this cannot be fixed with magic easily". Perhaps Kaussek has even tried! For whatever reason (and we can find out later), it doesn't work.

Kaussek |

To be clear, I'm not viewing this as a major problem that has to be solved, just musing on whether or not this could be a future plot hook/discovery/role-playing point. :D So it definitely doesn't have to be decided soon. I was just thinking it might be interesting for him to finally return to his tribe just to find it now consists of insane part-dragon abominations. ;)

Aisha Spark |

Next person to post in Gameplay gets a bronze star...

Lyon Dawnguard |

Lyon will use Warning Roar against the first attack they make vs anyone but her, including the dog if that works.
Also I don't know if it's relevant but shotguns count as bludgeon and piercing for DR purposes.

Aisha Spark |

Oh, by the way. I didn't mention the 'gems' in my 'I pick up the loot', but it totally wasn't my intent to leave the shiny rocks behind, if you excluded that from Aisha's collecting.
Also, I have no access to the loot doc. Can't even see it! D:

The Harrow GM |

Sorry about the loot doc - it's the last bit of "prep" that I never ended up finishing before I went on vacation, and once I was there I only had my phone and there was just no way I was gonna do inventory audits from just my phone.
I will finish that up this week, totaling up what everybody has and how much they can carry, and then extend permissions.
And below:
Varnhold's center is its Fort. Built from the ruins of an old giant's castle, this refurbished stone structure was the residence of the town's founder, a Swordlord named Maegar Varn.
Varnhold has a town square. That square plays host to its Church dedicated to Erastil - a small parish that can accommodate maybe 100 people at once, a Tavern called Nomen's Bed, and a Smithy called Torag's Accouterments.
On one side of town, partially made out of another ruined giantish structure is what appears to be a town Jail, judging from the bars and solid, unwelcoming construction. In addition on the other side of town there is a Graveyard and a small Chapel dedicated to Pharasma, although not one that seems equipped for sermons and worshipers.
In addition, there are two Noble Villas. From the town's reputation, you gather that these were made for Maegar Varn's adventuring companions - a wizard and a cleric, as far as you know.

Marcus Cowl |

I don't like that no one in the group has Disable Device. I know we talked about it briefly, but I've decided I want to do something about it now.
GM, would you mind if I dropped Unscathed for Trap Finder (or Vagabond Child if you don't want to allow a Campaign trait from another AP)?
I'll add a Masterwork set of tools to Marcus' starting inventory and have a decent skill bonus. Not great, but good enough to get by for a while.

The Harrow GM |

I'm not so sure that it's fair to pick up a new ability in direct response to a situation that you're stymied by.
I have no problem with you changing out a trait (for Vagabond Child, not Trap Finder), but I'll say you have to wait until you level up or until there's a few days of downtime in order to do retraining.
You'll just have to work around it for now.

Marcus Cowl |

Sounds good. I'll swap it. I still have my Skeleton Keys, maybe that will work.

Aisha Spark |

Aisha has been practicing and definitely will be nabbing Disable Device next level, for what it's worth. :)

The Harrow GM |

OK so I've just finished the loot document, which you guys should be able to see but not yet edit.
I'd like you to take a look, especially Marcus, who purchased a whopping 673 pounds of gear.
Listed on him is 162 pounds of gear, which puts him in a heavy load (reducing his speed to 15 feet, run to x3, and adding -6 armor check penalty).
Listed on his cart is 511 pounds of gear, which means that, along with all the gear he is carrying, Marcus is capable of pushing the wagon (as he can push 1,150 pounds) but only at 5 feet per round. A light horse can pull the wagon, but it is just over the light horse's heavy load, which means the horse would move 35 feet per round and would take that armor check penalty.
Also, he has a couple of items, outlined in red, that I could not find and could use guidance as for what they're supposed to be. (Disregard, Aisha pointed out to me that there is a "masterwork tool" item, and since those items are "masterwork tools" for different skills, I should use that weight)
Everyone else is inside their light load.
If you'd like me to list additional things that you've picked up since the start of the game, go ahead and let me know now. If you'd like to be able to edit the doc yourself, let me know. It's linked under campaign info and should be properly shared now.

Aisha Spark |

Worth noting, I stopped trying to make it pretty a few skills down, and I have discovered, in many ways, that my life is a lie during this whole process.
Someone please guide me towards rehabilitation in the form of not editing and adjusting spreadsheets in order to better understand the world.
Masterwork tools, boss!

Aisha Spark |

It was, a very long time ago! I only helped a little, and picked it apart to better understand how it worked after another forum-goer built it. It's largely how I learned how to be semi-functional in google docs!
Also, BRONZE DISCUSSION STAR IS MINE. AHAHAHAHA. (100 discussion posts reached! Celebrations and salutations!)
Also, Also, red highlights areas we have no training in (ironically, all in skills that are trained only), and green highlights the area you are the best in the party! (Aka, the person you should be aiding unless the DC is low enough that the more dice you roll the more likely you are to succeed by random happenstance. With two rollers, this is anything you can succeed at with a 15, unless you just prefer not to gamble! (Or in cases where your aid just makes another player's roll close to an autosuccess!))